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000000.000| ALWAYS| Logging started at 2017-02-28T15:19:19.

000000.004| OKAY| Riot::RADS::Reader::RadsMain::Initialize: RADS library initi
alizing with specified working directory "C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\s
000000.004| OKAY| Riot::RADS::Reader::RuntimeEnvironment::Create: Creating RAD
S runtime environment: RADS root directory = "C:/Riot Games/League of Legends/RA
000000.004| OKAY| Riot::RADS::Reader::SolutionManifest::Load: ("C:/Riot Games/
League of Legends/RADS/solutions/lol_game_client_sln/releases/
000000.005| OKAY| Riot::RADS::Reader::ConfigurationManifest::Load: ("C:/Riot G
ames/League of Legends/RADS/solutions/lol_game_client_sln/releases/
000000.005| OKAY| Riot::RADS::Reader::ReleaseManifest::LoadInternal: ("C:/Riot
Games/League of Legends/RADS/projects/lol_game_client_pt_br/releases/
000000.189| OKAY| Riot::RADS::Reader::ReleaseManifest::LoadInternal: ("C:/Riot
Games/League of Legends/RADS/projects/lol_game_client/releases/
000001.161| OKAY| Unable to process data overlay file ./ToolsConfig.xml, defau
lting to overlay now
000001.161| ALWAYS| Data overlay start folder initialized to DATA, Content/Src
000001.166| ALWAYS| Build Version: Version (Feb 17 2017/21:23:32) [
PUBLIC] <Releases/7.4> ChangeList: 1769828
000001.232| ALWAYS| Started System Init
000001.234| ALWAYS| Maestro Init
000001.241| ALWAYS| Maestro completed init
000001.242| ALWAYS| zip manifest, 'ClientZips.txt', not found (expected).
000001.243| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Global.wad
000001.246| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Scripts.wad
000001.247| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Shaders.wad
000001.248| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/UI/ui.wad
000001.249| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Localized/Global.pt_br.wad
000001.266| ALWAYS| StartSession called
000001.266| ALWAYS| Started Init event arguments
000001.266| ALWAYS| Waiting until connection...
000001.645| ALWAYS| InitRenderer() enter
000001.645| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::Init(0x003904F4) enter
000001.645| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::Init() exit successfully
000002.001| ALWAYS| Loaded locale pt_br via fontconfig
000002.008| ALWAYS| IME file, 'C:/Riot Games/League of Legends/RADS/solutions/lo
l_game_client_sln/releases/', is optiona
l. The following error is expected.
000002.009| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "C:/Riot Gam
es/League of Legends/RADS/solutions/lol_game_client_sln/releases/
y/Data/Menu/IMEConfig.xml" because it's not in the manifest.
000002.009| ERROR| Missing file on r3dGFile open :C:/Riot Games/League of Legen
000002.009| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "\Bin\Data\C
:/Riot Games/League of Legends/RADS/solutions/lol_game_client_sln/releases/0.0.1
.163/deploy/Data/Menu/IMEConfig.xml" because it's not in the manifest.
000002.009| ERROR| Missing file on r3dGFile open :\Bin\Data\C:/Riot Games/Leagu
e of Legends/RADS/solutions/lol_game_client_sln/releases/
000002.032| ALWAYS| SharedConfigPath: C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\proje
000002.036| ALWAYS| r3dRenderer::SetMode: Trying resolution 1280x800, bpp 32, wi
ndowMode 0, vsync on...
000002.036| ALWAYS| In Riot::Win::Resize: Resizing the window and retrieving mon
itor info
000002.036| ALWAYS| In Riot::Win::Resize: Initial VideoMode(c608720) and resolut
ion (1280 x 800)
000002.036| ALWAYS| In Riot::Win::Resize: VideoMode(c608720) and resolution (640
x 400)
000002.039| ALWAYS| In Riot::Win::Resize: Resized window to resolution 1280x800
000002.039| ALWAYS| rr3dRenderLayer::InitDevice(XRes = 1280, YRes = 800, BPP = 3
2, Flags=256) enter
000002.039| ALWAYS| rr3dRenderLayer::InitDevice: Creating d3d device
000002.777| ALWAYS| OS Version String: 10 Professional, x64
000002.777| ALWAYS| CPU: AuthenticAMD, AMD FX(tm)-8120 Eight-Core Processor
, AMD64 Family 21 Model 1 Stepping 2, 3114 (0 core)
000002.778| ALWAYS| Measured processor speed: 3121
000002.778| ALWAYS| Display info: ATI Radeon 3000 Graphics 268435456 8.970.100.9
000002.778| ALWAYS| Physical memory: 8589934592
000002.778| ALWAYS| {"messageType":"hardware_information","message_body":"Hardwa
re Info","operating_system":"10 Professional, x64","cpu":"AuthenticAMD","cpu_pr
ocessor":"AMD FX(tm)-8120 Eight-Core Processor ","cpu_identifier":"AMD
64 Family 21 Model 1 Stepping 2","cpu_topology":4,"gpu":"ATI Radeon 3000 Graphic
000002.779| ALWAYS| Operating System: 10 Professional, x64
000002.779| ALWAYS| GPU Manufacturer: ATI Radeon 3000 Graphics
000002.779| ALWAYS| GPU Memory: 268435456
000002.780| ALWAYS| GPU Driver Version: 8.970.100.9001
000002.780| ALWAYS| CPU Brand: AuthenticAMD
000002.780| ALWAYS| CPU Processor Name: AMD FX(tm)-8120 Eight-Core Processor
000002.780| ALWAYS| CPU Identifier: AMD64 Family 21 Model 1 Stepping 2
000002.780| ALWAYS| CPU Speed: 3114
000002.781| ALWAYS| CPU Topology: 4 Core
000002.781| ALWAYS| Physical memory: 8589934592
000002.788| ALWAYS| Success
000002.789| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::RecreateOwnedResources
000002.871| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::InitResources exit successfully
000002.901| ALWAYS| Waiting for client ID
000003.103| ALWAYS| {"messageType":"riot__game_client__connection_info","message
_body":"Hard Connect"}
000003.104| ALWAYS| Game Info Start ===========================================
000003.104| ALWAYS| Map: 11, Mode : CLASSIC
000003.104| ALWAYS| Rammus Skin 0 (Order Human)
000003.104| ALWAYS| MasterYi Skin 0 (Order Human)
000003.104| ALWAYS| MissFortune Skin 0 (Order Human)
000003.104| ALWAYS| Singed Skin 0 (Order Human)
000003.104| ALWAYS| Fiora Skin 0 (Order Human)
000003.104| ALWAYS| Ashe Skin 0 (Chaos Human)
000003.104| ALWAYS| Warwick Skin 0 (Chaos Human)
000003.104| ALWAYS| Illaoi Skin 0 (Chaos Human)
000003.104| ALWAYS| Orianna Skin 0 (Chaos Human)
000003.104| ALWAYS| Lux Skin 0 (Chaos Human)
000003.104| ALWAYS| Game Info End =============================================
000003.105| ALWAYS| Received client ID
000003.105| ALWAYS| Set focus to app
000003.105| ALWAYS| Input started
000003.143| ALWAYS| Query Status Req started
000003.237| ALWAYS| Query Status Req ended
000003.238| ALWAYS| Waiting for server response...
000003.342| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Maps/Shipping/Map11.wad
000003.343| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Maps/Shipping/Map11.pt_br.wad
000003.347| ALWAYS| Initializing GameModeComponents for mode=CLASSIC.
000003.347| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = default.
000003.347| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = LoadingScreenBackground(Da
000003.348| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = FOWTexture(FogOfWarOverlay
000003.348| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = HudSkin(Default).
000003.348| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = NavigationMesh(AIPath).
000003.348| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = MiniMapTexture(2DLevelMini
000003.348| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = AudioFeature(None).
000003.348| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = BotSummonerIcon(0).
000003.349| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = EndOfGameScreenText(Defaul
000003.349| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = HealthTextModifier(default
000003.349| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = DamageTextModifier(default
000003.349| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = MapObjectESportTeamCustomi
000003.349| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = LocalizationEncryptKey(non
000003.350| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = SuppressMinionSpawn(0).
000003.350| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = RestrictedItemShopCategori
000003.350| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = LevelPropsScript(CreateLev
000003.350| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = NeutralMinionSpawnScript(N
000003.351| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = MapObjects(MapObjects.mob)
000003.351| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = SpectatorHudSkin(Spectator
000003.351| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = SpectatorMiniMapTexture(2D
000003.351| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = WorldGeometry(room).
000003.351| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = LevelScriptFile(LevelScrip
000003.351| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = NewSummonerBadgeSystem(0).
000003.352| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = WorldParticles(Particles.d
000003.352| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = WorldParticlesIni(Particle
000003.352| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = ObjectCFG(ObjectCFG.cfg).
000003.352| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = TerrainINI(terrain.ini).
000003.352| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = EsportsRecallDecals(0).
000003.352| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = IconBasedEmotes(0).
000003.353| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = TowerFirstBloodAnnouncemen
000003.353| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = EnableSRPlants2017Preseaso
000003.353| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = TeamBuilderRosterPositions
000003.353| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = GodrayLocator(1).
000003.353| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = CursorLocator(0).
000003.354| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = SkinNamesInScoreboard(0).
000003.354| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = NeutralTimers(NeutralTimer
000003.354| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = ExperimentalAssistRules(1)
000003.354| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = CLASSIC.
000003.354| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = NewSummonerBadgeSystem(0).
000003.354| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = Banana.
000003.355| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = VeryBanana(1).
000003.355| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = Moments.
000003.355| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = MomUI(1).
000003.355| ALWAYS| ... Processing GameMode Mutator = TeambuilderRosterPositions
000003.356| ALWAYS| netUID: 6 defaultname
000003.386| ALWAYS| PlayGame Started
000003.386| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::InitDefaultShaders: Initialize shaders for c
urrent rendering path
000004.095| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000004.095| ERROR| Failed to load
000004.096| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy te
xture created.
000006.319| WARN| General performance warning: more than 11 texture samplers a
re being used simultanously.
Please bump this number if this is intentional up to 16 (inclusive)
000006.319| ALWAYS| PlayGame Entered
000006.319| ALWAYS| gRenderPipeline
000006.337| ALWAYS| CreateParticleSystemManager
000006.893| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
000009.484| ALWAYS| CreateAudioManager: Create audio manager Wwise.
000009.524| ALWAYS| AudioManager: Wwise Version v2013.2.2 initialized.
000009.537| WARN| Duplicate key/value pair ([OnKilledUnitOnKillingSpreeTripleK
ill_YOffset3, 8] in DATA/CFG/defaults/Announcements_CLASSIC.ini
000009.538| WARN| Duplicate key/value pair ([OnKilledUnitOnKillingSpreeUnrealK
ill_YOffset3, 8] in DATA/CFG/defaults/Announcements_CLASSIC.ini
000010.457| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "LEVELS/Map1
1/Scripts/LevelScript.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.460| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Buildi
ngBlocks/BuildingBlocksBase.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.462| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Buildi
ngBlocks/ObjectTags.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.497| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/BaseSpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.498| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/BaseSpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.498| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/BaseSpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.514| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_OrderMinionMelee/CharScriptSRU_OrderMinionMelee.luabin" because it's no
t in the manifest.
000010.544| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_OrderMinionRanged/CharScriptSRU_OrderMinionRanged.luabin" because it's
not in the manifest.
000010.574| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_OrderMinionSiege/CharScriptSRU_OrderMinionSiege.luabin" because it's no
t in the manifest.
000010.574| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/promotemebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.574| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/promotemebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.574| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/promotemebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.576| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretshield.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.576| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretshield.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.577| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretshield.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.605| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_OrderMinionSuper/CharScriptSRU_OrderMinionSuper.luabin" because it's no
t in the manifest.
000010.605| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretshield.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.606| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/structuredamagereduction.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.606| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/structuredamagereduction.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.606| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/structuredamagereduction.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.606| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/superminionbuff_blue.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.606| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/superminionaura.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.607| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/superminionaura.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.607| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/superminionaura.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.630| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_ChaosMinionMelee/CharScriptSRU_ChaosMinionMelee.luabin" because it's no
t in the manifest.
000010.658| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_ChaosMinionRanged/CharScriptSRU_ChaosMinionRanged.luabin" because it's
not in the manifest.
000010.688| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_ChaosMinionSiege/CharScriptSRU_ChaosMinionSiege.luabin" because it's no
t in the manifest.
000010.688| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/promotemebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.688| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretshield.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.712| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_ChaosMinionSuper/CharScriptSRU_ChaosMinionSuper.luabin" because it's no
t in the manifest.
000010.712| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretshield.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.712| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/structuredamagereduction.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.713| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/superminionbuff_red.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.713| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/superminionaura.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.847| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Order1/CharScriptSRUAP_Turret_Order1.luabin" because it's not
in the manifest.
000010.847| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sog_activationcheck_order.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.852| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/s5_turretdamagebonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.852| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/s5_turretdamagebonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.852| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/s5_turretdamagebonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.852| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretpackage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.855| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/negativeturretdelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.855| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/negativeturretdelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.855| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/negativeturretdelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.856| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/positiveturretdelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.856| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/positiveturretdelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.856| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/positiveturretdelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.856| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Modules/TowerScalingResists.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.856| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "TowerScalin
gResists.lua" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.856| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretbackdoorbonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.857| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretbackdoorbonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.857| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretbackdoorbonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.857| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretdamagemarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.857| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretdamagemarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.857| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretdamagemarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.865| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretfirstblood.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.865| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretfirstblood.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.865| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretfirstblood.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.865| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/outerturretbonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.869| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000010.869| ERROR| Failed to load
000010.869| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy tex
ture created.
000010.873| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/root.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.873| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/root.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000010.873| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000010.873| ERROR| Failed to load
000010.873| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy text
ure created.
000010.873| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/root.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.027| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Chaos1/CharScriptSRUAP_Turret_Chaos1.luabin" because it's not
in the manifest.
000011.027| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sog_activationcheck_chaos.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.033| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/s5_turretdamagebonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.034| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/negativeturretdelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.034| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/positiveturretdelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.034| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretbackdoorbonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.034| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretdamagemarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.035| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretfirstblood.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.039| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/root.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.217| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <SRU_Order_ambientGlow>
000011.635| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Blue/CharScriptSRU_Blue.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.635| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/npcinitializer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.635| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.636| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.636| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.636| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dummypercenthealthresistance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.636| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dummypercenthealthresistance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.637| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dummypercenthealthresistance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.637| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Blue/spells/srublueeemanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.637| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Blue/spells/srublueeedetector.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.637| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Blue/spells/srublueeetoken.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.637| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Blue/spells/srublueeetoken.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.638| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Blue/spells/srublueeetoken.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.638| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Modules/JungleCampSpawn.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.649| ERROR| Can not open file <VoidGate_base_TX_CM.DDS> *********
000011.649| ERROR| Failed to load VoidGate_base_TX_CM.DDS
000011.649| WARN| r3dTexture EX: VoidGate_base_TX_CM.DDS - not found. Dummy te
xture created.
000011.650| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/sru_camprespawnmarker/CharScriptsru_camprespawnmarker.luabin" because it's
not in the manifest.
000011.650| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/sru_camprespawnmarker/CharScriptsru_camprespawnmarker.luabin" because it's
not in the manifest.
000011.650| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/camprespawncountdownhidden.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.650| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/camprespawncountdownvisible.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.650| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/camprespawncountdownvisible.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.651| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/camprespawncountdownvisible.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.651| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/crestoftheancientgolem.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.657| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/CrestOfTheAncientGolemLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.657| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/CrestOfTheAncientGolemLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.657| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/CrestOfTheAncientGolemLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.661| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000011.661| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000011.661| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000011.661| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000011.661| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000011.725| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_BlueMini/CharScriptSRU_BlueMini.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000011.725| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.725| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dummypercenthealthresistance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.746| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_BlueMini2/CharScriptSRU_BlueMini2.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000011.747| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.747| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dummypercenthealthresistance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.901| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Red/CharScriptSRU_Red.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.901| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.902| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dummypercenthealthresistance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.902| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/BlessingoftheLizardElder.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.908| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/BlessingOfTheLizardElderLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.909| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/BlessingOfTheLizardElderLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.909| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/BlessingOfTheLizardElderLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.912| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000011.912| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000011.912| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000011.913| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000011.913| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000011.913| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Burning.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.913| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Burning.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.915| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Burning.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.915| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/blessingofthelizardelderslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.915| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/blessingofthelizardelderslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000011.917| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/blessingofthelizardelderslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.001| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RedMini/CharScriptSRU_RedMini.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.001| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.001| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dummypercenthealthresistance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.082| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Murkwolf/CharScriptSRU_Murkwolf.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000012.082| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.082| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dummypercenthealthresistance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.137| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_MurkwolfMini/CharScriptSRU_MurkwolfMini.luabin" because it's not in the
000012.137| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.137| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dummypercenthealthresistance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.207| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Razorbeak/CharScriptSRU_Razorbeak.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000012.207| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.207| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dummypercenthealthresistance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.244| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RazorbeakMini/CharScriptSRU_RazorbeakMini.luabin" because it's not in t
he manifest.
