Book 1rst Semester - Johnny-s-First-Kiss PDF

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nny's First

Johnny is thirteen. He is living with his parents in

a new neighborhood. It's his first day at a new school.
But Johnny is not very happy. He doesn't know the
other kids there.
It's early in the morning. Outside the sun is shining.
Johnny and his mother are talking in the kitchen.
Johnny - But I want to stay with my best friends
Tom, Chris, and Bobby! What about soccer practice,
Mom? I'rn on the team. uon't you remember? Mom - I know its difficult to change schools,
Mom - Of course I do. But you'Il make new friends Johnny. And it's hard to leave good friends. But trust
at your new school, Johnny. me! After a week, you won't be the new kid anymore! .
Johnny - But I dori't want to be the "new kid" that Johnny - Come on, Mom! Stop kidding! If I don't
everyone talks about. 11'sterrible when other kids like the new school, I'rn not going to stay there. 1 m

make fun of you. going back to my old school.

Two Months Later ...
It's lunchtime. Johnny is at home. He is in a hurry
because he is going out with his friends from his new
school. He runs down the stairs. His mother is Johnny's new school friends are Nick, Lou and
preparing lunch. Fred. They are classmates. They play soccer on the
Johnny - Bye Mom! I'rn going to play soccer with school team and do lots of things together. They call
my friends! themselves "The Gang".
Mom - Hey! Lunch is almost ready! Don't you want Cynthia is Johnny's classmate too. When he is not
to eat? with the gang, he likes to spend time with her. Johnny
Johnny - No thanks, Mom. I'rn late! I'!l eat and Cynthia usually study together. After school, they
something later! always chat on the phone.

, 7
lt's 10 o'clock in the morning. lt's break time and
the kids are chatting in the school yard.
Nick - Hey, Johnny! Come with us to Fred's house
after schooU At Fred's house, the kids are laughing and telling
Johnny - I can't. Cynthia and I are going to study jokes. They are eating junk food and drinking soda.
together for the exam tomorrow. My mom is going to Johnny forgets to call his mother and Cynthia. Later
help uso the telephone rings. Tony, Fred's older brother,
Nick - Come on, Johnny! Fred's parents are out of answers the phone.
town. It's going to be tunl "Hello, this is Tony speaking. Who is this? Johnny's
Fred - Yes! Come with us, Johnny! mom... OK, hold onl"
Johnny - All right, !'ll qo: But first, I need to call Tony - Hey, Johnny, lts your mommy on the phone!
my mom and Cynthia! Ha, ha, ho:
Johnny answers the phone.

"Hl Mom ..."
"Johnny, your friend Cynthia is looking for you
everywhere," his mother says. "What are you doing
at Fred's house? Don't you have an exam tomorrow?" Tony starts to moke fun of Johnny.
Johnny is emborrossed. "Sorry Mom! 1'11call "Mommy, Mommy, sorry! Hey, and don't forget to
Cynthia. And I'It study later on, OK? Bye." call CYNTHIA! Ha, ha, ha!"
Johnny hangs up the phone. He trns to his
Johnny - Shut up, Tony!
Fred ond Nick - See you, Johnny!
Johnny - Well, I think my mom is mod at me. Later at night. Johnny arrives home. He tells his
Nick - Hey, Johnny, don't worry. AlI moms are the mother he is going to study the next morning before
some. It's no big deol! school. He calls Cynthia and apologizes to her. They
Johnny - Anywoy, .t's late. I need to gol Bye, guys! talk on the phone for a long time.

10 li
Johnny gets o bod grade on the exom. Becouse
of this, he doesn't wont to go home immediotely. He
decides to go to Fred's house with the gong.
The following morning, Johnny is still sleeping. His The kids ploy video gomes 011ofternoon. Tony hos
mother enters his bedroom. She is very upset. o pack of cigarettes. He tokes one ond posses the
pock to Fred, Nick, ond Lou. They 011toke o cigorette.
Mom - Wake up, Johnny! Wake up!
Tony gives the pock to Johnny.
Johnny - Oh, Mom... Whot time is it?
Mom - It's 7:45 ond you're lote for school! Hurry Johnny - No thonks, Tony. I don't smoke. Actually,
up ond get ready! Vou don't hove time for breokfost! I don't like cigorettes!
And by the way, I wont to see your exom results late r! Fred - Why don't you try? It's cool!
Johnny tries to smoke and ...
Johnny - Arghhhh! It's awful!
The boy feels horrible. He starts to cough and to
breathe with difficulty. Fred makes fun of him.
Fred - Vou don't know how to smoke. Johnny!
All the kids laugh at Johnny.

It's late in the evening. Johnny is ot home. He is
tolking to Cynthio on the phone. She is still upset.

