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Introduction to Information System

Quick Heal



By Vipul Jain

Batch- BABM5 level 4, Student ID st20112450

Submitted to Professor Mayur Pathak



Topics Page number

Introduction 3

About company



Organizational component

Digital marketing issues

Marketing department

Finance department

Human resource

Supply chain management

Security threats

Payment gateway issues




Quick heal

Quick Heal Technologies is one of the leading provider of IT Security

Solutions Company. Quick heal Technology is the main supplier of against
anti-virus and internet security tool and is leader in anti-virus technology in
India. Quick heal technologies Pvt. Ltd. was established in 1993 and has
been actively involved in research and development of anti-virus software
since then. The company was formerly known as CAT Computer Services Ltd
and was begun as computer service center in 1993. The company was
renamed as Quick Heal Technologies Pvt. Ltd. in 2007. Quick heal was
founded by Mr. Sanjay Katkar and Mr. Kailash Katkar in 1993. Quick Heal is an
antivirus for Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux. Quick heal has global offices in
USA, China and Kenya and has 15000+ channel partners in 100+ countries
worldwide Serving more than million clients Quick Heal Technologies utilizes
more than 1300 individuals in sixteen branches and its central command is
in Pune, India. Quick Heal an award winning anti-virus product is introduced
in corporate, private venture and customers' homes, protecting their PCs
from virus and different malicious threats. (Anon., 2010) Today, Quick Heal is
a standout amongst the most granted antivirus programming programs. A
one-year license for Quick Heal Total Security costs $74. In the event that
you need the run of the mill three-permit pack, that cost goes up to the
impossible to miss total of $124.80 every year, a lot more than all
contending items (Anon., n.d.)


About company:

Vision: of the company is to be a standout amongst the most trusted and

premium brands through fast paced innovation and there leadership capacity
to convey the best of items and services to their clients and delighted their
partners while being aware of the general obligations.

Mission: the mission of the quick heal is to earn a globally position in an

ever-evolving security products and administrations industry, over a scope of
developing business sector portions, including PCs, mobiles, tablets and Next
Gen Networks (NGNs) and to forge strong customer and partner
relationships. (Verma, 2015)

Quick Heal Products:

Quick Heal security has managed administration as a standout amongst the

most trusted brands in IT security solution for the consumer, mobile and
corporate clients. Quick Heal best antivirus scope of items include: Quick
Heal Antivirus Pro, Quick Heal Internet Security, Quick Heal Total Security,
Quick Heal Total Security for Mac, Quick Heal Total Security for Android, Quick
Heal Security for Android Tablets, Quick Heal Mobile Security for Android and
BlackBerry stages and PC Tuner for SOHO Segment. The undertaking items
additionally incorporate Quick Heal Endpoint Security that gives
administration and control of virus protection on systems and takes into
account both SME and Corporate markets. With the introduction of Quick
Heal Terminator the Unified Threat Management Solution, the organization
has wandered into gateway security. The organization keeps on improving


and advance PC and system security arrangements through its strong

customers centered approach and nonstop mission for exceptional quality.

Product Details:

1. Quick heal total security: this security pays online bills with
complete security. It block unauthorized USB drives from coping your
confidential data. Quick heal scan and clear smartphone via personal
computer. Quick heal helps fasten your computer by boosting
performance which is needed for multitasking.

2. Quick heal internet security:

this application protects
computer from online threats. It
even blocks fake and bogus
websites. Keeps data safe by
activating anti-theft mode.
Helps parents to set parental
control and keep track of
activities it even helps by
restricting the usage.


3. Quick heal anti-virus pro: this is the bare basic application offered
by the company. It safeguards your computer from unknown malware
threats. It scans your computer and deletes and block malware thus
helping computer to keep up with the speed. It even safeguards
computer by protecting it from malicious internet download.

4. Quick heal total security for mac: this is the only application
offered by the company for mac users. This application is swift and
highly responsive virus protection. All kind of spams are tracked and
protects computer form it. Parents control helps parents to restrict and
even track dad today activity of their children. This application comes
with unique feature of tracking. (Anon., n.d.)



Virus Protection: virus Protection can scan for virus and malware. It also
has a component called Automatic Rouge ware Scans, which can scan for
rouge programming, and it can check suspicious records on the client's PC.

Parental Control: Parental Control permit parents to control what their

children are doing, the parents can also obstruct certain sites, for example,
porn, Facebook etc.

Personal computer 2 Mobile Scan: You can sweep and clean your
cell phone by means of your PC. Associate your gadget to your PC, scan for
it, and clean distinguished malware diseases. PC2Mobile Scan bolsters
Windows, Android, IOS, BlackBerry, and Symbian gadgets.