000012.245| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.245| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dummypercenthealthresistance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.366| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Krug/CharScriptSRU_Krug.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.366| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.367| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dummypercenthealthresistance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.367| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TracerBullet.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.367| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TracerBullet.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.367| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TracerBullet.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.447| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/sru_krugmini/CharScriptsru_krugmini.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000012.447| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.448| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dummypercenthealthresistance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.448| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TracerBullet.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.472| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/sru_krugminimini/CharScriptsru_krugminimini.luabin" because it's not in the
000012.472| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.473| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dummypercenthealthresistance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.473| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/delayeddespawn.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.473| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/delayeddespawn.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.473| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/delayeddespawn.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.476| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000012.477| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/delayeddespawn.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.477| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000012.481| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Gromp/spells/SRU_GrompBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000012.481| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Gromp/spells/SRU_GrompBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000012.481| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Gromp/spells/SRU_GrompBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000012.535| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Gromp/CharScriptSRU_Gromp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.536| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.536| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dummypercenthealthresistance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.536| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000012.536| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000012.536| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000012.536| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000012.536| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000012.536| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/CrestOfTheAncientGolemLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.544| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/SRU_BaronBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000012.544| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/barondebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.545| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/barondebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.547| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/barondebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.553| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/BaronBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.554| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/barontarget.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.554| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/barontarget.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.554| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/barontarget.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.561| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/BaronAttackMelee.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.566| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronattackstop.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.566| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronattackstop.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.566| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronattackstop.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.566| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/BaronSpike.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.569| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronspikehit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.569| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronspikehit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.569| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronspikehit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.569| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/BaronSpellCaster.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.570| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronspellcast1.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.583| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/expirationtimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.583| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/expirationtimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.583| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/expirationtimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.583| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/barondeathbreathtarget.luabin" because it's not in the man
000012.583| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/barondeathbreathtarget.luabin" because it's not in the man
000012.583| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/barondeathbreathtarget.luabin" because it's not in the man
000012.584| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/barondonotmelee.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.584| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/barondonotmelee.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.584| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/barondonotmelee.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.584| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronspellcastdetect.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000012.584| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronspellcastdetect.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000012.584| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronspellcastdetect.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000012.585| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronspellcast3.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.589| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/BaronTail.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.590| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/BaronTail.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.590| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/BaronTail.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.599| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/barontailpopup.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.599| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/barontailpopup.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.599| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/barontailpopup.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.600| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronspellcast4.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.601| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronspellcast0.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.601| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronbacksidestun.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000012.601| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronbacksidestun.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000012.601| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronbacksidestun.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000012.601| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronbacksidedetect.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000012.601| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronbacksidedetect.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000012.602| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronbacksidedetect.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000012.604| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/BaronDeathBreath.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.604| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/BaronAcidBall.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.615| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronacidballpool.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000012.615| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronacidballpooldamage.luabin" because it's not in the ma
000012.615| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/baronacidballburn.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000012.621| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/BaronAcidBall2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.622| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/BaronAcidBall3.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.622| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/BaronDeathBreathProj.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000012.627| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/BaronDeathBreathProj1.luabin" because it's not in the mani
000012.628| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/BaronDeathBreathProj2.luabin" because it's not in the mani
000012.628| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/BaronDeathBreathProj3.luabin" because it's not in the mani
000012.741| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/CharScriptSRU_Baron.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.741| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/tt_spiderbosssingedorder.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.741| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "poisontrailtarget"
000012.742| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "poisontrailtarget"
000012.742| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/tt_spiderbosssingedchaos.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.742| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "poisontrailtarget"
000012.742| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "poisontrailtarget"
000012.743| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/resistantskin.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.743| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/exaltedwithbaronnashor.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.750| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SuperRecall.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.761| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/teleportmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.762| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/teleportmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.762| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/teleportmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.765| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/recallends.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.765| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/recallends.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.766| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/recallends.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.766| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/exaltedspeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.769| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SuperRecallImproved.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.769| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/recall.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.779| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/RecallImproved.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.785| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/BaronNashorLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.785| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/BaronNashorLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.785| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/BaronNashorLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.787| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/exaltedwithbaronnashorminion.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.792| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/S5_BaronMinionSiegeAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.808| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/root.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.809| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.809| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/BaronCorruption.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.843| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/barondamage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.843| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/barondamage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.843| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Baron/spells/barondamage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.855| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SweepingBlow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.855| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SweepingBlow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.855| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SweepingBlow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.855| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Propel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.855| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Propel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.856| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Propel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.856| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/WrathoftheAncients.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.856| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/wrathdamage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.865| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/wrathdebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.865| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/wrathdebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.866| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/wrathdebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.867| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/WormAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.867| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/wormattackswap.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.867| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/WormAttackInitial.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.905| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_BaronSpawn/CharScriptSRU_BaronSpawn.luabin" because it's not in the man
000012.906| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_BaronSpawn/spells/baronspawnbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000012.906| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_BaronSpawn/spells/baronspawnbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000012.906| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_BaronSpawn/spells/baronspawnbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000012.909| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_MageCrystal/spells/SRUAP_MageCrystalBasicAttack.luabin" because it's
not in the manifest.
000012.909| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_MageCrystal/spells/SRUAP_MageCrystalBasicAttack.luabin" because it's
not in the manifest.
000012.909| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_MageCrystal/spells/SRUAP_MageCrystalBasicAttack.luabin" because it's
not in the manifest.
000012.971| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_MageCrystal/CharScriptSRUAP_MageCrystal.luabin" because it's not in t
he manifest.
000012.971| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretbonushealth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.972| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretbonushealth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.972| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretbonushealth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000012.983| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000012.983| ERROR| Failed to load
000012.983| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy
texture created.
000013.002| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Snail/CharScriptSRU_Snail.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.002| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Snail/spells/snailmove.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.030| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SweepingBlow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.031| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Propel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.031| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/wrathdebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.035| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Bird/CharScriptSRU_Bird.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.035| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Bird/CharScriptSRU_Bird.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.208| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "LEVELS/Map1
1/Scripts/NeutralMinionSpawn.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.222| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Sru_Crab/spells/Sru_CrabDash.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.250| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Sru_Crab/spells/Sru_CrabDashLong.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.275| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Sru_Crab/scripts/CharScriptSru_Crab.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000013.275| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/regenerationruneaura.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.275| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/expirationtimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.275| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/MonsterRegenSpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.287| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.287| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dummypercenthealthresistance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.288| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/outofcombatdebuffmanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.288| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/incombatmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.288| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/incombatmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.288| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/incombatmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.327| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/sru_crabward/scripts/CharScriptsru_crabward.luabin" because it's not in the
000013.341| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Sru_Crab/spells/sru_crabsight.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.341| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Sru_Crab/spells/sru_crabsight.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.342| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Sru_Crab/spells/sru_crabsight.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.342| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Sru_Crab/spells/sru_crabspeedshrine.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000013.351| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Sru_Crab/spells/sru_crabspeedboost.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000013.351| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Sru_Crab/spells/sru_crabspeedmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000013.351| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Sru_Crab/spells/sru_crabspeedmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000013.357| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Sru_Crab/spells/sru_crabspeedmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000013.358| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Modules/Status.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.362| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RiftHerald/spells/SRU_RiftHeraldBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in
the manifest.
000013.362| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RiftHerald/spells/SRU_RiftHeraldBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in
the manifest.
000013.362| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RiftHerald/spells/SRU_RiftHeraldBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in
the manifest.
000013.362| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RiftHerald/spells/SRU_RiftHeraldBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not i
n the manifest.
000013.363| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RiftHerald/spells/SRU_RiftHeraldBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not i
n the manifest.
000013.363| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RiftHerald/spells/SRU_RiftHeraldBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not i
n the manifest.
000013.363| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RiftHerald/spells/SRU_RiftHeraldBasicAttack3.luabin" because it's not i
n the manifest.
000013.363| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RiftHerald/spells/SRU_RiftHeraldBasicAttack3.luabin" because it's not i
n the manifest.
000013.363| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RiftHerald/spells/SRU_RiftHeraldBasicAttack3.luabin" because it's not i
n the manifest.
000013.448| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RiftHerald/CharScriptSRU_RiftHerald.luabin" because it's not in the man
000013.449| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.449| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dummypercenthealthresistance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.449| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RiftHerald/spells/resistantskinminibaron.luabin" because it's not in th
e manifest.
000013.449| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RiftHerald/spells/resistantskinminibaron.luabin" because it's not in th
e manifest.
000013.450| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RiftHerald/spells/resistantskinminibaron.luabin" because it's not in th
e manifest.
000013.450| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RiftHerald/spells/sru_riftheralddance.luabin" because it's not in the m
000013.465| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/sru_riftherald_relic/scripts/CharScriptsru_riftherald_relic.luabin" because
it's not in the manifest.
000013.466| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/sru_riftherald_relic/scripts/CharScriptsru_riftherald_relic.luabin" because
it's not in the manifest.
000013.466| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RiftHerald/spells/eyeshrinebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000013.472| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <SRU_RiftHerald_Relic_Beacon_Center_>
000013.482| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/exaltedwithminibaronnashor.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.490| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/RiftHeraldBuffCounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.490| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/RiftHeraldBuffCounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.491| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/RiftHeraldBuffCounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.521| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RiftHerald/spells/minibaronincombat.luabin" because it's not in the man
000013.521| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RiftHerald/spells/minibaronvulnerable.luabin" because it's not in the m
000013.521| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RiftHerald/spells/minibaronvulnerablecooldown.luabin" because it's not
in the manifest.
000013.522| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RiftHerald/spells/minibaronvulnerablecooldown.luabin" because it's not
in the manifest.
000013.522| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_RiftHerald/spells/minibaronvulnerablecooldown.luabin" because it's not
in the manifest.
000013.541| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Air/spells/AirDragonAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000013.542| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Air/spells/AirDragonAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000013.542| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Air/spells/AirDragonAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000013.555| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Air/spells/DragonTakeoff.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000013.556| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/moveawaycollision.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.556| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Modules/PlayerTerrian.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.556| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "PlayerTerri
an.lua" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.557| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Air/spells/SRUDragonBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the
000013.559| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Air/spells/AirDragonAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the mani
000013.659| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Air/CharScriptSRU_Dragon_Air.luabin" because it's not in the man
000013.659| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/resistantskindragon.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.659| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/resistantskindragon.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.660| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/resistantskindragon.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.660| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.660| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/s5_dragonvengeance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.680| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonslain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.680| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonslain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.681| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonslain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.694| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuffair.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.694| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuffair.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.695| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuffair.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.695| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuffair_manager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.695| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/incombatmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.699| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuff_tooltipmanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.699| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuff_tooltipmanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.699| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuff_tooltipmanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.699| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Air/spells/dragondamage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000013.699| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Air/spells/dragondamage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000013.700| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Air/spells/dragondamage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000013.704| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Fire/spells/FireDragonAttack.luabin" because it's not in the man
000013.704| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Fire/spells/FireDragonAttack.luabin" because it's not in the man
000013.704| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Fire/spells/FireDragonAttack.luabin" because it's not in the man
000013.715| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Fire/spells/FireDragonAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the ma
000013.766| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Fire/CharScriptSRU_Dragon_Fire.luabin" because it's not in the m
000013.766| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/resistantskindragon.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.767| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.773| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonslain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.774| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbufffire.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.774| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbufffire.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.774| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbufffire.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.774| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbufffire_manager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.775| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbufffire_manager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.775| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbufffire_manager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.775| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuff_tooltipmanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.775| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Fire/spells/dragondamage.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000013.779| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Water/spells/WaterDragonAttack.luabin" because it's not in the m
000013.780| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Water/spells/WaterDragonAttack.luabin" because it's not in the m
000013.780| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Water/spells/WaterDragonAttack.luabin" because it's not in the m
000013.787| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Water/spells/WaterDragonAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the
000013.787| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Water/spells/waterdragonslow.luabin" because it's not in the man
000013.854| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Water/CharScriptSRU_Dragon_Water.luabin" because it's not in the
000013.854| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/resistantskindragon.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.854| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.871| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonslain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.872| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuffwater.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.872| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuffwater.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.873| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuffwater.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.873| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuffwater_manager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.873| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuffwater_vfxmanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.881| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuff_tooltipmanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.881| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Water/spells/dragondamage.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000013.885| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Earth/spells/EarthDragonAttack.luabin" because it's not in the m
000013.886| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Earth/spells/EarthDragonAttack.luabin" because it's not in the m
000013.886| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Earth/spells/EarthDragonAttack.luabin" because it's not in the m
000013.898| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Earth/spells/EarthDragonAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the
000013.951| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Earth/CharScriptSRU_Dragon_Earth.luabin" because it's not in the
000013.952| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/resistantskindragon.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.952| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.958| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonslain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.958| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuffearth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.958| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuffearth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.958| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuffearth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.959| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuffearth_manager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.959| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuffearth_manager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.959| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuffearth_manager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.959| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonbuff_tooltipmanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000013.959| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Earth/spells/dragondamage.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000013.964| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Elder/spells/ElderDragonAttack.luabin" because it's not in the m
000013.964| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Elder/spells/ElderDragonAttack.luabin" because it's not in the m
000013.965| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Elder/spells/ElderDragonAttack.luabin" because it's not in the m
000013.972| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Elder/spells/ElderDragonAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the
000014.031| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Elder/CharScriptSRU_Dragon_Elder.luabin" because it's not in the
000014.031| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/resistantskindragon.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000014.031| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterminiondamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000014.047| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dragonslain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000014.048| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/elderdragonbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000014.054| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/wyrmfire.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000014.064| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Elder/spells/dragondamage.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000014.065| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Elder/spells/dragonincombat.luabin" because it's not in the mani
000014.065| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Elder/spells/dragonincombat.luabin" because it's not in the mani
000014.065| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Dragon_Elder/spells/dragonincombat.luabin" because it's not in the mani
000014.066| ERROR| ?:0: attempt to call global 'GetHashedGameObjName' (a nil va
000014.257| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <SRU_Order_ambientGlow>
000015.065| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Illaoi.wad
000015.079| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Illaoi.pt_br.wad
000015.230| ALWAYS| Begin Game Object Update
000015.632| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Warwick.wad
000015.649| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Warwick.pt_br.wad
000016.634| ALWAYS| End Game Object Update
000016.634| ERROR| Lua log: ----------------------- Regular LevelScript PostLev
elLoad ----------------------------
000016.634| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "LEVELS/Map1
1/Scripts/CreateLevelProps.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000016.684| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Order3/spells/SRUAP_Turret_Order3BasicAttack.luabin" because i
t's not in the manifest.
000016.685| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Order3/spells/SRUAP_Turret_Order3BasicAttack.luabin" because i
t's not in the manifest.
000016.685| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Order3/spells/SRUAP_Turret_Order3BasicAttack.luabin" because i
t's not in the manifest.
000016.771| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Chaos3/spells/SRUAP_Turret_Chaos3BasicAttack.luabin" because i
t's not in the manifest.
000016.771| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Chaos3/spells/SRUAP_Turret_Chaos3BasicAttack.luabin" because i
t's not in the manifest.
000016.771| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Chaos3/spells/SRUAP_Turret_Chaos3BasicAttack.luabin" because i
t's not in the manifest.
000016.805| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Order4/spells/SRUAP_Turret_Order4BasicAttack.luabin" because i
t's not in the manifest.
000016.805| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Order4/spells/SRUAP_Turret_Order4BasicAttack.luabin" because i
t's not in the manifest.
000016.805| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Order4/spells/SRUAP_Turret_Order4BasicAttack.luabin" because i
t's not in the manifest.
000016.834| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Chaos4/spells/SRUAP_Turret_Chaos4BasicAttack.luabin" because i
t's not in the manifest.
000016.834| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Chaos4/spells/SRUAP_Turret_Chaos4BasicAttack.luabin" because i
t's not in the manifest.
000016.834| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Chaos4/spells/SRUAP_Turret_Chaos4BasicAttack.luabin" because i
t's not in the manifest.
000016.874| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Order5/spells/SRUAP_Turret_Order5BasicAttack.luabin" because i
t's not in the manifest.
000016.874| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Order5/spells/SRUAP_Turret_Order5BasicAttack.luabin" because i
t's not in the manifest.
000016.874| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Order5/spells/SRUAP_Turret_Order5BasicAttack.luabin" because i
t's not in the manifest.
000017.372| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_MageCrystal/spells/SRUAP_MageCrystalBasicAttack.luabin" because it's
not in the manifest.
000017.497| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3418.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.497| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengartrophyalt.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.498| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengartrophystacks.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.498| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengartrophystacks.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.498| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengartrophystacks.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.498| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengarupdatetrophycharges.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.498| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengarupdatetrophycharges.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.498| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengarupdatetrophycharges.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.499| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengarhatredready.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.500| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengarhatredready.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.500| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengarhatredready.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.500| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengarhatredunready.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.500| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengarhatredunready.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.500| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengarhatredunready.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.501| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3419.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.501| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TrinketSweeperLvl3.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.501| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Modules/TrinketCD.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.502| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "TrinketCD.l
ua" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.521| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemblackout.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.526| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/warddisable.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.530| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/trinketsweeperpersistvfx.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.539| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3409.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.539| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengartrophyred.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.540| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TrinketSweeperLvl2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.541| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3408.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.541| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1054.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.541| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1055.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.541| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1055.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.542| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1056.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.542| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1056.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.543| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1051.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.543| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Modules/FakeStats.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.543| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "FakeStats.l
ua" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.543| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3422.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.543| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengartrophymant.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.544| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengartrophy6check.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.544| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/RengarTrophy9Bonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.546| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3421.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.546| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3420.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.547| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ElixirOfRuin.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.547| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/elixirofruinaura.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.547| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/elixirofruinaura.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.548| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/elixirofruinaura.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.561| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3210.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.563| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Hexdrinker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.563| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/hexdrinkertimercd.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.563| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/hexdrinkertimercd.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.563| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/hexdrinkertimercd.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.568| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000017.574| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/hexdrinkertimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.575| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/hexdrinkertimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.575| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/hexdrinkertimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.575| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/tenacity.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.575| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/tenacity.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.575| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/tenacity.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.575| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1039.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.576| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemjungletooth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.576| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemmonsterburn.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.576| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemmonsterburn.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.577| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemmonsterburn.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.578| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemjunglespecialxp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.578| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemjunglespecialxp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.578| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemjunglespecialxp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.578| ERROR| Can not open file <> *******
000017.578| ERROR| Failed to load
000017.578| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found.
Dummy texture created.
000017.579| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3211.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.579| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemspectrecowlregen.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.579| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemspectrecowlregen.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.579| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemspectrecowlregen.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.579| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ElixirOfIron.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.580| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/elixirofirontrail.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.584| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/elixirofirontrailbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.584| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/elixirofirontrailbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.584| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/elixirofirontrailbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.592| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/KalistaPSpellCast.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.592| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/KalistaPSpellCast.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.593| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000017.593| ERROR| Failed to load
000017.593| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dumm
y texture created.
000017.593| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/KalistaPSpellCast.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.596| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3599.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.596| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3599.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.599| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ElixirOfSorcery.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.603| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/root.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.609| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/AtmasImpalerDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.609| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/AtmasImpalerDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.609| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/AtmasImpalerDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.638| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3200.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.638| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3200.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.639| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SpiritLantern.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.639| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SightWard.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.639| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SightWard.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.640| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SightWard.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.651| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/SightWard/Skins/Base/" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.653| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/SightWard/Skins/Base/Animations/Sightward_Base_Idle.anm" because it's not
in the manifest.
