Volume 48, Issue 15, April 14, 2017

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Tillerson urged to publicly condemn who was arrested had to urgently sell their apartment and
property to saved their loved ones. Gay men were also
arrests, secret prisons reportedly forced to leave Chechnya.
Unfortunately, we can conrm that there is kind of a
By MICHAEL K. LAVERS prison next to one Chechen city where homosexual men
mlavers@washblade.com are detained, Svetlana Zakharova of the Russian LGBT
Network told the Washington Blade on April 10 in response
A Russian LGBT advocacy group has conrmed gay men to the Novaya Gazetaarticle.
have been sent to secret prisons that have been described Novaya Gazeta on April 1 reported Chechen authorities
as concentration camps. have arrested more than 100 men in connection with their
Novaya Gazeta, a Russian newspaper, on April non-traditional sexual orientation, or suspicion of such.
4 reported gay men have been sent to the prisons in the The Russian newspaper said at least three of the men who
semi-autonomous Russian republic. It said one of them is were arrested were later killed.
located near Argun, a town that is roughly 12 miles east of The Russian LGBT Network has established a hotline
the Chechen capital of Grozny. that Chechens who feel threatened by the arrests can call
Novaya Gazetasaidauthorities beat the men and tortured anonymously. Zakharova told the Blade her organization
them with electric shocks. has received more than 20 requests for help.
Secretary of State REX TILLERSON arrived
The newspaperpublishedpictures of two men who had The number of requests is growing, she said. We have in Moscow on Tuesday. It was unclear
bruises on their knees and buttocks. Novaya Gazetasaidat already evacuated some people. whether he raised the issue of Chechnyas
imprisonment of gay men with Russian
least three men died inside the prisons. ocials.
The newspaper reported the family of one of the men CONTINUES ON PAGE 14 PHOTO COURTESY OF THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT-ELECT


LGBT presence unlikely as event suers

from understaed White House

The annual White House Easter Egg Roll an event that

has served to enhance LGBT visibility is haphazardly
coming together under President Trump, according to
media reports, and will likely not include an LGBT presence.
Ashley Broadway-Mack, president of the LGBT group
American Military Partner Association, said her organization
has been invited to partake in the celebration since 2012, but
has had no communication with the Trump administration
whatsoever about this years event.
As you can imagine we have many families that were
hoping to attend this event, families from as far as North
Carolina and New Jersey, Broadway-Mack said. As
A scene from last years Easter Egg Roll, which included contingents of LGBT families.
0 2 A PRI L 1 4 , 2 0 17 W A SH I N G T O N BLA D E . CO M

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0 4 A PRI L 1 4 , 2 0 17 LO CA L N E W S

Windsor named grand marshal of Capital Pride Parade

Capital Pride this week announced that Edith Windsor,
whose court case ultimately led to the demise of the
Defense of Marriage Act, would serve as a grand marshal
of this years Pride Parade.
Windsors desire to legally wed her anc, Thea Spyer, GAY Lounge eyes
led to an over 40-year journey culminating with her as April 28 debut in
the lead plainti in the U.S. Supreme Court case United
States v. Windsor, Capital Pride announced in a release. former Louies space
The Windsor decision in 2013 overturned Section 3 of the
Defense of Marriage Act and became the most signicant By STEVE CHARING
ruling in favor of LGBT marriage rights to date.
The parade is planned for Saturday, June 10, at 4:30 p.m. Bucking a trend over the past few years,
in the Dupont and Logan Circle neighborhoods. which has seen the closing of gay bars,
Commitment and marriage are great joys that deserve a gay couple is about to launch a new
to be shared by everyone, Windsor said in a statement. gay establishment in Baltimore. GAY
For me, being a grand marshal at the Pride Parade in the Lounge is set to open on the weekend
nations capital, where the Supreme Court ruled in favor of of April 28-30. The new owners, Joshua
marriage equality, moves me greatly. But theres no time Persing and Robert Gay of Hanover, Md.,
EDITH WINDSOR was named grand marshal of the Capital Pride
to slow down. We must forge ahead. Parade. are condent that it will appeal to LGBT
We are honored to have activist Edie Windsor serve WASHINGTON BLADE FILE PHOTO BY MICHAEL KEY patrons because of its unique identity
as a Capital Pride Parade grand marshal, said Ryan and features.
Bos, executive director of the Capital Pride Alliance. Her The operating hours for the lounge-
contributions to the expansion of LGBT equality and marriage rights are virtually unparalleled. restaurant are slated to be Monday through
STAFF REPORTS Friday, 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. and Saturday and
Sunday 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. It will oer small
plates that will be served from 4 to 9 p.m.,
D.C. surrogacy bill becomes law and then at 9 p.m., GAY Lounge becomes a
dance bar and cocktail lounge.
After four years in the making, a bill ending D.C.s longstanding criminalization of surrogacy parenting and establishing a We have always had a passion for the
legal framework for surrogacy agreements became law on April 7 upon completion of a required congressional review. food and beverage industry and had been
The D.C. City Council gave nal approval of the legislation, the Collaborative Reproduction Amendment Act of 2015, last looking to acquire a space for quite some
December. An earlier version of the bill had been introduced in 2013 and a revised version in 2015 became stalled in the time, Persing told the Blade. With the
Councils Judiciary Committee until the committee released the bill to the full Council last November. recent closing of the Baltimore Hippo, we
Under the citys antiquated surrogacy law that the new law replaces, all parties to surrogacy agreements that are legal in felt that it was the perfect time to bring
nearly every state were subject to a ne of up to $10,000 and a one-year prison sentence. the community another option, but with
LGBT rights organizations were part of a coalition of civil liberties and reproductive rights organizations and advocates that a chic, eclectic, West Coast feel.
urged the Council to pass the new law. Located at 518 North Charles Street
The District has a track record of being a national leader in providing equal rights for all its residents, said Diane Hinson, between Baltimores downtown area and
owner and founder of Creative Family Connections LLC, a Chevy Chase, Md., based law rm that provides surrogacy related the Mount Vernon neighborhood, GAY
services. Lounge will inhabit the building in which the
It was one of the rst jurisdictions to permit same-sex couples to marry, she said. Yet its antiquated surrogacy law has old Louies Bookstore and other succeeding
impeded their ability to have children. businesses were located. The building was
The D.C. law establishes guidelines for parents and surrogates to enter into surrogacy agreements and spells out how those constructed in the early 1900s, says Persing,
seeking to become parents, including gay male couples, should establish their parental rights. and features soaring 17-foot ceilings,
It is a great day for reproductive rights that the nations capital now allows all parents to build their families through ornate Corinthian columns, a replace
surrogacy, Hinson told the Blade in an email. Its a good day for surrogacy in general and for rights in general and for LGBT mantel in bas-relief, and a mezzanine level
reproductive rights in particular. with a lofty view of the space.
LOU CHIBBARO JR. Grand opening weekend will feature
New York-based drag performer Sherry
Vine on April 28, and Baltimore DJ Ryan
Hopkins to resume gender reassignment surgeries Doubleyou will be spinning. On April 29,
DJ Ryan Doubleyou will be spinning, and
In a little-noticed development, Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore disclosed last July that it would open a new Center for on April 30, GAY Lounge will kick o its
Transgender Health and will resume performing gender reassignment surgeries after a 38-year hiatus. rst drag brunch from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The Washington Post reported that the hospital announced its decision to resume the surgeries in a section of its health with an afternoon tea dance to follow.
systems website last July and again in October, with few people outside the hospitals sta and top ocials noticing it. Co-owner Joshua Persing is enthusiastic
We will wait until we are fully staed and ocially open, probably this summer, before we plan any proactive outreach on about GAY Lounge and its potential
the new Center for Transgender Health, Kim Hoppe, director of Public Relations and Corporate Communications of Johns popularity.
Hopkins Medicine told the Washington Blade in an email. With its chic, eclectic style, the
The Post reported it learned through hospital sources that the new transgender health services would involve 25 to 30 promotion of talent from across the
professionals across a number of departments, including plastic surgery, urology, endocrinology, nursing, and social work. U.S., our decadent small plates, brunch,
It said the surgeries would take place at the hospital and possibly at some of Johns Hopkins satellite centers. and cocktail menu, and the amazing
McHugh, a psychiatrist, cited studies in the late 1960s, now considered faulty and based on assumptions not supported artistry that will be showcased at our
by sucient data that claimed transgender people suered from mental illness and operations to change their gender drag shows and drag brunch, we feel that
supposedly led in some cases to severe depression and suicide. GAY will stand out as an icon within the
In a letter posted on its website last July and October, Johns Hopkins Hospital stated it holds strong and unambiguous community, he says.
support for the LGBT community, according to the Post story. For more information, visit https://
LOU CHIBBARO JR. www.g-a-ybaltimore.com/ or email
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0 6 A PRI L 1 4 , 2 0 17 NATIONAL NEWS

LGBT groups seek to derail Army nominee over anti-trans views

Green urged civil obedience Trump would seek to put this man in
charge of the U.S. Army.
on same-sex marriage Under President Obamas leadership,
we nally ended policies that forced
By CHRIS JOHNSON service members, their partners, and
cjohnson@washblade.com families to hide who they are and treated
them as second class citizens, Peters said.
President Trumps nomination of an There are thousands upon thousands of
Army secretary who as a Tennessee us who fought this injustice so that we
state legislator spearheaded legislation could serve openly today and who are
allowing businesses to discriminate now threatened by the appointment of a
against LGBT people has inspired LGBT man who has spent his career working to
advocates to launch a campaign to thwart undermine our rights.
his conrmation. In contrast to Green, his predecessor
LGBT rights supporters announcedtheir for the position during the Obama
opposition to Mark Green on Friday after administration, Eric Fanning, was the rst
the White House ocially announced openly gay person conrmed as head of a
Trumps intent to nominatehim as civilian LGBT advocates are trying to derail the nomination of Tennessee state Sen. MARK GREEN as military service and the rst senior defense
Army secretary.
head of the U.S. Army. ocial to come out in support of lifting the
Green is the CEO of Align MD, now-terminated ban on openly transgender
an emergency department stang people in the U.S. armed forces.
company. As a West Point graduate and career out of targeting LGBT people for transgender kids have access to the Aaron Belkin, director of the San
Iraq war veteran, he had a distinguished discrimination. All soldiers and their restroom consistent with their gender Francisco-based Palm Center, predicted
career as a military ocer, according to families, including those who are LGBT, identity, which the Trump administration in a statement that the conrmation of
the bio provided by the White House. should have condence that the Secretary has since repealed, calling it absurd Green would lead to the restoration of
His military awards include the Bronze of the Army has their back and is working and an example of over-reaching the ban on openly gay personnel in the
Star, the Air Medal, the Air Medal with V for their best interest. Unfortunately, government. A letter Green co-signed U.S. military.
device for valor under heavy enemy re, based on his vicious, anti-LGBT record, urging the Tennessee governor to sue the Mark Green is a perfect nominee for the
and numerous other medals for service. Mark Green cannot be trusted to ensure Obama administration over this guidance people around President Trump who want
During Operation Red Dawn, the all those who serve have the support they compares transgender people to rapists to start a culture war in the United States
military operation that captured Saddam need and deserve. and pedophiles. military, and who would bring back Dont
Hussein, Green served as ight surgeon In an article for Slate, Nathaniel Contrary to Greens remarks, being Ask, Dont Tell, Belkin said. The priorities
for special operations, sitting with the Frank, a bisexual writer whose research transgender is not a disease. In 2012, Green has made a career on in Tennessee
Iraqi leader for 24 hours and interrogating helped pave the way for Dont Ask, the American Psychological Association directly contradict the core military value
him for six hours after his capture. Green Dont Tell repeal and open transgender removed gender identity disorder from of treating everyone according to the
recounted this experience in a book titled service in the U.S. military, called Green DSM-5s list of mental disorders, replacing it same standard. They have the potential of
A Night With Saddam. a dangerous gure both because his with gender dysphoria. There is no DSM-6. sowing confusion and undermining good
But as a state legislator, Green policies are extreme and because he is Also during the event, Green said hed order and discipline.
spearheaded anti-transgender bathroom shrewd at portraying them as moderate. encourage state ocials to disregard It should be noted that Defense
legislation. Last month, the Tennessee He works in lockstep with social through acts of civil disobedience the Secretary Gen. Jim Mattis said during
Senate approved the legislation by a 25-5 conservatives who have learned in recent U.S. Supreme Courts decision in favor of testimony prior to his conrmation as
vote, sending it to the House, where it years to avoid both the wrath of the public same-sex marriage nationwide. Pentagon chief that he has no intention
remains under consideration. and the jaws of justice using Orwellian The governor can do stu like that, no of restoring bans on open military service
Other anti-LGBT measures Green word games to invert their bigotry by were not going to issue marriage licenses for LGBT people and never cared much
has supported include a bill that would casting themselves as victims instead of to gay people because our state voted about two consenting adults and who
bar transgender students from using discriminators, Frank said. dierently, Green said. OK, Supreme Court, they go to bed with.
public restroomsin schools and colleges During a town hall event in Tennessee you said it. I dont care. Ill back you up. The defeat of Green would send a
consistent with their gender identity and before the Chattanooga Tea Party last Chad Grin, president of the Human strong signal that supporting initiatives
a religious freedom bill that would allow year, Green responded to concerns Rights Campaign, said in a statement the aimed at undermining transgender rights
teachers to opt out of teaching anything about the perceived institution of a social conrmation of Green as Army secretary would derail the future of those seeking to
thats not consistent with the educators agenda on the U.S. military by equating would be a danger to every LGBTQ advance their political careers, potentially
own conscience. being transgender to a medical disorder. soldier bravely serving our country. discouraging anti-trans proposals like the
Green also backed a religious If you poll the psychiatrists, theyre Mark Green has called for states to Tennessee bathroom bill.
freedom measure, signed into law last going to tell you that transgender is a refuse to issue marriage licenses to same- Thwarting the conrmation of Green
year by Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam, that disease, Green said. It is a part of the sex couples and appallingly said that will be an uphill battle. Assuming the
would allow mental health practitioners DSM-6, I think it is, the book of diagnostic being transgender is a disease, Grin Democratic caucus is united in opposition
to refuse treatment for LGBT patients out psychological procedures or diagnoses. said. He has used his oce in Tennessee to him, which seems unlikely given Sen.
of religious objections. Referencing the questioners concerns to push license to discriminate legislation Joe Manchins (W.Va.) general willingness
Amid media reports Trump would about going back in the U.S. military, and undermine the basic civil rights of to accept nominees, at least three
tap Green as Army secretary, the LGBT Green said to applause it would constitute LGBTQ people at every turn. It would be Republicans would have to vote against
military group known as the American me being the salt and the light to the unconscionable to put this man in charge his conrmation to derail it. The most
Military Partners Association issued a people around me. of our Army. We call on every U.S. senator likely Republicans would be supporters
statement condemning the choice based If you really want to bring this back to stand up for LGBTQ service members of LGBT rights like Susan Collins (Maine),
on his anti-trans actions. to whos at fault, I mean, we got to look and reject this nomination. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Rob
We are deeply concerned over reports a little bit inwardly, Green said. I mean, Also condemning the nomination was Portman (R-Ohio).
that Mark Green will be nominated weve tolerated immorality, and were not Stephen Peters, press secretary for the The White House didnt respond to the
as Secretary of the Army, said AMPA reecting light. Human Rights Campaign, who said as Washington Blades request to comment
President Ashley Broadway-Mack. Green during the same event railed a Marine discharged under Dont Ask, on concerns from LGBT rights supporters
Green has made a shameful political against the Obama-era guidance assuring Dont Tell hes appalled that Donald about the Green nomination.

