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Internship Report

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Submitted To
Department of Finance
Jagannath University

Supervisied By
Nafisa Rounok
Assistant Professor
Department of Finance
Jagannath University

Submitted By:

Salek Sardar
2nd Batch
Department of Finance
Jagannath University

Date of Submission: November 05, 2012

Letter Of Transmittal

November 05, 2012

Nafisa Rounok
Assistant Professor
Department of Finance
Jagannath University
Subject: Request for Accepting the Internship Project.

I have the pleasure to submit my internship report on Rupali Bank Ltd. According to your
instruction, I am proposing to conduct the :Credit And Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank
The banking sector in Bangladesh has been growing rapidly since the 1990s under intense
rivalry. Credit Management or the Management of Loans and Advances is very crucial for a
commercial bank as successful loans are good sources of interest income while non-
performing loans may endanger the profitability of bank. Risk and Capital Management is
also necessary as risk management deals with the core risk i.e. Credit Risk, Asset Liability
Management, Foreign Exchange Risk, Money Laundering Risk, Internal Control and
Compliance Risk and Information and Communication Technology Risk and Capital
management ensures that the banks capital structure is least costly and appropriate to the risk
exposure. Through this report, I intend to analyze the management procedures of credit, and
Credit Risk of Rupali Bank Ltd.
I will put my best efforts to apply the theoretical concepts in real life situation. I am sure to
thoroughly enjoy preparing this report as a partial requirement of this course. If you need any
clarification, I will be obliged to provide you with further information.

Salek Sardar
ID No: 07882755
Department of Finance
Jagannath University

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited


First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the GOD for fruitfully preparing this

Internship Report.

It was a great pleasure to prepare project paper on the various aspects of credit activities and
operations by Rupali Bank Limited. I would like to thank and convey my gratitude to
honorable Supervisor, Nafisa Rounok Assistant Professor , Business Administration
Department, Jagannath University, for letting me to prepare this report. I would also like to
express my sincere appreciation to her for her support and guidance and comprehensive
I am also grateful to the management of Rupali Bank Limited for offering me the Internship

Report. My special thanks to Abu Naser Md Masud, Immadiate past Manager (Nayatola

Branch), Sk.Md. Alauddin, Manager (Nayatola Branch) Selina Sultana Senior Officer

Humayun Ahmed senior officer Md Fahad AL Haque Patwary Senior Officer ,Md Liyakot

hossain Officer and many more.

I am also owed to each person who I bothered inside and outside of RBL,Nayatola Branch, in

Carrying out of this report.

Salek Sardar

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited


I do hereby solemnly declare that the work presented in this Internship Report
has been carried out by me and has not been previously submitted to any other
University / College / Organization for an academic qualification / Certificate
/Diploma or Degree.

I further undertake to indemnify the university against loss or damage arising out
of the breach of the fore going obligation.

Salek Sardar
ID No: 07882755
Department of Finance
Jagannath University

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Supervisors Certificate

This is to certify that the Internship Report on An empirical analysis on credit risk of Rupali
bank limited in the bonafide record at the report is done by Salek Sardar, ID No-07882755,
as a partial fulfillment of the requirement Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
The report has been prepared under my guidance and is a record of the bonafide work
Carried out successfully.

Signature of the Supervisor

Nafisa Rounok
Assistant Professor
Department of Finance
Jagannath University

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited


Theory is obviously a big fact for practical implication. But without practical practice theory
may become useless. Particularly as a student of Business Administration, we need to
practice the theories we learn through every semesters for the better understanding of
business & economic environment. Considering the facts, our course instruction has taken the
initiative to assign every student to analyze and to submit a report on the basis of my practical
experiences that I acquire in the 12 weeks Internship on Rupali Bank Ltd.

I enjoyed the Internship and done my report in a friendly atmosphere and under special care
of my honorable Madam Nafisa Rounok.

Salek Sardar

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Executive Summary

Credit risk is an essential factor that needs to be managed. Credit Risk Management needs to
be a robust process that enables banks to proactively manage credit portfolios in order to
minimize losses and earn an acceptable level of return for shareholders. Credit and Credit
Risk Analysis has become an important topic in banking and financial sectors. Risk is
inherent in all aspects of a commercial operation; however, for Banks and financial
institutions, credit risk is an essential factor that needs to be properly managed.

In formulating a credit judgment and making quality Credit Decisions, the lending officer
must be equipped with all information needed to evaluate a borrowers character,
management competence, capacity, ability to provide collaterals and external conditions
which may affect his ability in meeting financial obligations.

In this report I tried to review the Credit facilities and credit risk management systems, credit
risk grading etc. for the banks. Researcher has also made an effort to identify the problems
and limitations of credit risk management systems as well as find out the causes of loan
defalcation tendency of Bangladesh. Eventually, researcher chalks out a sort of findings and
recommendation for improvement of credit risk management systems so that banks may
attain common standards for credit risk management thats why loan defalcation in banking
sector may diminish.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Table of Contents

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Chapter Particulars Page

Letter of Transmittal



Executive Summary

Chapter One 1.1 Introduction 13

1.2 Rationale of the study 13

1.3 Scope of the Study 14

1.4.Objectives of the report 14

1.5.Methodology 15

1.6.Limitations of the study 16

Chapter Two Background of Banking Industry and Overview of

Rupali Bank

2.1.Background of the Banking Industry 18

2.2.Present Status of Banking Industry 19

2.3.Banking Structure of Bangladesh 20

2.4.Overview of RBL 21

2.5.Mission of RBL 21

2.6.Vision of RBL 21

2.7.Core values of RBL 21-22

2.8.Strategic Objectives 22

2.9.Eithical Principles 22-23

2.10.Corporate Information of RBL 23-24

2.11.Board of Directors of RBL 25

2.12.Organizational Hierarchy 26

2.13.Products and services in Rupali Bank 28-31

2.14. Job Responsibilities 32

Chapter Three Credit Activities of Rupali Bank Limited

3.1.Credit 34

3.2.Credit Policy of RBL 34

3.3.Functions of Credit department 35

3.4.Mechanisam of Credit distributions of RBL 35-36

3.5.Disbursement 36-37

3.6.Credit Monitoring and Reviewing 37-38

Credit and
3.7.Credit Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited
Analysis 38-40

3.8.Types of Credit facilities offered by RBL 40-49

List of table
Table no. Topic Page no.
1 Corporate Information of RBL 23
2 Board of Directors 25
3 Rupali Milestones 27
4 Interest Rate of Deposits 28
5 Interest Rate of Loan 49
6 Loans & advances of RBL 56
7 Growth of loans & advances 57
8 Deposits of RBL 58
9 Deposits Portfolio 59
10 Credit-Deposits Relationship 60
11 Credit to Deposit Ratio Analysis 61
12 Total loans & advances to Total Assets Ratio 62
13 Regressions Coefficients between loans and Deposits 63
14 Industry wise loans & advances 64
15 Sector wise loans & advances 65
16 Interest income and Loans & advances 66
17 Classified Loans 66
18 Non performing loans to Total Loans 67
19 Performance at a glance 81

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

List of figure/graph

Figure no. Topic Page

1 Sources of Data 15
2 Banking Structure of Bangladesh 20
3 Trend of Loans & advances 56
4 Trend of Growth of Loans & advances 57
5 Trend of Deposits of RBL 58
6 Trend of Deposit Portfolio 59
7 Trend of Credit Deposit Relationship 60
8 Trend of Credit to Deposit Ratio Analysis 61
9 Trend of loans & advances to Total Assets 62
10 Trend of Industry wise loans & advances 64
11 Trend of Sector wise loans & advances 65
12 Interest income and loans & advances 66
13 Trend of Classified loans 67
14 Trend of non performing loans to total loans 68
15 Return of Equity 83
16 Return on Assets 84
17 Assets Utilization Ratio 85
18 Equity Multiplier 86
19 Trend of Profitability performance 87

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Introduction of the

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited


Rupali Bank Ltd. was constituted with the merger of 3 (three) erstwhile commercial banks i.e.
Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd., Australasia Bank Ltd. and Standard Bank Ltd. operated in
the then Pakistan on March 26, 1972 under the Bangladesh Banks (Nationalization) Order
1972 (P.O. No. 26 of 1972), with all their assets, benefits, rights, powers, authorities,
privileges, liabilities, borrowings and obligations. Rupali Bank worked as a nationalized
commercial bank till December13, 1986. Rupali Bank Ltd. emerged as the largest Public
Limited Banking Company of the country on December 14, 1986.

1.2.Rationale of The Study:

Banking sector is one of the strongest economic sectors in our country. Banks provide
necessary funds for executing various programs to enhance the economic development. They
collect savings of large masses of people scattered throughout the country, which in the
absence of banks would have remained idle and unproductive. These scattered amounts are
collected, pooled together and made available to commerce and industry for meeting the
requirements. Economy of Bangladesh is in the group of worlds most undeveloped
economies. To overcome our obstacles in banking sector we need to focus on the loan &
advance facilities of credit department which is very important in this globalize world.
Rupali Bank Ltd is one of the leading private commercial banks having a spread network to
be in line with its objectives where it works as a blend of development and commercial bank.
My study on this bank will give an edge on my professional learning. So, the importance of
my study on loan procedure of Rupali Bank Ltd is beyond explanation.
In addition, this study will also open an opportunity for the student of business administration
for future studies. The study will also enrich the store of information of University library as
it contained huge information about Rupali bank limited(especially about the credit
Department). Finally the study will give a feedback to the industry people to understand the
business in the banking industry.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

1.3. Scope of the study:

The report commences with the outline of the organization in focus, presenting the mission
and vision, individual department job responsibilities, Credit Risk Management & Credit
Risk Analysis related issues are discussed in detail along with their results and possibilities.
In this report is all the aspect of credit risk management has been discussed detailed by those
the management can take decisions regarding modifying their plans for granting loans and
can strengthen the relationship with the business environment as well as with the stakeholders
and clients.

1.4.Objectives of the Report:

Internship is a prerequisite for the completion of BBA degree. It is the preparation time for
me to get a practical exposure and be prepared to achieve my future career goals as a
successful banker. Without objectives any study cannot be a productive one. So before
preparing the report I would like to set up my objectives as follows:

The report has two objectives:

1. General Objective
2. Specific Objective
General objective of the report:
To get a clear idea about the different issues regarding loan & advances and credit risk of
Rupali bank limited.
Specific objective of the report:
The specific objective of this report is to find and analyze the Credit facilities (its
outstanding, recovery, classified loans etc), approval and monitoring process of
Rupali Bank Limited, Local office. It will also include gathering an idea about the
securities behind the loan facilities and issuing different bank guarantees. The detail
objectives of my study are as follows-
To access the credit structure of banks in practice.
To identify the relationship with their customers.
To identify the loan recovery performances of the selected banks.
To find out the deposit utilization problems.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

To find out the implementation of credit risk management policy of the
selected banks.
To find out the unsound credit according to the credit risk management
To determine the core risk areas of commercial banks.
To know how to manage those risks.
To justify the capital adequacy.
To analyze the capital structure of the bank.

To make the Report more meaningful and presentable, two sources of data and information
have been used widely.

Source of Data


Figure 1.1: Sources of data

Primary Data:
It is obvious that the research will require a lot of primary data. Interviews will be conducted
on the managers of the bank for insights and clarification. The clients of the bank will also be
interviewed as they are one of the primary data sources.

Secondary Data: A lot of secondary resources will also be used. This will provide a
theoretical basis of the report. Secondary sources of data are as follows
Annual reports of RBL.
Credit rating report of RBL by credit rating information & services limited.
Desk report of the related department.
Credit manual information.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Different reference books of the library.
Some of my course elements as related to this report.

