Thermal Utilities

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4th Edition (Registered candidates of 17th l{CE Regular & 16th NCE Supplementary} Paper-2 SET A

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PAPER - 2: Energy Efficiency in Thermal Utilities

Date: 24.Cl9.2016 Timings: 14:OO-17:OO HRS Duration: 3 HRS Max. Marks: 15O

Gene r al I n strttcti o n s :
o Please check that this question paper contains 8 printed pages
o Please check that this question paper contains 64 questions
o The question paper is diuided into three sections
o All questions iru all three sections are compulsory
o Alt parts of a qtestion should be anstuered at one place

Section - I: OBJECTTVE TYPE Marks:5Ox1=5O

a) Answer all 5O questions

b) Each question carries one mark
c) Please hatch the appropriate oval in the OMR answer sheet with Black Pen or HB pencil ]:

1 The large difference between GCV and NCV of gaseous fuels is due to their
a) Large moisture content b) Negligible moisture content
c) Low hydrogen content d) Large hydrogen content.z
2. Which of the following contributes to spluttering of flame at burner tip during combustion
of fuel oil ?
a) Ash content b) Water content , c) Sulphur content d) Humidity of air
J. When pure hydrogen is burned with theoretical air, the volume percentage of nitrogen in
flue gas on dry basis will be
a) IOO% b) 79oh ^/ cl 21o/o dl O%
4 For a coal flred system the flame length is dictated by
a) Moisture b) 'Volatile rnattert c) Ash content d) Fixed carbon

5. Dissolved CO, in boiler feed water when left untreated would result in occurrence of
in boiler tubes
a) Creep b) Water side corrosiorl c) Scale d) Water hammer

6. At saturation temp, there can be

a) Hot water b) Wet steam
c) Saturated steam d) A11 of them are possible /
7. Water flows at a rate of 30 m3/hr. at 15oC in a 150 mm bore pipe horizontally. What is the
velocity of water flow in the pipe?
a) 0.47 mls , b) 0.94 rnls c) 1.BB m/s d) None of the above
I 4s Edition (Registered candidates of l7s NCE Regular & lSth NCE Supplementary| Paper-2 SET A
U. Which of the following is not true of condensate recovery?
a) Reduces water costs b) Reduces fuel costs
c) Increases boiler output d) Increases boiler blow down
9. Chemical used for dozing in boiler drum to reduce dissolved gases is
a) Hydrazine / bl Chlorine c) Alum d) All of the above
10. Which of the following is not a property of ceramic flbre ?
a) Low thermal conductivity b) Light weight
c) High heat capacity, d) Thermal shock resistant
t1 In a reheating furnace, soaking time of a cycle depends typically on;
a) Excess air level b) Preheat temperalure of charge
c) Thickness of the charged material d) Furnace atmosphere
12. Higher excess air in an oil fired furnace would result in
a) Increased furnace temperature b) Increase in co, content in flue gas
c) Reduced flame temperature z d) Increased flame length
13. In a pressure reduction valve, which of these does not change?
a) Temperature b) Pressure c) Enthalpy / dl None of above

t4. In a counter-flow heat exchanger, cold fluid enters at 3O'C and leaves at sO"C, whereas the
hot fluid enters at 150"C and leaves at 130'C. The LMTD is
${ a) 100"C b) 280'C c) O'C dl 2A
g:1 15. Deaerator is a heat exchanger.
t'. a) Shell and tube type b) Plate type
f* c) Direct contact type 1 d) Run around coil type

16. Pinch analysis uses the _ law of thermodynamics

a) First b) Second c) Third x l) Both (a) & fb)

17. What is the most effective way to avoid ambient air infiltration into a continuous reheating
a) Maintain negative pressure in furnace b) Increase the chimney height
c) Operate at about 90% capacity d)Maintain slighfly positive pressure in tl:e furnae
18. Select the wrong statement with respect to furnace operations
a) The burner flame should not touch the stock
b) Air infiltration leads to oxidation of billets
c) Ceramic fibre linings are used in the exterior of the furnace/
d) Heat loss through openings is proportional to Ta

