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Vol. 21, No. 29 Sept. 29 Oct.

5, 2016 50 cents

facial acne research study

Individuals, age 9 years and older with facial acne
Up to $450 paid to qualified participants
for time & travel

U.S. Attorney

Malcolm Bales
bids farewell
to life of
public service

Double arrests spark
bond changes

S av ing Lives in S outheast Tex as for 21 Years


& Concern

Future management of county An Examiner Corporation Publication

facility awaiting full vote

2A THE EXAMINER Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016
Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016 THE EXAMINER 3A

Once charged, twice arrested

Loophole requiring second bond now closed Jefferson County Clerk
Administrator Becky Garcia
said the number of warrants
By Jennifer Johnson Such policy has led to sig- issued for At Large Without
Supervising Editor nificant complaints from indi- Proper Bond, according to the
viduals charged with crimes, countys records for January
Days of defendants in Jef- attorneys and court staff. through September of this
ferson County being arrested Crenshaw said he looked up
year, was 351. January through
two times for one crime are the law for himself, and found
coming to an end after judges no interpretation that would December 2015, there were
determined the practice is not allow for someone to be arrest- 455 At Large Without Proper
only unfair, but also illegal. ed more than one time for the Bond warrants generated, and
The double-arrest problem same offense just because the January through December
is manifested in the form of DAs office hadnt filed charg- 2014, there were 305.
expired bail bonds made out es by a given date not deter- Please remember that most
for defendants who mined under the stat- of the time this type of warrant
are arrested without ute of limitations. is issued because the District
an indictment. As an The new policy of Attorneys Office failed to file
arbitrary deadline this court is that once the case timely before the
passes usually 60 the case is filed by the surety bond expired, Garcia
days the defendants DAs Office and the explained. However, there
release is no longer previous bond has are other instances this type of
secured by bond if the expired, a summons warrant can be issued; if a
district attorney has or notice will be judge feels the amount of bond
not filed a case on the mailed to the defen- the defendant is currently on
accused. Should the dant at the last known isnt sufficient, then he can
state then pursue Crenshaw address he/she gave order the bond to be raised,
charges on the case his bondsman, and which will result in a warrant
after the bond expiration, a the defendant will be instruct- for the defendants arrest
new warrant is then issued and ed to appear in court for because the bond isnt proper
the accused arrested once arraignment, Crenshaw deter- anymore (not in the correct
again and forced to make bail. mined, which effectively end- amount).
When County Court at Law ed warrants on expired bonds. Texas Code of Criminal
No. 2 Judge Cory Crenshaw Should the defendant fail to Procedure does allow for issu-
took the bench last year, it appear in court for arraign- ance of At Large Without
didnt take long to see there ment, then the court will direct Proper Bond warrants for
instances of increasing bond laws on the books related to meanor. (Its usually
was a need for change. the clerk to issue a warrant for bond expiration several going to be a DWI or drug
In my court, its the top being At Large Without Proper should a judge so decide, and
for whenever, during the months ago, and came to the offense most of the time.)
complaint of those accused of Bond. Should the defendant Accusation is 60 days, which
a crime, Crenshaw told the appear as directed at his/her course of the action, the judge conclusion that Jefferson
or magistrate in whose court Countys policies were in is a number I dont know
Jefferson County Bail Bond arraignment, then the court where that number comes
Board on Thursday, Sept. 15. will issue a personal bond such action is pending opposition to to the
finds that the bond is law, although the rev- from but before the case is
They dont understand why assuming other good cause filed, when the 60 days runs
they allegedly committed one does not exist for a new surety defective, excessive elation presented no
or insufficient in easy or quick fix. out, the bondsman is allowed
crime and got arrested twice. bond. The attorney represent- to get off the case free and
Its something we hear ing the defendant may also amount. However, The discussion
also according to the among the Bail Bond clear.
almost every day so I tried contact the court prior to the Then the state will or the
to make a few changes. arraignment date and allow his legislation, When a Board can be traced
defendant has once back to at least March DAs office will file the case;
According to a memo Cren- client to appear in court and then a warrant will go out
shaw sent to CC2 court coor- beforehand for the purposes of given bail for his of this year. At that
appearance in answer time, County Court at and another bond will have to
dinator Tina Landry, Previ- making the personal bond to be posted. I dont think thats
ously, the policy and proce- avoid re-arrest. to a criminal charge, Law No. 3 Judge
he shall not be Woods Clint Woods raised fair. I dont know what the
dure of the local courts was It wasnt a perfect fix, Cren- solution is.
that after a bond expired in shaw said. required to give some concern over
another bond in the course of bond expiration. Assistant District Attorney
either 60 or 180 days and the That was more fair Cory Kneeland said that meet-
DAs Office filed the case, the (and) prevented this routine the same criminal action Thats become an issue in
except as herein provided. misdemeanor courts, he said. ing the 60-day accusation peri-
court would then direct the problem we seemed to be hav- od before bonds expire is no
clerk to issue a warrant for the ing, he said. It was my Jefferson County 252nd What I found out is that what
is taking place is somebody easy feat and that the prosecut-
defendant for being At Large Band-Aid for a temporary District Judge Raquel West
Without Proper Bond. solution. said she started looking up the will get arrested on a misde- See BONDS on page 9A
4A THE EXAMINER Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016

Vacation delays Marco Hernandez addresses the

Beaumont City Council.

Ford Park vote

Photos by Sharon Brooks

By Jennifer Johnson for the management contract

Supervising Editor current management team
SMG, and competitor Spectra.
At least another week will SMG has held the manage-
tick by while Jefferson Coun- ment contract since 2002,
tys elected commissioners when Ford Park was first
and County Judge Jeff Branick opened, and has been running
ponder the management of the a roughly $2 million deficit
publicly-subsidized and pri- each year. The $2 million in
vately-run Ford Park Enter- public subsidy does not
tainment Complex. The matter include hundreds of thousands
was set to be finalized by Oct. of dollars also given to SMG
1 to abide by terms set forth in to run Ford Park through hotel
the current management agree- taxes paid by fees placed on
ment with SMG, but a late- guests at Jefferson County
announced absentee Judge Jeff accommodations.

Beaumont paves way for

Branick asked that the vote be When given the opportunity
tabled until he can be in atten- to present a platform as to why
dance. Jefferson County Commis-
While Branick is away the sioners should select one com-

hard-surface soccer court

rest of the panel did vote to pany over the other, Spectra
approve the tax rate and adopt said they could do the same
the county budget for the job for less money. Spectra
upcoming fiscal year. presenters were given
A longtime staple on the ear of the court By Sharon Brooks lights for the court, about $110,000.
Commissioners Sept. 8, and outlined City Editor (Hernandez) and his friends were told to
Court, Alfred said it where money could leave a tennis facility, Guidroz commented.
was unprecedented to not only be saved, but After police told him and his friends they They didnt challenge the officers. They
take off when the services could be bet- could no longer use tennis courts at city parks were taught to respect the police. They
budget is up for adop- tered. The agency to play their favorite sport, local futsal enthu- respectfully left. They found out they could
tion. Which is why he even went so far as to siast Marco Hernandez suggested the city go to a group that manages the city, and they
was there for the sweeten the deal with invest in a court for the sport, a type of hard- came politely and began to ask how the pro-
Monday, Sept. 26, cash collateral, and a court soccer popular in Latin countries. cess works.
meeting although he, fee scale where Spec- Several months ago, Hernandez and friends The point is, these are the kinds of young
too, is anticipating Branick tra would collect less were playing futsal on a tennis court at Cen- people that are not being disrespectful.
some personal time franchise fees if they tral Park in Beaumont when officers told the Theyre not joining gangs. Theyre com-
off county business. Now, couldnt bring down the defi- group they were damaging the walls and ing here, and theyre asking their
Alfred said he wont be able to cit currently in effect at Ford had to stop. Hernandez asked where city leaders, and some of them
take his scheduled vacation Park. they could play, but nowhere in may become city leaders I
next week, either, as he also SMG presenters said they, Beaumont is set up to accommodate would hope so in the future.
wants to be in attendance for too, could relieve some cost - the sport. Thats when Hernandez Theyre doing it the right way.
the Ford Park management although it was never explained decided to approach the Beaumont I want to thank you for
contract vote. as to why they havent already City Council. dreaming big, Marco.
When Branick announced induced these cost-saving During a work session at the coun- Hernandez said he first
he would not be in attendance measures and revolutionary cil meeting Sept. 27, Hernandez encountered futsal in Barcelona,
for the scheduled Ford Park ideas during the 15 years it has addressed the council, who were all on Spain when studying abroad as a stu-
vote this past Monday, county run the entertainment com- board to move forward with his request. dent at Lamar University. He immediately fell
personnel inked a deal with plex. City Manager Kyle Hayes described futsal, in love with the sport and saw its potential.
SMG to extend the deadline to Bottom line, Commis- saying, Its an abbreviated form of soccer After my studies, I did a little tour and saw
approve a contract until Oct. sioner Alfred said from the actually founded in the 1930s in Uruguay. the soccer courts there, Hernandez recalled.
14. Commissioner Michael dais as SMG executives com- They play usually five against five on a The first thing that came to my mind is,
Shane Senegal questioned pleted their presentation, hard surface. Beaumont needs this. That was my first
the two-week delay, and was youve had 15 years. Thats what made the tennis courts such an thought. And I thought, if we had one of
adamant that the body of elect- Now, SMG wants another attractive prospect for the players, Hayes sur- these, there would be a magnitude of people
ed officials be set to decide on five years. After the oral pre- mised. So, Hayes said, if the city wanted to there.
the matter when the court meets sentations, each company was move forward with the futsal court, it would Hernandez said the sport is physically chal-
again on Monday, Oct. 3. asked to submit a best and be a natural choice to repurpose two of the lenging and technical, exercising both body
The process to select a man- final offer; those submissions tennis courts at Central Park and add features and mind.
agement team for Ford Park have not been made public. to them in order to create a futsal court with- This is something that adults are going to
has already been quite lengthy, Who will be selected could out starting from scratch. be able to play, myself as well, but at the end
with requests for proposals be decided as early as Mon- Ward 1 Councilman Claude Guidroz of the day, its for the generations to come.
going out to interested parties day, Oct. 3, but the current championed Hernandezs cause, Hayes This here is a moment, history in the making.
for submission no later than contract with SMG for Ford said, and city staff went to work to get an It will make history. One of my friends sent
Tuesday, July 12. Only two Parks management does not estimate on what it would cost to create a fut- me a video and they made a futsal court, I
agencies submitted proposals expire until March 2017. sal court at one of the local parks including See FUTSAL on page 9A
Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016 THE EXAMINER 5A

Vidor opposes county funding of state highways

By Sharon Brooks projected cost for the road- attempt to gets its budget back county employees in an it would take to start the 299
City Editor ways construction. However, on track. Some county posi- attempt to balance the budget project, Viator believes it
Viator explained, the county tions have been eliminated and there. If the county were to
Sept. 22, 2016, the Vidor has been cutting costs to benefits decreased for certain dedicate the amount of money See VIDOR on page 9A
City Council passed a resolu-
tion opposing the Orange
County Commissioners Court
financing, either in part or full,
any Texas Department of
Transportation roadway.
Unfortunately during the
past several years, the county
residents who live inside an
incorporated city limits such
as Vidor have seen less and
less of a return for their county
tax dollars, explained Vidor
Mayor Robert Viator Jr. Fif-
ty-three percent of Orange
County residents live inside a
city. These Orange County
residents should receive the
same amount of county ser-
vices as do the residents who
live in the
rated areas
of the coun-
ty. Those of
us who live
in the cities
dont receive
a reduced
tax rate from
the county,
so we should Viator
not receive
reduced services. If the county
decides to finance, in any
amount, a TxDOT road, it is
going to increase the strain on
an already strained budget.
Viator explained that the res-
olution sums up the concerns of
the City of Vidor, and empha-
sized that the state, not Orange
County, should pay for TxDOT
roadways. He stated he has
reached out to various officials
of the neighboring cities of the
county, and he is hopeful that
the other cities will approve
similar resolutions.
Viator was reacting to
recent discussions by Orange
County commissioners about
the FM 299 project Orange
County has been considering
for many years and for which
TxDOT has offered to partial-
ly fund using pass-through
tolls. TxDOT has threatened
to pull a $28 million-plus con-
tribution promised to the
county for the project. The
county itself would have to
come up with the money ini-
tially and would be reimbursed
by pass-through tolls for the
majority of the $30 million
6A THE EXAMINER Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016

Saying goodbye
By Sharon Brooks
City Editor
served as an FBI agent for
seven years.
Personal life
A look back with U.S. Attorney for the
Eastern District of Texas John Malcolm Bales
Bales was born in Del Rio,
My dad was a career U.S. Texas, on Laughlin Air Force
At the stroke of midnight on Air Force fighter pilot, and his
Sept. 30, U.S. Attorney for the service to the nation was a Base and was one of four sib-
Eastern District of Texas John great encouragement to me, lings, with two sisters and a
Malcolm Bales will bid his but I did not want to be just brother. Growing up, he
office farewell, and while he like him and so I purposed in enjoyed playing all types of
has cherished serving, he says my teenage years to serve, as sports, collecting baseball
he is ready to start enjoying his he did, but in law enforce- cards, rock collecting, learning
hard-earned retirement. ment, Bales explained. I about Texas and studying his-
I love my job, Bales said of aimed high and thought I tory, especially American his-
being U.S. Attorney. The would try to be an FBI agent. tory. The son of an Air Force
Department of Justice has pro- At that time, I believed that fighter pilot known to his fam-
vided for me a place to be part you had to be an attorney or ily as the Colonel, Bales
of something that is so much perhaps an accountant to moved around a lot but nur-
bigger than me. We defend the become an agent that was tured his love for law right
Constitution, and the values and not true but I enrolled in law here in Texas, where he also
precepts in that formative docu- school at the University of met his sweetheart.
ment are worth giving your life Texas with that sole ambition. As an Air Force brat, I
for. The concept of justice under I did become a Special moved every three or four
the law and not man is the Agent and thought I would be a years and attended many
essential building block of our career FBI agent, but after six schools, Bales recalled. I
American freedoms and I have years or so it was clear to me graduated from Fort Hunt
been privileged to have built a that Assistant U.S. Attorneys High School in Alexandria,
career on that notion. The many (AUSA) would have more Virginia. I attended and gradu-
opportunities that I have had to impact on the outcome of ated from the University of
right wrongs and to stand for the investigations than I would as Texas at Austin (UT), and then
truth in a particular case or mat- an agent. I knew I wanted to be went to law school at UT,
ter has been a rich privilege. an AUSA, and Bob Wortham, graduating in 1980. As the officers gather at the front steps of the Beaumont Police Depart-
I thought it would be an against all odds, gave me a While earning his under- ment downtown station May 12 to honor heroes of justice slain in the line
interesting, good job; I was chance to do just that. I will graduate degree, Bales met of duty, U.S. Attorney John Malcolm Bales speaks of the great bravery of
right, it has been, but it has be forever grateful to him. Betsy Shannon in a science those who daily risk their lives for their communities.
been so much more. I have the When speaking about his class, and the two fell in love.
They married in 1979 and ultimate nomination by Presi- cesses, and for him, he said, no
chance to work on issues that I former protg, Wortham told dent Obama can be explained. case is small; they are all
did not dream of, much less The Examiner, He was the have six children. The family
experienced a deep loss when Since then, I have fallen important.
plan to accomplish. And now first attorney I hired who more deeply in love with East Not every case that I have
at this point of my life, having applied for the job. It was one the couples eldest son died in
a car accident when he was 17. Texas. I believe that my mis- worked on has been a big
served as the U.S. Attorney for of the best decisions I made sion is to help my office be a case, Bales commented, but
the past seven years or so, all I when I was in that office. He was a wonderful kid,
and we miss him very much, shield for the innocent and a in another, more important
can really say is thank you After years of dedicated sword of justice for the guilty. way, they were all big to the
God and thank you East Texas. service to the nation, Bales Bales said before adding that
he and Betsy are thankful for That is our calling, and I feel individuals that I prosecuted,
I am so grateful for the profes- said he is prepared to say incredibly blessed to be a part the victims that I helped, and
sional life I have enjoyed and goodbye to his office. their surviving children and
have a lot of successes to cel- of that mission. the agents and officers I had
the people that I have served. When you are the recipient the privilege of working with.
Malcolm Bales has served of a presidential appointment, ebrate. On the job
as United States Attorney for you always know that you will Bales described his life as a During his long tenure, I always tried to be scrupu-
the Eastern District of Texas then serve at the pleasure of quintessential American story Bales has appeared in every lously fair, honest with the
since May 1, that president, middle-class upbringing, a courthouse in the expansive facts, and just in my actions,
2009, serving said Bales. Presi- patriotic outlook with a belief district and accomplished and I think most of the people
with distinction dent Obamas term that you can earn opportunities much, successfully prosecuting that my work impacted would
on both an in office is coming with hard work and the provi- the majority of cases presented agree with that assessment.
interim and act- to an end; conse- dential care of God. to his office. According to an I have long believed that
ing basis pre- quently, mine is as I have worked hard but, article from The Examiners law enforcement is a God-
ceding his nom- well. more than just my effort, I archives by his late brother-in- ordained function that is not
ination by Pres- I have had the have profited from the kind- law James Shannon, Bales has just necessary but is vital to a
ident Barack pleasure and honor ness of many people in my prosecuted cases ranging from healthy culture. From the very
Obama on June of serving as U.S. career who gave me chances multi-million dollar Ponzi beginning, our nation was
28, 2011. Bales Attorney for seven to learn and to be successful, schemes to death penalty cases founded on the ideal that the
took his oath of and one-half years said Bales. I have worked for involving federal prison rule of law, and not the whim of
office in mid- and honestly, I am and with awesome, like-mind- inmates to grisly souvenir personality, would be the hall-
November ready for a change. ed people over the past 34 hunters who illegally kept mark of American civilization.
2011, but had The job is endless- years, and when the call came debris that rained over the My oath of office speaks to my
been with the John Malcolm Bales as a child ly fascinating and in 2009 to serve as U.S. Attor- region after the explosion that duty to defend the Constitution,
office already very rewarding, ney, I knew that the favor of destroyed the shuttle Colum- and I have to say that I cherish
for many years. Then-U.S. but to do it correctly, it is also God had rested on me in a bia. that duty. Members of the
Attorney Bob Wortham hired exhausting, and I have to say profound way. There is no oth- He is, however, modest Department of Justice are com-
Bales in 1989, after Bales had that I am tired. er way that my selection and when talking about his suc- mitted to working for all that
Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016 THE EXAMINER 7A
the Constitution requires, and I Bales (far left) grandchildren, and I will be
have been blessed to be a part with members very disappointed if I dont get
of that great quest. of his staff at to spend a lot of time with all of
My biggest disappoint- the U.S. Attor- them, Bales remarked. I want
ments have been when I neys Office for to be the best grandfather in the
believed that law breakers have the Eastern history of grandfathers. My
not been brought to justice and District of Tex- family and my faith are the
when my fellow citizens have as as they driving forces in my life. I
not understood what our office receive acco- would like to have more oppor-
was trying to accomplish. As lades for their tunities to spend time with my
United States Attorney, I began exceptional family, in Christian ministry
a new sphere of work. It was work at the and for some other organiza-
my challenge and my mission 30th annual tion besides the Department of
to build on what my predeces- Directors Justice I also need to take my
sors had accomplished, to Awards cere- wife, Betsy, to Hawaii.
become absolutely excellent in mony Sept. 10, In addition to his other
what we decided to take on and 2014, in Wash- planned activities, Bales
to impart a vision for every ington D.C. expressed interest in sharing
Eastern District of Texas his expertise with a new gen-
employee that includes a deep every case that we prosecuted. I understands that truth as well. Bales revealed. Upon my res- eration of law enforcers.
appreciation for the trust that regret that because we are not in In that regard, here is some ignation, he will begin serving I have not been looking for
we have been given, the power the business of prosecuting peo- very good news East Texans as U.S. Attorney by appoint- another job, and I will not do so
that we wield, and the opportu- ple that do not deserve it. Far are being well served by the ment of the attorney general. I until I am completely finished
nity to do good for our nation from it, but those kind of disap- people in the U.S. Attorneys believe he will do wonderful with my present work, Bales
and for our neighbors. pointments teach you many les- Office for the Eastern District work for the district, and I am remarked. However, I would
More often than not, the sons: humility, the necessity of of Texas. I will miss that fel- excited for him to have this like to share what wisdom and
scales of justice have tipped in getting better at your craft and a lowship of like-minded people opportunity. knowledge that I have gained
the skilled prosecutors favor. respect for the checks and bal- more than anything else. As for Bales, he plans to through my career experience
But that is not always the case, ances in our American system While hes on his way out, remain quite active in his retire- by teaching others whether it
and Bales has taken lessons of jurisprudence. Bales trusted first assistant ment, and spending time with be in law enforcement or in an
from those occasions. It must necessarily be dif- Brit Featherston is on his way loved ones and in ministry are academic environment. I am
In most instances, I believe ficult for the government to into the office. According to at the top of his to-do list not interested in teaching and spe-
regret is not that helpful, Bales take away the liberty and the Bales, Featherston is the per- to mention that he owes his cifically helping those individ-
remarked. That being said, I property of its citizens and fect fit for the job. wife a long overdue vacation. uals who wish to have a career
have made mistakes that I other individuals. I dont take My best friend in the office I must say that I have a in law or law enforcement and
wished I had not made and of that for granted, and I hope also serves as the Districts wonderful wife, five great kids who also want to serve our
course, my office has not won that whoever follows me First Assistant U.S. Attorney, and 11 of the most spectacular state and our nation.
8A THE EXAMINER Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016

Teachable moment
Former meth user tells basketball
players to learn from his mistakes
By Sharon Brooks Molfino, and encouraged the players to
City Editor take the message seriously.
Molfino told the students to stay
Its July 30, 2008. Port Arthur native away from drugs, which are way too
Damon West is sitting in his apartment prevalent on the streets of Southeast
in Dallas on the phone with his dealer Texas and in cities across the nation.
trying to score some meth. Hes high Not only could the illegal narcotics
as hell and telling his associate hes negatively impact them physically and
feeling the heat; hes worried the police get them into legal trouble, but they
are onto him, that they know about his also often lead to other crime, he
illicit activities. warned.
Just as hes describing his paranoia He said that the team would be in Damon West and Jefferson County District Attorneys Office Investigator Marcelo Molfino
to the methamphetamine merchant, he the limelight, and he urged them act as have teamed up to bring home a message about making good choices or suffering the conse-
hears the crash of glass and looks up to positive role models and all-around quences. Sept. 16, the didactic duo spoke to the Lamar University mens basketball team,
see a small, metal canister rolling good citizens. telling the student athletes just how severe the consequences of poor decisions could be.
across the floor in front of him. He has People are going to expect more of
a split second to register the fact that you, and you should expect more of West. When I hit that fork in the road, good manipulator. I was smoking
the canister looks just like stun gre- yourselves, he said. Make the right I went in the wrong direction. blunts with my buddies by the time I
nades hes seen before in movies, then choices. West said following the accident, he was 12.
BAM! it explodes with a flash He then asked the students to listen was drinking and getting high on This is my life, guys. This is whats
and a bang. The next thing he knows, to West, whose story is like none Ive cocaine and marijuana quite often. going on in my life. But I have no clue
hes on the floor staring down the bar- ever heard. After a while, he recuperated and the beast that Im feeding.
rel of an automatic rifle with a boot on Before West found himself on the mostly focused on his studies, except So, when he was offered the glass
his chest and a SWAT officer telling wrong end of a SWAT officers AR-15, on the weekends when he was still pipe in the shady garage, he thought he
him to stay down. he was a star athlete turned broker. He smoking blunts and partying with could handle it. He thought he could
They were saying, We got him. was a quarterback at Thomas Jefferson his friends. put it down, just as he had with so
We got the Uptown Burglar, West High School, and following gradua- In spite of his carousing, West went many other substances hes abused in
recalls. They had me. They got the tion, he headed to the University of on to graduate and ended up working the past. He was wrong.
Uptown Burglar. They got me that North Texas to play football there. for Congress in the United States Cap- I mean, Id done all the drugs,
day. Everything seemed to be going great itol Building in Washington, D.C. West man. I know what Im doing. I did all
West was offering his account of until a shoulder injury sidelined him later worked on a presidential cam- these drugs. I kicked cocaine. I kicked
that fateful day to area students. He Sept. 21, 1996. While recovering from paign in political fundraising before all these other drugs. I still smoke
and Jefferson County District Attor- that setback, he sliced his Achilles heel taking a position as a stockbroker at a blunts, because smoking blunts doesnt
neys Office Investigator Marcelo during an accident at home. prominent Dallas bank. hurt anybody. Right? Wrong. I learned
Molfino have teamed up to bring His football career had One evening after a particularly this behavior when I was 10 and 12
home a message about making come abruptly to an end. tough day at the office, he was years old. What Im telling you is, all
good choices or suffering the con- West was at a cross- approached by a coworker in the that drinking and smoking blunts and
sequences. Sept. 16, the didactic roads, one of many garage outside the bank. West was all that stuff, it leads to a different
duo spoke to the Lamar Universi- forks in the road he coming to yet another fork in the road. place, a dark place.
ty mens basketball team, telling warned students they This dude handed me a glass pipe, If yall dont listen to anything else
the student athletes just how would inevitably come West described, and he said, Hey I say today, listen to this part: metham-
severe the consequences of poor to while navigating man, pick yourself up a little bit. phetamine is the devil.
decisions could be. lifes path. Youre dragging today. So I smoked West rapidly went from trading on
LU Coach Tic Price said he invites I did not handle this meth. Wall Street to living on the pavement
speakers about once a month to it well, said It was the worst choice hes ever in Dallas. He eventually shared a house
educate his students on various made, he said. with several other addicts but found it
life lessons. If our athletes Damon West revealed that he formed his difficult to pay rent or bills. No one was
graduate from Lamar Uni- West bad habits early in life after a traumatic working. They were all too busy getting
versity just as better childhood experience. high. With no money coming in for
players, weve failed What do they tell yall the gate- necessities or, more importantly to West
as coaches, Price way drug is? Marijuana. Wrong its and friends, for meth, they formed a
said during the alcohol, West related. Alcohol is the burglary ring and started breaking into
assembly at McDon- first drug youre ever going to do. Its storage units and cars.
ald Gym. Theyre a drug, and its very addictive for the When that wasnt enough, we
called student ath- most part. Not many people go to started committing home burglaries,
letes for a reason. marijuana first. But if you drink before admitted West.
According to the age of 21, not only is it a drug They werent just taking property. I
Price, he hopes youre using, but its illegal. Youre was taking away their sense of securi-
Wests powerful into criminal addictive behavior at a ty, he said
message will help young age. He said he remembers one woman
the team members For me, it all started with alcohol. who testified at his trial that she now
make good choices By 10, I was drinking and smoking has to sleep with the lights on because
in life. cigarettes, but I hid it from my parents.
Price introduced As an addict, you learn to be a really See TEACHABLE on page 12A
Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016 THE EXAMINER 9A

VIDOR 1132 or Conner Road, across the access

road at Interstate 10 at the Church Street
from page 5A Overpass, and extend down past Lind-
would negatively impact county ser- berg Street just south of Walden Street
vices, which he said are already suffer- in Vidor. The road would span 6.4
ing in incorporated areas of the county. miles, and TxDOT projects 18,000 cars
The proposed FM 299, also known per day would travel the route.
as the Vidor Loop, would involve build-
Sharon Brooks can be reached at (409)
ing a loop that would reportedly stretch 832-1400, ext. 241, or by e-mail at sha-
from the north of Vidor at either FM

from page 4A
want to say in Oklahoma. One of the professional soccer players there, a
2005 Broadway 409-833-3353
World Cup superstar, mentioned, I wish I had this when I was a kid. Now
that this opportunity is here and
the potential it has, the skys the
limit. Maybe one day well have
a World (Cup) soccer player
come from Beaumont. And it
begins here.
Members of the council
expressed their support of the
project. Hayes said nothing
related to the construction of the
court would be in front of the
council for a vote because the
construction would be out-
sourced to multiple contractors, and each contract is not expected to exceed
$50,000, meaning they dont necessitate a vote. He said that as long as they
want to move forward, its a go. He said construction would begin in approx-
imately 90 days.

