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Lesson Plan Title: Novel Study Keepern Me by Richard Wagamese

Date: April 3, 2017

Subject: English A30 Grade: 12
Topic: The Blanket Exercise

Essential Question: How does the Sixties scoop still affect our society today?

Materials: Keepern me novel, space (gym), kleenex, chairs (talking circle),

rock/talking stick, elder, The blanket kit (KAIROS), faciliator for exercise, guidance

Stage 1- Desired Results you may use student friendly language

What do they need to understand, know, and/or able to do?

There are some very important aspects of Identity that are going to be explored.
Students will understand that there were polices put in place for from Eurocentric
worldviews that placed such as the sixties scoop, residential school, that severed First
Nations people ties from their communities and thus leading to identity, cultural and
language loss.

Broad Areas of Learning:

Engaged Citizens In the English language arts, students learn how language enables
them to make a difference in their personal, family, and community lives. Language
gives them a sense of agency and an ability to make a difference in their community
and the world in which they live.

Cross-Curricular Competencies:


Outcome(s): CR A 30.1

View, listen to, read, comprehend, and respond to a variety of grade-appropriate First Nations, Metis,
Saskatchewan, and Canadian texts that address: identity (e.g., Define the Individual, Negotiate the

PGP Goals:

Goal 4: demonstrate curricular competencies including:

4.1knowledge of Saskatchewan curriculum and policy documents and applies
this understanding to plan lessons, units of study and year plans using
curriculum outcomes as outlined by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education;

4.2the ability to incorporate First Nations, Metis, and Inuit knowledge, content
and perspective into all teaching areas

Stage 2- Assessment

Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help
determine next steps.

Formative Assessment will be when conducting and taking part in The Blanket Exercise,
participation is important even when students are watching (if they do not want to take
part in exercise). They will be holding onto a First Nation object, standing on a blanket,
going through each stage of process on colonialism and what First Nations people
endured when Government policies were set in place, it is an emotional exercise but also
necessary for students to see the hard truth of Canadas First Nation people.

Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate

what they have learned.

As part of this exercise at the end everyone will take part in a talking circle after, it will
help students to express themselves and that they felt, carried and endured during the
exercise. It will touch on the hardships that First Nation people have faced since the
beginning of colonialism.
Stage 3- Learning Plan

Motivational/Anticipatory Set (introducing topic while engaging the students)

KWL chart over the sixties scoop, residential schools, murder and missing aboriginal,
truth and reconciliation

Main Procedures/Strategies:

The Blanket Exercise is an important teaching tool that uses participatory popular
education methodology to raise awareness and understanding of the history of the
relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada.
Truth and Reconciliation, Residential Schools, Sixties scoop, Murdered and missing
Aboriginal women.
1) Facilitator will conduct the blanket exercise for the classes participating
2) Offer full support to students having difficulty in the process of the exercise
3) Helping the elder, guidance counsellor with emotional support for all students
4) To have an open mind, heart with all students in talking circle after exercise


Self-reflection, protocols of First Nation culture (respect, obedience), Classroom rules do

not change when we go to the gym

Closing of lesson:

Students will self-reflect on what they have learned through The Blanket Exercise.
Talking circle at the end with everyone who participated in, Elder will be present and
guidance counsellor.
(KWL chart) what they have learned and to submit it in their journals.

Personal Reflection:

When I first did The Blanket Exercise, it always touches home in my heart. This is the
history of me people throughout time. It gives me a sense of hope to be able to have my
students in learning this in grade 12.

M. Wilkinson 16 *Adapted from Understanding by Design (McTighe and Wiggins, 1998)

Assignment #4: Culturally Responsive Instruction

The novel study focuses on many issues that First nation, Inuit and Metis people

have faced through colonialism. First Nation culture is nurtured and identified. The

main objective in this novel study is centered on finding Identity, discovering

Identity with regards to the ties to our First Nation communities and heritage. I

have knowledge First Nation culture by bringing the smudge, prayer, culture,

tradition, which is always a part of ceremony. I brought delicate and acknowledged

the history of the sixties scoop and residential school era and is centered on the

main idea when reading Keepern me. I have supported my students with

compassion, love and care in that this will affect and touch the hearts of my First

Nation students.

This lesson is that last one I will be finishing my unit plan up with, this will tie what

we have read on the sixties scoop together. It is The Blanket Exercise by KAIROS.

For some time I heard about it but never had the opportunity to take part in the

exercise. I took with a masters class out in Manitoba last summer. I was the only

undergraduate but I knew more of this inquiry land based learning class, in a sense

that this is about my culture, traditions and history of what it is like to be a First

Nations women living in Canada. The Blanket Exercise did have emotional

moments for me when I was reminded of how Government officials stole many First

Nation children from their families. This is a real experience for me as my late dad

was a residential school survivor and my mother is a sixties scoop survivor. I like to
know that when non-Indigenous people see that harsh reality of what happened to

my people, to me it is planting seeds of knowledge, compassion and understanding

that what they learned will ripple out.

With having my First Nation grade 12s on reserve, take part in this is will help shed

light on the hardships they face in todays society. It will help them to understand

through a more educated lens but to also give my students a positive aspect to it.

It is difficult at times not to view society with anger and bitterness as a young

adult, as I know this all too well myself growing up in Saskatoon during my high

school days. Many of the loss identity issues that will have all endured will help

guide them in understanding their and figuring out their own Identity.

Goal 3: demonstrate instructional competencies including:

3.1the ability to utilize meaningful, equitable and holistic approaches to
assessment and evaluation; and

3.2the ability to use a wide variety of responsive instructional strategies and

methodologies to accommodate learning styles of individual learners and
support their growth as social, intellectual, physical and spiritual beings.