Email Security: Email Security offers numerous approaches to secure the

customers messages. The Email Security work has "Advanced DNA Scans",
which is for protecting the users email.

Web Security: Web Security has Firewalls, and Browsing Protection,

which prevents the user from going to dangerous sites, and "Phishing
Protection" which protect the users from scams, and a component called
Browser Sandbox. (Anon., n.d.)


Organizational component: quick heal involved in different groups

and many activities are performed by quick heal.

Business Logic Group: The business logic group is in charge of

breaking down the ecosystem solution i.e., the industry, innovation,
competition, showcase size and division, with feedback and contribution for
business group and customers. In light of the data assembled, this group
helps in building product roadmaps and devising proper strategies.

Product Development Group: The product development group is in

charge of the outline and improvement of different items and arrangements.
It support the research and development exercises on different Operating
Systems (OS) and multiple stages that can be supported through Cloud.

Internet of Things Security Group: This group is in charge of the

recognizable proof of chances in this rising territory and to make items and
answers for home automaton security.

Quality Assurance Group: The quality assurance group gives

systematic management, standard assessment, checking of procedures, and
a related criticism circle that avoids mistakes in the products. The group
concentrates every item in an efficient and complete way, before the same is
released to our customers.

Incidence Response Group: The incidence response group

incorporates two sub groups: Technical Account Managers group and
Technical Professionals (Software Developers and Software Quality Assurance
Engineers) group. These groups add to our fast reaction to any crisis
circumstance/occurrence at an endeavor security framework.

Threat Research and Response Group: The Threat Research and

Response group gives proactive reaction to predominant threats. This group
gives location and expulsion of reported virus and malwares. This team


additionally concentrates on the arrangement of Quick Heal products for

antivirus certification and keeping up zero false positives. (Anon., n.d.)

Digital Marketing Issues:

Digital Marketing is identified with advancing items services by means of

electronic media. For the E-business industry, where a large portion of the
exercises are done electronically it is fundamental for the organization to get
buyers. The digital world has become an indispensable part of human lives.
There are many digital marketing issues in quick heal technologies. Digital
marketing issues is based on Bristol, where many network related issue
include high network latency, virus related issues on many mobiles phones
and computer and the most important issues is loss of e-mail
communication. Each of the three issues introduced a noteworthy issue to
the customer, yet considering their workplace (an advanced showcasing
office) the most critical was the dropping of messages. The antivirus program
incorporated an in-in-built spam and malware channel, this would channel
any approaching messages that was thought to be spam (the greater part of
which were not) or malevolent. The issue displayed by this was just the
minority of these sifted messages would appear in the graphical UI of the
application, along these lines dropping vital contacts from potential and
current customers. (Anon., n.d.)

Information system and its benefits: Introducing and utilizing data

system in an association can draw out limitless advantages. The important
advantage of adopting information system is the ability of working
proficiently in the organization. The information system has influenced the
working of various products of quick heal, which are likewise the 4 mainstays
of business; Marketing, Finance, Human Resource and the Supply chain


Marketing Department:

Quick Real Reach: quick heal have more than 1300 passionate employees
across 36 cities in India. This gives the ability to maintain a fast response
time for Quick Heal product sales or technical related queries. Since
incorporation, they have more than 24 million product installations and today
they enjoy an active license user base of more than 7 million.

Quick heal products was in worldwide, with a worldwide spread of offices in

more than 80 countries. As a company they are continue to grow the
worldwide impression with a string of new office in Japan, Kenya and UAE.

ISO Certifications

Quick heal have ISO 27001 guaranteed organization with their research
and development additionally ensured to ISO 27001 - Information Security
Management System [ISMS]

Their technical Support Center was ISO 20000 confirmed; this

emphasizes their Support Centers are in accordance with Service
Management System [SMS] best practices.

Quick heal have ISO 9001 certified company and their processes are in
accordance with Quality Management System best practices. (Anon., n.d.)

Finance department:

Investors: In 2010, Quick Heal Technologies cooperated with Venture Capital

firm, Sequoia Capital to lift its novel technology and plan of action. This
brought about a speculation of 12 Million USD from Sequoia Capital. The
organization had raised Rs 36 crore from Sequoia Capital in 2010. Sequoia
had independently likewise purchased offers worth Rs 24 crore from the


promoters of the firm. The VC firm possesses a 10.25 for every penny stake
in the organization and is offering not as much as half of it in the IPO.