BONDS ten for any charge other than drug or

driving while intoxicated charge shall
from page 3A expire on the 60th day from the date on
ing office isnt the only agency the bond to the day the charge is filed.
involved in trying to hit that deadline Before then, all bonds expired at the
from the states end. 60th day.
We have two systems that drugs Again, as the judges would say dur-
and blood alcohol are submitted into, ing their September pow-wow, Wests
Kneeland said. One is local and the patch on the system was only a Band-
other is through DPS, which goes to Aid fix to a bigger problem. By the
Houston and Austin, particularly drugs. time Woods, West, Crenshaw and other
If it hits the DPS side of it, it takes county courthouse leaders were again
months. For drugs par- on the topic of re-arresting defendants
ticularly, six to nine who were properly bonded once We are dedicated to providing premium skilled
months. These cases already, the judges were in
are sitting in a draw- agreement that any expi- nursing services, superior therapy services
er right now in my ration was not support- and unsurpassed personal care.
division waiting on ed by the law or
blood alcohol/drug whats
Se rvices offer ed :
results. If its local, we can have it in a
matter of weeks; but we dont have any I dont under-
control, and legally we cant go for- stand how we dont Therapy - Physical, Speech and Occupational
ward without this information. have some duty to follow
the law, West lamented, as she urged Residential Care - Traditional, Rehabilitation, Respite
Still unsure of the legal interpreta- and Special Needs
tion of the procedures governing the her colleagues to support measures to
bonding process, Judge West said she do away with expiration dates placed Nursing - Our resident focused licensed nurses and
wanted to dig deeper. on bail bonds. How can we sit here certified nursing assistants provide 24-hour
I would still like to know what the and vote on something we know is a care to our residents, including:
options are, she said then. By the time violation of the law? Were saying, I
the panel met again in May, West had vote to violate the law. Post Surgical Care Intravenous Therapy
not only explored her options, she was Hearing no votes to violate the law,
Magistrate Judge Leonard Giblin was Respiratory Care Pain Management Internal Therapy
also instituting change in her court.
She further advocated for the changes asked to prepare a new rule for the bail Assistance with Bathing, Dressing and Eating
she adopted to be initiated across the bond board to move forward for presen-
board. As of May 29, surety bonds tation to the county panel in October. 795 Lindbergh Dr Beaumont TX 77707
written for any drug or driving while Jennifer Johnson can be reached at
intoxicated charge shall expire on the (409) 832-1400, ext. 231, or by e-mail at
180th day; all other surety bonds writ-
10 A THE EXAMINER Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016

Beaumont police arrest device. According to Walters, the
device was an explosive simulated gre-
by The Examiner.
Joslin was charged with falsely stat- Missing: police search
man with explosive nade, and the ATF is examining it.
Fisher was transported to the Jef-
ing that he had never asked Michael
Gelagotis to work extra law enforce-
for Orange woman
Police in Beaumont arrested a ferson County Jail, where he was ment jobs for him. Gelagotis was The family of Orange resident
51-year-old Beaumont man Sept. 20 booked in on two counts of Aggravated indicted on Oct. 21, 2015 with imper- Christie Lynn Combs, 44, is searching
after the man fled the scene of a traffic Assault on a Public Servant and Evad- sonating a public servant and illegal for her after not hear-
stop and then, once cornered, threat- ing Detention with a Motor Vehicle, as possession of body armor. He had ing from her several
ened officers with a grenade, reports well as his outstanding Jefferson previously been arrested for similar months, reports the
Officer Haley Walters of the Beaumont County warrant. Fisher is being held charges in 2008 and sentenced to a Orange Police
Police Department (BPD). on bonds that total $110,000. $1,000 court fine and 10 years of pro- Department (OPD).
Serving a warrant in the 7200 block Sharon Brooks bation, in addition to five years of Combs is a white
of Highway 105 in Beaumont, officers probation for evading a police officer. female, 5-foot-3 in
saw the wanted man, Charles Fisher,
traveling in a vehicle in the area of
Liberty Co. constable Gelagotis was sentenced to 10 years in height and weighs
110 pounds. Accord-
prison May 2 on the most recent charges.
Highway 105 and North Major Drive. charged with perjury Eleanor Skelton ing to Capt. Robert
Officers stopped Fisher, who was driv-
ing a Gold Chevy Impala, but when is now back on duty Enmon, OPD took
the missing person Combs
they approached his vehicle and asked The Liberty County constable report regarding
him to step out, an officer observed an accused of lying about his work with a Combs on Sept. 10. Through the course
empty handgun holster on the floor- fake Beaumont cop is now back on of the investigation, it was discovered
board of the drivers seat. Fisher told duty. her last known location in late June or
Officers that there was a handgun in Liberty County Judge Hon. Jay early July was at a residence on Boon-
the vehicle, then Knight confirmed that a Travis County docks Road in Fannett, Enmon
made the statement courts injunction lifted Constable revealed. The family has not had heard
that he was going to John Joslins suspension until the case from her since early June.
end this. Fisher can be brought to trial. Knight also We do have some concerns about
reached toward the explained that the Texas Commission her safety, Enmon said of Combs.
center console and on Law Enforcement Anyone with information regarding
the officers took cov- (TCOLE), a state the whereabouts of Christie Lynn
er. At that time, Fish- body that oversees Photo by Eleanor Skelton Combs is asked to contact the Orange
er drove away. commissioned peace Auston Davis is transported to the Jefferson Police Department at (409) 883-1026
A brief vehicle officers, had origi- County jail by BPD officers. or (409) 883-1095.
Fisher pursuit ensued, nally suspended Jos- Sharon Brooks
which ended in the lin and his chief dep- Police arrest teen
driveway of Fishers residence in the
5700 block of Kristen Lane. Fisher
uty Jim Cooper in
May 2016. burglary suspect Theft complaint leads
drove his vehicle into his garage and The suspension Police in Beaumont arrested an to insurance fraud
attempted to close the door; however,
officers prevented the door from being
was due to pending
felony indictments. Joslin
18-year-old suspect wanted on war-
rants related to three separate burglar- investigation
shut. Fisher exited his vehicle with an Joslin has been ies in the Gross Street neighborhood, Police in Orange are investigating a
object in his hand and told the officers back on the force for a couple of reports Beaumont Police Department case of suspected insurance fraud fol-
that he had a grenade. Fisher then weeks, according to Patricia DeSpain, (BPD) Officer Haley Walters. lowing a single-car accident that
began manipulating the device, which secretary for John Joslin at his office in According to Walters, the warrants appeared to have resulted in injuries to
officers believed he was attempting to Cleveland. for Austin Davis arrest were issued the parties involved, all of whom were
detonate. They were able to deploy a Joslin was put back on before Coo- Friday, Sept. 16. On Sept. 22, officers paid by insurance, reports the Orange
Taser to subdue Fisher. While on the per was, DeSpain said. went to the 9100 block of Gross at Police Department (OPD).
ground, Fisher was still attempting to Joslin was originally arrested Jan. about 2 p.m. to serve the warrants and OPD Officer James Roy met with
detonate the device, but officers were 25, 2016, under charges of perjury dur- took Davis into custody. the two passengers who said they had
able to get the grenade away from him ing an investigation by the Jefferson Davis was transported to the Jeffer- been involved in an accident Aug. 20.
and detain him in handcuffs. ATF was County District Attorneys office, son County Jail. His bonds total They both admitted receiving checks
notified and responded to the scene to Beaumont Police Department, and the $75,000. from State Farm for hospital bills from
take custody of the Class 2 explosive Texas Rangers, as previously reported Sharon Brooks injuries they said were suffered in the

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Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016 THE EXAMINER 11 A
crash. When they received the checks shooting. Bullets also struck the house
though, they say, they turned them and a vehicle parked in the driveway.
over to the driver to pay their hospital The victim was rushed to St. Eliza-
bills. Then, they received bills from the beths Hospital for emergency surgery.
facility stating they had never paid. Complications from blood loss led to
According to Roy, The victims the amputation of both of his legs and
gave a different story from what was nine fingers.
reported at the crash. Testimony revealed that Pete, a con-
Captain Robert Enmon said the pair The Jefferson County Sheriffs victed felon who had previously served
came into the station to report the theft Office restricts access to the sit a six-year prison term for arson and
of the checks, and when the officer of the chemical spill. drug possession, switched vehicles and
Photo by Eleanor Skelton
started questioning them about the retrieved a handgun before going over
incident, the pieces just didnt fit with to confront his victim. The Jefferson
the original crash report. Eventually, the Beaumont Hazmat team are active- son had gone underwater at the Taylors County jury rejected Petes claim that
Enmon reports, it came out that the ly monitoring up and down the bayou, Bayou Bridge on Highway 73 in Port the shooting was justified. The jury
driver had intentionally run into a checking levels. Arthur, according to a JCSO release. sentenced Pete to 30 years in prison.
guardrail then backed up and did it We have since lifted the shelter in The Jefferson County Sherriffs Prosecutor Luke Nichols stated,
again rather than being run off the place, McLellan said on Sept. 23. We Office responded to the call. Deputies While we are pleased with the jurys
road as initially reported. are still asking everyone to stay away determined at the scene that the man decision, the victim and his family will
Both parties provided police with from the waterway and the bayou. launched a boat that drifted from the be dealing with his injuries for the rest
written statements, and the case is cur- Responders built a dirt dam across dock; he tried to swim after the boat of his life.
rently under investigation for insur- Willow Marsh Bayou south of Brooks and disappeared. This case was investigated by the
ance fraud and making a false report to Road to slow the flow of the product He was launching his boat and the Beaumont Police Department.
a police officer. Enmon said police and contain it, according to a state- boat came off the trailer, explained Jennifer Johnson
would contact the insurance compa- ment issued at 1:22 p.m. that same day. Port Arthur Police Deputy Chief Ray-
nys fraud division after speaking to Spill booms placed across the bayou
should slow the flow and contain the
mond Clark. It was not secure and it
floated out into the canal.
One-vehicle crash
the driver.
Sharon Brooks product. Once the spill is contained, Port Arthur Fire Department recov- kills Kirbyville man
officials will remove the product. ered the body of a 56-year-old man Texas Department of Public Safety
Chemical spill on west The spill was a solvent, mixture of
different chemicals used at the plant,
later identified as Robert George troopers are investigating a one-vehi-
Toupes of Silsbee. cle crash in Newton County that
end of Highway 90 according to McLellan. A statement Eleanor Skelton claimed the life of
Jefferson County Sheriffs Office described it as a premium solvent 31-year-old Kir-
says a chemical spill into Willow mixture with a heavy aromatic. Beaumont man gets 30 byville resident Der-
The Jefferson County Office of
Marsh Bayou has been contained and
that work to remove the solvent from Emergency Management released a years in 2013 shooting ik Dewayne Claxton,
reports Sgt. Stepha-
the bayou is ongoing, and the area statement around 5 p.m. that official A jury in Jefferson Countys 252nd nie Davis.
should be avoided during cleanup operations had demobilized and TCEQ District Court sentenced Tyrell Pete to In news release,
operations. would continue to monitor the bayou. 30 years in prison for shooting a man Davis stated that
A resident on the west side of Beau- Oil Mop Incorporated Environmen- multiple times in a DPS received a
mont reported a gas smell to Beaumont tal Solutions will perform the cleanup. Beaumont neighbor- report of the crash at
Fire-Rescue around 4:30 a.m. on Sept. An underflow dam is under construc- hood in October approximately 6:40
23. A search traced the source back to tion to replace the existing dam, allow- 2013. Criminal Dis- p.m. on Sept. 27, and Claxton
the GE Betz facility. ing uncontaminated water to flow trict Attorney Bob responded to the location of the acci-
They found there was spillage out through. Wortham announced dent on Highway 87 in Newton County
into the Willow Marsh Bayou, notified Officials still caution the public to Thursday, Sept. 22, just south of Trout Creek. Investigating
the sheriffs office, JCSO Deputy avoid Willow Marsh Bayou between that Pete was con- troopers determined that a 2013 Nissan
Marcus McLellan said. They started Highway 90 and Brooks Road. victed of aggravated passenger vehicle was traveling north-
making appropriate notifications and Eleanor Skelton assault, and although bound on Highway 87, and, for an
establishing command. he did not kill victim unknown reason, the driver drove off
An emergency notification telling Man drowns near Pete
Julius Stelly, the the roadway. The vehicle continued off
assault left Stelly a changed man.
residents to shelter in place as a pre-
cautionary measure near Shady and
Taylors Bayou Bridge According to information from the
the roadway and struck a tree.
The driver received emergency med-
East was sent via the new SETX emer- Port Arthur Police reported a mans district attorneys office, following an ical treatment at the scene and was
gency alerts system. body was recovered from the water- altercation between Pete and members transported by ambulance to Jasper
Officials contained the spill around way near Taylors Bayou Bridge the of the victims family, Pete arrived at a Memorial hospital in critical condition.
9 a.m. afternoon of Saturday, Sept. 24. house on Euclid and fired at least eight He was later pronounced deceased by
There is no more product running The body was discovered after the shots at a group of three men, includ- Justice of the Peace Ronald Billingsley.
out into the bayou, McLellan said. Jefferson County Sherriffs Office ing Stelly. Stelly was shot three times
McLellan reported that TCEQ and received a call at 2:07 p.m. that a per- in the back as he attempted to flee the See SHORTS on page 12A
12 A THE EXAMINER Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016

THE EXAMINER Pine Forest councilman proffers resignation

795 Willow St., Beaumont, TX, 77701 By Sharon Brooks ed out that no item regarding replacing one who was in the wrong. She says he
(409) 832-1400 City Editor the city secretary was on the agenda, and talked about the selection process for the
claims that the meeting had adjourned new city secretary with the former city
Pine Forest City Councilman Rob- when the mayor and council began a secretary who resigned, an act she con-
PUBLISHER / CEO ert Kremer submitted his resignation discussion on that matter. siders a breach of confidentiality. She
Don J. Dodd .................., ext. 223 last week, telling The Examiner that There has to be 72 hours notice said that when she approached Kremer
his reasons for leaving were the given for any meeting, according to about the issue, he became angry. Thats
CONTRIBUTORS unethical and possibly illegal actions the Texas Municipal League (TML), when she asserts the accusations arose.
Sharon Brooks, 241 recently taken by the mayor and coun- Kremer said. They held a meeting on She also defended the council members,
Chad Cooper ...................., 225 cil members after a recent meeting. an item that was not on the agenda and saying the city secretary was not
Jennifer Johnson, 231 Mayor Cathy Nagel contends noth- did not provide proper notice. harassed but agreed there was a differ-
Kevin King .........................., 227 ing unethical or illegal took place and Nagel argues that the meeting had ence of opinion between her and some
Eleanor Skelton, 222
says she has the recording to prove it. not been adjourned. She said Kremer members of the council.
According to Kremer, after the Pine made a motion to adjourn twice but Kremer disagrees, and said for him,
NOTICE ADVERTISING Forest City Council adjourned its most received no second, and she interrupt- enough is enough.
John David Beckman, 238 recent meeting, the mayor and some ed before a vote could be taken. The acceptance of Kremers resig-
council members started discussing per- Nothing illegal has happened, nation was not placed on the city
EDITING / GRAPHICS sonnel matters, specifically filling the Nagel told The Examiner. I said, council agenda for the most recent
city secretary position vacated some Before we adjourn, I need to talk meeting on Sept. 26. Nagel said it
Adam Balla ........................., 243
Joshua Cobb, 233 time ago. Kremer said the former city about who is going to interview would appear on the agenda for the
Jennifer Jackson, 224 secretary resigned after being harassed with me for a new city secretary. I October meeting.
by members of the council. Now, the needed help from the council. She also said she hopes to conduct
ADVERTISING city is considering applications. Nagel played a recording she said is interviews for a new city secretary
Kremer asserts that it is illegal for the from the meeting in question, and she can next week, the week of Oct. 3-7.
Taryn Sykes ........................., 240
Dana Craig Moore ..............., 245
city and council to discuss city matters be heard interrupting the adjournment. Im trying to get things on track
Mary Bell.............................., 242 in front of a quorum meaning enough But Kremer still says she should have here, professed Nagel.
John David Beckman ....., 238 members are present to carry a vote placed it on the agenda for discussion. Pine Forest is just north of Vidor on
outside a city council meeting. He point- According to Nagel, Kremer is the Highway 105.
Any erroneous reflection upon the character, standing or reputa-
tion of any person, firm or corporation which may occur in the copy
of The Examiner will be gladly corrected upon being brought to the
attention of the editor. Published Thursday, 52 weeks a year. ISSN
1551-9198. The Examiner is published by The Examiner Corpora-
tion. Copyright 2016 The Examiner Corporation. All rights from page 11A from page 8A
Snappys convenience West burglarized her home.
When youre an addict, he said,
store in China robbed Youre creating victims all the time,
Crime Stoppers, sheriffs office but the biggest are family.
looking for armed robbery suspect West told the students about calling
Jefferson County sheriffs deputies his parents after his arrest in 2008.
are asking for the publics assistance Hed never heard his father sound so
finding the suspect who robbed Snap- his nose and mouth and blue gloves. hurt, and his mother told him he would
Work pys convenience store at 213 E. No one was injured. have to have faith in order to overcome
Will ones! McLellan requests that anyone
for B Highway 90 in China on Sept. 24, the obstacles he was going to face. He
Deputy Marcus McLellan said in a with information about this crime call heeded her words, and turned his life
news release. the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office around from behind bars.
According to McLellan, deputies at (409) 835-8411 or Crime Stoppers West told the students he received a
responded to the store after receiving anonymously at (409) 833-TIPS 65-year sentence for his crimes, and he
a report that an armed robbery had (8477). gave a sometimes grisly account of his
experiences while incarcerated. He
just occurred at the Snappys Price
Wise Convenience Store. Investiga- Police arrest four told them about a brutal fight in the tors reportedly learned that the sus-
pect entered the store, went to the
suspects in theft ring shower during which he used a fan
motor in a commissary bag like a
register and pointed a handgun at the Beaumont police arrested four sus- medieval weapon to beat a man who
cashier while demanding money from pects on charges of felony theft and was trying to rape him. He described
Are you concerned the register. The suspect also went to engaging in organized criminal activ- the painful way he overcame racial
ity for allegedly stealing trailers and barriers to play basketball in the prison
about someones drinking? the register at the Subway counter
lawn equipment from a local busi-
inside the store and demanded money yard. He told the students that for him,
from that cashier. After collecting the ness, reports Officer Haley Walters. it was faith that led him to the path of
Al-Anon Family Groups money from the two According to a news release from happiness he is on now, and he cau-
the Beaumont Police Department, tioned them to learn from his bad deci-
can help. cashiers, the suspect
at close to midnight Sept. 24,
fled south on sions rather than making their own
foot to Beau- officers responded to the 800 poor choices.
mont Street. block of Grant Street in refer- People always say, learn from your
The suspect is ence to an auto recovery. The mistakes, said West. I think its fool-
6640 Eastex Frwy., Ste. 144 described as a black investigation revealed that Eddie ish to choose to learn from your own
Beaumont, TX male, approximately Stephens, Toiy Jackson, Kendale mistakes when others around you have
6-foot-3, wearing dark clothing and Henton and Darrell Durousseau made those same mistakes ahead of
409-899-3343 brandishing a black handgun. McLel- were in possession of two stolen you. Why not learn from them? Im lan reported that the suspect was also utility trailers and two lawnmowers, here today because I hope you can
wearing a bright pink bandana across See SHORTS on page 21A learn from my mistakes.
Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016 THE EXAMINER 13 A

LU mens basketball announces 2016-17 schedule

The Lamar University part of our schedule will be last week and hope to win their NCAA also limited the pro-
mens basketball team released brutal, said Price. We will be first game of the year on Satur-grams number of official and
its 2016-17 schedule, competing in multiple time day, Oct. 1, when they host unofficial visits during in
announced head coach Tic zones, and our kids will have Southeastern Louisiana (1-2, 2016-17 season and is prohib-
Price, and the slate is high- to adjust. We will be playing 1-0) at 7 p.m. The Lions won iting off-campus evaluations
lighted by 15 home dates, teams with different playing their first game of the season and communication with pro-
including nine South- styles, which should last weekend, defeating South- spective recruits for a seven-
land Conference games help better prepare us land Conference opponent week period during the cur-
in Beaumont. for the rigors of confer- Northwestern State, 34-24. rent season.
Each season brings ence play. Everyone has SELA leads the all-time series, The NCAA also noted in
new challenges, said seen the success of Ste- its findings that there were
Price. We will be play- L AMAR phen F. Austin over the 8-3, including a 30-27 win last
year. no allegations regarding a
ing some tough teams
in some very tough ven-
L OOP last couple of years, but
we have a lot of talent Mens golf
lack of institutional control
or failure to monitor the
ues during the non-conference in this league. It is hard to win The NCAA Committee on program by the institu-
part of the schedule. This will on the road in the Southland, Infractions released its state- tion.
give us an indication of where and you have to defend your ment on the Lamar University
we are as a team early in the home court. mens golf program regarding
season. During this part of the The Cardinals will open the violations prior to the conclu-
schedule, youre really look- New Year and Southland Con- sion of the 2014-15 season.
ing for your guys to grow as a ference play Monday, Jan. 2, The violations are related to
team. in Conway against Central improper benefits and finan- Cross country
The Cardinals open the new Arkansas. LU will host New cial aid provided to student- In the first meet
season at home Friday, Nov. Orleans in its conference home athletes. at a championship
11, against Howard Payne. opener Thursday, Jan. 5. The Lamar University became distance of the cam-
The contest against the Yel- game against the Privateers aware of the violations during paign, both teams
lowjackets will be one of only will kick off a three-game con- the 2015 spring semester and from Lamar Univer-
two opportunities for LU fans ference homestand. immediately conducted an sity cross country
to see the Cardinals at home in Big Red faces rival internal investigation. Follow- put up good num-
the first month of the season as McNeese twice during the ing the internal investigation, bers. The men fin-
they will play six of their first 2016-17 season. The first the university turned over its ished third and the
eight games away from the meeting between the two findings to the NCAA and women eighth at the
friendly confines of the Mon- schools will take place Satur- enforced several self-imposed Texas A&M Invita-
tagne Center. day, Feb. 4, in Beaumont, and
penalties on the program. The tional hosted at the
Following the opener, LU the rematch will be the regu- penalties included a restricted Dale Watts Cross
hits the road for a four-day trip lar-season finale in Lake playing schedule during spring Country Course on
to the West Coast where they Charles on Saturday, March 2015 and the 2015-16 season, Sept. 24.
will face Oregon State (Nov. 4. The men, led by a
Tickets can be purchased by withdrawal from prestigious
16) and Fresno State (Nov. 14th place finish from
19). The Cardinals will be logging onto the athletics web- tournaments held outside the
United States and scholarship Sean Chalmers, fin-
back in town Tuesday, Nov. site at or ished the 8K race in a
22, for a contest against UTSA. by calling (409) 880-1715. reductions.
Following the game against The Lamar Basketball Tip- In addition to the self- time of 24:49.0.
imposed penalties, the NCAA The Cardinals will not
the Roadrunners, LU will hit Off Luncheon will take place return to action for a couple
the road for two weeks with Saturday, Oct. 22, at 12:30 also placed the program on
probation through the 2017-18 weeks, when they head to the
dates at Prairie View A&M p.m. Call (409) 651-4738 to
(Nov. 25), Idaho State (Nov. reserve a seat or table. academic season, which Bradley Classic on Oct. 14.
29), San Francisco (Dec. 2) included a postseason ban for The Southland Conference
Football the current academic year. The See LOOP on page 16A
and DePaul (Dec. 6). Tic Price
Big Red returns home to Senior defensive back
host Austin College on Satur- Lloyd Julian and sophomore
day, Dec. 10. The game running back Keegan Mitchell Youre invited to join us for our FREE
against the Roos will kick off have left the Lamar University
a stretch that will see LU at football team for unspecified
home in seven of its next nine reasons. Lunch & Learn
games. The Cardinals travel A reserve in the Cardinals
to Edinburg to face UT Rio secondary, Julian had played Join us for a delicious lunch at this FREE 1 hour workshop
Grande Valley on Friday, Dec. in 35 games during his career at a local restaurant where you will learn about the various
16, before returning home to earning 11 starts. He had options and benefits of advanced planning.
open a three-game homestand recorded two tackles and bro-
Monday, Dec. 19, against ken up a pass this season. Call to reserve your seat at the next Lunch & Learn!
Liberty. LU will host Arling- Mitchell played in six games Beaumont area meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month
ton Baptist two nights later during his rookie season, from 12 pm to 1 pm. Orange area meets at noon on the 2nd
before taking a break for the recording 27 carries for 105
Christmas holiday. LU returns yards and a touchdown. He Thursday of the month from 12 pm to 1 pm.
from the holidays Thursday, had recorded just two carries
Dec. 29, to host Huston-Til- for three yards through LUs RSVP Today! Call or email Katie Mims at
lotson. first three games in 2016. (409) 233-3451 or
Travel during the early Lamar (0-3, 0-1) was off

\ \
14 A THE EXAMINER Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016

Good as Gold Picks Week 6 Area sports gurus and media types give their
picks for this weeks high school football games

Jerry Forrest Dave Hofferth Kerry Cooper James Ware Papi Chulo Harold Mann Ashly Elam Mike Friedman Gary Stelly Andrew Chernoff KBMT 12 Sports KFDM 6 KFDM 6 / FOX 4 The Examiner 560 AM KLVI KBMT 12 KFDM 6 / FOX 4 1600 AM KOGT Sports Nut
YTD: 42-7 YTD: 41-8 YTD: 41-8 YTD: 41-8 YTD: 40-9 YTD: 40-9 YTD: 38-11 YTD: 38-11 YTD: 37-12 YTD: 34-15

West Brook West Brook West Brook West Brook West Brook West Brook West Brook West Brook West Brook West Brook
Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central
Vidor Vidor Vidor Vidor Lumberton Vidor Vidor Vidor Vidor Vidor
PA Memorial PA Memorial PA Memorial PA Memorial PA Memorial PA Memorial PA Memorial PA Memorial PA Memorial PA Memorial
Orangefield Orangefield Orangefield Orangefield Orangefield Orangefield Orangefield Orangefield Orangefield Orangefield
Jasper Jasper Jasper Jasper Jasper Jasper Jasper Jasper Jasper Jasper
Hamshire-Fannett Hamshire-Fannett Hamshire-Fannett Hamshire-Fannett Hamshire-Fannett Hamshire-Fannett Hamshire-Fannett Hamshire-Fannett Hamshire-Fannett Hamshire-Fannett
Kirbyville Kirbyville Kirbyville Kirbyville Kirbyville Kirbyville Kirbyville Woodville Woodville Kirbyville

Week 6 Schedule Cant Miss Ozen Panthers (1-4, 1-2) @ Central Jaguars (1-3, 0-2)
Friday, Sept. 30 Friday, Sept. 30 @ BISD Stadium, 7 p.m.
Last time: Central 43-27 All time: Central leads 9-6
6A #16 West Brook (5-0, 1-0) @ College Park (0-5, 0-1), 7p*
Nederland (2-3, 2-1) @ 5A #19 PA Memorial (3-0, 2-0), 7p* These two 5A Beaumont football teams are a combined 2-7 this season, and both are in a
must-win position when they take to the turf Friday during the annual Soul Bowl game. Both
Ozen (1-4, 1-2) @ Central (1-3, 0-2), 7p* teams must pull out all the stops to get the win or basketball season could come early. With
5A #19 PN-G (4-0, 2-0) @ Baytown Lee (1-4, 0-3), 7p* both defenses allowing a ton of points this season, this could make for an exciting offensive,
high-scoring affair.
Lumberton (2-2, 1-2) @ Vidor (4-1, 3-0), 7p*
The Examiner: Central 33-28 Pigskin Prep: Central by 18
Pasadena First Baptist (2-2, 1-2) @ Legacy (3-1, 2-1), 7p*
Alvin Shadow Creek (3-1) @ Silsbee (1-3), 7p Week 5 Scores Player of the Week
LC-M (2-2) @ St. Pius (5-0), 7p West Brook 45, Montgomery 24 Kadon Harrison
Hamshire-Fannett (0-5) @ Kelly (0-5), 7p
Lumberton 55, Baytown Lee 21 PA Memorial (QB, SR)
Community Christian (2-3) @ Clear Lake Christian (1-1), 7p*
PN-G 42, Livingston 21
Trinity (1-4, 0-1) @ Kountze (2-3, 0-1), 7:30p* Senior quarterback Kadon Harrison put on one
Warren (1-4, 0-1) @ Coldspring (0-3, 0-0), 7:30p* Vidor 29, Nederland 28 OT
of the best performances of the 2016 season
Kirbyville (4-1, 1-0) @ Woodville (4-1), 7:30p* PA Memorial 62, Ozen 0 last weekend when he completed 16-of-23
Hardin-Jefferson (3-1) @ Jasper (3-1), 7:30p Buna 40, Trinity 14 passing attempts for 269 yards and six
Orangefield (2-3) @ Diboll (1-4), 7:30p Kirbyville 63, Kountze 14 touchdowns in the 62-0 blowout over Ozen.
Tarkington (2-2) @ Liberty (5-0), 7:30p Harrison added a seventh touchdown on a
Woodville 60, Warren 0
Kennedale (2-2) vs. 4A #1 WO-S (5-0), 7:30p# 14-yard run.
Liberty 24, Shepherd 22

OFF: Bridge City, Buna, Deweyville, East Chambers, WO-S 51, Silsbee 2 Fab 5
Evadale, Hardin, Hull-Daisetta, Newton, Sabine Pass, Brock Barbay (QB, SR) Newton 10-17, 178 yards, 2 TDs, 2 2-point conversions
Anahuac 20, Hamshire-Fannett 19 2OT
West Hardin Tadarius Jackson (QB, JR) Kirbyville 8-12, 221 yards, 4 total TDs
Orangefield 52, Kelly 0
Roschon Johnson (QB, SOPH) PN-G 6 total TDs
Jasper 42, Alexandria ACA 6 Maverick Quirante (QB, SR) Vidor 3 total TDs, 2-point conversion
*district #Nacogdoches High School
Newton 36, East Chambers 0 Jeremiah Shaw (RB, SR) WO-S 144 yards, 1 TD

Broadcasts Evadale 49, Hemphill 46

The Examiners Top 10
Nederland @ PA Memorial Kennedale vs. WO-S Deweyville 25, Hull-Daisetta 22
Radio: 560 AM Radio: 1600 AM 1. WO-S (5-0) 6. PN-G (4-0)
Online: Online: Sabine Pass 20, West Hardin 14 OT 2. Newton (5-0) 7. Vidor (4-1)
3. PA Memorial (4-0) 8. Kirbyville (4-1)
PN-G @ Baytown Lee Cypress Christian 34, Legacy 6
Radio: 92.5 FM 4. Evadale (5-0) 9. Liberty (5-0)
Online: Community Christian 19, Chester 14 5. West Brook (5-0) 10. Woodville (4-1)
Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016 THE EXAMINER 15 A

