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Analysis and Summary surtnone__ yn Pavines Assossoreoch__“SONNES CEo's ual Language and Literacy Assessment __ Gases) eee oate_1=}0 Using the Caitonia Pathways Second Language Profciency Descriptors estinae this student's cument stening, speaking, reading, ae tir proficiency, Estimated Longuage/titeracy Proficiency Summary Lisjening Proficiency Lovet: NoviceLow DNovicesia Novice High 1 incimaiiatetow intermediate id Di intormodiate Heh Di Advanced Data sources: C1 Conversational Language Assossment {D) Background Knowledge/re-Reading Suategias ei cit iovicetaw wera a Novice High CT inermociato tow TD inormadiate id TD incermodite igh Di Aevenced Data sources: i Conversational Language Assossment TZ) Background Knowiadge/Pre Reading Strategies (WOral Retelling CY GralRetelina Commenter Conmens/ieree é N ish ad Sasert enawexed oe cn bon Pry i‘ ont quem hae a NA aes Spenigh She CE ube wr : A sext. She dv Jo CA Ving Hany ene Men 10 SPELN, wrak Vv S Reon Engi PENG Roading Proficiency Level: Wigting Proficiency Level 7 NowoLow Novi Low Novo is Ei Novo I Nave gh ED Nevin igh Ci inomaiae-tow Ei ermadate.ow C1 Intermediate-Mid D1 intermediate Mid I inormediate 0h i inermedite igh CO Atvanced (7 Advanced Ota sowces: Dap sores: Lr mergent literacy Assessment Emergant Literacy Assessment eck 1 wiry Samp oval aang oven aloe 0 deonde Next pk ver cele trerag ad oper) iD Sainish Yagil Conments/iden : Silat ony Copied ext fn ale Spoush ond Engl, Session 4 Curricular Response to Student Needs Profile:_(ro\ 1.4 Skill/-Knowledge Inventory ‘Skillnowedge ee Suumrowiodse | ntieey | Lanpongo Froruciaton ) Yy Recognize diferent purposes or ‘Ward formation Vv Y ‘eating ard wing iaiibmoin [Neate tase ANN See ete - Vecabuleny Fracoss tot fon Tt ig Pranic avons y Yt tare Recognition of aichebet Repair meaning breakdowns ee ee Grapho-phonie cuing system y Planning 3 ‘Morpho-syntactic ouing system Y N. Conceive ideas about topic and Sonali ston YON purse u it Comprehension Bag primary ’ ee i NIN Composing weecampomatoms | | fj) seams pacais | Atonatsiyawodreoyiion| | Al i ice Genera knowhedgo __ Compose in ferent f ieee ere ‘Knowledge of domain-specific conventions material ‘Vary writing style eccording to i et aie “Povise drafts toconformto accepted discourse conventions Editing Edit datts for grammar, spling, and punctuation Running Record Form tom Vilma byuing Toitoyoaps 12 od WY SwodgL Instctions: Teacher sions or tape records as tho student reads @ text of 100-300 words, 2, Recoed a ¥ for each ward read correctly bs, Recatderais and sel corectons 2s follows Substitution oo 1+ R= Sov" Toa reatetiy el A “Gs 103, 4 “Bevel Stunt Score Insertion Omission -[ Teacher Repetition — ' Provides! | ee Book a = T WAG Big Big Big Bred] Scoring: Subtract umber of eros fram etl amber of passage wards, Die that number plycesus by 100 to get % of accuracy. 96% accuracy: Ind 80% accuracy: Instructional Below G0 Fraivatonal ___ using Systems Used ‘by tho total numer of passage words. Mit Vi Vv OD wn tro ws pv \ VIET ad Aa lv a lw Sev oe a H \ VVVVV Ss a VY v py Sr ee ‘ Browse vy AV WV Cl e Ti) vary sete? www shadow g v \O [TTT Meaning (Sainantis), $=Stucture (Syntactic), V=Visual [Graphoghonics) Conc: Developing Second Language Literary, 33 Page line MMezning [Semantics], S=Stucture(Syatics), V=Visul(Graphpnnies) Guiing Systonis Used Ears ‘SolfCorrect Session 4: Currealae Response to Student Needs 138 | Loot do You remember fen tne Fading ? Iocan see py Sha cou! I RighT said bey | pow she moved hey Fieger tlying itd she por ef her orm the Shadow oes oe le ae dg ‘ot es \o de \eor de lo aque o yo pucdo vey am shadow | CovveclO divo SU prania ela. ous dedoS $v6 shadow | hovye Y le gusTe Uh pajaro ela puso tn $v byate ve Volohba de Shadow Y Warro qvele OVS TAL MX un thigte <4 dJivetido en else BN e CHa . Can see My Dralos Corvect send, va wean She eooved her Lrgae an her Shadow he Sous and yo Wha the Towd that Mews Yo her orn, Wms 4 Shadows ond he soro Mak Yo Who vt Sre sad Ahok She S0u0 Mak Yay hed Con wilh Ye Son “ines, AEN Act SEE mse eH fitest the Scnoo! flurse ees 18 door oo nie do? rele reel novse. YellPE) ; hil Co oo chi children, Sie betes sik children, Sas IEE 9 BO CLR fd 2, Would you liks o-be a sclool nurse? Why or why not? Yeswhr't like The Kids, becane AHelper at the School Library, 1. How does a school librarian help students? hé hepS sTudents find Their fete 2. Librarians a at sctiools, Where else do librarians work? Architects design 2 What does an architect do?” 2, HlGw do architects share their ideas with others?

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