Johnny - Hi, Cynthio. I'rn sorry obout todoy.'s

Johnny leoves Cynthio. She is upset. "The Gong"
study together tomorrow ofter closs! We con meet ot
osks Johnny if he is dating Cynthio.
the librory.
Johnny - No, not really! Cynthia - 1 don't think it's a good ideo, Johnny.
Lou - Good! Becouse we are going to hove a porty 1
Every time your friends appear, you oct stronge
ond Julio will be there. She's crazy about you. oround me.
Johnny - Reolly? Johnny - Sorry, Cynthio. lts becouse ... Well, 1get
Nick - Yeoh, Johnny. Everybody knows thot! emborrossed!
Fred - Hey, Johnny, you're a lucky guy! Julio is Cynthia - No Johnny. 1think you are oshorned of
the best-looking girl ot school. me. Listen, 1 hove to go now. Tolk to you loter.

I' 17
Johnny -:- Not reolly, Dod. I know Mom is
disoppointed in me, ond now Cynthio is upset too ...
Johnny's fother sees thot his son is scd. He sits
down next to him.
Johnny is in his room. He is feeling down. He reolly
cores obout Cynthio. Now, she is disappointed in him. Dad - Johnny, sometimes we do things we don't
Suddenly, someone knocks on his bedroom door. It's wont to, just to please other people. Sometimes, we
his fother. hurt peopl we like. Sometimes, we hurt ourselves.
Johnny - Tho~ks, Dod!
Dad - Johnny ... con Icome in?
Johnny's dod hugs his sono
Johnny - Sure Dod!
Dad - Johnny, your mother is a little worried.obou:
you. Is everything okoy?
Johnny orrives home from soccer proctice. He osks
.his mother if there are ony messoges for him. But there
are none. He tokes a shower ond phones Cynthio. He
wonts to invite her to the porty. Johnny is plonning to
After closs, "the gong" arranges the lost details
tell her thot he likes her. But Cynthio's tine is olwoys
of the porty. Fred ond Lou tell Johnny thot Julio will
busy. It's olmost 8 o'clock.
be there. They are going to meet ot Fred's house
oround 8:00 pm. In the meantime, Johnny tries to tell Johnny - Mom, I'rn going to the porty!
Cynthio obout the porty. But she is too busy to tolk. Mom - Do you wont your fother to pick you up
Loter, the kids go to soccer proctice. loter?
Johnny - No Mom, Nick's dod is going to give us a
ride. Bye!
Johnny doesn't wont to let his friends down. At
the some time. he is thinking obout Cynthio. But he
finolly ogrees to tolk to Julio.
It's "porty time" ot Fred's house. The kids are oll Johnny - Hi. Julio!
excited. Julio is there with a group of girls. Music is Julio - Oh. hello Johnny. Hey. the guys soy you
ploying ond some kids are doncing. The boys are in are the best ployer on the soccer
one corner ond the girls are in onother. Julio smiles Johnny - Well. 1guess l'rn oll right!
ot Johnny. The boys encourage Johnny to go ond To Johnny's surprise. Julio puts her orms oround
tolk to her. him ond kisses him. At this moment. Cynthio orrives ot
Johnny - Hey. guys. listen. I'rn not reolly interested the porty. She sees Johnny with Julio!
in Julio ...
Fred - Hey. Johnny. she's smiling ot you. Now is
your chonce!
Lou - Yeoh mon! Go ond tolk to her! Do it for us!
Do it for the gong!
Fred ond Lou ore next to Cynthio. They decide to
tease her.

Fred - Johnny is o reolly lucky guy!

