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Energy Data Cheat Sheet Links to selected data and analysis, August 2016

Global Oil Production Brent Crude Price World Oil Stocks World Gas Reserves Rotary Rigs Running
95.97 mln. bbl/d 45.07 $bbl 2.39 bln. bbl 186.9trln. m3 1,407units
in June 2016 in July 2016 in May 2016 in 2015 in June 2016

Popular Energy Industry Publications Production Facilities

International Energy Statistics EIA A Q M 1973-2015 Rotary Rig Count Baker Hughes A M 1975-2016
Oil, gas, coal production, consumption, trade, reserves, CO2 emissions; Number of rotary rigs running for many countries and regions.
electricity generation and installed capacity (including renewable and nuclear). North America Rotary Rigs Baker Hughes D 1987-2016
Review of World Energy BP A 1965-2015 Oil and gas rotary rig count, by type (land, offshore, direct, horizontal, vertical)
Stocks, trade, production, consumption of fossil fuels and renewables. in regions of Canada and the US.

Energy Statistics Database UN A 1990-2013 LNG Liquefaction Plants IGU A 2015

Production, trade, transformation, losses, stock changes of energy products, Geotagged database of global LNG facilities, by status (existing, under
including motor gasoline, kerosene, brown coal; energy consumption by sectors. construction and planned) for selected countries.

Energy Resources BGR A 2009-2013 Power Reactors IAEA A 1995-2015

Reserves and resources as well as production, consumption, trade of energy Information on power reactors, including operating experience with nuclear
resources by type including crude oil, natural gas, hard coal, uranium. power plants for selected countries and regions.

EU Country Factsheets EC A 1990-2014 Coal Plants End Coal A 2016

Energy balance (production by fuels, consumption by sectors, net imports, Coal plants, by status, globally, including capacity and CO2 emissions.
transformation), electricity generation, GHG emissions of EU member states.

BP Statistical Review of World Energy Oil

The review delivers objective and globally consistent data on
world energy markets. It highlights changes in global energy
Oil Market Report IEA A Q M 2001-2017
Crude oil supply, petroleum product demand, processing gains, stock changes;
production and consumption that have had implications for
production by selected countries and regions.
global prices, fuel mix, and CO2 emissions.
Annual Statistical Bulletin OPEC A M 1960-2015
Crude oil reserves, production, prices; active rigs, producing wells, processing
Energy Companies gains by companies for many countries and regions.

Biggest Public Companies Forbes A 2015-2016 World Rig Count OPEC A Q M 2012-2016
Number of oil, gas and other rigs; rigs for OPEC and non-OPEC countries.
Sales, profits, assets, and market value of the largest public oil & gas companies.
Oil Supply and Demand OPEC A Q M 2011-2017
Global 500 Companies FT A 2014-2015
Oil supply, demand, market balance, required and actual production of crude
Turnover, assets, employees, and other financials of the largest public companies. oil for OPEC and non-OPEC countries and regions.
America's 500 Companies Fortune A 2000-2015
Oil Dataset JODI M 2002-2016
Revenue, assets, capital, and other financials of the 500 largest US companies. Production, import, export, closing stocks, stock change, demand of crude oil
US Oil and Gas Reserves Study EY A 2015 and petroleum products for many countries.
Revenues, production costs, exploration expense of US oil & gas companies. Closing Oil Stock Levels IEA M 2008-2016
Total oil stocks, industry and public; stocks held outside national boundaries
for selected countries and regions.
Outlook for Energy ExxonMobil A 1990-2040 IEA Monthly Oil Market Report
Primary energy supply, supply by fuel, demand by end use sectors; electricity Analysis of global oil market trends as well as projections for oil
generation by fuel for China, India, the US and major world regions. supply and demand 12-18 months ahead. Statistics on oil
supply, demand and crude oil production by OPEC countries, and
Energy Outlook 2035 BP A 1990-2035 expectations for the months ahead.
Consumption of energy by fuel and sector; production of energy by fuel for
China, India, the US, OECD and non-OECD countries, and major world regions.
World Energy Outlook 2040 IEA A 1990-2040
Energy supply, demand, prices, by type; oil and gas investment; installed
electricity capacity and generation; CO2 emissions. Global Petrol Prices GPP M W 2013-2016
Prices for diesel, gasoline and LPG for many countries.
International Energy Outlook EIA A 2010-2040
Petroleum and other liquids production; energy consumption by end use Energy Prices over Time EC A W D 1987-2016
sectors under different scenarios for selected countries and regions. Consumer prices, taxes, excises, consumption of petroleum in EU member states.
Commodity Forecast Price WB A 2013-2025 Electricity Prices Eurostat A 2005-2016
Real and nominal price outlook for coal, oil, and natural gas. Electricity prices by type of user (households, industries) in EU member states.
Commodity Price Data WB A M 1960-2016
Crude Oil Price Forecast: Long Term to 2025 Real and nominal prices of crude oil, natural gas, and coal.
Primary Commodity Prices
The World Bank estimated in its January 2016 commodity forecast A Q M 1980-2016
report that the average spot price for crude oil would fall slightly
Prices of crude oil, natural gas, and coal.
further in 2016 to $37/bbl from $51/bbl in 2015. The IMF
anticipated a similar expected decline to $50.4/bbl in 2016. Commodity Price Forecasts IMF A 2003-2021
Outlook of prices for crude oil, natural gas, and coal.

Natural Gas, Electricity and Biofuels Review of World Energy Prices BP A Q 1861-2015
Prices of oil, gas, and coal products; refining margins of crude oil.
Gas World Database JODI M 2009-2015
Production, imports, exports, closing stocks, stock change of natural gas. Global Petrol Prices
World Electricity Database IEA A 2012-2013 Analysis of global petrol prices as of May 2016, including prices
Urban and rural electrification rate; population without electricity. for gasoline, diesel and liquefied petroleum gas. Data is
available in US dollars and local currency units as well as 1-
Bio Energy Production USDA A M 1992-2016 week and 3-month percent change.
Production capacity and utilization rates of bio energy (ethanol, biodiesel)
and alternative fuels for the US and its states. Sources referenced:

Bio Energy Prices USDA A Q M 1981-2015 Baker Hughes

End Coal
Financial Times
Prices for biodiesel, corn, ethanol, gasoline; market share and consumption of ExxonMobil JODI
BP Global Petrol Prices
ethanol and gasoline in the US. EC EY International Atomic Energy Agency OPEC

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