1.6.Limitations Of the Study:

The collection of primary data is always a difficult thing because it is hard to ensure the
authenticity of the data. People might answer the questions but might not be expressing what
they actually do or feel. Also, from previous experience it is likely that managers might be
skeptical about sharing certain company information with the interns. Therefore, getting the
exact picture is always a challenging task. The limitations are
Non-availability of some preceding and latest data.
Some information was withheld to retain the confidentiality of the bank.
The time period for preparing this kind of study was very short.
Difficulty in accessing latest data of internal operations
Access to all information was not allowed due to the purpose confidentiality.
Duration had been very short for accomplishing the study.
Unavailability of latest information and contemporary data.
Learning and depicting all the banking functions within just three months was really
The communication gap among the different personnel because of excessive workload.
Lack of accessibility to respondents.
The executive and Bank authority were very busy, so they could not give me enough
time for discussion about Credit and its problems.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Background of Banking
Industry and Overview of
Rupali Bank Ltd.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

The history of banking is as old as the history of many. Generally, to the necessity for keeping
the money safe, the business of banking comes in to existence. The evolution if money solved
the problem of Barter System. Earlier there are two groups of people. One group felt the
need of honest and faithful person to keep their surplus money safe and the other group
owing to transaction felt the need of some person who could provide money. As a result
based on two groups a kind of businessman came in to picture. They used to keep the money
as deposit for security and give loans to the needy people. This is how the banking sector has

The English word Bank is derived from the Italian word Banco. The Latin word Bancus
and the French word Banque which means a bench. They are of the opinion that the

A bank is a financial intermediary a dealer in loans and debts (Prof. Cairncross).

A bank is an office or institution for the keeping, lending & exchanging etc. of money ( Prof.

A bank is an establishment which trades in money, an establishment for deposit, custody and
issue of money and also for granting loans, discounting bills & facilitating transmission of
remittances from one place to another SS( Imperial Dictionary)

European banker (i.e. moneychanger and moneylenders) transacted their banking activities on
the benches in the market place. This money changing and money lending business is known
as banking business.

Banking is the business of a banker, the keeping or management of a bank (Oxford English

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Banking means the accepting, for the purpose of lending or investment of deposits or money
from the public, repayable on demand or otherwise, and withdrawn able by cheque, draft,
order or otherwise (Indian banking law, 1949)

Banking industry is very important financial institution in the country and the present
economic state of Bangladesh demands immediate development of the financial institution.
Bangladesh was born as an independent and sovereign country in the year 1971. That time
banking industry faced a tremendous crisis as the Head office of the most of the banks was
located in West Pakistan. After that, Bangladesh Bank was established according to the
order of Bangladesh Bank and this order effective from 16th December 1971. Bangladesh
Bank was given the duty to act as the Central Bank of Bangladesh.

After that in 1972 nationalization order was declared and all commercial banks were
nationalized accepts foreign banks. Thus four nationalized banks were formed. They are
Sonali Bank, Agrani Bank, Janata Bank, and Rupali Bank.


Banking Business plays vital role in driving and manipulating the total financial management
and economy of any country. There are 52 different types of Banks operating in Bangladesh
including newly established privatized commercial Banks, up to December 2007. Amongst
these, there are 4 Nationalized commercial banks, 32 Private Banks, 10 Foreign Banks, 4
Government Specialized Banks, one Co-Operative Banks and one Grameen Bank.
In the recent years, Islamic Banking has been introduced which is a notable point in the
existing banking system. Out of the established private banks four of them are Islamic Banks.
Besides the banking sector, there are some non-banking financial institutes, which contribute
in financing the economy of the country. These institutions finance in different sector like
housing, industries etc. which contributes towards the development of the country.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

2.3. Banking Structure of Bangladesh:

The Banking structure of Bangladesh is in given below:

Central Bank


Specialized Co-operative Banks.

Commercial Banks.
e.g. Bangladesh
e.g. Bangladesh Shamabaya Bank,
Krishi Bank, Central co-operative

Nationalized Private Banks Foreign

Banks. Banks.

e.g. Agrani

Traditional Islamic Bank.

e.g. Al-Arafah

Figure-2: Banking Structure of Bangladesh

2.4.Overview of Rupali Bank Limited:

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Rupali Bank Limited was established in a newly independent country of Bangladesh as a
Nationalized Commercial Bank in the year 1972. RBL emerged through merger of three
comparatively smaller private banks of the then East Pakistan. The three banks namely,
Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd. Australasia Bank Ltd. and Standard bank Ltd. with all their
assets, liabilities, benefits, rights, powers, authorities, and obligations, merged into one by the
Bangladesh Bank (Nationalization) Order 1972 ( P.O.No. 26, 1972). Rupali Bank Ltd. came
out as the largest public limited banking company of Bangladesh on 14 December, 1986.

Capital Structure of the bank is summarized below:

Authorized capital : Tk.7000 Million (US $ 120.70 Million)

Paid up capital : Tk.1250 Million (US$ 21.55 Million)

93.11% of shares are owned by the government while the rest 6.89% are owned by
private share holders.

2.5. Mission of the Bank

Develop long term relationships that help our customers to achieve financial success.
Offer rewarding career opportunity and cultivate staff commitments.
Uphold ethical values and meet its customers financial needs in the fastest and most
appropriate way and continue innovative works in order to achieve human resource
with superior quality,technogical infrastructure and service packages.

2.6.Vision of RBL:
Our vision is to expand our loyal customer base by being known as the financial partner of
choice that constantly exceeds customer expectations.

2.7 Core Value

Social Responsibility- We care for and contribute to our communities.
Performance- We measure results and reward achievements
Integrity- We uphold trustworthiness and business ethics

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Respect- We cherish every individual
Innovation- We encourage creativity
Teamwork- We work together to succeed
The first letters of the initial words from SPIRIT and carry equal importance.

2.8.Strategic Objectives:
Develop a customer oriented service culture with special emphasis on customer care
and convenience.
Increase our market share by following a disciplined growth strategy.
Achieve a significant share of deposit and credit from the existing and niche market
Leverage our technology platform and pen scalable systems to achieve cost effective
operations, efficient MIS, improver delivery capability and high service standards.
Develop innovative products and service that attract our targeted customers and
market segments
Maintain a high quality assets portfolio to achieve strong and sustainable returns and
to continuously build shareholders value
Explore new avenues for growth and profitability, particularly by diversifying loan
portfolio through structured finance and expansion of retail and SME financing
Strengthen the banks brand recognitions

2.9.Eithical Principles:

Customer focus and fairness:

At RBL, our prime focus is to achieve perfaction in our customer service. Customers
are our first priority and driving force. We wish to gain customer confidence and be
their trusted partner. We believe in fair treatment to all customers, depositors,
borrowers and clients without any discrimination.

Quality: Quality service experience is a paramount to our customers and we are

strongly committed in fulfilling this ideal. We have a culture of timely compliance of
regulatory requirements.
Honesty and Integrity:

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

We ensure the highest level of integrity to our customers, creating an ongoing
relationships of trust and confidence. We treat our customers with honesty, fairness
and respect.
Belief in our People:
We recognize that employees are our most valuable asset and our competitive
strength. We trust in equal treatment to all shareholders irrespective of their individual
size of shareholdings.
We are a firm believer in team work and feel that loyal and motivated teams can
produce extraordinary results.
Good Corporate Governance:
Effective corporate governance procedures are essential to achieve and maintain
public trust and confidence in any company, more so in a banking company. At RBL,
we are committed to following best practices resulting in good corporate governance.

2.10.Corporate Information of Rupali bank limited:

Name of the company Rupali Bank Limited

Chairman Ahmed Al-Kabir, PhD

Managing Director M. Farid Uddin

Company Secretary Md. Shahjahan Khandaker

Legal Status Public Limited Company

Genesis : Rupali Bank Limited has been incorporated

on 14 December 1986 under the Companies
Act 1913 after taking over and acquiring as a
going concern the undertaking and businesses
of Rupali Bank with all of its assets,
liabilities, benefits, rights, powers,
authorities, privileges, borrowings and
obligations. Rupali Bank, which initially
emerged as a Nationalized Commercial Bank

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

(NCB) under the Bangladesh Banks
(Nationalization) Order, 1972 (Presidents
Order No. 26 of 1972), has now become a
state-owned commercial bank (SCB) through
a vendors agreement dated 15 November

Date of Incorporation 14 December 1986

Authorized Capital Tk. 700 Crore

Paid-up Capital Tk. 125 Crore

Reserve & Retained Earnings : Tk. 420 Crore

Credit Rating by CRAB Long Term - BB3

Short Term-ST3
National Support- AAA

Listing with DSE 19-08-1987

Listing with CSE 10-10-1995

Commencement of Trading 23-12-1986

with DSE & CSE

VAT Registration 9011039307

TIN Certificate 177-200-0021/LTU/Dhaka

Number of Employees 4503

Number of Branches 504

Number of Subsidiary Companies 01 (Rupali Investment Limited)




Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Table-1: Corporate information of RBL

2.11. Board of Directors:

Chairman Dr. Ahmed Al-Kabir

Director Prof Mohammed Mainuddin

Director Mr. Mahabubur Rahman Hiron

Director Mr. Abul Kalam Chowdhury

Director Mr. Sheikh Serajul Hoque Farazi

Director Mr. Quazi Murshed Hossain Kamal

Director Dr. S.M. Mahfuzur Rahman

Director Advocate Md. Abdus Salam

Director Mr. Amalendu Mukherjee

Director Mr. Md. Syful Islam

Director Prof. Syed Ahsanul Alam

Managing Director Mr. M. Farid Uddin

Table-2: Board of Directors of Rupali Bank limited

2.12.Organizational Hierarchy

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Rupali Milestones:

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Date of Commencement of Banking 1972
First dividend(10% in cash) declared for 1986
the income year
Date of Incorporation 14.12.1986
Commencement of Trading with DSE & 23.12.1986
Listing with Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. 19.08.1987
Listing with Chittagong Stock Exchange 10.10.1995
Launching of New logo & Signboard 14.01.2010
Introducing Merchant Banking in the 04.03.2010
name of Rupali Investment Limited
Commencement of BACH operation 07.10.2010
Enhancement of paid-up capital from 19.05.2011
Tk.125 crore to Tk.137.50 crore
Inauguration of ATM service 01.08.2011
Award received for best published report 04.08.2011
in public sector entity from ICAB
Inauguration of online any where branch 11.12.2011
Launching of Rupali CIB online system 20.12.2011

Table-3: Rupali Milestones

2.13.Products and Services in Rupali Bank Limited:

Rupali Bank offers different types of deposit products. These are
Current deposit (CD)

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Call Deposit (CDR)
Special Notice Deposit (SND)
Savings Deposit (SB)
Deposit Schemes-
a) Rupali Deposit Scheme (RDS)
b) Rupali Monthly Earning Scheme (RMES)
Special Attractive Products-
a) Rupali Monthly Savings Scheme (RMSS)
b) Rupali Monthly Profit Scheme (RMPS)
c) Rupali Double Benefit Scheme (RDBS)
d) Rupali Triple Benefit Scheme (RTBS)

SL No. Types of Deposit Interest Rate per annum

1. Savings Deposit 4.50%
2. Short Notice Deposit 3.50%
3. Time Deposits
a) 3 months & above but less than 6 months 7.50%
b) 6 months & above but less than 1 year 7.75%
c) 1 year & above but less than 2 years 8.00%
d) 2 years & above but less than 3 years 8.50%
4. Deposit From foreign Remitance 6.00%
5. Rupali Bank Deposit Pension-Scheme 2 6.50%

Table-4: Interest Rate of Deposit

Loans & Advances:

Rupali Bank extends its credit services to entrepreneurs in almost all economic sectors of
Bangladesh including trade, commerce and industry. International trade of export and import
is also properly addressed in this service. The economy of Bangladesh is much dependent on
agriculture and obviously RBL puts proper emphasis on agriculture and livestock, dairy and
poultry, fishery and hatchery etc.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Thrust Sectors as declared by the government, get deserved attention from the bank. All these
credit programs are processed according to the rules and guide lines set by Bangladesh Bank,
the central bank of Bangladesh.