NATIONAL NEWS A P RI L 1 4 , 2 0 1 7 0 7

Senate Dems blast HHS appointees bigoted statements

Severino opposed under Section 1557 of the Aordable religious freedom, Severino wrote.
Care Act, which bars discrimination on The letter from Senate Democrats also
trans health care the basis of sex, Severino wrote the rule takes issue with Severinos support for Kim
would create special privileges based on Davis, the clerk in Rowan County, Ky., who
By CHRIS JOHNSON gender identity. instituted a no licenses policy in her oce
cjohnson@washblade.com Because the regulation ensures after the U.S. Supreme Court issued an
transgender people access to gender order granting same-sex couples the right
A group of a dozen Senate Democrats reassignment surgery, he wrote it to obtain marriage licenses nationwide.
is calling on the Department of Health would force doctors to perform sex- In addition to citing concerns about
& Human Services to answer questions reassignment surgeries, erroneously Severinos writings on LGBT people,
about deep concerns they have with suggesting it would require doctors Senate Democrats also raised concerns
the appointment of Roger Severino as to perform the procedure even when about his opposition to access to abortion.
assistant secretary for civil rights, citing medically unnecessary. Severino, as the letter notes, objected
bigoted statements he made against It should be noted U.S. Judge Reed to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling against
LGBT people. OConnor issued an injunction in a Texas anti-abortion law and accused
In a two-page letter obtained by December barring the U.S. government Planned Parenthood of every trick in the
the Washington Blade, the 12 Senate ROGER SEVERINO was appointed assistant from enforcing the regulation, which book to get federal money by trying to
Democrats say past statements Severino secretary of human rights at HHS. not only barred discrimination against pretend that its core business is anything
made against LGBT people, including PHOTO COURTESY OF C-SPAN transgender people, but also women but industrial-scale abortion.
about transgender peoples access to who have had abortions. The U.S. Justice As a result of Severinos appointment
transition-related care, as well as his Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Je Merkley (D-Ore.) Department missed a deadline under U.S. and past writings, the Senate Democrats
comments against Planned Parenthood and Tim Kaine (D-Va.). Attorney General Je Sessions to appeal ask HHS to respond to four questions
and womens access to abortion raise Upon news that Severino who until that decision to the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court about his appointment by a deadline of
serious questions about his ability to recently was an analyst and blogger with of Appeals. April 21:
oversee the Oce of Civil Rights. the anti-LGBT Heritage Foundation had As cited in the letter, Severino also 1. How does the Department plan
Mr. Severino has a long history of landed an appointment as HHS assistant came out in opposition to the lawsuit led to promote a diverse and inclusive
making bigoted statements toward lesbian, secretary for civil rights, LGBT rights by former U.S. Attorney General Loretta workforce free of prejudice or malice?
gay, bisexual, and transgender people supporters denounced the move as Lynch against North Carolinas House Bill 2. What are the Departments vetting
and attacking womens access to health tantamount to appointing the proverbial 2, which barred cities from enacting pro- procedures for political appointees?
care services and reproductive rights, the fox to guard a henhouse. LGBT ordinances and transgender people 3. What are the Departments plans
letter says. His appointment raises deep In the role, Severino is charged with from using the restroom in bathroom and to handle reports of inappropriate
concerns about the employment decisions defending the civil rights of Americans in government buildings consistent with communications or behavior from sta?
and hiring practices being established by health care, including transgender people. their gender identity. (A replacement law 4. Will Mr. Severino, as well as any other
the Trump Administration. But at the Heritage Foundation, Severino signed by North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, department appointee who has worked
Signing the letter are Sens. Patty wrote blog posts demeaning transgender a Democrat, keeps certain elements of the against the ACAs nondiscrimination
Murray (D-Wash.), Tammy Baldwin people and opposing the Obama discriminatory measure in place.) protections, be asked to recuse him- or
(D-Wis.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), administrations eorts to ensure they The radical left is using government herself from any decisions related to the
Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Cory have access to transition-related care. power to coerce everyone, including enforcement of Section 1557?
Booker (D-N.J.), Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), After the Obama administration issued children, into pledging allegiance to a The Washington Blade has placed a
Edward Markey (D-Mass.), Bernie Sanders a regulation ensuring non-discrimination radical new gender ideology over and request with HHS seeking comment on
(I-Vt.), Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Sheldon in health care for transgender people above their right to privacy, safety, and the Senate Democrats letter.

Spicer apologizes for insensitive remarks on Holocaust

Pelosi, others call survivors who were oended by the terrible atrocities that they did. To drag despite the apology.
remarks, Spicer said it was for clearly, any other comparison into this was not Cicilline, whos Jewish, said in a
for his resignation anybody, who not just suered in the appropriate, Spicer. statement Spicers comments on the
Holocaust, or is a descendant of anybody, Spicer made the remarks during the Holocaust are consistent with the anti-
By CHRIS JOHNSON but frankly, anybody who was oended White House news brieng hours earlier, Semitic reputations of other senior
cjohnson@washblade.com by those comments. saying even Hitler didnt stoop to using administration ocials, such as White
Im not in any way standing by them, chemical weapons during the Holocaust. House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon.
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer added. I was trying to draw a His remarks ignored the internment of Donald Trumps White House does not
Spicer apologized Tuesday for what comparison for which there shouldnt Jewish people in concentration camps, get the benet of the doubt when it comes
he said were insensitive remarks have been one. It was insensitive and where they were often murdered in to anti-Semitism, Cicilline said. Steve
suggesting Adolf Hitler didnt gas Jewish inappropriate, so Im not looking to gas chambers. An estimated 3.3 million Bannon made his name running a website
people during the Holocaust amid calls quantify this in any way. Jewish people died during the Holocaust. that tracked in anti-Semitism and
for his ouster. Recalling he made the erroneous remarks The remarks triggered criticism of racism. Seb Gorka has a history of working
Frankly, I mistakenly used an during the White House news brieng when the White House, which is already with anti-Semitic groups and individuals.
inappropriate and insensitive reference to making the case for the horric nature of beleaguered by accusations of anti- And today, Sean Spicer made despicable,
the Holocaust, for which, frankly, there is no Bashar al-Assads chemical attacks in Syria, Semitism. Calls for Spicers ouster came ignorant remarks about the Holocaust and
comparison, Spicer said on CNN. For that, Spicer said he regrets not staying focused from Democrats like gay lawmaker Rep. Adolf Hitler. Enough is enough.
I apologize. It was a mistake to do that. on the issue at hand. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) and House Minority Cicilline concluded the time has come
Asked by CNN host Wolf Blitzer to I should have stayed focused on the Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). Richard for some real accountability at the White
whom Spicer believed he was directing Assad regime and the dangers that they Luchette, a Cicilline spokesperson, said House, and that accountability should
the apology, referencing Holocaust had brought to their own people, and the his boss still thinks Spicer should resign start with Sean Spicers resignation.

NATIONAL NEWS A P RI L 1 4 , 2 0 1 7 1 1

California continues travel ban to North Carolina

Critics blast compromise
on HB2 repeal measure


The City of Los Angeles and the state of

California are not impressed with North
When North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper
signed a repeal ofHouse Bill 2, a measure
that, among other things, required people
using public bathrooms to use the facility
that corresponds to the gender assigned North Carolina Gov. ROY COOPER has been
criticized for signing an HB2 replacement
on their birth certicate, he signed a new that retains some of the original laws worst
law, House Bill 142 that retains many of elements.
the worst provisions of HB 2, including a WASHINGTON BLADE FILE PHOTO BY MICHAEL K. LAVERS

ban on local anti-discrimination laws.

The new law, HB 142, was immediately
denounced by activists, state and local
governments nationwide as a draconian signed last week by Governor Cooper does sure that Angelenos tax dollars are never District) and Mitch OFarrell (13th
compromise. nothing to protect the rights and dignity spent to support bigotry based on sexual District) introduced the motion. We are
It doesnt matter if you are a Democrat or of our LGBTQ brothers and sisters. Cities orientation and gender identity. supposed to be crusaders for social action
a Republican, if you vote for this bill (HB 142), should have every opportunity to make Following Garcettis lead, three members and social justice for all, not just the select
you are not a friend of the LGBT community, policies that arm values of equal justice, of Los Angeles City Council on Friday few, Kortez said in a statement.
Equality North Carolina executive director protect people from hate and bias, and introduced a motion that would prevent Garcetti hopes the City Council will
Chris Sgro said in a statement. uphold the Constitutional right to self- the City of Los Angeles from conducting leave the ban in place and prevent ocial
Cooper was elected in November calling determination. Until that is made real in business with the state of North Carolina. City business from being conducted with
for repeal of HB 2, which was enacted by North Carolina, I urge the City Council to I am outraged and quite frankly the state until the bill that replaced HB 2,
Republican Gov. Pat McCrory, whom he extend L.A.s ban on non-essential travel ashamed of the state legislators in HB 142 is overturned.
defeated. This is not a perfect deal, and to the state by City employees. I would North Carolina, said Councilman Paul City Council is expected to vote on the
this is not my preferred solution, he said. sign that ban right away, and will continue Koretz (5th District), who, along with motion when it returns from recess on
James Esseks, who is director of the doing everything in my power to make Councilmembers Mike Bonin (11th Wednesday, April 19.
ACLU LGBT Project, said lawmakers
should be ashamed of this backroom
deal. This is not a repeal of HB 2. Instead,
theyre reinforcing the worst aspects of
the law, he said in a statement.
The compromise was instantly met
Va. Senate fails to override
with vows from a number of local and
state governments to continue existing
religious freedom veto
bans against conducting government
business with the North Carolina: Atlanta; The Virginia Senate last week failed to override Gov. Terry
Baltimore; West Palm Beach; Minnesota; McAulies veto of a religious freedom bill that critics contend
New York City; Washington, DC; San would have allowed discrimination against same-sex couples.
Francisco; Seattle; Portland, OR; Los Senate Bill 1324, which state Sen. Charles Carrico (R-Galax)
Angeles; Oakland; Santa Fe; Cincinnati; introduced, would not have required any person or religious
Salt Lake City; Palm Springs, CA; Portland, institution to participate in the solemnization of any marriage
ME and Wilton Manors, FL. that conicts with a sincerely held religious belief or moral
The California banon public-funded travel conviction that marriage is or should be recognized as the
to North Carolina and three other states union of one man and one woman. The measure would
applies as long as laws remain in eect that have also prohibited state ocials from punishing people
allow exemptions to anti-discrimination and organizations that refuse to take part in a gay or lesbian
measures protecting LGBT people. wedding because of their religious beliefs.
State Assemblymember Evan State Del. Nick Freitas (R-Culpeper) introduced an identical Gov. TERRY MCAULIFFE vetoed a so-called religious freedom
bill in Virginia.
Low, writing for The Advocate, says bill in the Virginia House of Delegates.
Californias ban will continue.There has This is another piece of legislation that is discriminatory,
been a recent wave of anti-LGBT laws and said McAulie after he vetoed SB 1324 on March 23.
under the current administration, more Twenty-seven votes were needed to override McAulies veto.
lawmakers may be emboldened to pass Senators by a 20-20 vote margin sustained McAulies veto. They sustained it for a second time by a 21-19 vote margin.
so-called religious freedom laws of their The state Senate in 2016 failed to override McAulies veto of a similar bill.
own. We must continue to place pressure Wednesdays vote took ve days after McAulie spoke at Equality Virginias annual Commonwealth Dinner that took place
on states that codify discrimination and in Richmond.
hold them accountable when they try to North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper on March 31 signed a House Bill 2 repeal bill that LGBT rights advocates have sharply
skirt the consequences, he said. criticized. McAulie and Lieutenant Gov. Ralph Northam have sharply criticized HB 2, which has had a signicant impact on
In Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti, in a North Carolinas economy.
statement, said Every American deserves MICHAEL K. LAVERS
to live free of discrimination, and the law

1 2 A PRI L 1 4 , 2 0 17 I N T E RN A T I O N A L N E W S

Gay men in Indonesias Aceh face 100 lashes

Sharia police in Indonesias Aceh province on March 29 arrested two men for having sex.
The men, aged 23 and 30, will each receive 100 lashes under sharia law.
Though Indonesia is a majority Muslim country, Aceh is the only region to practice sharia
law, having adopted it two years ago after being given the right to govern itself back in 2005.
Speaking to the Washington Blade, Kyle Knight, a researcher for Human Rights Watchs
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights Program, described the complex legal
architecture that allows Aceh ocials to implement sharia law.
These legal systems operate in a clear hierarchy; the Indonesian constitution is the highest
source of authority, followed by laws enacted at the national level, followed by general and
sharia laws enacted at the provincial and district levels in Aceh, followed by customary laws,
said Knight.
But with a constitution that protects freedom of expression and association, Knight said
the central government in Jakarta has an obligation to uphold those protections for all
Indonesians, including LGBT people in Aceh.
Grace Poore, coordinator of OutRight Action Internationals Asia Regional Program, agrees.
The central government of Indonesia should enforce its own directive to Aceh that
sharia law is to be implemented within the framework of the Indonesian national legal
system, Poore told the Blade.
SHERLYN MONTOYA was found dead in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, on April 4, 2017. Her 2016 saw the Indonesian government crackdown on LGBT rights with a wave of state-
case highlights the violence that transgender people face in the Central American sponsored homophobia.
Instead of slurring LGBT people like they did throughout 2016, government ocials should
make and uphold public pledges to protect all Indonesians from violence and discrimination,
said Knight, adding the government is appealing to populist intolerance.

