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The central idea of Barrio Boy is about how people can overcome

formidable fears by never giving up. The author states in paragraph two
that, we walked up the wide staircase hand and hand through the
door. This evidence supports my topic sentence because this is
showing that Ernesto is having a formidable fear about moving to another
country and going to a new school. The author also states in paragraph
thirteen that The Korean, Portuguese, Italian, and Polish first graders
had similar moments of glory. This evidence supports my topic sentence
because this is showing that people can overcome their formidable fears
by never giving up. As you can tell people can overcome formidable fears
by never giving up.
The parts of a properly structured paragraph:
1. Topic sentence
2. Evidence 1 sentence starter
3. Evidence 1
4. Justification 1 sentence starter
5. Justification 1
6. Evidence 2 sentence starter
7. Evidence 2
8. Justification 2 sentence starter
9. Justification 2
10. Concluding sentence

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