000017.653| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/SightWard/Skins/Base/Animations/Sightward_Base_IdleIn.anm" because it's n
ot in the manifest.
000017.653| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/SightWard/Skins/Base/Animations/Sightward_Base_Idle_Death.anm" because it
's not in the manifest.
000017.660| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/sightward/CharScriptsightward.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.661| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sightwardaudiobuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.661| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sightwardaudiobuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.661| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sightwardaudiobuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.662| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/wardbounty.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.662| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/wardbounty.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.662| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/wardbounty.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.662| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sharedwardbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.662| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sharedvisionwardbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.662| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sharedvisionwardbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.663| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sharedvisionwardbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.663| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sharedstealthwardbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.663| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sharedstealthwardbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.663| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sharedstealthwardbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.663| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dummywardtracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.663| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dummywardtracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.663| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dummywardtracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.666| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000017.666| ERROR| Failed to load
000017.666| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy texture
000017.676| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/s5test_wardcorpse/scripts/CharScripts5test_wardcorpse.luabin" because it's
not in the manifest.
000017.676| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/s5test_wardcorpse/scripts/CharScripts5test_wardcorpse.luabin" because it's
not in the manifest.
000017.676| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/wardcorpsebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.676| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/expirationtimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.676| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemPlacementMissile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.719| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/masteryscoutbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.719| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/masteryscoutbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.719| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000017.720| ERROR| Failed to load
000017.720| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy textu
re created.
000017.720| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/masteryscoutbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.720| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3207.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.720| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemspiritstonedefense.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.720| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemspiritstonebleed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.721| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemspiritstonebleed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.721| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemspiritstonebleed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.725| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemspiritstoneregen.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.725| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemspiritstoneregen.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.725| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemspiritstoneregen.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.726| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemspiritconservation.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.726| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemspiritgoldcounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.726| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemspiritgoldcounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.726| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemspiritgoldcounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.727| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3206.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.727| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itementrap.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.727| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itementrap.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.727| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itementrap.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.727| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemmonsterdamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.727| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemmonsterdamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.728| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemmonsterdamageamp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.728| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3205.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.728| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/HextechSweeper.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.729| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/hextechsweeperarea.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.733| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinlightbringer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.733| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinlightbringer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.734| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinlightbringer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.734| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3204.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.734| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OracleElixirSight.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.735| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/oraclesightbubble.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.739| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemDarkCrystalFlask.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.739| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/flask_internal.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.739| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/flask_internal.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.740| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/flask_internal.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.740| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemDarkFlaskBurn.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.748| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2033.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.748| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemcrystalflaskcharge.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.748| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemcrystalflaskcharge.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.748| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemcrystalflaskcharge.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.749| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/VisionWard.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.749| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Modules/Brush.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.749| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "Brush.lua"
because it's not in the manifest.
000017.749| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sharedwardlogic.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.790| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/wardcelebration.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.790| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/wardcelebration.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.791| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/wardcelebration.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.793| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sightwardstealth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.793| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sightwardstealth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.793| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sightwardstealth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.801| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2043.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.802| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemCrystalFlaskJungle.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.802| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2032.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.802| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ElixirOfRage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.803| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ElixirOfRage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.803| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ElixirOfRage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.803| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemSpiritStoneLizardDummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.803| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemSpiritStoneLizardDummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.803| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemSpiritStoneLizardDummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.804| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3209.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.804| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemlizarddot.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.805| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemCrystalFlask.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.808| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2031.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.809| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2041.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.809| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/JammerDevice.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.809| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/championjammerblackout.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.815| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2055.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.815| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3208.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.815| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/lightbringer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.816| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/lightbringerreveal.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.819| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OdinCaptureChannel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.819| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odindamageinterruptmonitor.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.822| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odincapturechannelcooldownbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.822| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odincapturechannelcooldownbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.822| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odincapturechannelcooldownbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.822| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odincaptureinterrupt.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.823| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odincaptureinterrupt.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.823| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odincaptureinterrupt.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.823| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odincaptureimmobile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.823| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odincaptureimmobile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.823| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odincaptureimmobile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.823| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinguardiansuppression.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.825| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odincapturesoundfilling.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.826| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odincapturesoundemptying.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.827| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PrilisasBlessing.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.828| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/haste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.829| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/haste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.832| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/haste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.833| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinguardiansuppressionorder.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.833| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinguardiansuppressionorder.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.833| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinguardiansuppressionorder.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.836| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinguardiansuppressionchaos.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.836| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinguardiansuppressionchaos.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.837| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinguardiansuppressionchaos.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.837| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinscoreninja.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.837| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinscoreninja.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.837| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinscoreninja.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.837| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinbombtickorder.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.837| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinbombtickorder.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.838| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinbombtickorder.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.838| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinbombtickchaos.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.838| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinbombtickchaos.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.838| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinbombtickchaos.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.849| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemKingPoroSnack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.849| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemKingPoroSnack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.852| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemKingPoroSnack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.853| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PotionOfGiantStrength.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.853| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PotionOfGiantStrength.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.853| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PotionOfGiantStrength.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.853| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OracleExtractSight.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.854| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemWraithCollar.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.857| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000017.857| ERROR| Failed to load
000017.857| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy texture
000017.857| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000017.857| ERROR| Failed to load
000017.857| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy texture
000017.871| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <color-wraith_flicker.tga>
000017.872| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <color-wraith_flicker.tga>
000017.875| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <wraith_twirl.tga>
000017.875| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <wraith_hit.sco>.
000017.875| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemwraithcollarslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.877| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemwraithcollarsight.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.878| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3290.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.878| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2044.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.878| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemGhostWard.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.890| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/VisionWard/Skins/Base/" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.895| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/visionward/CharScriptvisionward.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.895| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sightwardaudiobuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.895| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/incombatmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.896| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2045.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.896| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemghostwardcharge.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.896| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemghostwardcharge.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.897| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemghostwardcharge.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.897| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2051.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.897| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2051.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.897| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemMiniWard.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.897| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/stealth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.898| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/stealth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.898| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/stealth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.898| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2050.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.898| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2050.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.898| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/RelicSpotter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.899| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3351.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.899| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3351.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.899| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2053.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.899| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemvoidspeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.905| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/RelicLantern.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.918| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/YellowTrinketUpgrade/Skins/Base/" because
it's not in the manifest.
000017.920| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/YellowTrinketUpgrade/Skins/Base/Animations/TempChar_Idle1.anm" because it
's not in the manifest.
000017.921| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.921| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
m" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.922| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
m" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.923| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/relicyellowward.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.934| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/trinkettotemlvl2audio.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.934| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/trinkettotemlvl2audio.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.934| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/trinkettotemlvl2audio.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.934| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000017.934| ERROR| Failed to load
000017.934| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy te
xture created.
000017.934| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3350.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.935| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ElixirOfIllumination.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.935| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ElixirOfIllumination.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.936| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ElixirOfIllumination.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.936| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemPoroSnack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.937| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/howlingabyssporocooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.937| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/howlingabyssporocooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.938| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/howlingabyssporocooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.938| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemporosnackgrow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.938| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemporosnackgrow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.938| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemporosnackgrow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.938| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemporosnackgrowtest.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.939| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/howlingabyssporoaction.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.939| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/howlingabyssporoaction.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.939| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/howlingabyssporoaction.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.974| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/ha_ap_poro/CharScriptha_ap_poro.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.975| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/howlingabyssporoacceleration.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.975| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/howlingabyssporoaction.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.975| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/howlingabyssporoanimation1.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.975| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/howlingabyssporoanimation1.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.976| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/howlingabyssporoanimation1.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.976| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/poro.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.976| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/poro.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.976| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/poro.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.976| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/pacified.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.977| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/pacified.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.977| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000017.977| ERROR| Failed to load
000017.977| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dumm
y texture created.
000017.979| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/pacified.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.980| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2052.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.980| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemporosnackinventory.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.980| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemporosnackinventory.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.980| ERROR| Can not open file <> ********
000017.980| ERROR| Failed to load
000017.980| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found.
Dummy texture created.
000017.980| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemporosnackinventory.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.980| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemporosnackdetected.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.981| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemporosnackdetected.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.981| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemporosnackdetected.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.981| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PotionOfBrilliance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.981| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PotionOfBrilliance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.981| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PotionOfBrilliance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.982| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2049.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.982| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3352.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.982| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3352.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.982| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PotionOfElusiveness.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.983| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PotionOfElusiveness.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.984| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PotionOfElusiveness.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.984| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ArchAngelsDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.984| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ArchAngelsDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.985| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ArchAngelsDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.985| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3286.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.985| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemmagicshank.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.985| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemmagicshankcharge.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.985| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemmagicshankcharge.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.986| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemmagicshankcharge.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.993| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemMagicShankMagicMissiles.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000017.993| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemMagicShankMis.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.007| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3285.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.007| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3302.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.007| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/talentreaper.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.008| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TalentReaperVFX.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.026| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/talentreaperdisplay.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.026| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/talentreaperdisplay.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.026| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/talentreaperdisplay.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.028| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/talentreapermarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.028| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/talentreapermarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.028| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/talentreapermarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.029| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/goldpertencounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.029| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/goldpertencounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.029| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/goldpertencounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.029| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/ItemEnchantFuror.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.030| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootsdeathmarch.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.030| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootsdeathmarchspeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.030| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootsdeathmarchspeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.031| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootsdeathmarchspeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.031| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3303.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.032| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/kagesluckypick.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.032| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/kagesluckypickdisplay.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.032| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/kagesluckypickdisplay.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.032| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/kagesluckypickdisplay.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.034| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/ItemEnchantAlacrity.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.034| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootsalacrityms.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.034| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootsalacrityms.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.034| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootsalacrityms.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.034| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/ItemEnchantCaptain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.035| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootscaptainspeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.035| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootscaptainspeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.035| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootscaptainspeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.035| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootscaptainspeedvfx.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.037| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3301.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.037| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/philosophersstone.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.038| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/philosophersstonecheck.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.040| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/ItemEnchantDistortion.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.041| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootsdistortion.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.041| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootsdistortion.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.047| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootsdistortion.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.047| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/ItemEnchantHomeguard.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.048| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootshomeguard.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.048| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Modules/CustomTables.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.049| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootshomeguardheal.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.049| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootshomeguardheal.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.049| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootshomeguardheal.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.049| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootshomeguardspeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.054| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootshomeguardcounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.054| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootshomeguardcounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.055| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootshomeguardcounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.055| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemTiamatCleave.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.070| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemravenoushydracastmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.070| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemravenoushydracastmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.070| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemravenoushydracastmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.076| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3074.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.077| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemBloodyHydra.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.077| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemBloodyHydra.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.077| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemBloodyHydra.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.135| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3075.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.135| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/thornmail.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.139| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/ItemBootsTabi.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.139| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/ItemBootsTabi.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.139| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3077.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.140| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3067.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.140| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/kindlegem.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.140| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/kindlegem.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.140| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/kindlegem.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.140| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TearsDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.141| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TearsDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.141| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TearsDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.141| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3070.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.141| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/tearofthegoddesstrack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.141| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/item_insightmanarefund.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.141| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/item_insightmanarefund.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.142| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/item_insightmanarefund.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.145| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "ItemAbyssal"
000018.146| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3071.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.146| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/blackcleaverbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.146| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/blackcleaver.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.162| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemblackcleavershred.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.162| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemblackcleavershred.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.163| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemblackcleavershred.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.163| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000018.163| ERROR| Failed to load
000018.163| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy
texture created.
000018.163| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemphageminispeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.163| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemphageminispeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.163| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemphageminispeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.164| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemphagespeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.164| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemphagespeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.168| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemphagespeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.171| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3065.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.171| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/spiritvisage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.171| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/spiritvisage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.171| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/spiritvisage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.171| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/BloodthirsterDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.172| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/BloodthirsterDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.172| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/BloodthirsterDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.172| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3072.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.172| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itembloodthirsteroverheal.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.172| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itembtoverhealtimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.173| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itembtoverhealtimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.173| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itembtoverhealtimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.184| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itembtoverhealdecay.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.184| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itembtoverhealdecay.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.185| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itembtoverhealdecay.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.185| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000018.185| ERROR| Failed to load
000018.185| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. D
ummy texture created.
000018.185| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3073.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.186| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemPromote.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.197| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretshield.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.197| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itempromotekilltracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.197| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itempromotekilltracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.198| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itempromotekilltracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.200| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3060.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.200| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3060.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.201| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/ItemWillBoltSpellBase.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.201| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/ItemWillBoltSpellMissile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.210| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemwillboltspellmissileslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.211| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemwillboltspellmissileslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.211| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemwillboltspellmissileslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.225| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/boltsharedcd.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.225| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/boltsharedcd.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.226| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/boltsharedcd.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.284| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3010.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.284| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/catalysttheprotector.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.285| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3030.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.287| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3078.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.287| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sheen.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.289| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3031.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.289| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/infinityedge.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.290| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/infinityedge.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.290| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/infinityedge.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.290| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3052.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.290| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/enforcersvambracemanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.291| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/enforcersvambracemanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.291| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/enforcersvambracemanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.291| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemSeraphsEmbrace.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.296| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3048.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.296| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/aaapconversion.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.297| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3033.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.297| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/lastwhisper.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.297| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/lastwhisper.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.297| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/lastwhisper.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.298| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/grievouswound.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.306| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3053.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.307| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/havocgage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.307| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/primaltalonshield.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.327| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemlifelinemanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.327| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/primaltalonenrage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.328| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/primaltalonenrage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.332| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <Item_PrimalTalon_explosio>.
000018.333| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/primaltalonenrage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.333| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/mawenrage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.333| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/mawenrage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.335| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vlad_king_blood_nova.tga>
000018.338| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <Vlad_BloodKing_Joke_Ray.tga>
000018.365| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/mawenrage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.366| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/primaltalonenragedisplay.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.366| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/primaltalonsecondbuildup.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.376| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000018.376| ERROR| Failed to load
000018.376| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy textur
e created.
