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Submitted by: Karlie Troup____________________________________CWID___50102516_

Grade Level: __5___ Mentor Teacher Daniel Buhrow_

Subject/Topic: Math/ Financial Literacy


Rationale: Materials/Equipment:
TSW identify the difference between sales, Smart Board
property, payroll, and income taxes. Game Board(stations)
Task cards (Teacher Table)
Technology (I-pad/laptops)

TEKS Achieved: Accommodations:(what YOU do to modify your lesson)

10A- Define income tax, payroll tax, sales tax, 1. ELL: TSW be able to use a polish to
property tax English dictionary
2. Dyslexia: TSW be able to have word
problems read aloud
4D-use pre-reading supports such as graphic
organizers, illustrations, and pre-taught topic-
related vocabulary and other pre-reading
activities to enhance comprehension of written

Blooms Taxonomy: Differentiated Classroom Strategies: Curriculum

Knowledge/Remember Learning: Hands-On Integration:
Comprehension/Understand Auditory Technology
Application Visual/Spatial Centers
Analysis Kinesthetic Independent Activities
Social Studies
Create / Synthesis Logical/Math Simulation
Evaluation Verbal/Linguistic Charts/Graphs/Maps
Intrapersonal Lecture
Interpersonal Problem Solving

TSW distinguish between income tax, payroll tax, sales tax, and property tax.
TSW define income tax, payroll tax, sales tax, and property tax through graphic organizers.

Lesson Plan:
Introduction (Anticipatory Set/Focus/Motivation):(
On the white board I will have one side labeled sales tax and the other, property tax. I will pass out
a sticky note to each student. Each student will be instructed to write any word or phrase, or even
draw a picture on the chart paper to show what they already may know about each tax.

Information Giving
Before starting lesson: Read the objectives to the class so they are aware of learning targets for
the day
Anchor-chart: Direct student attention to anchor chart-this is a reference
Go over math slides-smart board
Review: review terms we learned about yesterday
Tax: The money paid to the government in exchange for goods and services.
Income tax, payroll tax
New: Property tax, sales tax
Taxes foldable: We will fill this out as a class. We did payroll and income taxes yesterday, so today
we will fill out the part for property and sales taxes. This is a graphic organizer which will help
students to visually see the difference between the four taxes.

Check for understanding:

Role-play- I will have 4 different scenarios about different taxes. I will ask two students to
volunteer to role-play the scenario after I have read it to the class. Students will appropriately act
out each scene.
After students role-play we will guess what type of tax this would be. One side of the class is labeled
property tax; the other is labeled sales tax. Students will go to the side of the room that they think
matches up with the scenario that was read and role played by students.
We will have a class discussion over why the corresponding tax and scenario match up.

Guided Practice: (Include how you help them learn the information, procedure or process):

Check for Mastery-Group Stations:

Games- Partners will be able to play a board game where they will have to use their new knowledge
about taxes. Each partner will be given a scenario and they will have to guess what type of tax would
be used. Partners will be able to check each other and tell the partner if they are right or wrong
for each scenario.
Teacher Table- At the teacher table we will use financial literacy task cards to help reinforce the
lesson taught over the different types of taxes. I will have about 20 scenarios which I will read out
to the entire group. Each student will have a card that will say payroll, income, property or sales
tax. I will have students place their answer choice on the table upside down when they have chosen
their answer. When everyone is ready I will count and each student will show their answer. After
each scenario I will have students explain why they chose each type of tax. As a group we will
discuss why each tax matches the correct scenario.

Independent Practice:
To reinforce the lesson and what was taught the students will do stations after the whole group
math lesson
Stations: (These are the independent stations)
Technology- Here students will use and I-pad and work towards completing their 2 TTM math
lessons that they are to pass each week (these lessons review math concepts that students should
know and be practicing)
Independent- Here students will use an I-pad to learn new math vocabulary. They can do quizzes,
play matching games, and so on
Homework- Students will be able to catch up on any homework

At the end of the week the students will take a kahoot quiz to see if they are able to identify
between the 4 taxes.
At teacher table I will note down students who seem to struggle with the concepts. I will make sure
to check on them throughout them and monitor their progress by checking in with them at stations.

Closure / Culminating Activity:

Sticky note closure: I will pass out one sticky note to every student
Each student should put their name on the back of the sticky note
On the smart board I will have 3 questions:
1. What is one question you still have about taxes?
2. What is one reason why learning about taxes is important?
3. What is one thing that our taxes pay for?
Student will answer number one, and they can pick between 2 and 3 for the second question.
Students should record answers on sticky note and then put the sticky note on the white board.
If time permits, we can go over some of the questions/answers as a class.

Word Splash Evaluation- We will now go back to the word splash titled property and sales tax. As
a class we will note which information is correct, which information needs tweaking, or which
information needs to be deleted.

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