SportS ShortS
Sept. 17, martial arts students from
across Texas converged at the San Luis Worried about the next financial crisis?
Convention Center in Galveston for Reacquaint yourself with two important al-
the AOK Ocean Nationals. lies: the Federal Deposit Insurance Corpo-
Beaumonts own Texas Karate ration (FDIC) and the Securities Investor
Academy had six from its seven-mem- Protection Corporation (SIPC).
ber competition team in this presti-
gious tournament. Returning home
with trophies were Jacob Fortenberry The FDIC. The FDIC is an indepen-
(1st stick combat, 2nd traditional dent agency of the U.S. government and
forms, 3rd point sparring); Shelby provides up to $250,000 in protection for
Hunt (1st point sparring, 2nd tradi- qualified bank accounts in case of a bank
tional forms); Darius McClain (3rd failure. The insurance applies to each
traditional forms, 3rd point sparring); unique account owner, regardless of the
and Shane Berryhill (3rd traditional
forms, 3rd point sparring).
JAnA URIBE, CPA, number of accounts held at the failed bank.
Next up for team TKA is the Aloha PollAnS & CohEn P.C.
Open in Houston on Oct. 22 and then Knowing how ownership is defined can
the League World Finals in Reno, be tricky. For example, every individual who is a co-owner of a joint
Nevada, on Oct. 28-29. account receives $250,000 of coverage as long as each has equal with-
Heading to the League World Finals drawal rights and has signed the bank card. Each uniquely designated
are Shane Berryhill, Chase Bridgeman,
Jacob Fortenberry, Jonah Fortenberry, beneficiary of a revocable trust receives $250,000 in coverage when
Matt Fortenberry, Shelby Hunt and certain requirements are met. But coverage for irrevocable trusts is
Darrius McCain. generally limited to $250,000. All accounts owned by a corporation
Assistance is needed to get them to or partnership at the same bank are generally limited to $250,000 of
Reno with the average cost per student for $10 per day. The city champion coverage.
and parents costing $3,000 to cover must be a Beaumont resident, but any-
entry fees, airline fare, hotel, food,
uniforms and gear for the tournament.
one can enter the competition. The SIPC. The SIPC is a nonprofit membership corporation that is
Several fundraisers have been set
Were getting the course in great overseen by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The SIPC
shape, said Andy Hebert, golf pro at helps preserve investment accounts when a participating brokerage
up, beginning Oct. 8 with a link sale in Homberg. Weve had lots of rain this
Beaumont at M&D Supply (4580 Col- year, but the fairways have been cut and firm goes out of business and assets are missing. In that situation, the
lege) from 8 a.m. 2 p.m. Texas the greens are really in good shape. SIPC will work to restore the cash and securities held in your account
Karate Academy (7310 Highway 105) For more information, call (409) at the time of closure, with protection of up $500,000. That includes up
in Beaumont will host a Kids Night on
842-3220. to $250,000 for cash.
Friday, Oct. 14, from 6:30-10 p.m. for
$20-$25. There will also be a silent
auction on Texas Karate Facebook Astrodome The SIPC does not safeguard you from market losses or worthless
page beginning Oct. 3. Billed as The Eighth Wonder of the stocks, nor protect you from bad investment advice. In addition, certain
For more information, call (409) World, the 70,000-seat Astrodome types of investments, such as commodities futures contracts, generally
781-8358. debuted in 1965 as the worlds first do not qualify for coverage.
domed stadium and still stands some
Softball 50 years later.
Protection is determined by the way you hold accounts. For exam-
Harris County Commissioners vot-
The Franchise 12 & Under will host
ed Sept. 27 to spend $10.5 million for ple, if you have a regular taxable brokerage account and an IRA with
a 10-family parking lot sale on Satur- the same firm, each account is generally eligible for separate coverage.
day, Oct. 1, from 8 a.m. 1 p.m. at the first phase of a $105 million project
1690 N. Major Drive in Beaumont. that will turn the Dome into a multi-
There will also be hot links, boudain purpose facility within 5 years. Keep in mind that your financial institution must be an FDIC or
and cold drinks for purchase. According to the revitalization proj- SIPC member to qualify.

ect, the floor of the Astrodome will be
raised, allowing 1,400 parking spaces.
Golf The raised floor would then create
With the perfect golf weather, Beau- nearly eight acres of weatherproof
monts Gene Rountree made an ace on open space for use by the Houston
Hole No. 12 at Tyrrell Parks Henry Livestock Show and Rodeo, Offshore

Homberg Golf Course on Sept. 24 by Technology Conference and many
using a 3 hybrid on the 175-yard hole. more outdoor festivals that would be
Witnesses were Mark Gonzales and subject to cancellation due to weather.
Clyde Mayo. There would also be 550,000 square
The annual 2016 Beaumont City Golf feet that would be used for retail and
Championship will be held Oct. 22-23 at hospitality. Certified Public Accountants
Henry Homberg in Tyrrell Park. Money from the project would come
The event will be a 36-hole medal from three sources $35 million from 470 Orleans Street Beaumont, TX 77701 | (409) 832-7400
play. All players must have an estab- the Harris County general fund; $35
lished handicap for flighting purposes. million from the Hotel Occupancy Tax;
Entry is $60 and golf carts available and $35 million from parking revenue.
16 A THE EXAMINER Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016

Orange anglers win big time in CCA STAR tourney

The CCA STAR tourna- Bolivar Peninsula. A fresh and on up towards Huntington,
ment final results are in and dead mullet, cut in half, is one will go into the rut. The woods
Southeast Texas anglers did of the best baits you can use to up around Lumberton provide
real well. In the StarKids catch bull reds. Another very a good opportunity for bow
Scholarship Gafftop Division, good place to soak mullet for hunters.
this years winner is Ashton bulls are the boat cuts along The unique thing about the
Sumrall, age 8, of Orange, the Sabine jetties. On an out- early archery season on deer is
with a prize catch weighing going tide its best to set up on that we get a full month of
6.5 pounds. The the Gulf side of the hunting prior to the gun season
StarKids Scholarship cuts. Thats where opener Nov. 5. Thats a big
Gafftop Division pro- numbers of big bulls deal, especially if you happen
vides a young angler will be feeding. to be hunting a fresh line of
between the ages of 6 scrapes that a buck in rut is
and 10 with a college Open seasons tending to.
scholarship totaling The South Zone So what are your chances of
$50,000 for catching season on doves is getting a shot at a trophy buck
the heaviest gafftop. open. Ditto that for the during the archery season?
Big time congratula- Robert Sloan Central Zone. Were With bow or gun, its right
tions to Ashton. But just coming off the around 50 percent. Thats
get this Ashtons Outdoors teal season that turned because there is an estimated
dad, Troy, caught the out to be remarkably 3.6 million deer running wild
heaviest gafftop in the good once we had a across Texas. You dont always
inshore division, 7 pounds, 8 good push of birds down need a gun to score big on a
ounces, and won a Shoalwater through Southeast Texas and record-setting buck. Second,
19 Cat with a Mercury out- into the coastal marsh ponds, you dont have to be hunting
board and McClain trailer. and flooded fields. on a sprawling ranch to get the The bow season on deer opens this Saturday across Texas. Some of the
Over 47,500 fishermen reg- Bow season on deer opens shot of a lifetime. highest scoring bucks in Texas have been taken by bow hunters in the
istered for the tourney, accord- this Saturday. One of the all-time highest Pineywoods. Robert Sloan photo
ing to STAR. But there is one other big scoring bucks in Texas history
hunting event that opens up on was shot on a tiny piece of summer of 2012. Almost two program and generated nation-
Sabine Lake trout Saturday, Oct. 1 its the land in Grayson County, 60 years later, Lee finally got a wide interest in Texas bass
Finally some cool weather archery-only season on deer. miles north of Dallas. That shot at the 31-point buck, fishing. This year, TPWD is
has hit Southeast Texas, and Thats a huge deal for lots of non-typical buck scored just which measured a gross score implementing changes to fully
with that cool breeze, you can hunters here on the right side over 260 B&C points. Robert of 278 5/8. incorporate ShareLunker off-
fully expect fishing on Sabine of Texas. Its especially good Taylor took the deer on his Big bucks in East Texas? spring into hatchery brood
Lake to really come to life for bow hunters in the woods 4.7-acre property with his bow You bet. Its just a matter of stock.
with lots of trout holding under surrounding Southeast Texas in December 2012. Thats being on stand as much as pos- While the ShareLunker sea-
flocks of sea gulls. Its a time where the bucks go into rut right, his entire hunting prop- sible. son will continue to run each
when fishing is as easy as it right about now. The woods erty is only 4.7 acres. year from Oct.1 through April
gets on both Sabine Lake and west of Beaumont, around And then theres A.J. Toyota ShareLunker 30, only those entries collected
East Galveston Bay. Nome and on over toward Downs state record open Season begins Oct 1 between Jan. 1 March 31
Another excellent fishing Winnie, hold plenty of deer, range archery buck taken in For over 30 years, the Texas will be accepted as brood stock
option is to target bull reds in and some are bucks that are in 2012 in San Jacinto County. Parks and Wildlife Depart- for spawning.
the surf and at the Sabine and the rut right now. As far as I The 28-pointer scored just ments (TPWD) Toyota Share- During January through
Galveston jetties. Big reds, know, the bucks in Southeast over 256 B&C points. Lunker Program has created March, every ShareLunker that
fish in the 28-inch-plus class, Texas are the first to start chas- The biggest free-range awareness of the value of TPWD staff determines to be
began showing up in the surf ing does anywhere in Texas. whitetail ever taken in Texas catch-and-release fishing, pro- capable of spawning will be
about two weeks ago. Some of As we get more cool fronts came from Houston County in vided 13 pounds or heavier transported to the Texas Fresh-
the top catches have been through, the bucks in the 2013. It was shot by Mark Lee. largemouth bass to support water Fisheries Center in Athens.
along McFaddin Beach and Pineywoods, up around Jasper He first spotted the buck in the Texass selective breeding See SLOAN on page 21A

ooting LOOP Volleyball Chelsea
from page 13A The LU volleyball team notched its Grant


first win of the season Sept. 24 with a

Quality Guns & scopes championships open the champion- 3-1 road match victory over New
ships season on Oct. 28. Orleans to improve to 1-13 overall
and 1-1 in conference play.
We give CHL Classes & Renewals Soccer Senior Chelsea Grant led the Cards
The Lady Cards fell to 1-9-1 over- with 16 kills and a .406 attack mark.
We Sight in Rifles all and 0-2-1 in league play last week- Junior Carylyn Stella continued her
end, losing 1-0 to Northwestern State hot hand on defense with 14 digs.
Tuesday - Saturday and 4-1 to Central Arkansas. LU will
The Lady Cards will travel to
Houston on Saturday, Oct. 1, to play
10am - 5:30pm host two games this weekend begin- Houston Baptist at 1 p.m.
ning Friday, Sept. 30, with SFA at 7
p.m. and Sam Houston State on Sun- Compiled by
409-866-0871 409-860-guns day, Oct. 2, at 1 p.m. Chad Cooper
Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016 THE EXAMINER 17 A

oBItUArIES All suspects are considered innocent until

Bonnie Marie Cokinos
proven guilty in a court of law. All suspects
should be considered dangerous, and no
Bonnie Marie Cokinos, 82, of Beaumont, died
Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2016, in her home. She was attempt should be made to apprehend
born Jan. 27, 1934, in Beaumont, to Mildred
Boden Sohlinger and Barney Richard Sohlinger, them. Anyone with information on the loca-
and was a lifetime
resident of the tions of any of these wanted fugitives, or
area. Bonnie was
the founder of The
others, should call Crime Stoppers at (409)
Bonnie Cokinos 833-TIPS (8477). Information leading to
School of Dance,
where she was an the arrest of a felon could make the tipster
instructor for many
years. eligible for a cash reward up to $1,000.
A gathering of
Mrs. Cokinos fam-
ily and friends will
Crime Stoppers is asking for the publics assistance in Officer Carol Riley of Crime Stoppers said.
be from 5-8 p.m., getting dangerous drug dealers and drug users, along with According to Riley, drugs have inundated local communi-
with a Christian the poisonous products they carry, off the streets. To that ties and led to a variety of crimes, such as burglary and rob-
Vigil at 6 p.m., on
Friday, Sept. 30, at
end, The Examiner will periodically feature a list of five per- bery, often committed by substance abusers attempting to
Broussards, 2000 McFaddin Ave., Beaumont. A sons accused of drug-related crimes here in High Five. feed their addictions, and crimes like public intoxication,
Funeral Mass will be celebrated at 1 p.m., Sat- Crime Stoppers and The Examiner are teaming up to assault and even murder, committed by persons under the
urday, Oct. 1, at St. Anthony Cathedral Basilica,
700 Jeerson St., Beaumont. Her committal
fight the drug problem in Southeast Texas, Beaumont Police influence of drugs.
will be held under the direction of Broussards
Crematorium, Beaumont.
Memorial contributions may be made to
Beaumont Ballet Theatre, 4555 Calder Ave.,
Beaumont, Texas 77706.

Death notices
Prentis Baker, 87, of West Orange died Sept.
24, 2016. Funeral services at Claybar Funeral
Home, Orange, Sept. 27.
Jeremiah Batista, 38, of Beaumont died Sept.
22, 2016. Funeral service at Broussards, N. Lorna Oakley Angela Smalley Robert Steed Parish Subject George Welch
Major, Beaumont, Oct. 1, 2:30 p.m.
George Warren Bernauer, 73, of Bridge City 1. Lorna Jerene Oakley is a 32-year-old black female wanted for possession of a controlled substance
died Sept. 27, 2016. Service pending with Lev- $10,000 bond.
ingston Funeral Home, Groves.
James T. Jimmy Bland Jr., 72, of Orange
2. Angela Lee Smalley is a 29-year-old white female wanted for possession of a controlled substance no
died Sept. 22, 2016. Funeral services at Claybar
Funeral Home, Orange, Sept. 25.
Maxie Weldon Buckner, 85, of Beaumont
died Sept. 22, 2016. Memorial service at Brous- 3. Robert Louis Steed is a 54-year-old white male wanted for possession of a controlled substance
sards, McFaddin, Beaumont, Sept. 29, 10 a.m. $5,000 bond.
Dorothy Clanton Burk Browning, 87, of
Orange died Sept. 24, 2016. Funeral services at 4. Parish John Subject, aka Patrick James, is a 32-year-old black male wanted for possession of a danger-
First Baptist Church, Bridge City, Sept. 28. ous drug no bond; possession of a controlled substance $15,000 bond; and possession of a controlled
Shirley Dean Coleman, 56, of Lumberton substance $12,000 bond.
died Sept. 22, 2016. Funeral service at Lumber-
ton Family Funeral Home, Sept. 24.
Preston Cooper Jr., 92, of Nederland died
5. George David Welch is a 39-year-old white male wanted for possession of a controlled substance $10,000 bond.
Sept. 23, 2016. Graveside service at Memory
Gardens of Jeerson County, Nederland, Sept.
28. Clyde Lafate Drake, 88, of Silsbee died Bruce Martin, 91, of Beaumont, died Sept.
Bonnie Marie Cokinos, 82, of Beaumont died Sept. 21, 2016. Funeral service at Broussards, 27, 2016. Arrangements pending under the
Sept. 27, 2016. Funeral mass at St. Anthony Silsbee, Sept. 24. direction of Broussards, Beaumont.
Cathedral Basilica, Beaumont, Oct. 1, 1 p.m. Thomas Daniel Danny DuChamp, 91, of Omar Edith Sue Martin (Hunt), 64, of Orange
Margaret L. Cormier, 90, of Bridge City died Orange, died Sept. 25, 2016. Mass of Christian died Sept. 26, 2016, at her home surrounded by
Sept. 19, 2016. Graveside service at Greenlawn Burial at St. Anne Catholic Church, Beaumont, loved ones. Cremation is under the direction of
Memorial Park, Groves, Sept. 22. Sept. 29, 11 a.m. Claybar Haven of Rest.
Sharon Elaine Courmier, 69, of Orange died Tommie Jo Eubanks, 72, died Sept. 23, William Allen Johns Jr., 58, of Beaumont
Sept. 25, 2016. Funeral services at Claybar 2016. Memorial service at First Baptist Church, died Sept. 13, 2016. Funeral service at Magnolia
Funeral Home, Orange, Sept. 28, 11 a.m. Deweyville. Sept. 25. Baptist Church, Beaumont, Sept. 24.
Wilma L. Crump, 93, of Nederland died Sept. Edward Hartman Green, 80, of Beaumont Viola Menard Lege, 81, of Port Neches died
21, 2016. Memorial service at Broussards, Ned- died September 20, 2016. Mass of Christian Sept. 25, 2016. Memorial service at Broussards,
erland, Oct. 1, 10 a.m. Burial at St. Anne, Beaumont, Sept. 24. Nederland, Sept. 30, 10 a.m.
Bertha Josepha Candal Dixon, 97, of Beau- Juanita Green, 88, of Newton, Sept. 20, 2016. Socrates Martin, 76, of Port Arthur died Sept.
mont died Sept. 23, 2016. Graveside service at Funeral services at First Presbyterian Church, 21, 2016. Service pending at Levingston Funeral
Forest Lawn, Beaumont, Sept. 26. Orange, Sept. 23. Home, Groves.
John Joseph Jack Dorgan, 86, died Sept. Kathy Marie Hobbs Hay, 57, of Beaumont Valerie Denton Miller, 78, of Nederland died
25, 2016 in Groves. Service at Levingston Fu- died Sept. 26 2016. Funeral service at Wesley Sept. 22, 2016. Memorial service at Broussards,
neral Home, Groves, Sept. 29, 1 p.m. United Methodist Church, Beaumont, Sept. 28. See DEATHS on page 23A
18 A THE EXAMINER Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016

HARDWARE TECH I Full time. Assure spiritual es to patients according to
5171697 BEAUMONT assessment of patients, physicians orders.
Track & document hard- families & caregivers in the Provides for patient safety
ware & software inventory. hospice program & appro- & high quality testing.
Install, configure & maintain priate services are ren- Bachelors Degree. Call
operating system software dered. HS/GED, 2 yrs exp. 1-877-834-5627 to apply.
on client workstations, etc. Call 1-877-834-5627.

5627 to apply. RETAIL OPTICIAN 8481476 BEAUMONT
6492886 PORT ARTHUR Delivers, sets up & main-
UTILITY WORKER (PRN) Sales of prescription eye tains equipment at the
5170838 BEAUMONT glasses, assist patients delivery address. Have
Food serving, dishwashing, select frames &lens. working knowledge of cur-
food prep (salads/des- Review & discuss vision rent products & services.
serts), cleaning and general benefits. Dispense & adjust HS/GED & 3 yrs exp. Call
kitchen help. Salary glasses, etc. HS/GED; 1-877-834-5627 to apply.
depends on experience. 35WPM. Call 1-877-834-
Call 1-877-834-5627 to 5627 to apply. ENDOWED CHAIR
apply. 6493539 BEAUMONT
RADIOLOGY TECH II Tenure track appointment.
CHAPLAIN 8481205 PORT ARTHUR Teach six hours per semes-
5170933 BEAUMONT Provide radiological servic- ter, including graduate
seminars & undergraduate
courses. Doctoral Degree.
Call 1-877-834-5627 .

AccOunting & FinAnce SR.
adminiStrative aSSiStant 2949102 BEAUMONT
Provide administrative sup-
building & Safety port. Maintains student
community development records. Monitors and
conStruction maintenance maintains departmental
emS budgets and expenditures.
Purchase office supplies,
engineering etc. Call 1-877-834-5627.
FAcility mAnAgement
fleet ServiceS 3427458 BEAUMONT
groundS & landScaping Evaluates all incoming col-
lege, community college,
library and university transcripts.
parkS Process information to
parkS & recreation determine exact status of
public health transferred classes.
public workS Associates Degree. Call
1-877-834-5627 to apply.
tranSportation 8481418 BEAUMONT
utilitieS Disseminating information
waSte management concerning critical dates &
deadlines to students, par-
water treatment ents & campus community.
Apply Online at: Reviews all financial aid
documents for accuracy. (409) 838-JobS (5627) Associates Degree. Call
801 main St. beaumont, tX 1-877-834-5627 to apply.

American Valve & Hydrant has an immediate opening for a

Staff Accountant. The Staff Accountant assists the
Accounting Manager in maintaining the general ledger and
other accounting records. Candidate must have a
Bachelors of Science Degree in Accounting.
Work hours are 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM Monday - Friday.
Applicants should contact Workforce Solutions to submit a
resume and to obtain a job application.
Deadline for applications is October 3, 2016.

EOE/Vets/Disability/Minority/Female/Gender Identity/Sexual Orientation

Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016 THE EXAMINER 19 A
PRE-K TEACHER Teach introductory core exp reqd. Call 1-877-834- opment, and Web design. INSTRUCTOR I, DRAFTING ADJUNCT INSTRUCTOR
7139022 PORT ARTHUR curriculum courses in 5627 to apply. Implement & evaluate cur- 7133532 PORT ARTHUR PHYSICAL SCIENCE
Greet parents & children. American Government; riculum; advise & recruit Classroom/lab instruction 7128088 PORT ARTHUR
Complete lesson plans. includes on-campus & LIBRARY ASSOCIATE, students, etc. Starts at of computer aided drafting. Teach Physical Science
Keep daily attendance online. Masters Degree. CIRCULATION $34,500/yr. Associates May include day & evening classes. Includes day, eve-
records. Complete prog- Call 1-877-834-5627 to 8476307 BEAUMONT Degree & 5 yrs exp reqd. classes. Starts at $34,500/ ning and/or online classes.
ress reports. HS/GED. Call apply. Performs and/or oversees Call 1-877-834-5627 to yr. Associates Degree & 5 Masters Degree, 3 yrs exp
1-877-834-5627 to apply. routine tasks, utilizing auto- apply. yrs exp. Call 1-877-834- reqd. Pay based on course
FIELD EXPERIENCE mated database systems, 5627 to apply. load. Call 1-877-834-5627
6492367 BEAUMONT Manage operations of Associates Degree. Call 8476307 BEAUMONT 6481926 PORT ARTHUR INSTRUCTOR - UPWARD
Coordinate classes & activ- internship process. Ensure 1-877-834-5627 to apply. Performs and/or oversees Providing information, MOBILITY NURSING
ities. Facilitate admissions procedures are consistent routine tasks, utilizing auto- advice & assistance secure 2937700 PORT ARTHUR
process. Oversee work of w/accrediting bodies. ASSOCIATE/FULL mated database systems, FAFSA/2nd Chance Pell Classroom instruction, lab
student assistants. Manage grant specific PROFESSOR circulation, checking books grant to institutionalized instruction & clinical super-
Bachelors Degree. Call tasks. Associates Degree. 5165042 BEAUMONT in/out, collect fines, etc. students. Bachelors & 2 yrs vision. Starts at $56,667/yr.
1-877-834-5627 to apply. Call 1-877-834-5627 to Focus on educational wel- Associates Degree. Call exp reqd. Call 1-877-834- MSN or BSN; 3 yrs exp
apply. fare of majors & non- 1-877-834-5627 to apply. 5627 to apply. reqd. Call 1-877-834-5627
7138818 BEAUMONT majors. Develop teaching
Data entry; report prepara-
PROFESSOR ments facilities. Doctoral COLLEGE CHEMISTRY 6495558 BEAUMONT
tion. Maintenance of advis-
6488012 BEAUMONT Degree. Call 1-877-834- 6483737 BEAUMONT 2937711 PORT ARTHUR Partner w/banking associ-
ing folders. Provide advis-
Develop nationally & inter- 5627 to apply. Collect, analyze, report & Provide quality instruction ates to assist existing cus-
ing & information.
nationally recognized return info re: certification in college-level course(s) tomers as well as grow
Associates Degree. Call
research program. INSTRUCTOR I, COMPUTER prep. Manage data system. based on approved student new business. Offer diverse
1-877-834-5627 to apply.
Production of quality publi- SPECIALIST Supervise Testing Office, learning outcomes & suite of product offerings &
INSTRUCTOR/ ASSISTANT cations. Develop fundable 6487233 PORT ARTHUR Coordinator. Doctoral course objectives. Masters financial planning. HS/GED
PROFESSOR competitive grants. Classroom/lab instruction degree; 3 yrs exp. Call Degree, 3 yrs exp reqd. & 5 yrs exp. Call 1-877-
3423820 BEAUMONT Doctoral Degree & 8 yrs of networking, game devel- 1-877-834-5627 to apply. Call 1-877-834-5627 to 834-5627 to apply.
20 A THE EXAMINER Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016

Showing Americas greatness

The opinions that appear directly below are the official
views of The Examiner and its publisher/CEO, Don J. Dodd.
Opinions expressed elsewhere on these pages are the views of
the writers only and not necessarily those of The Examiner.
Because of freedoms enjoyed by American kneeling exercise teaches minority Little

Malcolm Bales
citizens, we can, if we so choose, burn the flag, League players they are being short-changed
criticize the president, or kneel at a football by their country. Further, it clearly fails to
game during the playing of our nation- inspire children to do things in a posi-
al anthem. While such an act can cap- tive manner that would improve the
An appreciation ture national attention, it does little way of life for us all.
about the things NFL quarterback It is my belief that more can be
By James Shannon, Bales late brother-in-law, 1952-2015 Colin Kaepernick is complaining accomplished standing up than kneeling
It was an autumn day at the lake in East Texas, and a about. down. Even kneeling in prayer would
family kayak outing seemed like a good idea. My daughter Once I was told the story about a not be as productive without an active
was handling her kayak a lot better than I was; when I large family, the mother of whom had follow through of faith. Marching to the
turned to follow her, the slight waves stirred by the wind hideous scarring to the point she polls, attending your city council or
were enough upturn my boat and submerge me in the mid- looked like a creature from a horror school board meetings, door-to-door
dle of the lake. movie, and yet the children all seemed Carl knocking for a candidate of your choice,
My lifejacket pushed me to the surface, but when Athena to shower her continually with affec- Parker or volunteering for a get out the vote
turned her kayak to help, she flipped over too. As we tion and hugs and kisses. When some- campaign would do infinitely more to
bobbed alongside our upside-down craft, she made an one asked why there was so much change things for the better than a rela-
executive decision. doting on such an unattractive person, someone tively effortless protest.
Im going to swim back and get some help, Dad, she revealed that years before there had been a ter- Among our many other privileges as Ameri-
volunteered and swam away. rible fire at the home of this family and these cans, we have the ultimate ability through voting
Good idea, was my unsteady response as I clutched children had been rescued, their lives to alter the course of our nation and our soci-
both kayaks, which didnt seem to move much as I inef- saved, by their moth- ety. Unfortunately, only a small percent-
fectively tried to kick toward the distant shore. The two er braving the age of American
cans of soda in the pockets of my cargo shorts didnt help, flames, resulting in citizens take
but I was determined to hang on to these little boats. her suffering hor- advantage of this
After what seemed like forever but in reality was only rible, disfiguring wonderful privi-
about 10 minutes, I became aware of an approaching swim- scarring. lege. How much
mer headed in my direction with strong, steady strokes. It The same might better would it be if
was the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of be said for the we focused on inspir-
Texas, acting in a private capacity to rescue a hapless rec- United States of ing children to partici-
reational boater. America. No doubt pate in large numbers
His name is Malcolm Bales, and these were his kayaks. our country has scars, in informed voting? It
He has been my friend and brother-in-law for more than and several things that is my fervent belief our
30 years. And not for the first time, I was glad to see him. can be criticized. Yet it nation would be far bet-
Betsy and Mal are the proud parents of six children and remains a beacon to which almost ter off if those who
six grandchildren, each of whom we love dearly and who every citizen of every other country is spend hours organizing
possess in varying degrees the fierce intellects and loving drawn. marches to protest the
hearts of their parents. He was introduced at the event by When America was birthed as a nation by shortcomings of our country would spend more
his children, with each focusing on some aspect of their dad the development and adoption of our Constitu- time organizing mass marches to the polling
with Patrick even mentioning the damn Yankees. tion, some of those participating in its writing places on election day.
Of course, life with Malcolm Bales is not all a bed of deplored slavery. Even so, they did not prevail Our nation may not be perfect, but without a
roses or maybe it is. My parents built a beautiful home at the time and a provision was written into our doubt, it is great. It is up to us to try to keep it
next door to Betsy and Mals place at the lake. The proxim- founding document classifying some humans that way. How much better would it be if those
ity to their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren as less than human because of their skin color. who aspire to leadership of our fellow Ameri-
is a continuing source of joy to my mom and dad but Ive Nonetheless, because of the general provisions cans of all stripes could inspire others to
learned not to plan on sleeping in when I spend the night. and freedoms assured by our Constitution and change our nation for the better through respon-
Early in the morning, its common to be awakened by the subsequent Bill of Rights, we have emerged as sible, thoughtful participation?
drone of a chainsaw, lawn mower, weed eater or leaf blow- a thoughtful, caring nation in many regards.
Citizens of all stripes many privileges, rights 1958.Carl Parker has practiced law in Port Arthur since
er as the United States Attorney for the Eastern District He is a 1958 graduate of the University of
catches up on the chores in their yards. and protections. Hopefully, we will continue to Texas School of Law. Elected to the Texas House of
This is not some photo opportunity like those staged evolve in this regard. Representatives in 1962 and the Senate in 1976,
when President George W. Bush would cut brush on his While I will defend Kaepernicks right to Parker continued to practice law while writing and
Crawford ranch nobody is watching except those of us express his dissatisfaction about things in this sponsoring hundreds of bills that became laws
who were sleeping moments before. But that is Mal, who country, I also have the right to deem him relating to every aspect of life in Texas, including
many regarding consumer safety. His e-mail is
also finds time when hes not riding the judicial circuit to wrong in his behavior. The drawback of the
teach Sunday school, coach youth sports teams and follow
the Yankees.
I guess what I am trying to say is that in addition to his
spotless credentials and long record of service to the people
Letters to the Editor
of this state, Malcolm Bales is a fundamentally decent man We want to know what youre thinking! We welcome snail-mail, emails and phone calls. Please, address your
who I am proud to call my brother, my friend and my U.S. correspondence to Letters to the Editor, 795 Willow, Beaumont, Texas, 77701, email, or call
Attorney. (409) 832-1400. As the Independent Voice of Southeast Texas, we look forward to continuing to provide the area
with in-depth coverage of local news.
Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016 THE EXAMINER 21 A

By Garry Trudeau
from page 12A
BPDs Walters stat-
ed in the release.
After the investiga-
tion was complete,
officers transported
Stephens, Jackson,
Henton and Dur-
ousseau to the Jef-
ferson County Jail.
The men were each
charged with two
counts of felony
theft, one count of (Clockwise from top left) Darrell
engaging in orga- Durousseau, Eddie Stephens, Ken-
nized criminal dale Henton and Toiy Jackson
activity and one count of misdemeanor theft.
The Auto Theft Task Force is investigating.

