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Research Proposal:

Cancer Treatment via Vaccinations

The typical vaccination allows the immune system to become familiar with a specific
bacteria or virus, which allows the immune system to therefore better fight it off when coming
into full contact with the germ. However, as far as Cancer is concerned, we as a race have yet
to understand how to treat this disease or really even prevent it. Perhaps it may be beneficial to
introduce specific cancer vaccinations, in an attempt to understand its effects, further both
knowledge and research, and maybe even reveal some answers. I chose this specific topic with
the idea that Cancer has been an ongoing and incurable disease for hundreds of years, and
maybe considering some unlikely alternatives would be helpful, and allow for further research.
In an attempt to research this topic/question, I will study several different articles from numerous
sources in an attempt to research both cancer and vaccinations, and how the two may be able
to relate, and what the consequences of such experimentation would result.

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