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Deborah Kimbrough-Lowe

SPS 102 Blended Course Implementation Checklist

Before the Course Starts:

Review the Welcome and Getting started content (include any

technical updates).

Set up Blackboard for online portion of blended course

(create/configure online quizzes, set-up grade book, set up attendance
roster, etc.).

Upload all course documents (revised course syllabus, schedule,

rubrics, etc.).

Complete and upload all online content/assignment modules.

Check functionality of all links and online media components.

Identify and post links to technical support resources available for the
(Set up link for students)

Reminder to keep it simple!

Step back and self-assess my blended course design. Am I missing


Ask a trusted colleague to review my course documents and online

material or utilize the Open SUNY Course Quality Review form as a
guideline for a good design.

During the Course:

Ensure that students know that they are enrolled in a blended learning
course with both face-to-face and online components (e.g., on first day
of class/in an introductory email message and announcement.

Orient students to the online portion of the course (e.g., via an in-class
demo, during the
online class chat in Collaborate) and clarify for students the
relationship between face-to-face and online.

Reiterate to students the technical support resources available to them

(other than myself). Set up a Technical Help discussion area in which
students can assist one another with technical issues.

Reiterate to students your preferred method (s) of receiving questions

and other student communications.

Set up online office hours and give directions on how to set up a face-
to-face appointment to discuss class issues.

Solicit feedback from students periodically.

Keep a running log of modifications you wish to make to the course the
next time you teach it.

Adjust course design as needed (change in assignment details, due

dates or grade) and communicate the changes to the students in

Contact students that are delinquent in submitting assignments

After the Course

Make a back-up copy of all electronic communications/online


Review student evaluations and gather the feedback for review.

Create a prioritized list of course changes based upon feedback from
students, and my on observations.

Make changes as appropriate prior to teaching the course again.

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