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Classroom Management Plan

Madison Hanson

In my classroom, I try to focus on rewarding, reinforcing, and reteaching the positive

behaviors. Our objectives are prominently displayed in the classroom, as are the rules and

procedures. Having an effective management plan in place and the expectations displayed helps

me and my students to focus on the core lessons and get the most from them that we can.

In The Responsive Classroom Approach to Teaching, it discusses the importance of

nonverbal cues. We have cues for getting a drink, using the restroom getting a tissue, and getting

a sharpened pencil. By putting these cues in place, we are able to have fairly uninterrupted

lessons so we stay on track most days and are able to accomplish more. I respond to these cues in

nonverbal ways as well, with either a nod or a head shake. The students know that once I have

responded, that is my final answer and they shouldn't ask again unless it is an emergency.

I also focus on Glassers seven connecting habits when I interact with my students. I tell

them frequently that respect is a two way street and that for me to give them the respect that they

deserve, they need to respect me. We do this by having very open and honest lines of

communication, listening to each other, embracing our differences and learning from each other.

I told them on the first day of school that I wouldn't be the only teacher this year. They are going

to be teaching me, too. I believe that by saying this at the very start, my students can now look at

me and see more than just an authority figure. They see a human being who is trying her best.

Since they know that I am giving it everything I have, they are more willing to follow my

directions and my expectations.

Classroom Rules

Raise your hand for permission to speak.

Raise your hand for permission to get out of your seat.

Make smart choices.

Follow directions quickly.

Keep your dear teacher happy.

Raise your hand for permission to speak.


Drinks/Bathroom/Exchange Pencil/Tissue

There are sign language signals for both of these actions so I don't have to

interrupt my instruction in order to answer their questions.

Students also know that they are not allowed to go to the bathroom or get a drink

while I am doing whole group instruction.

Walking In The Hall

Single file line, boy-girl-boy-girl order, on the second tile from the right, with

voices off.

If students do not demonstrate that they know these expectations, they stay in for

recess with me and walk the halls appropriately.



Every Friday, students are given a new tracker. On this tracker, they can be given

Ps for points or Cs for consequences.

If students earn 10 Ps on their tracker in one week, I will send home a note

informing their parents/guardians of their positive behavior and they get a treat of

their choosing at the end of the week.

If students earn 3 or more Cs on their tracker in one week, I will send a note home

informing their parents/guardians of their negative behaviors, they lose the

privilege of Freedom Friday, and they lose recess.

Trackers are taken home on Thursday nights to be signed by parents. If they are

not returned the following day with a signature, students lose the privilege of

Freedom Friday.

Table/Team Points

Students sit in teams of 6-8 so they can work together to earn points through

participation, following directions, etc.

The table with the most points at the end of the week gets a small reward from my

prize box.

Class Court

Throughout the week, if students see other students misbehaving or being mean to

other students, they can write an anonymous note and put it in the Oops! jar.

On Fridays, I (the judge) will hold court where students can plead innocent or

guilty, defend their case, or call witnesses. I will then find them either innocent or

guilty. If guilty, they erase however many dots I deem appropriate based on the

severity of the behavior.

Brag Tags
Each student will also have a set of Brag Tags. These tags are for completing

larger tasks, i.e. completing an entire month of homework, reading a certain

number of books, behaving exceptionally well on a field trip, etc.

These tags will hang in the classroom and be awarded at the end of every term or

when earned during assemblies, field trips, etc.

Party Pebbles

This is a reward that students earn as a class. When they are all behaving well,

staying on task, completing their work, etc., I can give them pebbles towards a


Once the vase is full of pebbles, students can vote on what kind of party they

would like to have (technology, pajama, pizza, ice cream, etc.) and we will have it

within the next few days.

After students have earned a party, the vase is emptied and they begin to earn the

next one.

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