Industrialization of Bangladesh is marching forward on strong footing and Rupali Bank is

one of the active partners on this journey. It has taken effective programs to finance deserving
entrepreneurs in private sector. More over its foreign investment friendly steps are
appreciated by all corners. The banks credit schemes prioritize thrust sectors like Textile,
Jute, Leather, Leather goods, frozen and Semi cooked Shrimps, Foot wear, Knit Garments
and SME enterprises. IT sector is one of the priority fields of RBL.

Rupali Bank participates in joint venture and consortium financing programs to implement
large scale projects.

General Products:
Cash Credit { Hypothecation)
Cash Credit (Pledge)
Short Term Loan
Loan against FDR
Loan against Deposit Scheme
Industrial Project Loan
Syndicate/ Consortium Loan
Housing Loan-General and Commercial
Personal / Professional Loan
Household Loan
Local Bank Guarantee
Student Loan

Small and Medium Enterprise Loan:


Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Small Enterprise Financing:
Fixed Assets Financing
Working Capital Financing

Rural and Agro Credit:

Young Farmers Loan
Solar-Energy and Bio-Gas Plant Establishment Loan
Fishery Loan
Shrimp Cultivation Loan
Poultry Loan
Dairy Loan
Small Loan
Loan for Tree Plantation
Bank-NGO Linkage Loan

Foreign Exchange Business:

All sorts of Foreign Exchange Transaction are made in Rupali bank limited under
Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Transaction (GFET-2009) by Bangladesh Bank such as-
Foreign Currency Accounts
Import Finance
Export Finance

Modern Banking Services:

Online Banking

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

ATM service
Western Union

New Products and Services:

Merchant Banking Services
Local Remittance
Foreign Remittance

2.14.Job Performance In RBL:

Since the beginning of my internship, I have worked and learned the following matters:

General Banking

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

1. Cash Management
Procedure of cash receipt and payment.
Computer posting of receipt and payment.
Maintenance of Cash-in-Vault.
Maintenance of Cash Remittance.
Stop payment instructions received from clients and formalities thereof.
2. Account Opening Procedure
Concept of liability of a bank.
Know Your Customers (KYC) and its application and utility.
Current Account.
Saving Bank Account (individual and joint).
Fixed Deposits.
Minor A/C.
Cheque Issuing formalities.
Maintenance of specimen signature cards.
Maintenance of Account Opening Forms.
3. Bills and Remittance
Issuance of Pay Order, Demand Draft (DD).
Issuance of Telegraphic Transfer (TT).
Encashment procedures of TT, DD etc.
Crossing and Endorsements of cheques.
Inward and Outward clearing.

Credit Activities of Rupali
Bank Ltd.
Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited
Credit is the means of investment made by the bank to the entrepreneurs and business
community. Alternatively, this is the way of channeling fund to the deficit units where various
risks and uncertainties are involved. Therefore every decision on credit matter should be
taken with utmost care that can be ascertained through in-depth analysis, meticulous
calculation and prudent judgment. A detailed and very comprehensive credit policy can guide
the dealing credit officer to successfully maneuver the credit portfolio.

In formulating a credit judgment and making quality Credit Decisions, the lending officer
must be equipped with all information needed to evaluate a borrower's character,
management competence and capacity, capital, ability to provide collaterals and external
conditions which may affect his ability in meeting financial obligations

3.2.Credit Policy Of Rupali Bank Ltd

Lending being the most important function of commercial bank, every bank should have own
credit policy. The credit policy of Rupali Bank Limited has been formulated of the plan of
Nogod Aday Barao, Khelapi Rin Komao; the plan was formed on the basis of the
following objectives:

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

To maximize the profit of the bank by making sound lending.
To deliver credit to viable borrowing at a reasonable cost.
To provide satisfactory return on investment.
To assist the social and economic development of the country.
To deliver general banking services to the public and credit to viable borrowers at a
reasonable cost.

But in RBL most of the lending officers are not familiar with their written credit policy or
lending guidelines. They have got only some oral instruction from the senior management or
in charge of credit. If all the lending officers of RBL thoroughly know and understand their
credit policy it will be very helpful for them to do their job more efficiently.

3.3.Function of credit department:

Lending money is one of the main functions of commercial bank. In lending process
selection of a borrower is one of most crucial and vital job for a banker. Before customer can
enjoy credit facilities bank should it is important that customer should qualify 5 Cs. The five
Cs are:

Character: Intention to pay back the loan.

Capacity: Borrowers competence in terms of utilizing the
fund profitably and generate income
Capital Financial strength to cover the risk
Conditions General business condition between two
Collateral Implies additional securities

This is also true for Rupali Bank Ltd. Successful loans and advances generate better return on
investment whereas non-performing loans cause loss for the banks. From disbursement to
recovery, credit department performs different activities along with several other functions.
Functions of credit department of RBL are:

Dealing with corporate and retail credit.

Analyzing credit proposals and evaluating customers.
Credit analysis of RBL and other banks.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Credit Risk Grading
Valuation of securities.
Project evaluation.
Classifying loans.
Perform collection and monitoring activity.
Support recovery and risk management.

3.4.Mechanism of Credit Distribution of the RBL

The primary factor determining the quality of the banks credit portfolio is the ability of each
borrower to honor, on a timely basis. All credit comities made to the bank. The authorizing
credit personnel prior to credit approval must accurately determine this. If the report of the
project appraisal is very satisfactory to approve the loan proposal, than the following steps
furnish the approval procedure:
Make a proposal by the client to the bank

Give all the necessary documents

Bank will send the parties statement to the Bangladesh Bank, their CIB (Credit
Information Bureau) will inquiry that whether this party is defaulter or a new one.

Bank will take the collateral from the party and analysis that how much it will cover the
total loans.

Bank will send this proposal to the head office. In the head office the Board of Directors
and Managing Director will approve the loan.

Head office will send the approval to the branch office.

Branch office will give the sanction letter to the party.

Bank will take the security and make it in their favor.

After completing all the necessary steps for sanctioning loans bank will create a loan account
by the name of the party and deposit the money to that account. Bank will give chequebooks
to the party and advise them to draw the money and use it as soon as possible, because
whenever the money will transfer to the account interest will count from that time.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

3.5.1.Procedure or Steps of loan disbursement

Quality loan disbursement depends on the following steps:

Efficient and motivated manpower: Efficient and motivated manpower is the main force to
achieve the goal of the institution without which successful implementation of any program
can not be ensured. It is a great asset of organization.

Suitable plan: There should be a realistic plan for glorious output. One the other hand,
activities without planning will bring less output even with hared labor.

Area survey: Clear idea about the scope of sound investment can be derived through
conducting survey of jurisdiction of branch. It is necessary for smooth functioning of a

Selection of genuine: Borrower selection is the vital part of loan disbursement process. If
one fail to select the borrower properly that effort related to disbursement of loan will go in
vain undoubtly. So, genuine borrower selection should ensured first for quality loan

Spots investigation: A distinct picture of a borrower is found from spot investigation. It is

just like a survey report of borrower on which correct decision is taken regarding sanction
and disbursement of loan.

Prompt service: If prompt services are not given to the borrower, they will be dissatisfied
with the bank. The result will be the non-response of loanee at the time of recovery of loan.
So, there is no alternative of prompt service for attaining success in the bank-business.

Utilization: Without proper utilization of loan amount loanee will lose his capacity to repay
the loan in due time. Thats why strong monitoring should ensure for proper utilization of

Target achievement: Target of loan disbursement should be achieved along with the
achievement of profit target. So, strong initiative should be taken from the very beginning of
the financial year.

By this time a significant step has been taken by the top bank management to increase the
growth of sound investment.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

3.6.Credit Monitoring and Reviewing:

It is the responsibility of the Manager to monitor the over all profile and risk aspect of the
credit portfolio in accordance with the criteria set down in the Bank Credit Policy. Such
monitoring shall be evidenced from the comments of the Manager in monthly Call/Visit
Report and be kept in the Credit File with a copy to the Head Office.

This Review shall be formally performed at intervals prescribed by Head Office but it is the
responsibility of the Manger to ensure at all times that the credit portfolio meets the standard
set forth by the Bank.

Periodic Review and Follow-up should aim at ensuring:

Terms of approval have been maintained.

Conduct (turnover, regularity of repayment etc.) of the borrowing accounts during the
period under the review has been satisfactory or as expected.
Continuing value of the collateral is adequate.
There are no adverse trends in market, economic and political conditions which may
endanger the reliability of the facility.
Business reciprocity offered and received is commensurate with the facilities allowed.
Earning from the account is cost effective (i.e. adequate to meet business cost of funds
and leave sufficient margin for adequate risk reward, overheads and profits).
Borrowers business is being satisfactorily conducted as reflected through a review and
analysis of the financial and operating statements.


The division of the bank responsible for analyzing and recommendations on the fate of most
loan applications is the credit department. Experience has shown that this department must
satisfactorily answer three major questions regarding each loan application:

Is the borrower creditworthy? How do you know?

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Can the loan agreement are adequately protected and the customer has a high probability
of being able to service the loan without excessive strain?

Can the bank perfect its claim against the assets or earnings of the customer so that, in the
event of default, bank funds can be recovered rapidly at low cost and with low risk?

Lets look in turn at each of these three key issues in the yes or no decision a bank must
make on every loan request.

3.7.1 Is the Borrower Creditworthy?

The question that must be dealt with before any other is whether or not the customer can
service the loan-that is, pay out the credit when due, with a comfortable margin for error. This
usually involves a detailed study of six aspects of the loan application- character, capacity,
cash, collateral, conditions, and control. All must be satisfactory for the loan to be a good one
from the lenders point of view.


The loan officer must be convinced that the customer has a well-defined purpose for
requesting bank credit and a serious intention to repay. If the officer is not sure exactly why
the customer is requesting a loan, this purpose must be clarified to the banks satisfaction.

Responsibility, truthfulness, serious purpose, and serious intention to repay all monies owed
make up what a loan officer calls character.


The loan officer must be sure that the customer requesting credit has the authority to request a
loan and the legal standing to sign a binding loan agreement. This customer characteristic is
known as the capacity to borrow money. For example, in most states a minor (e.g., under age
18 or 21) cannot legally be held responsible for a credit agreement; thus, the bank would have
great difficulty collectors on such a loan.


This key feature of any loan application centers on the question: Does the borrower have the
ability to generate enough cash, in the form of cash flow, to repay the loan? In general,
borrowing customers have only three sources to draw upon to repay their loans: or (a) cash

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

flows generated from sales or income, (b) the sale or liquidation of assets or (c) funds is
raised by issuing debt or equity securities. Any of these sources may provide sufficient cash
to repay a bank loan.


In assessing the collateral aspect of a loan request, the loan officer must ask, does the
borrower possess adequate net worth or own enough quality assets to provide adequate
support for the loan? The loan officer is particularly sensitive to such features as the age,
condition, and degree of specialization of the borrowers assets.


The loan officer and credit analyst must be aware of recent trends in the borrowers line of
work or industry and how changing economic conditions might affect the loan.