19. The heat recovery device in which high conductivity bricks are used for storing heat is
a) Heat pipe b) Heat pump c) Thermo compressor d) Regeneratot.t
20. The exhaust from which of the following is not suitable for waste heat boiler application?
a) Gas turbine b) Hot air dryer/ c) Diesel engine d) Furnace
21. Desirable boiler water pH should be?
a) 5-7 b) 7-9 z c) 9-11 d) None ofthe above
4th Edition (Registered candidates of 17th NCE Regular & 16th NCE Supplementaryl Paper-2 SET A
22. Which of the following has the lowest stoichiometric oxygen demand (kglkg of fuel)?
a) Hydrogen b) Carbon c) Sulphur z d) Nitrogen
23. Which of the following is used for controlling pressure in a natural draft furnace?
a) Forced draft fan b) Induced draft fan c) Dampers z d) Both (a) & (b)

24. The head loss due to friction in a pipe is

a) Directly proportional to the diameter
b) Directly proportional to the gravitational constant
c) Inversely proportional to the velocity
d) Directly proportional to the square of velocity,

25. Which trap is preferred in discharge of condensate recovered from process equipment?
a) Float trap b) Therr.nodynamic trap r
c) Thermostatic trap d) All of the above

26. Enthalpy of Evaporation of any vapour at its Critical Point will be

a) Maximum b) Zero / c) Less than zero d) Unpredictable
27. Corrosion in chimney or stack, Air Pre-Heater, Economizer is mainly influenced by
a) Sulphur content in fuelz b) Ash content in fuel
c) Moisture content in fuel d) All of the above

28. Which of the following fuels has the least viscosity?

a) Furnace Oil b) Diesel / c) Kerosene d) Crude Oil

29. Select the odd one among the following

a) Condenser b) Distillation tower c) Evaporator d) EconomiserT
30. Which of the following depends on physical properties of fluids as well as geometry of the
heat exchanger?
a) Overall heat transfer coefficient z b) Fouling coeffi.cient
c) LMTD (Log Mean Temperature Difference) d) Effectiveness
31 In a boiler air preheater is installed
a) Before the economizer b) After economizer t
c) After ESP d) Before superheater
cz. Sulphur percentage in furnace oil
a) Sets lower flue gas temperature limit' b) Improves viscosity
c) Does not add to heat value d) Forms soot
33. Controlled wetting of coal (during the coal preparation) would result in
a) Improper combustion
b) Decrease in the percentage ofunburn carbonX
c) Reduction in flue gas exit temperature X
d) Increase in the fi.nes of coal z
34. Which of the following is considered in the calculation of 'evaporation ratio' ?

a) Calorific value of fuel b) Latent heat of steam

c) Fuel quantity.z d)A11 of the above



4th Edition (Reglstered ""odid"t:" of 17* NCE Rtg'ltt &

Which causes alkaline hardness in water
b) Chlorides of Mg and Ca
a) Bicarbonates of Ca and Mg '
c) Silicates d) Nitrates of Ca and Mg

lo/, of the fuel is saved.inboilerfuelconsumption,ifthefeedwatertemperatureisincreased

d) 10"c
a) 4'C
Velocity of steam in steam pipe is directly proportional
a) Number of bends in pipe b) Specific volume of steam
d) Diameter of the pipe
c) Length of pipe
The working media in a thermo-compressor 1s
a) ElectricitY b) ComPrdssed air c) High temperature oi1

The turbine heat rate is expressed as

b) kglkcat c) kcal/kWhz d) None ofthe above
a) kWh/kcal
A rise in conductivity of boiler feed water indicates
More steam generation
a) Drop in the total dissolved solids in boiler water Lr)

d) Greater Puriq- of feed water

c) Rise in the total dissolved solids in boiler water/
The insulation used for temperatures more than
c) Calcium silicate, d.) None of the above
a) Polyurethane b) PoiYstYrene
.critical point, of steam/water mixture?
Which of these is not true of
a) The temperature at critical point is 374'15'C
b) The pressure at critical point is 227 '2 bat
d) trnthalpy of evaporation is maximum at critical
The effectiveness of insulation with ingress of moisture
a) Increase
b) Decrease,'
d) Remain unaffected

