Improved Control Valve Sizing For Multiphase Flow

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Improved control valve sizing

for multiphase flow
HNE-DS method is based on an expansion factor similar to the
gaseous media to account for changes in mixture density
R. DIENER, BASF AG, Ludwigshafen, Germany; J KIESBAUER, SAMSON AG, Frankfurt,
Germany; and J. SCHMIDT, do BASF AG, Ludwigshafen, Germany

property data are not definite physical properties and, therefore,

rochemical plants to control medium mixtures that they can be defined by several models.
Control comprisevalves are frequently
a gas/vapor used
phase as wellin aschemical
a liquid and
as The addition model is the simplest method. It deals with indi-
they enter the valve. The lEe 60534-2-1 Standard is primarily vidual phases separately, calculating the flow coefficient of each
applied to calculate the required valve flow capacity (C. or k. phase according to Eq. 1. Both flow coefficients are then added
coefficient) for single-phase media in the form of gases or liq- together to result in an overall flow coefficient.2
uids. However, this standard does not apply to multiphase flow. The correction factor proposed by Sheldon and Schuder3
A standardized sizing model does not exist even in literature. which depends on the volume share of the gas or vapor phase at
As a consequence, plant operators and manufacturers employ the valve inlet, raises the flow coefficients that are calculated too
various published methods according to their own experience, low in the addition model.
which may lead ro considerably different results depending on Another prediction method arises from the concept that
the operating and medium data involved. assumes both phases are equally mixed, i.e., homogeneous, and
This article proposes a new approach-the HNE-DS that they flow at a constant velocity. In this greatly simplified
method-to size control valves that handle multiphase mixtures homogeneous model, PI' at the valve inlet is calculated, as dem-
consisting of gases/vapors and liquids. It takes into account how onstrated in Table 1 using PI = l/VI (from reference 4) and then
the change in mixture density flowing through the valve affects applied to Eq. 1.
its flow capacity by using an expansion factor similar to the The results of such simple model types deviate considerably
standard for gaseous media. It provides a high level of predictive from measured data.2,5
accuracy when compared to test data. This expansion factor is A new approach based on more accurate physical assumptions
easy to integrate into the IEC 60534-2-1 Standard. is introduced in detail that provides much better prediction accu-
racy compared to the simple empirical methods.2.5 This method
Previous prediction methods. The IEC 60534-2-1 Stan- includes the following assumptions:
dard specifies that the required flow coefficient, k., can be calcu- The change in the flow condition between the valve inlet and
lated using the follmving equation, provided the medium is not vena contracta is assumed to be frictionless and with no wall heat
highly viscous and the pipeline upmeam and downstream of the transfer (isentropic change of state).
valve is straight: J,2 In contrast, flow in the area downstream of the \'ena con-
tracta up to the valve outlet is \'iewed to be afflicted by losses.
Depending on the valve location, different flow patterns
(1) are assumed fat calculating the mixture density (homogeneous
density and momentum density at various flow velociries of the
phases by using a special slip model).
Tho: pressure difference between the valve inlet and outlet, !:lpo, The local mass flow quality is calculared horn th~ changes in
as well as the density, Po, apply to the reference condition of 1 bar isenthalpic or isentropic states depending on the flow area in the
and 1,000 kg/m3. Y is the expansion factor and is equal to 1 for valve and applied to calculate the mixture density.
liquids, whereas it is related ro the pressure difference for gases and A nonequilibrium factor, N, is used to take into account the
vapors. Choked flow occurs when the pressure difference, !1pma:x' boiling delay and the thermodynamic nonequilibrium bet\veen
is reached. E\'en if the pressuredownstream of the valve is further the individual phases.
reduced, the maximum, so-called critical mass flowrate cannot The model requires an iterative solution of the mathematical
be increased. The pressure difference varies in compressible and equations and involves property data dependenr on pressure and
noncompressible fluids.1,2 tempetature (density, enthalpy and entropy), that are only feasible
In cases where a multi phase flow comprised of gases and liquids in practice in certain cases. Therefore, in this article a simply appli-
arises at the valve inlet, the density, PI' depends on the gasIYapor cable model based on the homogenous nonequilibrium-Diener/
void fraction and can no longer be uniquely defined. Mixture Schmidt method (HNE-DS method) for sizing throttling de\ices



