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Tutorial 4 Innovation

Read Tidd, J. and Bessant J. (2013) Managing Innovation, (5th Edition)
Chichester, Wiley, section 5.10 "Design-led Innovation" p 260-261 AND Verganti,
R (2011) "Designing Breakthrough Products" Harvard Business Review October
2011, 114 120

1- What is design?
Design is defined as an ornamental pattern that is used to plan the form
and structure of for a particular product. For example: To design a new
bridge, a plan will need to be constructed to finalise various designs for it.
2- What is a design led innovation?

Design-driven innovation is an approach that describes how to design an

innovation that provides the customer with a new meaning. Through this
an organisation can also drive the market instead of adapting to it.

3- As a source of innovation, how is design led innovation different

to technology push?

Design Led Innovation can be defined as a program which emphases on

the implementation of design practices as a management ability that
drives radical innovation and business model design in firms whereas
technology push is a business strategy which implies that a new invention
is pushed through R&D, production and sales functions onto the market
without appropriate considerations of whether or not it will satisfy users

4- How would you describe, Experience Innovation?

Experience innovation can be outlined as restructuring customer

experiences on the purchase of products. It mainly identifies customers
experiences on the purchase of a product or service.

5- What benefits did Phillips AEH generate for the hospitals and

To ensure a prodigious working environment for the staff of the hospital, a

more comforting experience was provided by Phillips AEH for the patients.
He wanted to ensure that they are in a relaxed and stress-free atmosphere
at all times.

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