The major limitation of metallic recuperator is

a) Limitation of handling COx, NOx etc'
1000'C r
b) Limitation of reduced life for handiing temperature more than
c) Manufacturing difflculty of the required design
d) None of the above
place is
In a turbine, the thermodynamic process taking
c) Condensation d) AU the above
a) Contraction b) ExPansion/

temperature b) Clinker formation z

a) Low steam
Melting of lime stones d) Ash carry over
4th Edition (Registered eudidates of 17e NCE Regular & 15th NCE Supplementaryt Paper-2 SET A
+t. Electrical ener$/ consumption for coal sizing will be maximum for
a) Stoker fired boiler b) AFBC boiler c) CFBC boiler d) Pulverised coal boiler,

48. Ideal furnace for melting & alloying of special steels is

a) Induction furnace / b) Cupola furnace
c) Rotary hearth d) Recirculating bogie furnace

49. Arrange the following fuels by their GCV in decreasing order-

(p) Ricehusk, (q)Diesel, (r) Gradet Coal, (s) Hydrogen
a) s-q-r-p I b) p-q-r-s c) r-s-q-p d) q-r-s-p

50. Water logging of 2 rn lift of condensate at trap discharge will result in back pressure of _
a) o.o2kglcm' u) o.2kglcm21 c) 2kglcm2 d) 2okg/cm2

End of Section - I ---------

* iV


(i) Answer all eiqht questions
(ii) Each question carries five marks
s-1 In a plant, a boiler is generating saturated steam of 10 TPH at a pressure of 7 kg/cm,(g) with
furnace oil as a fuel.
Feed water temperature = 60'C
Evaporation ratio =14

Calorific value of FO = 10000 kcallkg

Specific gravity of FO = 0.95
Enthalpy of steam at7 kglcm2(g) = 660 kcar/kg
Find out the efficiency of the boiler by direct method and volume of furnace oil tank (in m3)
required for l2O hrs ofoperation

s-2 In a process plant, 30 TPH of stgam after pressure reduction with pressure
reducing valve to 20 kg/cm2(a) gets superheated. The temperature of steam is 280"C.
The management wants to install a de-superheater to convert superheated steam
into saturated steam at 20 kg/ crn2(a) for process use, and its saturation temperature is
Calculate quantity of water at 3O"C to be injected in de-superheater to get the desired
saturated steam using the following data.
. Specific heat ofsuperheated steam 0.45 kcat/kg"C, .,go*'
. Latent heat of steam at 2Okglcrn2(a) 450 kcal/kg

s-3 A steam pipe of 1o0mm diameter is insulated with mineral wool. As a part of energz
saving measure, the insulation is upgraded with efficient Calciurn silicate insulation.
Calculate the percentage reduction in heat loss due to above measure with the following
Paper-2 SET A
of 17'h NCE Regular & 16'h NCE SuPPlementaryl
4th Edition (Registererl candidates
Boiler efficiencY
wool 95"C
Surface temPerature with mineral
silicate 5s'c
Surface temPerature with calcium
Ambient temPerature

List any six losses in a Boiler

gas loss in a coal fired boiler
Name two sources of wet flue

ffid.ownrateforaboi1erwithaneYaporationrateof5tons/hr make
in boiler water is 3oo0
hr, if the maximum permissibre TDS l?ht\il*
"* ill
The feed water TDS is around 400 ppm'
up water addition'
and permanent hardness in boiler
Briefly exPlain temPorary hardness
good practices in furnals
List down any flve energy efflcient

^r +u^
at the end of Lo^L
the back
of steam
il, ffi;;,';; ata and s00"c. The exit conditions
pressureturbineislS6"C,withenthalpyof2S35.SkJ/kg.Afterprocessheating,allthe and EnerSr
at 730c returns to the boiler' calculate the Heat to Porver Ratio
of the
ttre process'
process. ruc
Fuei consumption of the boiler is. 8'2 TPH coal at
ut,ization factor
i^^^ 1-^-1 t1-^GCV'
,=,".\I Q$CIq
\t \\+1't:':'T;' q'l'
4800 kcal/kg, "
ffiredboi1ersofcapacity100TPHareoperatedtnarefiner1-.They a:id -lo9o load are
The part load efflciencies at 70r:
have a ful1 load efficiency of 90"k. rvhich one
respectively. For meeting total steam requirement of f -i0 TPH'
75o/o a]ld.657o *Jre preferred case'
case u,ould you prefer and estimate the 7o savings in
of the following
value of the fuel oi1 is 10'000 kcal/kg'
all the cases. Caloriflc
at 70 TPH capacity each'
Case 1: Both the boilers are operated
Case 2: One boiler op""t"a tt firff fota
of Section