Photo courtesy of CCA/

from page 16A
In recent years, pure Florida largemouth bass have been
primarily used for spawning due to limited hatchery
space. Starting this season, TPWD staff will attempt to
spawn all ShareLunker, bass regardless of genetics.
However, only pure Florida ShareLunker offspring will
be incorporated into the hatchery brood stock program.
In addition, although ShareLunker entries will
still be accepted from private waters, ShareLunker
offspring will not be stocked back into private water
bodies even when the ShareLunker is donated from
private waters.
ShareLunker catches can be reported 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week by calling (903) 681-0550. For
complete information and rules of the ShareLunker
program, tips on caring for big bass and a recap of
last years season, see
lunker. The site also includes a searchable database
of all fish entered into the program.
22 A THE EXAMINER Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016

INFORMATION. If you need Development Department - (66.20% LMI); CT-25 HUD will accept objections hand and seal of said Court
more information about this 801 Main Street, 2nd Floor, (59.50% LMI); Ct-26 to its release of funds and at Beaumont, Texas, on
permit application or the Beaumont, Texas and may (77.30% LMI); CT-117 the City of Beaumonts September 21, 2016.
permitting process, please be examined or copied on (76.89% LMI). certification for a period of
call the TCEQ Public weekdays 8:00 a.m. 5:00 fifteen days following the Carolyn L. Guidry,
Education Program, Toll p.m. Monday Friday. The This is a tiered activity. Site anticipated submission County Clerk
Free, at 1-800-687-4040. Si activities are as follows: specific reviews will be date or its actual receipt of Jefferson County, Texas
desea informacin en completed for those laws the request (whichever is
Legal notices Texas Legislature enacted
Senate Bill 709, effective
member would be
affected; and explain how
Espaol, puede llamar al
1-800-687- 4040. General
Clearance and Demolition
Program ($55,000.00)
and authorities
addressed in the broad
not later) only if they are on one
of the following basis: (1)
By Linda Funchess Deputy
September 1, 2015, the interests the group information about the TCEQ The purpose of the review for each address the certification was not
Texas Commission on amending the seeks to protect are can be found at our web Clearance and Demolition under this program when executed by the Certifying
Environmental Quality requirements for relevant to the groups site at www.TCEQ.texas. Program is to promote safe, addresses become known. Officer of the City of
gov. Beaumont; (b) the City of DEMAND FOR
comments and contested purpose. decent and sanitary
neighborhoods, particularly Beaumont has omitted a REIMBURSEMENT
case hearings. This Level of Environmental
Further information may in areas of low/moderate step or failed to make a UNDER TEXAS
application is subject to Following the close of all Review Citation: 24 CFR
also be obtained from income concentration. decision or finding required PROPERTY CODE
those changes in law. applicable comment and Part 58.5 (a)(4)(ii)
RA-TE, INC. at the address Funds will be used to by HUD regulations at 24 SECTIONS 29.003 AND
request periods, the Site Specific Review: The
stated above or by calling demolish unsafe, unsanitary CFR Part 58; (c) the grant 29.0035
PUBLIC COMMENT / Executive Director will site specific reviews will
PUBLIC MEETING. You forward the application and Ms. Natalia Rodriguez, RSB and uninhabitable cover the following laws recipient or other
Environmental, at 832 291- participants in the Arthur Wells (Wells) owns an
may submit public any requests for residential structures and authorities not
3473. development process have undivided interest in the
comments or request a reconsideration or for a located in low/moderate addressed by the broad
committed funds, incurred hereinafter described real
public meeting about this contested case hearing to income areas. Funds will review. They will be
Issuance Date: July 7, 2016 costs or undertaken property ( the property).
application. The purpose the TCEQ Commissioners be expended primarily in addressed in the site
activities not authorized by Wells has paid all of the ad
of a public meeting is to for their consideration at a the following census tracts specific review: Historic
24 CFR Part 58 before valorem taxes imposed on
provide the opportunity to scheduled Commission with the accompanying low/ Preservation, Flood Zone,
NOTICE OF APPLICATION approval of a release of the property for tax years
submit comments or to ask meeting. NOTICE TO CREDITORS moderate income Explosive and Flammable
AND PRELIMINARY funds by HUD; or (d) 2005 through and including
questions about the household income Materials, Toxic Chemicals/
DECISION FOR TPDES another Federal agency 2015 ( total paid $5,082.50).
application. TCEQ holds a The Commission may only Notice is hereby given that percentages: CT- 1.03 Radioactive Materials,
PERMIT FOR MUNICIPAL acting pursuant to 40 CFR Lorenzo Marshall (Marshall)
public meeting if the grant a request for a original Letters (75.19% LMI); CT-2 Airport Clear Zones/
WASTEWATER RENEWAL Part 1504 has submitted a owns an undivided 1/30th
Executive Director contested case hearing on Testamentary for the Estate (39.06% LMI); CT-5 Accident Potential Zones.
written finding that the interest in the property, and
determines that there is a issues the requestor of William Roland Hargrave (43.72% LMI); CT-6
PERMIT NO. project is unsatisfactory his address is currently
significant degree of public submitted in their timely a/k/a William Rollin (62.31% LMI); CT-7 (82.1% No mitigation measures/
WQ0013017001 from the standpoint of unknown (last known
interest in the application or comments that were not Hargrave, Deceased, were LMI); CT-9 (60.17% LMI); conditions/permits will be
environmental quality. address is 2730 Lafferty
APPLICATION AND if requested by a local subsequently withdrawn. If issued on August 31, 2016, CT-11 (49.87% LMI); CT-12 required for this program.
Objections must be Road, Apt. 1209, Pasadena,
PRELIMINARY DECISION. legislator. A public meeting a hearing is granted, the in Cause No. 115392, (63.69% LMI); CT-17
prepared and submitted in Texas 77502), and Ianthia
RA-TE, INC., P.O. Box is not a contested case subject of a hearing will pending in the Probate (71.43% LMI); CT-19 The H.O.W. Center
accordance with the Henson (Henson) also owns
20977, Beaumont, Texas hearing. be limited to disputed Court of Jefferson County, (69.75% LMI); CT-20 ($5,468.57)
required procedures (24 an undivided 1/30th interest
77720, has applied to the issues of fact or mixed Texas, to: William Jack (44.25% LMI); CT-21 Funds will be used to pay a
CFR Part 58, Sec. 58.76) in the property, and her
Texas Commission on OPPORTUNITY FOR A questions of fact and law Hargrave. (62.88% LMI); CT-23 portion of the costs to
and shall be addressed to: address is currently
Environmental Quality CONTESTED CASE relating to relevant and (64.63% LMI); CT-24 purchase and replace the
unknown ( last known
(TCEQ) for a renewal of HEARING. After the material water quality All persons having claims (66.20% LMI); CT-25 current air conditioning and
Mrs. Sandra Warren, address is 3177 Deer flower
Texas Pollutant Discharge deadline for submitting concerns submitted against this Estate which is (59.50% LMI); Ct-26 heating units for a facility
Program Director Road, San Diego, California
Elimination System (TPDES) public comments, the during the comment currently being administered (77.30% LMI); CT-117 that houses and provides
U. S. Department of 92115). Wells hereby makes
Permit No. WQ0013017001, Executive Director will period. TCEQ may act on are required to present (76.89% LMI). educational opportunities,
Housing and Urban a formal demand that
which authorizes the consider all timely an application to renew a them to the undersigned job training and other
Development, Region VI Marshall and Henson
discharge of treated comments and prepare a permit for discharge of within the time and in the This is a tiered activity. Site services to low/moderate
Office of Community reimburse Wells for their
domestic wastewater at a response to all relevant and wastewater without manner prescribed by law. specific reviews will be income men who are
Planning and Development respective shares ($169.42
daily average flow not to material, or significant providing an opportunity completed for those laws recovering from substance
1301 Fannin, Ste. 2200 each) of the ad valorem
exceed 25,000 gallons per public comments. Unless for a contested case c/o: Tracy Ray Troup and authorities not and/or alcohol addiction.
Houston, Texas 77002- taxes paid by wells set forth
day. TCEQ received this the application is directly hearing if certain criteria Attorney at Law addressed in the broad The purpose of this project
7008 above. The property
application on February 12, referred for a contested are met. TROUP & BRUCE, LLP review for each address is to provide safe, habitable
consists of land and
2016. case hearing, the 211 Florence under this program when shelter for men who might
residential dwelling known
response to comments EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR addresses become known. otherwise be homeless. Potential objectors should
Tomball, Texas 77375 contact HUD at (713) 718- as 1458 Church Street,
The facility is located will be mailed to everyone ACTION. The Executive Funds will be used in the
approximately 2,200 feet 3199, to verify the actual Beaumont, Texas 77705,
who submitted public Director may issue final DATED the 1st day of Level of Environmental following census tract, with
which is Wells address. The
southwest of the comments and to those approval of the application Review Citation: 24 CFR the accompanying low/ last day of objection period.
September, 2016. property is legally described
intersection of Smith Road persons who are on the unless a timely contested Part 58.5 (a)(4)(ii) moderate household
and Kidd Road, in Jefferson Kyle Hayes City Manager, as Lot 16, Block 6, Pear
mailing list for this case hearing request or Tracy Ray Troup Site Specific Review: The income percentage: CT-9 Orchard, Abstract 051200,
County, Texas 77707. The application. If comments request for reconsideration site specific reviews will (60% LMI). The address for Certifying Officer
Tracy Ray Troup Beaumont, Jefferson
treated effluent is are received, the mailing is filed. If a timely hearing Attorney for William Jack cover the following laws the facility is 2509 Cable
discharged to Kidd Gully; County, Texas.
will also provide request or request for Hargrave and authorities not Street, Beaumont, Texas.
thence to Bayou Din; instructions for requesting reconsideration is filed, the State Bar No.: 00791820 addressed by the broad CITATION BY
thence to Hillebrandt Bayou a contested case hearing Executive Director will not review. They will be Level of Environmental PUBLICATION
in Segment No. 0704 of the or reconsideration of the issue final approval of the TROUP & BRUCE, LLP addressed in the site Review Citation: 24 CFR NOTICE INVITING BIDS
Neches-Trinity Coastal Executive Directors permit and will forward the 211 Florence specific review: Historic Part 58.5 (a)(4)(ii) TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS OF
Basin. The unclassified decision. A contested case application and request to Tomball, Texas 77375 Preservation, Flood Zone, Site Specific Review: The LAURA SORACE BID NO. PW0916-21
receiving water use is high hearing is a legal proceeding the TCEQ Commissioners Telephone: (281) 831-1036 Explosive and Flammable site specific review has JOHNSON, DECEASED
aquatic life use for Kidd similar to a civil trial in a for their consideration at a Facsimile: (713) 464-5510 Materials, Toxic Chemicals/ been completed and the Sealed bids will be received
Gully. The designated uses state district court. scheduled Commission E-mail: tracy@troupbruce. Radioactive Materials, following laws and You are hereby commanded by the City Clerk of the City
for Segment No. 0704 are meeting. com Airport Clear Zones/ authorities have been to appear before the County of Beaumont, 801 Main
intermediate aquatic life use TO REQUEST A Accident Potential Zones. addressed: Historic Court of Jefferson County, Street, Room 125,
and primary contact CONTESTED CASE MAILING LIST. If you Preservation, Flood Zone, Texas, at the Courthouse of Beaumont, Texas, until 2:00
recreation. All HEARING, YOU MUST submit public comments, a No mitigation measures/ Explosive and Flammable said County in the City of p.m. (CST), THURSDAY,
determinations are INCLUDE THE request for a contested NOTICE OF INTENT TO conditions/permits will be Materials, Toxic Chemicals/ Beaumont, Jefferson OCTOBER 27, 2016 for
preliminary and subject to FOLLOWING ITEMS IN case hearing or a REQUEST RELEASE OF required for this program. Radioactive Materials, County, Texas, at or before furnishing all plans,
additional review and/or YOUR REQUEST: your reconsideration of the FUNDS Airport Clear Zones/ 10:00 A.M. of this first a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ,
revisions. name, address, phone Executive Directors Minor Repair Program Accident Potential Zones. Monday after the expiration superintendence, labor,
SEPTEMBER 27, 2016
number; applicants name decision, you will be added City of Beaumont ($30,579.00) of ten days from the date of services, materials, tools,
The TCEQ Executive
and proposed permit to the mailing list for this 801 Main Street The purpose of this program PUBLIC COMMENTS publication of this citation equipment, supplies,
Director has completed the
number; the location and specific application to Beaumont, TX 77701 is to help low/moderate Any individual, group, or by filing a written answer to transportation, utilities, and
technical review of the
application and prepared a distance of your property/ receive future public notices (409)880-2763 income homeowners to agency may submit written a petition filed in said Court all other items and facilities
draft permit. The draft activities relative to the mailed by the Office of the remain in their homes and comments on the ERR to on September 19, 2016, in necessary therefore, as
permit, if approved, would proposed facility; a Chief Clerk. In addition, you To All Interested Agencies, to help provide them with the City of Beaumont Cause NO. 115874, styled, provided in the Contract
establish the conditions specific description of may request to be placed Groups and Persons: On or decent, safe, sanitary Community Development Documents for the
how you would be on: (1) the permanent after October 24, 2016, the housing. Department. All comments IN THE ESTATE OF LAURA construction of:
under which the facility SORACE JOHNSON,
must operate. The adversely affected by the mailing list for a specific above named City of Funds will be used to received by October 21,
facility in a way not applicant name and permit Beaumont, Jefferson perform minor repairs on 2016 will be considered by DECEASED MAGNOLIA AVENUE
Executive Director has
made a preliminary decision common to the general number; and/or (2) the County, Texas will submit a approximately (6) six homes the City of Beaumont prior A brief statement of the PAVING & DRAINAGE
that this permit, if issued, public; a list of all disputed mailing list for a specific request to the U.S. of low/moderate income to authorizing submission nature of the petition is as REHABILITATION
meets all statutory and issues of fact that you county. If you wish to be Department of Housing and homeowners, at a maximum of a request for release of follows, to-wit: PROJECT
regulatory requirements. submit during the placed on the permanent Urban Development office of $5,000.00 per house. funds. (GILL STREET TO
The permit application, comment period and, the and/or the county mailing (HUD) for the release of This activity will assist TO DETERMINE THE LIBERTY AVENUE)
Executive Directors statement [I/we] request list, clearly specify which federal funds under Title 1 primarily elderly and/or RELEASE OF FUNDS HEIRS AND THEIR BID NO. PW0916-21
preliminary decision, and a contested case list(s) and send your request of the Housing and Urban disable persons. The City of Beaumont P E R C E N T A G E
draft permit are available for hearing. If the request for to TCEQ Office of the Chief Development Act of 1974 certifies to HUD that, Kyle OWNERSHIP IN THE together with all
viewing and copying at the contested case hearing is Clerk at the address below. (PL.93.383) as amended, to Funds will be expended Hayes, in his capacity as ESTATE OF LAURA appurtenances thereto,
Theodore R. Johns Senior filed on behalf of a group undertake the project(s) primarily in the following City Manager consents to SORACE JOHNSON, being improvements for the
Library, 4255 Fannett Road, or association, the All written public known as, census tracts with the accept the jurisdiction of DECEASED City of Beaumont, Owner,
Beaumont, Texas. This link request must designate comments and public Grant #B-16-MC-48-003 accompanying low/ the Federal Courts if an Beaumont, Texas. Bids will
to an electronic map of the the groups representative meeting requests must be ($91,457.57) moderate income action is brought to enforce as is more fully shown by be opened and publicly
site or facilitys general for receiving future submitted to the Office of household income responsibilities in relation to the petition on file in this read in the Council
location is provided as a correspondence; identify the Chief Clerk, MC 105, The activities proposed are percentages: CT- 1.03 the environmental review cause. Chambers at City Hall. The
public courtesy and is not by name and physical Texas Commission on categorically excluded (75.19% LMI); CT-2 process and that these City reserves the right, after
part of the application or address an individual Environmental Quality, under HUD regulations at (39.06% LMI); CT-5 responsibilities have been The officer executing this opening Bids, to reject any
notice. For the exact member of the group who P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 24 CFR Part 58 from the (43.72% LMI); CT-6 satisfied. HUDs approval process shall promptly or all bids or to make award
location, refer to the would be adversely 78711-3087 or National Environmental (62.31% LMI); CT-7 (82.1% of the certification satisfies execute the same according to accept any bid or
application. http://www. affected by the proposed electronically at www. Policy requirements. An LMI); CT-9 (60.17% LMI); its responsibilities under to law, and make due return combination of bids facility or activity; provide tc e q . te x a s . g o v/ a b o u t/ Environmental Review CT-11 (49.87% LMI); CT-12 NEPA and related laws and as the law directs. If this deemed advantageous to it.
public/hb610/index. the information discussed comments.html within 30 Record (ERR) that (63.69% LMI); CT-17 authorities and allows the citation is not served within
html?lat=29.99&lng=- above regarding the days from the date of documents the (71.43% LMI); CT-19 City of Beaumont to use ninety (90) days after day of Bidders must submit Bid
94.220833&zoom= affected members newspaper publication of e n v i r o n m e n t a l (69.75% LMI); CT-20 HUD program funds. issuance, it shall be Bond, Cashiers Check,
13&type=r location and distance this notice. determination for these (44.25% LMI); CT-21 returned unserved. Certified Check or
from the facility or activity; projects is on file at the City (62.88% LMI); CT-23 OBJECTIONS TO irrevocable Letter of Credit
CHANGE IN LAW: The explain how and why the AGENCY CONTACTS AND of Beaumont Community (64.63% LMI); CT-24 RELEASE OF FUNDS Issued and given under my issued by a bank
Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016 THE EXAMINER 23 A
satisfactory to the Owner,
payable without recourse to
Shelby Hawkins
c/o The Monk Law Firm
PUBLIC NOTICE Pre-Bid Meeting: None.
Beer Retailers Notice is hereby given that
original Letters
appointed Independent
Executor of the Estate of
to said Independent
Executrix, c/o Eddie R.
the order of the City of 4875 Parker Drive Off Premises Testamentary for the Estate HELEN A. MOITY, Schroeder, Attorney for the
Beaumont in an amount not
less than five (5) percent of
Beaumont, Texas 77705 Notice is hereby Bids shall be submitted to
the City Clerks Office, City
License to be of Grace M. Fritz,Deceased
were issued on September
Deceased, Cause #115779
in Jefferson County, Texas,
Estate, 505 West Lucas
Drive, Beaumont, TX
the largest possible bid All persons having claims given in Hall, 801 Main, Room 125, located at 3020 21. 2016, in Cause No. by the Judge of the County 77706-4601.
amount as a guaranty that against this Estate which is accordance with prior to the above stated Gulf Street in 115,815, pending in the Court of said County on
All persons having claims
the Bidder will enter into currently being administered Probate Court of Jefferson
contract and execute bond are required to present the provisions time.
the City of County, Texas, to: Faith
September 21, 2016,
hereby notifies all persons against this Estate, which is
and guaranty in the form them within the time and in of the Texas Bidding forms, Beaumont, Ellen Sauerwein, indebted to said estate to currently being
administered, are required
provided within fourteen
(14) calendar days after
the manner prescribed by
Alcoholic specifications and
necessary information may
Jefferson Independent Executor. come forward and make
settlement, and those to present them within the
date of Notice of Award of Beverage Code be obtained from the County, Texas. The post office address of having claims against the time and in the manner
prescribed by law.
the contract. Bids without
required financial security
DATED the 21 day of
September, 2016.
that Entire Night P u r c h a s i n g
Division, City Hall, 801
Owner: Akhil the Executoris: estate to present them to
him, within the time
deposit will not be Lyfe LLC dba Main, Room 315, Sarker Pres/ Faith Ellen Sauerwein prescribed by law, c/o LAW DATED this 21 day of
considered. THE MONK LAW FIRM Nells Place is Beaumont, Texas 77701. Sec c/o Wyatt D. Snider
SniderLaw Firm,PLLC
OFFICE OF LAIRON W. September, 2016.
4875 Parker Drive
Prevailing Highway-Heavy, Beaumont, Texas 77705 making Vendors requesting bid
packets should call the 3535Calder,Suite300
DOWDEN, JR. attorney for
said estate, at 1217
Eddie R. Schroeder
Municipal and Utilities wage
rates for Jefferson County,
(409) 724-6665 application with Purchasing Division at (409) Beaumont,TX 77706 Nederland Avenue,
Eddie R. Schroeder
505 West Lucas Drive
published as part of the By: Brandon P. Monk
the Texas 880-3720 or you may
download the All persons having claims
Nederland, Texas.
Beaumont, TX 77706-4601
Contract Documents and
subject to revisions, shall
Brandon P. Monk, Attorney Alcoholic specifications from our Notice is hereby given that against this Estate, which is WITNESS my hand this 21st
(409) 892-8200
(409) 892-0062 FAX
govern or control minimum
for the Estate of Galen
Wynn Hawkins, Deceased
Beverage website at: http:// Letters Testamentary for
the Estate of Curtis Lee
currently being
administered, are required
day of September, 2016. Texas Bar No. 17817000
rates for work performed Commission for
purchasing/bid-information/ Cummings, Sr., Deceased to present them within the LAIRON W. DOWDEN, JR. Attorney for the Estate of
during execution of the
contract. Also, a Mixed were issued on September
21, 2016, in Cause No.
time and in the manner
prescribed by law.
State Bar# 06072700
(409) 724-7979
Larence Earl Henson, Sr.,
qualifications being equal, NOTICE TO PERSONS Beverage Permit The City reserves the right
to reject any or all bids, or 115,163, pending in the Dated the 21st day of
citizens of the City of
Beaumont shall be given
and Mixed to accept any bid or County Court of Jefferson September, 2016.
County, Texas to Lula
preference in employment BOBBY SUE TWEEDEL, Beverage Late combination of bids PUBLIC NOTICE
for work performed under DECEASED Hours Permit to
deemed advantageous to it. Jacobs. SNIDER LAW FIRM,PLLC
the contract. Notice of Public Sale of
Notice is hereby given that be located at Please make reference to All persons having claims
against the Estate are
Wyatt D. Snider
Wyaft D. Snider property to satisfy a
Bid Number: PF0916-16
Conference will be held at
original Letters 500 Franklin St required to present them StateBarNo.24039185 landlords lien. Sale
will be held at Central Maxi
Testamentary for the Estate
10:00 a.m., on THURSDAY, of BOBBY SUE TWEEDEL, in the City of Bid Closing Date: within the time and manner
prescribed by law to:
3535 Calder,Suite300
Beaumont,Texas 77706 Storage at 885 Ridgewood
McMahon, Miranda
Dba A Lust for Dust
OCTOBER 13, 2016 in the
First Floor Conference
Deceased were issued on Beaumont, OCTOBER 20, 2016
(409)924-9595/ Dr, Port Neches, Tx 77651 3602 Edgemont Dr.
Room at City Hall, 801
August 17, 2016 in Cause
No. 115325, pending in the
Jefferson Tina Broussard Lula Jacobs (409)924-0808 FAX wyatt@ on Saturday, October 1,
2016 at 1:15 pm. Clean
Orange, TX 77630
Filed on 8/10/16
Main Street, Beaumont, County Court of Jefferson County, Texas. City Clerk c/o Zach Celeste
Attorney at Law ATTORNEY FOR ESTATE up and card deposit of Cert No. 19045
TX. Attendance at the
Pre-bid meeting is a
County, Texas, to CHERYL Officers: Bryant P. O. Box 3708 $45.00 is required. Seller
prerequisite to bidding.
Beaumont, TX 77704 reserves the right to
withdraw the property at
Bids WILL NOT be
accepted from any firm not
The address of such Managing CITATION BY
anytime before the
Pitre, Mary P.
Independent Executor is: sale. Unit items will be sold
in attendance at the pre-bid Member Notice is hereby given that
original Letters CITATION BY for cash to the highest
Chapter 13
conference. Prior to the
pre-bid conference,
CHERYL ANN COLEc/o Jessica G Testamentary for the Estate PUBLICATION 317 JUDICIAL DISTRICT
bidder. Property includes
Filed on 8/1/16
Jefferson County
interested bidders should
Bradley, Steele & Pierce,
LLP 3120 Central Mall
the contents of spaces of
the following tenants:
Deceased, were issued on
obtain forms of proposal, DrivePort Arthur, TX 77642 Managing August 23, 2016, in Cause CHRISTOPHER TERENCE Pabala Machado, Pam
Augustine, Jeffrey
Chapter 13
contract, bond, and
specifications. Bidding All persons having claims
Member No. 115175, pending in the JEFFRIES To: KAYLA MARIE DUPRE Young, Alexis McCall,
Maria Palomo, Philip
Filed on 8/1/16
documents may be County Court of Jefferson Jefferson County
against this Estate which is You are hereby commanded NOTICE: You have been Sanders, Daisy Mancilla,
obtained from the Citys County, Texas, to: CAROL
currently being administered to appear before the County sued. You may employ an Rusty Shannon,
website: JEAN BOHLER. Kroemeke, Eric
are required to present NOTICE TO CREDITORS Court of Jefferson County, attorney. If you or your Heather Dennis,
attorney do not file a written Christopher
them within the time and in All persons having claims Texas, at the Courthouse of Sale items include: answer with the clerk who Kroemeke, Allison M.
the manner prescribed by Notice is hereby given that against this Estate which is said County in the City of Living room furniture and
departments/purchasing/ issued this citation by 10:00 Chapter 13
law. original Letters currently being administered Beaumont, Jefferson dcor, music equipment,
bid-information/ a.m. on the Monday next Filed on 8/1/16
Testamentary for the Estate are required to present County, Texas, at or before TVs, china and glassware,
following the expiration of Hardin County
Complete sets of said DATED the 23rd day of of Joe Henry Bailey, Jr., them to the undersigned 10:00 A.M. of this first cookingitems, boxes,
Contract Documents may September, 2016. Deceased, were issued on Monday after the expiration 42 days after the date this clothes, and misc items.
within the time and in the citation was issued, a Ferguson, Garon C.
be purchased at White August 30, 2016, in Cause manner prescribed by law. of ten days from the date of Ferguson, Margaret L.
Reprographics (409) 832- BRADLEY, STEELE & No.115544, pending in the publication of this citation default judgment may be
taken against you, the Chapter 13
8451 or Triangle Blueprint PIERCE, LLP County Court of Jefferson c/o: CAROL JEAN by filing a written answer to Filed on 8/1/16
(409) 835-6810 in Attorneys at Law County, Texas, to a petition filed in said Court answer date being at or NOTICE TO ALL
BOHLER before 10 oclock A.M. on PERSONS HAVING Orange County
Beaumont, Texas. No 3120 Central Mall Drive Gwendolyn P. Bailey. 5310 Margaret Lane on September 21, 2016, in
refund will be made of any Port Arthur, TX 77642 Cause NO. 115821, styled, Monday, October 31, 2016. CLAMS AGAINST THE Mickins, Lakeitha Rodale
Beaumont, Texas 77708 Said answer may be filed by ESTATE OF LARENCE
charges for sets of Contract (409) 724-6644 All persons having claims Chapter 13
Documents. Complete sets against this Estate which is IN THE ESTATE OF mailing same to: District EARL HENSON, SR., Filed on 8/1/16
DATED the 28 day of
Clerks Office, 1001 Pearl DECEASED
of said Contract Documents By: Lance P. Bradley currently being administered September, 2016 CHRISTOPHER TERENCE Jefferson County
may be reviewed at the Lance P. Bradley, Attorney are required to present JEFFRIES, DECEASED St., 2nd floor, Beaumont, TX
Public Works Counter, City for the Estate of BOBBY them to the undersigned 77701, or by bringing it to Notice is hereby given that Greene, Mark A.
Alan D. McLemore the office. The Petition of original Letters
Hall, 801 Main St., Suite SUE TWEEDEL within the time and in the Alan D. McLemore A brief statement of the Chapter 13
200, Beaumont, Texas and manner prescribed by law. nature of the petition is as KYLE DUPRE Testamentary for the Estate Filed on 8/1/16
Attorney for CAROL JEAN was filed in the 317th Family LARENCE EARL HENSON,
at the office(s) of Associated BOHLER follows, to-wit: Jefferson County
General Contractors, c/o: Rick Williams District Court of Jefferson SR, Deceased, were issued
NOTICE TO CREDITORS State Bar No.: 13752500 County, Texas, on the 9th on September 21, 2016, in DeJean Automotive, Inc.
American Marketing Co., Attorney at Law 3580 Calder Ave. TO DETERMINE THE
and F. W. Dodge. 1233 Nederland Avenue HEIRS AND THEIR day of September, 2016, Cause No. 1155662, Chapter 11
Notice is hereby given that Beaumont, TX 77706 against pending in the County Filed on 8/1/16
Nederland, Texas 77627 Telephone: (409) 679-8200 P E R C E N T A G E
Please make sure to original Letters KAYLA MARIE DUPRE Court of Jefferson County, Jefferson County
Facsimile: (832) 514-7045 OWNERSHIP IN THE
reference to Bid Number: Testamentary for the Estate RESPONDENT Texas, to:
DATED the 15th day of E-mail: ESTATE OF CHRISTOPHER
PW0916-21 of Sevara C. Freeman, a/k/a numbered 203653 and LeBlanc, Cheri Paige
September, 2016. TERENCE JEFFRIES,
Sevara E. Freeman, entitled In the Interest of: VERA HENSON Chapter 13
CITY OF BEAUMONT, Deceased were issued on RYAN JAMES DUPRE Filed on 8/1/16
Rick Williams
TEXAS, OWNER the 20th day of September, CHILD. All claims should be mailed Hardin County
Rick Williams as is more fully shown by
2016, in Cause No. 115565,
By: Tina Broussard, TRMC pending in the County
Attorney for Gwendolyn P.
PUBLIC NOTICE the petition on file in this
ISSUED and GIVEN under
my hand and the seal of
City Clerk Court of Jefferson County,
Texas, in Probate, to
State Bar No.: 00794860 said court at office, this the DEATHS
Charles W. Oakley II and
1233 Nederland Avenue Notice is hereby The officer executing this
process shall promptly
15th day of September,
Nederland, Texas 77627
Mildred Cruzat, as
Telephone: (409) 727-5045 given in execute the same according
from page 17A
Independent Co-Executors.
PERSONS HAVING Facsimile: (409) 724-0514 accordance with to law, and make due return The court has the authority
All persons having claims the provisions of as the law directs. If this in this suit to enter any Nederland, Oct. 1, 1 p.m.
ESTATE OF GALEN WYNN citation is not served within judgment or decree in the
HAWKINS, DECEASED against the Estate which is
the Texas ninety (90) days after day of CHILDs interest will be
Hester Georgine Perkins (Peco), 90, of Or-
currently being administered NOTICE TO BIDDERS
are required to present Alcoholic issuance, it shall be binding upon you, including ange died Sept. 24, 2016. Funeral services at
Notice is hereby given that returned unserved. the termination of the
original Letters of same within the time and in Sealed bids will be received Beverage Code parent-child relationship,
Claybar Funeral Home, Orange, Oct. 1, 2 p.m.
Independent Administration the manner prescribed by by the City Clerk of the City Maudrie Margie Savoy, 89, of Orange
for the ESTATE OF GALEN law to Brian A. Mills, of Beaumont, City Hall, 801 that Sarker G Issued and given under my the determination
paternity and
hand and seal of said Court
WYNN HAWKINS, Creighton, Fox, Johnson & Main Street, Room 125, Store, Inc. dba at Beaumont, Texas, on appointment of a
died Sept. 24, 2016. Funeral services at St.
Mills, PLLC, P.O. Box 5607,
Deceased were issued on
September 21, 2016 in Beaumont, Texas 77726.
Beaumont, Texas, until
2:00 PM (CST), Gulf Street September 22, 2016. conservator with authority Mary, Orange, Sept. 27, 11 a.m.
to consent to the CHILDs
Cause No. 115583 pending THURSDAY, OCTOBER Liquor is making Carolyn L. Guidry, adoption.
Jennifer Sharon Sprague, 53, of Port
in the County Court of
Jefferson County, Texas, to
DATED this 20th day of
September, 2016.
20, 2016 and all bids will be
opened and publicly read in
application with County Clerk Neches died Sept. 24, 2016. Funeral service
Chelbi Hawkins a/k/a the City Council Chambers the Texas Jefferson County, Texas JAMIE SMITH,
at Levingston Funeral Home, Groves, Oct. 1,
Shelby Hawkins. Charles W. Oakley II and
Mildred Cruzt, Independent
on that date for: Alcoholic By Paula McDaniel Deputy JEFFERSON COUNTY, 11 a.m.
The address of such Co-Executors of the Estate TRI-ANNUAL CONTRACT Beverage ( PAULA MCDANIEL) TEXAS
Death notices are printed free on a
Independent Administrator of Sevara C. Freeman, FOR MOTOR FUELS Commission for NOTICE TO DEBTORS space-available basis. To place an obitu-
a/k/a Sevara E. Freeman, (GASOLINE AND DIESEL),
ary, e-mail
Chelbi Hawkins a/k/a AND EMERGENCY FUEL Store Permit and JAMES RAY MOITY,
The Examiner Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016 PRSRT STD
795 Willow US POSTAGE
Beaumont, TX 77701 PAID
Change Service Requested BEAUMONT TX


Tuesday, Oct. 4 Lutcher Theater

Mamma Mia!