000018.376| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/primaltalonfirstbuildup.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.377| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/primaltalondamagemarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.377| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/primaltalondamagemarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.377| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/primaltalondamagemarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.377| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OdynsVeil.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.381| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3180.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.389| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3034.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.389| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemgiantslayer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.389| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemgiantslayer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.389| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemgiantslayer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.389| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemStarksBinding.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.390| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rallyingbanneraurafriend.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.390| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rallyingbanneraurafriend.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.390| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rallyingbanneraurafriend.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.390| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rallyingbannerauraself.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.390| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rallyingbannerauraself.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.390| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rallyingbannerauraself.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.391| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemstarksbindingally.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.405| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemstarksbindingallyproc.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.429| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemStarksBindingProcMissile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.429| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemStarksBindingProcMissile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.429| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemStarksBindingProcMissile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.433| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemstarksbindingbufferproc.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.442| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemstarksbindingbuffer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.443| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3050.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.443| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3050.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.443| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3181.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.444| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinbloodburster.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.444| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinbloodbursterbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.444| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinbloodbursterbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.444| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinbloodbursterbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.444| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1504.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.445| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1504.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.445| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3035.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.445| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ShurelyasCrest.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.446| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ShurelyasSpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.452| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/shurelyaminionhaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.452| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/shurelyaminionhaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.452| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/shurelyaminionhaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.453| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3069.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.453| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1505.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.453| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1505.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.454| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3036.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.454| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3068.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.454| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemsunfirecapeparticle.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.457| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemsunfirecapepulse.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.489| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/Modules/UniquePassiveImmolate.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.489| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemsunfirecapeaura.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.490| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemsunfirecapeaura.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.491| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemsunfirecapeaura.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.491| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemFaithShaker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.492| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemFaithShakerFreezeParticle.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.492| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemfaithshakerstun.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.496| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretglowparticle.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.500| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemfaithshakercooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.500| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemfaithshakercooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.500| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemfaithshakercooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.500| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3056.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.501| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3044.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.501| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3183.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.502| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1502.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.502| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1502.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.502| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3057.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.502| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemspellblade_internal.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.502| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/lichbane.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.510| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemfrozenfist.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.512| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemfrozenfistfield.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.529| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/internal_30slow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.529| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/internal_30slow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.530| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/internal_30slow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.530| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.530| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.530| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.530| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sheendelay.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.531| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sheendelay.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.531| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sheendelay.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.532| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3184.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.532| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3184.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.533| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1503.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.533| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1503.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.533| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3046.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.533| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemphantomdancer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.533| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemphantomdancerdebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.554| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3185.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.554| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemlightbringerbleed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.557| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3191.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.557| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3191.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.558| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1500.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.558| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1500.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.558| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3041.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.558| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemdoordie.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.558| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemglory.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.559| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemglory.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.559| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemglory.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.563| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3186.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.563| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinbloodrazor.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.563| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinbloodrazor.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.564| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odinbloodrazor.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.564| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/IronStylus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.566| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ironstylusbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.571| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ironstyluscheck.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.571| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ironstyluscheck.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.571| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ironstyluscheck.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.576| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3190.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.576| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3190.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.577| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1501.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.577| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1501.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.577| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3040.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.577| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3187.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.578| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3197.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.594| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ZhonyasHourglass.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.595| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/woogletswitchcap.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.595| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/woogletswitchcap.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.610| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/woogletswitchcap.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.610| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/zhonyasringshield.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.623| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeTrinketWard.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.624| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3043.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.624| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/manamuneattackconversion.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.625| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Muramana.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.633| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemBlackfireTorch.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.633| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemBlackfireTorchSpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.640| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3188.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.640| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3188.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.641| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3196.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.644| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3108.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.644| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/fiendishcodex.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.644| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/fiendishcodex.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.644| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/fiendishcodex.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.645| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3156.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.645| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/hexdrinkertimerundo.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.645| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/hexdrinkertimerundo.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.645| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/hexdrinkertimerundo.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.645| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeWarpDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.646| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeWarpDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.646| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeWarpDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.646| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3648.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.646| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3648.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.646| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3042.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.646| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/ItemKnightsVow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.647| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemknightsvowknight.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.655| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemknightsvowliege.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.659| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3109.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.659| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3109.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.659| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3155.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.659| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/WriggleLantern.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.660| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/WriggleLanternWard.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.660| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3154.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.660| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemminionshred.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.660| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemminionshred.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.660| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemminionshred.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.661| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemwriggleslanterncounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.661| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemwriggleslanterncounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.661| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemwriggleslanterncounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.661| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemSwordOfFeastAndFamine.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.662| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemSwordOfFeastAndFamineTransfuse.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.680| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000018.683| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000018.683| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000018.683| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000018.683| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000018.689| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/globaldrain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.689| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/globaldrain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.689| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/globaldrain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.689| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemswordoffeastandfamineself.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.689| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemswordoffeastandfamineself.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.689| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemswordoffeastandfamineself.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.697| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3153.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.697| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeRecall.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.697| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/teleportmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.697| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/recallends.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.698| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/ItemSoFBoltSpellBase.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.698| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/globalcannotclickobjects.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.698| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/globalcannotclickobjects.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.698| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/globalcannotclickobjects.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.702| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/ItemSoFBoltSpellMissile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.717| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000018.717| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000018.717| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000018.718| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3152.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.718| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3152.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.718| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TrinketTotemLvl2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.719| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3168.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.719| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengartrophy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.720| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeGeneratorCast.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.720| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeModeFunctionModule.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.720| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeBlankSpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.720| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeBlankSpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.720| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeBlankSpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.721| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegeshieldgeneratorregenerateindicators.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000018.721| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegedeployableghosting.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.721| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegedeployableghosting.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.721| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegedeployableghosting.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.735| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegegeneratorunbuiltbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.827| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegegeneratorcontroller.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.827| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegegeneratoractive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.828| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegegeneratoractive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.828| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegegeneratoractive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.828| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegedeployablesharedbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.828| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegedeployableregenbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.828| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegedeployableregenbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.829| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegedeployableregenbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.829| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegegeneratorcontrolleractive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.829| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegegeneratorcontrolleractive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.829| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegegeneratorcontrolleractive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.832| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegegeneratorlocatoryellow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.834| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegegeneratorlocatorblue.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.836| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegegeneratorrealized.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.836| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegegeneratorcleanupevent.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.836| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegegeneratorcleanupevent.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.836| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegegeneratorcleanupevent.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.837| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegegeneratorunbuiltrespawn.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.837| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3151.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.838| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ZephyrsLamentBurn.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.840| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/hauntingguise.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.840| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/hauntingguise.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.841| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/hauntingguise.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.841| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3169.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.841| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeTimefieldPurchased.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.842| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeWarp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.902| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegewarptracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.902| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegewarptracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.902| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegewarptracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.914| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/siegewarpindicator.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.941| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3633.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.941| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3633.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.942| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/ItemVeilChannel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.942| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemmagekillerveil.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.942| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/spellshieldspellimmunity.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.942| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/spellshieldspellimmunity.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.942| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/spellshieldspellimmunity.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.947| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000018.947| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000018.947| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000018.949| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000018.953| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3814.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.954| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/headhunterhandler.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.954| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/headhuntermobilitydebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.954| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/headhuntermobilitydebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.954| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/headhuntermobilitydebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.955| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3198.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.958| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeBulkRefund.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.959| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3630.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.959| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3630.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.959| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeBarracksPurchased.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.960| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeCannonPurchased.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.960| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3812.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.961| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemdeathsdoorbleed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.961| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemdeathsdoorbleed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.961| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemdeathsdoorbleed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.961| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemdeathsdoorbleedcounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.961| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3100.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.962| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeFlashZonePurchased.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.962| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeEmergencyShieldPurchased.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.963| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3101.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.963| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sting.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.963| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sting.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.963| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sting.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.963| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeShieldGeneratorPurchased.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.964| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3102.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.964| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bansheesveil.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.970| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bansheesveiltimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.970| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3178.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.970| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/lightningrodapplicator.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.972| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/lightningrodchain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.979| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/lightningrodcounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.979| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/lightningrodcounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.979| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/lightningrodcounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.980| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/lightningrodready.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.980| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/lightningrodready.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.980| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/lightningrodready.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.980| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeLaserAffixPurchased.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.981| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3113.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.981| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemaetherwisp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.981| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemaetherwisp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.981| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemaetherwisp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000018.982| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeSightTrinket.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.007| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odintrinketorbsight.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.007| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odintrinketorbsight.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.008| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/odintrinketorbsight.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.008| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SiegeTeleportPadPurchased.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.009| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3104.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.009| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/pillagerauraself.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.009| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Burning.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.009| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3112.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.009| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3112.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.010| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemFeralFlare.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.010| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3160.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.010| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemferalflarecounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.011| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemferalflarecounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.011| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemferalflarecounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.011| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemferalflareattack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.011| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemferalflareattack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.011| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemferalflareattack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.011| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3105.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.012| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3105.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.012| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3159.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.012| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TrinketTotemLvl3.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.013| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3175.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.013| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3106.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.013| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemmadredsrazorcounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.013| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemmadredsrazorcounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.013| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemmadredsrazorcounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.014| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3110.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.014| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/frozenheart.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.014| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/frozenheart.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.014| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/frozenheart.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.014| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/frozenheartaura.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.018| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/frozenheartauracosmetic.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.018| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/frozenheartauracosmetic.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.018| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/frozenheartauracosmetic.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.018| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/ItemBootsLucidity.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.018| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootsluciditycdr.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.019| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootsluciditycdr.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.019| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootsluciditycdr.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.019| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TrinketTotemLvl1.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.032| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/YellowTrinket/Skins/Base/" because it's not in the
000019.034| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/YellowTrinket/Skins/Base/Animations/YellowTrinket_In.anm" because it's no
t in the manifest.
000019.034| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/YellowTrinket/Skins/Base/Animations/TempChar_Idle1.anm" because it's not
in the manifest.
000019.034| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/YellowTrinket/Skins/Base/Animations/YellowTrinket_Idle.anm" because it's
not in the manifest.
000019.039| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/YellowTrinket/Skins/Base/Animations/YellowTrinket_Death.anm" because it's
not in the manifest.
000019.039| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/yellowtrinket/CharScriptyellowtrinket.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000019.039| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sightwardaudiobuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.040| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3166.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.040| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3174.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.040| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemoverflowingcup.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.046| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/chaliceofharmony.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.046| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/chaliceofharmony.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.046| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/chaliceofharmony.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.047| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemRedemption.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.076| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <Item_Redemption_Damage_Sparkle_2x2.
000019.082| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemangelofmercydebuffally.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.082| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemangelofmercydebuffally.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.083| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemangelofmercydebuffally.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.085| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemangelofmercydebuffenemy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.085| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemangelofmercydebuffenemy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.085| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemangelofmercydebuffenemy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.086| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3107.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.086| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3107.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.087| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/ItemBootsMobility.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.087| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootsmobilitydebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.087| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootsmobilitydebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.087| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootsmobilitydebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.087| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootsmobilityvisual.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.087| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootsmobilityvisual.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.088| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bootsmobilityvisual.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.088| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3167.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.088| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3116.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.088| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/internal_20slow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.089| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/internal_20slow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.089| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/internal_20slow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.089| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rylaivisualslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.093| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rylaivisualslowaoe.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.097| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rylaivisualslowdot.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.100| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3176.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.101| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemAquaHelix.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.108| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/ItemTitanicHydraCleave.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.108| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemtitanichydracleavebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.108| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemtitanichydracleavebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.112| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemtitanichydracleavebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.112| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3748.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.112| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemscepterofauthority.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.114| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemtitanichydraprojectilemarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000019.115| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemtitanichydraprojectilemarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000019.115| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemtitanichydraprojectilemarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000019.115| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/Modules/CastTitanicHydraMissiles.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000019.115| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/ItemTitanicHydraCleaveProjectile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000019.127| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000019.127| ERROR| Failed to load
000019.127| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy
texture created.
000019.127| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/GangplankRUpgrade1.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.128| ERROR| Can not open file <> *****
000019.128| ERROR| Failed to load
000019.128| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not foun
d. Dummy texture created.
000019.128| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3901.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.128| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/gangplankrupgradetracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.128| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/gangplankrupgradetracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.129| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/gangplankrupgradetracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.129| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Malady.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.130| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/maladycounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.130| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/maladycounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.130| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/maladycounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.131| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/maladyspell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.131| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/maladyspell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.131| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/maladyspell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.131| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3115.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.131| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/nashorstoothcd.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.132| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/nashorstoothcd.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.132| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/nashorstoothcd.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.132| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3165.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.135| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/internal_50ms.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.135| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/internal_50ms.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.135| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/internal_50ms.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.136| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3171.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.136| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/GangplankRUpgrade2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.136| ERROR| Can not open file <> *****
000019.136| ERROR| Failed to load
000019.136| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not foun
d. Dummy texture created.
000019.137| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3902.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.137| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3114.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.137| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemforbiddenidol.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.137| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemforbiddenidol.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.138| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemforbiddenidol.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.138| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/GangplankRUpgrade3.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.138| ERROR| Can not open file <> *****
000019.138| ERROR| Failed to load
000019.139| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not foun
d. Dummy texture created.
000019.139| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3903.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.139| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3172.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.139| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3172.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.139| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3720.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.140| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/s5_itemquicksmitebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.140| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/S5_SummonerSmiteQuick.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.140| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonersmiteinitializer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.140| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonersmiteinitializer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.140| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonersmiteinitializer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.140| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitten.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.141| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitten.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.141| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitten.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.150| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itempoachersknifespeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.150| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itempoachersknifespeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.151| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itempoachersknifespeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.151| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SummonerSmite.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.151| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitedamagetracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.151| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitedamagetracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.151| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitedamagetracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.159| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitedamagetrackerpoacher.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.159| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitedamagetrackerpoacher.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.159| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitedamagetrackerpoacher.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.159| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/enchantment_magus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.160| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/junglelichbane.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.161| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemmonstershred.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.161| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemmonsterregen.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.162| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemmonsterregen.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.164| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemmonsterregen.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.165| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3721.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.165| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/enchantment_juggernaut.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.165| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemjuggernautincombat.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.166| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3722.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.166| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/enchantment_slayer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.166| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/itemdevourerassistmonitor.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.166| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/itemdevourerassistmonitor.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.166| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/itemdevourerassistmonitor.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.167| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/itemdevourertransform.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.170| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/itemdevourertriggerprehit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.170| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/itemdevourertriggerprehit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.171| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/itemdevourertriggerprehit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.172| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/itemdevourertriggeronhit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.172| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/itemdevourertriggeronhit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.173| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/itemdevourertriggeronhit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.177| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000019.177| ERROR| Failed to load
000019.177| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy te
xture created.
000019.178| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/enchantment_slayer_stacks.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.178| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/enchantment_slayer_stacks.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.178| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/enchantment_slayer_stacks.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.178| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/itemdevourerpetspawn.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.178| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/itemdevourerpetpassive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.179| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/itemdevourerpetpassive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.179| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/itemdevourerpetpassive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.179| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "lulue"
000019.179| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/itemdevourerpet.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.181| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/itemdevourerpetstealth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.183| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/itemdevourerpettracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.183| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/itemdevourerpettracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.183| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/itemdevourerpettracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.183| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "lulue"
000019.184| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3742.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.184| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dreadnoughtmomentum.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.184| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dreadnoughtmomentumbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.184| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dreadnoughtmomentumbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.184| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dreadnoughtmomentumbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.184| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dreadnoughtlowms.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.187| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dreadnoughtmediumms.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.189| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dreadnoughtmaxms.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.198| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dreadnoughtslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.198| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dreadnoughtslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.198| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dreadnoughtslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.202| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/incombatmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.202| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3723.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.203| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/s5_itemfarmsmitebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.203| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemSmiteAoE.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.203| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/S5_SummonerSmiteAOE_Regen.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.203| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/S5_SummonerSmiteAOE_Regen.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.204| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/S5_SummonerSmiteAOE_Regen.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.204| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000019.204| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000019.204| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000019.204| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000019.204| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000019.216| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitedamagetrackertrailblazer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.216| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitedamagetrackertrailblazer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.216| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitedamagetrackertrailblazer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.217| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/enchantment_warrior.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.217| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/enchantment_warrior.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.217| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/enchantment_warrior.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.217| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3724.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.218| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3708.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.218| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/s5_itemganksmitebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.218| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/S5_SummonerSmitePlayerGanker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.219| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemsmiteslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.219| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemsmiteslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.221| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemsmiteslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.222| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemchillingsmitespeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.222| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemchillingsmitespeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.222| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemchillingsmitespeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.231| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitedamagetrackerstalker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.231| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitedamagetrackerstalker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.231| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitedamagetrackerstalker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.231| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3725.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.232| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3709.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.232| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3726.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.232| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3706.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.232| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemjunglenail.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.233| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3707.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.233| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OdinSightTrinket.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.234| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3744.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.234| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemstaffofflowingwaters.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.234| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemstaffofflowingwaters.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.234| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemstaffofflowingwaters.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.235| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3751.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.235| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/AscWarp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.235| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ascwarptarget.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.267| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ascwarpreappear.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.268| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ascwarpprotection.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.268| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ascwarpprotection.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.268| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ascwarpprotection.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.269| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OdinTrinketRevive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.280| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "summonerrevivespeedboos
000019.280| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "summonerrevivespeedboos
000019.280| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3454.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.280| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengartrophydominion.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.281| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3455.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.281| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3931.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.281| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3715.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.282| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/s5_itemduelsmitebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.282| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/S5_SummonerSmiteDuel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.290| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemsmitechallenge.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.293| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemsmiteattacksmanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.293| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemsmiteburn.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.298| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitedamagetrackerskirmisher.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.299| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitedamagetrackerskirmisher.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.299| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitedamagetrackerskirmisher.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.299| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3452.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.299| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3930.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.300| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3453.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.300| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3933.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.300| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3713.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.301| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3450.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.301| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3932.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.301| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3711.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.302| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3451.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.302| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1083.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.302| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1083.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.302| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1082.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.303| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1080.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.303| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1018.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.303| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1018.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.303| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1043.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.304| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1041.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.304| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ElixirOfWrath.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.304| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ElixirOfWrath.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.310| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ElixirOfWrath.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.310| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3508.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.313| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3504.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.313| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemangelhandcheck.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.314| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemangelhandbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.319| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemardentcenser.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.319| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemardentcenser.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.319| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemardentcenser.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.321| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1063.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.321| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dorant2health.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.322| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dorant2health.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.322| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/dorant2health.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.323| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
1062.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.323| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemVoidGate.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.377| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/voidgate/scripts/CharScriptvoidgate.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000019.377| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/voidgate/scripts/CharScriptvoidgate.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000019.378| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemvoidgategate.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.381| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/voidspawn/spells/VoidSpawnBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000019.381| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/voidspawn/spells/VoidSpawnBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000019.381| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/voidspawn/spells/VoidSpawnBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000019.382| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/voidspawn/spells/VoidSpawnBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the mani
000019.382| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/voidspawn/spells/VoidSpawnBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the mani
000019.382| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/voidspawn/spells/VoidSpawnBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the mani
000019.390| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/voidspawn/spells/VoidSpawnTowerBreak.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000019.390| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/voidspawn/spells/VoidSpawnTowerBreak.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000019.391| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/voidspawn/spells/VoidSpawnTowerBreak.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000019.451| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemvoidgatespawn.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.452| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemvoidgatetowerbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.452| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemvoidgatetowerbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.452| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemvoidgatetowerbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.456| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/globalwallmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.456| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/globalwallmonitor.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.456| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/globalwallmonitor.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.456| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/globalwallmonitor.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.472| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3512.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.473| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ARAMRecall.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.473| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ARAMRecall.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.473| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ARAMRecall.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.474| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/FlaskOfCrystalWater.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.474| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/potion_internal.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.475| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/potion_internal.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.475| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/potion_internal.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.479| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OdinRecall.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.486| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/RegenerationPotion.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.487| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2003.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.487| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2003.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.487| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemMorellosBane.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.494| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemmorellosbanehaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.494| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemmorellosbanehaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.498| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemmorellosbanehaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.498| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3222.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.499| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3252.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.499| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/poachersdirkhandler.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.499| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itempoachersdirkcooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.500| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itempoachersdirkcooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.500| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itempoachersdirkcooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.500| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemMiniRegenPotion.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.501| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2010.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.501| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2010.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.502| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ShowdownRecall.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.502| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2015.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.502| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemstatikshank.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.513| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemstatikshankcharge.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.514| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemstatikshankcharge.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.514| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemstatikshankcharge.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.517| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3361.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.517| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TrinketTotemLvl3B.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.518| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3362.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.518| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TrinketOrbLvl3.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.560| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/BlueTrinket/Skins/Base/" because it's not in the man
000019.563| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/bluetrinket/CharScriptbluetrinket.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.563| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sightwardaudiobuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.563| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/relicblueward.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.573| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3363.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.574| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3364.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.574| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/HextechSweeperTT.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.574| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/hextechsweeperareatt.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.574| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3348.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.575| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3001.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.575| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/abyssalscepterauraself.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.575| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/abyssalscepterauraself.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.576| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/abyssalscepterauraself.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.576| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/abyssalscepteraura.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.576| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/abyssalscepteraura.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.576| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/abyssalscepteraura.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.577| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3003.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.577| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3005.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.577| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/atmasimpaler.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.577| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/atmasimpaler.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.578| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/atmasimpaler.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.578| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3345.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.578| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengarrevive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.578| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengarrevive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.578| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengarrevive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.579| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3096.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.579| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ManamuneDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.579| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ManamuneDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.579| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ManamuneDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.580| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3004.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.580| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TrinketOrbLvl1.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.580| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/trinketorbsight.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.580| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/trinketorbsight.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.581| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/trinketorbsight.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.581| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3342.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.581| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TrinketOrbLvl2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.583| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3097.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.583| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3007.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.584| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3094.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.584| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemrapidfirecannon.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.584| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Modules/ParticleTools.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.584| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ParticleToo
ls.lua" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.600| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3340.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.600| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ZhonyasRing.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.601| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ZhonyasRing.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.601| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ZhonyasRing.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.602| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3089.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.602| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3089.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.602| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Item_Bloodrazor.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.602| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bloodrazor.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.602| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bloodrazor.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.602| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bloodrazor.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.603| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TrinketSweeperLvl1.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.623| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/trinketsweeperpersist.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.623| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3341.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.624| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3092.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.624| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3008.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.625| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3093.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.625| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/avariceblade.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.625| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/avariceblade.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.625| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/avariceblade.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.626| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3090.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.626| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3090.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.626| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3091.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.626| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/witsend.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.627| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/witsendbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.627| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/witsendbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.627| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/witsendbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.627| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/witsendcounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.627| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/witsendcounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.627| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/witsendcounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.629| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/RodOfAgesDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.629| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/RodOfAgesDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.629| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/RodOfAgesDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.630| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3027.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.632| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Item_Juggernaut.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.633| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3028.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.633| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2301.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.634| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Item_Warrior.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.634| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Item_Warrior.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.634| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2303.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.635| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
2302.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.636| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/WarmogsDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.636| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/WarmogsDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.636| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/WarmogsDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.636| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3083.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.637| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/ItemNewWarmogsDummySpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.637| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/s5_statecheck.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.637| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/s5_statecheck.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.637| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/s5_statecheck.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.638| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3023.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.638| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3023.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.639| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3098.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.639| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3082.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.639| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/cripple.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.639| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/cripple.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.640| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/cripple.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.640| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3022.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.640| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/internal_40slow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.641| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/internal_40slow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.641| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/internal_40slow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.641| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemSoTD.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.641| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemsotddebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.641| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemsotddebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.657| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemsotddebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.658| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3131.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.658| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3131.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.658| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3099.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.659| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/soulshroudauraself.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.662| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/soulshroudaurafriend.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.663| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3085.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.663| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemhurricane.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.664| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemHurricaneJinxAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.664| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemHurricaneAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.664| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/jinxqramp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.664| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/jinxqramp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.664| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/jinxqramp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.665| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/jinxqrampcontroller2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.665| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/jinxqrampcontroller.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.665| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "kalistacoopstrikeproc"
000019.665| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "kalistacoopstrikeprotec
000019.666| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "kalistacoopstrikemarkse
000019.666| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "kalistacoopstrikemarkal
000019.666| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "kalistacoopstrikeproc"
000019.666| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "kalistacoopstrikeprotec
000019.667| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "kalistacoopstrikemarkse
000019.667| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "kalistacoopstrikemarkal
000019.730| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemHurricaneAsheAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.733| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3084.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.733| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bloodmail.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.733| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bloodmail2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.734| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3133.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.734| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/silveredwarhammer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.734| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/silveredwarhammer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.734| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/silveredwarhammer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.735| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3087.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.735| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemStatikShankChain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.743| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemstatikkshivsight.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.743| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemstatikkshivsight.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.743| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemstatikkshivsight.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.744| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3132.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.744| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/heartofgold.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.744| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/heartofgold.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.744| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/heartofgold.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.745| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/BilgewaterCutlass.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.745| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/bilgewatercutlassdebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.746| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3086.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.746| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/GuardianAngel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.748| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/HasBeenRevived.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.748| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/willrevive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.752| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3026.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.752| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3135.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.753| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/voidstaff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.753| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/voidstaff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.753| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/voidstaff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.753| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3145.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.753| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/hextechrevolver.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.754| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3025.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.754| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3134.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.754| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/serrateddirk.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.754| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/serrateddirk.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.754| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/serrateddirk.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.755| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/HextechGunblade.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.782| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/HextechGunbladeSpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.782| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/HextechGunbladeDebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.805| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3146.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.806| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3024.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.806| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/glacialshroud.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.806| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/glacialshroud.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.806| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/glacialshroud.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.806| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemDervishBlade.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.810| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3137.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.811| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3137.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.811| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3147.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.811| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/duskblade.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.811| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/duskblade.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.811| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/duskblade.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.811| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemdusknightstalkerhandler.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.812| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemdusknightstalkerdamageproc.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.819| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemdusknightstalkerunseentimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.819| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemdusknightstalkerseentimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.819| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemduskalert.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.824| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemduskalertsight.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.825| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemduskalertsightbubble.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.826| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemduskalertcooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.826| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3136.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.826| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/QuicksilverSash.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.827| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemMercurial.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.830| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3141.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.830| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3138.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.830| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/leviathancheck.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.831| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/leviathanstats.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.831| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/leviathanstats.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.831| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/leviathanstats.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.831| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/leviathancap.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.831| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/leviathancap.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.833| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/leviathancap.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.834| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/YoumusBlade.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.834| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/spectralfury.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.834| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/spectralfury.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.839| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/spectralfury.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.839| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3142.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.840| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/RanduinsOmen.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.842| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/slow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.842| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/slow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.843| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/slow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.843| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3143.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.844| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3710.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.844| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000019.844| ERROR| Failed to load
000019.844| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy te
xture created.