Trans activist murdered

Various Indonesian government ministries have dissuaded human rights, good governance
advocates from raising LGBT rights or any issues related to LGBT groups because these are

in Honduras considered too sensitive and controversial, Poore told the Blade.
Indonesian President Joko Widodo told BBC Indonesia in October 2016 there should be no
discrimination against anyone.
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras A transgender activist was found dead in a small Intervening to stop the public ogging of these two men would demonstrate a genuine
alley in the Smith neighborhood in the northern part of the Honduran capital of commitment, said Knight, who feels that the presidents support has been all talk, no action.
Tegucigalpa on April 4. The mens arrest was a result of them being lmed in their own home by neighbors who
The body of Sherlyn Montoya, 29, was found wrapped in sacks and showed promptly reported them. Poore points out these attitudes and behaviors are no longer
signs of strangulation. Local residents found her body and told authorities that isolated to Aceh.
she was a transsexual. As in Aceh, these other regional regulations also encourage community surveillance,
Montoya had been missing since midnight on April 2. Her disappearance was vigilantism, and intrusions in the private lives of anyone who is or perceived to be in a same
only reported on social media by Grupo de Mujeres Transexuales (Muecas sex relationship, she said.
Arcoris), an organization for which Montoya was a volunteer. The dierence is that Aceh is the only province that clearly states that its laws are based
A number of Honduran LGBT advocacy groups Asociacin LGTB Arcoris de on sharia, added Poore. The other regions have stopped short of saying they impose sharia
Honduras, Grupo de Mujeres Transexuales (Muecas Arcoris), Grupo Lsbico but they too criminalize adult consensual same sex relations and all intimate relationships
Bisexual LITOS and Grupo de Hombres Transexuales (Muecos Arcoris) in outside heterosexual marriage.
a press release publicly denounced attacks that continue to take place against MAXIMILIAN SYCAMORE
Honduras lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and intersex communities. The
groups at the same time also denounced local authorities and the Honduran
government for the lack of interest in revolving these cases. Puerto Rico trans birth certicate policy challenged
They not only took the life of a young woman who did not have a name,
but also left behind an elderly mother and three nieces who she supported, A federal lawsuit that Lambda Legal led last week urges Puerto Rico to allow
Asociacin LGTB Arcoris General Coordinator Donny Reyes told the Washington transgender people to change the gender marker on their birth certicates.
Blade. Defending life is hard for someone who is an activist as we do it alone and Lambda Legal notes in the lawsuit it led on behalf of four trans Puerto Ricans and
alone with the burden of stigmatizing discrimination and hatred towards us. Puerto Rico Para Tod@s, a local advocacy group, on April 6 that 46 out of 50 states allow
Members of the LGBTI community have been victims of homicides, trans people to change the gender marker on their birth certicates.
harassment, abuse of power, death threats and interfamily violence in recent The U.S. commonwealth allows trans people to change the gender marker on their
years, according to dierent human rights organizations. drivers license. Lambda Legal in its lawsuit says Puerto Ricos birth certicate policy,
What is happening in Honduras still does not have a name; it is simply savagery which the Puerto Rico Supreme Court decreed in 2005, is not supported by any
in the extreme expression of evil and lack of respect for life, said Reyes. And this compelling, important or even legitimate government interest.
is based in three elements. 1) Religious fundamentalism in the name of God that Puerto Ricos policy categorically barring transgender people from correcting the
comes from the pulpits and urges governments to discriminate and (promote) gender marker on their birth certicates establishes a barrier to the full engagement in
hate against LGTB people. 2) The press that contributes and promotes this hate society by transgender people and subjects transgender people to invasions of privacy,
and 3) Last but not least the state itself by not, at the very least, taking positive prejudice, discrimination, humiliation, harassment, stigma and even violence, reads
actions to punish all of those who commit these terrible crimes. the lawsuit. For transgender people who suer from gender dysphoria, being denied
LGBTI organizations in Honduras say that more than 240 people from the the ability to correct the gender marker on their birth certicates interferes with their
LGBTI community have been murdered since 2008. They say 95 percent of these medical treatment and may increase their dysphoria and distress.
cases have taken place with impunity. Two of the plaintis Joanna Cifredo and Victoria Rodrguez Roldn live in D.C.
Activists say Montoyas case will become one more that will be added to list of Rodrguez, who is the director of the National LGBTQ Task Forces Trans Justice
murders that have happened in the country with impunity. Project, told the Washington Blade on Friday during a telephone interview that she had
Local authorities say an average of 12 murders take place in Honduras each to make all sorts of ad hoc arrangements with professors (at the University of Maine
day. Activists say this statistic is indicative of the terrible problem of violence School of Law) to make sure I wasnt being outed. Rodrguez also said she had to use
throughout Central America. her passport while traveling between Puerto Rico and the U.S. mainland because the
ERNESTO VALLE gender marker on her drivers license was male.
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1 4 A PRI L 1 4 , 2 0 17 NEWS

3 gays killed, 100 imprisoned in Chechnya: report

Tajani on April 6 described the arrests as very Our government will continue to
worrying. Canadian MP Randy Boissonnault, monitor this situation carefully, he
who advises Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in another tweet. The #LGBTQ2
on LGBT and intersex issues, on Tuesday said community in Chechnya can count on
on Twitter that Canadians are concerned by Canadas strong support.
recent allegations of human rights violations British politicians have urged
happening in Chechnya. Prime Minister Theresa May and her
Our government and I share that government to publicly condemn the gay
concern, tweeted Boissonnault. Chechen mens arrests.

Chechnyas leader is a close ally of Russian President VLADIMIR PUTIN.


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 01 ensure the release of anyone wrongfully

detained, conduct an independent and
credible investigation into these, reports
and hold any perpetrators responsible.
State Dept.: The State Department as of deadline
arrests troubling had not publicly commented on the
secret prisons.
JOCQUES LECLAIR operated Proud Bookstore since 2007.
A spokesperson for the Russian PHOTO COURTESY OF LECLAIR
government has said the arrests are a
question of law enforcement agencies. Ali
Europeans condemn arrests
Karimov, a spokesperson for Chechnyas
leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, told a Russian Secretary of State Rex Tillerson arrived Rehoboths Proud Bookstore to close
government news agency in a statement in Moscow on Tuesday.
that it is impossible to prosecute those Tillerson met with Russian Foreign
who are not in the republic. Minister Sergey Lavrov and other
Beach town loses another LGBT business
If such people existed in Chechnya, ocials on Wednesday. The Human
law enforcement would not have to worry Rights Campaign and Human Rights First By PETER SCHOTT
about them, as their own relatives would have urged Tillerson to discuss the gay
have sent them to where they could never Chechens arrest while in Moscow. Proud Bookstore, one of the last remaining LGBT bookstores in the U.S. is
return, said Karimov. He should publicly demand that closing April 17, according to its owner, Jocques LeClair.
Kadyrov is a close ally of Russian the Russian government bring the LeClair, who has operated the popular store since 2007, shortly after the
President Vladimir Putin. perpetrators of these horric acts to closing of Lambda Risings Rehoboth store, where he served as manager, is
The State Department last justice, wrote Human Rights First in an moving back to his original hometown of Gettysburg, Pa., to be close to his
week described the arrests as email it sent to supporters on April 10. children and grandchildren. Lambda Rising had its main store on Connecticut
troubling in a statement it sent to GLAAD President Sarah Kate Ellis this Avenue in D.C. for many years.
the Blade. It also urged the Russian week asked U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. He felt that his store was a welcoming place and that he helped a lot of
government to investigate them. Nikki Haley to publicly condemn the gay questioning youth and helped their parents understand more about LGBT issues.
We are increasingly concerned about Chechen mens arrests and the prisons According to LeClair, Proud provided a safe haven for young LGBT people
the situation in the Republic of Chechnya, into which they have been detained. The store also provided a venue for local artists to sell their work, and he
where there have been numerous It is beyond horric for a country provided opportunities for many local and some national authors to promote
credible reports indicating the detention to proactively target, arrest and their books. Richard Barnett, a local author who had readings of his books at
of at least 100 men on the basis of abuse LGBTQ people, said Ellis in a Proud, said, Jocques was always willing to lend a hand and help gay authors
their sexual orientation, said Acting statement she released on April 11. U.S. promote their work. As a gay writer, I always felt Proud was sort of a home, a
Spokesperson Mark Toner in a statement Ambassador Nikki Haley must condemn living link to our LGBT history, and an asset to Rehoboth. Well miss him.
that he released on April 7. Some reports this humanitarian crisis. As the leader of Another local author, Fay Jacobs, commented that, Proud Books has been
indicate many of those arrested have the free world, we cant watch in silence so important to residents and visitors, not to mention their support for me and
been tortured, in some cases leading to as the world slips back to an era we other local writers.
death. We categorically condemn the should never go back to. Although LeClair hoped he could sell his business to another party interested
persecution of individuals based on their A spokesperson for the U.S. Mission in selling LGBT items as has been done in Rehoboth since the late 80s, both
sexual orientation or any other basis. to the U.N. referred the Blade to the he and Jacobs acknowledge that despite Rehoboth Beach being a destination
We are deeply disturbed by recent statement that Toner released on April 7. for LGBT individuals the need for specic LGBT venues has diminished. Prouds
public statements by Chechen authorities We obviously support it, said the closure follows the recent closing of the Double L gay bar in Rehoboth.
that condone and incite violence against spokesperson in an email. Jacobs, however, predicted that Browseabout Books on Rehoboth Avenue,
LGBTI persons, he added. We urge The spokesperson did not refer to the which has hosted book signings for LGBT authors for years, would increase its
Russian federal authorities to speak prisons. oerings of LGBT books.
out against such practices, take steps to European Parliament President Antonio

N A T IO NA L NEW S A P RI L 1 4 , 2 0 1 7 1 5

LGBT presence unlikely at Trumps Easter Egg Roll


someone who attended the Easter Egg

Roll with my own children, its extremely
disappointing an invitation was not given
to LGBT military families. This is such a
wonderful experience for all children.
I truly hope our families were not
intentionally ignored. The Easter Egg Roll
is about kids, not political agendas.
According to a report in the New York
Times, the event hampered by an
understaed Oce of the First Lady
because Melania Trump continues to
reside in New York City has become
a quickly thrown-together aair
expected to draw 20,000 people, which
is substantially less than the 37,000
attendees last year.
The lax approach to the event, set to
take place Monday, is the result of a late
start in planning that didnt get underway
untilMarch. As a result, the Times expects
half as many guests, a fraction of the
number of volunteers to manage the
invasion of the South Lawn, and military
bands in place of A-list entertainers
like Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, Idina
Menzel and Silent who have performed
for Egg Rolls past.
According to the Times, the White
House has ordered 40,000 of the PRESIDENT OBAMAs Easter Egg Roll events featured LGBT-headed families as well as related protests.
commemorative eggs about half of WASHINGTON BLADE FILE PHOTO BY MICHAEL KEY

the roughly 85,000 ordered in 2016

with 18,000 to be given away at the didnt immediately know the number of letter to Obama, I wish I could spend the The proceeds from selling the eggs
Easter Egg Roll and another 22,000 people whod attend the event. night sometime in your big house. were intended to go toward PBS and the
available for sale. The Times quoted Weve done extensive community The White House didnt respond National Endowment for the Arts, two
Lara Kline, vice president for marketing outreach to really bring a lot of the school to the Washington Blades request organizations slated for cuts in Trumps
and communications at the White children and from the area in, and its for comment Wednesday on how the budget proposal. More than $13,000 was
House Historical Association, as saying going to be a great day, Spicer said. Trump administration intends to capture raised as of Monday.
the small number is due to the limited One question about the event is an LGBT presence at this years Egg Roll. Stan Sloan, CEO of the Family Equality
manufacturing window for this years whether Spicer, who took part in the In addition to serving as a vehicle for Council, had members whoalso attended
Easter Egg Roll. event wearing a bunny suit during the LGBT visibility, the Easter Egg Roll has also the event to demonstrate LGBT visibility
The Times reported members George W. Bush administration as an aide been the site even during the Obama most notably in 2006 as Bush pushed a
of Congress havent received to the Oce of the United States Trade years for protests in favor of LGBT rights. nationwide ban on same-sex marriage
information from the White House Representative, will do so again this year. In 2012, Jarrod Scarbrough, a gay Florida but has received no communication from
about whether they will obtain tickets to Because of the events emphasis on activist, coordinated a demonstration to the White House this year on including
distribute to their constituents. One aide family, the Easter Egg Roll in years past demand Obama sign an executive order LGBT families inthe event.
to a Republican lawmaker is quoted as has served as a vehicle to promote LGBT barring anti-LGBT workplace discrimination We have no indication that this is
saying White House ocials seem to be families and their children at times when among federal contractors. Obama signed intended as a deliberate move to exclude
a bit behind schedule. relationship recognition was threatened the order in 2014. members of the LGBTQ community
White House Press Secretary Sean by eorts to ban same-sex marriage or It remains to be seen if any LGBT- rather we feel this simply reects recent
Spicer, in the same news conference progressing as litigation seeking marriage related protests will take place this year media reports of an understaed White
where he triggered an outcry for equality proceeded through the courts. either at the Easter Egg Roll or nearby. House, Sloan said.
suggesting Adolf Hitler didnt use gas Last year, during Obamas nal year in The Washington Post proled English Pointing to the New York Times report
attacks to kill Jewish people in the oce, among the invitees at the Easter high school teacher Natalie Rebetsky, in on the lax preparation for the Easter
Holocaust, defended plans for the event Egg Roll was seven-year-old Jordan G. of Frederick, Md., who has attended White Egg Roll, Sloan added the slapdash
and joked it will be an egg-cellent time. Independence, Ky., and his family, who House Easter Egg Rolls in years past preparations are endemic of problems
We have worked really well, Spicer said. were invited to the event after Jordan and built a collection of commemorative with the White House as a whole.
I think were going to have a very, very wrote a letter to President Obama in which wooden eggs from the events. This year, Our primary concern is that the nations
enjoyable day on Monday. Tickets have he said he found his forever family two faced with disillusionment over Trump, executive branch agencies are properly
been sent out to all the schools in the area. dads named Jeremy and Matt. she raided $5,000 of her savings to create staed, with personnel who are sensitive
There will be a large military contingent I have two dads named Jeremy and Matt her own commemorative eggs. to the needs of the LGBTQ community, as
that will be participating, as well. that are keeping me forever, Jordan wrote. Produced by the same company that well as other marginalized Americans, and
Spicer said the egg roll will consist of I know you cant come to my adoption, but makes the ocial White House eggs, we see the changes in this years Easter Egg
ve waves over the course two hour-long I wanted to tell you thank you for everything the alternative eggs read Protect Our Roll event as reective of the operational
periods in which children and their families that you are doing to keep me safe. Childrens Future 2017 and feature a and stang challenges the Trump
will be able to visit the White House, but Jordan added as a post script to his sketch of dancing Easter bunnies. administration is facing, Sloan said.

16 A PR IL 14, 2017 BA LT I MO RE N E W S



Pride parade to march out of Mount Vernon

Breaking a decades-old tradition, the Baltimore Pride Parade, scheduled
for June 17, will depart what had been considered the gayborhood in Mount
Vernon and venture north to the Station North-Old Goucher neighborhood.
The parade this year will originate on the corner of Charles and Eager Streets,

according to Donald Young, Pride Parade chair and Baltimore Pride main stage
manager, and will begin at 2 p.m. In the past, the parade started several blocks
south near the Washington Monument.
Last year was the largest Pride Parade in Baltimore history, Young told
the Blade. He promises an even bigger and longer Pride Parade this year. The
Block Party, he says, will take place between North Avenue and 22nd Street and
between Maryland Avenue and St. Paul Street.
DONT KNOW The new parade route was welcomed by Old Goucher leadership. We are
pleased to learn that this years 42nd annual Pride festivities will be centered on
THEY ARE HIV+ Charles Street in Old Goucher, said Kelly Cross, president of the Old Goucher
Community Association, in a statement.
Theres no better place in the city for this event. Charles Street is Baltimores
LEADING traditional Main Street and we have ample venues to support the full range of
activities included in the celebration.
CAUSE OF DEATH Cross noted that various neighborhoods in the city have at times claimed the
AVERAGE FOR ALL 25-44 YO title of gayborhood, such as Charles Village, Waverly and most recently Mount
LIVING MARYLANDERS & FOR BLACK Vernon. However, in 2016, the GLBT Community Center of Baltimore (GLCCB),
the organization that runs Pride, moved its headquarters from Mount Vernon to
Old Goucher. The Pride Foundation of Maryland is also located there as well as
IN MARYLAND OF HIV DIAGNOSIS IN MARYLAND the refurbished Baltimore Eagle.
For more information, visit baltimorepride.org.