Benny Andersson and Bjrn Ulvae- time of their lives. Inspired by the sto-
us Mamma Mia!, the smash hit musi- rytelling magic of ABBAs songs from
cal based on the songs of ABBA, Dancing Queen and S.O.S. to
returns to the Lutcher Theater for the Money, Money, Money and Take a
Performing Arts on Tuesday, Oct. 4, at Chance on Me, Mamma Mia! is a
7:30 p.m. The show is a part of its final celebration of mothers and daughters,
farewell tour. Tickets ranging from old friends and new family found.
$40-$70 are available at or This is a show about real people in
by calling the Lutcher Theater at (409) real situations, yet a wonderful pop
886-5535. score that provided the soundtrack for
Over 50 million people all around the a generation in the 70s and early 80s
world have fallen in love with the char- anchors it now as the soundtrack for a ited the Lutcher Theater before with The Lutcher staff is looking forward
acters, the story and the music that make show whose appeal crosses all age and other productions and are looking for- to sharing southern hospitality with the
Mamma Mia! the ultimate feel-good national boundaries. ward to their return, but many of the company and would love to see other
show. Written by British playwright The producers of Work Light Pro- creatives will be visiting Orange for shows choose Orange as their rehears-
Catherine Johnson, the musical is based ductions are old friends of mine and the the first time. The creatives (direc- al destination in the future.
on songs of the group Abba, and the title Lutcher Theater, and Im excited to tors, choreographers and designers) Mamma Mia! is one of the most suc-
is taken from their 1975 No. 1 hit. welcome them to Orange, said Jim have worked on some of the biggest cessful musicals of all time, the eighth
Johnsons sunny, funny tale unfolds Clark, managing director of the Lutch- shows on Broadway and on the road. longest running show in Broadway his-
on a Greek island paradise. On the eve er. Steve and Nancy Gabriel are the The producers, directors, choreog- tory and one of only five musicals to
of her wedding, Sophies quest to dis- producers, and weve worked with them raphers, cast and crew of this national have run for more than 10 years on
cover the identity of her father brings for over 25 years. Steve visited the tour will be in Orange at the Lutcher Broadway. The West End production is
three men from her mothers past back Lutcher almost 25 years ago, and itll be Theater for nine days to rehearse the now in its eighteenth year. To date,
to the island they last visited 20 years his first time back since then. Weve show. Three hotels will host the cast, Mamma Mia! has been seen by over 60
ago. The story-telling magic of ABBAs presented the show here in the past, but crew and creatives staying with them million people worldwide in 50 produc-
timeless songs propels this enchanting itll be the first time for this company to for that rehearsal period. The company tions in 16 different languages.
tale of love, laughter and friendship, mount their tour at the Lutcher. will be dining in local restaurants and The Lutcher Theater is at 707 Main
and every night everyones having the Some of the cast and crew have vis- shopping in local retail businesses. Ave in downtown Orange.

russian grand ballet houston events

The Russian Grand Ballet returns Sept. 29 Oct. 12
to Beaumont with the worlds favor- Haydns The Creation @ Jones Hall, 8p A Midsummer Nights Dream @ Alley Theatre, 7:30p
ite fairy tale Pyotr Ilyich Tchai-
kovskys Sleeping Beauty on Sept. 30 Oct. 13
Soccer: Dynamo vs. New York City FC @ A Midsummer Nights Dream @ Alley Theatre, 7:30p
Wednesday, Oct. 5, at the Julie Rog- BBVA Compass Stadium, 6:45p
ers Theatre (765 Pearl). Doors for Kelloggs Tour of Gymnastic Champions @
the performance open at 6 p.m., with Oct. 14
Toyota Center, 7:30p Dia de la Hispanidad @ Miller Outdoor Theatre, 7p
the show beginning at 7 p.m. Tickets Madame Butterfly @ Wortham Center, 7:30p Sounds of Simon & Garfunkel @ Jones Hall, 8p
are $25-$60 and can be purchased at Julia Bullock @ Wortham Center, 8p A Midsummer Nights Dream @ Alley Theatre, 8p
the Beaumont Civic Center box Fly Dance Company @ Miller Outdoor Theatre, 8p
office and Ticketmaster outlets Oct. 15
Oct. 1
including, and WekFest @ George R. Brown Convention Center, 10a Lunada 2016 @ Miller Outdoor Theatre, 7:30p
charge-by- phone at (800) 745-3000. Madame Butterfly @ Wortham Center, 2p, 7:30p Chubby Checker @ The Grand (Galveston), 8p
Haydns The Creation @ Jones Hall, 8p Sounds of Simon & Garfunkel @ Jones Hall, 8p
Dance from Israel @ Miller Outdoor Theatre, 8p A Midsummer Nights Dream @ Alley Theatre, 8p

chefs delight Oct. 2

NFL: Texans vs. Tennessee @ NRG Stadium, 12p
Oct. 16
A Midsummer Nights Dream @
Madame Butterfly @ Wortham Center, 2p Alley Theatre, 2:30p, 7:30p
Foodies are in for a delight at Haydns The Creation @ Jones Hall, 2:30p Viva Latin America @ Wortham Center, 5p
the 28th annual Chefs Delight on Zakir Hussain & Niladri Kumar @ Soccer: Dynamo vs. LA Galaxy @
Tuesday, Oct. 4, beginning at 6 p.m. Wortham Center, 7p BBVA Compass Stadium, 6:15p
at the MCM Elegant in Beaumont. NFL: Texans vs. Indianapolis @ NRG Stadium, 7:30p
Oct. 5 Sounds of Simon & Garfunkel @ Jones Hall, 8p
Members of the Golden Triangle
Chefs Association, with the assis- Steve Trevino, The Improv, 7:30p
Oct. 18
tance of students from Lamar Uni- A Midsummer Nights Dream @ Alley Theatre, 7:30p
Oct. 6
versitys Hospitality Management Festival Chicano @ Miller Outdoor Theatre, 7:30p
and Culinary Arts programs, will Steve Byrne, The Improv, 8p Oct. 19
serve more than 500 guests a dinner A Midsummer Nights Dream @ Alley Theatre, 7:30p
featuring blackened shrimp and Oct. 7
grits, grilled filet of beef with pon- Hocus Pocus Pops @ Woodlands Pavilion, 7:30p Oct. 20
tchartrain sauce, Creole whipped Russian Ballet @ Stafford Centre, 7:30p A Midsummer Nights Dream @ Alley Theatre, 7:30p
potatoes and Gateau de Sirop, a Festival Chicano @ Miller Outdoor Theatre, 7:30p Oct. 21
Cajun syrup cake with caramel Smokey Robinson @ Jones Hall, 8p Lego KidFest @ NRG Center, 9a
sauce, macerated peaches, candied Jason Moran @ Wortham Center, 8p International Gem & Jewelry Show @
pecans and whipped cream. Steve Byrne, The Improv, 8p, 10:30p NRG Center, 12p
A Midsummer Nights Dream @ Alley Theatre, 8p
This event is an opportunity to The Elixir of Love @ Wortham Center, 2p, 7p
exhibit the wealth of culinary talents Oct. 8
Splendid China @ Miller Outdoor Theatre, 7:30p
available in the Golden Triangle, A Midsummer Nights Dream @ Alley Theatre, 8p
Steve Byrne, The Improv, 7p, 9:30p
said Chef Traci Gates, president of Soccer: Dynamo vs. Colorado @ Oct. 22
the local chefs association and a Beaumont Mayor Becky Ames BBVA Compass Stadium, 7:15p Lego KidFest @ NRG Center, 9a
Lamar Hospitality Management Guests will have the opportunity Festival Chicano @ Miller Outdoor Theatre, 8p International Gem & Jewelry Show @
Advisory Board member. to purchase keys for a chance to Brahms First Symphony @ Wortham Center, 8p NRG Center, 10a
The Sabine Area Restaurant Associ- unlock one of three boxes containing A Midsummer Nights Dream @ Alley Theatre, 8p A Midsummer Nights Dream @
ation (SARA), sponsors of the Chefs some hometown treasures, such as Alley Theatre, 2:30p, 8p
Delight, are also taking the opportunity tickets to local events and restaurant Oct. 9 Splendid China @ Miller Outdoor Theatre, 7:30p
to honor Beaumont Mayor Becky gift certificates, and to bid on dozens A Midsummer Nights Dream @ David Sedaris @ Wortham Center, 8p
Alley Theatre, 2:30p, 7p
Ames. Ames served her community of auction items. Richard Elliot & Max Groove @ Wortham Center, 5p Oct. 23
from 1994 to 2007 as a Beaumont City Tickets to the fundraising event Lego KidFest @ NRG Center, 9a
Council member, including four terms are $60 per person or $600 for a Oct. 11 International Gem & Jewelry Show @
as mayor pro-tem. table of 10. They can be purchased A Midsummer Nights Dream @ Alley Theatre, 7:30p NRG Center, 11a
Ames is also well known for her online at
involvement and support of dozens of Sabine Area Restaurant Associa-
charities and organizations that make tion (SARA) uses proceeds from
Beaumont a better place to live, Chefs Delight to support Lamar advanced pediatric care, inc.
including local culinary arts pro- University Hospitality Management Home Care for CHildren
grams, because they allow students to and Culinary Arts, the Texas Restau-
pursue the field they want close to rant Education Foundation, educa- 3330 Fannin, Beaumont Live Music No Cover
home and provide a good workforce tion and professional development 409-832-3304
for local organizations and business- for the chefs association and local
es. As an avid cook, it is an interest charities. Over the last 25 years, 10/1 Larry Peterson
that Ames shares with these students. SARA has donated more than
She learned to cook from her father,
Larry Benoit, longtime owner of Lar-
$340,000 to Lamar University for
scholarships and equipment and in 10/8 John Guidroz
rys Restaurant in China, Texas. 2012 the association completed the
He taught me that when you funding of its $250,000 endowment A 10/15 Silas Feemster
cook Cajun food, if you want it to be at Lamar in support of the universi- C
good, you have to start with butter, tys Hospitality Management and P
she said. Culinary Arts programs. Friday night bands 8pm-midnight
Fully Accredited, Certified and Licensed. Saturday night bands 9pm-1am

The Weekly Dish

Wing Challenge
Who has the spiciest hot wings in Southeast Texas?
Photos by Kevin King

By Kevin King Wingstop

Contributing Editor

With football season several weeks underway and

fans rooting for their favorite team or drafted fantasy
player, we decided to stir up a little competition of
our own.
Whats synonymous with football, sports bars and
frosty draft beer? Buffalo wings, of course! We
wanted to find out who had the hottest, so we went
to five area restaurants to try their touted top flavors.
No second hottest in this wing challenge, only the
spiciest. We ranked them by heat 5 chili peppers
being the hottest, and 1 chili pepper the least hot. We
must love our readers to try this challenge! HEAT LEVEL
one at 3850 College St. in Beaumont and the one we
Wings To Go visited at 8555 Memorial Blvd. in Port Arthur.
Although the service is a little slow, the wings are
definitely worth the wait, with the quality probably
the best of those we tried. The hottest wings on the
menu? Atomic. Described on Wingstops restaurant
as a habanero-fueled punch in the mouth, these
bad boys will definitely rock your taste buds. What
seems to set these wings apart from competitors is
the mass quantity of peppercorns used in the sauce,
which only add to the heat.


Wings To Go
When we were making a list of wing places for
this challenge, we knew franchisee Danny Partins
restaurant at 7849 Twin City Highway in Port Arthur
had to be on it. Long time fans of Wings To Gos
second hottest selection the Suicide Wings we
had an idea of the level of heat we were about to B-Dubs
experience. When a restaurants hottest wings are
called Homicide Wings, you know youre in trouble. HEAT LEVEL
How did the wings get their infamous name? While
the Suicide Wings may definitely put a hurtin on Buffalo Wild Wings
you, the Homicide Wings are so painful that it will One of area sports fans favorite hangouts, with
probably hurt others just to watch you eat them. locations at 8845 Memorial Blvd. in Port Arthur and
4235 Dowlen Road in Beaumont, where we chose to
Although the heat will definitely burn your lips, the
chicken tastes great, and we can see why people go, Buffalo Wild Wings was named one of the fastest
keep coming back for the pain. Danny says although growing franchises of 2015 by Entrepreneur maga-
zine. Its hard to argue with their business model, but
the franchise doesnt share all the ingredients with
him, theres definitely habaneros in the recipe. Wejust how spicy are their wings? While we know the
wouldnt be surprised if there were Carolina Reaperrestaurant has quality food all the way around and is
peppers in there, too. popular for their wide wing selection with more
than 20 flavors to choose from we wanted to see
Wingstop how their hottest of the hot stacked up against the
Decorated in a nostalgic, 1930s and 1940s pre- rest. The Blazin Wings are described on the bar and
jet aviation theme and headquartered in Dallas, grills website as so good its scary, and made with
Wingstop has two locations in Southeast Texas (the) unrelenting heat of the ghost pepper. This was

the first stop on our tour of wing places and made us Twin Peaks
have second thoughts about continuing the chal-
lenge. The tall Stella Artois helped wash away the
heat (Buffalo Wild Wings has around 40 beers to
choose from, by the way).

Although this restaurant is popular for its world the rest of the menu, the chicken tastes great. The
famous Hooters Girls, we were seeking out a differ- restaurant just needs to ratchet up the spice a bit.
ent kind of hotness when we visited 850 I-10 S in

Beaumont. We went with the Naked Wings and, as
we have in all our stops, picked the spiciest on the
menu the Triple Dog Dare. Although we werent
able to find out which peppers were in these deli- Buffalo Wild Wings ................................ (409) 924-8646
cious wings, we definitely recommend them and
were able to finish them all with not too much pain.
Twin Peaks Hooters ..................................................(409) 892-9464
If you are going to put yourself through a hella-
cious challenge like we did, its nice to know that Twin Peaks .............................................(409) 730-7393
there is 29-degree beer on tap to curb the burn and
beautiful women to watch you suffer. Rather new to
Southeast Texas, Twin Peaks at 3805 Interstate 10 S. Wingstop ...............................................(409) 853-4256
in Beaumont is top-notch. Every booth has its own
HDTV to watch the game on, and the bar and grills
Mozzarella Cheese Bites are to die for. But that wasnt Wings To Go ............................................(409) 898-1600
why we were there. Twin Peaks hottest selection is
the Ghost Pepper Wings. As far as quality goes, like

Great Food Great Drinks Casa

Every Thursday
BB & Co. - Classic Country @ 7:30 pm
Friday, September 30th
3 Way Switch @ 8:00 pm
Saturday, October 1st
Britt Godwin & Bubba Moore @ 8:00 pm Bottle Beer $1.99 Large Blue Margaritas $5.99
Large Cuervo Top Shelf Margaritas $5.50 (frozen or rocks)
229 Dowlen Rd. 409-866-2288
Large Cuervo Top Shelf Margaritas
$5.50 (frozen or rocks) with purchase of meal


11 am - 5 pm
Call to Advertise 145 I-10 North Beaumont 409-832-0848

MOVIES movie review

Cinemark Tinseltown 15
3855 IH 10 South,
Beaumont, TX Remake-mad Hollywood
comes up with a good one
(800) 326-3264 ext. 1188
Movie Times for Friday, 9/30

Deepwater Horizon New

The Magnificent 7 Skarsgaard), takes his madness to the point
(PG-13) 1 hr 47 min of gunning down innocent townsfolk in
Starring: Denzel Washington, Chris Pratt, Ethan
11:30a 2:15p 5:00p 7:45p Hawke the street, Emma Cullen (Hayley Bennett),
10:30p Directed by: Antoine Fuqua who watched her husband (played by Matt
Bomer) die this way, decides to take
Rated: PG-13 action. The opportunity arises when Chi-
Masterminds New Add bounty hunter or, as he solm, a licensed bounty hunter, rides into a
(PG-13) 1 hr 35 min seems to prefer, warrant officer to nearby town where she now lives. She
12:25p 2:55p 5:25p 7:55p the long list of characters that Denzel convinces him to help her and the satchel
Washington can call his own. This ones full of money doesnt hurt either.
10:25p name is Chisolm, and he is the center- Chisolm, who may have his own rea-
piece to this remake of a remake sons, agrees to take on Bogue and
Miss Peregrines Home with a tale as old as time.
Directed by Antoine Fuqua,
In the one by one he cobbles together a
band of misfits convincing them
for Peculiar Children 3D
Magnificent 7 is adapted from Dark this is the right thing to doand
New the 1960 John Sturges classic with Melanie then there is that satchel full of
(PG-13) 2 hr 7 min based on Akira Kurosawas Seven Dishman money, too. Theres card shark Josh
Samurai. This is really just a car- Faraday (Chris Pratt), sharpshooter
4:05p 10:15p Goodnight Robichaux (Ethan
bon copy with an updated cast, so
dont look for anything all new and shiny, Hawke) and his knife wielding friend Billy
Miss Peregrines Home but if westerns are your genreand there Rocks (Byung-hun Lee). Also joining the
for Peculiar Children New really arent enough of them these days posse is outlaw Vasquez (Manuel Garcia-
then this ones just for you. Rulfo and an old coot named Jack Horne
(PG-13) 2 hr 7 min (Vincent DOnofrio). The last of the seven
When the town baddie Bartholomew
1:00p 7:10p Bogue (played with evil relish by Peter they pick up on the trail when they cross
paths with a Comanche named Red Har- who could stay in the saddle and fire a
vest (Martin Sensmeir). His bow and Winchester was employed for this.
Storks 3D New arrow skills give them one more weapon Filmed mostly in Louisiana, where tax
(PG) 1 hr 29 min in the arsenal, but its pretty certain noth- credits may favor movie production but
4:50p ing will be enough to stop Bogues army. theres nothing that resembles the Old
This is all a lead up to the inevitable West, the set surroundings had to be
showdown, and it is a rip roaring action- altered to make it all work. The panoram-
Storks New packed relentlessly long guns ablazin ic prairie shots that look like they came
(PG) 1 hr 29 min battle scene that should leave die-hard right out of an old John Ford western
western fans feeling like they got their were completed near Santa Fe, New
11:50a 2:20p 7:20p 9:50p moneys worth. Just look at the assem- Mexico, and add a great sense of scope
blage of stunt men acknowledged in the and natural beauty to the movie.
The Magnificent Seven closing credits. It looks like every man Fuqua, who worked with Washington
(2016) New and Hawke on Training Day, doesnt
really add anything new here, but he gets
(PG-13) 2 hr 12 min the job done. And to the complainers that
12:40p 3:50p 7:00p 10:10p harp on the fact that all Hollywood ever
seems to do is remake classics instead of
coming up with something original, this
Sully is one that seems justified. A great cast
(PG-13) 1 hr 36 min and a capable director give it the edge,
11:35a 2:05p 4:35p 7:05p and there is even an homage to the
instantly recognizable Elmer Bernstein
9:35p score from the 1960 movie wedged in to
the other original music composed by
When the Bough Breaks James Horner, which leads to the movies
saddest note. Horner, one of the most
(PG-13) 1 hr 47 min prolific film composers working today,
1:30p 6:40p died in a car accident shortly before the
film was completed. However, he was so
Dont Breathe enthusiastic about the material that he had
already written almost the entire score.
(R) 1 hr 28 min This may not be quite so magnificent
4:15p 9:20p as the title allows, but it is pretty darn
good, pardner.

big thicket day jimmy simmons orchestra

Big Thicket National Pre- longleaf pine basket-making The Beaumont can be purchased
serve and the Big Thicket Asso- demonstration, view two PBS Community Players online at beaumont-
ciation invite the public to the documentaries about the will open its concert communityplayers.
Big Thicket National Preserve national parks, and explore the season Friday, Sept. com. Doors open at
Visitor Center on Saturday, Oct. preserve on any of three ranger- 30, in the Betty 6:30 p.m., and the
1, for Big Thicket Day. From led hikes. Greenberg Center for concert will begin at
10 a.m. 3 p.m., there will be a In the afternoon, three free Performing Arts 7:30 p.m. The group
variety of attractions including ranger-led hikes will be offered. (4155 Laurel St) with will perform a varied
kids activities, live music, Ala- At 1:30 p.m., participants can a performance by the collection of jazz,
bama-Coushatta tribal dancers, explore the diverse ecosystems Jimmy Simmons pop and Broadway
booths from local conservation along the 1.5 mile Kirby Nature Orchestra with spe- tunes. The concert Sharon
groups, and several guest Trail. cial guest vocalists series continues Feb. Montgomery
speakers, including Lamar Uni- For general information and BCP alumni 17-18, 2017, with
versity President Dr. Kenneth about Big Thicket National Dionne Fontenot and Russell Fontana and ervations and infor-
Evans. Participants can also Preserve, visit Sharon Montgomery. March 24-25 with mation, call (409) Dionne
meet local authors, observe a bith. Tickets are $25 and Still Cruisin. For res- 833- 4664. Fontenot

Ubi Caritas rakes in donations with date auction

Lights, camera, AUCTION Once organization. In the mix and bidding in Claybar, Janis Shelton, Danny Mar- Making the trek to this picturesque
again, Ubi Caritas packed Madisons for the live auction were Daniel Green, tin, and Linda and Joe Penland, to venue were Christy and Mike Persia
its annual date auction fundraiser. Taryn Eric Pfieffer, Taryn Hebert, Lauren name a few. III, Hannah Persia, Paige and Mor-
Robinson, director of development at Steward, Jennifer Pate, Matthew Park It! Last Thursday, a group ris Windham, Gerald Farha, Sheila
Ubi Caritas, and Miranda Loo- Cook, Ashley Bradley, Bailey of national park enthusiasts gathered at and Jerry Reese, Edward Persia,
ney and Jo Bienvenu, event Wingate, Bonnie Jordan, Kay- the Jefferson Theatre for a screening of Wesley Persia, yours truly, Karen and
co-chairs, as well as committee la Fisher, Stephanie and Ber- The National Parks of Texas: In Con- Kevin Henry, Betsy and Hunter Nel-
members Craig Tahaney, nie Daleo, Lindsay and Justin tact with Beauty. Enjoying the film son, Paige and Greg Cokinos, and so
Katherine Williams, Kayla Sanderson, Wendy Henry, were Elizabeth Waddill and Ann many more. It was a whirlwind week-
Koch, Rachael Robinson, Ayna and John Pat Parsons, Hayes (two of the organizers), Susan end of festivities with this precious and
Jamie McNeely, Mark Mabry, and too many more to mention. and Jimmy Simmons, Kyle Hayes, wonderful couple. Congratulations!
Britney Morgan, Lacey Congrats on another successful Libby and Steve Stoma, Casey Win- Candles and cakes Belated best to
Mabry, Kelsey Fairchild, Jim- fundraiser! slow, Julie Funchess, Kathy Fisher, K. Belle Conway, CiCi Russell,
my Blanchard, Kristin Pey- Worth more than gold Joy and Will Crenshaw, Sarah Uss- Ryann Reaud, Angie Hebert, Tiffany
ton, Candace Alese Pinner, Out & The 100 Club of Southeast ery, Patricia Thorp, Celia Critten- Richard, Chance Rene and Dennis
Frank Messina, Charity Starr Texas hosted its 2016 Corpo- den Kathy and Jim Hendricks, Gil- LeBlanc. B-day wishes to Emily Mill-
and John Worthington, worked About rate Lifetime Members Recog- lian and Will Jenkins, Roy Thomas er, Nancy Fugate Parker, Julie Stras-
for months on this event and nition Dinner last week at the Jenkins, Vivian Todd, Laurie Kent sburger, Andre August, Dennis
were thrilled with the success. with MCM Elegant. Officers and and Linda Bullard. Kudos to those Landry, Dannie Davis Jr., Georgine
The PYTs and the charming Albert Nolen board members were thrilled keeping our parks and wildlife pre- Guillory, Jim Gilligan, Carrie Brous-
gentlemen in the date auction with the turnout for this well served for years to come! sard, Scott Crutchfield, Phyllis Den-
were Jordyn Kurek, Kayla deserving organization. The Hot date The Beaumont Fire- by, Chad Thompson, Renee Glover,
Falke, Aimee Harris, Sarah Thomp- guest speaker was William A. Gavin, fighters Celebrity Calendar luncheon Gary Wilson Tucker, Dawn Phillips,
son, Neal Riley, Jennifer Green, Beth retired from the FBI. The organization release party will be Thursday, Nov. 1, Christy Persia, Amy Johnson, Gary
OBrien, Rhyan Henson, Allen Lea, honored Martin Motors of Beaumont 11:30 at Madisons. Tickets are $50 Saurage, Terry Quinn, Ronald Bau-
Erica Reeves, Matthew Minick, Bri- as its newest Platinum Sponsor. and include a glossy calendar featuring mer, Jessica Everett, Jimmy Borel,
ana Stephenson, Balen Vandevender, Applauding the donation were Jamie some very HOT firefighters and an Andrew Baumer, Kimberly Duncan,
Katelyn Provost, Brent Salenga, Tif- and Stephen Lee, Rhonda and Rod- incredible lunch. Call (409) 842-1478. Melanie Heartfield, Parker Langley,
fany Murphy, Rebecca Lockler, Aysha ney Robichau, Michael Manuel, Rocky Mountain I Do Cindy and Marlys Williams, Pam Shelander,
Aras, Garrett Syphrett and Logan Rebecca DeMartino, Hettie and L.C. Jim Thorp hosted a beautiful wedding Amy LeJune, Linda Pate, Tom Man-
Leblanc. This great looking group and Brown, Tracy Bourgeois, Rachel and for their youngest daughter, Carolyn ess, Joseph Fertitta, Betty Wells, and
their creative date packages certainly Tracy Wilson, J.D. Roberts, Cindy Thorp, as she exchanged vows with Wayne Reaud.
brought in the dough for this worthwhile Yohe and Michael Lindsay, Brandi Will Osborne in Aspen, Colorado. Until the next RSVP!


