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Your Rubric: Digital Storytelling : Swan River Colony


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Digital Storytelling : Swan River Colony

Teacher Name: Ms. O\'Leary

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Point of View - Establishes a Establishes a There are a few It is difficult to figure
Purpose purpose early on purpose early on lapses in focus, but out the purpose of the
and maintains a and maintains focus the purpose is fairly presentation.
clear focus for most of the clear.
throughout. presentation.

Images Images create a Images create an An attempt was Little or no attempt to

distinct atmosphere atmosphere or tone made to use images use images to create
or tone that matches that matches some to create an an appropriate
different parts of the parts of the story. atmosphere/tone but atmosphere/tone.
story. The images The images may it needed more work.
may communicate communicate Image choice is
symbolism and/or symbolism and/or logical.
metaphors. metaphors.
Information The information The information The information The information
presented relates presented relates presented relates presented relates
extensively to the well to the topic satisfactorily to the little/not at all to the
topic topic topic

App Usage The usage of the The usage of the The usage of the app The usage of the app
app was efficient app was mostly was mostly good and was basic and
and cohesive. efficient and cooperative. minimal.

Teamwork Students worked Students worked Although there were Students struggled to
effectively and mostly cohesive and group struggles, work well together.
cooperatively as a well together in the students worked
group. group. mostly well together

Final Product The book was The book was The book was The book did not
creative, engaging interesting and satisfactory. Minimal engage nor was
and informational. creative. Several devices were used. creative. No devices
Broad range of devices were used. were used.
devices were used.

Audience As audience As audience As audience As audience

members, students members, students members, students members, students
participated and listened well and listened but struggled did not listen and did
engaged with the engaged with the to participate and not participate or
presenters. presenters. engaged. engager with the
Students listened presenters.

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Your Rubric: Digital Storytelling : Swan River Colony

Questions Students produced Students produced Students answered Students failed to
extensive answers detailed answers the question answer the questions
to the questions and and understood the satisfactorily and had in a satisfactory way
understood the topic topic. some understanding and had minimal
immensely. of the topic. understanding of the

Date Created: Apr 13, 2017 08:35 am (CDT)

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