000019.844| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3712.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.845| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3714.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.845| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3717.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.846| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/DeathfireGrasp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.846| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/DeathfireGraspSpell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.848| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <Soraka_heal_color.tga>
000019.849| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3128.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.849| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3128.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.850| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3716.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.850| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PoroSnaxFeedToKingChannel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.850| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PoroSnax_Functions.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.850| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "PoroSnax_Fu
nctions.lua" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.851| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PoroSnaxFeedToKingSnaxMissile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.851| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PoroSnaxFeedToKingSnaxMissile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.851| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PoroSnaxFeedToKingSnaxMissile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.851| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/porosnaxkingbufflockout.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.857| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PoroSnaxTooltipUpdater.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.857| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3719.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.858| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3126.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.858| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3718.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.859| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3801.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.859| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3801.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.859| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemRighteousGlory.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.860| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemRighteousGlorySpeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.876| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3800.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.876| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3800.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.877| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3124.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.877| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemrageblademanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.877| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rageblade.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.877| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rageblade.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.878| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rageblade.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.878| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemrageblademaxstacks.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.881| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemragebladedoublehit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.882| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3802.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.882| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
Spells/itemlostchapter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.888| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3122.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.888| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemwickedhatchetbleed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.889| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3123.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.889| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3412.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.889| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/rengartrophyblue.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.890| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3413.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.890| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3410.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.891| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3411.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.891| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3405.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.891| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3416.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.892| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3417.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.892| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3407.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.892| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3414.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.893| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3406.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.893| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3415.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.893| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/HealthBomb.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.930| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Items/
3401.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000019.930| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000019.930| ERROR| Failed to load
000019.930| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy texture c
000020.059| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000020.059| ERROR| Failed to load
000020.059| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy t
exture created.
000020.248| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Menu_S
C4/" because it's not in the manifest.
000020.249| ERROR| Missing file on r3dGFile open :DATA/Menu_SC4/
000020.249| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Menu_S
C4/" because it's not in the manifest.
000020.249| ERROR| Missing file on r3dGFile open :DATA/Menu_SC4/TurretTipImage.
000020.249| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Menu_S
C4/" because it's not in the manifest.
000020.249| ERROR| Missing file on r3dGFile open :DATA/Menu_SC4/recapSplash.png
000020.543| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "Global/Item
s/items.json" because it's not in the manifest.
000022.476| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Rammus.wad
000022.495| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Rammus.pt_br.wad
000022.781| ALWAYS| PreloadGlobalEffects
000022.850| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000023.023| ALWAYS| PreloadGlobalEffects Finished
000023.023| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/Stun.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.024| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Net.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.024| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Net.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.024| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/Disarm.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.024| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/Disarm.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.025| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Silence.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.025| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Silence.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.028| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Taunt.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.035| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Charm.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.035| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Charm.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.035| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000023.035| ERROR| Failed to load
000023.035| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy textu
re created.
000023.036| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Fear.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.048| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Sleep.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.048| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Sleep.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.048| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000023.048| ERROR| Failed to load
000023.048| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dumm
y texture created.
000023.048| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/NearSight.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.048| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/NearSight.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.049| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/RevealSpecificUnit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.049| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/RevealSpecificUnit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.049| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/NoRender.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.049| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/NoRender.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.049| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SuppressCallForHelp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.049| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SuppressCallForHelp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.053| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/CallForHelpSuppresser.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.054| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/CallForHelpSuppresser.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.054| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/IgnoreCallForHelp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.054| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/IgnoreCallForHelp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000023.529| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <SRU_pallybase_platform_godRaysMult.
000023.722| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Singed.wad
000023.732| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Singed.pt_br.wad
000023.859| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/PoisonTrail.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.035| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/poisontrailapplicator.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000024.036| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/poisontrailmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.036| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/poisontrailmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.036| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/poisontrailmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.036| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/poisontrailtarget.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.083| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/MegaAdhesive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.084| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/megaadhesiveapplicator.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000024.212| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/megaadhesivetarget.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.212| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/megaadhesivetarget.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.213| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/megaadhesivetarget.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.213| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/expirationtimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.337| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/Fling.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.350| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/megaadhesivesnare.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.407| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/root.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.407| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/flingdebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.407| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/flingdebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.408| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/flingdebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.422| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/InsanityPotion.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.654| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000024.654| ERROR| Failed to load
000024.654| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Du
mmy texture created.
000024.692| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/MasterYi.wad
000024.693| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/MasterYi.pt_br.wad
000024.714| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/MasterYiBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000024.715| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/MasterYiBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000024.715| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/MasterYiBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000024.718| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/MasterYiBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000024.718| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/MasterYiBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000024.719| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/MasterYiBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000024.721| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/MasterYiDoubleStrike.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000024.722| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/masteryipassive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.722| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/masteryipassive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.722| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/masteryipassive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.729| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/MasterYiCritAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000024.729| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/MasterYiCritAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000024.729| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/MasterYiCritAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000024.737| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/AlphaStrike.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.738| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/alphastrikefadein.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.738| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/alphastrikefadein.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.738| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/alphastrikefadein.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.744| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/root.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.747| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/AlphaStrikeMissile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000024.748| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/alphastriketarget.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.748| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/masterattackspeedbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.749| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/masterattackspeedbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.749| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/masterattackspeedbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.752| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000024.752| ERROR| Failed to load
000024.752| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy te
xture created.
000024.804| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/Meditate.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.832| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/doublestrikestacks.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000024.832| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/doublestrikestacks.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000024.832| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/doublestrikestacks.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000024.832| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/doublestrike.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.833| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/doublestrike.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.833| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/doublestrike.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.833| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/meditatedefense.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.833| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/meditatedefense.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.834| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/meditatedefense.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.837| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/WujuStyle.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.837| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/wujustylevisual.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.851| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/wujustylesupercharged.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000024.851| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/masteryiwujudeactivated.luabin" because it's not in the man
000024.851| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/masteryiwujudeactivated.luabin" because it's not in the man
000024.851| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/masteryiwujudeactivated.luabin" because it's not in the man
000024.852| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/wujustylesuperchargedvisual.luabin" because it's not in the
000024.864| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000024.864| ERROR| Failed to load
000024.864| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dum
my texture created.
000024.864| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000024.864| ERROR| Failed to load
000024.864| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Du
mmy texture created.
000024.865| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/Highlander.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.876| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/globalruncycleoverride.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.876| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/globalruncycleoverride.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.876| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/globalruncycleoverride.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000024.889| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/AlphaStrikeTeleport.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000024.889| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/AlphaStrikeTeleport.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000024.889| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/AlphaStrikeTeleport.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000024.889| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/AlphaStrikeBounce.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.081| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Fiora.wad
000025.090| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Fiora.pt_br.wad
000025.128| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/FioraBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.160| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/FioraBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.165| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/FioraCritAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.202| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/FioraQ.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.247| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000025.250| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/FioraFunctionModule.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.251| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassivespeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.255| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.256| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassivemanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.267| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassivereadysound.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000025.268| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassivereadysound.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000025.285| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassivereadysound.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000025.286| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassivehitsound.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.286| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassivehitsound.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.286| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassivehitsound.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.287| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassivedir1.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.287| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassivedir1.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.287| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassivedir1.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.287| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassivedir2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.287| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassivedir2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.288| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassivedir2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.288| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassivedir3.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.288| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassivedir3.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.288| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassivedir3.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.288| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassivedir4.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.288| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassivedir4.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.288| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorapassivedir4.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.337| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000025.352| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/FioraR.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.365| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorarmark.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.478| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorarheal.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.526| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorarbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.527| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/spellnostackcdreset.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.527| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/spellnostackcdreset.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.527| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/spellnostackcdreset.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.527| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "yorickreviveally"
000025.528| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "yorickreviveally"
000025.528| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorarhitsound.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.528| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorarhitsound.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.529| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorarhitsound.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.558| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fioraqattack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.558| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fioraqattack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.559| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fioraqattack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.568| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/FioraW.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.632| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorawblockccsound.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.632| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorawblockccsound.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.633| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorawblockccsound.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.652| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorawstun.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.685| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/spellshieldspellimmunity.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.685| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorawblockhitsound.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.686| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorawblockhitsound.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.686| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorawblockhitsound.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.720| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/FioraE.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.735| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fioraeslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.742| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorae2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.759| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/FioraWMissile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.769| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fiorawslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.769| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/slow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.791| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000025.791| ERROR| Failed to load
000025.792| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy texture created
000025.799| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/FioraWMissile2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.799| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/FioraWMissile2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.800| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/FioraWMissile2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.806| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/FioraEAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000025.812| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/FioraEAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000026.093| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/MissFortune.wad
000026.104| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/MissFortune.pt_br.wad
000026.194| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortuneBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the m
000026.194| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortuneBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the m
000026.195| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortuneBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the m
000026.249| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortuneBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the
000026.249| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortuneBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the
000026.249| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortuneBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the
000026.256| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortuneCritAttack.luabin" because it's not in the ma
000026.269| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortuneCritAttack.luabin" because it's not in the ma
000026.269| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortuneCritAttack.luabin" because it's not in the ma
000026.355| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortuneRicochetShot.luabin" because it's not in the
000026.433| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortuneViciousStrikes.luabin" because it's not in th
e manifest.
000026.450| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/missfortunestrutmax.luabin" because it's not in the mani
000026.467| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/missfortunestrutstacks.luabin" because it's not in the m
000026.467| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/missfortunestrutstacks.luabin" because it's not in the m
000026.468| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/missfortunestrutstacks.luabin" because it's not in the m
000026.468| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/missfortunestrutdebuff.luabin" because it's not in the m
000026.468| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/missfortunestrut.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000026.491| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/missfortunestruttrail.luabin" because it's not in the ma
000026.601| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortuneScattershot.luabin" because it's not in the m
000026.613| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/missfortunescatteraoe.luabin" because it's not in the ma
000026.619| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/missfortunescattershotslow.luabin" because it's not in t
he manifest.
000026.620| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/missfortunescattershotslow.luabin" because it's not in t
he manifest.
000026.631| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/missfortunescattershotslow.luabin" because it's not in t
he manifest.
000026.732| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/missfortunescatterparticle.luabin" because it's not in t
he manifest.
000026.826| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Lux.wad
000026.839| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Lux.pt_br.wad
000026.968| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortuneBulletTime.luabin" because it's not in the ma
000026.994| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Modules/CastInstance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000026.995| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortuneBullets.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000027.218| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortuneRShotExtra.luabin" because it's not in the ma
000027.225| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/root.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000027.226| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "MissFortuneBulletsClone
000027.227| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortuneBulletEMPTY.luabin" because it's not in the m
000027.227| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortuneBulletEMPTY.luabin" because it's not in the m
000027.227| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortuneBulletEMPTY.luabin" because it's not in the m
000027.228| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortuneRicochetShotDud.luabin" because it's not in t
he manifest.
000027.236| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortunePassiveAttack.luabin" because it's not in the
000027.236| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortunePassiveAttack.luabin" because it's not in the
000027.236| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortunePassiveAttack.luabin" because it's not in the
000027.253| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortunePassiveAttack2.luabin" because it's not in th
e manifest.
000027.253| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortunePassiveAttack2.luabin" because it's not in th
e manifest.
000027.253| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortunePassiveAttack2.luabin" because it's not in th
e manifest.
000027.253| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortunePassiveAttackCrit.luabin" because it's not in
the manifest.
000027.254| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortunePassiveAttackCrit.luabin" because it's not in
the manifest.
000027.254| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortunePassiveAttackCrit.luabin" because it's not in
the manifest.
000027.662| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PowerBall.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000027.703| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/DefensiveBallCurl.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000027.734| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/DefensiveBallCurlCancel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000027.734| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/DefensiveBallCurlCancel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000027.734| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/DefensiveBallCurlCancel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000027.735| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PuncturingTaunt.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000027.736| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/puncturingtauntarmordebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000027.736| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/puncturingtauntarmordebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000027.737| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/puncturingtauntarmordebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000027.738| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Tremors2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000027.950| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/rammusdbc/scripts/CharScriptrammusdbc.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000027.960| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/rammusdbc/scripts/CharScriptrammusdbc.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000028.007| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/puncturingtauntarmordebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.034| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/rammuspb/scripts/CharScriptrammuspb.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000028.034| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/rammuspb/scripts/CharScriptrammuspb.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000028.048| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/powerballstunself.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.048| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/powerballstunself.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.049| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000028.049| ERROR| Failed to load
000028.049| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy tex
ture created.
000028.049| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/powerballstunself.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.049| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/powerballslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.049| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/powerballslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.050| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/powerballslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.050| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/powerballstun.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.050| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/powerballstun.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.051| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/powerballstun.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.053| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/puncturingtauntarmordebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.306| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/IllaoiBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.354| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/IllaoiBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.373| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/IllaoiBasicAttack3.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.377| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/IllaoiCritAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.405| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/IllaoiQ.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.476| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoitentaclerecentattack.luabin" because it's not in the ma
000028.477| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoitentaclerecentattack.luabin" because it's not in the ma
000028.477| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoitentaclerecentattack.luabin" because it's not in the ma
000028.477| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoitentacleheal.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.516| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/IllaoiW.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.602| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/expirationtimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.602| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoitentacleattack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000028.619| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoipassive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.680| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoitentacleminion.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000028.687| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoitentacleactive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000028.705| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoitentacledormant.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000028.706| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoitentacledormant.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000028.706| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoitentacledormant.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000028.706| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoitentaclespawncooldown.luabin" because it's not in the m
000028.706| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoitentaclespawncooldown.luabin" because it's not in the m
000028.706| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoitentaclespawncooldown.luabin" because it's not in the m
000028.716| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/IllaoiWAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.768| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/IllaoiE.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.768| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoievessel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.768| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoievesselvo.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.772| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoivesseltentaclespawncooldown.luabin" because it's not in
the manifest.