Police officer acquitted in domestic dispute

Suspended Baltimore Police Ocer Timothy Rae George III, 25 was acquitted
in Baltimore City District Court on April 3 of second-degree assault, false
imprisonment, malicious destruction of property, and theft in connection with
an incident on March 2, 2017.
Police said ocers responded to the 3200 block of Bayonne Avenue that day
where they met with a 21-year-old man. The man told police he was in a domestic
relationship with George and that George, his boyfriend, assaulted him.
According to Maryland court records, George was acquitted noting spouse
invoked marital privilege after oath. Public marriage records indicate that
George and the 21-year-old man married on March 8 in Towson.
Lawrence S. Greenberg, listed as the defense attorney of record, did not
respond to a Blade request for comment.
George was suspended by Baltimore Police without pay in November after he
was charged in York County, Pa., for allegedly sending inappropriate texts to a
teenage boy.

Chase Brexton wins HRC honors

Chase Brexton Health Care has again been named a Leader in LGBTQ
Healthcare Equality by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation in the 10th
edition of the Healthcare Equality Index (HEI), released in late March. Chase
Brexton was one of only three Maryland healthcare providers, and 302
nationwide, to earn the honor.
To be named a Leader in LGBTQ Healthcare Equality, Chase Brexton achieved
a perfect score of 100 points across new criteria implemented by the Healthcare
Equality Index. The categories measured included sta training and benets,
patient services and engagement, and responsible citizenship.
This distinction shows that Chase Brexton remains a leader in providing
welcoming, arming care to the LGBTQ community in Baltimore and beyond,
said Nate Sweeney, executive director of The LGBT Health Resource Center of
Chase Brexton Health Care.
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FREE 18 A PR IL 14, 2017 H E A LT H N E W S

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SERVICES LLC Syphilis rates higher for gay men in South

NEW YORK A new U.S. report shows the spread of syphilis is far worse in
gay men in southern states, the Associated Press reports.
North Carolina, Mississippi and Louisiana have the highest rates. In North
Carolina, as many as one in 134 gay and bisexual men were diagnosed with the
most contagious forms of syphilis in 2015.
The South has long had higher rates of diseases spread through sex. The April
6 report is the rst breakdown for syphilis by sexual orientation for 44 states,
the AP article notes.
In all states, the rates for straight men are far lower. The disease is also much
more common in men than women, the AP reports.
Syphilis is a dangerous bacterial disease that surfaces as genital sores. The
arrival of antibiotics in the 1940s reduced syphilis dramatically, but U.S. cases
have been rising for about 15 years.

Proposed in vitro law underway in Hawaii

Call Today! $
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NEW YORK LGBT activists in Hawaii are pushing for legislation that would
require insurance companies to cover in vitro fertilization for more couples. If
successful, the proposed legislation would make Hawaii the rst state to require
Ask for details! the coverage for surrogates, which would help male same-sex couples who
must use a surrogate, ABC News reports.
PAINT, FLOORS AND MORE SINCE 1964. Now that marriage equality is the law of the land and is accepted, now lets turn
to family building, and lets gure out how we x all these inequities that exist,
We Accept: LGBTQ friendly said Barbara Collura, president and CEO of Resolve, a national organization that
advocates for access to fertility treatments, according to ABC.
Hawaii is one of eight states that require insurance companies to cover in vitro
fertilization, a costly procedure where a doctor retrieves eggs from a woman,
combines them with sperm from a man and then implants an embryo into a
womans uterus.
But Hawaiis mandate applies only to married heterosexual couples because
it covers the medical intervention only if a woman uses sperm from her spouse,
leaving the LGBT community and single women behind, ABC reports.
The measure pending in the Hawaii Legislature removes requirements that
the egg and sperm come from a married couple and includes surrogates among
the people to be covered.
No other state has included surrogates in their laws, Collura said, according
to ABC.
Kaiser Permanente Hawaii opposed the measure, saying the medical provider
and insurer does not perform in vitro fertilization with donor eggs or surrogates
because of complex legal issues and medical risks. The company asked
lawmakers to remove egg donors and surrogates from the bill, saying requiring
coverage of additional procedures would raise costs for the company and its
customers, ABC notes.
A similar measure in Hawaii failed in previous legislative sessions. But aside
from Kaiser, the bill has seen little opposition this year.
A broad coalition including the American Civil Liberties Union of Hawaii, the
Hawaii Civil Rights Commission and the Democratic Party of Hawaii are working
with LGBT groups to push for change. The proposal passed the state Senate and
is up for a vote in the House this week, ABC News reports.

Scotland rst in U.K. to approve PrEP

GLASGOW, Scotland Scotland has become the rst country in the United
Kingdom to approve PrEP, the National reports.
Charities HIV Scotland, the Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland, Waverley Care
and NAT (National Aids Trust) had joined together to campaign for the drug to
be made available in the PrEP4Scotland Coalition.
A statement from the group said: We applaud the (Scottish Medicines
Consortium) for taking this bold step to tackling HIV in Scotland. PrEP provides
opportunities to reinvigorate how people at higher risk of HIV exposure engage
with testing and prevention opportunities, and it is a vital opportunity to make
a real reduction in the number of new HIV transmissions, the National reports.
George Valiotis, chief executive of HIV Scotland, told the National that the drug
will be an essential addition to Scotlands HIV prevention approach.
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F I T NES S A PR IL 14, 2017 19

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to weight loss. Sometimes its about
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Washingtonian Magazine Top Doc
Regardless of which of your results US News & World Report
have become stagnant, its generally
DAVID MAGIDA is founder of Elevate Interval Fit-
ness, a member of the Reebok Spartan Race Pro for the same reason: youre too Top 1% of Doctors in USA
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location in the Mosaic District in Fairfax, Va. may be doing the same workout Facial Plastic Surgery
with too much regularity. But your Body Plastic Surgery
body needs variety. It is designed to adapt. Once it does, results begin to decline
rapidly. Its critical that you constantly mix up your routine, or nd a program
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with the same duration can only take you so far. Its variety and change that will
take you much further.
Workouts can be repeated, but often the best reason to do so is to provide
yourself with measurable results. Constantly challenge yourself to do something
new, to try a new routine, to push yourself to mix it up. Dont settle for a
comfortable routine. Find a training partner, coach or studio that will constantly
keep you on your toes and provide you with training inspiration and variety.
Another reason your results may be leveling o could be your lack of
consistency. We have a saying in the tness industry: training three days a week
is just maintenance.
For most people, that sounds like a good week of exercise. But tness is about
adopting a lifestyle of being active and exercising regularly. Sure, three days a
week could be devoted to your hard workouts, but you need to have a training
regimen for your easy or o days too, which could include yoga, hopping on a
bike, doing a solid pushup and situp routine, or even just getting out for a run.
This will allow you to get your active recovery in, keep you more limber, maintain
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spend a ton of time or eort on your o days, but you should always be working
on improving yourself. Stop settling for your set number of training days. Every Laser Liposuction
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Give more.
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You only get out what you put in. Showing up is not enough. Neither is just Ultherapy
going through the motions. Not every workout needs to be an all-out assault
on your body, but if you dont regularly have workouts that test your grit, your
limits and push you beyond your comfort zone, then theres just no way youll
maximize your potential. At some point, some training sessions are just not
meant to be fun. Theyre meant to be hard work, and through that hard work,


you will see dramatic improvement.
Now, this doesnt mean you cant enjoy your workout. But change your
perspective. Find a reason to train dierently, to do it more frequently to push
harder than youve done before. Shed the connes of your limitations. Of your
comfort zones. Give yourself a few workouts where you really ip that switch and
need to dig deep and push yourself beyond your usual. Those are the workouts
that will yield you the results you desire. To take your speed and strength to new
heights. To maximize that caloric burn. To make you the athlete you want to be.
Isnt that the entire point of training? Get out of your comfort zone, and see the
change you want.

2 0 A PRI L 1 4 , 2 0 17 IN S IDE L G B T W ASH I N G T O N

PO Box 53352
Washington DC 20009

Sen. Tammy Baldwin:

Brown Na Pitts Omnimedia, Inc.

GOPs No.1 target

lbrown@washblade.com ext. 8075
kna@washblade.com ext. 8088
Baldwin currently serves on the Senate porter of the Aordable Care Act and un- FEATURES EDITOR
We must ght to retain Budget Committee, the Senate Appropria- derstands that while it needs some xes
joeyd@washblade.com ext. 8081
her voice in the Senate tions Committee, the Senate Committee we have to maintain its guarantee of qual- SR. NEWS REPORTER
on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions ity aordable healthcare for all including LOU CHIBBARO JR.
(HELP), and the Homeland Security and those with pre-existing conditions. lchibbaro@washblade.com ext. 8079
Governmental Aairs Committee. When The issues she focuses on are those CHRIS JOHNSON
she speaks out we understand what for- we all care about. They include protect- cjohnson@washblade.com ext. 8083
mer Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) meant ing and growing the manufacturing base; REPORTER & INTERNATIONAL NEWS EDITOR
when he said to the LGBT community If holding Wall Street accountable to Main MICHAEL K. LAVERS
we arent at the table we are on the menu. Street; supporting and honoring veter-
Baldwin occupies our seat at the table. ans; making sure college is aordable for MARIAH COOPER
PETER ROSENSTEIN is a D.C.-based LGBT rights Baldwin ghts for all as she ghts for all; protecting agriculture and ensuring PHOTO EDITOR
and Democratic Party activist. He writes regularly the people of Wisconsin. She became our water is clean and safe. MICHAEL KEY
for the Blade. the Badger States rst female member Today we are faced with a president mkey@washblade.com
of Congress and the nations rst openly and a Congress that would like to turn PETER ROSENSTEIN, MARK LEE,
The far right picked a target for 2018 gay, non-incumbent elected to Congress. back the clock on the rights of women, the LATEEFAH WILLIAMS, KATE CLINTON,
and its Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) our only But more than that, in her seven terms LGBT community, minorities and anyone KATHI WOLFE, RICHARD J. ROSENDALL,
out U.S. senator. Its up to us to ensure in the House of Representatives, she dis- who isnt rich and white. Tammy Baldwin MAXIMILLIAN SYCAMORE
she keeps her seat. Baldwin ran as an tinguished herself as a erce defender is standing in their way and they want AZERCREATIVE.COM
open lesbian in 2012 and won because of middle class, hard-working families in to defeat her. We cant let that happen. SALES & ADMINISTRATION
she is great on so many issues and the Wisconsin and the nation. Baldwin is a leader in the ght for the DIRECTOR OF SALES & MARKETING
people of Wisconsin understood that. During her time in the House, she was Equality Act, she voted against Gorsuch STEPHEN RUTGERS
srutgers@washblade.com ext. 8077
They understood she would ght for the a lead sponsor of the Buett Rule, a push and spoke out against Bushs nominees SR. ACCT. EXECUTIVE
things they need. to make sure millionaires and billionaires for other positions. She speaks for us. BRIAN PITTS
Baldwin is a progressive who knows pay their fair share of taxes. She authored Today the right wing is pouring in mil- bpitts@washblade.com ext. 8089
how to get things done. She is willing to a key provision of the Aordable Care lions of dollars to defeat her. They believe ACCT. EXECUTIVE
work across the aisle never giving up her Act allowing young adults under the age she is vulnerable because Hillary Clinton
spath@washblade.com ext. 8078
principles of fairness and decency. She of 26 to stay on their parents health in- narrowly lost Wisconsin to Trump. They JOE HICKLING
knows what it means to be discriminated surance. She knows we cant go back to are already sending out fundraising let- jhickling@washblade.com ext. 8094
against both as a woman and a member a time when just being a woman meant ters like this one; Leftist lesbian Sena- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING/ADMINISTRATION
of the LGBT community. She knows what it you were discriminated against when you tor Tammy Baldwin is a pervert, says PHILLIP G. ROCKSTROH
prockstroh@washblade.com ext. 8092
means to have to work twice as hard as any wanted to get health insurance. Today, an email solicitation from a group called NATIONAL ADVERTISING
man to get the recognition she has earned. Baldwin continues to be a strong sup- Restore American Freedom and Liberty. RIVENDELL MEDIA
She is working to end all marriage laws 212-242-6863; sales@rivendellmedia.com
and require all Americans to be subjected For distribution, contact Lynne Brown at 202-747-2077,
E DIT OR IA L C A R T OON ext. 8075. Distributed by MediaPoint, LLC
to LGBT sensitivity training. In fact, she
All material in the Washington Blade is protected by federal copyright law
wants to require children starting at age and may not be reproduced without the written consent of the Washing-
5 to learn about gay sex! She is disgust- ton Blade. The sexual orientation of advertisers, photographers, writers
and cartoonists published herein is neither inferred nor implied. The
ing, and it is vital that Sheri David Clarke appearance of names or pictorial representation does not necessarily
indicate the sexual orientation of that person or persons. Although the
defeats her! So it is incumbent on those Washington Blade is supported by many ne advertisers, we cannot ac-
cept responsibility for claims made by advertisers. Unsolicited editorial
of us who believe in democracy, human material is accepted by the Washington Blade, but the paper cannot take
responsibility for its return. The editors reserve the right to accept, reject
and civil rights for all, and just plain de- or edit any submission. A single copy of the Washington Blade is available
from authorized distribution points, to any individual within a 50-mile ra-
cency to come to her aid and support her dius of Washington, D.C. Multiple copies are available from the Washington
Blade oce only. Call for rates. If you are unable to get to a convenient
in this ght. free distribution point, you may receive a 52-week mailed subscription for
$195 per year or $5.00 per single issue. Checks or credit card orders can be
It would be a disaster for Wisconsin, for sent to Phil Rockstroh at prockstroh@washblade.com. Postmaster: Send
address changes to the Washington Blade, PO BOX 53352 Washington,
women and the LGBT community across the DC 20009. The Washington Blade is published weekly, on Friday, by
Brown Na Pitts Omnimedia, Inc. Individual Subscriptions are $195
nation if we lost Baldwins voice in the Sen- per year for 52 issues (only $3.75 per issue mailed to you USPS). Rates
for businesses/institutions are $450 per year. Periodical postage paid
ate. Her passion and her intelligence should at Washington, D.C., and additional mailing oces. Editorial positions
of the Washington Blade are expressed in editorials and in editors
not be lost to us because the far right is rais- notes as determined by the papers editors. Other opinions are those
ing millions of dollars to defeat her. of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
Washington Blade or its sta. To submit a letter or commentary: Let-
So please join those in D.C. who along ters should be fewer than 400 words; commentaries should be fewer
than 750 words. Submissions may be edited for content and length,
with special guest, the Mayor Muriel and must include a name, address and phone number for verication.
Send submissions by e-mail to kna@washblade.com.
Bowser, will show support for Baldwin on
Wednesday, April 26 when we salute her
and raise funds to keep her in the Senate.
To RSVP, contact Justin at Justin@kau-
mangroup.net or 202-544-7708.