An Art
Happening Gala

Art Museum of
Southeast Texas
Brandon Gouthier Photography

Amelie Cobb, John

and Monica Cobb Craig Kinsel, Lynn Castle and Keely Kinsel
Pat Klein and
Betty Greenberg

Camille and Chris Ohmstede Rob Clark and Jerry Thacker

Barbara and Bob Quinn
with hula hoop dancers

PE Melody Parsons, Jessica Whitney, Terry Garth and Pat Parsons Continued on page 10B



An Art Happening Gala Continued from Page 9B

Kyle and Ann Hayes, Judy and James Black Brittany Teakall, Zach Wortham and Lindsay Wortham Camp and Sheri Bailey
Kelli Maness, Martha Sue Rachael and
Jones and Gillian Jenkins Stephen Roane

Gerald Farha and

Julie Cassanova

LIT Salute Real
American to

Wesley Methodist
Brandon Gouthier

Ernest and Renee

Bezdek, Jean Hillin
Kathleen and and Tommy Muska
Pete Shelton Continued on page 10B

Largest Selection ALL PAWS

Suzi Hahn DVM.
of Bridal Rings & Loose Diamonds
in Jefferson County MEDINA LAWN CARE 4245 W. Cardinal Drive
& LANDSCAPING Beaumont, Tx 77705
Serving Southeast Texas Since 1996
Landscape Renovation
Lawn Installation & Restoration HOUSE CALLS AVAILABLE
Excavation/Water Gardens
4320 Dowlen RD. Beaumont 409-866-3847 Licensed & Bonded


LIT Salute Real American to Heroes Continued from Page 10B
Gisela Houseman and
Pat Anderson

Jean McFaddin and Gordon Pate Rhonda and Jack Maddox, Kerri and Shaheen Farah

Corby and
Mitch Woods

Brad Penisson, David Stacey, Joe Clark and Darrell Venable Continued on page 12B


LIT Salute Real American to Heroes Continued from Page 11B
Dr. Lonnie L. Howard,
new president of LIT

Earl White and Lee Smith

Klint Pruitt, Mercer Nessour and Randy Hines

Hunter Isbell, Phil Cavaretta and Larry Mannino



Dining Out Cotillion Teen
Republic Chicken WHERE:
(former Bryans 797) Broce Hall at
St. Stephens
Courtesy photos
Photos by
Sydney Matthews

Grace Langston,
Garret Tucker
John and
Suzanne Swift John and Anita Berubie
Josh and
Libby Ruiz

Seth Langston, Abigail Smith,

Lanny Vanskike, Carly Burns and
Virginia and Ralph Jordan Nicholas Shanning Continued on page 14B

C a l l fo r a F R E E e s t i m at e
5 Man Crew OUT & ABOUT
1 Week Completion
Cotillion Teen Leaders Continued from Page 13B
Certified Windstorm
Approved Vinyl Trim
& Eaves
Mid County

4th & Broadway 2005 Ste. 107
Garrison Bowling, Lauren Eaves, Greg Bowling, Alex Westbrook and Bai-
ley Braneff

Brenda Wilson, Sheila Gentry, Kim

WHAT: Pikes Peak Climbers Perkins, Gracelyn Miller and Jennifer
WHERE: J. Wilsons Talbot
Courtesy photo

100 Club
Recognition Dinner

MCM Elegant
Photos by Eleanor Skelton

Michael and
Ashley Wirfs
Continued on page 15B


100 Club of Southeast Texas Corporate Lifetime Members Recognition Dinner Continued from Page 14B

Joe Love, Curt Leger, Don Demartino and Stephen Lee Jimmy Singletary, Anne Huff, Becky and Rodney Ames, and Cindy Yohe Lindsay

Jon Reaud and Zack Shelton Theresa Martin, Tara Winn, Danny and Christine Martin , and Shane Martin Charlie Ozan, William Gavin and Marcus Miller

sounds go jeerson starship & foghat

Casey Donahew Band Rick Danna Shake off dust out of
THURSDAY 29 Texas Rice Festival Winnie NY Pizza & Pasta (Downtown) your bellbottoms and
(409) 296-4404 Beaumont head over to the Grand
Michael Kracijek PICK

(409) 832-7032
The Grill Beaumont Kay Miller & Aaron Horne Event Center inside the
(409) 866-0039 Ember Grille & Wine Bar @ LN & The Crush Golden Nugget in Lake
LAuberge Casino Resort Lake Lukes Beaumont Charles, Louisiana, on
Snorlaxx, Great Shapes, PICK Charles, La Saturday, Oct. 1, for a

Otis the Destroyer (409) 347-8139

(337) 395-7777 concert featuring Jef-
The Logon Caf Beaumont
(409) 833-6950 3HG Simple Logic ferson Starship and
Rush Lounge @ Caf Del Rio Beaumont Foghat. The show
David Lee Kaiser Golden Nugget Lake Charles, La (409) 347-0250 begins at 8 p.m. and
Tradewinds Tavern @ (337) 508-7777 tickets are $20-$50 for
MCM Elegante Beaumont Nervous Rex PICK ages 21 years and old-

(409) 842-3600 High Rollers band Madisons Beaumont er. Tickets can be pur-
Blue Martini @ (409) 924-9777
BB & Company Golden Nugget Lake Charles, La chased online at Forming in 1970, Jefferson Starship still
MacKenzies Pub - Beaumont (337) 508-7777 features original vocalist David Freiberg so expect to hear their top hits
Silky Dave Experience PICK
including Miracles, With You Love, Count on Me, Runaway and

(409) 866-2288 Texas Rose Saloon Beaumont
Matt Kayda PICK Jane. Foghat is an English rock act that was most famous for their 1975

(409) 833-3900
Pug Johnson & Tim Burge The Lone Wolf @ classic, Slow Ride.
Madisons Beaumont Isle of Capri Lake Charles, La
(409) 924-9777 (337) 226-2054 Sinners, The Ruxpins,
Greg Jr. Kings of Mojo Herbie Stutes & Grand Shin Bag of Donuts, Shinyribs PICK

David Joel Kris Harper The Logon Caf Beaumont Just One More Tavern Orange The Lone Wolf @ Tracy Byrd

Sawdust Saloon Beaumont Rikenjaks Lake Charles, La (409) 833-6950 (409) 678-1028 Isle of Capri Lake Charles, La Texas Rice Festival Winnie
(409) 730-7490 (337) 602-6635 (337) 226-2054 (409) 296-4404
Creole Cookin John Cessac
The Boudain Hut Port Arthur Uncle Jam Timmy Dugas & Zydecane
Danny Dillon Bernie Alan Benoits Louis Hall Vidor Rikenjaks Lake Charles, La
Lukes Beaumont Mikko Live @ (409) 962-5079 (409) 651-5018 Gator Lounge @
(337) 602-6635 Delta Downs Vinton, La
(409) 347-8139 Coushatta Casino Resort - Kinder, La
(800) 854-7263 Pug Johnson West Story Road (337) 589-7441
Reed Planchard
Phillip Glyn Dylans Port Arthur Pine Tree Lodge Labelle Mikko Live @
The Boudain Hut Port Arthur (409) 722-1600 Coushatta Casino Resort - Kinder, La Kay Miller & Aaron Horne
(409) 962-5079 FRIDAY 30 (409) 796-1600
(800) 854-7263 Ember Grille & Wine Bar @
LAuberge Casino Resort Lake
Alex Rozell Wayne Toups PICK Charles, La
Curse & The Cure Silas Feemster


Bayou Caf 2 Port Arthur Thirstys Beaumont

(409) 866-6066
Rodair Roadhouse Port Arthur
(409) 736-2102
Texas Rice Festival Winnie
(409) 296-4404
SATURDAY 1 (337) 395-7777
(409) 724-0402
Larry Peterson Jefferson Starship, PICK

Skeeter Jones Crossroads Jimmy Kaiser PICK
Ty Phillips & Nightlife Thirstys Beaumont Foghat


La Cantina Port Arthur MacKenzies Pub - Beaumont The Wheelhouse Port Neches Honky Tonk Texas Silsbee (409) 866-6066 Grand Event Center @
(409) 727-0404 (409) 866-2288 (409) 853-1249 (409) 386-1995 Golden Nugget Lake Charles, La
Merle Jam PICK (337) 508-7777

Tyler Darby Image 6 Tin Pan Alley Madisons Beaumont
The Gig Beaumont Larrys French Market Groves David Lee Kaiser Tricky Dickies
The Wheelhouse Port Neches (409) 924-9777
(409) 853-1249 (409) 833-1700 (409) 293-3022 HardHeads Crystal Beach Rush Lounge @
(409) 684-1177 Golden Nugget Lake Charles, La
Center Stage
Dickie & The Tornadoes PICK Wayne Cook Caleb Williams Caf Del Rio Beaumont (337) 508-7777

Larrys French Market Groves NY Pizza & Pasta (Calder) Beaumont Lukes Mid-County Nederland Timmy Dugas & Zydecane (409) 347-0250
(409) 293-3022 (409) 892-6535 (409) 729-2665 Gator Lounge @ High Rollers band
Delta Downs Vinton, La Kings of Mojo Blue Martini @
Alex Rozell Jeremy Benoit PICK Danny Dillon (337) 589-7441 Beaux Jangles Beaumont Golden Nugget Lake Charles, La

Lukes Mid-County Nederland Sugas Beaumont Cottons Cay Orange (409) 842-4983 (337) 508-7777
(409) 729-2665 (409) 813-1808 (409) 886-9042 Louisiana Express
Jack Daniels @ Creole Cookin Brad Brinkley & Comfort Zone
LAuberge Casino Resort Lake The Boudain Hut Port Arthur The Lone Wolf @
Charles, La (409) 962-5079 Isle of Capri Lake Charles, La
(337) 395-7777 (337) 226-2054
Jackie Caillier & Cajun Cousins
Kay Miller & Aaron Horne Larrys French Market Groves The Pegwinders
Ember Grille & Wine Bar @ (409) 293-3022 Rikenjaks Lake Charles, La
LAuberge Casino Resort Lake (337) 602-6635
Charles, La Blake Sticker
(337) 395-7777 Lukes Mid-County Nederland West Story Road
(409) 729-2665 Mikko Live @
John Michael Montgomery Coushatta Casino Resort - Kinder, La
Grand Event Center @ Jamie Talbert & Band of PICK (800) 854-7263

Golden Nugget Lake Charles, La Demons

Catering & Special Events (337) 508-7777 Honky Tonk Texas Silsbee
(409) 386-1995 SUNDAY 2
409-860-9811 High Rollers Band
Blue Martini @ Crossroads Kings of Mojo
Check our website for upcoming summer concerts Golden Nugget Lake Charles, La Pine Tree Lodge Labelle The Boudain Hut Port Arthur
(337) 508-7777 (409) 796-1600 (409) 962-5079

go texas rice festival

The Texas Rice Festival start-
ed as a one-day affair in Winnie
in 1969 and has since grown into
a eight-day harvest celebration,
now in its 47th year. The
renowned Texas Rice Festival
recognizes the significance off
rice farming, a major economic
activity in the region, especially Meat Beat Manifesto Oct. 1
in the Winnie area. The festival Numbers
includes a carnival, livestock $30, all ages, 7 p.m.
show, barbeque cook-off, nightly Calling all 1980s-90s electronic/industrial music fans as Meat
Beat Manifesto performs with English EDM act Clock DVA and
street dances, parades, pageants, music, great food and, of course, rice Patrick Codenys of Front 242. Meat Beat Manifesto has been
balls. The final weekend of the event is upon us with gates opening at 5 credited for influencing acts like The Chemical Brothers,
p.m. on Thursday, 10 a.m. on Friday, 9 a.m. on Saturday, and noon on Prodigy and Nine Inch Nails.
Sunday. Performing on Thursday, Sept. 29, will be the Jackwagons, Sister
C, and Casey Donahew Band. Friday, Sept. 30, will be Zydeco music night
with Wayne Toups, Jamie Bergeron and the Cadillacs. Saturday, Oct. 1,
Foals Oct. 4
features a talent filled lineup with Max Stalling, Shinyribs, Tracy Byrd and White Oak Music Hall
Bag of Donuts. Ticket prices at the gate are $10 for adults and $5 for stu- $25-$27.50, all ages, 7 p.m.
dents, and kids under 5 and senior citizens 65 and older get in free.
English indie rock act Foals began playing in 2005 but
Detailed information can be obtained at have just recently made their mark in North America. They
have hit the big show circuit with a spot on Coachella and
The Cadillacs Trey Rose David Joel are touring in support of their 2015 record, What Went
Jeff. Co. Singles Club Nederland Rush Lounge @ Caf Del Rio Beaumont Down. Bear Hands, from Brooklyn, will open the show.
(409) 727-0013 Golden Nugget Lake Charles, La (409) 347-0250
(337) 508-7777
Billy Pouland & Zydeco Combo
Lee Pelly PICK

Pine Tree Lodge Labelle

(409) 796-1600 TUESDAY 4 Capri Club Port Arthur
(409) 724-1030 Die Antwoord Oct. 5
Kris Harper House of Blues
Jack Daniels @ Caylan Daughrity $95-$184, all ages, 7 p.m.
Dylans Port Arthur Street Side Jazz Trio
LAuberge Casino Resort Lake Jack Daniels @ A rap-rave duo featuring members Ninja and Yolandi Visser of
Charles, La (409) 722-1600 Cape Town, South Africa, Die Antwoord is one of the hottest acts
LAuberge Casino Resort Lake
(337) 395-7777 Charles, La touring (over 2 million followers on Facebook) and you will have
Chip Radford to pay a pretty penny to see them.
Perkins Road PICK Ember Bar & Grille @ (337) 395-7777

Rush Lounge @ LAuberge Casino Resort Lake

Golden Nugget Lake Charles, La Charles, La Chester Daigle
(337) 508-7777 (337) 395-7777 Ember Bar & Grille @ Two Door Cinema Club Oct. 6
LAuberge Casino Resort Lake Revention Music Center
Jay Ecker Quartet Angel Garcia PICK Charles, La $29-$65, all ages, 8 p.m.

Rikenjaks Lake Charles, La Rush Lounge @ (337) 395-7777

(337) 602-6635 Indie pop-rock trio of Alex Trimble, Kevin Baird and Sam Halliday
Golden Nugget Lake Charles, La make up the Irish group Two Door Cinema Club. They are touring
(337) 508-7777 Bonnie Clyde
in support of their third album, Gameshow, which is a follow up
MONDAY 3 Rush Lounge @
Golden Nugget Lake Charles, La
to their sophomore breakout record, Beacon, that featured three
radio hits in Sleep Alone, Sun and Next Year.
Stacy Bearden WEDNESDAY 5 (337) 508-7777
Ember Bar & Grille @
LAuberge Casino Resort Lake Danny Dillon PICK

Charles, La The West Beaumont

(337) 395-7777 (409) 860-9706
Sept. 29 Flume @ Revention Music Center
Charlie Puth @ House of Blues Nothing But Thieves @ House of Blues
Josh Turner @ Arena Theatre WAR @ Arena Theatre
The Spill Canvas @ House of Blues
Kip Moore @ Warehouse Live Oct. 4
Tourist @ White Oak Music Hall Foals @ White Oak Music Hall
Sept. 30 Oct. 5
Gojira @ House of Blues Skeletonwitch @ White Oak Music Hall
30 foot Fall @ White Oak Music Hall Schoolboy Q @ Revention Music Center
The Casualties @ Eastside Warehouse Die Antwood @ House of Blues
YG @ Warehouse Live The Beach Boys @ Stafford Centre
Three Dog Night @ Arena Theatre
Riot @ Scout Bar (Clear Lake) Oct. 6
Oct. 1 MC Chris @ White Oak Music Hall
Meat Beat Manifesto @ Numbers Two Door Cinema Club @ Revention Music Center
Bro Safari @ Stereo Live Cold War Kids @ House of Blues

Oct. 2 Oct. 7
Hermans Hermits @ Dosey Doe (The Woodlands) Russian Circles @ Warehouse Live

Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016 The Examiner Section C

Persian Shield, pretty

as any flower

2017 Honda Ridgeline


Cruising Around Southeast Texas

CASA of Southeast Texas is
gearing up for its annual
Casas for CASA fundraiser.
This event is not just building
playhouses. It is about rebuild-
ing the shattered lives of chil-
dren who have been removed
from their homes due to abuse
or neglect. Volunteers advo-
cate for these children on a
daily basis so CASA is able to

Gestational diabetes linked

rebuild strong, confident chil-
dren who will one day become
productive citizens in South-
east Texas.
Kent Walston, 58th District to postpartum depression
Court judge and president of
the CASA of Southeast Texas
Board of Directors, knows CHUCK SHEPHERDS
first-hand the vital work CASA Photos by Sharon Brooks

performs. The police car, shown above and at the top, was built by LeBlanc Correc-
I work in the courts every tional Unit. It features a Top Ten Most Wanted chalk board.

day and I see the numbers of
abused kids that go through Walston has himself built recruits, trains and supervises
the system, he told The playhouses for this event in a diverse group of community
Examiner. CASA advocates years past. volunteers who are appointed
for that child. The nonprofit organization See CASA on page 2C
2C LIVING THE EXAMINER Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016

from page 1C
by the court to advocate for abused and
neglected children.
Builders have created five unique play-
houses that are now on display at Parkdale
Mall near JCPenney and Forever 21. Build-
ers this year were AGY Enterprises, Bevilac-
qua Construction, Kizziah Construction, Port
Arthur Fire Department Local No. 397 and
LeBlanc Correctional Unit.
The theme for this years event is Cruis-
ing Around Southeast Texas. These play-
houses include an ambulance, fire truck,
police car, school bus and a pink Jeep. The
playhouses are on display at Parkdale Mall,
where volunteers have been selling raffle
tickets since Sept. 24. Tickets are $2 for one
and $5 for three.
You can also purchase tickets online at
The drawing for the playhouses will be at
3 p.m. Oct. 1 at Parkdale Mall, but you do
not have to be present to win.
Court Appointed Special Advocate of
Southeast Texas, Inc. is a nonprofit service
organization that recruits, trains, and super-
vises a diverse group of community volun-
teers, appointed by the courts for abused and
neglected children in the pursuit of safe,
permanent homes.
CASA of Southeast Texas Inc. is at 2449
Calder Ave. in Beaumont. Call (409) 832-
2272 or visit for more
Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016 THE EXAMINER LIVING 3C

Persian shield, pretty as a flower

Some plants are just car. Many of this genus well in an area with partial
plain pretty. The Per- is cultivated for their shade. You can pair it with other
sian shield (Strobilan- hooded flowers in purple, chartreuse or gray-green
thes) got its name from shades of blue, pink plants to really call attention to
that sheen on the leaf and purple. the striking purple color.
that gives it a sort of The Persian shield If you choose to grow it as an
metallic look. The has gained the Royal annual, consider bringing some
leaves are so iridescent Horticultural Societys of the plants indoors and grow
that it truly is as showy Garden Award of Garden Merit. them as houseplants through the
as a blooming flower.
Gardeners in the North
Gate hereGardeners around
use it in the yard
winter. If you bring them inside
the house its a great idea to
and South and all in with or in containers so that place the pot into a saucer with
between love this Joette Reger it can be moved inside gravel and water to create more
delightful tropical if the weather gets real- humidity for the plant. Dry air
shrub. It has amazing ly chilly. Persian shield will cause the leaves to dry and
purple foliage. It will also pro- is rated as being garden wor- drop. You can even spoil them
duce pale purple flowers. Put thy in Zones 9, 10 and 11, so daily with a little water mist
it in garden beds, borders or we have to be careful with it spray. Then next spring, take a
containers. Just think being left outdoors all year few cuttings and propagate them
of this striking plant here in the Golden Triangle. to make even more little baby
next to some purple But even if it freezes Persian shields for planting out-
Bordeaux Super- back to the doors again.
tunias. ground, you This iridescent stunner likes
Our friends at should see it moist soil and some shade dur-
Wikipedia tell poke its little ing the hottest parts of the
us that Strobi- head out come summer. The less water it gets,
lanthes is a next spring. the more shade it will need, as
genus of about Look for this do many plants. Persian shield
350 species of purple haze to loves our humidity. Its best to
flowering plants. grow to 2-3 feet pinch back the leaves to create
They are mostly in height. It looks a bushier plant You can also
native to tropical great as a border plant treat them to a light feeding of
Asia and Madagas- and works especially fertilizer every month.

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room upstairs. Enjoy the summer in the inground pool or the winter cozied up to the outdoor fireplace 3/2/2 lakefront home in beautiful Wildwood. Updated home featuring granite counters,
while dad barbecues in the outdoor kitchen. This home has it all! stainless appliances and almost 1/2 acre of land. A large covered patio overlooks the lake.
Fish from your backyard while you enjoy peaceful relaxed living!

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4C LIVING THE EXAMINER Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016

Hondas redesigned mid-size truck, the 2017 Ridgeline

By Michele Brooke horsepower over the previous including chrome and black
Auto Writer model) and 262 foot-pounds chrome, body color, and black.
(15 more than before). Fuel Up front, all trims have Hon-
The 2017 Honda Ridgeline is economy ratings are 19 mpg in das chrome grille bar and
the second genera- the city, 26 mpg body-color grille frame. Door
tion of Hondas on the highway handles are body color, with
midsize pickup and 22 mpg com- the exception of mold-in-black
truck, redesigned bined for 2WD finishes on the Ridgeline RT
from the ground models, and 18 and Sport, and chrome on the
up. With a starting MSRP of mpg in the city, 25 mpg on the RTL-E. The Sport also
$29,475, the all-new 2017 Hon- highway and 21 mpg com- includes unique badging.
da Ridgeline comes in a total of bined for AWD models. The 2017 Ridgeline is avail-
seven trim levels, a choice of Ridgeline exterior able in seven exterior colors
2WD or AWD systems, and (three interior colors) and its
offers many new features. The seven 2017 Ridgeline bed is now longer by 3.9 inches line carries over to the interior, tic and globally sourced parts.
Additionally, Honda com- models offer a variety of dis- and wider by 5.5 inches than in where designers have applied Its exterior and interior design
bines this new platform with a tinctive exterior trim finishes, the previous model. high quality, soft-touch mate- is by Honda R&D Americas,
new direct-injected rials throughout the cabin and Inc. in Los Angeles, while
3.5-liter i-VTEC V-6 Interior features added thoughtful available vehicle development was
engine that produces The premium details such as Tri-Zone Auto- undertaken at the companys
280 horsepower (30 quality of the matic Climate Control, Push- Raymond, Ohio, new-model
new Ridge- Button Start, Smart Entry and development center. Addition-
much more. ally, Honda Manufacturing of
The Ridgeline offers seating Alabama, LLC, in Lincoln,
for five with rear shoulder room Alabama, is the exclusive
listed at 61.5-inches, rear hip manufacturing home for the
room at 56.6-inches and rear 2017 Honda Ridgeline.
legroom at 36.7-inches. To learn more about the
redesigned 2017 Honda Ridge-
The second-generation line, visit your local Southeast
Ridgeline was designed, Texas Honda dealer or log on
developed and is manufac- to
tured in America using domes- com.
Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016 THE EXAMINER LIVING 5C
6C LIVING THE EXAMINER Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016

Gestational diabetes linked Our results suggest it would

be a good idea for clinicians
to postpartum depression to pay particular attention to
women with high depression
Researchers at the National Insti- Child Health and Human Development scores when evaluating the
tutes of Health (NIH) have discovered (NICHD). Until we learn more, physi- risk of gestational diabetes.
a two-way link between depression cians may want to consider observing
and gestational diabetes. pregnant women with depressive symp- Cuilin Zhang, M.D.,
Women who reported feeling toms for signs of gestational diabetes. Ph.D, National Institute
depressed during the first two trimes- They also may want to monitor women of Child Health and
ters of pregnancy were nearly twice as who have had gestational diabetes for Human Development
likely to develop gestational diabetes, signs of postpartum depression.
according to an analysis of pregnancy Although obesity is known to
records. Conversely, a separate analy- increase the risk for gestational diabe-
sis found that women who developed tes, the likelihood of gestational diabe-
gestational diabetes were more likely tes was higher for non-obese women
to report postpartum depression six reporting depression than for obese
weeks after giving birth, compared to a women with depression. Of particular note, persistent depres- women with high depression scores
similar group of women who did not The researchers analyzed pregnancy sion from the first to second trimester had nearly triple the risk for gestation-
develop gestational diabetes. records from the NICHD Fetal Growth set women at even greater risk for ges- al diabetes than the other women in the
The study was published online in Studies-Singleton Cohort, which tational diabetes, said the studys study. Depression did not appear to
Diabetologia. tracked the progress of thousands of senior author, Cuilin Zhang, M.D., increase the risk for gestational diabe-
Gestational diabetes is a form of pregnancies, to understand the patterns Ph.D, in the Division of Intramural tes among obese women.
diabetes (high blood sugar level) of fetal growth. The study enrolled Population Health Research at NICHD. Currently, the American College of
occurring only in pregnancy, which if 2,334 non-obese and 468 obese women Women who had the highest scores for Obstetricians and Gynecologists recom-
untreated may cause in weeks eight to 13 depression in the first and second tri- mends that physicians screen patients at
serious health prob- of pregnancy. The mesters about 17 percent had least once for depression during the
lems for mother and SOUTHEAST TEXAS women responded nearly triple the risk for gestational perinatal period 22 weeks of preg-
infant. to questionnaires on diabetes when compared to women nancy through 7 days after birth.
Our data suggest
that depression and
ITAL SIGNS symptoms of depres-
sion when they
who had lower depression scores.
Our results suggest it would be a
The researchers also found a higher
risk for postpartum depression among
gestational diabetes may occur togeth- enrolled in the study, again between the good idea for clinicians to pay particu- the women who had gestational diabe-
er, said the studys first author, Ste- 16th and 22nd week of pregnancy, and lar attention to women with high depres- tes. Of the women who developed
fanie Hinkle, Ph.D., staff scientist in the then six weeks after giving birth. The sion scores when evaluating the risk of gestational diabetes, nearly 15 percent
Division of Intramural Population researchers also reviewed the womens gestational diabetes, Dr. Zhang added. experienced depressive symptoms
Health Research at the NIHs Eunice records to identify who had developed Although obesity increases the risk

Kennedy Shriver National Institute of gestational diabetes. for gestational diabetes, non-obese See DIABETES on page 10C

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businesses and business leaders
by addressing questions posed by
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Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016 THE EXAMINER LIVING 7C

Surescripts 2015 Annual Report Interview with Dr. James L. Holly

Surescripts connects phar- patient how risk changes when ized visit summary has pro- calmed down and talked to me the Electronic Medical Record
macies, care providers, benefit his or her health improves, it found effects on patient behav- for a full 32 minutes about his (EMR) and a manual triplicate
managers, and technology multiplies the complexity ior. They feel ownership of illness and symptoms. As we form. Again, convenience is
partners to get the right infor- times five calculations for their health and enter into a visited, it occurred to me that power. E-prescribing con-
mation to the right place at the each of the 12 risk scores. The contract of sorts with their nobody had asked him for his trolled substances enables
right time. Surescripts partners task is indeed important, but doctors to collaborate on permission to examine his physicians to transition
with more than 700 doing it manually is improving it. body ever. He felt violated patients from being imposed
EHR applications used time and energy inten- A powerful example of this and helpless. That simple upon to being cared for. With
by over 900,000 sive. Doing it electron- is a SETMA patient whose human gesture gave him agen- EPCS, patients dont have to
healthcare profession- ically takes a complex young son had a standard well- cy over his body and his situa- grovel and repeatedly explain
als and more than task 72 computa- child visit. The EHR produced tion. He ultimately needed two why they need their medica-
1,000 hospitals, tions automates it, a customized visit summary controlled substances as part tions. Before EPCS, if you
impacting more than and delivers the data in with action steps to improve of his treatment. Given his realized you needed a refill
270 million insured one second, requiring the childs health, including past experiences, it was even and the office was closed, you
lives. Surescripts pro- Your Life, virtually no time or the fact that the child is more important for him to get were out of luck. Now, physi-
cesses more than 6 bil- Your energy. Its the differ- exposed to environmental his meds with little to no run- cians can easily take care of it,
lion transactions each Health ence between complet- tobacco smoke from the father around. Convenience is power. no matter where they are in the
year, including nearly ing one task or 40 tasks smoking in the house. This This patient needed the mini- world. There are no boundar-
700 million medication with James during an office visit. childs mother left the report mum amount of intervention ies. We have a clinic or phar-
histories, more than 1 Holly, M.D. Another example of on the seat of the family vehi- and unnecessary follow-ups. macy without walls. I feel
billion e-prescriptions this has to do with cle, and when the father Today, when he needs a med strongly that once providers
and nearly 10 million health conditions that stepped out to buy a pack of refilled, he sends me a secure adopt this technology, theyll
clinical messages. we are required to report to the cigarettes, he saw the report text. Then, I use Electronic be addicted ironically
Surescripts in its 2015 Texas Department of State with his childs name promi- Prescribing of Controlled Sub- enough to the capability
Annual Report, visited with Health Services. In Texas, there nently at the top. In that stances (EPCS) to refill it and the facility it provides to
Dr. James Holly about the big- are 78 of them. Very few doc- moment, he realized that this instantly, from anywhere in give patients excellent care
gest problems facing physi- tors, if any, can remember all was important information, the world, using my smart efficiently and without delay.
cians and the digital tools that 78, let alone report them manu- customized for his child only. phone and two-factor authenti- Surescripts: You mentioned
are helping to fix them. ally. So I designed an electronic He read the entire report, and cation. And the really, really how EPCS creates a pharmacy
Surescripts: What are the replacement for this process. was really upset when he saw cool thing is that he and I have without walls. How are phar-
main problems physicians face My IT staff input all 78 diseas- that his childs exposure to been friends for years now. macies responding to EPCS?
in their daily work? es, as well as their categories second-hand smoke was likely Surescripts: Controlled sub- Dr. Holly: Pharmacies love
Dr. Holly: The two biggest for timing and reporting causing health issues and put- stances seem to pose a lot of it. When my organization sur-
problems in healthcare are 1.) requirements. We made the ting the child at serious risk. tough problems. What are the veyed them to see if they had
maintaining a complete, accu- workflow interactive, so that He brought the report into the biggest ones providers are fac- the capacity to receive e-pre-
rate and up-to-date problem when the provider made a diag- house, told his wife that hed ing? scriptions for controlled sub-
list, and 2.) maintaining a nosis that was one of the 78, the just then realized what hed Dr. Holly: In Texas, provid- stances and/or if they were
complete, accurate and up-to- information was auto-populat- been doing to their child, and ers are questioned when they interested in using it, they all
date medications list. So ed into the Reportable Condi- never smoked another ciga- prescribe controlled substanc- either really wanted the capa-
much is expected of doctors, tions template. At once, care rette. es. Theyre also questioned bility, or were already using it.
but electronic versus manual coordination was flagged to Patients need a sense of when they dont. The regula- EPCS creates a stronger part-
workflows are the difference automatically notify the state individuality and control. So I tory burden falls squarely nership between providers,
between doing things correctly and then report back to the pro- focus on what I can give them upon the provider, and that can pharmacies and patients.
and not doing them at all. vider once the task was com- control over so that they can adversely affect patients. So in Surescripts: You sound real-
Surescripts: Tell us more plete. This took one of the most begin to contribute to their some cases, providers are less ly optimistic about where
about whats expected of doc- complex, time and energy-con- own health. willing to prescribe controlled EPCS is going. Whats most
tors and how electronic work- suming tasks and, again, made Surescripts: It seems like substances. exciting to you about this
flows make it easier to do a it effortless. theres a strong emotional or Surescripts: How does industry shift?
task properly than not at all. Surescripts: What do elec- compassionate aspect of care EPCS help fix this rock-and-a- Dr. Holly: The greatest thing
Dr. Holly: Convenience is tronic workflows mean to that empowers patients. The hard-place that providers are about all of this is that its all
the new word for quality. The patients? opposite, then, would be care in when it comes to regulatory true and it all works. Our sto-
number of tasks a provider can Dr. Holly: They make all that disempowers them. Can scrutiny? ries are true. They give sub-
be expected to complete dur- the difference. They empower you explain this? Dr. Holly: With EPCS, stance to what were about, and
ing a patient visit depends on patients like nothing else. Dr. Holly: Absolutely. Take every single step of the deci- we need to tell these stories.
the answers to these questions: Electronic workflows produce controlled substances, for sion-making process as it With electronic capabilities,
How important is the visit? comprehensive and custom- instance. The only thing more relates to prescribing a con- diagnoses, urine drug screens
How much time will it take? ized reports one for the dangerous than controlled sub- trolled substance is document- for utilization monitoring,
How much energy will it nurse, one for the doctor and stances is not prescribing ed automatically. In other e-prescribing, auditing of pro-
take? one for the patient summa- them. Years ago, I met an words, now, we document it as vider prescriptions and patient
For doctors and other rizing everything thats been acutely ill patient who is a we prescribe it. When a pro- useas well as a documented
healthcare providers, time and scheduled and ordered. This military veteran. Hed become vider is audited, EPCS helps discussion with patients about
energy are two separate mea- report provides a paragraph upset and combative. He was produce the required docu- these medications and usability
sures. For example, if youre with each item, explaining its so angry that he said, Im mentation in an instant, rather from multiple sitesit all
calculating Framingham risk meaning, significance, where going to kill the next doctor than having to manually track resides in the same tool (EMR),
scores, which produce values the patient stands score-wise, who walks through that door. everything, which is virtually making compliance with state,
to assess the future risk to risk factors and actions to So, for better or worse, the impossible due to the time and federal and practice standards
patients health, this comprises improve his or her health. Its staff sent me in to help. energy involved. simple and measurable.
12 risk factors. If you add a an extremely personal docu- The first thing I did was ask In the past, these medica- Dr. James L. Holly is CEO of
what if scenario to each, ment. Having an instant, com- him, May I listen to your tions required providers to Southeast Texas Medical Associ-
which allows you to show a plete, accurate and personal- chest? He immediately input data redundantly in both ates, LLP (SETMA) in Beaumont.
8C LIVING THE EXAMINER Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016

