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St. Gabriel’s Secondary School 2011 ‘O’ Preliminary Examination Subject Chemistry Paper 5072/2 Level/Stream : 4 Express Duration 1 hr 45 minutes Date : 20 September 2011 Setters : Mr. Anthony Phoon Candidates answer on the Question Paper. Additional Materials: Answer Paper and Periodic Table READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your name and index number on all the work you hand in. Wiite in dark blue or black pen on both sides of the paper. You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. Section A Answer all questions in the spaces provided. Section B Answer all three questions, the last question is in the form eitherfor. FOR EXAMINER'S USE Write your answers on the lined paper provided and, if necessary, | Section A continue on separate answer paper. a At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. B8 ‘The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each an question or part question. 89 Either A ; 83 6R copy of the Data Sheets printed at bottom of page 13. A copy of the Periodic Table is printed on page 14, Tour ‘This question paper consists of 14 printed pages including this cover page. [Turn over Paper 2 Section A Answer all questions in this section in the space provided. The total mark for this section is 50. Choose from the following compounds to answer the questions (a) to (e) below. Ammonium chloride Calcium oxide Copper (tt) nitrate Ethene Nitrogen monoxide Potassium iodide of-felol|=l Sulfuric acid Use the letters ‘A’ to ‘G' to represent the compounds. Each letter may be used once, more than ‘once or not at all. ‘Which compound (2) - is most likely to reduce the temperature of water when dissolved ty (b) forms a yellow precipitate with silver nitrate, i (€) is used as a test for the presence of an oxidizing agent, .. a (4) _ is likely to produce a black solid with acidified potassium manganate(Vil), 1 (e) _ is used by farmers to reduce soil acidity? ... tt] {f) Draw the monomer that is used to produce the polymer shown here: tm CH; H Diagram of p@homer: v3 4 fe koe hi (g) A solution of sodium carbonate reacts with hitric acid to produce sodium nitrate, carbon dioxide and Weer. Write aa ‘onic equation to illustrate this reaction. State symbols are [1] not required. 2 Potassium chlorate (KCIO,) is a compound that is often used in the making of fireworks. It can | bbe produced by passing chlorine gas into a concentrated solution of potassium hydroxide. fa) Balance the following equation to show the reaction-ts produce potassium chlorate. Ch (9) +6KOH (aq) > _KC10g (aq) +_éRF(aq) +_ 1,0 () "a {b) Its known that the oxidation number of Botassium is +1 and that of oxyget is -2. Calculate the oxidation number of chlorine in potassium chloride and potassium chlorate respectively. Hence, explain whether chlorine is an oxidizing agent or a reducing agent or both a (c) "By referring to your answer in (b) and a suitable property of halogens, state whether the answer to (b) is usual or unusual. (1) Potassium chlorate can be used to produce oxygen candles which are used as emergency ‘oxygen supplies for firemen and coal-mine rescue crews. Devices that contain oxygen candles are often filled with a fiter of lithium hydroxide which is used to absorb carbon dioxide. The equation is shown here: 2LiOH (aq) + CO2 (g) —> LixCO, (aq) + HO (1) (d)__ Explain why the reaction is a neutralization reaction. (1 (f) Draw a dot-and-cross atagram to show the structure of lithium hydroxide. Show ‘only the (2) ifamansypically exhales 50 dm? of carbon dioxide per hour, calculate the mass of lithium hydroxide fequired to last a rescuer who needs to use an oxygen candle for 24 hours. (31 valence shells. 2] In an experiment, 10.0 cm® of 1.0 molidm? aqueous copper) sulfate was placed in a conicat flask. From a burette, 50.0 cm? of 1.0 molidm® aqueous ammohia was slowly added, The flask was swirled to ensure even mixing of reactants. A probe which measured electrical conductivity of a solution was also placed in the conical flask and it measured the electrical conductivity throughout the entire experiment. Cu™(aq) + 20H(aq) + Cu(OH).(s) {a) Calculate the number of moles of copper) ions in the mixture. a (B) Calculate the number of moles of hydroxide ions from aqueous ammonia in the mixture. (You may assume aqueous ammonia fully ionizes in this reaction.) (1) (c) Making use of your results in (a) and (b), and knowledge of qualitative analysis of chemicals, describe the observations as all of the aqueous ammonia is slowly added to the copperifl) silfate solution. Explain the observations, 2 {d1- Desoribe and explain the ¢lrnges in electrical conductivity from the start of the ‘experiment til all the aqueous ammonia has been added. 