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13th April, 2017

Press Statement
The National Democratic Movement (NDM) welcomes and commends the
remarks made by the British Secretary of State for International Development,
Rt. Hon. Priti Patel on 12 April, in which she described the atrocities committed

against innocent civilians in South Sudan as crimes amounting to a genocide.

These remarks come at a time when the dictatorial and genocidal regime of
President Kiir has escalated its scotched-earth policy of burning villages and
killing of other nationalities across the country based purely on their ethnicity,
particularly in Upper Nile, Equatoria and recently in Wau town, Western Bahr el

The Juba regime has sadly decided to condemn large portion of South
Sudanese population to death through starvation by adopting the policy of using
food as a weapon of war. On numerous occasions the dictatorial and genocidal
regime of Kiir has impeded and blocked the delivery of the much needed
humanitarian assistance reaching their intended destinations in the famine
affected areas. The National Democratic Movement (NDM) believes these
actions amount to crimes against humanity and the regime must be held
accountable for the death of civilians resulting from such inhuman policies.

We also call upon the international community especially, the United Nations
Security Council (UNSC) African Union (AU) IGAD and Torika to come up with a
robust action plan of preventing the government of South Sudan from
committing further genocide against innocent civilians. The regional and sub-
regional organizations have been silent in condemning or taking tangible
actions against the dictatorial and genocidal regime in Juba. It is time to stand
with the innocent children, women and elderly being killed on daily basis by their
own regime because of their tribal affiliations. As much as we acknowledge the
notion that African problems need African solutions, nevertheless, we are
disappointed that IGAD has not lived up to the expectations of South Sudan
people, in condemning the continuous governments atrocities which have now
reached unprecedented level of genocide. How long will the region burry its
head in the sand while innocent south Sudanese are perishing at the hands of
their own government?

The bold determination of the U.K. that the situation in South Sudan amounts to
genocide confirms the fear expressed earlier by the UN SGs Special Advisor on
the Prevention of Genocide and must be taken seriously. We appeal to all
countries to break silence and follow their conscience as the U.K. has done.

Long live the struggle of our People

Long live South Sudan

A luta continua

Amb. Emmanuel Aban

For/ the Spokesman,

The National Democratic Movement (NDM)


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