in t\vo-phase flow is proposed. The H~E-DS method extends the in which an iterative solution of t<\eabove equation is avoided.
w method, originally de eloped by Leung, by adding a boiling delay N is approached based on the measured dara in reference 5 as a
coefficientto include the degree of thermodynamic nonequilibrium power law function, where.T (p. ) is to be regarded as rhe vapor
at the start of the nucleation of small vapor mass fractions upstream content in equilibrium stat~ in"ilie vena contracta for a critical
of the fitting. The additional introduction of a sup correction factor flow. In references 6 and 7 an exponent of C( = 0.6 (trave! < 25
to take account of hydrodynamic nonequilibrium (sup) also makes mm) or a = 0.4 (travel 2: 25 mm) for control valves is proposed:
it possible to calculate reliably the flowrate through control valves
and orifices in both flashing and nonflashing flow.
In this article, the HNE-DS method is adapted to the equa-
tions of the lEe 60534-2-1 Standard. The essential calculation
steps are outlined in the following section. Based on the mass flow quality at the valve inlet, Xl' the
increase of the equilibrium factor between the stagnation condi-
New method for the lEe 60534-2-1 Standard using tion upstream of the valve inlet and the vena contracta can be
an expansion factor. The new HNE-DS method basically determined with the assumption of an equilibrium state:
assumes that the Howpattern in the control valve is homogeneous
but gas and liquid are not in equilibrium-N represents the boil-
ing delay. Compared to the more complex integration method by (7)
Diener5 it is easier to apply in practice.
The assumption concerning the homogeneous flow and
the introduction of N allow for calculating the mass flux (mass As a result, equations are provided which allow the mass
flowrate, W; based on the area of the vena conrracta, A"J ",'ithour flowrate or flow coefficient to be calculated. As already men-
any iteration (references 6 and 7 for exact derivation). tioned, the boiling delay that affects the mass flowrate the most
is taken into account by the factor N for two-phase flashing flow.
In references 6 and 7, the authors additionally propose using a
slip correction factor, <1>, tor the hydrodynamic nonequilibrium
of both phases, i.e., both phases have different flow velocities and
are not homogeneously distributed.

The compressibility coefficient, w, contains operating (stagna- (8)

tion) conditions and property data, as well as N:

xv I cpo TpI M 1 1 _g_l
(v __
-v\'1I'-)- N

Ave can be expressed using the flow coefficient as is usual in the (9)
IEC 60534 Standard:

A \'C 2~o
=:=~_Po Fk
L \' To summarize, the following applies for the flow coefficient:

The pressure ratio, PI/Pve' increases as the pressure difference

between inlet and outlet increases. The mass flow reaches its (lOa)
maximum and remains constant when the ratio of inlet and outlet k, =:=~(_1 )w(_l)
V f.;p ~POPI y""

pressures falls belo,v the so-called critical pressure ratio. The criti- or
cal pressure ratio, PI/P"" ,nt' can be determined by resetting the
first derivation of W/Avc according to PI/ p",: (lOb)

including the new expansion factor, }f"iP' for multi phase flow:
(p;~ J +(ro'-,ro)Hp;:")J +2ro'ln(P;~}

Y"p =:=
,ro'Hp;J~o (5)

Table 1 contains an approximated equarion for valuesof w 2: 2



TAf$LE 1. Parameters and eqiua1:iofls used in the new model

Input parameters
Inlet pressure PI
factor, N
N = X.
a = 0,6 control
l -;j,-+
+cpJp (v,.-v, I
'. v1
x=.,) .)"
vaNes with valve travel

< 25 mm
Inlet temperature T,
-"'-~--,~_._. ----'"''''"''''''''"'''''''''='._.~-~~~-~~,~------ ex = 0.4 control valves with valve travel <e: 25 mm

