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Government of Saint Lucia is a democratic parliament.

Saint Lucia is an independent member

of the British Commonwealth and therefore follows the parliamentary democracy having a
republican head and a prime minister. The government was constituted under the constitution,
which was framed in 1978. The British queen is the head of the state but is represented by a
governor general. Saint Lucia government comprises of the House of the Assembly and the
Senate. The House of the Assembly comprises of seventeen members, who are elected to serve
for a period of five years. On the other hand the governor general appoints the eleven members,
who constitute the Senate. The Prime Minister is leads the House of Assembly.

The political system of Saint Lucia centers round the three parties. The Saint Lucia political
parties are United Workers Party, the Appointed and the Saint Lucia Labour party. The United
Workers Party dominated the Saint Lucia politics for a long time but after winning the election
in 1997, the Saint Lucia Labour party has been effectively running the political system.
Multiparty elections are held to bring a new government to power.

The party getting the majority of votes forms the government and the head of the party becomes
the Prime minister according to the Saint Lucia constitution. Being an independent member of
the British Commonwealth, government of Saint Lucia follows the style of the Westminster

Politics of Saint Lucia takes place in the framework of an independent parliamentary

democratic Commonwealth Realm with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state, represented by
a Governor General, who acts on the advice of the prime minister and the cabinet. The prime
minister is the leader of the majority party of the house, and the cabinet conducts affairs of state.
The Governor General exercises basically ceremonial functions, but residual powers, under
theconstitution, can be used at the governor general's discretion. The actual power in St. Lucia
lies with the prime minister and the cabinet, usually representing the majority party
in parliament.

Executive branch

As head of state, Queen Elizabeth II is represented by a governor general who acts on the advice
of the prime minister and the cabinet. Following legislative elections, the leader of the majority
party or leader of a majority coalition is usually appointed prime minister by the governor
general; the deputy prime minister is appointed by the governor general.

Main office holders

Office Name Party Since

Queen Elizabeth II 6 February 1952

Governor-General September 1997

Prime Minister John Compton UWP
11, 2006

Deputy Prime to be December

Minister confirmed 11, 2006

[edit]Legislative branch

The Legislature has two chambers. The House of Assembly has 17 members, elected by
universal adult suffrage for a five year term in single-seat constituencies. The Senate has 11
members appointed by the governor general. The parliament may be dissolved by the governor
general at any point during its 5-year term, either at the request of the prime minister--in order to
take the nation into early elections--or at the governor general's own discretion, if the house
passes a vote of no-confidence in the government.

Judicial branch

St. Lucia has an independent judiciary composed of district courts and a high court. Cases may
be appealed to the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeals and, ultimately, to the Judicial Committee
of the Privy Council in London. The island is divided into 10 administrative divisions, including
the capital, Castries. Popularly elected local governments in most towns and villages perform
such tasks as regulation of sanitation and markets and maintenance of cemeteries and secondary
roads. St. Lucia has no army but maintains a paramilitary Special Service Unit within its police
force and a coast guard.

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