* For the fiscal year 2015, the quick heal announced net income of Rs 286
crore, EBITDA of Rs 100 crore and net profit of Rs 53.8 crore. (Verma, 2005)

Human resources department: the nature of functioning in industry

which operated on process based structure the human factor orientation is
different than any traditional organization the task are assign to teams from
conceptualization to completion and delivery. Therefore the people have to
work in team format, in true sense of the term. The relationship pattern is
horizontal and not vertical. There has to be absolute transparency in working
and complete information sharing for the task to be completed within a time
frame and as per the qualities standard setup. The leadership style has to be
more inspiring and motivating rather than controlling. People development
for competency building is an essential factor in management of human
resources in such industry.

Supply chain management: An association can supply just when the

crude material has been dealt with authentically and for that, there ought to
be a proper strategy for procuring. Regardless of the way that quick heal
does not work in this segment, however, generally, information system helps
in foreseeing the measure of buys that should be accomplished for a specific
amount of yield. Nowadays, companies have started using information
system in machines to check the nature of the things created. This method is
faster than the one where employees need to check each and every piece
circumspectly and later assert it. Information system moreover contributes in
the stocking of the stock got from various organization that are kept in the
stockroom as stock. Quick Heal Technologies Ltd. (Once in the past Known as
Quick Heal Technologies Pvt. Ltd.) is one of the main IT security
arrangements organization. Every Quick Heal item is designed to simplify IT
security administration over the length and profundity of gadgets and on


different stages. They are altered to suit shoppers, private companies,

Government foundations and corporate houses.

Over a traverse of 20 years the organization's research and development has

centered on PC and system security solution. The present arrangement of
cloud-based security and propelled machine learning empowered
arrangements stop dangers, assaults and malevolent activity before it
strikes. This impressively decreases the framework asset use. The security
arrangements are indigenously created in India. Quick Heal Antivirus
Solutions, Quick Heal Scan Engine and the whole scope of Quick Heal items
are exclusive things of Quick Heal Technologies Ltd. (Anon., n.d.)

Distribution channel of quick heal: More than 24.5 million licenses

of its items have been introduced as on June 30, 2015. It had more than 6.9
million active licenses spread crosswise over more than 80 nations,
contrasted and 2.5 million as of March 31, 2011. It had more than 1.1 million
dynamic licenses for its mobile solution

* Quick heal sells its solution directly and through distributors, whom it refers
to as channel partners.

* As of June 30, 2015, it had a network of more than 15,000 retail channel
partner, 230 undertaking channel partner, 279 government partner and 577
mobile channel partner.

* The organization had 1,231 workers, including 449 who are part of its
research and development group, as of June 30, 2015.

* The quick heal has recently into a preliminary term sheet to put up to Rs 6
crore in a firm that is creating home automation innovation. The company
has not disclosed the name of the target firm.

Problems faced by quick heal technology: Today, malicious

projects engender so rapidly that quick heal company need to discharge
refreshes as fast as conceivable to limit the measure of time that clients will


possibly be at hazard. Sadly, many antivirus organizations can't do this

clients regularly get refreshes once they are now tainted. Incompatibility
between antivirus projects is an issue; in by far most of cases, introducing
two antivirus programs from various merchants on one machine (for
expanded insurance) is actually impossible, as the two projects will disturb
each other's working. The problems faced by the antivirus business is
erasing malicious code recognized on the casualty machine. All the time
infections and Trojans are composed in a way which empowers them to
conceal their nearness in the system as well as to enter the framework so
profoundly that erasing them is a complex task. Unfortunately, some
antivirus projects can't erase malicious code and reestablish the information
which has been altered by the infection without creating additional issues.

Security threats: Data plans help E-trade organizations in different

courses by offering them simple utilization of the system and enormous limit
with respect to capacity of information. An organization may experience
different issues while working its business on the web.

Payment gateway: By utilizing the online installment portal there will

dependably be a dread of not paying up close and personal; like exchanging
cash to the merchant physically without electronic failing. The merchandise
that are requested can't be checked until the installment is made and you
get the package. The rate of online installment entryways with blunders in
India is roughly 25% and the Reserve Bank of India has made it troublesome
for clients to utilize computerized methods for installment. India has a
colossal populace for the most part in the provincial areas where E-trade is
hard to reach, as they are not into net managing an account and
credit/platinum cards. While online installment if the procedure is thwarted
and the cash is lost in some other record, the methodology to hold cash
includes long switch solicitations to the bank.


Conclusion: As a customer centric, relationship-partner, Quick Heal

concentrates on giving effortlessly deployable and trustworthy security
solution for protection against real time risks. The solution improve security
administration over the length and depth of gadgets and on multiple
platforms. The Quick Heal ecosystem community is infused with a real
culture of consumer satisfaction and the product family has been voted as
the 'Most-Preferred' Antivirus mark by CRN Channel Champions.



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