V I E W PO I N T A P RI L 1 4 , 2 0 1 7 2 1

New meaning for Grace and Frankie in Trump era

70s, have children. Of course, these arent have decided to go into business designing his 90-something mother. Their kids want
Hit show explores elder issues your typical boring kids. One sons a re- and selling vibrators. And not just any vibra- their moms to constantly wear panic but-
covering drug addict and one daughter tors. These vibrators are developed with tons that would alert medical personnel if
sleeps with a $300-a-night male escort. the older woman in mind. The buttons glow they have a medical emergency. (You can
Thats just for starters. in the dark and the instructions are in large guess how much Frankie likes that idea.).
After years and years of hetero mar- print for elder women who have problems Grace and Frankie are frightened when
riage, Robert and Sol, business partners seeing; and the vibrators are lightweight their home is robbed.
at their law rm and friends, come out so that the womens sexual pleasure wont Grace and Frankie, is often laugh-
as gay and leave their wives. Grace and cause their arthritis to are up. out-loud funny. Yet, now in the Trump
Frankie have never liked each other much. Meanwhile, Robert and Sol are coming era it makes me think of serious matters.
KATHI WOLFE, a writer and poet, is a regular Frankies an artist a spontaneous, hip- to terms with retirement and with coming One in six Americans aged 65 and older
contributor to the Blade. pie type; Grace is a retired cosmetics ex- out of the closet later in life. They garden, lives in poverty, according to a 2013 Con-
ecutive and control freak. But after their dream about traveling, enjoy sex, and rel- gressional Research Service report, I re-
I didnt mean to binge, my 20-some- marriages end, they become roommates ish knowing that they can have sex. Rob- ported in the Blade in 2014, the poverty
thing friend said to me the other day, but and friends. Even with the shock of Rob ert lands the lead role in a community rate is as high or higher among lesbian,
I couldnt stop! and Sols big reveal, Grace, Frankie, Rob, theater production of the musical 1776. gay and bisexual people than for hetero-
Me, too! I, a Baby Boomer, confessed, Sol and their children remain friends and Though Grace and Frankie is a comedy, sexual people, and lesbian couples, 65
I was totally hooked. family to each other. life (as is sometimes true for older people and older, are twice as likely to be poor as
What is this cross-generational addic- Its The Odd Couple meets Friends and their families o-screen) isnt always straight married couples, according to a
tion? Grace and Frankie, the hilarious, meets I Love Lucy. Its as if Ethel and upbeat for its characters. As is common 2009 Williams Institute Report.
and, at times, poignant Netix series, Lucy were roommates, Ricky and Fred for many elder women seeking to become If the Aordable Care Act is repealed,
starring Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda. Sea- were gay, Ross and Chandler were openly entrepreneurs, Grace and Frankie have Medicare is privatized or Medicaid or
son 3 of the show is streaming now. queer, and Felix and Oscar were hetero a hard time getting a loan to set up their other safety net programs are gutted or
Grace (Fonda) and Frankie (Tomlin) older women and into vibrators. (Marta business. (As Ann Breno noted in The eliminated, the situation would worsen
have been married for decades to respec- Kauman, a Grace and Frankie co-cre- Hungton Post, their unabashed sexual- for elders, hetero or LGBT under the
tively Robert (Martin Sheen) and Sol (Sam ator, was a co-creator of Friends.) ity and promotion of vibrators likely didnt Trump administration. Thats something
Waterson). Both couples, living in the Los Which brings us to the newest season help them make their case.) that Grace and Frankie, for all their zani-
Angeles area of California and in their of Grace and Frankie. Grace and Frankie Robert has to deal with coming out to ness, wouldnt nd funny.


Spend-more groups seek to kill D.C. tax relief, reform

and included in Mayor Muriel Bowsers irony at play as Council members hope to pre- tion will drop from a former rate of 9.975
Effort to derail or delay budget proposal presented last week. serve reduced business taxes in a perverse percent, third worst in America, but only
modest promised tax cuts Although a small amount, its a modest switch-out for other mandates and increased to 8.25 percent and still among the highest
measure of reform that tax-weary District taxation. These include a highest-in-the-nation nationwide. Well merely match high-tax
garners scant support minimum wage plus the most extravagant Maryland while remaining far above direct
residents and businesses hope to have.
The dominant current crop of headline- and expensive pending paid leave program economic development competitor Vir-
seeking and proigate-spending local pol- to be uniquely funded through a business tax ginia. The enterprise reduction, however,
iticians typically behaves as if theres no instead of employee withholding. serves to slightly soften D.C.s longstanding
bottom to the barrels of bounty. Derailing What Caesar gives with one hand is notoriety as an anti-business jurisdiction.
or delaying the pledged tax cuts, though, taken with the other. The D.C. Tax Revision Commission
has garnered scant support. Notably, in a report this week, the D.C. recommended in 2014 that lowering
The $100 million designated for the Policy Center detailed how the District enterprise taxes would signal that the
nal scheduled phase-in of tax relief, is a national leader in providing strong District is open for business and, hope-
MARK LEE is a long-time entrepreneur dwarfed by $250 million in ridiculous social supports for the poor. The citys fully, boost the citys tax reputation by
and community business advocate. Follow funding this year alone toward extend- anti-poverty programs grew by 171 per- making tax policy more competitive with
on Twitter: @MarkLeeDC. Reach him at surrounding jurisdictions [to] encourage
OurBusinessMatters@gmail.com. ing the silly single short streetcar line, cent during the years 1997 through 2014,
has predictably prompted the ire of those outpacing regular per capita government business growth and job creation.
pushing for ever-higher city spending. spending. Welfare spending, a proxy City ocials should focus on still-ram-
Its a pittance of relief, representing Some of those groups suggest that no gauge for overall funding for the poor, is pant waste and ineciencies in agency
only slightly more than 1 percent of all tax cuts are warranted until poverty and $25,000 per resident living in poverty. programs, estimated to equal 10 percent
locally generated tax monies comprising homelessness are eradicated. Although D.C. has historically imposed of expenditures. So-called oversight is
one-half of a larger total record-setting That translates to never. extraordinarily high tax rates among the largely perfunctory, with little critical ex-
$13.8 billion proposed annual city budget These big-spender types reveal an objec- very worst in the country, especially for amination of a lingering legacy of waste,
when federal funding is included. tion to a more rational and fairer taxation local and small businesses, the tax plan fraud, and abuse.
Its enough cash, however, to prompt system through implementation of individu- provides one signicant improvement. As D.C. Council nance chair Jack Ev-
the usual gaggle of always-tax-and- al, family and business rates that make sense By establishing multi-tier individual tax ans succinctly stated last week during ini-
spend-more groups to whine in an at- and are equitably structured. They strategi- brackets, the District is building one of tial budget discussions, spending more
tempt to create conict. So far it appears cally deect attention from the fact that the the most fair and non-regressive resident money doesnt necessarily get you more
they have failed, with little indication that majority of reductions accrue to lower- and tax structures in the nation. results. We celebrate the spending not
D.C. Council members are inclined to in- middle-income residents by pointing to the Local tax rates are still too high, for busi- the end results.
terrupt promised and long-overdue tax small reduction in sky-high business tax rates. nesses in particular, and will remain so fol- Until that changes, D.C. wont get its
cuts triggered by excessive tax revenues Lets not fool ourselves, either theres an lowing the additional cuts. Business taxa- taxes xed.
2 2 A PRI L 1 4 , 2 0 17 W A SH I N G T O N BLA D E . CO M
Todrick time
mcoooper@washblade.com TODRICK HALL
Straight Outta Oz
Tuesday, April 18
Wednesday, April 19
8 p.m.
Howard Theatre
620 T St., N.W.


Dancer, singer and YouTuber Todrick really I had the power all along to be able a reason God gave me these gifts. So I can
Hall has become a dance staple with his to control my destiny. I realized that and keep using them. Theyre not over, theyre
more than two million subscribers and said this is a story that I have to write and not done, theyre not running out. Ill go do
videos earning millions of views. tell. If I feel this way and so passionate something else. His whole insight about
The Beyonc stan became known as about it, a lot of other people will feel this everything has really helped me be able to
an internet sensation for his medley way and identify with this as well. approach everything that I do with a much
mashups of her songs (as well as Rihanna, dierent lens.
Arianna Grande and Taylor Swift). His BLADE: The visual album was
End of Time Target dance ash mob released in June but in March you BLADE: Your song Water Guns was
video, where Hall and a group of dancers released a deluxe edition. Did you a tribute to those who were lost to
bust out a choreographed dance routine think of the additions you made after gun violence from the Pulse nightclub
on unsuspecting shoppers, even grabbed the initial release? victims, to YouTuber Christina
the attention of the Queen B herself. HALL: No. The initial release was Grimmie and Trayvon Martin. All these
Beyonc posted a thank you to Hall on supposed to be much smaller, but I am a people are parts of your identity: gay,
her own YouTube page. perfectionist and I always want to tell the YouTuber, black. How emotional was it
His credentials reach beyond YouTube story in full. For me, I said, Well if you tell for you to record?
with Hall competing on American Idol the story of Dorothy you have to have the HALL: It was very emotional for me to
and being a guest judge on RuPauls Drag Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion. If you have record. The inspiration for that song was
Race. Hall eventually took his talent to those four characters you have to have a huge coincidence because I wrote it
Broadway starring as Lola in Kinky Boots the Wizard and the Witch. Eventually the because I had a friend who got murdered.
from November until March of this year. visual album, which was supposed to be She was a police ocer. Some people
The 32-year-old choreographer released eight songs, turned into 16 songs. When perceive that song to be a pro-Black Lives
Straight Outta Oz, a semi-autobiographical we went on tour, my fans really loved the Matter song or an anti-police song. Its
visual album in a similar vein as his idol numbers that they were getting to watch not. My friend was actually an African-
Beyoncs Lemonade, in June with a that they knew and recognized. But they American police ocer. She was shot and
rerelease of a deluxe edition in March. werent able to follow along to the songs killed. I wrote the song because Im very
This time, the celebrities were singing Halls that I wrote for the musical that were anti-guns and anti-violence in general.
original work with appearances from RuPaul, not a part of the tour. It got to a place The night that I wrote the song Christina
Bob the Drag Queen, Amber Riley, Jordin where I was like, I really want them to Grimmie got shot. The next night after
Sparks, Raven Symon, Tamar Braxton and be able to hear the songs and the lyrics we lmed the video the Pulse situation
more. Straight Outta Oz has now been from the songs that we performed at the happened. So I went back and shot the
adapted from the computer screen to stage live concert last year that werent on the scenes of me spray painting the names
with a live tour. visual album. So this year I rereleased it of these people because it couldnt have
TODRICK HALL returns to Washington for
Hall took a break from rehearsing to so that the songs that they didnt know another round of his Straight Outta Oz show. been more relevant at the time that I
speak with the Washington Blade on being they could learn and be familiar with. He also played here and in Baltimore in wrote the song for my friend. That was a
August, 2016.
out in the public eye, RuPauls life advice crazy coincidence and they both hit me
and just what happened to Lolas boots. BLADE: The deluxe album has some PHOTO BY SHAWN ADELI really hard.
big names like RuPaul and Raven- Pulse was one of my old stomping
WASHINGTON BLADE: What about Symon. Did you reach out to them to grounds. My rst job out of high school
Wizard of Oz did you feel such a collaborate? that the stars have aligned for you to have was dancing at Walt Disney World. I
personal connection to that you HALL: I reached out to them and I this moment and you cant sit at home knew a lot of people who worked at that
wanted to do your own version? reached out very last minute. I was so every day wondering whether or not it will club, I knew a lot of people who were
TODRICK HALL: I think subconsciously thankful that they all were able to jump be successful. Its successful because it there that night and some of the people
Ive always felt that my life was parallel to on board with sometimes 24-hours notice happened. If it doesnt happen again, youll who unfortunately didnt make it out
Dorothy. I just didnt realize that until last before they had to shoot the video. go on and have another opportunity. My had pictures of me and them on their
year. I grew up in a small town in Texas. whole life Ive always put so much pressure Instagram. These were people I didnt
I always knew there was something BLADE: Youve worked with RuPaul on each opportunity Ive been given. We, as know personally but I had met that were
out there that was greater for me that on your album and also you were a humans, do that often. We think that if this fans of mine and came to my concerts. It
I wanted to get out there and see. And judge on RuPauls Drag Race for the relationship doesnt work, if this job isnt was just a very weird thing to think this
thats what Dorothy does. She knew that last couple seasons. Whats the best the one that gets me to the top, if I dont was so close to home and that I could
Oz was there. Even though she realizes in piece of advice Ru gave you? ace this test, then my life is over. Its not the have been there that night. Every time I
the end that theres no place like home HALL: I dont know if this is a piece of case. Its a life experience. You will move on go to Orlando for my tours I go to Pulse
and that the grass isnt always greener on advice but the entire way that he looks at and you will be able to experience other afterward. It was a very scary thing for me
the other side, without those experiences life. There was a moment of time when my things. Thats kind of what he taught me. So and a really eye-opening thing to remind
she would have never realized those MTV show was on television. It was airing now when Im doing a project, I give it 100 you how fragile life is and we should really
things. I feel like I have realized so many and I was very nervous whether it would percent of my energy and then I leave that live each day to the fullest.
things and put my faith, trust and my be successful. He said, You need to live energy in that project and I say, I hope that
career in other peoples hands when in the moment. You need to appreciate this does really well. But if it doesnt, theres CONTINUES AT WASHINGTONBLADE.COM

2 4 A PRI L 1 4 , 2 0 17 QU EE RY : 2 0 Q U E ST I O N S F O R RE V . CE D RI C A . H A RMO N



How long have you been out and who If science discovered a way to change
was the hardest person to tell? sexual orientation, what would you
By JOEY DiGULIELMO 23 years and my fraternity brother. do?
joeyd@washblade.com Demand immediate peer review for clarity.
Whos your LGBT hero?
Rev. Cedric A. Harmon will receive a GLAA Distinguished Service Award next James Baldwin and Joseph Beam What do you believe in beyond the
week for his work with Many Voices, a black church movement for gay and top the list physical world?
transgender justice that envisions a community that embraces the diversity I believe the power of love is pure energy
of the human family and ensures that all are treated with love, compassion Whats Washingtons best nightspot, that never dissipates nor is destroyed.
and justice. past or present?
Harmon works with black religious leaders and other people of faith Blues Alley and Tracks Whats your advice for LGBT
to engage diverse topics at the intersection of religion, faith and human movement leaders?
sexuality. Hes an ordained pastor with the National Baptist and Missionary Describe your dream wedding. Always question assumptions and
Baptist churches. He previously served as an organizer for Americans United Actually, I havent had a wedding dream. remember its about the work of justice,
for Separation of Church and State and says his ministry began at age 8. equity and compassion not about you.
I am humbled and honored to receive this award because it recognizes the What non-LGBT issue are you most
movement that is the peoples work, he says. Also it comes from an entity of passionate about? What would you walk across hot coals
enduring and uninching activism and visibility here in Washington, D.C. and I view all justice issues as aecting LGBT for?
a beacon for the nation. people. However, I began with concerns To aide a loved one and for a great slice
GLAA has its 46th annual anniversary gala on Thursday, April 20 at 6:30 p.m. about racial justice. of pie!
at Policy Restaurant and Lounge (1904 14th St., N.W.). Tickets are $55. Jose
Gutierrez and Mara Keisling will also be honored. Details at glaa.org. What historical outcome would you What LGBT stereotype annoys you
Harmon, a native of Centreville, Ill., came to Washington 28 years ago after change? most?
a period in Boston. Hes single, lives in Brightwood and enjoys reading, Netix, With a genie in a bottle or warlock That gay men make good girlfriends
travel, sports and the arts in his free time. powers - the outcome of the Citizens re: make up, hair, fashion, styling, boy
United v Federal Elections Commission advice, changing clothes in front of
SCOTUS decision. them. Also, a presumption of wealth for
all LGBT people.
Whats been the most memorable pop
culture moment of your lifetime? Whats your favorite LGBT movie?
Release of Princes movie Purple Rain. Tongues Untied

On what do you insist? Whats the most overrated social

Appreciation and respect for human custom?
diversity Holding the door for women to enter or
exit. So often its not even wanted.
What was your last Facebook post or
Tweet? What trophy or prize do you most
A reminder of congressional oaths covet?
of oce. Tweet: Real love covers and None really, theyre nice but someone
protects. has to dust them.