000028.772| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoivesseltentaclespawncooldown.luabin" because it's not in
the manifest.
000028.772| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoivesseltentaclespawncooldown.luabin" because it's not in
the manifest.
000028.795| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoiehold.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.795| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoiehold.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.795| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoiehold.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.795| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/IllaoiEMis.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.795| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoiespirit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000028.954| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000028.954| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <Illaoi_Base_Z_IdolSmokeWispsMULT.dd
000028.954| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <
000028.954| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000028.954| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <Illaoi_Base_Z_IdolSmokeWispsMULT.dd
000028.954| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <
000028.992| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/IllaoiR.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.073| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoir2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.074| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoir2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.074| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoir2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.074| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoirmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.074| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoirmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.074| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoirmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.080| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/unstoppableforcemarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.080| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/unstoppableforcemarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.081| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/unstoppableforcemarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.087| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/IllaoiESpiritMissile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000029.087| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoitentacleslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.101| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "IllaoiESpiritDamageMiss
000029.101| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/IllaoiBasicAttackTurret.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000029.516| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/WarwickBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.542| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "olafbasicattack"
000029.542| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "olafbasicattack"
000029.553| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/WarwickBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000029.554| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "olafbasicattack"
000029.554| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "olafbasicattack"
000029.568| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/WarwickBasicAttack3.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000029.569| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "olafbasicattack"
000029.569| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "olafbasicattack"
000029.569| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/WarwickBasicAttackPassive1.luabin" because it's not in the m
000029.570| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "olafbasicattack"
000029.570| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "olafbasicattack"
000029.573| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/WarwickBasicAttackPassive2.luabin" because it's not in the m
000029.573| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "olafbasicattack"
000029.573| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "olafbasicattack"
000029.574| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/WarwickBasicAttackPassive3.luabin" because it's not in the m
000029.574| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "olafbasicattack"
000029.574| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "olafbasicattack"
000029.574| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/WarwickBasicAttack4.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000029.575| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "olafbasicattack"
000029.575| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "olafbasicattack"
000029.576| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/WarwickBasicAttackPassive4.luabin" because it's not in the m
000029.576| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "olafbasicattack"
000029.576| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "olafbasicattack"
000029.578| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/WarwickQ.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.579| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqmoveforward.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000029.580| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqmoveforward.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000029.580| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqmoveforward.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000029.580| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/unstoppableforcemarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.580| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/WarwickFunctions.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.581| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqleap.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.582| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqonwarwickqtiebreaker.luabin" because it's not in the
000029.582| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqonwarwickqtiebreaker.luabin" because it's not in the
000029.582| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqonwarwickqtiebreaker.luabin" because it's not in the
000029.583| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqwinddownanimationmanager.luabin" because it's not in
the manifest.
000029.583| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqwinddownanimationmanager.luabin" because it's not in
the manifest.
000029.583| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqwinddownanimationmanager.luabin" because it's not in
the manifest.
000029.584| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqinternal.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.592| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqdrain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.592| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqdrain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.593| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqdrain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.593| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "swainmetamorphism"
000029.593| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqlockontarget.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000029.593| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqtargethasteleported.luabin" because it's not in the
000029.593| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqtargethasteleported.luabin" because it's not in the
000029.594| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqtargethasteleported.luabin" because it's not in the
000029.594| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqtargethasmoveblocked.luabin" because it's not in the
000029.594| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqtargethasmoveblocked.luabin" because it's not in the
000029.594| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqtargethasmoveblocked.luabin" because it's not in the
000029.595| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqanimationlock.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000029.595| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000029.595| ERROR| Failed to load
000029.595| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy texture
000029.641| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/WarwickW.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.654| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwtrackingtrailvfx.luabin" because it's not in the man
000029.654| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwptrackingminion.luabin" because it's not in the mani
000029.659| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/expirationtimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.659| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwactive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.676| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwpassivems.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.677| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwquadrupedsoundbuff.luabin" because it's not in the m
000029.677| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwquadrupedsoundbuff.luabin" because it's not in the m
000029.678| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwquadrupedsoundbuff.luabin" because it's not in the m
000029.678| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/WarwickWActiveMiss.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.678| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/WarwickWActiveMiss.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.679| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/WarwickWActiveMiss.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.679| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/WarwickWActiveHit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.679| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/WarwickWActiveHit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.679| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/WarwickWActiveHit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.679| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwunlockanimation.luabin" because it's not in the mani
000029.680| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwunlockanimation.luabin" because it's not in the mani
000029.680| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwunlockanimation.luabin" because it's not in the mani
000029.680| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/WarwickE.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.719| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickefearonce.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.719| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickefearonce.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.720| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickefearonce.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.720| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/fleeslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.721| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/fleeslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.721| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/fleeslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.721| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwicke2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.790| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/WarwickR.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.790| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickrdash.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.818| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <Warwick_Base_R_Color_Yasuo_wind_swi>
000029.820| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/suppression.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.820| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/suppression.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.864| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/suppression.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.864| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/WarwickRChannel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.887| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickrsound.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.888| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickrmiss.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.910| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickrmanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.910| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickrmanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.910| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickrmanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.911| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickrccimmunity.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000029.949| ERROR| Unable to load character data for 'WarwickWTrackingMinion' a
nd skinID '0'. Common causes:
- Character is not setup as part of a Champion or Map
- WadFile for Champion is missing
000030.406| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Ashe.wad
000030.407| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Ashe.pt_br.wad
000030.424| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/AsheBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000030.444| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000030.444| ERROR| Failed to load
000030.444| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy texture
000030.461| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/AsheBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000030.465| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/AsheCritAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000030.470| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/AsheQ.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000030.471| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/AsheQAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000030.496| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/ItemHurricaneAsheAttackNoOnHit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000030.496| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/jinxqramp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000030.497| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "kalistacoopstrikeproc"
000030.497| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "kalistacoopstrikeprotec
000030.497| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "kalistacoopstrikemarkse
000030.498| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "kalistacoopstrikemarkal
000030.506| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/Volley.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000030.507| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/Volley.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000030.507| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/Volley.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000030.510| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/AsheSpiritOfTheHawk.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000030.608| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/EnchantedCrystalArrow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000030.777| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/VolleyAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000030.777| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/AsheFunctionModule.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000030.835| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/AsheSpiritOfTheHawkCast.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000030.836| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/VolleyAttackWithSound.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000030.836| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/VolleyAttackWithSound.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000030.836| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/VolleyAttackWithSound.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000030.836| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/AsheQAttackNoOnHit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000030.837| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/VolleyCenterAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.036| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.050| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.051| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.128| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.129| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.129| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.146| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxCritAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.146| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxCritAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.146| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxCritAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.152| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxLightBinding.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.202| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxPrismaticWave.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.202| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxPrismaticWave.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.202| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxPrismaticWave.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.203| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxLightStrikeKugel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.295| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/slow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.296| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxIlluminatingFraulein.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000031.296| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxIlluminatingFraulein.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000031.318| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxIlluminatingFraulein.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000031.319| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxUltimateSkinElementMissile.luabin" because it's not in the ma
000031.352| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxLightstrikeToggle.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.353| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxLightstrikeToggle.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.353| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxLightstrikeToggle.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.354| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxMaliceCannon.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.364| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/luxmalicecannondeathfix.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000031.364| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/luxmalicecannondeathfix.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000031.364| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/luxmalicecannondeathfix.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000031.364| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/expirationtimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.364| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/luxmalicecannonpartfix.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.365| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/luxmalicecannonpartfix2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000031.365| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/luxmalicecannonbeam.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.464| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/luxmalicecannonball.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.590| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxLightBindingMis.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.631| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxMaliceCannonMis.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.632| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxIlluminationPassive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.682| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <lightning_12.tga>
000031.698| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxPrismaticWaveMissile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000031.698| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/luxprismaticwaveshield.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.712| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/luxwreturnhitmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.712| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/luxwreturnhitmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.713| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/luxwreturnhitmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.713| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/luxwhitmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.714| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/luxwhitmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.714| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/luxwhitmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.769| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxLightBindingDummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.770| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxLightBindingDummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.770| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxLightBindingDummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.770| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxRVfxMis.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.770| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxRVfxMis.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.771| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxRVfxMis.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.771| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxPrismaticWaveReturn.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000031.782| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxPrismaticWaveReturnDead.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000033.842| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Shar
ed/Particles/" because it's not in the manifest.
000033.842| ERROR| Can not open file <ASSETS/Shared/Particles/missing_instant.d
ds> *********
000033.842| ERROR| Failed to load ASSETS/Shared/Particles/
000033.842| WARN| r3dTexture EX: ASSETS/Shared/Particles/ -
not found. Dummy texture created.
000033.842| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Part
icles/" because it's not in the manifest.
000033.842| ERROR| Can not open file <ASSETS/Particles/> ********
000033.842| ERROR| Failed to load ASSETS/Particles/
000033.842| WARN| r3dTexture EX: ASSETS/Particles/ - not found.
Dummy texture created.
000033.842| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Part
icles/" because it's not in the manifest.
000033.842| ERROR| Can not open file <ASSETS/Particles/> ****
000033.842| ERROR| Failed to load ASSETS/Particles/
000033.842| WARN| r3dTexture EX: ASSETS/Particles/ - not fou
nd. Dummy texture created.
000033.843| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Shar
ed/Particles/" because it's not in the manifest.
000033.843| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Can't load mesh ASSETS/Shared/Particles/
000033.843| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <ASSETS/Shared/Particles/g>.
000033.843| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Shar
ed/Particles/" because it's not in the manifest.
000033.843| ERROR| Can not open file <ASSETS/Shared/Particles/> ****
000033.843| ERROR| Failed to load ASSETS/Shared/Particles/
000033.843| WARN| r3dTexture EX: ASSETS/Shared/Particles/ - not fou
nd. Dummy texture created.
000033.843| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Shar
ed/Particles/" because it's not in the manifest.
000033.843| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Can't load mesh ASSETS/Shared/Particles/
000033.843| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <ASSETS/Shared/Particles/g>.
000033.844| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Part
icles/" because it's not in the manifest.
000033.844| ERROR| Can not open file <ASSETS/Particles/> ******
000033.844| ERROR| Failed to load ASSETS/Particles/
000033.844| WARN| r3dTexture EX: ASSETS/Particles/ - not found
. Dummy texture created.
000033.844| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Shar
ed/Particles/" because it's not in the manifest.
000033.844| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Can't load mesh ASSETS/Shared/Particles/
000033.844| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <ASSETS/Shared/Particles/g>.
000033.844| ALWAYS| Start Main Loop
000033.845| ALWAYS| Waiting for all players to connect
000033.845| ALWAYS| Waiting for all players to connect end
000034.826| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::RecreateOwnedResources
000097.643| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::RecreateOwnedResources
000124.037| ALWAYS| Creating Hero Singed...
000124.039| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/CharScriptSinged.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.040| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/empoweredbulwark.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.040| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/empoweredbulwark.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.040| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/empoweredbulwark.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.041| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/apbonusdamagetotowers.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.041| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/disconnecttimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.042| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/disconnecttimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.042| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/disconnecttimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.042| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/globalchampionexclusiontables.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.042| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/globalchampionexclusiontables.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.042| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/globalchampionexclusiontables.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.043| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/positivechampiondelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.043| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/positivechampiondelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.043| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/positivechampiondelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.045| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/singedeflashlock.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.046| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/singedeflashlock.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.047| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Singed/spells/singedeflashlock.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.048| ALWAYS| Spawning champion (Singed) with skinID 0 on team 100 for cli
entID 5 and summonername (supdumal) (is HUMAN PLAYER)
000124.048| ALWAYS| Hero Singed(0) created for supdumal
000124.050| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SummonerTeleport.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.051| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TeleportCancel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.051| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TeleportCancel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.051| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TeleportCancel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.057| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonerteleporthaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.058| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonerteleporthaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.060| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonerteleporthaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.060| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/teleport_turret.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.080| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/teleport_target.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.083| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/teleport_deathremoval.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.083| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/teleport_deathremoval.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.083| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/teleport_deathremoval.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.083| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/destealth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.083| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/stealth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.084| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SummonerFlash.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.102| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonerflashhaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.102| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonerflashhaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.102| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonerflashhaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.131| ALWAYS| Creating Hero MasterYi...
000124.132| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/CharScriptMasterYi.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.132| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/disconnecttimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.132| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/globalchampionexclusiontables.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.132| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/positivechampiondelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.133| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/globalruncyclemanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.133| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/globalruncyclemanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.133| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/globalruncyclemanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.133| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/masteryiblademanager.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000124.142| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/masteryitauntmanager.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000124.143| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/masteryitauntmanager.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000124.143| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MasterYi/spells/masteryitauntmanager.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000124.148| ALWAYS| Spawning champion (MasterYi) with skinID 0 on team 100 for c
lientID 3 and summonername (kiritovitorino) (is HUMAN PLAYER)
000124.149| ALWAYS| Hero MasterYi(0) created for kiritovitorino
000124.150| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonersmiteinitializer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.150| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitedamagetracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.150| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitten.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.150| ALWAYS| Spawning heroes/minions
000124.151| ALWAYS| Creating Hero Fiora...
000124.151| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/CharScriptFiora.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.152| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/disconnecttimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.152| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/globalchampionexclusiontables.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.152| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/positivechampiondelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.153| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fioraqmanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.153| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fioraqmanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.153| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Fiora/spells/fioraqmanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.228| ALWAYS| Spawning champion (Fiora) with skinID 0 on team 100 for clie
ntID 8 and summonername (ExTDOUGLAS) (is HUMAN PLAYER)
000124.228| ALWAYS| Hero Fiora(0) created for ExTDOUGLAS
000124.228| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SummonerHeal.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.240| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <global_ss_exhaust_Spiral.
000124.249| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <global_ss_exhaust_Spiral.
000124.249| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonerhealcheck.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.249| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonerhealcheck.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.249| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonerhealcheck.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.250| ALWAYS| Creating Hero MissFortune...
000124.250| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/CharScriptMissFortune.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.251| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/missfortunebulletsound.luabin" because it's not in the m
000124.251| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/missfortunebulletsound.luabin" because it's not in the m
000124.251| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/missfortunebulletsound.luabin" because it's not in the m
000124.251| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/MissFortunePassive.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000124.251| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/missfortunepassivestack.luabin" because it's not in the
000124.274| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/disconnecttimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.274| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/globalchampionexclusiontables.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.274| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/positivechampiondelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.275| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/ispiratehunter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.275| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/ispiratehunter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.275| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/MissFortune/spells/ispiratehunter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.276| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "MissFortuneBulletsClone
000124.277| ALWAYS| Spawning champion (MissFortune) with skinID 0 on team 100 fo
r clientID 4 and summonername (flaviopro14) (is HUMAN PLAYER)
000124.277| ALWAYS| Hero MissFortune(0) created for flaviopro14
000124.278| ALWAYS| Finished spawning heroes/minions
000124.278| ALWAYS| Creating Hero Rammus...
000124.279| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Rammus/scripts/CharScriptRammus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.290| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/spikedshell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.290| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/spikedshell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.290| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/spikedshell.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.291| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/disconnecttimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.291| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/globalchampionexclusiontables.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.291| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/positivechampiondelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.292| ALWAYS| Spawning champion (Rammus) with skinID 0 on team 100 for cli
entID 2 and summonername (Yorrmungand) (is HUMAN PLAYER)
000124.292| ALWAYS| Hero Rammus(0) created for Yorrmungand
000124.293| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SummonerExhaust.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.293| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonerexhaustslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.293| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonerexhaustslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.293| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonerexhaustslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.293| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonerexhaustdebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.294| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonerexhaustdebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.294| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonerexhaustdebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.315| ALWAYS| Creating Hero Illaoi...
000124.316| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/CharScriptIllaoi.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.317| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/disconnecttimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.317| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/globalchampionexclusiontables.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.317| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/positivechampiondelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.346| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Illaoi/spells/illaoidance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.367| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "IllaoiESpiritDamageMiss
000124.368| ALWAYS| Spawning champion (Illaoi) with skinID 0 on team 200 for cli
entID 7 and summonername (Vorluz) (is HUMAN PLAYER)
000124.368| ALWAYS| Hero Illaoi(0) created for Vorluz
000124.369| ALWAYS| Creating Hero Warwick...
000124.370| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/CharScriptWarwick.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.371| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/disconnecttimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.371| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/globalchampionexclusiontables.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.371| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/positivechampiondelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.371| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.372| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickpdrain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.372| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickpdrain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.372| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickpdrain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.372| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/HungeringStrike.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.430| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/globaldrain.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.614| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwincombattester.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000124.615| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwincombattester.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000124.616| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwincombattester.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000124.616| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwpinvisibleminion.luabin" because it's not in the man
000124.619| ERROR| Unable to load character data for 'azirsoldier' and skinID '
0'. Common causes:
- Character is not setup as part of a Champion or Map
- WadFile for Champion is missing
000124.633| ERROR| Can not open file <LeonaShieldOfDaybreak.DDS> *********
000124.633| ERROR| Failed to load LeonaShieldOfDaybreak.DDS
000124.633| WARN| r3dTexture EX: LeonaShieldOfDaybreak.DDS - not found. Dummy
texture created.
