Student Teaching Edtpa Lesson Plan Template: Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

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Student Teaching edTPA Lesson Plan Template

Subject: Literacy Central Focus: Vocabulary and Reading

Essential Standard/Common Core Objective: RI 3.4

RI 3.1 Date submitted: Date taught: 3/20/2017

Daily Lesson Objective:

What role did the Carpathia play in the sinking of the Titanic?
21st Century Skills: Collaborating Academic Language Demand (Language Function and
Vocabulary): Hoisted, biting,

Prior Knowledge:
Must have read Chapters 1-13 of text to understand Chapter 14.

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

Discussed the Elephant Tent a packet including text and questions. The 20
students reviewed this in triads and discussed their answers, then the CT minutes
1. Focus and Review
reviewed with them in the front of the class. After this, I began the lesson with
introducing myself.
2. Statement of Objective 0 minutes
What role did the Carpathia play in rescuing the survivors of the Titanic?
for Student
5 minutes
Hello friends, as most of you know, I am Ms. Cote and I am a student teacher
here from UNC-Charlotte. I expect the same respect that you give Mrs.
Johnson, and I will be following her same rules during this lesson. To begin,
everyone please open your book to page 84. Please give me a thumbs up when
you are on page 84. I then read out loud pages 84 and 85 of the text to the
students. After this, we had a class discussion. Can two people tell me what
Marco and George were feeling when they saw the Carpathia? How did you
know they were feeling that way? What was the name of the ship that rescued
George and Marco? How do you know? After this, I had everyone close their
books and take out their copy of the text that we were going to be reading.
Everyone close your books, and take out your sheet. Look at me when you
are done. I will be reading the first paragraph out loud while you follow along.
While I read, you will be annotating. To mark a word you dont know, please
circle it, and to mark something you find interesting or surprising, put an
3. Teacher Input
exclamation point. I then read paragraph 1 and then lead the students into a
class discussion. Can someone tell me something that they found interesting
in this text? Why? What about some words that you didnt know? After the
discussion, I went into paragraph two. I explained that we are shifting gears
and reading from a passenger on the Carphathias POV. Next, I will be
reading out loud paragraph 2, and you will be following along. However this
time you do not need to annotate. We are reading from someone elses POV, a
passenger on the Carpathia. Pay attention because I will be asking you
discussion questions afterwards. Then I read them this paragraph and we
discussed. After this, I explained to them that they will be reading the 3 rd and
4th paragraphs in their traids, while discussing the underlined and bolded
words. Next, you and your triad will be reading the 3rd and 4th paragraphs
quietly. Then discuss the underlined and bolded words in your groups, and try
and figure out what they mean using context clues and prior knowledge. Then
try and come up with some synonyms for these words.
For guided practice, we took three of the words from the text and made a 15
chart. I chose the words Biting, pitiable, and hoisting. I had them write the minutes
chart in their notebook and participate and follow along. The chart had the
word, context clue, and meaning in it. Okay students, next we are going to
review three of the words that were difficult in our text. Please copy this chart
into your notebook, and follow along as I fill this out. The first word is
pitiable. Can one person tell me what they thought this means and some
synonyms for it? Okay, great. Pitiable means deserving pity. The clue that I
used to figure this out was that the survivors were hungry and cold and tired
and the passengers on the Carphathia probably felt sorry for them. The next
4. Guided Practice
word is biting. Can one person tell me what they thought this means and
some synonyms for it? Okay, great. Biting in this context means very cold,
painful. The clue that I used to figure this out was that the Titanic sunk
because it hit an Iceburg. If there is an Ice Burg in the water, it is probably
very very cold. The last word is hoisting can one person tell me what they
thought this word meant and some synonyms for it? Okay, great. Hoisting
means to raise up something. The clue that I used for this was that the
survivors were hoisted up onto the deck.

For independent practice, the students had to read Chapter 15 and write a 20
response to the question If you were a passenger on the Carpathia what role minutes
5. Independent Practice
would you have in helping the survivors of the Titanic? Use evidence from the
text to support your answer.

6. Assessment Methods of Summative: Walked around classroom, asked questions, observed students.
all objectives/skills: Formative:Written response question

5 minutes
To close out this lesson, we had a class discussion about the question that we
7. Closure
had to answer.

8. Assessment Results of
all objectives/skills:
Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations
n/a n/a

Materials/Technology: I Survived: The Titanic by Lauren Tarshis, Whiteboard, dry erase markers, printed copies of How
the Survivors Were Received, Notebook, pencils
Reflection on lesson:
This was only my second whole group lesson that I have taught. I worked on classroom management, being louder and
having a more assertive tone, and staying on time. The last whole group that I taught, I had a hard time being assertive
and I ran out of time. I did go over by about five minutes but I finished everything in the lesson. I really enjoyed teaching
today because I felt like the students were well behaved and listened fairly well. Everyone participated and seemed to
enjoy the lesson. I thought I did better on being louder and more assertive, and classroom management as well. Overall, I
thought I improved, although I still think I could improve a lot more. Some things that I mightve done differently would
be time-I ran out of time towards the end. Some of the discussion I couldve cut shorter so that I wouldnt have run out of

CT signature: ________________________ Date: ______ US signature: ____________________________Date: ______

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