If your life were a book, what would What do you wish youd known at 18?
the title be? That Id live this long.
I See A World: Refusal to Faint or Lose
202.747.2077 Heart Why Washington?
I kept growing fond of it day after day.

T HE ATE R A PR IL 14, 2017 25

Fri, April 28
Celebrate 20 years
of Rent with original
cast members
DAWN URSULA, left, as Ruth Younger and WILL COBBS as Walter in A Raisin in the Sun at Arena Stage.
Anthony Rapp.

Arenas wraps compelling go toward her medical school tuition. But

Lena and Walter Lees wife Ruth (played
season with lesbian-penned as tired but cheerful by local actor Dawn
masterpiece Ursula) wouldnt mind a nice little house
where Ruths young son Travis (Jeremiah
Hasty) would have a bedroom.
By PATRICK FOLLIARD The Youngers shabby two-bedroom
apartment is a character in itself. Designer
A Raisin in the Sun is a family drama Donald Eastman does his best to create
thats both intimate and epic. Set solely
in a cramped tenement apartment
a cramped space dened by heavy worn
furniture in Arenas cavernous Fichlander STRATHMORE.ORG | 301.581.5100
on Chicagos Southside, playwright Stage. Lena and Walter Sr. took the at 5301 Tuckerman Lane, North Bethesda, MD 20852
Lorraine Hansberrys groundbreaking early in their marriage with the idea of
1959 work explores the struggles of the staying for one year, but life took hold,
African-American Younger family as they time passed and they never left. Its a rat
bump up against racism, classicism and trap says Ruth, but Lenas relationship
conicting ambitions. with her home is more complicated.
After presenting denitive works by For her, its a safe, memory-lled haven
playwrights Lillian Hellman and Joan Didion, where she is called mama and her
Arena Stage is now nearing the close of its word is law. Its where suitors call for
season with Hansberrys classic. Staged in her daughter Beneatha whos currently
the round by Tazewell Thompson, whos juggling George Murchison (Keith L. Royal
internationally known for directing both Smith), an assimilated bougie college
theater and opera, the production crackles student, and Asagai (Bueka Uwemedimo),
with compelling performances, particularly a far-thinking Nigerian intellectual. And
New York actress Lizan Mitchell who plays its where Walter Lees pal Bobo (Mack
Lena Younger, the aging family matriarch. Leamon) and the rare white visitor Mr.
Shes not the lumbering Lena found in many Linder (Thomas Adrian Simpson) come
interpretations but rather a feisty, slender separately to deliver bad news.
woman, lled with humor and concern. The mood is further set with Fabian
Her phenomenal portrayal embodies Obispos original jazz music, and Harry
the characters southern sharecropper Nadals costumes: Georges white bucks,
roots along with her more modern city Walter Lees cool jacket and Beneathas
experience. slim skirts.
The play opens almost like any other After seeing A Raisin in the Sun on
Younger morning with family members Broadway, famed gay African American-
readying for school and work, and writer James Baldwin was impressed by
jockeying to be the next to get into the hall his pal Hansberrys eort: Never before,
bathroom they share with neighbors. But in the entire history of the American
this day is dierent because theres talk of theater, had so much of the truth of black
a big check expected in the post. Through peoples lives been seen on the stage.
death, Mr. Younger, a lifelong laborer, Others took note too. At 29, Hansberry
has oered his family opportunity. As was the rst black playwright and the
the story unfolds, dreams that hopefully youngest American to win a New York
wont be deferred are revealed: new Critics Circle award.
home, new business and medical school.
Restless and angry, Lenas son Walter CONTINUES AT WASHINGTONBLADE.COM
Lee (Will Cobbs) wants to use the money
to buy a liquor store. At 35, hes tired of A RAISIN IN THE SUN
Through May 7
chaueuring businessmen and wants Arena Stage
to become one himself. His aected but 1101 Sixth St., S.W. OPENS NEXT WEEK! TheNationalDC.com

April 18 - May 13 800.514.3849

charming sister Beneatha (the delightful 202-488-3300
Joy Jones) expects some of the money to Arenastage.org

26 AP R IL 14, 2017 O U T & A BO U T



Entropy unites artists
CHATHAM COUNTY LINE Smithsonian American Art Museum (F and 8th streets, N.W.) presents
Entropy, a multi-media art performance, on Friday, April 21 at 6:30 p.m.
SUN, APRIL 16 10am, 12:30pm, 3pm Entrophy brings together artist and lmmaker Mickalene Thomas and
EASTER GOSPEL BRUNCH Grammy Award-winning drummer and composer Terri Lyne Carrington.
FEATURING WILBUR JOHNSON Thomas, who works with the ideas of beauty, sexuality and black female identity,
& THE GOSPEL PERSUADERS will give an improvised video DJ set. Carrington will follow with a performance
of new and adapted pieces inspired by Thomas work. There will be a post-show
TUES, APRIL 18 discussion and Q&A session with Thomas and Carrington.
KINKY FRIEDMAN Tickets are $30. For more information, visit americanart.si.edu/calendar.
JOE PUG W/ LAURA TSAGGARIS Oyster Fest is April 22
HACKENSAW BOYS Hanks Oyster Bar (1624 Q St., N.W.)
W/ THE TILLERS holds its 10th annual Oyster Fest on
SAT, APRIL 22 Saturday, April 22 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
NEWMYER FLYER PRESENTS There will be all-you-can-eat fresh
THE MUSIC OF BURT BACHARACH & oysters, fried oysters, barbecued oysters,
HAL DAVID PERFORMED BY JULIA NIXON Cherry weekend is April 20-24 popcorn shrimp and Old Bay fries. There
WITH THE DAVE YLVISAKER DOZEN will also be all-you-can-drink premium
W/ JON CARROLL draft beer. Tickets are $90 each. Guests
SUN, APRIL 23 Cherry, a multi-venue dance charity party for HIV/AIDS services and prevention, must be 21 years of age to enter. Event
BRANDY CLARK runs all weekend from April 20-24. occurs rain or shine. The event is at the
The dance party weekend kicks o with Lux at Cobalt (1639 R St., N.W.) on Dupont Hanks location only.
AND CHARLIE WORSHAM Thursday, April 20 from 10 p.m.-2 a.m. The theme is luxury and lavish with music For more details, visit facebook.com/
WED, APRIL 26 by DJ Steve Sidewalk and DJ Alain Jackinsky. Tickets are $20. hanksoysterbar.
RUTHIE FOSTER Decadence is at the D.C. Eagle (3701 Benning Rd., N.E.) on Friday, April 21 from
10 p.m.-6 a.m. DJ Twin, DJ Micky Friedmann, DJ Ben.Jamin and DJ Lisa Frank will
spin tracks all night. HIV/AIDS testing will be available onsite. Tickets are $35.
Scholarships awarded
JON McLAUGHLIN On Saturday, April 22 there will be an afternoon tea dance party, Depeche at Team D.C. event
THE INDIANA TOUR Moody, at Town (2009 8th St., N.W.) from 2-7 p.m. The event will honor Cherry
W/ KATRINA WOOLVERTON founder Dr. Moody Mustafa. DJ Joe Gauthreaux plays music. Tickets are $25. Team D.C. has its A Night of
Town hosts Royalty, an all-night dance party, on Saturday, April 22 from 10 Champions event on Saturday, April 15
AN ACOUSTIC EVENING WITH p.m.-4 a.m. DJ Kenneth Rivera and DJ Ivan Gomez will play the tunes. Madelyn at the Washington Hilton Hotel (1919
Hatter hosts. HIV/AIDS testing will also be onsite for guests. Tickets are $20. Connecticut Ave., N.W.).
EMILY KING: DJ X Gonzalez and DJ Nina Flowers keep the party going with Avant, an after- The cocktail hour and silent auction
YOU & I TOUR 2017 hours event, at Flash Nightclub (645 Florida aVE., N.W.) on Sunday, April 23 from begin at 6 p.m. The dinner and awards
THURS, MAY 4 4-10 a.m. Tickets are $50. program are at 7:30 p.m. Sportscaster Bill
Summer gets an early start with Action! Pool Party at Penthouse Pool at the Roth is the special guest. Tickets are $100.
DEB TALAN OF THE WEEPIES Yards Vida Fitness (1212 4th St., S.E.) on Sunday, April 23 from noon-8 p.m. DJ This years scholarships to local LGBT
Rico Alexis and DJ Eddie Martinez spin festive beats all day. Tickets are $40. student athletes and Champions Awards
FRI, MAY 5 Cabanas and day beds are available starting at $600 and include free admission will be presented. Scholarships are
JIMMY GREENE and an open bar for 10 people. given to graduating high school seniors
The weekend winds down with Sashay at DC9 (1940 9th St., N.W.) on Sunday, in the Washington area with college
April 23 from 9 p.m.-2 a.m. DJ Sean Morris and DJ Nacho Chapado say goodbye plans. Theyre awarded for students
to the Cherry weekend with beats ranging from techno to tribal. Tickets are $20. who demonstrate dedication to both
Weekend party packages are also available. For a list of packages and to academic and athletic excellence.
purchase tickets, visit cherrydc.com. Tickets and more information on this
years winners at teamdc.org.

FI L M A P RI L 1 4 , 2 0 1 7 2 7

Annual Filmfest event has state-run lm institute. Earlier this year,

Lechuga pulled the lm from the Havana
ample LGBT programming Film Festival New York after the festival
organizers shifted the award-winning lm
By BRIAN T. CARNEY from the ocial competition to a special
non-juried presentation.
Over 11 days from April 20-30, Santa & Andres deals with a
Filmfest D.C. will present 80 lms from contentious topic, the mistreatment of
45 countries on four screens around the homosexuals and dissidents by the Castro
city. According to founder/director Tony regime. Although the lm is ction, it is
Gittens, as a reection of our times, this inspired by the lives of several gay writers
years festival has taken on a special focus such as Reinaldo Arenas, Ren Aziza and
on issues ripped from todays headlines Deln Prats. Set in 1983, the lm tells
in hopes of increasing clarity and civil the story of Andres, a gay novelist who
discourse. is under house arrest, and Santa, a local
The festival kicks o with This Is Our woman who is sent to guard him.
Land, a political drama by Belgian director Set on the islands of Trinidad and
Lucas Belvaux. In this timely tale, a self- Tobago during Carnival season, Play
employed nurse gets embroiled in nationalist the Devil is an incisive coming-of-age
politics when she runs for the mayorship of story about Gregory, a gifted high school
her small town in northern France. student who is caught up in a tumultuous
The festival closes with Lost in Paris, relationship with a wealthy businessman.
a charming comedy in the tradition of Written and directed by Bahamian Maria
such great clowns as Jacques Tati, Charlie Govan, the lm is both a gripping drama
Chaplin and Buster Keaton. The lm stars and a nuanced exploration of masculinity,
the husband/wife team of Fiona Gordon privilege and sexuality.
and Dominique Abel (who also wrote and Set right here in Washington, Check
directed the movie) as an unlikely duo It is a powerful documentary about a
trying to track down a missing woman group of LGBT youth who form a gang to
(Emmanuelle Riva from Amour) in the protect themselves. They quickly become
City of Lights. known as one of the ercest gangs in the CYNTHIA NIXON and JENNIFER EHLE as Emily and Lavinia Dickinson in A Quiet Passion.
Lost in Paris will screen at the Embassy city, but a group of mentors try to steer
of France. For security reasons, all tickets their erce sense of style into careers in
for this screening must be bought in the fashion industry. household in 19th century Amherst, Under My Burkha, a feminist satire
advance online at lmfestdc.org; tickets Also set here is The Messengers by Mass. Cynthia Nixon (best known for on gender relations in India that has
for all other programs can be purchased D.C.-based lmmaker Lucian Perkins. In playing Miranda in Sex and the City) been banned by that countrys Central
online or at the door. this moving and thoughtful documentary, gives a powerhouse performance as Board of Film Certication; and The
In between these two very dierent Perkins tells the stories of the patients reclusive poet Emily Dickinson. Stu of Dreams, a fanciful retelling of
movies are several lms that focus and sta at Josephs House, a welcoming Some of the other festival highlights Shakespeares The Tempest.
specically on the international LGBT hospice for HIV/AIDS patients. A Pulitzer include Family Life, a Chilean comedy There are also three programs of shorts.
experience. Written and directed by Cuban Prize-winning photographer for the about the romantic and domestic Short Cuts 1 and 2 focus on international
lmmaker Carlos Lechuga, Santa & Washington Post, this is Perkins rst full- misadventures of an untrustworthy themes. Lunafest shines a spotlight on
Andres has already generated signicant length documentary. house (and cat) sitter; Footnotes, a short lms by, for and about women.
international controversy. Last December, In A Quiet Passion, maverick queer retro French musical set in a luxury show
the lm was pulled from the International auteur Terence Davies, known for his factory; The Hippopotamus, a wry FILMFEST D.C.
April 20-30
Festival of New Latin American Cinema gritty European dramas, turns his lens English comedy based on the novel by Various venues
in Havana after it was rejected by Cubas on a very dierent locale: the Dickinson openly gay author Stephen Fry; Lipstick Filmfestdc.org


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2 8 A PRI L 1 4 , 2 0 17 A RT S & CU LT U RE

This Week in the Arts provided by CultureCapital.com

DANCE Arts. Border Crossing: Jami Porter
Lara. Thru May 14. New Ground: The
Ballet Across America--curated by Southwest of Maria Martinez and
Misty Copeland and Justin Peck. Apr Laura Gilpin. Thru May 14. From the
17-23. Kennedy Center. Desk of Simone de Beauvoir. Thru Jun
kennedy-center.org. 2. nmwa.org.
Black Grace. Apr 14. GMU Center for Library of Congress. World War I:
the Arts. cfa.gmu.edu. American Artists View the Great War.
Thru May 5. Mapping a Growing
MUSIC Nation: From Independence to
Statehood. Thru Sep 1. loc.gov.
Tribute to Charlie Byrd. Apr National Portrait Gallery,
14. Owen Dano. Apr 15. AMP. Smithsonian. Bill Viola: The Moving
ampbystrathmore.com. Portrait. Thru May 7. One Life: Babe
NSO: Beethovens Violin Concerto. Ruth. Thru May 21. Double Take:
Midwestern Gothic Apr 20-22. Marquis Hill Blacktet. Apr Daguerreian Portrait Pairs. Thru Jun 4.
Thru Apr 30. Signature Theatre. 14. Pete Seeger Tribute Concert. Apr npg.si.edu.
signature-theatre.org. 15. Georey Keezer Trio with Gillian Kreeger Museum. RE-VISION: Looking
A wildly original world premiere musical from the award-winning composer of Margot. Apr 15. Kennedy Center. anew at the art of Philip Johnson and
Adding Machine that will provokeeven shockand thoroughly entertain. With kennedy-center.org. the design of The Kreeger. Thru Jul 29.
a gorgeous contemporary score that weaves together rock, country and pure Patrick McAvinue. Thru Apr 26. kreegermuseum.org.
fantasy, this innovative musical thriller will leave you breathless. Strathmore. strathmore.org.