Community Listings
H-E-B tourney funds Photos by Stephanie Adams/Houston Zoo 21-23. On those days, TAMI staff will
be present at LUs Mary and John Gray
BPSF Awards Program Library to collect films and videotapes
from the public for free digitalization.
Doreen Borel, H-E-B area commu- TAMI dis-
nity coordinator, presented a $5,000 covered that
check from the H-E-B Tournament of film from the
Champions to the Beaumont Public Gulf Coast area
Schools Foundation Inc. President Sal is especially
Guerrero to fund the BPSF Awards susceptible to
Program. decomposition
This donation will make it possible and many valuable collections have
for the BPSF to grow and award inno- been lost to natural disasters. The orga-
vative grants to students and staff in nization promotes the Texas Film
the Beaumont Independent School Round-Up as an opportunity to pre-
District. Since 1993, the BPSF has serve materials before they are lost.
awarded 351 educational grants total- Home movie collections often con-
ing $236,424.88 for classroom projects tain valuable insight into the past.
that focus on They document the change of city
excellence in in the zoos animal hospital but despite landmarks over time, traditions or cel-
education for the veterinary teams best treatment ebrations throughout the years and
all students in efforts, he died overnight. important events like ball games,
the BISD. Jonathan spent the majority of his storms or county fairs all useful
The mission life at the Houston Zoo after being ways to learn about Texas history.
of the H-E-B rescued from a private owner when he Bring collections to the Mary and
Tournament of was just a few years old. Jonathans John Gray Library on Oct. 21 from 7:30
Champions is to regal mane was identifiable to all who a.m. 6 p.m., Oct. 22 from 10 a.m. 7
provide funding visited him at the Houston Zoo, and p.m., and Oct. 23 from 2-6 p.m.
for charitable since his arrival in 2006, he has been a A free public screening Oct. 22 at 4
projects that guest and keeper favorite. Guests could p.m. on the sixth floor of the library will
primarily focus usually find the elderly lion lounging feature historic footage of the area,
on children, youth and education in the sun, surrounded by his pride of including home movies believed to be
throughout the State of Texas. which includes silverback Zuri, adult
three females. females Holly and Binti, and adoles- the oldest existing Beaumont footage.
Majestic lion Jonathan Two days later, on Sept. 16, the zoo
welcomed 29-year-old female western
cent female Sufi. In March 2015, the
Houston Zoo successfully introduced
To qualify for free digitization, films
must be Texas related, and participants
dies at Houston Zoo lowland gorilla Angel from the Denver
Zoo. This move was at the recommen-
adult female Binti to the family troop, must be willing to donate a digital
copy of the film to TAMIs archive
and is confident of another successful
New gorilla joins the family dation of gorilla specialists with the integration. The bachelor gorillas, found at TAMI
Jonathan, the Houston Zoos Association of Zoos and Aquariums. Chaka, Mike, and Ajari, will continue is a non-profit organization that, in
18-year-old male lion, died early in the Angel and the other gorillas will to live separate from the family group. partnership with the Texas Film Com-
morning Sept. 14 after veterinarians take turns in the dayroom inside The mission, works to discover, preserve,
discovered he had a serious blood clot-
ting issue and low white blood cell
Robert & Janice McNair Foundation
Great Ape Gallery while they undergo
Submit home movies, educate and provide access to, and
educate communities about Texass
count findings that are not uncom- a formal introduction process overseen videos to Texas Film film heritage by partnering with insti-
by the zookeepers. Parts of the Great tutions and individuals across the state.
mon in geriatric patients, who often
develop more complex medical condi- Ape Gallery may be closed over the Round-Up at Lamar For more information, visit www.
tions. After keepers discovered he was course of the next few weeks while the Lamar University will partner with where more than
starting to feel unwell, the zoo veteri- family gets to know one another. Once the Texas Archive of Moving Images 4,000 of the more than 35,000 films
narians gave the aging lion a complete the integration is complete, she will (TAMI) in the Texas Film Round-Up collected since 2008 can be viewed
examination. Jonathan spent the night reside with the family group of gorillas when it comes to Beaumont from Oct. online.
Get Fuzzy
Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016 THE EXAMINER LIVING 9C

Fill the cells in such a way that each row,
column and 3x3 subsquare has digits 1-9.
Yoogi games ( Some digits are already given as clues.
By Darby Conley
Medium Puzzle No. 1
Medium Puzzle No. 2
Medium Puzzle No. 3

For solutions, visit

10 C LIVING THE EXAMINER Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016

Let me help you, please Find the 7 words to match the 7 clues. The numbers in parentheses represent the number of letters in
each solution. Each letter combination can be used only once, but all the letter combinations will be nec-
essary to complete the puzzle.
Those five little words can change the day
for someone or more than one someone. I have
found myself so weary and exhausted, and
perhaps a bit depressed, and an offer of help,
even from a stranger, is a
refreshing change. It might have
been while working in my two-
acre yard, weed eating (I hate
that machine because it is taller
than me), when a quick visit by
a neighbor teen has saved the that suffer most. Let me help you, please,
Brenda day, my yard and my sanity. It simply falls on deaf ears until that person is
may have seemed insignificant, ready. We can befriend them, listen to them,
Cannon but at the time, the offer of help and attempt to help family members, but we
Henley was the rope of hope I needed. must not become enablers or provide money
Senior I thank God, too, for those that would hurt them more.
Correspondent people, young and old, who are There are much smaller areas of our lives that
to The Examiner
willing to slow down from their we need help in from time to time, and perhaps
busy worlds and offer to help. I those are more accessible and approachable. I
now have a wonderful young girl who has found myself at least daily wanting to say to
taken it as her responsibility to keep my grass folks on social media, Dont put your dirty
cut, weeds trimmed, things picked up and tak- laundry out there for all to see. Handle those
en away neatly. I, in turn, pay her a small matters at home or with the person involved. I
amount for her to use on whatever she desires. would never want the world to know that my
It is a win-win situation for both of us. husband or fianc that I bragged about last week
The thing I find sad about the same little is cheating on me this week. I would never want
five words let me help you, please is that to name names and leave that baggage for my
when we see someone needing help so badly in children (or theirs) to face at school and in the
one area or another, and we approach the situ- neighborhood. Pray about it, work on it, confide
ation as gently as we know how, they still in a pastor, counselor, or close friend, but dont
refuse. My old pastor, Marshall Yancey of put it on social media. Let me help you with this,
Loganville, Georgia, taught me a valuable please, if you are guilty.
truth: You can only help someone, Brenda, If we are going to strike a domineering atti-
when they need and want that help. I have tude or pose about a matter, we best be certain
learned he is so right. our facts are correct, and for goodness sake, try
I have tried to reach out to people who are to spell the words correctly. My kids call me
caught up in addictions and their lives are spi- the Grammar Nazi, but it does aggravate me
raling downward at a rapid pace. Children are when a kid cant spell or read at a third grade
going to be lost, homes broken, lives shattered, level. And it is even worse when it is an adult
good jobs tossed down the drain with seldom a that either doesnt know better or doesnt care
thought, and so many things of value simply to learn better. I have a list of words Ive sent
gone. We can see it, but the person at the center to all three of my kids to check. Let me help
cannot. you, please. Here are two more to add to your
The addictions do not have to be alcohol or lists: Residence A house people live in.
drugs. There are many more that affect good Resident A person that lives in that home.
people that we love. Often these other cravings Lets help when and where we can.
and addictions go hand in hand with the alco-
hol and drugs and involve broken vows and Brenda Cannon Henley can be reached at (409)
broken promises and it is often the innocent 781-8788 or at

from page 6C
after birth, which was more than four times that of
women who had not had gestational diabetes.
Dr. Hinkle stressed that the study was not able to
prove a cause and effect relationship between symp-
toms of depression and gestational diabetes. Earlier
studies have shown that depression is associated with
impaired glucose metabolism that may lead to higher
blood sugar levels. Similarly, high blood sugar levels
may lead to inflammation, hormonal, and other chang-
es that could lead to symptoms of depression.
Vital Signs magazine, published three times a year, includes
the findings from important studies by top health organiza-
tions. The magazine also spotlights the Southeast Texas
medical industry, from the services available to inspiring For solutions, see page 12C
patient narratives. Look for the new fall issue in November.
Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016 THE EXAMINER LIVING No. 0925
11 C

ADDING ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22
ACROSS 49 Ankle-exposing pants 102 One whose 12 Wicked
23 24 25 26
1 Lament after being 50 ____ been life is in order? 13 ____ Chigurh, villain
back-stabbed thinking 104 Lament in No Country for
27 28 29 30 31
5 Crack up 51 Captains on The Old Men
105 Mild form
10 Test ones metal? Atlantic, briefly? 14 It takes months 32 33 34 35 36 37
of corporal to complete
15 Down 52 By and large
punishment? 15 Cheering done
18 Classic word game 54 Neighbor of N.Y. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

55 Young swan 110 Poor in a plaza?

20 Dollar competitor 46 47 48 49
58 Colleens 112 Home of the 16 Baked with
21 Contemptible sort breadcrumbs
60 Uncommon spelling Pampas: Abbr.
22 ____ linda! and cheese
50 51 52 53 54
(How pretty! in for a common 113 Rumor has it
greeting 17 Bringing up 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
Spanish) 114 Partner of live the rear
23 One whos dunzo 62 Whole ____
116 Actress Swinton 19 Set off, as a security 62 63 64 65 66
24 Glossy fabric 63 I.Q. test name
117 Golfer Michelle alarm
25 Dancers leader 64 1982 No. 1 hit with the 67 68 69 70 71
28 China display
line Watch out boy, 118 Scooby-Doo girl
26 The Bulldogs of the 30 Under the wire,
shell 72 73 74 75
S.E.C. 119 Commercial cow so to speak
chew you up
27 Line at the side 120 Brownstone feature 31 ____ speed
67 Look lecherously 76 77 78 79
of a photo 34 Cockpit datum: Abbr.
68 Hobo at the wheel? 121 The Bosporus,
29 Hoopster observing 39 Merely superficial 80 81 82 83 84 85
71 Cunningness e.g.: Abbr.
72 Many web 122 Haven 41 Olympics events 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93
32 Electric ____ rarely shown
advertisements 123 Change with
33 Shepherds-pie bit in prime time
74 Overly indulge in the times
94 95 96 97
35 River through Seoul 42 Carried chairs
75 Movie Hall
36 Bakery buy 124 Moving well 44 Nephew of Cain 98 99 100 101 102 103 104
76 Bridge words
37 Nearly dried-up 45 King whos a friend of
Asian sea 77 Evil spirits 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
DOWN Oprah
38 Country whose name 79 Gently jabbed
1 Ovum 47 First name in fashion 112 113 114 115 116
becomes 80 Enliven, with up
48 Word after liquid or
its language 82 Build-it-yourself auto 2 Walden writer fixed 117 118 119 120
when you drop 84 Sugar suffix 3 Wild Thing rapper
its last letter 49 Sword-fight sound
RELEASE DATE: 10/2/2016

85 Flatow of NPRs 4 How many college

121 122 123 124
40 Frequent Winter 53 ____ of Glamis, title
Science Friday
Olympics setting textbooks are in Shakespeare
86 Drops a line
43 Sign from a third- bought 55 Corp. money pros
88 Where to buy 65 Late author Wiesel 79 75-Down 90 Channel with Family 101 Bottom line
base coach, say certain Christmas 5 Lot of fun, informally 56 One holding many
positions 66 Thatching material around a saint Feud reruns 103 Beer ____
45 Van Susteren decorations? 6 Saint for whom a
formerly 57 Big fan of the Lord 68 Underpinning 80 Wardens 91 Sound of a pebble 106 DVR choice
94 Early PC platform Minnesota college is
of Fox News of the Flies author? 69 Text on an iPad, say enforce them hitting water
95 Link with named 107 Refrain syllables
46 Gangster Luciano 59 Mirror buildup, 70 Collars 81 Emotionally, if not 92 Galpagos Islands
96 Accident- 7 ____ Hari at times 108 Pluto flyby org.
performing a risqu 73 Really feels the heat physically country
investigating agcy.
prank? 8 Powerless group? 61 Dangerous backyard
97 Part of STEM, 75 See 79-Down 83 TV spinoff of 2002 93 Setting for many New 109 Enthrall
9 Its worse than you projectile
Online subscriptions: for short 77 Hoped-for result of 87 Narrow arm of Yorker cartoons 111 They come straight
Todays puzzle and more can imagine 63 Pop
from the horses
For solution,
than 4,000 past puzzles,
98 Long tale
64 Erroneously hit
swiping the sea 95 They get wetter
99 ____-pah 10 Org. right on Tinder as they dry mouth
see page 12C
($39.95 a year). 100 Subzero, maybe 11 Party handouts
reply all instead of
78 Hot
89 Part of the
inner ear 115 Bottom line
reply, say 99 Actor Milo

CHUCK SHEPHERDS speak the native Pashto or Dari, diners would complain if they daily posts to the Twitter-like
and the war prospects would be heard crunching while eating Internet site Sina Weibo. (2) In
dim were it not for courageous multigrain. June, a motivational trainer
Afghan civilians who aid the Leading Economic Indicators working with employees of the

U.S. as interpreters under Changzhi Zhangze Rural Com-
promise of protection and News Corporation Australia mercial Bank reportedly told the
future emigration to the U.S. reported in September the envi- poor-performing bank personnel
However, the congressional able success of a 16-year-old (among the 200 at the session) to
battle over immigration policy British entrepreneur, Ms. Beau prepare to be beaten. He then
has delayed entry for about Jessup, who has so far earned walked among the workers,
Insanity Defined The Continuing Crisis about $84,000 with a simple whacking some with a stick,
10,000 interpreters, who (along
Police and prosecutors in Stephen Mader, 25, native with their families) face immi- online app to help rich Chinese shaving the heads of the males
Dallas, appropriately sensitive of Weirton, West Virginia, and parents select prosperous-sound-
nent death if they remain in
at having been the site of the former Weirton police officer, is ing English names for their and cutting the hair of the
fighting to get his job back after Afghanistan. Some in Congress babies. Users choose among 12 females.
1963 killing of President Ken- also regard Afghans as riskier
nedy, have apparently taken out being fired for not being quick personality traits they hope their Oops!
enough on the trigger. When immigrants (despite the inter- baby to have, then receive three
their shame on assassination preters demonstrated loyalty). By August, Raymond Maz-
buff Robert Groden. As the Dal- Ronald Williams Jr., in May, suggestions (including a list of
las Observer reported in Sep- made a ham-handed attempt at Suspicions Confirmed famous people with those zarella was fed up with the tree in
tember, Groden has been ticket- suicide by cop, it was Mader names). Jessup got the idea when his neighbors yard in Pittston
who, rather than shooting, tried Master baker Stefan Fischer living in China and noticing that Township, Pennsylvania, as it
ed by police dozens of times for filed a lawsuit recently against
to talk Williams down (based on some babies of the rich were was continuously dripping sap
operating book sales booths his Marine Corps and police Bakery of New York for wrong- given lame names, such as Gan- onto his car and so grabbed a
near the grassy knoll (site of academy training), but when ful firing because he refused dalf and Cinderella. chainsaw, cut through the
the alleged second shooter of Williams pointed his unloaded to use bug-infested flour to Chinese Management Tech- 36-inch-wide trunk, and (he
the president) and yet he pre- gun at two of Maders col- make batches of bread. Accord- niques: (1) About 200 employees thought) fixed the problem.
vails in court every single time leagues, and one of them quick- ing to Fischer, when he informed at a travel service in Shandong However, the tree fell directly
(82 straight, and counting). (Tip ly shot the man to death, police management of the bugs in the Province were fined the equiva- onto Mazzarellas small apart-
for visitors from the Observer: officials fired Mader for having facilitys 3,000-pound flour silo, lent of $6.50 each recently for ment house, dispossessing five
Never publicly utter grassy been insufficiently aggressive. he was told simply to make failing to comply with orders to tenants and, ultimately, forcing
knoll in Dallas, as it seems Cant Possibly Be True: multigrain bread, which comment (favorably, one sup- inspectors to condemn the entire
particularly to offend the police.) Few U.S. forces in Afghanistan Fischer took to mean that fewer poses) on the general managers building.
12 C LIVING THE EXAMINER Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016

7 Little Words solution Puzzle on page 10C find a place that allows pets. I
have been crying all day. Im
Puzzle 1 trying to keep busy packing,
1. INGESTING 2. FORERUNNER 3. DROUGHTS 4. DARES but every time I see my cats, it
5. SKIPS 6. LANDSCAPES 7. PROMPTED starts up again.
I have a psychiatrist, as well
Puzzle 2 as a counselor. I dont have
time to see them before I have
1. BLUSH 2. LOGGED 3. PIEROGI 4. INCREDIBLES to leave but plan to make
5. PLUMP 6. LAKEPORT 7. DRAINPIPE appointments soon after I
Puzzle 3 whether they can reach a com- No one in my family is act-
Dear Annie:
1. OUTPOST 2. YUPPIFIED 3. BUCCANEERS 4. DOFF promise. Maybe propose that ing as if this major life change
I come from a close Mid- they start alternating years is a big deal. Im just looking
5. PTERANODON 6. GLOSSY 7. ARIZONA western family. Every other spending vacation at the lake for some validation.
year, we would take a family with you one year and in Aus- Crushed in California
Crossword solution Puzzle on page 11C trip to the lake. As weve got- tralia the next. Also make an
S A O R T S ten older, the tradition has effort to reach out to your Dear Crushed:
L E V E I W stayed and grown to include brother-in-law just to see how Im so sorry. You have 100
E H I G R A new family members. We all hes doing so he feels that hes percent of my validation and
W S H T G I L meet up, bringing spouses and important to you. If he would then some.
kids. The problem lies with embrace your family, it might I would encourage you to
my sister and her husband.
help him feel less homesick. keep looking for a place that
When I first met my broth-
allows pets. They can be thera-
er-in-law, he was so nice and Dear Annie:
peutic. Its especially important
friendly to our family. He is an
In a recent column, you to take care of yourself during
Aussie, and we were charmed. printed a letter from a man
He raved about how much he a major life trauma, so Im
who didnt like the friends of a
loved the outdoors and looked glad to hear you have a plan in
woman he started seeing
forward to keeping up our tra- place to see your doctor and
recently. You said: therapist. It sounds as if you
dition. After they got married, If you dont like this girls are taking all the right steps to
everything changed. The first friends, then my guess is that build a healthier, happier life.
year, my sister and her new when you get to know her bet- Just give it time.
G R E T A A L E S T S L P A S O A L husband said they couldnt ter, you wont like her.
A R A L B U N H A N A E P L E E make the trip because of his Well, maybe, maybe not. Dear Annie:
work (even with two years The situation you describe
notice). The second time I read Tiptoeings com-
may be an evolving process, ments about the practice of
around, it was the same.
and she may well change for ghosting (leaving a social
They just seem to make
the better or worse. It is a hard gathering without saying
every excuse in the book not to
call at this point. I have seen goodbye) with some amuse-
go. I am the one to whom she some remarkable people
always break the news. I can ment. My wife is the distant
Animal Services Pet of the week hear the disappointment in her
voice as she says they wont
evolve out of an environment
of wacky friends because
opposite, having the obses-
sive need to say goodbye to
some significant other hap- everyone, each goodbye inev-
be making it yet again. pens upon the scene and the
Since the wedding, we pret- itably involving a hug and a
person finally comes to her/his
ty much have never seen him senses. And the wacky friends new conversation about any-
and rarely have seen her. disappear. thing and everything, a ritual
Ive talked to my brothers Don D. I personally find to be annoy-
about this, and they think that ing, if not exasperating. Ive
because our brother-in-laws Dear Annie: learned that when she tells me
parents live in Australia and After 24 years of marriage, shes ready to go, I might as
he rarely gets to see them, he my husband wants to split up. well pour myself one for the
is jealous that our sister lives I have had health issues for a road and get comfortable
so close to her family. Is there few years, and now he says he because I know we have
anything that I can do to make is tired of dealing with them. another 15 minutes to maybe
him come around? We have been living with his an hour, depending upon the
Black Sheeps Sibling parents and our three kids for size of the gathering, before
Maximus, a young male blue heeler approximately 1 1/2 were actually out the door. If
years old, is available for adoption. Hes current on all his about a year and a half. I have
Dear Black Sheeps Sibling: been given a deadline to move she could learn to limit the
vaccinations and neutered. Blue heelers are working dogs, so goodbyes to the hosts, as you
hell need a big yard or, even better, a ranch or farm setting. It sounds as if your brother- out alone. Everyone else is
Heelers are herding dogs, so homes with young children are in-laws true colors came out welcome to stay. suggest, Id be a happy camp-
not recommended. Maximus is alert and watchful and would after the wedding, and theyre I have been trying to find a er. But Im not holding my
be a great guardian for people and property. You can visit sickening shades of green. He place I can afford while stay- breath.
Maximus at Beaumont Animal Services during regular busi- is consumed by envy. This ing near my elderly father. Short on Patience in
ness hours. certainly does not seem like a Moving in with him is not an South Dakota
loving marriage. option. I may have found a
All animals are held at Beaumont Animal Services a minimum of Her husband sounds lets room in a house and am going Dear Short:
24 business hours before becoming available for adoption. Anyone Funny although if your
interested in adopting an animal should fill out an adoption appli- put it kindly less than per- to check it out tomorrow.
cation at or pick up one at 1884 Pine St. fect, but the real question is Suddenly, reality is hitting wifes long goodbyes have
Any rescues that would like to pull an animal, contact BAS at (409) why your sister would allow me. I wont see my kids every you pouring one (or two) for
838-3304. this to go on. I would try talk- day. I wont have my cats, who the road, I hope shes the one
ing to her one-on-one to see are 9 and 13, because I cant driving.
Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016 THE EXAMINER LIVING 13 C

At the end of the ninth inning, the numbers fell off

2016 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 32, No. 42
the baseball stadium scoreboard. Add up each teams
runs to see who won the game.
*Science, Technology, Engineering, Math

1 4
1 1 3 1 2
People used to think curve balls were just an
illusion. But thanks to technology and the
1 3 3 1
science of physics, we now know that a
baseball actually does curve, as much as 18
inches, when thrown by a skilled pitcher. 1
1 2 1 0

Curve balls start when a pitcher

throws them with topspin. topspin
wind resistance air pressure

As the ball PRESSURE
spins, its bottom E N G S C O R E S I
surface moves in SCIENCE
the same direction
air flow Topspin makes the top of the PITCHER Y G O L O N H C E T
in which the air moves. baseball spin in the opposite
direction to the air moving SCORES P N E L G E U N R H
over the balls surface, Wind resistance creates higher air FLIGHT
pressure above the ball which
creating wind resistance. CURVE
pushes against the ball, making it T N M B V G P I S I
Pitchers can throw several kinds of pitches to confuse
fly in a curved flight path. PLATE
the batter. Do the math to discover which is which. C E O E D H H C S L
13: 9: GAME H Y H S T N S S E F
This pitch makes the This ball
ball curve away from curves down Follow the HOME E P L A T E I I R C
the batter. curved
and away
from the WIND R S M B A L L W P S
batter. paths to BALL
10: reach the
This ball drops AIR
suddenly just before baseball.
it reaches home plate.