The last factor in assessing a borrowers creditworthy status is control which centers on such
questions as whether changes in law and regulation could adversely affect the borrower and
whether the loan request meets the banks and the regulatory authorities standards for loan

The six Cs of credit aid the loan officer and bank credit analyst in answering the broad
question: Is the borrower creditworthy? Once that question is answered, however, a second
issue must be faced: Can the proposed loan agreement be structured and documented to
satisfy the needs of both borrower and bank?

A properly structured loan agreement must also protect the bank and those it represents-
principally its depositors and stockholders- by imposing certain restrictions (covenants) on
the borrowers activities then these activities could threaten the recovery of bank funds. The
process of recovering the banks funds- when and where the bank can take action to get its
funds returned-also must be carefully spelled out in a loan agreement.

3.8.Types of Credit Facilities Offered by RBL

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Rupali Bank Limited offered different kinds of loan and advances. These are:

1. Continuous Loan,
2. Demand Loan,
3. Fixed Term Loan and
4. Short-term Agricultural & Micro- Credit.

1. Continuous Loan
These are the advances having no fixed repayment schedule but have an date at which it is
renewable on satisfactory performance of the clients. Continuous loan mainly includes "Cash
credit both hypothecation and pledge" and "Overdraft".
(a) Cash Credit:
It is a popular method of creating advances by which commercial banks lends money in the
customer (borrower) up to a certain limit against the security of commodities hypothecated or
pledged with the banks. The borrowers of the cash credits are traders, industries, limited
companies etc.

The Cash Credit are two types:

Cash credit hypothecation and

Cash credit pledge

Cash credit hypothecation: When cash credit is allowed by the bankers against
hypothecation of goods as security is called the cash credit hypothecation (C.C.hypo). In this
method, the ownership and possession of the goods remain with the borrower but an
equitable charge is created on the goods (as security) in favor of the lending bank. The owner
of the goods which are hypothecated is called the hypothecator. The person to whom goods
are hypothecated is called the hypothecated. In fact, hypothecation is passed to the creditor.
Under the hypothecation agreement the borrower binds himself to give possession of the
goods to the lender when called upon to do so.

Amount of maximum credit: 50% of security

Who can apply: Professional or Business Persons.
Age limit: Minimum 18 years.
Securities: Hypothecation.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Credit period: 1 year (period can be enhanced by renewal).

Cash Credit (pledge) The bailment of goods as security for payment of a debt of
performance of a promise is called pledge. By signing the letter of pledge, the borrower
surrenders the physical possession of the goods under the Banks effective control as security
for payment of Bank dues

Amount of maximum credit: 50% of security.

Who can apply: Professionals or Business Persons.
Age limit: Minimum 18 years.
Securities: Pledge.
Credit period: 1 year.


The overdraft is a kind of advance always allowed on a current account operated upon by
cheques. The customer by sanctioned a certain limit upon which he can overdrawn his current
account within a stipulated period.

Amount of maximum credit: Who can apply:

80% of Financial Instruments. Individuals who have purchased those
financial instruments from RBL.
Age limit: Minimum 18 years. Securities:
Purchased Financial Instruments.
Credit period:
1 3 years (Period can be enhanced by

2. Demand Loan
Demand loans are loan agreements that provide the lender with the ability to demand full
payment of the remaining balance of the loan at any point in time after the loan is executed.
Unlike an installment loan, the demand loan format does not include a specific maturity date
and may not include a specific schedule for making payments to retire the debt. Sometimes
referred to as a call loan, a demand loan is usually employed when the lender and borrower

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

have a long standing and positive business relationship, and the lender has confidence that the
borrower will pay off the loan within a reasonable period of time.

RBL also offers several types of demand loan. These are:

1. Loan against trust receipt (LTR)

2. Loans against Imported Merchandise (LIM)

3. Payment against documents.(PAD)

4. Packing Credit (PC)

5. Foreign and Inland Bill Discounting

Loan against Trust Receipt (LTR)

Under this arrangement, credit is allowed against trust receipt and the exportable goods
remain in the custody of exporter but he is required to execute a stamped export trust receipt
in favor of the bank. Where the declaration is made that he holds purchase with financial
assistance of the bank lit trust for the bank.

Loans against Imported Merchandise (LIM)

Loan against the merchandise imported through bank maybe allowed pledge of goods
retaining margin prescribed on their landed cost. The branch shall also obtain letter of
undertaking and indemnity from the customer before getting goods cleared through L.I.M.
account. Clearing should be taken by approved clearing agent of the bank. Merchandise
should be insured with specific risk clauses.

The following matters must consider while allowing L.I.M. against secured of goods. The
landed cost of the merchandise is measured before the goods are delivered the client against
proportionate payments. The landed cost is determined by taking following items:

Invoice value if the merchandise including freight

Customs duty
Sales tax
Derange agents charges
Railway freight

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Insurance premium
Other charges

Amount of maximum credit: 80% of merchandise.

Who can apply: Persons who have opened an LC in RBL.
Age limit: Minimum 18 years.
Securities: Imported Merchandise (Primary Security)
Credit period: For Commercial Purpose 45 days.
For Industrial Purpose 60 days.
Rate of interest: 16% (additional 2% will be charged if applied for
extended approval period).

Payment Against Documents (PAD)

PAD loan is created upon lodgment of import documents. This loan is created for 21 days
the time being the tolerance for taking documents for the importer. If after 21 days the
documents are not taken by the importer, the bank may sell the imported goods to recover the
given amount.

Amount of maximum credit: Amount equal to Letter of Credit (LC).

Who can apply: Personas who have opened an LC in RBL.
Age limit: Minimum 18 years.
Securities: Imported Goods
Credit period: Maximum 21 days.
Percentage of interest: 16%

Packing Credit (PC)

Under this arrangement credit facilities are extended against security of railway receipt /
steamer receipt / truck receipt / vessel receipt, evidencing transportation of goods to the port
for shipment of the goods in addition to the usual charge documents and lien of export letter
of credit. This type of credit is sanctioned for transitional period from dispatch of goods to
negotiations of export documents. It is mainly given for payment of factory salary and wages.

Amount of maximum credit: 10% of L/C

Who can apply: Persons who have opened an L/C with RBL.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Age limit: Minimum 18 years.
Securities: L/C
Credit period: 3-6 months (period may be enhanced in special cases).
Rate of interest: 7%

Foreign and Inland Bill Discounting

While discounting a bill, the Bank buys the bill (i.e. Bill of Exchange or Promissory Note)
before it is due and credits the value of the bill after a discount charge to the customer's
account. The transaction is practically an advance against the security of the bill and the
discount represents the interest on the advance from the date of purchase of the bill until it is
due for payment

3. Fixed Term Loan:

The loans, which are repayable within a specific time period under a specific repayment
schedule, will be treated as Fixed Term Loan.

4. Short-term Agricultural & Micro-Credit

Short-term Agricultural Credit will include the short-term credits as listed under the Annual
Credit Program issued by the Agricultural Credit and Financial Inclusion Department
(ACFID) of Bangladesh Bank. Credits in the agricultural sector repayable within 12 (twelve)
months will also be included herein. Short-term Micro- Credit will include any micro-credits
not exceeding an amount determined by the ACFID of Bangladesh Bank from time to time
and repayable within 12 (twelve) months, be those termed in any names such as Non-
agricultural credit, Self-reliant Credit, Weaver's Credit or Bank's individual project credit.
Four types of SME loan are:

a. Flexible Loan
b. Loan for professionals
c. Business Loan
d. Medium Loan

Retail Loan:
RBL offers different types of retail loans. some are.

1. Car Loan
Now a car is no longer luxury but necessity. Moreover, a car is more than a symbol of
prestige. So for that RBL offers car loan facilities to their customers.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Amount of maximum credit: Maximum 10 Lac or 40% margin.
Who can apply: Professional or Business Persons.
Age limit: Minimum 18 years.
Securities: Car purchased.
Credit period: Max 48 months.
Percentage of interest: 13%

Application & Disbursement:

a. Receiving customer Application in prescribed form along with required documents &
Application fee.
b. Receiving CIB Undertaking for the Applicant & Guarantor along with fee
c. Scrutinize the Application Form & attached documents carefully
d. Forward the Application Form & CIB Undertaking to Head Office (if found in order
and you are satisfied)
e. Follow-up the progress of the file in Retail Banking Division
f. Preparation of Sanction Advice & get it accepted by the client after getting approval
from Head Office
g. Obtain signature on the charge documents from the client
h. Obtain 3 unfilled Cheques from the client
i. Issue Purchase Order in favor of the Car Vendor with other related documents
j. Obtain all required Car Documents (copy of Registration & Insurance cover note,
Original Delivery Challan, Bill, Money Receipt, and Insurance Policy) and cross
match those with the sanction & Quotation
k. Physically verify the vehicle (Reg. No., Engine No. & Chasis No.)
l. Ensure deposit of charges by the client in the link account
m. Disburse the Loan vide Pay Order favoring Car Vendor after completion of
documentation as per H.O. approval
n. Stamping the charge documents
o. Entry of Security Documents in the SISO Register
p. Safekeeping of Security Documents in the Safety Vault.

2.Personal Loan
Amount of maximum credit: For Male 5 Lac.
For Female 10 Lac.
Who can apply: Professionals.
Age limit: Minimum 21 to Maximum 57 Years.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Securities: Personal Guaranty (from 2 persons).
Credit period: 1 4 years.
Application & Disbursement:
a. Receiving customer Application in prescribed form along with required documents &
Application fee.
b. Receiving CIB Undertaking for the Applicant & Guarantor along with fee
c. Scrutinize the Application Form & attached documents carefully
d. Forward the Application Form & CIB Undertaking to Head Office (if found in order
and you are satisfied)
e. Follow-up the progress of the file in Retail Banking Division
f. Preparation of Sanction Advice & get it accepted by the client after getting approval
from Head Office
g. Obtain signature on the charge documents from the client
h. Obtain 3 unfilled Cheques from the client
i. Ensure deposit of charges by the client in the link account
j. Disburse the Loan by transferring the amount to clients Savings Account after
completion of documentation as per H.O. approval
k. Stamping the charge documents
l. Entry of Security Documents in the SISO Register
m. Safekeeping of Security Documents in the Safety Vault.

3.House Building Loan

Amount of maximum credit: 60 Lac
Who can apply: Persons employed in Rupali Bank Limited.
Age limit: 18 57 years.
Securities: Land and Buildings.
Credit period: Entire Employment Period

Application & Disbursement:

a. Receiving customer Application in prescribed form along with required documents &
Application fee.
b. Receiving CIB Undertaking for the Applicant & Guarantor along with fee
c. Scrutinize the Application Form & attached documents carefully
d. Visit the property to physically verify the possession & ownership and also obtain
valuation Report by the Surveyor
e. Forward the Application Form & CIB Undertaking to Head Office (if found in order
and you are satisfied)

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

f. Follow-up the progress of the file in Retail Banking Division
g. Preparation of Sanction Advice & get it accepted by the client after getting approval
from Head Office
h. Obtain all land related documents from the client and get it verified by the lawyer
(Vetting the Documents)
i. Obtain signature on the charge
j. Obtain 3 unfilled Cheques from the client
k. Execute Tripartite Agreement as per Lawyers draft
l. Complete all other documentation formalities as per H.O. approval
m. Physically verify the
n. Ensure deposit of all charges by the client in the link account
o. Disburse the Loan vide Pay Order favoring Car Vendor after completion of
documentation as per H.O. approval
p. Stamping the charge documents
q. Entry of Security Documents in the SISO Register
4.Study Loan
Amount of maximum credit: Maximum 12 Lac.
Who can apply: Any student who has necessary documents to get
himself admitted into a foreign college or university .
Age limit: Minimum 18 years.
Credit period: Maximum 6 months.
Rate of interest: 13%

Interest Rate of Loans:

Sl. No. Types of Loans Interest Rate

1. Term Loan / Project Loan 15%

(If the customer fails to pay two
consecutive monthly installments,
additional 2% interest will be charged on
the due installments.)

