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3/30/1 DATE
Jacire Reed
Title Of Prompt

Writi Character vs. Character

Character vs. Character

Pick two characters from different books youve read this year and have them get in an argument about
something (e.g., who has suffered more, who has had a happier life, whose parents are more of a pain,
whose super power is better, etc.

The two people I have chosen are Kenya and miracle and they are best friends so miracle begs Kenya
to be her best friends for 4 months and finally Kenya felt she had nothing else to lose so she says sure so
finally they are best friends Kenya deasls with a lot at home and also she deals with bullying so Kenya
thought that having a best friend would end all of that but really it made her life worse. So not even a
month into them being best friends miracle goes around spreading a rumor saying that Kenya is like this
and like that so miracle says just wanted to know if you were like this. Kenya goes well if you didnt
spread the rumor then if you are my best friend then why wouldnt you tell the people you heard say it
to stop because am supposed to be my friend.

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