8) There are many ways that we can protect the environment. One such way involves the recycling of metals such as aluminium. Aluminium is a metal that is extracted from the electrolysis ofits ore which is known as bauxite. To conserve aluminium we can recover it from drink cans. (@) Give two reasons why metals such as aluminium should be recycled instead of being extracted from its ore. [2] (6) Fuel cells can be used to replace fossil fuels as a means of'producing electricity. A type of fuel cellis shown in the diagram below. Bélow the diagram, write down an equation to illustrate the reaction that occurs at the anode and at the cathode. State symbols are not required, Anodic reaction: (1) Cathodic reaction: O) Make use of your equations to explain how electricity is generated in a fuel cell ft] A carbon sink is any natural or artificial reservoir or process that accumulates and stores carbon-containing compounds for a period of time. fe) ‘Name one natural carbon sink and describe how it works as a carbon sink. (e) Explain why carbon monoxide is a pollutant and how its production or release into the atmosphere can be minimized. (2] (21 [2] a Copper(ll) nitrate, graphite and co per can conduct electricity. Consequently they can be used as materials for electrolysis. (@) Compare and contrast the ways that copper(I nitrate, graphite and copper conduct electricity by completing the table. ie Type(s) of particles State(s) of matter during Material involved in conducting which it conducts electricity electricity Copper(tl) nitrate Graphite Copper BB) (6) Two solutions of copperill) nitrate were separately electrolyzed using copper electrodes and Graphite electrodes. State how thagsbservations are different by completing the table. r ‘Anode Cathode Electrolyte Using copper Using graphite [4] | (¢) Write an equation to show what happens at the anode when Silvérchitrdte.solution is electrolyzed using coffer electrodes, TH (4) A plastic cup needs to be electroplated with a layer of cop, per. Explain why it needs to be Coated with metalic paint before electroplating. i) ‘The equation for the tgaction of calcium carbonate with hydrachlorig, acid is CaCO; + 2HCI> CaCl + H,O + CO, 5 q of calcium carbonate granules were added to an excess of dilute hydrochloric acid at 30 °C and #ts volume was recorded at regular intervals. fa) }) (c) 500 cm* of carbon dioxide gas was produced in the experiment. Calculate the percentage purity of the sample of calcium carbonate granules. fl Using the axes below, sketch a graph to show how the rate of this reaction changes with time. Label this graph (b). or On the same axes, sketch the graph that you would expect when the experiment wore repeated at the same temperature with (i) the same volume and concentration of acid, but with § g of calcium carbonate powder. Label this graph (ci). (li) 2.59 of calcium carbonate granules and same volume of acid, but with acid of half the original concentration. Label this graph (cit. QI Section B [30 marks] Write your answers on the foolscap provided, Answer all three questions from this section, ‘The last question is in the form of either/or and only one altemative should be attempted. B7 Electrode potential is a way to represent the amount of energy needed for a reaction to occur. AS such, it can show us how readily a reaction occurs. tn simple terms, Glectrode potential, the more readily a reaction tends to occur Electrode reaction the more positive an Electrode potential/V | AID AP +3e +1.66 Ca> Ca +20 42.87 [ Cu> Cu® #26 ~0.34 FedFe*+2e [ay Fe > Fe +3e +0.04 %Ch+e> ct +1.36 Khteor [F084 CRO? + 7H + 3e > CP + THEO 413300 ° | (@) Arrange copper, aluminium, electrode potential (b) By examining your answer in (a), electrode potential. (c) The electrode potential of the reaction Hg Hg + 2e is above data, suggest whethérst idacts with hydrochloric (4) Aminer has a choice of extracting iron from two mines fron and caleium according to decreasing (highest first) (th State the relationship between reactivity of metals and 1] -0.85 V. By referring to the acid. Explain your answer. 