2. Working Capital Loan (CC Pledge, 16%

CC Hypo)

3. Residential House Building Loan 16%

(If the customer fails to pay two

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

consecutive monthly installments,
additional 2% interest will be charged on
the due installments.)
Commercial House Building Loan

Staff House Building Loan

According to Bank Rate
(4% for loans sanctioned before July 01,

4. Loan against FDR, DPS, RDPS Addition of 3% to Receiving Interest Rate

5. Overdraft (OD) 16%

4% (on pulse, spice, oil seed, linseed, maize
7. Agriculture Credit
according to the order of Bangladesh Bank.)
12% (for others Agriculture Credit.)

8. SME Loan 15%

9. Payment Against Documents (PAD) 16%

(additional 2% interest will be charged if
credit period is enhanced)

10. Loan against Imported Merchandise 16%

(LIM) (additional 2% interest will be charged if
credit period is enhanced)
11. Loan against Trust Receipt (LTR)
(additional 2% interest will be charged if
credit period is enhanced)

12. Packing Credit (PC) 7%

13. Car Loan 13%

Table-5:Interest Rate of Loan

3.9. Security :
Security is obtained as a line of last defense to fall bank upon. It is meant to be an insurance
against emergency. By taking security, bank acquires a claim upon the assets of the borrower
if repayment is not made as planned. Security taken by banks may be classified into two
broad categories, Primary security and Collateral security.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Primary Security: Primary security is one, which is deposited by the borrower himself and
thus provides the main cover for the advance made. Primary security may be either personal
security or impersonal security or both.

Collateral Security: A collateral security is a security belonging to and deposited by

borrower himself or by a third party to secure loans and advances. Collateral security in a
wider sense is used to denote any type of security that runs parallel to or side by side with the
personal right of action against a debtor in respect of an advance. Collateral security may be
direct or indirect

Loan Recovery

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

4.1. Policy of Loan of Recovery

Loan recovery is an important function of Rupali Bank like loan disbursement. Basically,
success of the bank depends on the performance of loan recovery. For these reason Rupali
Bank follows some rules and regulation of loan recovery. These are

General Policy

Statutory policy

General Policy: At first Rupali Bank pursues general policy to recover loan. It is an easy and
simple way of credit collection. The general policies are:

To inspire with courage pay back of the installment money in due time.

To provide reward for those lenders who clear off his installment money in due time.

To provide punishment for those borrowers who do not pay back the installment
money in time.

To supervise credit.

Statutory Policy: When Rupali Bank cannot recover its disbursed loan through general
policies then Rupali Bank follows statutory rules and regulation to recover disbursed loan. It
is a complex system of loan recovery.

4.2 Loan Recovery Procedure

Demand Notice: Demand Notice is issued before one month of being due of outstanding
loan or installment through field supervisor of mail.

Legal Notice: If the borrower do not repay their respective loans and interest after maturity in
spite of receiving the demand notice by the bank sends legal notice by registered mail with
acknowledgement to the borrower.

Special Notice: Besides the aforesaid two notices, a special notice signed by DC, TNO is sent
to respective borrower to keep mental pressure on him for paying the loan.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Field Recovery: Loan officer recovers the recovered loan through L.O. receipts by visiting
the spot and houses of the borrower.

Loan Recovery Camp: During the harvesting period, loan recovery camp can be set up on
the spot for recovering loan.

Case Filing: If all the procedure except legal action of recovering loan fails, then certificate
case filed against borrower. If the borrower is in the following category then case has to be
field with priority.

Unwilling to repay loan although he is financially solvent

Every effort of loan recovery becomes failure

Detrimental to the interest of bank loan

Loan Recovery with the Interest Exemption: The loan amount which is not possible to
cover with the help of legal action then this loan can be recovered by exempting interest. By
this was the bad loan can be recovered.

4.3 . Cause of Poor Recovery of Loan

Error in selecting appropriate: Loan recovery mainly depends upon selecting appropriate
loanee. If the bank sanctions loan an in appropriate party it is impossible to recover the loan
during its recovery period. He appropriate loanee means the party will be honest, socially
acceptable and able to repay the loan. But incase of selecting loanee this procedure is no fully
maintained by the branch. So, a large number of loanee becomes defaulter in every year.

Granting consumer loans are not appropriate: Historically, most banks did not actively
pursue loan account from individual and families, believing that the relatively small size of
most consumer loan and their relatively high default rate would make such lending

Lack of intensive inspection: It is the major cause of poor recovery. If the bank properly
supervise the loan utilization and other considerable factor, then recovery position must be
satisfactory. But because of dishonesty or misuse of job duties bank failed to inspect the
disbursed loan. As a result a huge amount of loan is not recovered every year.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Influence of local prominent: Many local elites misguides loanee not to pay loan. It is one
of the most important barriers to recover loan timely.

Lack of public awareness: Most of the in our country are not aware of social and
economical condition of country. They do not try to understand that if they do not repay the
loan to bank timely then the bank cannot play significant role in the economy.

Political situation: Some times political situation create great barrier to recover the loan.
Such as some time government takes decision to exempt loan and much political leader
default a large number of loans by miss use of their power.

4.4 Suggestion for Recovery

To meet with the borrower and to inspire him to repay at least 2 days in a week.

If the borrower does not come to repay then the bank should take the help of

Bank should try to convince the borrower that the legal action or try rule of law will
go against him.

It should be described to the borrower about the rule of loans and interest. By this the
borrower will know that if he does not repay then it will be increased geometrically
and for this he will inspired to repay as early as possible.

Different committee for the purpose of recovery should be formed.

The bank may recover with the help of interest exempting.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Credit Performance
Evaluation of Rupali Bank


Loans Performance Evaluation Of RBL

5.1.Loan & advances:

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Rupali Bank limited gradually increases its loans and advances from 2006 to 2011..

loans and advances of Rupali Bank Bangladesh is given below

(Taka in Crore)

Year Total Loans & Advances

2011 7652.49

2010 6604.90

2009 5234.42

2008 4903.00

2007 4708.03

2006 4570.95

Table-6: Loans & advances Of Rupali Bank Lid.

Figure-3: Trend Of Loans & advances of RBL

Comment :

From the graphical presentation I want to conclude that its loans and advances are increasing
from the year of establishment. In the above figure it is observable that it is upward trend..
The expansion of loan & advances help the business people to invest more in different sector
which result in the growth of the economy.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

The growth rate of loans and advance from year 2006 to 2011 is observable which is
summarized as:

Table-7: Growth of Loans & advances

Year Growth rate [%]

2007 2.99%

2008 4.14%

2009 6.76%

2010 26.18%

2011 15.86%

Fig-4: Trend of the growth rate of the loan and advances


From the above pictorial presentation it can be said that growth rate of loans and advances are
increasing balances from year 2007 to 2009. In 2010 ,the bank growth rate of loans and
advances is increasing in higher rate than the previous year.But In 2011, the bank growth rate
of loans and advances is decreasing. not increasing at their previous rate.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Table-8: Deposit of RBL Taka in crore
Year Total Deposits

2011 10723.40

2010 9112.38

2009 7380.34

2008 7028.05

2007 7244.61

2006 6783.21

Fig-5: Trend od Deposits

Comment: From the above presentation, I conclude that in 2006 to2009 the RBL deposits are
stay in Ups & down sitiution. But in 2010 to 2011 the deposit are increasing in RBL.
5.4.Deposit Portfolio
Table-9: Deposit Portfolio of RBL (Taka in crore)

Types of 2011 2010


Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Current and 1485.20 1427.65
other deposits

Bills Payable 133.74 129.67

Saving 3517.82 3324.36


Fixed deposits 5586.63 4230.70

Total 10723.39 9112.38

Fig-6: Trend of Deposit Portfolio

Comment: In 2011,Rupali bank has more fixed deposits than in 2010.

5.5.Credit & Deposits Relationship

The relation of deposit and loans & advances of Rupali Bank is given below:

Table-10: Credit & Deposit Relationship (Taka in crore)

Year Total Credit Total Deposit

2011 7652.49 10723.40

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

2010 6604.90 9112.38

2009 5234.42 7380.34

2008 4903.00 7028.05

2007 4708.03 7244.61

Fig-7: Trend of Credit & deposit Relationship

From the above figure it can be concluded that deposit is higher from loans and advances in
all year. This year bank had to acquire loan for their investment proposal. Deposit and
advances of last five years. Graph shows that advances are increase day by day, as deposit is
increasing. Although, its shows a more pubic reliance about bank.

5.5.Credit to deposit Ratio Analysis

Credit deposit ratio measures the portion of deposit used for credit. The more the ratio the
more the bank is capable to uses its deposit as credit.

Credit to deposit ratio= Total Credit/ Total Deposit

Table-11: Credit to Deposit Ratio Analysis (Tk. In crore )

Year Total Credit Total Deposit Total Credit/Total


2011 7652.49 10723.40 71.36%

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

2010 6604.90 9112.38 72.48%

2009 5234.42 7380.34 70.92%

2008 4903.00 7028.05 69.76%

2007 4708.03 7244.61 64.99%

2006 4570.95 6783.21 67.39%

Figure-8: Trend of credit to deposit ratio

From the figure it can be said that the collection of deposit in increasing year by year that
form into loan & advances increasing year by year subsequently. If we noticed that from year
2009 to 2010 credit deposit ratio has increased significantly which is positive sign that the
bank is successfully utilizing its deposit collected from the people by the lowest interest rate
into in the form of loan and advances which is main source of Banks income. But in 2011,
ratio is decreasing.



Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Table shows the concentration of loans and advances in total assets of Rupali Bank. The high
concentration of loans and advances indicates vulnerability of assets to credit risk. Here it is
noticeable that ratio of total loans and advances to total assets is increasing from year to year

Table-12: Total Loan & advances-Total Assets Ratio

Year Total loans & Total Assets Total loans&

advances advances/Total

2011 7652.49 14483.63 52.83%

2010 6604.90 12443.45 53.08%

2009 5234.42 8779.14 59.62%

2008 4903.00 8231.18 59.57%

2007 4708.03 8151.20 57.76%

2006 4570.95 7624.05 59.95%

Meanwhile, any analysis of asset quality needs to take into account indicators of
the likelihood of borrowers to repay their loans.

Figure-9:Trend of loans to assets ratio

Comment: Decrease loan & advance to total asset ratio because of volatile financial
situation of Bangladesh & beyond of Bangladesh.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

From the above figure it can be concluded that the ratio of total loans and advances of Rupali
Bank is decreasing day by day.. Here the lowest ratio is 52.83% in the year of 2011.The
highest ratio is 59.95% in 2006 .In 2011 .So, Rupali Bank should care their total loans to
assets ratio.

5.7.Regression Coefficients between loans and deposits

Table-13:Calculation Regression Coefficients

Year (X- dx Loans (Y- dy dxdy

Deposit 7500) (Y) 5000)
( X) dx dy
201 10723.4 3223. 1039030 7652.49 2652. 703570 8550036.
1 4 7.6 49 3.2 27
201 9112.38 1612. 2599769. 6604.9 1604. 257570 2587708.
0 38 26 9 4 66
200 7380.34 - 14318.52 5234.42 234.4 54952.7 -28050.7
9 119.6 2 4
200 7028.05 - 222736.8 4903 -97 9409 45779.15
8 471.9
200 7244.61 - 65224.05 4708.03 - 85246.4 74566.22
7 255.3 291.9 8
9 7
200 6783.21 - 513787.9 4570.95 - 184083. 307538.7
6 716.7 429.0 9 5
9 5
Tot 48271. 3271. 1380614 33673. 3673. 994509 1153757
al 99 99 4.1 79 79 9.3 8.4


bxy = =1.24



byx= = .79


Here, is the correlation analysis between two ratio.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

r=(bxy*byx)= 1.24*0.79=0.99

There is a very high degree of positive relationship between loan & deposits ratio
That means, when deposits increases ,Loans Is also increases.