Baseball Math Fact

Newspaper Find the score of a game. Create a math fact
In Circle One, write three Numbers or number sentence about that score. For
words that describe Look through the example if the Giants beat the Cubs 9 to 3,
Stacy Slugger. In
Circle Two, write
newspaper and the number sentence would be 9 - 3 = 6.
circle five numbers.
three words that Add them up.
Standards Link: Number Sense: Students write and solve number
sentences from problem situations that express relationships
describe her involving addition and subtraction.
sister, Sandy Now look through
Slugger. the newspaper
Where the and find and circle
circles 5 more numbers.
intersect or Add them up. Send your story to:
cross over each
other, write three
Which set of 5
numbers added up
I am thankful
words that
describe both
to the largest sum? for
Stacy and Sandy.
Standards Link: Research:
Use the newspaper to locate Complete this

This is called a
Deadline: October 23 Published: Week of Nov. 20
Venn diagram. Please include your school and grade.
14 C LIVING THE EXAMINER Sept. 29 Oct. 5, 2016
S av ing Lives in S outheast Tex as for 21 Years

& Concern

An Examiner Corporation Publication

The Gift of Life from pag
Who are we and what is our mission? ed organ
We w
Dear Reader, everything and fight for your life. who lac
But in Southeast Texas, you dont deductib
Cancer, like most diseases, is not have to fight alone. these es
convenient. For more than 20 years, the Gift When
It doesnt care whether youre of Life has existed for that sole pur- and init
unemployed or not. pose. stay loc
It doesnt care if youve just When a mother comes to us with need it m
gone through a divorce or lost a lump in her breast, worried
someone you love. because she doesnt have insurance ities lik
It doesnt care if youre the sin- or the money to pay for treatment,
Gift of Life staff, Executive Committee members and volunteers Run Co
gle parent to small children or the we provide immediate and free for thos
sole caregiver of aging parents. diagnostic screenings. If cancer is underserved Southeast Texas wom- We start with middle and high Canc
It doesnt care if your calendar is detected, we navigate her through en with more than 30,000 free school students, teaching them how never b
full or your pockets are empty. treatment at no cost to her. During mammograms, clinical breast to note changes in their bodies and never b
It doesnt care if you have health her journey, she will have the full exams and additional diagnostic make healthy lifestyle choices that But wha
insurance. support of knowledgeable and com- tests, when needed, as well as full will reduce their risk of disease. We that surr
It just comes. passionate caseworkers who, quite access to treatment should cancer participate in health fairs and com- There
And when it does, life as you literally, hold her life together while be discovered. We also offer trans- munity outreach events to share this Texas. O
know it stops. she focuses her energy and atten- portation, bilingual staff and volun- lifesaving information with vulner- that love
Because, more than anything, tion on getting better. We provide teers, childcare and nutritious able populations. We employ trans- If you
cancer is demanding. It demands her access to the Pink Power Net- snacks. The lives of more than 200 lators who bridge language barri- Than
your full and complete attention. It work breast cancer support group women have been extended through ers. We even provide educational stand up
demands that you come up with so she can share in a sisterhood that the Gift of Lifes tremendous seminars for medical professionals Toget
money you dont have. It demands will uplift her when she feels down. efforts. so they are better equipped to
that you get help youre too proud No matter what may come, we will But we have not stopped there. extend exceptional care to the entire Since
to ask for. It demands that your fight alongside her and then cele- The Gift of Life strives to edu- community. Regin
days become a series of appoint- brate with her when the battle is cate the community so that cancer We have not and will not stop.
ments and consultations and treat- won. can be prevented or, at the very We will continue to develop key
ments. It demands that you drop The Gift of Life has provided least, diagnosed at an early stage. See MISSION on page 3


from page 2
partnerships with businesses, corporations, like-mind-
ed organizations, community leaders and health pro-
fessionals so that we can offer unremitting support and
services throughout seven Southeast Texas counties.
We will continue to reach out to women and men The fight against cancer
who lack health insurance or cannot afford their high starts with prevention. For more
deductibles because we believe everyone deserves than 10 years, the Gift of Life
these essential healthcare services. has been battling Big Tobaccos
When you help raise money for Gift of Life events claim on the lives of Southeast
and initiatives, you are ensuring that your dollars Texans. As the tobacco industry
has targeted vulnerable popula-
stay local to benefit those in our community who tions and youth with clever
need it most. When you participate in exciting activ- advertising tactics, the Gift of
ities like the Julie Richardson Procter 5K Ribbon Life has simultaneously
Run Color Rush, you are demonstrating solidarity increased its efforts to prevent
for those who are in the fight of their lives. tobacco use while also educat-
nd high Cancer will never be a convenient disease. It will ing Southeast Texans on the
em how never be an inexpensive disease. It will certainly healthcare hazards and eco-
never be an experience anyone would wish to have. The Gift of Lifes Dont Smoke Your Life Away initiative has edu-
dies and nomic impact of smoking. cated thousands of adults and youth.
ces that But what cancer can do is open your eyes to the love In 2004, the Gift of Life
ase. We that surrounds you. formed the Dont Smoke and events fortified by the tion works to prevent the ini-
nd com- There is plenty of love to go around in Southeast Your Life Away initiative that National Kick Butts Day ini- tiation of tobacco use, imple-
hare this Texas. Our organization is honored to be a source of has educated thousands of tiative, the Gift of Life is ments tobacco cessation ini-
vulner- that love and an avenue of support for this entire region. adults and youth. The pro- steadily making strides to tiatives, reduces secondhand
y trans- If your fight isnt over, then neither is ours. gram engages media and cre- keep tobacco from the hands smoke exposure and contrib-
e barri- Thank you for continuing to stand with us as we ates educational materials of our children. utes to reductions of tobacco-
cational stand up for those in need. that emphasize the devastat- Recently, the Gift of Life related diseases and deaths. In
ssionals Together, we can make a difference. ing effects of tobacco use. enlisted proactive community honor of National Kick Butts
pped to With presentations for more members and leaders to join Day, the coalition also facili-
he entire Sincerely, than 900 youth at Beaumont its Tobacco Control Coalition tates awareness activities and
Regina Rogers, Nell Morris and Norma Sampson ISD middle and high schools of Southeast Texas. This coali- regional proclamations.
lop key
n page 3


Womens services and screenings GIFT OF LIFE WOMENS HEALTH PROGRAM
Gift of Life pays for all screening and diagnostic costs
In 1994, Gift of Life Founder and Chair Regina Rogers made Gift of Life provides free breast cancer screenings, diagnostic tests Amo
a one-time donation for 500 free mammograms for Southeast
and access to cancer treatment for women in need. ond mo
Texas women with limited financial resources in honor of her ond-lead
of clients rely on Gift of Life as their only
mother, Julie, a breast cancer survivor. This donation has grown 68% source of breast cancer screenings. that 13,
into what is now one of the largest cancer screening initiatives illness a
in Texas.
Each year, the Gift of Life provides clinical breast exams and
18 Women
diagnosed with breast cancer
of clients are between the
82% ages of 40 and 60. 2016, d
when th
mammograms to more than 2,200 women. This year, the Gift of by Gift of Life. In 20
Life expanded its womens healthcare services to include preventa- (January 2015 through June 2016) More Than 2,200 Women Davis t
tive healthcare screenings, such as blood glucose, blood pressure
annually receive Gift of Life mammograms Chair R
and cholesterol. Education regarding breast cancer, skin cancer,
and clinical breast exams. mission
tobacco prevention and nutrition are also offered to encourage PROGRAM IMPACT SINCE INCEPTION cancer s
healthy lifestyle practices that reduce the risk of disease. Durin
Gift of Life ser vices include More Than 30,000 Women annually
Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths medical care and educational
among women, impacting every corner of the United States. outreach for women residing in
received Gift of Life mammograms (PSA bl
and clinical breast exams. east Tex
This year, it is estimated that nearly 17,000 women will be diagnosed seven Southeast Texas counties.
with breast cancer and more than 2,500 will die from the disease. More Than 200 Women Orange.
Only early detection can decrease the risk of death from diagnosed with breast cancer by Gift of Life.
breast cancer. titis C
test resu
ment, as
able nea
and can
by the G

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Mens screenings and services
Among American men, prostate cancer is the sec-
ond most commonly diagnosed cancer and the sec- 2015 MENS HEALTHCARE OUTCOMES
ond-leading cause of cancer deaths. It is estimated Providing free medical and educational services to men in seven Southeast Texas
that 13,210 men in Texas will be diagnosed with the
illness and 1,520 men will die from this disease in counties at screening sites in Beaumont, Port Arthur and Orange.
2016, despite the nearly 100 percent survival rate
when the disease is diagnosed early.
In 2000, following the loss of her uncle Dr. Irving 381 Men screened for Hepatitis C
n Davis to prostate cancer, Gift of Life Founder and
ams Chair Regina Rogers expanded the organizations
mission to include an annual region-wide prostate 327 Men screened for HIV
cancer screening effort for men in need.
During June, Mens Health Month, the Gift of Life
annually provides free prostate cancer screenings
5 Men Men who utilized personal
350 physician consultations
(PSA blood tests) for medically underserved South-
diagnosed with prostate cancer
east Texans at sites in Beaumont, Port Arthur and

Orange. Other free medical services include blood
glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure testing; Hepa- 434 Men
titis C and HIV screenings; and consultations with received prostate cancer screenings
medical professionals to discuss the significance of
screenings and tests results. Clients with abnormal All screening, diagnostic and treatment costs are paid for by Gift of Life
test results are immediately navigated through treat-
ment, as necessary.
8,376 Men

Since its inception, the Gift of Life has made avail-

able nearly 8,400 free prostate cancer screenings and received prostate cancer screenings

helped extend the lives of 69 men who have been

diagnosed with prostate cancer and whose diagnostic
and cancer treatment costs were entirely underwritten 69 Men
by the Gift of Life. diagnosed with prostate cancer




Kurt Plo

Julie Richardson Procter the Rev.

5K Ribbon Run Color Rush are pro
vors an
of the
Join the Gift of Life and thou- saves lives and extends love and Agains
sands of Champions of the compassion to thousands of cer Pro
Cause as downtown Beaumont women and men each year, Cancer
port G
erupts in color Saturday, Oct. 1, said Gift of Life Co-Chair
at the sixth annual Julie Rich- Christy Simon. Help us help
ardson Procter 5K Ribbon Run the Gift of Life continue its life-
Color Rush presented by the saving efforts by registering for
Byrd Law Firm, with title spon- the 5K, forming a team or
sors H-E-B and Jasons Deli. becoming a sponsor.
This family friendly event is All funds raised benefit the
the largest Color Rush of its kind Gift of Lifes breast and ovarian
in Southeast Texas, and comes cancer initiatives, which impact
packed with lively music and
entertainment, blasts of neon
thousands of local women every
year. Along the route, breast and
color, an interactive Wellness ovarian cancer educational Corbrielle Boulard and Courtenee Boulard Prost
Village and a Kiddie Fun Zone. awareness messages will be
Most importantly, in a sea of shared to underscore the mis- symptoms of the disease. An im
vibrant color, frilly tutus, garish sion of the event. The event will also recognize Mens H
wigs and bright, beautiful smiles Following the 5K, a poignant 12 Angels Among Us Honorees, and afte
is the message on prevention celebration ceremony, spon- extraordinary champions for the needs t
and treatment. And the cause? sored by Previty Clinic for Sur- organizations mission and caregive
Raising funds and sharing hope gical Care, will emphasize the voices of compassion and sup- The m
for those affected by breast, Gift of Lifes critical message,
port for women and cancer sur- share th
ovarian and other gynecological while honoring the strength and
vivors: Ania Bender; Judy helps to
cancers. courage of cancer survivors.
Black; Joanna Clark; Robin Meet
Although I am currently fac- This unique 5K is named in p.m. at
ing additional healthcare chal- loving memory of Julie Rich- Dauphin; Carol Fernandez;
lenges, I never lose my hope ardson Procter, a respected local Becky Mason; Patti McSpad-
and inspiration, said Gift of attorney and devoted Gift of den; Apryl Mensah, MD; Dora
Life Co-Chair Sherry Paschal. Life board member and volun- Nisby; Penny Sullivan; Lola
I am thankful to be involved teer. Procter passed away six Campbell Wilber; and Karen
with the Gift of Life. years ago after a courageous Wortham.
Our prayers and love are battle with ovarian cancer. Her For more information about
with Sherry and her family as enduring wish was that her ill- the Julie Richardson Procter 5K
she joins me in encouraging ness would serve as a mean- Ribbon Run Color Rush, call
everyone to support this vital ingful platform to educate (409) 833-3663 or visit event.
local organization that truly women about the risks and

Linda and Joe Penland

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Kurt Ploeger, The Pink Power Networks Zumba group
the Rev. Dean
Calcote and
Donald Taft
are prostate
cancer survi-
vors and part
of the Men
Against Can-
cer Prostate
Cancer Sup-
port Group.

Pink Power Network Breast Cancer Support Group

In 2011, the Gift of Life and Baptist Hospitals of South-
Men Against Cancer east Texas established the Pink Power Network Breast
Cancer Support Group to enhance the continuum of care
Prostate Cancer Support Group for people at all stages of their diagnoses at monthly meet-
ings that feature relevant healthcare topics and speakers.
An important component of the Gift of Lifes commitment to its Conducted by survivors, the gatherings also include medi-
Mens Health Program is to make available support before, during cal professionals who provide essential education and com-
and after treatment. Men Against Cancer (MAC) addresses these fort to those battling the disease. With an attendance of 30 or
needs through monthly meetings for prostate cancer survivors, more active participants, these meetings provide a therapeutic
caregivers, family and friends. forum for breast cancer patients, survivors, caregivers and
The meetings offer an opportunity for men to meet others who family members to share enriching experiences and hope.
share their experiences, and speakers providing information that Meetings are hosted on the third Thursday of each Anne Winslow,
helps to strengthen recovery through one-on-one support. month at noon at Baptist Hospital and at 6 p.m. at the Gift RN, MSN, FNP-C,
Meetings are hosted on the second Tuesday of each month at 6 of Life Office at 2390 Dowlen, Beaumont.
Pink Power
p.m. at St. Marks Episcopal Church, 680 Calder Ave., Beaumont. Network Chair


Ania Bender Robin Dauphin
Ania, a longtime Gift of Life board member, is a With a heart of gold and genuine concern for others,
dedicated ambassador for the programs Breast Robin is dedicated to ensuring Southeast Texans receive
Cancer Initiatives, including the Pink Power critical Gift of Life services. In loving memory of her
Network Support Group, and a former recipient of the father and with her late mother Charline, she helped
organizations Spirit of Volunteerism Award. As a breast establish the Sidney Chief Dauphin Educational
cancer survivor, she has firsthand knowledge of the Outreach Initiative, which has conducted more than
importance of early detection and, with her husband 1,000 programs and reached 100,000 individuals.
Stephen, understands how critical it is to raise funds for Robins compassion and generosity continue her
lifesaving cancer education and free screenings and mothers benevolent legacy of making a difference in
diagnostic tests for underserved women in need. the region.

Judy Black Carol Fernandez

A retired teacher and devoted Gift of Life board member since As president and chief officer of Catholic Charities, Carol is
its inception, Judy, with her husband James, has supported deeply committed to relieving the burdens of underserved
many community organizations and had a tremendous Southeast Texans. Her involvement with the Gift of Life has
impact on the lives of thousands of Southeast Texans. Inspired
helped forge a vital partnership in the deliverance of
by the legacy of her dear friend, the late Julie Richardson
Procter, she has also served as an invaluable services to individuals who cannot afford healthcare.
participant on the Ribbon Run steering committee, With an outpouring of love and sincere devotion
offering her insight to ensure the event raises critical to blessing the lives of others, Carol serves as a
awareness throughout the region. shining example of the power of faith in action.

Joanna Clark Becky Mason

A creative force of enthusiasm and love, Joanna, a Becky is an extraordinary leader, both in her management of
local film and theatre producer, drama coach and safety and human resources for Mason Construction, a
past president of the Southeast Texas Arts Council, leading petrochemical and industrial construction contractor,
works to enrich the community through the beauty of and in her commitment to community activism. A longtime
artistry. As a five-time cancer survivor and Gift of Life Gift of Life board member, Becky, with her husband Chuck,
board member, Joanna, along with her husband, The gives selflessly of her time, resources and talents to
Honorable Ron Clark, chief federal judge of the organizations that improve the lives of others. The
Eastern District of Texas, passionately supports the Gift of Life continues to benefit from Beckys
Gift of Lifes mission to save more lives through steadfast support, which helps extend the lives of
early detection. individuals who cannot afford medical care.

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Patti McSpadden Penny Sullivan
A dedicated Gift of Life board member since its inception and A dedicated Gift of Life board member, Penny, public
further motivated by her late sister-in-law Julie Richardson relations manager at WestRock, is a local champion and
Procters battle with ovarian cancer, Patti, with the support of activist who generously donates her time and expertise
her husband, Floyd, has been a tireless champion for the to impactful projects that uplift and honor women. For
her professional and civic achievements, she was
organization. Honored by the program with the Champion of recognized by the local Pioneering Women
others, the Cause award, she furthers Julies legacy by serving organization with its prestigious annual service
receive as a co-chair of the Ribbon Run steering committee award. Fervently committed to helping others,
of her to help educate more women about the devastating Penny is an invaluable advocate for the Gift of
helped effects of ovarian cancer. Lifes mission to save lives.
re than
ue her
Apryl Mensah, MD Lola Campbell Wilber
ence in An accomplished and dedicated radiation oncologist at the Effervescent and beautiful, Lola embodies
remarkable strength and courage as she bravely
Julie & Ben Rogers Cancer Institute of Baptist Hospitals of
battles ovarian cancer, which she discovered
Southeast Texas, Dr. Mensah battles cancer on a daily basis after participating with her daughter Isabelle in the Gift of
and also volunteers her medical expertise at Gift of Life Lifes Ribbon Run two years ago. Throughout her journey,
screenings. Providing compassionate support, she helps the Lola has graciously shared her story in the hopes that
Carol is others will pay attention to the silent symptoms of
organization offer positive healthcare experiences to
rserved ovarian cancer. An outstanding ambassador of the
local individuals who would otherwise lack access cause, Lola willingly gives liberally of her time and
Life has
to comprehensive physician consultations. talents to help save lives.
ance of
evotion Dora Nisby Karen Wortham
ves as a With benevolence, grace, empathy and love, Dora, A pillar of the community, Karen champions causes that
n action. along with her late husband Cleveland, a passionate reflect her genuine concern for others. With her
civil rights leader, has dedicated her lifes work to husband, Jefferson County District Attorney Bob
equal rights and community service. Through diligent Wortham, she tirelessly offers encouragement and love
volunteerism, she has held leadership roles that allow her to for those who are struggling with hardships.
ment of share her mantra of service with the community. A Gift Respected for her faithful philanthropy, Karen has
ction, a of Life executive officer since the programs inception, demonstrated her compassion for medically
ntractor, Dora has been honored by the organization with underserved Southeast Texans through her
ongtime Volunteer of the Year and Program Visionary awards. continuing support of the Gift of Life.
d Chuck,
lents to
ers. The
lives of


t & Sun
strength Courage hope
Lola Campbell Wilber Joa
Cancer fighter Canc
Right now Im not a survivor; Im a fighter, says Lola Joann
Campbell Wilber, 39, an ovarian cancer patient who is still nosed w
undergoing chemotherapy. of 48,
Lola first learned the subtle symptoms of the disease would
while attending the Julie Richardson Procter 5K Ribbon birthday
Run Color Rush three years ago with her daughter, Isabelle. died of
At the event in 2013, she discovered that she might have a She h
health problem after reading Gift of Life literature. This her own
invaluable information alerted her to early indicators of her Afte
disease. it was
Thanks to the information I received during the Ribbon hematol
Run, I knew what to do how to pay attention to symptoms some a
and follow up, she says. The Gift of Life literally gave work, a
me the information that saved my life! suspicio
Lolas doctor determined that she needed a full hysterec- somethi
tomy. After the surgery, everything came back clear except right b
for microscopic cells in her fluids, Lola says. Her doctor added t
suggested chemotherapy. uterine
We continue to do more and more treatments, and were the histo
working on getting things more stable, she says. I had to what w
take a break for a little bit to let my body bounce back. as well
Treatments are working slowly but surely. Hopefully with- must cro
in the next six months we will be able to move to the pill The b
form of chemo. mia and
Lola has a chemo treatment scheduled for Thursday, God
Sept. 29, but says she will still participate in the Gift of Life prayers,
Ribbon Run on Saturday, Oct. 1. But t
Ill still walk, Lola says. I do chemo and I still go to run for
work. You cant let it stop you. Its part of your life, but not occurred
all of it. Joann
The Gift of Life is an incredible organization that has an mastect
unbelievable focus on its mission, Lola says. her left
They continue to educate and provide care for women rounds
here in Southeast Texas, she says. Whether its a phone days. S
call, a note or card, or navigating them into treatment, they Tamoxi
really want to be there for the women in this community caution.
and strive for that education and awareness. The more you My
know, the better off you are, and the less afraid you are. cer was
You become part of that Gift of Life family instantaneous- she says
Lola is also one of the nonprofits Angels Among Us
and will be speaking to Ribbon Run participants Oct. 1 to WhereIsabelle
Ovarian cancer fighter Lola Campbell Wilber (right) with her daughter serviceat is
thenot A mo
a thing of the past!
help rev them up before their run. Julie Richardson Procter 5K Ribbon Run Color Rush Joanne

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Joanne Broussard
Cancer survivor
Joanne Broussard, 68, was diag- nosed with breast cancer. Joanne
nosed with breast cancer at the age would now become a caregiver.
of 48, about the time when she I had to help my sister, who was
would have been celebrating the having her own health issues, take
birthday of her brother, who had care of my mother as she battled
died of leukemia a few years prior. breast cancer, then leukemia and
She had already had one scare of Alzheimers at the same time, she
her own. says.
After having a physical at work, In 1998, Joanne became involved
it was recommended that I see a with the Gift of Life when Jon
hematologist because they had seen Huntsman, Sr., founder of the Hunts-
some abnormalities in my blood man Corporation, partnered with the
work, and at the same time, I had a nonprofit to provide free mammo-
suspicious mammogram because grams and prostate screenings in
something was discovered in my Jefferson County. Joanne was a
right breast, says Joanne, who Huntsman Corporation employee.
added that her sister had survived Mr. Huntsman found out about
uterine cancer as well. Because of my battle with breast cancer and
the history of cancer in our family, asked me to stand with him at a
what was going through my mind, press conference as he announced Cancer survivor Joanne Broussard (right) with her husband Roy Broussard.
as well as my family was that we his initiative in conjunction with Married for 47 years, they have two sons and two granddaughters.
must cross this road again. Gift of Life, she says. Shortly
The blood disorder was not leuke- after, I received a call from our such a wonderful man. The words faced with the dreaded disease of
mia and the lump was only a cyst. plant managers secretary inform- he shared about the Huntsman Can- cancer, she says, modestly.
God had already answered my ing me that I had been asked to cer Institute being a beacon of hope Joanne was declared cancer-free
prayers, she says. serve on the board of Gift of Life. for the future will always remain after finishing chemotherapy in
But this was merely a practice The invitation Huntsman extend- with me. August 1998.
run for the real diagnosis, which ed to join him at the press confer- Equally monumental for Joanne It was so liberating to be able to
occurred two years later. ence to announce his initiative in was to receive the Spirit of Volun- say that I was cancer-free after
Joannes treatment included a conjunction with Gift of Life was a teerism award from the Gift of Life fighting the disease, she says.
mastectomy and reconstruction of tremendous honor, she says. for commitment, enthusiasm and Last year was her first time par-
her left breast, followed by six A few months later, Mr. Hunts- passion. She received the award on ticipating in the Julie Richardson
rounds of chemotherapy every 21 man extended an invitation for both January 31, 2013, she says. In 2015, Procter 5K Ribbon Run Color Rush.
days. She was prescribed the drug my husband and me to join him in she was honored as one of the The excitement and enthusiasm
Tamoxifen for five years as a pre- Salt Lake City, Utah, along with Angels Among Us, champions for such a worthwhile cause is like
caution. other cancer survivors from all over for the Gift of Lifes mission and none Ive ever seen, she says. I
My experience with breast can- the world, to celebrate the dedica- voices of compassion and support will again participate this year as a
cer was more positive than most, tion of the Huntsman Cancer Insti- for breast and ovarian cancer survi- volunteer. Gift of Life is my pas-
she says. The only negative I expe- tute, Joanne continues. vors and all women. sion. Not only does it educate, it
PHARMACY rienced was hair loss and extreme
He again asked me to join him
at the podium while the entire world
I was just doing what Im most
passionate about, inspiring and
provides screening and promotes
healthy lifestyles. It encourages and
ishenot A month after her mastectomy,
a thing of the past!
2014 was watching. No words can encouraging others and giving gives hope, support and love to
Joannes mother was also diag- explain my heartfelt appreciation of hope, support and love to those those battling this dreaded disease.

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ed Sunday


The G
with edu
adults a
Lifes C
sive aw
In February 2016 at the Survivors Celebration, dedicated in loving memory of individu
Mary Jane Garth, in attendance were Jessica Garth Whitney, Harriet Garth, of their
Terry Garth and Lee Ann Garth. Throu
ing daug
Survivors Celebration gram tr
sions, a
Each Valentines Day, the Gift of Life honors those impacted by cancer reduce c
at its Survivors Celebration, a poignant event that commemorates life, The G
love and survivorship. detectio
In 2016, nearly 500 guests, including more than 150 cancer survivors, tate, tes
recognized the tremendous courage of those who have fought valiantly in logical c
the battle against cancer at the event dedicated in loving memory to Mary inform
Jane Garth and generously supported by Total and ExxonMobil. adoptin
Featured guest speaker, renowned author and breast cancer survivor enough
Geralyn Lucas, who was treated at the age of 27 for triple negative breast changes
cancer more than 20 years ago and wrote Why I Wore Lipstick to my
Mastectomy and Then Came Life: Living with Courage, Spirit and
Gratitude After Breast Cancer, brought the audience to laughter and
tears with her touching yet humorous stories of perseverance. Recalling
emotional experiences that resonated with survivors who had shared
similar fears and challenges, Lucas frequently applauded the Gift of Life
and the hospitality of Southeast Texans.
The heartwarming celebration and luncheon also honored three
Champions of the Cause whose extraordinary commitment to the Gift
of Life has made a profound difference in the region.
Winners for Life, a Port Arthur-based breast cancer awareness organi-
zation, received the Julie Rogers Spirit of Love award. Gift of Life
Board Member Karen Fontenot was recognized as the Volunteer of the
Year for her dedicated service to the organization. Additionally, Philpott
Motors General Manager Bob Thewman was honored with the Georgie
Volz Shine a Light Award to recognize his many years of sustained
commitment to the organization.

Support the Cause

to Find a Cure.

Care to Wear

795 Lindbergh Dr Beaumont TX 77707

Charline and Sidney
Dauphin Educational
Outreach Program
The Gift of Life passionately advocates that
healthy lifestyles and cancer prevention start
with education.
Impacting the lives of more than 100,000
adults and youth since its inception, the Gift of
Lifes Charline and Sidney Chief Dauphin
Educational Outreach Program provides exten-
sive awareness information and materials to
emory of individuals, empowering them to take charge
et Garth, of their health.
Through the generous support of their lov-
ing daughter, Robin, in honor of these compas-
sionate philanthropists, this far-reaching pro-
gram travels to high schools, churches and
community groups to encourage healthy deci-
sions, activities and habits that can greatly
y cancer reduce cancer risks.
tes life, The Gift of Life shares the message of early
detection as the key to survival of breast, pros-
rvivors, tate, testicular, lung, ovarian and other gyneco-
antly in logical cancers. Additionally, educational efforts
to Mary inform young adults about the importance of
adopting healthy habits while maintaining
survivor enough awareness of their bodies to recognize
e breast changes that might require medical attention. Robin Dauphin and her mother, the late Charline Dauphin
k to my
irit and
hter and
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Board Certified Cardiologists and Vascular Specialists 2693 North St.

409.832.8862 Beaumont, TX 77702
cancer a
event, s
served S
The P
sive hea
Jr. and T
Band ki
and Chi
All p
the 12th
is sched

cate nea
Life vol
and serv
Youth Advisory Council vors, giv
the prog
Come See Us of Life
For All of Your The Youth Advisory Council engages area youth at the peer-level, Fill o
inspiring new generations to be better advocates of their health, combat
Electrical Needs. tobacco and make a difference in their communities.
unteer o
Comprised of involved and engaged students from dozens of area high The Juli
THINK PINK Support schools, the council also imbues the Gift of Life with fresh and exciting 2390 Do
the fight ideas. These Leaders for Tomorrow, who are the newest ambassadors
for a cure of the Gift of Life mission, promise a bright future for the organization.
This team of dedicated and enthusiastic students shares programs and
6755 Phelan Blvd. # 10 409-861-0400
4052 washington blvd beaumont
initiatives with fellow youth, disseminating valuable information with
Tues-Thurs: 12 pm - 9 pm
Fri & Sat: 12 pm - 10 pm 409.842.3141 their peers.

giftoflifebmt @giftoflifebmt @GOLBeaumont Gift of Life Program

OFFERS! Gift of L
recogniz | 409.833.3663 Celbratio
Linda Do
Champagne & Ribs 2016
More than 1,500 guests got groovy and said Peace out to prostate
cancer at the Gift of Lifes 2016 Champagne and Ribs Woodstock-themed
event, sponsored by South Texas Ford Dealers and benefiting the organi-
zations prostate cancer and educational initiatives for medically under-
served Southeast Texas men.
The Party of the Year heightened awareness of the Gift of Lifes exten-
sive healthcare and cancer educational outreach efforts, and also spot-
lighted the extraordinary humanitarian service of its four honorees: Com-
missioner Everette Bo Alfred; J. Denton Harris, IV, M.D.; Joe Tortorice
Jr. and The Honorable Thad Heartfield.
Coordinated by Karen Fontenot, Claudia Gentile, Charlotte Mains and
Maureen Winchell, the 11th annual event included psychedelic tarot card
readings, far-out face painting and keepsake photo booths. Mid-Life Crisis
Band kicked off the party with soulful renditions of rock n roll classics
Champagne & Ribs 2016 honorees

and Chinatown ignited the audience with their high-energy pop anthems.
All proceeds benefitted the Gift of Life Prostate Cancer Initiative. were Joe Tortorice Jr., J. Denton Har-
Like Gift of Life Program on Facebook and receive information about ris, IV, M.D.; Jefferson County Com-
the 12th annual Champagne & Ribs when it becomes available. The event missioner Everette Bo Alfred; and


is scheduled for April 2017. The Honorable Thad Heartfield

Make a difference! A DIFFERENCE!

Letha Carpenter, Realtor
With more than 300 active individuals who dedi- Cell: 409-658-6837
cate nearly 8,200 hours of service annually, Gift of BECOME A GIFT OF LIFE VOLUNTEER Office: 409-834-2301
Life volunteers are the cornerstone of the programs
and services that save lives in Southeast Texas. Fill out the form online at, or return this form
Each year, hundreds of Gift of Life volunteers, to the Gift of Life office to become a volunteer! w w w.ameri c
including medical professionals and cancer survi-

vors, give of their time, talents and wisdom to help
the program accomplish its critical mission. LAST NAME:
Please consider sharing your time with the Gift PHONE NUMBER:
of Life this year. Together, we can save lives! EMAIL ADDRESS:
er-level, Fill out an online form at Copy & Print Center
combat unteer or return the form at right to:
Now Offering Oversized
rea high The Julie Rogers Gift of Life Program Color Prints!

Be Brave.
Beaumont, Texas 77706 (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)
Mornings Afternoons After Five Weekdays Weekends
ms and Are you a Cancer Survivor? ...................................... YES NO
Go Pink .
on with Are you a medical professional? ................................ YES NO
Are you a student? (Service hours available).................. YES NO
(409) 729-0336 3538 Hwy 365 Nederland
Employer: Across from Central Mall


Womens Breast Cancer Screenings Julie and Ben Rogers Cancer Institute
Mens Prostate Cancer and Primary 3555 Stagg Dr, Beaumont, TX 77701
Care Screenings Gift of Life Office
2390 Dowlen Road, Beaumont, TX 77706
Pink Power Network Dont Smoke Your Life Away
Men Against Cancer Tobacco Control Coalition
of Southeast Texas
Program Pink Outs Health Fairs
SPECIAL Ribbon Run Back To School Events
Gift of Life Board Member Karen Fontenot (center) was Reindeer Campaign Womens Outreach
recognized as the Volunteer of Year at the 2016 Survivors Survivors Celebration Mens Outreach
Champagne & Ribs Cancer Crusaders
Celbration in February. With her are Ray Fontenot, and MMFL Golf Tournament Speakers Bureau
Linda Domino
Gift of Life |ON THE PINK 2016
409.833.3663 | Fax: 409.833.2662 15
2390 Dowlen Road | Beaumont, TX 77706 GiftofLifeBMT GOLBeaumont
We save lives.
We save breasts. | 409.835.9500

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