-~-_._~-.~'-.-"""""""""'''''--.---'.--.--------~ ---~----_.
Outlet pressure P2
-, N~._-~-----_.
-~._--~._-...-- Gas (X, constant):
= 1

Pressure difference
. 6.p = P,-P2 Recalculation of
Mass flowrate W compressibility coefficient, w
or Vapor:

flow coefficient
Gas 'X, = constant):
Mass vapor or Xl

gas content H
Recaicuiation of uitical For w ~ 2:

Specific volume of vapor or
gas phase at the inlet, 1/p preSSJre difference ratio; X= = 1-[ 0.55+0.217Inw-O,04<i(lnro)' +0,OO4(inw)'
x:_~ =1 - P- .-::.=p:'t/P~ for For 00 <
Specific volume of liquid VI1
ther"':"io-jY:iamic (1- x",)' +(00' -2w)( x:r.)' +2w' Inil-x"" )+2ro'x",,=Q
phase at the inlet, 1/p
Heat of vaporization in 6.hv'
Gas (X = constant\:
p, and T,

relation to
(liquid,vapor mixture only) Final results

Specific heat capacity of CPIT Critical pressure

4' . =x~p.
liquid phase in relation to
PI and T, (liquid-vapor Expansion factor, Y MP
mixture only)

Interim calculations

Pressure difference ratio, x p,

Homogeneous specific
volume of mixture

Slip correction factor, d> . v, ,_._~------~-_._--------------

Flow coefficient, kv

.' r,,[ (H' -,]l,[(~;)'-,])

Compressibility coefficient, w, initially used for
thermodynamic equilibrium (N = 1)

Vapor: W.,,=~T-V-, - (v"M"

"Y" . cp .T,p, -v" ')' Mass f1owrate, W For 6.p < ':"Pmax:
Gas (Xl = constant): w= 0iPI.j-)k
\ p,p, , .

Critical pressure difference XU,",' = 1- For ,:"p 2: 6.Pmax:

ratio, Xu;t =1 - Pvc,uiIP, [0.55+0,2171n(:)" -0.046{inw,.,)' +0.OO4(lnw.,J] 1"'P .,--.

initially used for thermodynamic '

w= ~ "'P7 (vp,p )J::.Y",
equilibrium (N = 1)

Step-by-step determination of Y:'I1P' Table I shows the Prediction example. the example in Table 2 illustrates a
necessary input parameters and each step required to calculate prediction to explain the procedure more dearly.
YifP as well as If)' at k", It is essential that the data X], Vg], 1'1]'
tJ,'j,rl' and [PI,] related to the (stagnation) condition at th~ valve Accuracy of the new approach. The average predictive
inlet are available, accuracy of the models is based on the "alues obtained for the
Similat to the method described in the lEe 60534 Standard, Yarianc~ of the logarithmic deviations ber-ween the experimental
the ditTeremial pressure ratio, x, and the critical pressure ratio, and calculated values (Table 3). The advantages of using this
X,"il' ((j,Pmax = P1Xcrit) are included in the new method, The parameter are discussed in reference 5 and showed in the past to
generally unknown pressure, Pl't' can be replaced with known allow for a balanced description of the merits of each correlation
parameters. As a resul t, the expansion factor is then derived (fddines the independent number ofvariables in the model and
directly from the differential pressure ratio, x. can be neglected ifll is greater than 500).
The first step in the interim calculations is to determine w In two-phase flow the real mass flow rate can be determined
withour N (i,e., N = 1), and following this, Xem and N and then only by experiments, for example. measurements made at the
the fInal w. Xml can be directly determined for w 2: 2, in other Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, in the deparrment
cases. iust in an ireratiyt, way using the second equation, of Prof Dr. L FriedeL and by the valve supplier. There, the masS



TABLE 2. Calculation example

Input parameters Steam, control valve with FL = 0.9

by Diener Inlet pressure Pi = 10 bar

Inlet temperature = 182.89C

ComplexmOdel!100% ~_,~=""""J=~ __ ~~"' __,'",,"
__""__"-__ . ,~~""",,,,,,,,,,,~_

Outlet pressure P2 = 5 bar

=-=~ __""",",,_=~~ __ ., =-~t=.,~~ ~~_",,_~-=~ __ ~~ __ ",,=~._. __
Pressure difference = 10 - 5 = 5 bar