5.8.Industry Wise loans & advances: Taka in Crore

Total Loans
Sectors & Advances
Tannery & Chemical 586.75
Textile 2081.00
Engineering 1041.00
Jute 446.60
Agro Products 230.00
Printing & Publication 54.00
Shoe 42.00
Plastic 34.00
Shipping 7.00
Garments 315.00
Others 2815.14
Total 7652.49
Table-14: Industry wise loans & advances

Fig-10: Trend of Industry wise loans & advances

5.9.Sector wise loans & advances: Taka in crore

Sector Wise 2011 2010

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Government Sector 54.06 61.99

Other Public Sector 501.87 969.79

Private Sector 7096.56 5573.12

Table-15:Sector wise loans & advances

Fig-11: Trend
of Sector
wise loans &

5.10.Interest Income and Loans & advances:

Taka in Crore

Year Total Loans & Advances Interest Income

2007 4708.03 342.25
2008 4903.00 409.06
2009 5234.42 497.86
2010 6604.90 555.26
2011 7652.49 938.23
Table-16: Interest Income and Loans & advances

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Fig-12: Trend of interest income and loans & advances


As Rupali Bank increases its loans and advances from year to year, so it is logical that it
interest income from sanctioning loans and advances are more. The bank has achieved the
highest profit in 2011 from any other previous year. So performance of providing
loans and advances of the bank is not dissatisfaction.

5.11.Classified Loans
Status of loans and advances is one of the criterions of judging the performance of a bank. In
case of classified or unsound loan Rupali Bank's performance has not been so quite
impressive as the table discloses.
Table-17: Classified loans Taka in crore

Particulars 2011 2010

Total loans & 7652.49 6604.90


Total classified 454.66 760.27

loans &

% of classified 5.94% 11.96%

loans &

Total Recovery 357.52 272.72

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Fig-13: Trend of Classified Loans


Rupali bank ltd. has succeed in classified loans. From 2010, the ratio of classified loan
against total loan and advances rate is decreasing. It is good sign for bank. because, classified
loan is harmful and which turn into to the bank as a loss project.

5.12.Non-Performing Loans & advances to Total loans &

Table-18: (Taka in Crore)

Years Amount of Non- % of Non Performing

Performing Loan Loan
2007 124.28 58.74
2008 120.23 53.94
2009 72.53 30.96
2010 50.59 21.11
2011 50.00 16.60

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Fig-14: Trend of Non performing loans to Total Loans

Comment: We see that Nom-performing Loans & Advances in RBL is decreasing year
by year. That means % of non-performing loans & advances to Total loans & advances is
decreasing from 2007 to 2011.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Credit Risk Analysis


Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Credit Risk Analysis


Credit risk is the possibility that a borrower or a counter party will fail to meet its obligation
in accordance with agreed terms.
Credit risk arises from the banks dealing with or lending to corporate, individuals and other
banks or financial institutions.
Credit risk is an investor's risk of loss arising from a borrower who does not make payments
as promised. Such an event is called a default. Another term for credit risk is default risk.
Probable causes of Credit risk:
Inability to pay

Short term cash flow or liquidity problem

Longer term solvency issues

Delays in payment due to operational issues with the treasury function

Unwillingness to pay

When a government grants bankruptcy protection to an insolvent consumer or



CRM enables banks to proactively manage loan portfolios in order to minimize losses and
earn an acceptable level of return for the shareholders. In the fast changing, dynamic global
economy, and the increasing pressure of globalization, liberalization, consolidation and
disintermediation, Banks should have robust credit risk management policies and procedures
that are sensitive and responsive to these changes.
CRM requires:
The goal of credit risk management is to maximize a banks risk-adjusted rate of return by
maintaining credit risk exposure within acceptable parameters. Banks need to manage the
credit risk inherent in the entire portfolio as well as the risk in individual credits or
transactions. Banks should also consider the relationships between credit risk and other risks.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

For the most part, these methods consist of the following elements, performed, more or less,
in the following order.
1. identify, characterize, and assess threats

2. assess the vulnerability of critical assets to specific threats

3. determine the risk (the expected consequences of specific types of attacks on specific

4. identify ways to reduce those risks

5. prioritize risk reduction measures based on a strategy

High credit risk is typically indicated by increasing credit losses in the form of charge-offs,
write-offs, or higher loss provisions, high cost of funding and flat or declining net interest
Credit risk management needs to be a robust process that enables banks to proactively
manage loan portfolio in order to minimize losses and earn an acceptable level of return for
shareholders. Credit risk management processes are sub-divided into the following four parts.
1) Credit Risk Identification
2) Credit Risk Measurement
3) Credit Risk Monitoring and Control
4) Credit Risk Mitigation
Risk Identification:
Credit risk arises from potential changes in the credit quality of a borrower has two
components; default risk & spread risk.
Default risk: Default risk is driven by the potential failure of a borrower to make promised
payments, either partly or wholly.
Spread risk or Downgrade risk: If a borrower does not default, there is still risk due to
worsening in credit quality. This results in the possible widening of the credit-spread. This is
credit spread risk. These may arise from a rating change.
Risk Measurement:
Measurement of credit risk consists of:
a) Measurement of credit risk through credit rating/scoring
b) Quantifying the risk through estimating expected loan losses like the amount of loan losses
that bank would experience over a chosen time horizon (through tracking portfolio behavior

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

over 5 or more years) and unexpected loan losses like the amount by which actual losses
exceed the expected loss (through standard deviation of losses or the difference between
expected loan losses and some selected target credit loss quintile)
Risk Monitoring & Control:
Risk taking through lending activities needs to be supported by a very effective control &
monitoring mechanism .An elaborate and well communicated policy that articulates
guidelines for risk taking, procedural guidelines and an effective monitoring system is
It must be mentioned that an appropriate credit information system is basic prerequisite for
effective control & monitoring. A comprehensive & detailed MIS and CIS is the backbone for
an effective CRM system.
Risk Mitigation:
Credit risk mitigation is an essential part of credit risk management. This refers to the process
through which credit risk is reduced or it is transferred to a counter party.
Asset securitization, Credit derivatives etc are used to mitigate risks in the portfolio.

6.3.Risk Grading

Credit Risk Grading (CRG) is an important tool of credit risk management to understand
dimension of risk in credit transaction. CRG, a replacement of LRA, was first introduced in
2005.It is a common standardized method for the Bankers to select borrowers based on their
different risk level. It is useful for both pre-sanction and post sanction stage of a loan.
Following factors should be taken in consideration in grading a Loan Client. These are also
known as principal risk factors of the client. These are
(a) Financial Risk factor
(b) Business / Industry Risk factor
(c) Management Risk factor,
(d) Security Risk factor and
(e) Relationship Risk factor.
Before preparing the grading of the client the Bank go through the above mentioned factors
of the client and analyze the same with a view to arrive a decision whether they should go for
finance or not. In order to prepare the Clients Credit Grade they will follow meticulously the
CRG Manual as prescribed by Bangladesh Bank. CRG is the mandatory replacement of LRA.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Step I:
Identifying all the Principal Risk Components like financial risk, Business / Industry Risk,
management Risk, Security risk and Relationship Risk. Each of the above mentioned key
areas required to be evaluating and aggregating to arrive at an overall risk grading measure.

Step II:
Allocate weightages to principal risk components. According to the importance of risk
profile, the following weightages are proposed for corresponding principal risk:

Principal Risk Components Weight(%)

Financial Risk 50%
Business/ Industry Risk 18%
Management Risk 12%
Security Risk 10%
Relationship Risk 10%

Step III:
Establish the key Parameters: Principal Risk Key Parameters
Financial Risk Leverage, Liquidity, profitability & Coverage
Business / Industry Risk Size of Business, Age of Business, Business
Outlook, Industry Growth, Competition &
Barriers to Business
Management Risk Experience, Succession, & Team work.
Security Risk Security Coverage, Collateral Coverage and
Relationship Risk Account Conduct, Utilization of Limit,
Compliance of Covenants / Conditions &
personal Deposit.

Step IV:
Assign weightages to each of the key parameters:

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Principal Risk Components Key Parameters Weight(%)
Financial Risk 50%
Leverage 15%
Liquidity 15%
Profitability 15%
Coverage 05%

Business/ Industry Risk 18%

Size of Business 5%
Age of Business 3%
Business Outlook 3%
Industry Growth 3%
Market Competition 2%
Entry /Exit Barriers 2%

Management Risk 12%

Experience 5%
Succession 4%
Team work 3%

Security Risk 10%

Security Coverage 4%
Collateral Coverage 4%
Support 2%

Relationship Risk 10%

Account Conduct 5%
Utilization of Limit 2%
Compliance of Covenants/ 2%
Personal Deposit 1%

Step V:
Input Data to arrive at the score on the key parameters. After the risk identification &
weightage assignment process (as mentioned above), the next steps will be to input actual
parameter in score sheet to arrive at the scores corresponding to the actual parameters.

Step VI:
Arrive at the credit risk grading based on total score obtained. The following is the credit
risk grade matrix based on the total score obtained by an obligor:

Number Risk Grade Short Name Score

1 Superior SUP 100% cash

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Govt. Guarantee
Bank Guarantee
2 Good GD 85+
3 Acceptable ACCPT 75-84
4 Marginal MG 65-74
5 Special Mention SM 55-64
6 Sub-Standard SS 45-54
7 Doubtful DF 35-44
8 Bad/Loss BL <35

All Banks should adopt a credit risk grading system. The system should define the risk profile
of borrowers to ensure that account management, structure and pricing are commensurate
with the risk involved. Risk grading is a key measurement of a Banks asset quality, and as
such, it is essential that grading is a robust process. Borrower Risk Grades should be clearly
stated on Credit Applications.