The Gay Mens Chorus of Washington, DC

DADA People. Apr 15. Todd Marcus
Jazz Orchestra. Apr 20. Atlas.
Apr 15. The Barns at Wolf Trap. atlasarts.org. District Architecture Center. The
wolftrap.org. Bonnie Thron, Fred Jacobowitz, and Pollinator-friendly Garden. Thru Jun 3.
A cappella vocal ensembles Potomac Fever and Rock Creek Singers present Carl Banner. Apr 15. Washington Bees in the City. Thru Jun 3.
a salute to British pop music featuring new and innovative arrangements of Musica Viva. Flower Avenue Concert aiadac.com.
music by The Beatles, Queen, Adele, George Michael, The Police, and more. House. dcmusicaviva.org. Hill Center. The Hill Rags Art and the
Plus theyll throw in music from the King and Queen of Pop just for fun! Hill Center Jazz Ensemble led by City: A Column by Jim Magner. Thru
Victor Provost. Apr 20. Hill Center. Apr 30. hillcenterdc.org.
Events DC Cherry Blast! hillcenterdc.org. Galeria ISAAG. The Language of the
Apr 14. National Cherry Blossom Festival. Dock 5 at Union Market. Sarajevo Haggadah. Apr 15. Musical Heart (Dominican Republic).
nationalcherryblossomfestival.org. Dialogues: An Exploration of Hope. Apr 18-May 5.
A Japanese-inspired festival with food tastings from DCs best Asian chefs, Apr 16. Sound Impact. Apr 19. Eya. idbstaassociationartgallery.org.
interactive art and DJs performing throughout the night. Immerse yourself Apr 15-May 6. National Gallery of Art. Korean Cultural Center DC. Space:
in DCs vibrant Tokyo streetscape highlighting Japans dynamic culture and nga.gov. Photography and Installation Art by
ambiance as Dock 5 at Union Market is transformed. Shenson Chamber Music Concert: Four Korean Artists. Thru Apr 28.
Lydia Brown. Apr 19. National koreaculturedc.org.
Architecture Month at the District Architecture Center Museum of Women in the Arts. The Art League. April Open Exhibit.
Thru Apr 30. District Architecture Center and various locations. nmwa.org. Thru May 7. theartleague.org.
aiadc.com. TEMPO Concert. Apr 17. Opera al Waverly Street Gallery. Archetypes of
Architecture Month features behind the scenes tours, interactive lectures, and Fresco. Apr 20. The Clarice. Femininity Sculpture Exhibit. Thru Apr
exclusive events throughout Washington, DC. These public events will shine a theclarice.umd.edu. 29. waverlystreetgallery.com.
spotlight on Washingtons design culture that will be of interest to residents, Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Festival. Zenith Sculpture Space. Into The
visitors, architectural enthusiasts, and children. Apr 14. Tinariwen. Apr 19. John Woods. Thru Apr 29. zenithgallery.com.
McCutcheon. Apr 20. The Barns.
MUSEUMS National Geographic. Treasures from
the Tundra. Apr 18. Nat Geo Nights:
THEATRE The Magic Play. Thru May 7. Olney
Theatre. olneytheatre.org.
National Archives. Amending
America. Thru Sep 4.
Field Notes: Peru. Apr 20. nglive.org.
National Archives. The Truman
Jason Kanter & Keith Purnell. Apr 20. No Sisters. Thru Apr 23. Three archivesfoundation.org. Doctrine and the Origins of the Cold
AMP. ampbystrathmore.com. Sisters. Thru Apr 23. Studio Theatre. National Gallery of Art. Della Robbia: War. Apr 19. The Role of France in
Chicago. Thru Apr 16. Shear Madness. studiotheatre.org. Sculpting with Color in Renaissance the American Revolution and its
Thru Jun 11. Kennedy Center. Brighton Beach Memoirs. Thru May Florence. Thru Jun 4. Frdric Bazille Aftermath. Apr 20. National Archives.
kennedy-center.org. 7. Theater J. theaterj.org. and the Birth of Impressionism. Thru archivesfoundation.org.
Ragtime. Thru May 20. Fords Theatre. Pike St. Thru Apr 23. Woolly Jul 9. The Woodner Collections. Thru Aromatic. WALA Artists in the
fords.org. Mammoth. woollymammoth.net. Jul 16. Nineteenth-Century American Reframed Space Legal Education
In the Heights... In Spanish! Apr .d0t :: A Rotoplastic Ballet. Thru May Landscape Photography. Thru Jul 16. Series. Apr 15. District Lit Open Mic.
20-May 21. GALA Hispanic Theatre. 6. Pointless Theatre at Mead Theatre The Urban Scene: 19201950. Thru Apr 15. District Lit Happy Hour. Apr 15.
galatheatre.org. Lab. pointlesstheatre.com. Aug 6. nga.gov. artomatic.org.
Parade. Thru Apr 15. Keegan Theatre. Back to Methuselah: As Far As National Geographic. @NatGeo: The The Smithsonian Associates. The
keegantheatre.com. Thought Can Reach. Thru Apr 16. Most Popular Instagram Photos. Thru Handmaids Tale: Preview With
Catch Me: A Magic Duel. Apr Washington Stage Guild. Undercroft Apr 30. Earth Explorers. Thru Sep 10. Margaret Atwood and Elisabeth
15. Catch Me! Mayower Hotel. Theatre. stageguild.org. nglive.org. Moss. Apr 19. Baird Auditorium.
catchmeshow.com. National Museum of Women in the smithsonianassociates.org.

D I N ING A P RI L 1 4 , 2 0 1 7 2 9

Restaurants galore oering orange and guava juice will be served

in lieu of the usual Easter fare. Chicken
creative options katsu panko-crusted chicken served
with a spicy Japanese-style barbecue
By KRISTEN HARTKE sauce accompanies Belgian waes,
or you can opt for root beer-glazed sticky
Washington is fortunate to be ribs and other Hawaiian specialties. Live
experiencing a restaurant boom, so ukulele music will help give some island
theres no shortage of great places to atmosphere.
eat inside its boundaries, but sometimes Check out the Clarendon outpost of
its also good to get out and about. Ambar (2901 Wilson Blvd, Arlington;
And, shockingly, there are also people ambarrestaurant.com), with a xed-price
who dont live in Columbia Heights, brunch of Balkan-inspired unlimited
Bloomingdale or Navy Yard in fact, small plates and cocktails. Start with the
they actually live in Virginia, places that Brunch Aperitivo, made with fortied
are experiencing the same surge in new wine, orange juice and Balkan sparkling
restaurants helmed by top chefs. wine; or the Red Wine Punch, a blend of
So, if youre planning on going out for Cabernet Sauvignon, peach lemonade
Easter brunch this year, then try hopping and mint-infused syrup. Youll nd
on out to the northern Virginia suburbs both traditional dishes and twists on PHOTO COURTESY OF AMBAR
and exurbs to try something new and American brunch favorites on the menu,
maybe even breathe a little fresh country from salmon eggs Benedict, served on Mushroom pilav with eggs at Ambar in Arlington, Va.
air, should you venture far enough. an English mun with creamy kajmak
Here are just a few options to consider; sauce; to mushroom pilav served with spicy hollandaise and home fries. Other Bastille (606 N. Fayette Street,
remember that Easter is a big dining-out cremini mushrooms, rice, root vegetables a la carte items include sausage biscuit Alexandria; bastillerestaurant.com)
day, so its always a good idea to make and eggs; to cinnamon sweet sourdough sliders with maple sage sausage patties adds even more French air to Easter
reservations in advance. accompanied by your choice of Nutella or and American cheese, freshly baked celebrations with a avorful menu
If you feel like making a weekend homemade jam. cinnamon buns, and both mimosa and with inuences from Paris to north
of it, head to the rollings hills of Expect uber-local fresh honey Bloody Mary bars. Africa. Youll nd creamy Parisian-style
Madison, Va., and take part in the from the rooftop hives at hrth, the Check out the new spring menu scrambled eggs with bacon; croissant and
Easter festivities at Early Mountain restaurant at the Hilton McLean Tysons at BRABO (1600 King St., Alexandria; duck-fat home fries; cod let with olives,
Vineyards (6109 Wolftown Hood Rd, Corner (7920 Jones Branch Dr., McLean; braborestaurant.com), the Belgian- capers, onions, ngerling potatoes,
Madison; earlymountain.com). Chef harthrestaurant.com). The buet menu French restaurant at the Kimpton Lorien fennel and carrots; and a brioche French
Ryan Collins, formerly of Jos Andrs will feature herb-crusted prime rib, Hotel in Old Town Alexandria. Highlights toast stued with peanut butter and
ThinkFoodGroup, will oer spit-roasted crme brle French toast casserole, include a chilled English pea and mint raspberry jam. Chef Michelle Poteaux
lamb, roasted porchetta, falafel, farro and and an omelette station, along with velout with Maine lobster salad; spring ones an array of freshly made desserts,
caponata salad, and a fresh garden pea bottomless mimosas, specialty cocktails vegetarian risotto with seasonal wild including a lemon ginger butter bar with
salad, with the award-winning vineyards and mocktails, and, of course, the ramps, peas, and turnips; and braised blueberry ice cream; almond mousse
2016 pinot gris. There will be live music Easter Bunny and an egg hunt complete halibut let with roasted Brussels sprouts, with almond cake, strawberries, white
from 1-4 p.m., a petting zoo and an Easter with prizes. smoked ham, black true and a red wine chocolate and strawberry sorbet; and a
egg hunt. Try waterfront dining at Reds reduction. Lead bartender Phil Clark is truly Easter-inspired carrot cake served
Get tropical at Shirlingtons Hula Table (11150 South Lakes Dr., Reston; oering a refreshing strawberry-mint with caramel ice cream, toasted walnuts,
Girl Bar & Grill (4044 Campbell Ave., redstableva.com), where chef Adam Stein zz along with an elderower, gin and crme anglaise and crispy carrots.
Arlington; hulagirlbarandgrill.com), will oer a slow-cooked leg of lamb with cucumber cocktail. Dont forget to nish
where Hawaiian delicacies like SPAM and grilled asparagus and minted hollandaise, o your meal with the pistachio and rose
eggs, banana and macadamia waes, crispy caramel French toast, and crab water proteroles with bourbon-vanilla KRISTEN HARTKE is a D.C.-based food
and beverage writer. Follow her kitchen
and mimosas mixed with passionfruit, cakes served on buttermilk biscuits with ice cream. adventures on Twiiter, @khartke.

PFLAG promotes the equality and well-being of gay, lesbian, bisexual,

and transgendered persons, their families and friends through:
Support to cope with an adverse society.
Education to enlighten an ill-informed public.
Advocacy to end discrimination and secure equal civil rights.
Trained facilitators lead the Arlington Support Group and confidentiality is maintained. For
further information about the Arlington Support Group, contact us at arl.pflag@gmail.com.
Our groups meet on the second Sunday of each month, from 3 4:30pm at the Unitarian
Universalist Church in Arlington, at George Mason Drive & Route 50.
A.L.Y. is a group for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, and Questioning Youth and Allies in
grades 7-12. Our goal is to give LGBTQ youth a safe place to gather. Trained facilitators lead the
youth group. Confidentiality maintained. For more info, contact: aly.pflagdc@gmail.com.
Our Washington DC Chapter of PFLAG may be reached at 202-638-3852.

3 0 A PRI L 1 4 , 2 0 17 CA LE N D A R

E-mail calendar items to calendars@washblade.

com two weeks prior to your event. Space is lim-
ited so priority is given to LGBT-specic events
or those with LGBT participants. Recurring
events must be re-submitted each time.

