Mid-Year Training Artifact

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Mid-year Training

Ashley and Sarah

Conduct General

If youre going to be late do your best to let someone know

Make sure you have every student assistant, graduate
assistant, and pro staff cell phone number
If youre not coming in let your co-workers know
Get someone to cover if possible
Post it in the GroupMe
Front Desk

Leave it in order
Organize loose papers
Make sure you leave complete notes that make sense

If you cant finish something, tell whoever is taking over for you and
let Augusta know so she can follow-up
If you arent sure about something, just ask; we want this to be a
safe environment for everyones questions.
Calling RDTs

Make a case note

Did you talk to them or leave a voicemail?
Send letter through Maxient and Outlook
Update deadline and mark task complete in Outlook
Appointment Reminders

Print calendars-for everyone-GAs included

Did you reach them or leave a voicemail?
Make a case note
Put them on the spreadsheet-found on O drive under Student
Assistant file labeled Daily Schedule Sheet
Make sure its the right hearing officer
Make sure to add Tashas appointments but dont call
If there were major changes, print new calendars
Phone calls

Make a thorough case note

Ping hearing officer if pertinent
If they may call back, let the next student assistant who
comes in know and leave it in a case note/sticky note
When calling a student
Only use the students first name
Confirm the students birthday

Mark them complete

Copy the From/Sent/To/Subject
and the subject matter and paste into Case notes
If you dont finish it resend it to main account with clear
File Options Mail Reading Pane uncheck the first 2
Make sure to do this on every computer you work on

Check scans before updating sanctions OR if someone calls about

RDTs/Alcohol Alert/Counseling
Outcomes need to be updated under general notes
Ping H/O if abnormal or failed-what constitutes failed-drug test

Counseling assessments from C&P

Ping Tasha, Kayla, and H/O
If its for AOD Group ping Gus
Opening Cases

Check Priors If the note assigned it to

Already opened? Merge IR and someone
make a case note Put Post-it as case note, schedule,
Copy the Post-it and send letter

From Mothership to your

Opening Cases
If it has not been assigned-for housing cases and Student Disciplines
cases for Andy- Open the case and assign it to Mo
Put priors (case #, findings, and hearing officer) in Ping her when opened so she can reassign-
case note and ping whomever is assigning for the she will look at the priors
housing area
Who assigns what

Erin - AI, Title IX, Harassment based on

Andy - Conduct in Housing
Maureen - Conduct outside of Housing, Greek
Open the case and assign it to Mo-just check for
priors. Do not ping her with priors.

Put the date/time in the Assignment and Appointment

section when Initial Appointment
Do not change this.

Rescheduling and FAH gets put in Case Notes and when you
update the deadline also update calendar

Make sure they are in the office! (Holidays and overlapping

Put it in the calendar
Send the letter at the same time
Dont schedule it over a class
Update the Excel sheet!
O-drive Student Worker Files Daily Schedule
Scheduling RDTs

Since hearing officers are putting sticky notes with RDT dates on
the CRF we are now going to mark the sanction alert emails that
come when a CRF is approved as complete
We will schedule the RDTs after we upload the CRF and act on it
Please make sure you are putting them in general notes and

Drugs, Alcohol, Weapons, Is it Clery?

Violence Was the student was issued
Mark Clery reportable or a citation?
Not Clery Reportable Fake ID or DUI?
If youre not sure, tag as Was someone drunk?
Smoke only?
Must have possession
AI cases are not considered
for Clery
Housing Mutual Agreements

Keep the spreadsheet updated the spreadsheet can be

found on O-drive under HousingHousing Mutual
If a student agrees to the HMA send letter 48
1 week for essay
Always poke Andy

There is a New Dean Certs folder at the front

Spreadsheet, binder, O-drive
FIOs and BITs only get reported to other University offices
Never report
Not Responsible
CRC Spreadsheets

Never report
Not Responsible
Put sanctions that are overdue or if the deadline has not passed
BIT contact Alisa for more information

For initial appointments and outcome letters

Gateway Pam Mirabelli
International Jody Pritt
EPI Chris Reid and Jie Liu
Athletics Maria Hickman and Coach
Except mens basketball
Redacting IRs

Only ones that originate from USC (not USCPD)

If the student is here, ask for a photo ID
Make sure to darken the copy at least once
Hold it up to the light to check
Scan the document and save under O-drive in Redacted IRs and
upload to case
If the student is not here, put in sealed envelope
Make a notation to ask for a photo ID

Scan script that is filled out

Upload to Maxient
Give the paper copy back to Courtney/Hearing Officer
Upload to Google Drive
Upload to Maxient
Other Cases

Academic Integrity
Send Initial appointment for AI letters and all AI letters on AI
Make sure that the course that is being reported is in the letter
Greek Life
Send Greek Initial Appointment letter same for Greek life
Call their appointment reminders
Send normal Outcome Letter

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