6.4.Credit Rating Report Of RBL:

Current Ratings
Date of Ratings Long-term Short-term Govt. Support
01 December, 2011 BB3 ST 3 AAA

Previous Ratings
Date of Ratings Long-term Short-term Govt. Support
19 December, 2010 BB2 ST 3 AAA

Rating Based on:

Audited financial statement up to 31 December, 2010 and other relevant quantitative as well
as qualitative information up to the date of rating declaration.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited


Rating Definition
AAA Commercial Banks rated 'AAA' have extremely strong
Triple A capacity to meet their financial commitments. 'AAA' is the
(Extremely Strong Capacity & highest issuer credit rating assigned by CRAB. AAA is
Highest Quality) judged to be of the highest quality, with minimal credit
AA1, AA2, AA3* Commercial Banks rated 'AA' have very strong capacity to
Double A meet their financial commitments. They differ from the
(Very Strong Capacity & Very highest-rated Commercial Banks only to a small degree.
High Quality) AA is judged to be of very high quality and is subject to
very low credit risk.
A1, A2, A3 Commercial Banks rated 'A' have strong capacity to meet
Single A their financial commitments but are somewhat more
(Strong Capacity & High susceptible to the adverse effects of changes in
Quality) circumstances and economic conditions than Commercial
Banks in higher-rated categories. A is judged to be of high
quality and are subject to low credit risk.
BBB1, BBB2, BBB3 Commercial Banks rated 'BBB' have adequate capacity to
Triple B meet their financial commitments. However, adverse
(Adequate Capacity & Medium economic conditions or changing circumstances are more
Quality) likely to lead to a weakened capacity of the Commercial
Banks to meet their financial commitments. BBB is subject
to moderate credit risk.
BB1, BB2, BB3 Commercial Banks rated 'BB' are less vulnerable in the
Double B near term than other lower-rated Commercial Banks.
(Inadequate Capacity & However, they faces major ongoing uncertainties and
Substantial Credit Risk) exposure to adverse business, financial, or economic
conditions, which may lead to the Commercial Banks
inadequate capacity to meet their financial commitments.
BB is judged to have speculative elements and is subject to
substantial credit risk.
B1, B2, B3 Commercial Banks rated 'B' are more vulnerable than the

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Single B Commercial Banks rated 'BB', but the Commercial Banks
(Weak Capacity & High Credit currently have the capacity to meet their financial
Risk) commitments. Adverse business, financial, or economic
conditions are likely to impair the Banks capacity or
willingness to meet their financial commitments. B is
considered speculative and weak capacity and is subject to
high credit risk.
CCC1, CCC2, CCC3 Commercial Banks rated 'CCC' are currently vulnerable,
Triple C and are dependent on favorable business, financial, and
(Very Weak Capacity & Very economic conditions to meet their financial commitments.
High Credit Risk) CCC is judged to be of very weak standing and is subject
to very high credit risk.
CC Commercial Banks rated 'CC' are currently highly
Double C vulnerable. CC is highly speculative and is likely in, or
(Extremely Weak Capacity & very near, default, with some prospect of recovery of
Extremely High Credit Risk) principal and interest.
C A 'C' rating is assigned to Banks that are currently highly
Single C vulnerable to nonpayment of obligations, or in the verge of
(Near to Default) default or faced with insolvency petition or bankruptcy
petition or similar actions, but have not yet experienced a
payment default with external support.
D D' is in default. The 'D' rating also will be used upon the
(Default) filing of a bankruptcy petition or the taking of a similar
action if payments on an obligation are jeopardized.



Rating Definition
ST-1 Commercial Banks rated in this category are considered to
Highest Grade have the highest capacity for timely repayment of

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

obligations. Commercial Banks rated in this category are
characterized with excellent position in terms of liquidity,
internal fund generation, and access to alternative sources
of funds is outstanding.
ST-2 Commercial Banks rated in this category are considered to
High Grade have strong capacity for timely repayment. Commercial
Banks rated in this category are characterized with
commendable position in terms of liquidity, internal fund
generation, and access to alternative sources of funds is
ST-3 Commercial Banks rated in this category are considered to
Average Grade average capacity for timely repayment of obligations,
although such capacity may impair by adverse changes in
business, economic, or financial conditions. Commercial
Banks rated in this category are characterized with
satisfactory level of liquidity, internal fund generation, and
access to alternative sources of funds is outstanding.
ST-4 Commercial Banks rated in this category are considered to
Below Average Grade have below average capacity for timely repayment of
obligations. Such capacity is highly susceptible to adverse
changes in business, economic, or financial conditions than
for obligations in higher categories. Commercial Banks
rated in this category are characterized with average
liquidity, internal fund generation, and access to alternative
sources of funds is outstanding.
ST-5 Commercial Banks rated in this category are considered to
Inadequate Grade have inadequate capacity for timely repayment of
obligations susceptible to adverse changes in business,
economic, or financial conditions. Commercial Banks
rated in this category are characterized with risky position
in terms of liquidity, internal fund generation, and access
to alternative sources of funds is outstanding.
ST-6 Commercial Banks rated in this category are considered to
Lowest Grade have obligations which have a high risk of default or
which are currently in default. Commercial Banks rated in

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

this category are characterized with risky position in terms
of liquidity, internal fund generation, and access to
alternative sources of funds is outstanding.

Overall Performance
of RBL
Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited
Overall Performance of a bank
Performance of Trust Bank Ltd. from the year 2006 to 2010 is given in the
following table

Taka in crore

Particulars 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007

Authorized 700 700 700 700 700

Paid-up 137.50 125 125 125 125

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited


Loans And 7652.49 6604.90 5234.42 4903.00 4708.03


Total Equity 1525.08 1415.15 (558.18) (816.91) (1054.91)

Total Deposits 10723.40 9112.38 7380.34 7028.05 7244.61

Total 2361.12 1571.72 1430.30 1254.57 1409.06


Import 6926.00 6024.00 2519.41 2058.97 1985.67


Export 1351.00 849.00 745.81 728.42 639.88


Remittance 2114.00 1985.00 2231.17 2164.27 1889.43

Total Income 1246.22 825.36

Net Profit 360.36 244.69 209.87 114.51 281.38

before Tax

Net Profit 109.13 60.03 166.85 87.41 (1101.74)

after Tax

Total Assets 14483.6 12443.45 8779.14 8231.18 8151.20


Number of 503 492 492 492 492


Earning per 7.94 4.37

Share (Taka)

Table-19: Performance at a glance

7.2.Return on Equity (ROE)

ROE measures of a corporation's profitability that reveals how much profit a company
generates with the money shareholders have invested. This is where the shareholders look at
to see how efficiently the board of directors or the manger are running the company with the
money i.e. equity they have provided. ROE is the rate of return flowing to banks

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

shareholders, i.e., the net benefit the investors have received from investing their capital in
the bank. ROE is calculated as follows:

ROE = Net Income after Tax / Total Equity Capital

Year Return On Equity

2011 7.16%

2010 4.24%

2009 -29.89%

2008 -10.70%

Fig-15: Trend of Return on Equity

As per the figure , the trend of ROE has been decreasing from the year 2008 to the year 2009
because of the decrease of shareholders equity.In 2010 to 2011 ROE is increasing Because of
increase the shareholders equity.

7.3.Return on Assets (ROA)

ROA is a managerial efficiency indicator that shows how successfully the management has
been converting the banks assets into net earnings. ROA is calculated as follows:

ROA = Net Income after Tax / Total Asset

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Year Return On Assets

2011 .75%

2010 .48%

2009 1.90%

2008 1.06%

Fig-16: Trend of Return on Assets

As per figure , the trend of ROA has started increasing from the year 2008. But in 2010 ROA
is decreasing and in 2011 its again increased. The figure suggests that the total assets has
been utilized quite efficiently, which indicates that the resources are being used closed to their
fullest of capacities.

7.4.Asset Utilization Ratio

It reflects the portfolio management policies, especially the mix and yield on a banks asset.
The asset utilization ratio of a bank is calculated as follows:

Asset Utilization Ratio = Total Operating Revenue / Total Assets

Year Asset Utilization Ratio

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

2011 72.24%

2010 64.09%

Fig-17: Trend of Asset Utilization Ratio

From figure 1 it can be seen that from 2010 to 2011 it started to increase. When we consider
the last two years, the trend has been increasing indicating that yield on the Banks asset has
been increasing and credit for this goes to the portfolio management policies formed by the

7.5.Equity Multiplier
Equity multiplier reflects the leverage or financing policies that indicates the sources chosen
to fund a bank (debt or equity). It is a way of examining how a company uses debt to finance
its assets. This shows how much the equity is multiplied to get the assets the company owns.
In other words, it shows a company's total assets per dollar of stockholders' equity. A higher
equity multiplier indicates higher financial leverage, which means the company is relying
more on debt to finance its assets. The following formula is used to calculate equity
multiplier of a bank:

Equity Multiplier = Total Assets / Total Equity Capital

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Year Equity Multiplier

2011 9.49

2010 8.79

2009 -15.73

2008 -10.08

Fig-18: Trend of Equity Multiplier

As per figure , the equity multiplier has decreased between the year 2008 and 2009. But in
2010 to 2011 its increased.

7.6.Some Other Profitability Performance of RBL:

Table-20: Profitability Performance of RBL

Particulars 2011 2010

Price Earning Ratio 17.21% 36.15%

Net profit Ratio 8.76% 7.27%

Return On Investment 7.07% 11.22%

Interest Margin to Total 2.91% 1.68%


Efficiency Ratio 29.65% 28.39%

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Fig-19:Trend of Profitability performance of RBL

7.7.Evaluation of Financial Statement of Rupali Bank Ltd. based on

CAMEL Approach:

CAMELS is an international bank-rating system with which bank supervisory authorities rate
institutions according to six factors. The six areas examined are represented by the acronym
"CAMELS." The six factors are:

1)Capital adequacy,

2)Asset quality,




Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

)6)Sensitivity to market risk

Performance of the banking sector under CAMELS involves analysis and evaluation of these
six crucial dimensions of banking operations. The CAMEL methodology was originally
adopted by North American bank regulators to evaluate the financial and managerial
soundness of U.S. commercial lending institutions.

CAMELS Rating System of Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, since the early nineties, the same 5 components of CAMEL have been used for evaluating
the five crucial dimensions of a banks operations that reflect in a comprehensive fashion an
institutions financial condition, compliance with bank in regulations and statutes and overall
operating soundness. Recently, Bangladesh Bank has upgraded the CAMEL into
CAMELS effective from June, 2006. After inserting sensitivity to market risk, it is
presumed that this off-site supervision technique of central bank would make it a more effective tool
in rating banks. The present system requires that a banks condition and performance be regularly
appraised according to predetermined stress testing on asset and liability and foreign
exchange exposures, procedures, rules and criteria and on the basis of the results obtained through
risk-based audits under core risk management guidelines. Asingle CAMEL rating for each bank is the result of
both off-site monitoring ,which uses monthly financial statement information, and an on-site examination, from
which bank supervisors gather further private information not reflected in the financial
reports. These examinations result in the development of "credit points" ranging from 0 to
100. As noted above, the six key performance dimensions - capital adequacy, asset quality ,management,
earnings, liquidity and sensitivity to market risk - are to be evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5 in ascending order.
Following is a description of the graduations of rating:

Rating 1 indicates strong performance: BEST rating.

Rating 2 reflects satisfactory performance.

Rating3 represents performancethat isflawedtosome degree.

Rating 4 refers to marginal performance and is significantly below average and

Rating 5 is considered unsatisfactory: WORST rating

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Capital Adequacy
Capital Adequacy is a measurement of a bank to determine if solvency can be maintained due
to risks that have been incurred as a course of business. Capital allows a financial
institution to grow, establish and maintain public confidence, and provides a cushion
(reserves) to be able to absorb potential loan losses above and beyond identified
problems. A bank must be able to generate capital internally, through earnings
retention, as a test of capital strength. An increase in capital as a result of
restatements due to accounting standard changes is not an actual increase in capital.

Risk Weighting Assets

Capital Adequacy ratio which is calculated by dividing the bank's core capital by the bank's
total risk-weighted assets, then multiply by 100.

Core Capital Adequacy ratio which is calculated by dividing the bank's risk-based capital by
the banks total risk-weighted assets, then multiply by 100.

Banks in Bangladesh have to maintain a minimum capital adequacy ratio(CAR)of not less
than 9.0 percent of their risk weighted assets (RWA, with at least 4.5 percent incore capital)
or Taka 1 billion, whichever is highest.

Capital Adequacy position of RBL:

Ratin Descripti Percentage

g on
1. Strong 9% and above
2. Satisfactory 8% - 8.99%
3. Fair 7% - 7.99%
4. Marginal 5% - 6.99%

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

5. Unsatisfactory 4.99% and below

Comment: Capital Adequacy Rating is 1 (Strong).

Asset Quality

In the standard CAMELS framework, asset quality is assessed according to: the level,
distribution, and severity of classified assets, the level and composition of nonaccrual and reduced rate
assets, the adequacy of valuation reserves; and the demonstrated ability to administer and collect
problem credits

Assets Quality of RBL:

Rating Descriptio Percentage

1. Strong Up to -5.00%
2. Satisfactory 5.01%-10.00%
3. Fair 10.01%-15.00%
4. Marginal 15.01%-20.00%
5. Unsatisfactory Above-20.00%

Comment: Assets Quality Rating is 2 (Satisfactory).