000124.942| ERROR| Unable to load character data for 'azirsoldier' and skinID '
0'. Common causes:
- Character is not setup as part of a Champion or Map
- WadFile for Champion is missing
000124.965| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwpassivemanager.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000124.965| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwpassivevfx.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000124.969| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwpassivevfx2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000124.972| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwpassivevfx1.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000124.973| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwcameraboundvfxnear.luabin" because it's not in the m
000125.000| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwcameraboundvfxfar.luabin" because it's not in the ma
000125.004| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwenemy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000125.004| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwenemy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000125.004| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwenemy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000125.005| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwpaudioselfonly.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000125.005| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwpaudiofadeout.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000125.005| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwpaudiofadeout.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000125.005| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwpaudiofadeout.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000125.013| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwp2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000125.013| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwp2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000125.013| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwp2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000125.014| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000125.014| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000125.014| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwp.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000125.014| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwp1.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000125.015| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwp1.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000125.015| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwp1.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000125.015| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwpassivemsdisabled.luabin" because it's not in the ma
000125.016| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwpassivemsdisabled.luabin" because it's not in the ma
000125.016| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwpassivemsdisabled.luabin" because it's not in the ma
000125.016| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickwpassivevjungle.luabin" because it's not in the manif
000125.017| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickoverheadvfx.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000125.022| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqoutofrangeindicator.luabin" because it's not in the
000125.052| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000125.052| ERROR| Failed to load
000125.052| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy texture create
000125.052| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqholdaudio.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000125.052| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqholdaudio.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000125.052| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Warwick/spells/warwickqholdaudio.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000125.054| ALWAYS| Spawning champion (Warwick) with skinID 0 on team 200 for cl
ientID 6 and summonername (FahrenheitK) (is HUMAN PLAYER)
000125.065| ALWAYS| Hero Warwick(0) created for FahrenheitK
000126.622| ALWAYS| Creating Hero Orianna...
000126.641| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Orianna.wad
000126.646| ALWAYS| WadFile mount: DATA/FINAL/Champions/Orianna.pt_br.wad
000126.707| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OriannaBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000126.708| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OriannaBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000126.708| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OriannaBasicAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000126.736| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OriannaBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000126.737| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OriannaBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000126.737| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OriannaBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000126.737| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OriannaBasicAttack3.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000126.738| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OriannaBasicAttack3.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000126.738| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OriannaBasicAttack3.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000126.742| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OriannaCritAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000126.742| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OriannaCritAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000126.742| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OriannaCritAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000126.760| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OrianaIzunaCommand.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000126.774| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OrianaIzuna.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000126.870| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/oriannaball/scripts/CharScriptoriannaball.luabin" because it's not in the m
000126.892| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianaghost.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.132| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/root.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.132| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianaghostself.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.150| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OriannaBasicAttack2.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.151| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OriannaBasicAttack3.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.155| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OriannaCritAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.161| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OrianaDissonanceCommand.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.161| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianaglobalcooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.161| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianaglobalcooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.162| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianaglobalcooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.162| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/unlockanimation.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.162| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/unlockanimation.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.162| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/unlockanimation.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.187| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianaslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.187| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianaslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.187| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianaslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.188| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianahaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.188| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianahaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.203| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianahaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.204| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OrianaDissonanceWave.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.204| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000127.204| ERROR| Failed to load
000127.204| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy textur
e created.
000127.313| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OrianaRedactCommand.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.313| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianaredacttarget.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.314| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianaredacttarget.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.314| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000127.314| ERROR| Failed to load
000127.314| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy tex
ture created.
000127.314| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianaredacttarget.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.314| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianaredactshield.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.361| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OrianaRedact.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.361| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/root.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.362| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianaredactdamage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.386| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <Orianna_Base_Z_orianna_goth_512_TX_>
000127.386| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <Orianna_Base_Z_oriana_got
000127.386| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <Orianna_Base_Z_oriana_sewnchaos_TX_>
000127.386| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <Orianna_Base_Z_orianna_ba
000127.386| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <Orianna_Base_Z_orianna_assassin_TX_>
000127.386| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <Orianna_Base_Z_orinna_Ass
000127.386| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <Orianna_Base_Z_Orianna_skn4_ball.dd
000127.386| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <Orianna_Base_Z_Orianna_sk
000127.405| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OrianaDetonateCommand.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.413| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianastun.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.413| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianastun.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.413| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianastun.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.415| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OrianaReturn.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.752| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/oriannaeallyrangeringrender.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.753| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianaghostminion.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.822| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/expirationtimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.823| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/oriannaballtracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.823| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/oriannaballtracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.824| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000127.824| ERROR| Failed to load
000127.824| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy
texture created.
000127.824| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/oriannaballtracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.826| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianaizunadamage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.858| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianaglobalcooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.858| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/unlockanimation.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.859| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianaslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.859| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianahaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.860| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianaredacttarget.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.863| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/root.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.864| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/expirationtimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000127.864| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <Orianna_Base_Z_orianna_goth_512_TX_>
000127.864| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <Orianna_Base_Z_oriana_got
000127.864| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <Orianna_Base_Z_oriana_sewnchaos_TX_>
000127.864| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <Orianna_Base_Z_orianna_ba
000127.865| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <Orianna_Base_Z_orianna_assassin_TX_>
000127.865| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <Orianna_Base_Z_orinna_Ass
000127.865| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <Orianna_Base_Z_Orianna_skn4_ball.dd
000127.865| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <Orianna_Base_Z_Orianna_sk
000127.865| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianastun.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.259| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Orianna/scripts/CharScriptOrianna.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.272| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/OrianaSpellSword.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.299| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianapowerdagger.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.300| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianapowerdagger.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.300| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianapowerdagger.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.301| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianapowerdaggerdisplay.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.301| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianapowerdaggerdisplay.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.301| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/orianapowerdaggerdisplay.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.302| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/disconnecttimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.302| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/globalchampionexclusiontables.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.303| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/positivechampiondelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.304| ALWAYS| Spawning champion (Orianna) with skinID 0 on team 200 for cl
ientID 0 and summonername (DoctorJP) (is HUMAN PLAYER)
000128.304| ALWAYS| Hero Orianna(0) created for DoctorJP
000128.305| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SummonerDot.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.323| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/internal_50ms.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.324| ALWAYS| Creating Hero Ashe...
000128.325| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/CharScriptAshe.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.325| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/ashetauntsejuani.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.325| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/ashetauntsejuani.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.326| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/ashetauntsejuani.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.326| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/ashetauntlissandra.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.327| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/ashetauntlissandra.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.327| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/ashetauntlissandra.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.327| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/threesisters.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.327| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/threesisterskillcount.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.328| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/threesisterskillcount.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.328| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/threesisterskillcount.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.328| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/threesistersrecentdamage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.329| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/threesistersrecentdamage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.329| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/threesistersrecentdamage.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.329| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/ashepassive.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.330| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/asheqfalloffcontrollera.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000128.330| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/asheqfalloffcontrollerb.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000128.330| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/ashepassiveneutraldebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000128.331| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/ashepassiveneutraldebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000128.332| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/ashepassiveneutraldebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000128.332| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/ashepassiveslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.337| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/asheqcastready.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.338| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/asheqcastreadyparticle.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000128.357| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/disconnecttimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.357| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/globalchampionexclusiontables.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.357| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/positivechampiondelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.357| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/asherunspeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.358| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/asherunspeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.358| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/asherunspeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.358| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/asheskin08manager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.359| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Ashe/spells/VolleyRightAttack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.360| ALWAYS| Spawning champion (Ashe) with skinID 0 on team 200 for clien
tID 9 and summonername (Maraguayo) (is HUMAN PLAYER)
000128.360| ALWAYS| Hero Ashe(0) created for Maraguayo
000128.361| ALWAYS| Creating Hero Lux...
000128.362| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/CharScriptLux.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.363| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/disconnecttimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.363| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/globalchampionexclusiontables.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.364| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/positivechampiondelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.364| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/globalruncyclemanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.364| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/luxultimateskinmanager.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.364| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/luxultimateskinwardparticle.luabin" because it's not in the mani
000128.380| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/LuxUltimateSkinTransformAnimation.luabin" because it's not in th
e manifest.
000128.381| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/nightmarebotluxbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.389| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/NightmareBotLuxE.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.389| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/NightmareBotLuxEToggle.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.389| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/NightmareBotLuxEToggle.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.389| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/NightmareBotLuxEToggle.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.418| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/nightmarebotluxetrigger.luabin" because it's not in the manifest
000128.418| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/nightmarebotluxqmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.419| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/nightmarebotluxqmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.419| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/nightmarebotluxqmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.419| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/NightmareBotLuxQSplit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.419| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/NightmareBotLuxQ.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.443| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/NightmareBotLuxR.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.455| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/NightmareBotLuxRCannonMis.luabin" because it's not in the manife
000128.464| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <lightning_12.tga>
000128.466| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/luxdeathparticletimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.467| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/root.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.467| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/Lux/spells/luxdeathparticle.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.470| ALWAYS| Spawning champion (Lux) with skinID 0 on team 200 for client
ID 1 and summonername (CRFBR) (is HUMAN PLAYER)
000128.470| ALWAYS| Hero Lux(0) created for CRFBR
000128.472| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Order2/CharScriptSRUAP_Turret_Order2.luabin" because it's not
in the manifest.
000128.472| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/s5_turretdamagebonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.473| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/negativeturretdelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.473| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/positiveturretdelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.473| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretbackdoorbonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.473| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretdamagemarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.474| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/root.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.475| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Order3/CharScriptSRUAP_Turret_Order3.luabin" because it's not
in the manifest.
000128.476| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/s5_turretdamagebonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.476| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/negativeturretdelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.477| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/positiveturretdelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.477| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretbackdoorbonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.477| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretdamagemarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.478| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/root.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.479| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Chaos2/CharScriptSRUAP_Turret_Chaos2.luabin" because it's not
in the manifest.
000128.480| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/s5_turretdamagebonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.481| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/negativeturretdelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.481| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/positiveturretdelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.481| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretbackdoorbonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.482| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretdamagemarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.482| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/root.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.483| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Chaos3/CharScriptSRUAP_Turret_Chaos3.luabin" because it's not
in the manifest.
000128.483| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/s5_turretdamagebonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.484| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/negativeturretdelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.484| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/positiveturretdelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.485| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretbackdoorbonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.485| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretdamagemarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.485| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/root.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.488| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Order4/CharScriptSRUAP_Turret_Order4.luabin" because it's not
in the manifest.
000128.489| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/s5_turretdamagebonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.489| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/negativeturretdelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.490| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/positiveturretdelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.490| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretbackdoorbonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.490| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretdamagemarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.491| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/root.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.494| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Chaos4/CharScriptSRUAP_Turret_Chaos4.luabin" because it's not
in the manifest.
000128.495| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/s5_turretdamagebonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.495| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/negativeturretdelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.496| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/positiveturretdelta.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.496| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretbackdoorbonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.496| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretdamagemarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.497| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/root.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.499| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRUAP_Turret_Order5/CharScriptSRUAP_Turret_Order5.luabin" because it's not
in the manifest.
000128.499| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretbonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.499| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretbonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.500| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretbonus.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000128.500| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/turretbonushealth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000132.960| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::RecreateOwnedResources
000134.186| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Idle_activated
, for character: SRUAP_Turret_Chaos1
000134.187| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Idle_activated
, for character: SRUAP_Turret_Chaos1
000134.187| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Idle_activated
, for character: SRUAP_Turret_Chaos1
000134.187| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Idle_activated
, for character: SRUAP_Turret_Order1
000134.187| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Idle_activated
, for character: SRUAP_Turret_Order1
000134.187| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Idle_activated
, for character: SRUAP_Turret_Order1
000134.189| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryThunderlordHelper.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000134.190| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masterylordsdecreestacks.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000134.203| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6362deathrecapdummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000134.204| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6362deathrecapdummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000134.204| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6362deathrecapdummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000134.207| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masterylordsdecreecooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000134.207| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masterylordsdecreecooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000134.207| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masterylordsdecreecooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000134.208| ALWAYS| GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP Update World
000134.283| ALWAYS| GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP Particle Simulation
000134.340| ALWAYS| GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP PostProcess
000134.656| ALWAYS| GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP AudioUpdate
000134.656| ALWAYS| GAMESTATE_GAMELOOP EndRender & EndFrame
000137.733| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
000137.874| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Respawn, for c
haracter: Singed
000138.153| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Respawn, for c
haracter: MasterYi
000138.525| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Respawn, for c
haracter: Fiora
000138.795| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/S4SpawnLockSpeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000138.902| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Respawn, for c
haracter: MissFortune
000139.313| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Respawn, for c
haracter: Rammus
000139.670| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Respawn, for c
haracter: Illaoi
000140.433| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Respawn, for c
haracter: Orianna
000140.858| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Respawn, for c
haracter: Ashe
000141.238| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Respawn, for c
haracter: Lux
000143.453| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
000149.159| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
000164.207| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_Plant_Satchel/CharScriptSRU_Plant_Satchel.luabin" because it's not in t
he manifest.
000164.208| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Modules/Flora.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000164.208| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Modules/Vector.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000164.208| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "Vector.lua"
because it's not in the manifest.
000164.244| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/sru_plant_vision/CharScriptsru_plant_vision.luabin" because it's not in the
000164.246| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PlantHawkshot.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000164.246| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/planthawkshotbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000164.256| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PlantHawkshotAudio.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000164.256| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PlantHawkshotAudio.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000164.256| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PlantHawkshotAudio.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000164.276| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/sru_plant_health/CharScriptsru_plant_health.luabin" because it's not in the
000164.277| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PlantHealthTracer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000164.277| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PlantHealthTracer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000164.277| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PlantHealthTracer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000164.284| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PlantHealthPack.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000164.290| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000164.293| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/planthealthslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000164.294| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/expirationtimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000164.294| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/plantwithervisibility.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000164.297| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PlantSatchelAreaCheck.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000164.297| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/plantsatchellandingindicator.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000164.297| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Modules/Marker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000164.309| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000164.310| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
000164.311| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/plantsatchelknockback.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000164.312| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Modules/Vision.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000235.722| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryUnrelenting.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000235.723| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryUnrelenting.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000237.023| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/JungleFrustration.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000237.023| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/JungleFrustration.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000244.776| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TeleportCancel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000244.846| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000244.847| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000244.847| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000244.847| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000244.847| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000244.847| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/BlessingOfTheLizardElderLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000246.324| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000246.324| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000246.324| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000246.324| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000246.325| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000246.325| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/CrestOfTheAncientGolemLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000248.952| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
000249.083| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryFeastLockout.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000249.083| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryFeastLockout.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000249.083| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000249.083| ERROR| Failed to load
000249.095| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy texture crea
000249.419| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonerteleporthaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000249.422| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/teleport_deathremoval.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000249.422| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/stealth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000258.706| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6261.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000258.718| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6261deathrecapdummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000258.718| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6261deathrecapdummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000258.718| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6261deathrecapdummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000258.728| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/expirationtimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000259.952| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
000263.367| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/Flee.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000275.201| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/SightWard/Skins/Skin21/" because it's no
t in the manifest.
000275.209| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/SightWard/Skins/Skin21/Animations/SightWard_Dragon_Slayer_Idle.anm" becau
se it's not in the manifest.
000275.209| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/SightWard/Skins/Skin21/Animations/SightWard_Dragon_Slayer_Spawn.anm" beca
use it's not in the manifest.
000275.209| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/SightWard/Skins/Skin21/Animations/SightWard_Dragon_Slayer_Death.anm" beca
use it's not in the manifest.
000275.227| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
000285.184| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryBurnDebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000285.185| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6164deathrecapdummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000285.185| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6164deathrecapdummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000285.185| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6164deathrecapdummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000286.832| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/MasteryPickpocketCD.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000286.833| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/MasteryPickpocketCD.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000297.119| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryRegenMissile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000297.119| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryRegenMissile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000297.120| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryRegenMissile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000313.604| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6121.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000313.605| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6121.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000320.725| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
000332.179| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryOnHitDamageStacker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000332.180| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryOnHitDamageStacker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000332.278| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/SightWard/Skins/Skin54/" because it's not in th
e manifest.
000332.280| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/SightWard/Skins/Skin54/Animations/Sightward_Skin54_hit.anm" because it's
not in the manifest.
000332.280| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/SightWard/Skins/Skin54/Animations/Sightward_Skin54_Spawn.anm" because it'
s not in the manifest.
000332.281| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/SightWard/Skins/Skin54/Animations/Sightward_Skin54_Idle.anm" because it's
not in the manifest.
000332.281| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/SightWard/Skins/Skin54/Animations/Sightward_Skin54_Death.anm" because it'
s not in the manifest.
000337.745| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::RecreateOwnedResources
000351.034| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <global_ss_exhaust_Spiral.
000358.571| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000358.571| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000358.571| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000358.571| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000358.571| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000358.571| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/CrestOfTheAncientGolemLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000376.426| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
000380.724| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
000381.407| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PlantHawkshotAudio.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000382.035| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: YellowTrinket
000382.035| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: YellowTrinket
000383.091| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <global_ss_exhaust_Spiral.
000383.092| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <global_ss_exhaust_Spiral.
000386.682| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <global_ss_exhaust_Spiral.
000388.354| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <global_ss_exhaust_Spiral.
000399.170| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
000426.636| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
000438.345| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::RecreateOwnedResources
000442.235| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
000442.605| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
000460.654| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PlantHawkshotAudio.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000487.971| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/SightWard/Skins/Skin17/" because it's not in the
000488.005| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/SightWard/Skins/Skin17/Animations/SightWard_Lunar_horsegong_Idle1.anm" be
cause it's not in the manifest.
000488.005| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/SightWard/Skins/Skin17/Animations/SightWard_Lunar_horsegong_death.anm" be
cause it's not in the manifest.
000488.006| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
because it's not in the manifest.