The Imperial Court of Washington
D.C. hosts its Beer Bar Takeover at D.C.
Eagle (3701 Benning Rd., N.E.) tonight
at 10 p.m. Guests are invited to get to
know members of the court. Drafts are
$2 and Jell-O shots are $2. There will
also be a 50/50 rae. Funds benet the
Imperial Court of Washington D.C. and its
Reign V charities of CrossOver Healthcare
Ministries, Pets with Disabilities and
Rainbow Families. For more information,
visit facebook.com/imperialcourtdc.
Landmarks E Street Cinema (555 11th
St., N.W.) screens The Rocky Horror
Picture Show tonight and Saturday night
at 11:59 p.m as part of its CineEinsomnia
series. The screenings will feature the
live shadow cast the Sonic Transducers.
Standard tickets are $10. Child and senior Fun Home runs at the National Theatre April 18-May 13.
tickets are $9. For more details, visit
Gallaudet University (800 Florida Ave., details, visit facebook.com/dcrawhides. Church Tea, a gay dance party, at events like coming out. It runs through
N.E.) hosts its 10th annual ColorFest, an Lure D.C. hosts Bare: Spring Fling, Trade (1410 14th St., N.W.) tonight from May 13. Tickets range from $48-98. For
LGBT and sign language community expo, a ladies dance party, at Cobalt (1639 R 6 p.m.-midnight. Rev. Jesse Jackson a complete list of show times and to
today from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The expo will be St., N.W.) tonight from 10 p.m.-3 a.m. DJ gives the sermon. The Barber Streisand purchase tickets, visit thenationaldc.org.
a combination of workshops and vendors Rosie plays music and the DystRucXion will be the special guest DJ and KC B.
aimed at LGBT deaf or hard-of-hearing Dancers make an appearance. There will Yonce will perform. Jane Saw hosts. For WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19
young adults. HIV testing will also be be drink specials all night. Admission is $7 more information, visit facebook.com/
onsite. Tickets range from $10-50. For a before midnight and $10 after. For more tradebardc. Capital Area Gay & Lesbian Chamber
complete list of activities and workshops, information, visit facebook.com/lurewdc. of Commerce (CAGLCC) hosts its Mega
visit facebook.com/colorfest2017. Spartan Motorcycle Club hosts MONDAY, APRIL 17 Womens Wednesday: Health and Fitness
D.C. Strokes Rowing Club hosts its Spartan Bar Night at the D.C. Eagle (3701 Edition at Human Rights Campaign (1640
Lunch Bunch at City Tap House Penn Benning Rd., N.E.) tonight from 9 p.m.-1 TheatreWashington hosts its monthly Rhode Island Ave., N.W.) tonight from
Quarter (901 9th St., N.W.) today from a.m. Beer and Jell-O shots will be served. ShowTunes and Cocktails with Maestro 6:30-8:30 p.m. The event is designed to
12:15-1:30 p.m. D.C. Strokes Treasurer For more details, visit faceook.com/ Glenn Pearson and guest artist Dorea bring together professional women to
Simon Jerome will be the guest host. spartanmotorcycleclub. Schimdt at Beacon Bar & Grill (1615 Rhode network. There will be tness demos,
Future rower are welcome to attend. For University of Michigan Alumni Club of Island Ave., N.W.) tonight from 7-10 p.m. healthy food samples and health
more information, visit facebook.com/ Greater Washington D.C. volunteers for Happy hour menu will be available and screenings and assessments. Admission
dcstrokes. Food & Friends (219 Riggs Rd., N.E.) today a theater ticket giveaway. Admission is is free. For more information, visit
GAMMA, a peer-supported, self-help from 8:45 a.m.-noon. The group needs pay what you can. Ten percent of the facebook.com/caglcc.
group for gay or bisexual men who have drivers to bring meals and groceries evenings proceeds will be donated to The Tom Davoren Social Bridge
been involved with women, meets at directly to clients within D.C. Routes Beacon Bar & Grill. For more details, visit Club meets tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the
Luther Place Memorial Church (1226 average around six-10 households and facebook.com/theatrewashington. Dignity Center (721 8th St., S.E.) for social
Vermont Ave., N.W.) tonight from 7:30- can take from an hour and a half to bridge. No partner needed. For more
9:30 p.m. For more details, visit meetup. three hours. For more information, visit TUESDAY, APRIL 18 information, call 301-345-1571.
com/gammaindc. facebook.com/gobluedc. Bookmen D.C., an informal gay mens
18th & U Duplex Diner (2004 18th St., Trade (1410 14th St., N.W.) hosts Gay/ The D.C. Center (2000 14th St., N.W.) literature group, discusses Hidden:
N.W.) hosts a viewing party for RuPauls Bash, a dance party, tonight from 10 hosts its FUK!T Packing Party from The Intimate Lives of Gay Men Past and
Drag Race tonight from 8-9 p.m. Goldie p.m.-2:30 a.m. Severely Mame, Salvadora 7-9 p.m. tonight. For more details, visit Present by Clinton Elliott, at the D.C.
Grigio hosts. For more information, visit Dali, Jaxknife Complex, Cis Jenner and thedccenter.org or greenlanterndc.com. Center (2000 14th St.., N.W.) tonight at
facebook.com/duplexdiner. Jane Saw will perform at 11:30 p.m. and The D.C. Center (2000 14th St., N.W.) 7:30 p.m. All are welcome. For more
1 a.m. DJ Dean Sullivan spins and Donna hosts its monthly Bi Round Table information, visit bookmendc.blogspot.
SATURDAY, APRIL 15 Slash hosts. For more details, search discussion tonight from 7-8 p.m. People com.
Gay/Bash on Facebook. are invited to discuss issues related to
D.C. Rawhides host its Town & Country Code Redux Hanky Party is at Glorious bisexuality or their experiences as a THURSDAY, APRIL 20
Anniversary Dance at Union Market Health Club (2120 West Virginia Ave., N.E.) bisexual individual. For more information,
(1309 5th St., N.E.) tonight from 6 p.m.- tonight from 9 p.m.-3 a.m. Admission is visit thedccenter.org. D.C. Lambda Squares, a LGBT square
midnight. There will be an intermediate/ $25 and includes a free drink ticket. Fetish The National Tour of Fun Home dance club, hosts a square dancing open
advanced dance lesson, free dancing and dress code is required. For more details, premieres at the National Theatre (1321 house at National City Christian Church (5
a rae. A cash bar will be open all night visit facebook.com/codedc. Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.) tonight at 7:30 Thomas Circle, N.W.) tonight from 7:30-
and there will be free seated massages. p.m. The play, based on the graphic 9:30 p.m. Partner is not required. There
Food trucks will be parked outside. Ticket SUNDAY, APRIL 16 memoir of the same name, follows Alison will be refreshments. The groups new
includes free admission into Town before Bechdel as she unravels the mysteries of weekend class is from June 2-4. For more
midnight. Tickets are $20. For more Wessthedj and madscience present her childhood and revisits her key life details, visit dclambdasquares.org.

S E R VI CES A PR IL 14, 2017 31








A table set for a Passover seder in a local gay home. Passover continues through April 18. MUST CLOSE APRIL 23

Passover continues; St. Margarets Episcopal Church has WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY AARON POSNER NEW NEIGHBORHOOD
an Easter Vigil today at 6:30 p.m. For more
gay-friendly churches information, visit stmargaretsdc.org. CHEKHOV FOR THE 21ST CENTURY. WORLD PREMIERE
honor Paschal Triduum Washington National Cathedral THE NEW YORK TIMES (OF STUPID F*CKING BIRD)
holds the Great Vigil of Easter tonight at 8
p.m. The vigil ill be live streamed. Passes
Friday, April 14 are not required. For more details, visit
(Good Friday) catherdral.org. CALL 202.332.3300 OR VISIT STUDIOTHEATRE.ORG
Dignity/Washington holds an
adoration of the cross and Eucharistic
Sunday, April 16
service at St. Margarets Episcopal (Easter Sunday)
Church (1820 Connecticut Ave., N.W.)
tonight at 7:30 p.m. For details, visit Foundry United Methodist
dignitywashington.org. Churchhas a gospel worship celebration,
St. Georges Episcopal Church (160 led by a gospel choir, today at 9 a.m. and a
U St., N.W.) has a Good Friday service traditional worship celebration featuring
tonight from 7:30-8:30 p.m. For more classical anthems and spirituals at 11:15
information, visit stgeorgesdc.org. a.m. Visit foundryumc.org.
St. Thomas Parish holds its Good Metropolitan Community Church
Friday service at St. Margarets Episcopal of Washington hosts a Easter worship
Church from today from noon-3 p.m. For service today at 9 and 11 a.m. For details,
more information, visit stthomasdc.org. visit mccdc.com.
Washington National Cathedral hosts National City Christian Church (5
the Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday at noon Thomas Circle, N.W.) holds a gospel
and 7 p.m. There will be live streams of worship service today at 8:30 a.m. and
both services. Visit, cathedral.org. a traditional worship service at 11 a.m.
At Bet Mishpachah, Louis Blank and Details, visit nationalcitycc.org.
Eryca Kasse lead an Ereve Shabbat St. Georges Episcopal Church has
service tonight at 8 p.m. at the D.C. Jewish a sunrise Easter service at 6 a.m. At 10
Community Center (1529 16th St., N.W.). a.m. it celebrates with an Easter festival
Details at betmish.org. service. For details, visit stgeorgesdc.org.
St. Margarets Episcopal Church has
an Easter Sunday services today at 9 and
Saturday, April 15 11:15 a.m. today. For more information,
(Holy Saturday) visit stmargaretsdc.org.
The United Church has an Easter
A Humanist Seder will be held tonight Festival Worship service today from
at 6 p.m. at the Washington Ethical 11 a.m.-noon. More details, visit
Society (7750 16th St., N.W.). Its billed as theunitedchurch.org.
an intergenerational potluck dinner with Western Presbyterian Church
music, camaraderie and fun. Bring a dish holds Easter Worship in the Sanctuary
to share. Details at ethicalsociety.org. today from 11 a.m.-noon. Visit
Dignity/NoVa has an Easter Vigil westernpresbyterian.net.
at Immanuel Church on the Hill (3606 Washington National Cathedral
Seminary Rd., Alexandria, Va.) with a celebrates Easter Sunday with services
blessing of the new re and Baptismal at 8, 11:15 a.m. and 4 p.m. Passes
water tonight at 7:30 p.m. For more are required. To reserve a spot, visit
information, visit dignitywashington.org. cathedral.org.
3 2 A PRI L 1 4 , 2 0 17 W A SH I N G T O N BLA D E . CO M

BO OK S A PR IL 14, 2017 33


Wordplay-heavy kids himself so the parents decided that Iain
book is too cute by half
(PopCorns pop) should be moved into
Camelottery. And because Sumac had a
main-oor bedroom, she was asked to
give it up and move her things to the Artic

(also known as the attic).
That was something she really didnt
want to do. She really didnt want Grumps
to come live at Camelottery because he
was mean and nasty, racist and he hated
everything and everyone. To be truthful,
TERRI SCHLICHENMEYER has been reading Sumac didnt like him very much, either, so
since she was 3 years old.She lives in Wisconsin she started to think up a plan.
with two dogs and 12,000 books. Reach her at
bookwormsez@yahoo.com. Lets start here: The Lotterys Plus One
is too messy, too cutesy, too padded with
Move over. not-pertinent-to-the-story scenes, and, AT MASON
Youre taking up too much space. with a plethora of names, too confusing.
Thered be enough seats if you didnt Its as if lesbian author Emma Donoghue CFA.GMU.EDU
have two of them, so skootch down. tried too much to put an Age-of-Aquarius
Let someone else in. Theres room for spin on what could have been a simple
everybody and everyone ts, but in the story of diversity and inclusion. Its too Featuring Clytemnestra, Act 2
new book The Lotterys Plus One by over the top.
Emma Donoghue illustrated by Caroline Thats quite the departure from
Hadilaksono, not everybody ts in. Donoghues adult novels, which are
Nine-year-old Sumac Lottery knew her
family was dierent. It was no big deal,
tight, vivid and brimming with stunning
plausibility; instead, this story is just plain MARTHA
though; thats what happens when a man
from the Yukon and a man from India
fall in love, and a Mohawk woman and a
weird, starting with character names that
are new-agey and forced-clever. These
same characters give funny-not-funny
Jamaican woman fall in love, too. Its what
happens when there are seven kids, most
names to rooms (Derriere is the backside
of the house), and much of the dialogue DANCE
of them from other bios.
It wasnt always that way.
When MaxiMum was giving birth to
consists of inside-jokes and preschooler
misunderstandings (Spare Oom. Say it
aloud). Its as if Pippi Longstocking moved
Sic 16 years ago, PapaDum and PopCorn into a House of Wordplay, only not as FRIDAY, APRIL 28 AT 8 P.M.
were rubbing MaxiMums back when charming and nowhere near as much fun.
CardaMom found a winning lottery ticket At its very basic, this story a large,
that someone else had lost. They got lots diverse family welcomes an elderly
of money, which allowed them to change relative is solid, even good. Its the
their surnames and buy a big house peripherals that are hard to get past, and
for the big family that the four parents 8-to-12-year-olds may not have much
always wanted. patience for it. For sure, adults can spot
That all happened long before Sumac The Lotterys Plus One and move on.
was born.
And it mightve stayed that way, too
11 Lotterys (plus pets) in one big, rowdy,
happy family but then PopCorn got
a call from the Yukon. His father had
By Emma Donoghue, illustrated by Caroline
Arthur A. Levine Books Located on the Fairfax campus, six miles west of Beltway exit 54, at
accidentally almost burned his house $17.99 the intersection of Braddock Road and Rt. 123.
down, and he could no longer live by 320 pages
3 4 A PRI L 1 4 , 2 0 17 W A SH I N G T O N BLA D E . CO M

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10 years of March madness

Market rmly back to
pre-recession levels

The story in MarketStats on the MRIS

blog exulted, This is the highest March
median sales price on record, with data
going back to 1997. Of course, those
prices will be probably climb even higher
as we enter the peak spring market for
real estate sales.
I decided to dig a little deeper into this
statistic to see what it means, not just for
the DMV (DC, Maryland and Virginia sub-
urbs), but for the individual counties that
make up the DC Metro region. I looked at
ve counties or groups of counties: Wash-
ington, D.C., Montgomery County, Prince
Georges County, and the counties served
by the Northern Virginia Association of
Realtors (Alexandria City, Arlington Coun- 2017 MarketStats by ShowingTime. Data Provided by MRIS as of April 5, 2017.
ty, Fairfax County and Fairfax City, and
Falls Church County).
The line graph here shows that the sold price of $535,000 in March 2017, a only a 2.3 percent increase. The county great news for sellers in the District and
DMV overall has risen from a median 34 percent increase. The next clear win- with the least improvement is Prince Northern Virginia. For buyers, it looks
sold price of $384,000 in March 2008 to ner is the Northern Virginia counties, with Georges, which has actually fallen from like there are some bargains to be had
the $420,000 gure quoted by Market- an increase of 24 percent from $401,880 its March 2008 median sold price of in Maryland, especially in Prince Georges
Stats. The obvious winner in this analy- in March 2008 to a median sold price of $292,500 to $268,500 in March 2017, a County. Happy sales to you!
sis is the District proper, where the me- $498,000 in March 2017. decline of 8 percent.
TED SMITH is a licensed Realtor with Real
dian sold price went from $399,000 in What about Maryland? Montgomery So what do we learn from this analysis? Living | at Home specializing in mid-city D.C.
March 2008 (not too far from the overall County is the closest in pattern to the It looks like the housing market across Reach him at TedSmithSellsDC@rlathome.com
regional median) to outpace the other overall DMV, with a rise from $400,500 in the DMV is truly back to its levels from and follow him on www.Facebook.com/MidCi-
tyDCLife , www.Youtube.com/TedSmithSellsDC
counties considered here, with a median March 2008 to $410,000 in March 2017, 2008, when the recession began. Thats or @TedSmithSellsDC.

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Washington Blade and

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- Including Regular & Adult -
Date of Death: Feb 29, 2016 Must Be Received
Inez M. Coleman (a/k/a Inez McKenzie Coleman and Inez Coleman) By Mondays at 5PM LARGE TEXT COLOR
washingtonblade.com AND MORE
Paul E. Coleman, whose address is 695 Sunset Road, Teaneck, New Jersey
07666, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Inez M. Coleman
GAY MEN. Individual/
(a/k/a Inez McKenzie Coleman and Inez Coleman), deceased, by the Surrogates couple counseling
Court for the Queens County, State of New York, on June 17, 2016, Service of w/ volunteer peer
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with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Building A, 515 5th Street, EMPLOYMENT
N.W., 3rd Floor, Washington, D.C. 20001 within 6 months from the date of first
publication of this notice.
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