Volume and Level of Earnings (Profitability)

Earnings determine the ability of a bank to retain capital, support the future growth of assets,
and provide a return to investors. The largest source of income for a bank is net interest
revenue (interest income from lending activity less interest paid on deposits and debt). The
second most important source is from investing activity. A substantial source of income also

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

comes from foreign exchange and precious metal trading, and commissions/transaction fees
and trust operations.

Ratin Descriptio ROA (%)

g n
1. Strong 0.85% and above
2. Satisfactory 0.65%-0.84%
3. Fair 0.45%-0.64%
4. Marginal Below-0.44%
5. Unsatisfactory Net losses

Comment: Level of Earnings (Profitability) Rating is 2 (Satisfactory).

Strength and Level of Liquidity

Funding and Liquidity are related, however they are separate situations. Funding is what a
bank relies upon to grow its business and the asset side of the balance sheet above and
beyond what could be accomplished with just equity. Funding is provided by deposits, short-
term debt and longer-term debt. Funding means access to capital. Liquidity is what a bank
requires if Funding is interrupted and the bank must still be able to meet certain obligations.
What is the liability structure / composition of the institutions liabilities, including their
tenor, interest rate, payment terms, sensitivity to changes in the macroeconomic environment,
types of guarantees required on credit facilities, sources of credit available to the institution
and the extent of resource diversification.

Liquidity Rating of RBL:

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Ratin Descriptio Percentage
g n
1. Strong 30% and above
2. Satisfactory 20.00%-29.99%
3. Fair 19.00%-19.99%
4. Marginal 15.00%-18.99%
5. Unsatisfactory Below-15.00%

Comment: The liquidly rating is 4 (Marginal)

Efficiency and Quality of Management

Management Rating of RBL:

Rating Descriptio Percenta

n ge
1. Strong 1.00-1.49
2. Satisfactory 1.50-2.49
3. Fair 2.50-3.49
4. Marginal 3.50-4.49
5. Unsatisfactory 4.50-5.00

Comment: The Management Rating is 2 (Satisfactory).

Bank Rating

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Ratin Descriptio Percenta
g n ge
1. Strong 1.00-1.49
2. Satisfactory 1.50-2.49
3. Fair 2.50-3.49
4. Marginal 3.50-4.49
5. Unsatisfactory 4.50-5.00

Comment: The Bank rate is the total of all the capital, assets, management, earning and
liquidity. Bank rate of RBL is 2 (Satisfactory) which implies

RBL is fundamentally sound.

Findings are of a minor nature and can be handled routinely.
Stable and can withstand business fluctuations well.
Supervisory concerns are limited to the extent that findings are corrected.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

SWOT Analysis ;
Recommendations and


SWOT analysis:

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

The RBL has well-arrayed network with 492 branches in rural, semi- urban and urban
areas for rendering services throughout the country.

RBL has reputation and tradition for a long time.

RBL has well acquainted and independent brand

RBL has sound, reliable and extensive deposit base of long duration

RBL has worldwide 163 correspondence arrangement and 22 exchange houses

through which foreign tread transaction and Remittance activities are accomplished

RBL has a huge number of tested customers

Lack of long term business planning

Weaknesses of Credit management

Tangle of a huge number of suits

Defaulted loan for a colossal amount

Blocked loan at interest free rate or nominal rate of interest

Weak automation and lack of application of modern technology

Lack of efficient and experienced officers

Training weaknesses

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Lack of marketing planning

Absence of time suited products

Lack of foreign branches and a limited number of correspondents and exchange


Absences of subject related and specialized (such as CA, lawyer ,IT specialist etc.)

Branch modernization and automation

Introduction of On-line banking and delivery of ATM services

Relocation of branches in commercially important locations

Strengthening of Marketing activities

Introduction of competitive modern banking products

Expansion of local and foreign remittance business through vast branch network

Introduction of mobile banking service

Introduction of merchant banking

Expansion of corporate branches

Expansion of AD branches

Competitive state owned commercial bank

Competition with private & foreign commercial banks working in Bangladesh

Lack of competitive pay & allowances and facilities for the officers /staff.


Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

For improve their performance and remove the problem The Rupali Bank has to do some
thing and these are:
Vast Advertising:
Firstly the bank has to increase their advertisement and also increase their social activities.
So they have to explore their name to the people that everyone can know about The Rupali
Increase Number of Branches:
In this time there is so much competition between each other that a single step can change
the all direction. Todays people are very much willing to do banking, which one is near to
them. So if the number of branches will not increases than it can lose the customer.
Decentralization of the Power:
The authority power should be decentralized according to their rules and responsibility for
the purpose of loan sanction, there is a lot of authority but it should be reduced. The main
authority power should provide the responsible branch manager to reduce the unnecessary
hassle then it will be better for the bank.
Inactive Marketing Team:
RBLs marketing team is not so much active for collecting loan and deposit. And it has a
shortage of marketing people. So more marketing or sales promotion officer is necessary.
Minimize the Disbursement Time:
It takes 15 days, sometimes 1 month also for sanctioning a loan. So it is really a huge time
for a person which creates customer dissatisfaction.
Employee Dissatisfaction and reshape of Salary Structure:
The exits dissatisfaction among the employees. Their promotion is very slow manner so in
future the switching tendency will increase. Employees salary structure is not so much
standard if we compare with The Standard Bank Limited. So their skill employee always is
searching for better offer which will affect the bank performance.


Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Bangladesh is one of the world's most prominent developing nations. The financial service
providing system and banks ability to deliver sound financial services to its constituencies
can have far-reaching implications for the economic development of the nation. Financial
sector of Bangladesh, like most developing countries, is dominated by banking enterprises.
Bank is very old institution that is contributing towards the development of the economy as
well as plays a vital role of financial intermediary of Bangladesh. Bank is treated as an
important service industry in modern world. Credit / Loan constitute the major revenue
earning asset of a Bank. Banks lend mostly depositors money. Credit / Loan able fund having
cost implication and repayment obligations to the depositors have to be managed competently
with minimum possible credit (default) risk. Incidence of Credit Risk may be higher unless
the risk is cared and monitored adequately. Rupali Bank should emphasis more on credit risk
management policy (CRM) as CRM enables banks to proactively manage loan portfolios in
order to minimize losses and earn an acceptable level of return for the shareholders.

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Web Sites-
Annual Report (2011) of Rupali Bank Limited
Annual Report (2010) of Rupali Bank Limited
Bank Management by Dr. A R Khan
Bank Management and Financial Service by Peter S. Rose and
Sylvia C. Hudgins
Accounting Principles by Weygandt, Kieso and Kimmel
Weekly Schedule of RBL

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited



A/C Account

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

B/L Bill of Lading

BB Bangladesh Bank

BIC Bank Identifier Code

BR Branch

C&F Clearing & Forwarding

CC Cash Credit

CCI & E Chief Controller of Import & Export

CFR Cost & Freight

CRF Clean Report Findings

DD Demand Draft

EDF Export Development Fund

EPB Export Promotion Bureau

EPZ Export Processing Zone

ERC Export Registration Certificate

EXP Export Form

FC Foreign Currency

FDD Foreign Demand Draft

FDR Fixed Deposit Receipt

FOB Free On Board

IBCT Inter Branch Credit Transaction

IMP Import Form

IRC Import Registration Certificate

L/C Letter of Credit

LCAF Letter of Credit Authorization Form

LIM Loan against Imported Merchandise

LTR Loan against Trust Receipt

PAD Payment against Document

PO Payment Order

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

PSI Pre Shipment Inspection

SOD Secured Overdraft

STD Short Term Deposit

SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial

TC Travelers Cheque

TIN Tax Identification Number

TR Truck Receipt

TT Telegraphic Transfer

UCPDC Uniform Custom & Practice for Documentary Credit

Rupali Bank Limited

Balance Sheet

As at 31 December 2011
Particulars 31.12.2011(Taka) 31.12.2010(Taka)

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Property And Assets
Cash in hand( including Foreign 1,508,175,263 1,458,862,759
5,870,525,343 6,083,778,114
Balance with Bangladesh Bank and Its
Agent Banks
Balance with Other Banks and Financial
In Bangladesh 5,952,900,9000 2,373,500,000
Outside Bangladesh 546,920,156 315,023,347

Money at Call and Short Notice - 3,200,000,000

Governments 20,330,749,837 13,549,701,995
Others 3,280,403,922 2,167,492,727
Loans and Advances
Loans, Cash credit, Overdrafts, etc/ 71,134,671,704 61,082,086,481
5,390,250,743 4,966,879,658
Bills purchased and discounted
Fixed Assets including premises, furniture 9,671,817,445 9,520,746,146
and fixtures
Other Assets 21,149,896,953 19,969,706,216
Non-Banking Assets - -
TOTAL ASSETS 144,836,311,366 124,687,777,443
Borrowing from other Banks, Financial 1,604,970,053 269,497,245
Institutions and agents

Deposits and Other Accounts

Current and Other accounts 14,852,048,521 14,276,520,569
Bills Payable 1,337,427,170 1,296,682,408

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Savings Bank Deposits 35,178,178,074 33,243,580,223
Fixed Deposits 55,866,300,807 42,306,971,817
Other Deposits - -
Other Liabilities 20,746,595,947 19,143,047,520

TOTAL LIABILITIES 129,585,520,572 110,536,299,782

Paid-up Capital 1,375,000,000 1,250,000,000
Share Premium Account 74,953,800 74,953,800
Statutory Reserve 2,035,092,183 1,535,376,752
General Reserves 1,013,298,170 513,298,170
Retained Earnings 760,041,897 315,146,322
Assets Revaluation Reserves 8,799,356,626 8,914,107,941
Revaluation Reserve for Securities 1,193,048,118 1,213,032,176
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 15,250,790,794 14,151,477,661
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND 144,836,311,366 124,687,777,443

Rupali Bank Limited

Profit and Loss Account

For the period ended as on 31 December 2011

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Particulars Year ended Year ended

31.12.2011 31.12.2010

Interest Income 9,382,331,618 5,552,622,912

Less: Interest Paid on Deposits and Borrowings 5,163,924,073 3,463,821,453

Net Interest Income 4,218,407,545 2,088,801,459

Income from Investments 1,668,240,055 1,762,760,524

Commission, Exchange and Brokerage 803,784,983 549,923,015

Other Operating Income 607,883,837 388,334,037

Total Operating Income 7,298,316,420 4,789,819,035

Salaries and Allowances 2,126,527,566 1,626,272,273

Rent, Taxes, Insurance, Electricity, etc. 167,649,264 144,957,187

Legal Expenses 315,018 2,144,748

Postage, Stamps, Telecommunications, etc. 11,501,373 11,234,992

Stationery, Printing, Advertisement, etc. 47,416,769 36,928,583

Managing Director's salary and benefits 504,360 527,860

Charges on Loan losses - -

Directors' Fees 1,480,000 1,611,000

Auditors' Fee 1,040,000 515,000

Depreciation on Fixed Assets 860,207,041 95,315,199

Other Expenses 478,097,872 423,458,228

Total Operating Expenses 3,694,739,263 2,342,965,070

Profit before Provisions 3,603,577,157 2,446,853,965

Provision for loans and advances - -

Provision for Diminution in value of Investment - -

Other Provisions 1,105,000,000 1,021,125,510

Total Profit before income Tax for the year 2,498,577,157 1,425,728,455

Provision for Income Tax 1,407,266,405 825,436,442

Net Profit after Tax for the year 1,091,310,752 600,292,013

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

Credit and Credit Risk Analysis of Rupali Bank Limited

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