(i) Answer all Six questions
(ii) leB marks
Each question carries len
fuel has volumetric composition as CHu - 70 '/' & C2H6 - 309'b' The
A gaseous
of CHo & C2H6 is 45000 kJ/Nm3
& 70000 kJ/Nm3 respecti\-e1y' Find
caloriflc value vapor -
Net Caloriflc Value of saseous ruel in kJ/Nm3. ,r"]-..\qa'1!:.11xl*'
out the
2aa5 kJ lkg)
steam distribution netr'l'ork and
the steam condensate
A Textile plant has an extensive
is plan"-1t":-":t]:i:tJ:iff:,i:
is not being recovered" The plant manasement


46 Edition {Registeed of 17e I{CE Regular & 16th NCE Supplementar5rf Paper-2 SET A
are fne prrarnefers aDour rne sysrem,
Condensate quantity : 1000 kgl}rr
Condensate pressure = 10 bar
Cost of steam = Rs 1 100/ Ton
Annual operating hours = 8000 hrs
Low pressure process steam (flash steam) pressure 2 bar
Sensible heat ofcondensate at 10 bar = 1BB kcal/kg
Sensible heat of condensate at 2 bar = 135 kcal/kg
Latent heat ofsteam at2bar 518 kcal/kg
Boiler Efflciency : 82 oh

GCV of fuel oil = 1O,200 kcal/kg

Speciflc Gravity of fuel oil = O.92
Condensate temperature after flash steam recovery = 95oe
Make up water temperature = 35oC

Calculate the quantity of flash steam which can be recovered, and the annual fuel oil {
savings on account of cond.ensate recovery from flash vessel. Ct$* r 6.>')'l ' gullJr :5,t1

t:t Analyse the diagram as given below and calculate:

(i) Boiler Efficiency by direct method 41t9\

(ii) Water Temperature in the condensate tr..rk n5$
(iii) Estimate fuel loss due to temperature drop between condensate tank and boiier inlet
assuming the boiler efficiency to be the same. fi.
Given data:

Enthalpy of steam at 10kg/cm2 - 665 kcal/kg

Furnace Oil consumption 600 liters/hr
Specifi.c Gravity of furnace oil 0.89
GCV of furnace oil 10,000 kcal/kg








L-4 A heat exchanger is to be designed to condense the hydrocarbon vapor mixture from a
distillation column at the rate of 11 kg/sec which is available at its saturation temperature
of 120'C. The latent heat of condensation of the hydrocarbon vapor mixture is 450 kJ /kg.
The Cooling water at 32"C is used" in counter-current mode at the rate of 58 kg/sec to


4th Eilltlon (Registered candidates of 17ih NCE Regular & 16th NCp Supplementary| Paper-2 SEif A

condense the vapor mixture. The speciflc heat of cooling water is 4.18 kJ/kgoC. Determine
LMTD and area of the heat exchanger surface if the overall heat transfer co-efficient is
: rr'3rl k
600 (J/s)(m')("c). -,r, 1L,\i , L,^no A ' wb'fi
L-5 a) Explain the process of mechanical de-aeration and chemical de-aeration
b) How does an enerry auditor assess the performance of steam trap during ener$/ audit?
L-6 Answer the following:

(a) Explain why dry saturated steam is preferred over wet or superheated steam for
industrial process heating.
(b) Why should one use dry saturated steam at the lowest possible pressure for indirect
steam heating?
(c) What are the two major advantages of direct injection of steam for heating of liquid?
(d) Why are drain points required in a steam system?
(e) What is flash steam?

End of Section - III


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