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Peer Assessment

Using named examples, explain why the effects of a tectonic

hazard vary between areas of contrasting levels of wealth. [6

Marks Response
1-2 Shows some knowledge of the effects of a tectonic activity in
relation to the wealth of the country. Limited geographical
understanding shown. Limited demonstration of the link
between the effects of a tectonic activity and the relative
wealth of the country.
3-4 Demonstrates specific and clear knowledge of the effects of a
tectonic activity in relation to the wealth of the country.
Demonstrates clear geographical understanding of named
examples. Demonstrates a clear understanding of the link
between the effects of a tectonic activity and the wealth of the
5-6 Demonstrates a thorough application of knowledge and
understanding. Clear demonstration of detailed geographical
understanding of named examples. Detailed explanations of
the interrelationships between the effects and the relative
wealth of a country.

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