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CE00425-2-Web Programming Marking Scheme Page 1 of 1

Marking Scheme

Individual Assignment Evaluation Mark sheet

Subject: Web Programming
Student Name: Ramesh Grade:
Intake : Pt1382252
Allocated Marks
Criteria Marks Obtained

Demonstration (60)
Login 10
Administrator (i-x Parts) 3x10=30
Staff Member 3
Program Coordinator (i-iv Parts) 3x4=12
Site Design (File Organization and
Naming) 5
Total 60
Report (40)
Design Documents
(ERM's, Storyboards, Screen Mock-Ups,
Navigation) 5x4=20
System Testing & Critical Analysis of Software 10
Against Test Plan
Writing Style / Documentation Standard 10

Total 40

Grand Total 100

Level 2 Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology 2016

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