English Worksheet: I. Read The Following Text and Complete The Activities Below: Lost in The City

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Escuela Repblica de Israel E-50

UTP 2017 Asignatura Ingls

Prof. Gladys Paredes

English Worksheet

Name: ______________________________________________ Grade: 7 __ Date: April

_____, 2017

Objetivos a evaluar: Aplicar los contenidos de la unidad 0 para completar los

Habilidades: Aplicar

I. Read the following text and complete the activities below:

Lost in the city

My cousin Ramn invited me to visit his city. He lives in the South of Chile, in
a city called Concepcin. I live in Santiago, the capital of Chile.

I travelled for several hours by bus, but when I arrived my cousin was not
there waiting for me. I got nervous and started calling him on his phone, but
he did not answer.

Ten minutes later, I got a message that said:


1. What do I have to ask to know how to get to Ramons house?

Escuela Repblica de Israel E-50
UTP 2017 Asignatura Ingls
Prof. Gladys Paredes


2. Where is the Fire Station?


3. Give the directions to get to Ramons house and explain them using
contents related to giving and asking directions:


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