Outcome 1 2 3 4 5
(Ready to
Lesson Planning & Assessment
1. I plan I plan I connect my Students would My plans My plans for
lessons and activities for activities to demonstrate effectively instruction and
assessment students to outcomes and outcomes and integrate assessment are
based on do, or what I indicators indicators doing outcomes and designed to
provincial will cover what I have indicators respond to my
curriculum planned with formative
instructional assessment of
strategies and students
2. I make I plan what I I plan I have a goal, My goal is My goal is
student will talk activities and but it is not clear and my clear and
learning goals about what I will written in a way instruction is effective and
for each cover related that is easy to focused on it my planned
lesson/task to a topic understand and instruction and
achieve activities are
likely to
achieve it
3. I know I can identify I plan lessons I choose the I choose I choose
which the types of that use a instructional instructional instructional
instructional instructional variety of strategies best and learning and learning
strategies to strategies and types of related to the strategies that strategies that
pick at given am instructional outcomes and are best are best related
times comfortable strategies indicators related to the to both
with one outcomes and outcomes and
category indicators indicators and
my students
4. My lessons My plan is It is clear what My lesson In addition to The lesson has
are ready to be most focused the lesson is includes the lesson, the everything you
used on what I will attempting to instructional materials would need to
talk about achieve, but strategies, (assessments, teach it, and
some elements questions, and handouts etc.) would
need more assessment in are ready to encourage a
details sequence be used sub to come
5. I create I can identify Some of my I have lesson My formative My formative
formative the difference assessments plans that check assessments assessments
assessments between could be used what all are focused tell me how to
types of while I am students on the most change the
assessments teaching understand part important plan as I go
way through elements of
the class my lessons
6. I create I have a plan Some of my My assessments My My students
summative to generate a assessments check if assessments help shape the
assessment mark are focused on students are easy for assessment and
the outcomes achieved the students to will understand
and indicators outcome understand the assessment
and check if easily
Professional Learning and Growth
7. I set and I wrote down I have goals in I have evidence I have I have a variety
use goals for some things I some areas of where I need evidence that of sources of
enhancing my need to fix to improve, and I have made evidence (self,
professional am working significant peer,
development towards progress instructor) that
specific goals towards the I am making
teaching goals significant
I set progress
towards a
variety of
teaching goals
Depth and Breadth of Planning Skills
11. I can My planning I recognize I plan I plan My planning is
demonstrate a is designed that culture instruction to instruction to designed to
culturally for students affects address address a allow me to
responsive like me relationships different range of learn from, and
instructional and learning cultural needs cultural needs respond to, my
stance students
12. I can use I know the My lessons My lessons I have a good I have a variety
all four types four types of have examples include the variety of of clear,
of questions questions of some of the different types, questions and powerful
types and my they are questions and
questions are phrased well. my essential
often phrased My essential question drives
well. I have question is my unit
tried an well worded
14. I My plans I understand My plans allow My plans My plans make
understand teach the the difference students to reflect it likely that
how to plan same things between make choices, preparation to students with
for to all students adaptation and and I have basic meet common different needs
differentiation and measure differentiation adaptations learning needs would
and all students (like more (disability, experience
adaptation learning in time) EAL, gifted success
the same way etc.)
15. I create My planned There are The planned My planned My entire unit
engaging activities and portions of my instruction and instruction is composed to
learning tasks would planned activities relate and activities increase
activities and be interesting activities, like the learning to would create connection
tasks for students a motivational student interests interest and between
who love the set, that would interaction students and
content be interesting between student
for students students ownership of
16. My Student I know key I know key I am My students
planned literacies literacies for literacies for describing will have the
activities could be my subject, my subject, and key subject opportunity to
would improve improved by but am not have shared literacies with self-assess and
the discipline the planned sharing them them explicitly my students improve
specific activities explicitly with with students and the literacy
literacy skills students learning strategies
of my students activities
would help
develop those
in students
Unit Planning
17. I can All the The CCCs, I have I have tried toMany
create a unit sections of knowledge, connected my add a variety elements, like
that would my unit plan and/or skills instructional of elements to assessment or
achieve the are filled in were unclear strategies to the make it more differentiation
outcomes and appropriately or knowledge and likely studentsetc. are woven
the indicators unconnected skills from the would together to
indicators demonstrate make it more
the likely students
knowledge could
and skills demonstrate
the outcome(s)
18. The final My final My final My final My final My final
task in my unit assessment is assessment assessment has assessment assessment
elicits evidence related to the checks how all the elements will provide will make the
of application content of the well students of GRASPS but clear evidence application of
in a new unit understand needs refining of my student
situation and remember to be clear and students learning
the main focused on the applying their relevant and
points of what essential learning in a useful
I taught understandings performance
19. I can I have I have planned My varied I have many My unit
create a unit completed all a variety of assessments ways to assesses
that would the parts of assessments, provide some determine if outcomes, and
assess the the template but their information my instruction has effective
outcomes and related to purpose is about student is working pre, formative,
indicators assessment unclear success including a and summative
good variety assessments
of formative
20. All the My unit plan My unit plan My unit plan My unit plan
Improvements sections of was had several had a number had substantial
in my unit my unit plan successfully drafts and of additions revisions that
plan show my are filled in edited for additions where designed to improve its
increased appropriately errors in I added more refine the overall quality
understanding writing content to make tasks, goals, and allow for
things clearer or differentiation
or fill in gaps assessments

Instructor comments:

Assignment grade:

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