Lou - Yes. he sure is! Cynthio runs quickly out of the house. Just then.
Cynthio looks onqilty ot Fred ond Lou. Then she Johnny sees her. He turns to Julio.
turns ond wolks owoy.
Johnny - Sorry Julio. but I hove to tolk to someone.
Fred - Hey. Cynthio. where ore you going? Don't
Johnny runs across the living roem. His friends try
you wont to stoy for the rest of the porty?
to stop him. but he pushes them away. He wonts to
Cynthia - Vou guys ore reolly stupid. just like your
tolk to Cynthio before she goes owoy.
friend. Johnny! !
Another school day is beginning. Johnny is having
breakfast with his mother.
Mom - What time will you be home, Johnny?
The meaning of each word corresponds to its use in the context of
Johnny - Well, Mom, after class I have soccer. the story (see page number. 00)
Then l'rn meeting Cynthia. We're doing a geography
project together. across (25) atravs feel. feels (15) sentir
advice (18) conselho following (12)seguinte
Mom - Remember your first day at school? Now,
agree. agrees (23) concordar forget. forgets (9) esquecer
look at you! You're not the "new kid" anymore, sono almost (6) quase fun (8) divertido
Johnny - You're wrong, Mom. I AM a "new kid"! already (26) j gang (7) turma
He grabs his backpack, kisses his mother and goes apologize. apologizes (11) get. gets (17)ficar
desculpar-se girlfriend (26) namorada
to school.
appear (17)aparecer grab. grabs (28) pegar
arrange. arranges (20) grade (13) nota
combinar guys (10) caras
arrive. arrives (23) chegar hard (5) difcil
ashamed (17)envergonhado hate. hates (27) odiar
awful (14) horrvel hear. hears (27) escutar. ouvir
backpack (28) mochila hug. hugs (19) abraar
breathe (14) respirar hurt (19) magoar. ferir
busy (20) ocupado invite (21) convidar
change (5) mudar knock, knocks (18) bater
chat. chatting (7) bater papo (na porta)
classmate (7) colega de sala laugh. laughing (9) rir
cool (13) legal. maneiro leave. leaves (5) deixar. partir
corner (22) canto tine (21) linha telefnica
cough (14)tossir tiving room (25) sala de estar
date. dating (16) sair com lucky (16) sortudo
detail (20) detalhe lunch, lunchtime (6) almoo.
disappointed (18) hora do almoo
desapontada mad (10) brava. com raiva
embarrassed (10) sem graa meet. meeting (20) encontrar
encourage (22) encorajar mistake (15) erro
everyone (4) todo mundo rnornrny (9) mamezinha
everywhere (10) todo lugar neighborhood (3) vizinhana
excited (22) animado next (11)prximo
none (21)nenhum down the stairs (6) escada
ourselves (19) ns mesmos abaixo A(TIVITllS
outside (3) lado de fora
over (26) terminado, acabado
feel down, teelinq down (18)
sentir-se triste, sentindo-se
parents (3) pais, pai e me. triste Before Reading
plano planning (20) planejar get ready! (12)apronte-se!
1. Read the title and look at the picture on the cover. What kind of
please (19) satisfazer hanging out with (26) andar
story do you think this is?
news (12) notcias com, andar na companhia de
quickly (25) rapidamente hold on! (9) espere um pouco! While Reading
ready (6) pronto Hurry up! (12)Apresse-se! A New School
really (16) de verdade, srio in a hurry (6) com pressa
2. Johnny is thirteen and he doesn't want to go to the new school.
ring. rings (9) tocar In the meantime (20)
sad (19) triste Enquanto isso .
school friends (7) colegas junk food (9) comida no muito At School
de escola saudvel I

shine, shining (3) brilhar 3. Now Johnny has some new school friends. What are their names?
make fun of someone (4) gozar
smile. smiles (22) sorrir algum, fazer chacota 4. Who is the friend Johnny always chats to on the phone?
soccer (4) futebol new kid (4) novo garoto (da
soda (9) refrigerante escola, da vizinhana) Making fun of Johnny
spend (7) gastar no big deal (10) sem 5. Check e'/) what sort of things the kids do at Fred's house.
still (12) ainda problemas, nada demais e ) Play video games.
team (4) time, equipe out of town (8) fora da cidade e ) Watch movies.
tease (24) provocar pack of cigarettes (13) mao de e ) Eat junk food.
trust (5) confiar cigarros e ) Read stories.
themselves (7) eles mesmos party time (22) hora de festa e ) Tell jokes.
try, tries (13) tentar pick someone up (21) pegar e ) Make phone calls.
upset (12) chateado algum, buscar e ) Laugh a lot.
push away. pushes away (25)
Expressions empurrar, tirar do caminho 6. Someone calls Johnny on the phone at Fred's house. Who is it
Actually (13) na verdade, run out of (25) correr para fora and why?
na realidade. Shut up! (11) Cale-se!
Bad Grades. Bad News
Anyway (10) De qualquer soccer practice (4) treino de
maneira futebol 7. Put these events in arder e1 - 5):
at the some time (23) ao Stop kidding! (5) Pare de a. e ) Johnny tries to smoke a cigarette.
mesmo tempo brincar! b. e ) It's 7:45 and Johnny is late for school.
by the way ... (12)a propsito ... telling jokes (9) contando c. e ) Johnny receives a bad grade on the exam.
crazy about (16) louco por, piadas d. e ) Johnny's mom wakes him up.
gostar muito de Wake up! (12)Acorde! e. e ) Johnny goes to Fred's house.

One mistake after another

8. At school. Cynthio is upset with Johnny. Whot is the reoson?

Some good advice

9. Who is disoppointed in Johnny?

10. Who gives Johnny some good odvice?

Planning the party

11. Johnny does mony things before the party. Writ them in the
correct arder:
o. ( ) phones Cynthio.
b. ( ) goes to soccer proctice.
c. ( ) tokes a shower.
-do ( ) orranges the lst detoils ot the porty.

A party of surprises

12. Julio kisses Johnny.

o. 00 y~outhink she reolly likes him?
b. Does he like her?

13. Whot hoppens when Cynthio arrives ot the party?

Doing the right thing

14. At the end of the story. Johnny tells his mother thot he is a 'New
Kid'? Whot does he meon by this?

After Reading (Optional Activities)

15. Mini-Project:

Imagine you are a journolist. Interview your clossmotes to find

out how mony of them come from a different ploce (e.g.
neighborhood. town. city. stote or country). Ask obout the hobits.
climote. occent. culture. locotion etc .. of the ploce. Ask them
obout their old schools.

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