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Universidad Pedaggica Experimental Libertador FINAL TEST

Instituto Pedaggico de Caracas MODULES 13 to 16 Name:____________________________________

Departamento de Idiomas Modernos New Opportunities
Date: _____________________________________
Asignatura: Ingls IV (2016-II) Class:______________ Score:______________/30 pts
MODULES 1 to 3

A. The following pieces of information are incomplete. Complete each of them with the most appropriate word or
expression from the list. (0.5 each...6 pts)
1. I am ______________ convinced that Mary hasnt broken the window.

2. The children were __________________ excited about their trip to Disneyland.

3. She went on a _______________ __________ in Kenya and took photographs of wild animals.
4. Are you working _______________________________?
5. Charles goes _______________ with his brother on weekends. For doing so, he wears some special equipment to breathe deep under
the water.
6. Sorry I didnt answer your call this morning; I was taking a shower so I couldnt _______________ the phone.
7. Many people ski over the Swiss snow-covered _______________. Descending from those white inclines is an exciting experience.

8. Im calling to remind you we have to _______________ the final test next Tuesday.

9. Last week my mom was cleaning the basement when she _______________ some old letters, which made her very happy, as they
reminded her of old good times.

10. My uncle, a farmer, is often concerned with _______________, because when it doesnt rain for a long time, his crops begin to die.

11. Somalia doesnt produce enough food for its people; therefore, _______________ is killing many people there.
12. The way things are going with me, I think I wont _______________ a good job on the final test.


A. The following is a list of facts about money. Read the list and re-write each fact using the passive voice.
(0.5 each 2 points)
1. People in China manufactured metal cowries around 1000 BC.
2. People in Yap Island have used huge stones as money since before the 19th century.
3. Today, people use about 140 different kinds of money around the world.
4. People first used silver coins around 500 BC in the area that is now known as Turkey.

B. Sean and Juliet are talking about a tennis match. Complete their conversation using the verbs in brackets to form the
appropriate conditionals (zero, first, or second). (0.5 each 3 points)
Sean: So Juliet, are you finally playing tomorrow?
Juliet Well, I dont know yet. If (not/rain) ____________________, I (play) ____________________. Remember its an outdoor
: competition.
Sean: Thats right. What ____________________ (happen) if you ____________________ (not/win)?
Juliet Come on! Ill win. But, in that case, if I ____________________ (lose), I ____________________ (not/take part) in the
: National Championship.

C. The sentences below are extracts from an English textbook. Read each sentence and decide if it describes an
ACTIVITY or a STATE. Mark an X in the corresponding column.
(0.25 each 1 point)


My parents dislike pop music.
I dont think they should build a prison here.
They travelled to the city by cab.
Who are you looking for?

D. The texts below are samples of students assignments. Read each text, and use the verbs in brackets to fill in the blanks
with the most appropriate verb tense (present or past simple, continuous or perfect).
(0.25 each 5 points).

My friend Mike _______________ (live) in Cambridge but each winter he _______________ (go) to Spain,
where he _______________ (attend) several Spanish language courses since he started going there
and now the _______________ (speak) Spanish very well. While he is in Spain, he _______________ (go)
mountain climbing and he _______________ (climbed) all the most important mountains at least once.
Unfortunately, last year he broke his leg so at the moment he _______________ (read) and
_______________ (watch) a lot of TV. Usually he _______________(not watch) much TV, but since the
accident he _______________ (see) two films every day.

Last Saturday Mary went to the cinema with three friends of hers. She arrived first and
_______________(decide) to buy some popcorn. She _______________(look) in her bad for her money
when she _______________ (realize) that she _______________ (leave) her purse at home. Her friends
met her as she _______________(walk) back home. Fortunately, one of them _______________ (lend) her
some money. By the time they got into the cinema, the film _______________ (start) and they
_______________ (miss) the first scene, so they never _______________ (find out) why all the people in
the village were extremely tall and _______________ (have) green hair.

You will read an extract from H.G. Wells novel The Time Machine. Read the extract carefully and complete the tasks
1. Match the characters to their position in relation to the Time Traveler, by writing a letter (a,b,c, etc.) on the space
given. (0.25 each ... 1.5 points)

(write the letter here) Character Position

The Time Traveler a. Next to the Provincial Mayor.
Filby b. On the left of the Time Traveler.
The Medical Man c. Behind the Time Traveler.
The Provincial Mayor d. Behind the Psychologist.
The Very Young Man e. In front of the model time machine.
The Psychologist f. On the right of the Time Traveler.

2. Using the words in the box below, which have been highlighted in the text, complete the definitions that follow by
filling in the blanks with the most suitable word.
(0.25 each 1.5 points)
glittering illuminated incredible odd imitated absolutely

a) Unusual, strange: __________________

b) Amazing, unbelievable: __________________
c) lit: __________________
d) completely: __________________
e) shining, sparkling: __________________
f) copied: __________________

3. What do the words below, taken from the text and which appear in boldface , mean? (0.25 each 1 point)
a. framework: ___________________________________________
b. scattered: _____________________________________________
c. trickery: _______________________________________________
d. in profile: _____________________________________________

4. Put the sentences below in the correct order by writing numbers (1,2,3, etc.) on the lines given.
(0.25 each ... 2 points)
The Time Traveler said that the model had taken two years to make.
The Time Traveler put the object on a small table.
The Psychologist pressed the lever on the object.
The Time Traveler held a small metal object in his hand.
The others gathered around the table and watched.
The object disappeared.
The Time Traveler explained how the machine worked.
The Time Traveler said that the object was the model for a time machine.


You have done some research on where the young people in your town spend their free time and how they go/travel there. You
are not happy with the result. Write a report (100150 words) to the local authorities. Make sure you do the following:
Describe the problem.
Give the reason for writing this report and your purpose.
Write both the positive and the negative sides of the result.
Suggest possibilities to solve the problem.

Assessment Criteria
Organization Content Vocabulary Grammar Mechanics
(1 point) (2 points) (1 point) (2 points) (1 point)

Version March 2017.


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