21 One mine is filled mainly with iron(l) suide while the other is mostly iron( tt) oxide. By ‘eferring to the data, explain ‘which 7s the cheaper mine from which to extract iron, 8) (2) A student believes that the relative oxidizing ability of different substances can be deduced from their electrode potentials. Explain whether acidified potassium Br. fy B8 An organic compound citronellol is shown in the diagram below. It is used in the perfume industry. {a) Draw the compound that is formed when it reacts with methanoic acid. (1) (b) Draw the compound that is formed when several identical molecules of citronelicl is allowed to react at 150 ° the presence of nickel powder. 1 (c) _Citronellol is boiled under reflux with acidified potassium dichromate(VI). {i) Describe what you would expect to observe. (i) Using structures, show this reaction, I Unlike inorganic substances, organic substances are often distilled using a method called steam distillation. The apparatus for this separation technique is shown below. This method is particularly effective as it allows the organic substance to be distilled at a lower temperature than its boiling point. Unfortunately, the distillate is a mixture of water and the organic substance. {d) Suggest two reasons why most organic substances cannot be separated using simple distillation, (21 (e) Using a suitable diagram, briefly explain how the organic substance (of density 0.8 glom*) can be separated from water, both of which are in the distillate, 2) (f) Both protein and Nylon are polyamides. When protein and Nylon are separately broken down using sodium hydroxide, the resulting monomers of protein were found to have a fixed boiling point while the monomers of Nylon did not have a fixed boiling point. By referring to monomers, suggest a reason for this. U1 BS Either The graph below illustrates t he trends in boiling points of chlorides of elements in the third period of the Periodic Table, 1500 1000 Boiling points 500 Temperature / °C MgCl, PCiz SCh (a) Explain, in terms of structure ar ind bonding, the difference in boling points of MgCl, 13] and SCh. . (b) Explain, in terms of structure, the difference in boiling points of PC), and SCh, (2) Chlorine is an important element which is used in many industries, One such use from many Years back was to make chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). CFCs were ‘sometimes used as Propeliants in aerosols and as refrigerants. “They tend to'be ‘relatively stable until they reach the Stratospheric region where they decompose and chlorine atoms, which are formed in the decomposition reaction, react with ozone molecules. These reactions lead to layer. ‘holes’ in the ozone Piluoromethane, CHeFajs a hydrofiuorocarbon, ican be used to replace CFCs in aerosols as it does not lead to depletion of the ozone layer. (4) ()_ Explain why holes in the ozone layer can be harmful to our health, 2 (li) Draw a dot-and-cross diagram to show the bonding in difluoromethane, CHF, showing only the valence shells. 2) (ili) Suggest a reason why hydroflurocarbons have no effect on the ozone layer. tt] BO Or ‘Ammonia is manufactured by the Haber process No+3H, — 2NHs. The graph below shows the yield of ammonia at different temperature and pressure conditions. 70 asqec | fF — 60 molt 2 OyrC 3 50 459°C é 40 50q°c & 30+-- 5 T+ 37 po rssre 104 gz an ° © "50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 pressure/atinosphere (a) By referring to the graphs, choose the combination of conditions that gives the highest « yield of ammonia. (1 (b) The conditions for producing ammonia in industries are 450 °C, 250 atm and iron powder. Explain why these conditions are chosen instead of the ones that you have listed in (a). [3] (c) The Haber process is an exothermic reaction, {i) Draw the energy profile diagram of this reaction without a catalyst. (i) On the same axes as (i), draw the energy profile diagram of this reaction with a catalyst. Label the diagram ‘with catalyst’. 2] (d) A student reacted 5 g of ammonium chloride with 100 cm? of 0.5 molidm® calcium hydroxide according to the equation, ZNH.CI +/Ca(OH), >CaCh + NH +PH.0. (i) Write the ionic equation for this teabtict, (ii) Calculate the expected volume of ammonia gas produced; (iii)Explain why the volume of ammonia gas is less than expected. (4] End of Paper 2 DATA Sheet ~ Colours of some common metal hydroxides ‘Aluminium hydroxide | White Tron(ily hydroxide Green Zine hydroxide | white Caicium hydroxide | White lron(ili) hydroxide | Red-brown ~ | Copperill) hydroxide | Light blue Lead{il) hydroxide White ~

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