Flow coefficient 10 m31h

Mass vapor or content (-)

Specific volume of vapor or gas
phase at the inlet, IIp

Specific volume of liquid phase


= 0.209 m31kg

= 0.001128 mJfkg
at the inlet, 11p

Heat of vaporization in ~hVl = 2,019 kJlkg

o relation to Pl and T1
(} 2 3 4 5 6
Specific heat of liquid phase (Pi,l = 4.400 JlkglK
Measured mass flowrate, kgls
in relation to Pl and T1

Interim calculations

---------------- -----, ,----

Pressure difference

Homogr!20US speciftc
ratio, x x= (10 - 5)/1 0 = 0.5

v; = 0.01 x 0.209 +
mixed volume (1 - 0.01)0,001128 = 0.00321 m3kg

Slip correction factor, <>


6 Compressibility coefficient, w, W.,:' = 7.28

Addition model initially used for thermal
equilibrium (N = 1)
Critical pressure difference Xuit N=1 =0.169
ratio, Xcrit = 1 - PVc.critfPl
initially used for thermodynamic
equilibrium (N = 1)
Nonequilibrium factor, N: N = 0.1194 (a = 0.6, valve travel <25 mm)

Recalculation of compressibility W = 1.44

coefficient, W

Recalculation of critical Xcrit = 0.35

pressure difference ratio,
Xcrit = 1 - Pvc,critfPl
for thermodynamic

0, 2 3 4 5 6

Measured mass flowrate, kgls
Critical pressure difference .1Pmax = 3.47 bar

Expansion factor,

__ ~~
Y MP _.---,---~-----
YMP = 0.82

__ ~ _

flowrate "wasmeasured when mixtures of steam and boiling water TABLE 3. Definition of statistical number used to
were passed through control "alves, The test valvesused had nomi- characterize the average predictive accuracy of the
nal diameters of 25, 50 and 80 mm and had different types of models
valve plugs (V-POftplug, parabolic plug and perforated plug). The
Statistical number Definition
test setups and measuring methods and technology employed are
described in reference 4. In Fig, 1, the mass flowrates calculated Variance of logarithmic deviations
by the complex method are plotted against the measured mass (related to mass fiowrate. W)

flowntes. The deviations are almost symmetrically distributed on

the diagonal. The variance of the logarithmic de"iations amounts
to only 11 %. Opposite to this model is the addition model and
the mode! by Sheldon and Schuder that offer no reasonable pre-
dictions (Figs. 2 and 3). The deviations are distributed asym-



property data is required for the calculation compared to the

original method according to the IEC 60534 Standard. The
Sheldon et al. entire steam table is not tequired. The remirs achieve a high
level of accuracy that is sufficiem for most engineering pur-
poses. The authors will endeavor to integrate this method into
Part 2-1 of the IEC 60534 Standard on its next tevision.
The method can, in principle, also be extended for a flow with
more than two phases. However, the corresponding measured data
are required. HP

1 Kiesbauer, j. and K. Meffie, "Ein Leitfaden fur eine wreinfachte Auslegung
eines SreHgerates auf der Basis von EN 60534 (An introduction to a simplified
vah'e sizing based on the EN 60534 Standard)," AZitomariJierungstechnische
Prax!.'. Issue 8, 2001, VoL 43, Oldenbourg Verlag, MUnchen.
2 Diener, R., L Friedel and J. Kiesbauer, "Auslegung yon Stellgeraren bei
Zweiphasen:snomung (Sizing control vah-es ror two-phase flow}," AutonZtl.tisier-
o ungsuchnisclJe Praxis, Issue 3, 200 I, Vol. 42, Oldenbourg Verlag, Munchen,
o 2 3 4 5 6 3 Sheldon, C W and C. B. Schuder, "Sizing control yah-es for !iquid-gas-mix-
Measured mass flowrate. kgls rures," Instruments & Control SYUems, VoL 38, January 1965.
4 Heckle, M" "Zweipha.senstr6~ung Ga$/Fliissigkeit'durch Drosselorgane.
Ein neues Berechnungsverfahren der Zweiphasemtriimung in B1enden,
pl6tzlichen Verengungen und Ventilen (Two-phase gas/liquid flow through
throttling devices)," Fortschrittbericlne tier VDI-ZeitscJJrifren, 1970.
5 Diener, R., "Berechnung und Messung der Massendurchsarzcharacteristik
yon Stellyentilen bei Zweiphasenstr6mung (Expenmenral and calculated
control yake fWD-phase mass flow characteristic)," Fortschritrberichte VDf-
!?r!he ? no, 388, 2000.

based on HNE-DS
method o Diener. R. ;wd J. Schmidr, "Sizing of throtding device for gas/liquid tWO-
Ev 4263
4653 2 phase flow, Parr 1: Safety valves," Proem Safety Pro:r;-TeS523 (2004) 4, pp.
gls Cl
~ 0
New approach 335-344.
5 - Diener. Rand J. Schmidt, "Sizing of throrriing device for gasiliquid two-
phase tlO\\'. Part 2: Control valves, orifices and nozzles?," Process Safety Progress
0 lyolume 2';. no. 1) to be published in March 2005.

Ralf Diener ,s ser,o' piant manager of the ammonium carbon-

ate pian: :II the inorganic ChemicalS Division of BASF AG. His mair
fieids Of \/-/ork :nciude arT!mor~!lJm caroor,ate production, process
suppo" and further deveiopment of the products and produc-
tion plant Previously, Dr. Diener was concerned with developing
ca!culation methods for safety-related problems. He can be reached at e-mail: ra~f.

Jorg Kiesbauer is head of the development test bench depart-

ment at SAMSON AG Mess-und Regeitechnik In Frankfurt/Ma:,
Germany. His work experience includes R&D in the field of controi
valves equipped with electric and pneufr"2tic accessories, as we;!
as seif-operated regulators (flow and acoustical tests, devefopwg
and optimizing calculation methods, developing and testing diagnostic tools fce
control vahle:;" etc., and developing softvdfe toots). Dr. Kiesbauer is the auth:Y
of many pape''''s in the field of control valves. Since 1999, he has been involved
the lEe VVori<.,ng Group 658~\/VGg and In the German Nationai Standardizat!c'"'
Comm!t~ee (DKE working group 963) as an expert. He GVi be reached at e-ma;i'
metrically along the diagonal in d range from more than 100% orlkiesbauE'r@samsoGde.
underprediction up (0 even 10000 overpredicrion. The variance of
the logarithmic deviations amounts to more than 40%.
The new approach leads to a considerable improvement in Jurgel'l Schmidt is an Independent consuitant In the Safe!i
Engineering and Fluid Flow Drvlsion at 8A5F AG as v+,.'ellas oelrg
prediction accuracy compared to the previous prediction meth-
as associate professor at the Technical UniverSIty In Karlsruh.,
ods (Fig. 4). Ir achieves almost the same accuracy as the much Germany For the past 12 years. he worke-j at BASF AG in Ludwigs'
more complex method shown in Fig. 1. The deviations are hafen in the field of plant safety. Dr Schmldt has been lectuf!:1,',-;}

also almost svmmerricallv distriouced on the diagonal and the since 2002 on the subject of piant safety in the chemica; :ndustry and chatrs tre
Decherr'lct workmg committee for safety-related Sizing of ct\em\cal piants. HiS kE\i
\'driance of rl~elogarithm'ic devi,ltions amounts t; almost 17%.
activ\t,es mclu::de consuit:ng plant managers in production process matters asweli 3S
This value is acceptable for control valve sizing because in most deveioping ne'.lv methods Hi the fieid on safety engineenng. Dr. Schmidt [s a !eadtrg
cases a safety margin of a minimum of 20% is applied. member of the ISO TC '185 committee of F\ashmg LIqUids in Safety DeVices, He ca~'~
Just a small dmount of additional information on physical be reached at e~maJ juergenschmldt@on!inehome,de


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