000488.007| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/JammerDevice/CharScriptJammerDevice.luabin" because it's not in the manifes
000488.007| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/sightwardaudiobuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000488.007| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/incombatmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000488.008| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: JammerDevice
000497.977| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
000536.161| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Idle, for char
acter: SRU_KrugMiniMini
000536.162| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Idle, for char
acter: SRU_KrugMiniMini
000539.466| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PlantHealthTracer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000545.927| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Idle, for char
acter: SRU_KrugMini
000545.928| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Idle, for char
acter: SRU_KrugMini
000551.980| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Idle, for char
acter: SRU_KrugMiniMini
000551.981| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Idle, for char
acter: SRU_KrugMiniMini
000556.416| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @DisplayName@
<font color='#C1FFAF'> - @CooldownRemaining@s</font>
000556.416| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @DisplayName@
<font color='#C1FFAF'> - @CooldownRemaining@s</font>
000556.417| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @DisplayName@
<font color='#C1FFAF'> - @CooldownRemaining@s</font>
000556.417| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @DisplayName@
<font color='#C1FFAF'> - @CooldownRemaining@s</font>
000556.417| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @DisplayName@
<font color='#C1FFAF'> - 21s</font>
000556.417| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @DisplayName@
<font color='#C1FFAF'> - 21s</font>
000560.553| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Idle, for char
acter: SRU_KrugMiniMini
000560.554| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Idle, for char
acter: SRU_KrugMiniMini
000563.832| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/TeleportCancel.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000563.834| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonerteleporthaste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000563.838| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/teleport_deathremoval.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000563.838| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/stealth.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000573.729| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
000579.430| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
000580.756| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
000617.398| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000617.398| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000617.399| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000617.399| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000617.399| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000617.399| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/BlessingOfTheLizardElderLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000620.116| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
000627.409| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
000628.137| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: JammerDevice
000628.137| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: JammerDevice
000629.145| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: JammerDevice
000629.145| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: JammerDevice
000630.154| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: JammerDevice
000630.154| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: JammerDevice
000631.003| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: JammerDevice
000631.003| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: JammerDevice
000646.198| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonersmiteinitializer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000646.200| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitten.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000676.488| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
000682.032| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
acters/SightWard/Skins/Skin74/" because it's not in th
e manifest.
000682.040| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
anm" because it's not in the manifest.
000682.040| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
d74.anm" because it's not in the manifest.
000682.040| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
.anm" because it's not in the manifest.
000682.041| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "ASSETS/Char
4.anm" because it's not in the manifest.
000685.407| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: YellowTrinket
000685.407| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: YellowTrinket
000686.481| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: YellowTrinket
000686.481| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: YellowTrinket
000686.761| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: YellowTrinket
000686.761| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: YellowTrinket
000711.988| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spell4, for ch
aracter: MasterYi
000711.988| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spell4, for ch
aracter: MasterYi
000724.108| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
000729.206| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - Pronto(a)</font>
000729.206| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - Pronto(a)</font>
000729.206| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - Pronto(a)</font>
000729.206| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - Pronto(a)</font>
000729.206| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - Pronto(a)</font>
000735.895| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
000770.455| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
000780.387| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
000805.507| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
000819.406| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/summonersmiteinitializer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000819.406| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemsmiteslow.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000819.406| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/itemchillingsmitespeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000819.407| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitten.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000821.718| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
000827.402| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
000845.196| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spell4, for ch
aracter: MasterYi
000845.196| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spell4, for ch
aracter: MasterYi
000853.418| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::RecreateOwnedResources
000858.089| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
000892.322| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6111.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.323| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6111.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.323| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6114.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.323| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6114.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.323| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6121.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.324| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6121active.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.325| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6121.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.325| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6121.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.325| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6121.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.326| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6122.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.326| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryfeastlockout.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.326| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryfeastlockout.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.327| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryfeastlockout.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.327| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6123.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.328| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryexposeweaknessbuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.328| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/exposeweaknessdebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.328| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/exposeweaknessdebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.342| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/exposeweaknessdebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.343| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6124.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.343| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6124.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.343| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6131.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.343| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6131.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.343| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6134.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.343| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6134.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.344| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6141.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.344| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6141.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.344| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6142.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.344| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6142.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.344| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6143.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.345| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6143.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.345| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6143.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.345| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6143.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.346| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6144.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.346| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6144.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.346| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6151.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.346| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6151.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.346| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6154.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.347| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6154.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.347| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6161.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.351| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6162.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.351| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6162.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.352| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryonhitdamagestacker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.352| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryonhitdamagestacker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.352| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryonhitdamagestacker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.353| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6164.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.353| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryburndebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.354| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6164deathrecapdummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.354| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryburnhelper.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.368| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6211.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.369| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6211.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.369| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6212.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.369| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6212.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.369| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6221.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.370| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6221.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.370| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6221.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.370| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000892.370| ERROR| Failed to load
000892.370| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy texture created.
000892.371| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6221.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.371| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6222.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.371| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6222.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.371| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6223.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.371| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6223.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.371| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6231.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.372| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6231.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.372| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6232.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.372| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6232.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.372| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6241.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.372| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6241.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.372| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6242.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.373| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6242.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.373| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6243.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.373| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6243.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.374| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6243.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.374| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6243.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.375| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6243cooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.375| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6243cooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.375| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6243cooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.375| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6251.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.375| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6251.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.376| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6252.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.376| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6252.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.376| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6261.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.376| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryunrelenting.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.377| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryunrelenting.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.377| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryunrelenting.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.377| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6261.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.378| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6261deathrecapdummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.378| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/expirationtimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.379| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6262.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.379| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6262self.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.380| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6262self.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.380| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6262self.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.381| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6262.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.381| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6262cooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.381| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6262cooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.382| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6262cooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.382| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6262shield.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.391| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6263.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.392| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masterywardenofthedawn.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.392| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masterywardenofthedawnvfx.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.392| ERROR| Can not open file <> *********
000892.392| ERROR| Failed to load
000892.392| WARN| r3dTexture EX: - not found. Dummy t
exture created.
000892.393| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6263.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.394| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6263.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.394| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6263.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.394| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6311.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.394| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/masteryinitiator.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.394| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/masteryinitiator.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.395| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/masteryinitiator.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.395| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6312.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.395| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6312.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.395| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6321.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.395| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterbuffs.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.395| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterbuffs.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.396| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/monsterbuffs.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.396| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6322.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.396| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6322.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.396| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6323.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.396| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6323.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.397| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6331.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.397| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6331.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.397| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6332.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.397| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6332.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.397| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6341.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.398| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6341.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.399| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6341cooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.399| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6341cooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.399| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6341cooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.399| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6342.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.400| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryscavengergoldcheck.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.400| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryscavengergoldcheck.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.400| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryscavengergoldcheck.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.400| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masterypickpocketcdenemy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.401| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masterypickpocketcdenemy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.401| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masterypickpocketcdenemy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.401| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/masterypickpocketcd.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.401| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/masterypickpocketcd.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.401| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/masterypickpocketcd.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.402| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryscavengergold.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.402| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryscavengergold.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.402| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryscavengergold.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.402| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6343.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.402| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6343.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.402| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6351.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.403| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6351.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.403| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6352.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.403| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6352.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.403| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6361.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.404| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery5142haste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.405| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery5142hastelockout.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.405| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery5142hastelockout.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.405| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery5142hastelockout.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.406| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6362.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.406| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masterythunderlordhelper.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.407| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/mastery6362deathrecapdummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.407| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masterylordsdecreecooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.407| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/6363.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.408| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryhealresistsincrease.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.425| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/ExposeWeaknessDebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.425| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/ExposeWeaknessDebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.425| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery5142Haste.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.425| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery5142HasteLockout.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.425| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery5142HasteLockout.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.426| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6121.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.426| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6121.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.426| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6121Active.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.426| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6143.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.427| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6143.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.427| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6144Helper.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.427| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6144Helper.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.427| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6161.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.427| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6161.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.427| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6162.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.428| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6162DeathRecapDummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.428| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6162DeathRecapDummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.428| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6164DeathRecapDummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.428| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6164DeathRecapDummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.429| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6221.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.429| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6221.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.429| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6242.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.429| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6242.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.429| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6243.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.429| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6243.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.430| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6243Cooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.430| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6243Cooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.430| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6261.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.430| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6261DeathRecapDummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.431| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6261DeathRecapDummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.431| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6262.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.431| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6262Cooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.431| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6262Cooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.431| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6262Self.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.432| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6262Self.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.432| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6262Shield.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.432| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6263.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.432| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6263.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.432| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6323.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.433| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6341.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.433| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6341Cooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.433| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6341Cooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.433| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6362DeathRecapDummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.434| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/Mastery6362DeathRecapDummy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.434| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryAttackSpeedBuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.439| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryAttackSpeedBuffCounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.439| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryAttackSpeedBuffCounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.439| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryBigGameHunter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.439| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryBigGameHunter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.440| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryBigGameHunterAssistMonitor.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.440| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryRegenMissile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.440| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryBigGameHunterVfx.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.440| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryBigGameHunterVfx.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.441| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryBurnDebuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.441| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryBurnHelper.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.441| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryExposeWeaknessBuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.441| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryFeastLockout.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.442| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryFeastLockout.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.442| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryGritResistsBuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.442| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryGritResistsBuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.442| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryGritTimer.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.443| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryHealIncrease.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.443| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryHealResistsIncrease.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.443| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryLordsDecree.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.443| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryLordsDecree.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.444| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryLordsDecreeCooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.444| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryLordsDecreeCooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.444| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryLordsDecreeStacks.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.444| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryManaRegenBuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.444| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryManaRegenBuff.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.445| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryManaRegenBuffCounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.445| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryManaRegenBuffCounter.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.445| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryOnHitDamageStacker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.445| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryOnHitDamageStacker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.445| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryOnKillAssister.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.446| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryOnKillAssister.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.446| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryOOCShield.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.446| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/root.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.447| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryoocshieldbeenhit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.447| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryoocshieldbeenhit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.447| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/masteryoocshieldbeenhit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.448| ERROR| Failed to load spell ini or script: "malphiteshield"
000892.448| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryOOCShieldBeenHit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.448| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryOOCShieldBeenHit.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.448| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryPerserverance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.449| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryPerserverance.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.449| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/MasteryPickpocketCD.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.449| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/MasteryPickpocketCD.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.449| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryPickpocketCDEnemy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.449| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryPickpocketCDEnemy.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.449| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryRegenMissile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.450| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryRegenMissile.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.450| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryScavengerGold.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.450| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryScavengerGold.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.450| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryScavengerGoldCheck.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.450| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryScavengerGoldCheck.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.451| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryThunderlordHelper.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.451| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryUnbreakableCooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.451| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryUnbreakableCooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.451| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryUnbreakableRegen.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.452| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryUnbreakableShield.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.452| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryUnbreakableSpeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.452| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryUnrelenting.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.452| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryUnrelenting.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.453| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryWardenOfTheDawn.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.453| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryWardenOfTheDawnVfx.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.453| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryWarlordsBloodlustReady.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.453| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryWarlordsCooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.454| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Talent
s/MasteryWarlordsCooldown.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000892.454| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 08
000892.454| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 08
000892.454| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 08
000892.454| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 08
000892.454| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 0f
000892.454| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 03
000892.454| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 0d
000892.454| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 01
000892.454| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 08
000892.454| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 04
000892.454| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 0b
000892.455| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 08
000892.455| ALWAYS| The Killer was: ExTDOUGLAS
000892.455| ALWAYS| DAMAGE
000892.455| ALWAYS| ExTDOUGLAS applied damage 1229.56 heal 664.822 with abilit
ies [_BasicAttack|damage:664.822(664.822|0|0)|heal:0|priority:433][fioraq|damage
000892.455| ALWAYS| HEAL
000892.455| ALWAYS| FahrenheitK applied damage 168.775 heal 168.775 with abili
ties [warwickq|damage:86.4796(0|0|0)|heal:86.4796|priority:85][_Passive|damage:8
000900.168| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
000920.747| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitedamagetracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000922.161| WARN| Attachment asked for a velocity on an object that no longer
000925.473| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spell4, for ch
aracter: MasterYi
000925.473| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spell4, for ch
aracter: MasterYi
000927.614| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000927.614| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000927.614| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000927.614| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000927.614| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
000927.615| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/CrestOfTheAncientGolemLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
000968.198| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: <font color="#40c1ff">Do
ctorJP (Orianna)</font>: <font color='#C1FFAF'>@Gold@ de ouro</font>
000978.923| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
000986.911| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
000999.599| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
001000.946| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PlantHawkshotAudio.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001005.262| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
001011.456| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PlantHawkshotAudio.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001018.101| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001018.101| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001018.101| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001018.102| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001018.102| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001018.102| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/CrestOfTheAncientGolemLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001024.204| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spell4, for ch
aracter: MasterYi
001024.204| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spell4, for ch
aracter: MasterYi
001031.005| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001031.005| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001031.005| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001031.005| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001031.005| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001031.005| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/CrestOfTheAncientGolemLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001038.463| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
001040.447| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
001064.997| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001064.997| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001064.997| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001064.997| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001064.997| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001064.997| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/BlessingOfTheLizardElderLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001066.553| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001066.553| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001066.553| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001066.553| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001066.553| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001066.553| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/CrestOfTheAncientGolemLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001091.083| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
001096.790| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
001104.888| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
001109.683| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::RecreateOwnedResources
001141.728| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
001172.386| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
001174.185| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
001181.719| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spell4, for ch
aracter: MasterYi
001181.719| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spell4, for ch
aracter: MasterYi
001185.077| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
001189.765| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001189.765| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001189.766| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001189.766| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001189.766| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <vladhealtrail.tga>
001189.766| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/CrestOfTheAncientGolemLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001192.982| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Charac
ters/SRU_PlantRespawnMarker/CharScriptSRU_PlantRespawnMarker.luabin" because it'
s not in the manifest.
001192.983| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PlantSpawnData.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001192.983| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PlantSpawnData.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001192.983| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PlantSpawnData.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001192.984| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PlantSpawnTuning.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001192.984| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PlantSpawnTuning.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001192.984| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/PlantSpawnTuning.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001194.913| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
001194.934| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
001202.954| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: YellowTrinket
001202.954| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: YellowTrinket
001203.049| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - @CooldownRemaining@s</font>
001203.049| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - @CooldownRemaining@s</font>
001203.049| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - @CooldownRemaining@s</font>
001203.049| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - @CooldownRemaining@s</font>
001203.050| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - 4s</font>
001203.050| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - 4s</font>
001217.583| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
001219.646| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/smitedamagetracker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001223.323| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
001228.451| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: YellowTrinket
001228.451| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: YellowTrinket
001228.994| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
001229.694| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: YellowTrinket
001229.694| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: YellowTrinket
001232.401| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::RecreateOwnedResources
001237.599| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - @CooldownRemaining@s</font>
001237.599| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - @CooldownRemaining@s</font>
001237.599| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - @CooldownRemaining@s</font>
001237.599| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - @CooldownRemaining@s</font>
001237.599| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - 60s</font>
001237.600| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - 60s</font>
001244.763| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: YellowTrinket
001244.763| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: YellowTrinket
001246.188| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: YellowTrinket
001246.188| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: YellowTrinket
001247.646| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: YellowTrinket
001247.646| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Hit, for chara
cter: YellowTrinket
001285.477| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spell4, for ch
aracter: MasterYi
001285.478| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spell4, for ch
aracter: MasterYi
001316.217| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 08
001316.217| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 08
001316.217| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 0f
001316.217| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 09
001316.217| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 08
001316.218| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 08
001316.218| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 08
001316.218| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 08
001316.218| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 02
001316.218| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 04
001316.218| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 08
001316.218| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 06
001316.218| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 08
001316.218| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 08
001316.218| WARN| >>> TalentHashMap::HashToName - Match not found for hash 08
001316.218| ALWAYS| The Killer was: ExTDOUGLAS
001316.218| ALWAYS| DAMAGE
001316.218| ALWAYS| Torre applied damage 1405.28 heal 1405.28 with abilities [
001316.219| ALWAYS| ExTDOUGLAS applied damage 129.962 heal 129.962 with abilit
ies [_BasicAttack|damage:129.962(129.962|0|0)|heal:0|priority:129]
001316.219| ALWAYS| Tropa applied damage 4.94478 heal 0 with abilities [_Basic
001316.219| ALWAYS| Tropa applied damage 4.83845 heal 0 with abilities [_Basic
001316.219| ALWAYS| HEAL
001316.219| ALWAYS| FahrenheitK applied damage 499.37 heal 499.37 with abiliti
es [warwickr|damage:158.288(0|0|0)|heal:158.288|priority:156][warwickq|damage:11
001324.743| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
001327.389| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
001340.481| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
001341.044| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::RecreateOwnedResources
001342.038| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/SRHomeguardSpeed.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001361.186| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
001399.295| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - @CooldownRemaining@s</font>
001399.296| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - @CooldownRemaining@s</font>
001399.296| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - @CooldownRemaining@s</font>
001399.296| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - @CooldownRemaining@s</font>
001399.296| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - 23s</font>
001399.296| ERROR| Tooltip failed to replace @ string: @SrcName@: @SlotName@<fo
nt color='#C1FFAF'> - 23s</font>
001412.061| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
001426.802| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spell4, for ch
aracter: MasterYi
001426.802| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spell4, for ch
aracter: MasterYi
001456.942| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
001477.625| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
001483.301| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
001490.600| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Effects could not find mesh file <Item_PrimalTalon_explosio>.
001523.726| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spell4, for ch
aracter: MasterYi
001523.726| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spell4, for ch
aracter: MasterYi
001576.712| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
001579.090| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
001584.802| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
001601.140| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
001636.700| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: YellowTrinket
001644.050| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spawn, for cha
racter: BlueTrinket
001659.874| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spell4, for ch
aracter: MasterYi
001659.874| ERROR| Playing Animation Error, Cant Find Animation: Spell4, for ch
aracter: MasterYi
001665.875| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/teleportmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001665.876| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/recallends.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001665.876| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/teleportmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001665.877| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/recallends.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001665.877| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/teleportmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001665.878| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/recallends.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001665.878| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/teleportmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001665.879| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/recallends.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001665.879| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/teleportmarker.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001665.880| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Shared
/Spells/recallends.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001679.869| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/BaronNashorLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001679.871| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/BaronNashorLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001690.066| ERROR| Riot::RADS::IO::OpenFile: RADS cannot open file "DATA/Spells
/BaronNashorLines.luabin" because it's not in the manifest.
001695.629| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
001701.306| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
001716.482| ERROR| Data Error on expression: always
Data Error message: Missing effect texture <>
001742.141| ALWAYS| End game message processing!
001742.167| ALWAYS| ClientFacade::Stop
001742.197| ALWAYS| Menu_GUI::SetEndOfGameVideoActive
001745.835| ALWAYS| Finished Main Loop
001745.835| ALWAYS| FPS Average = 54.491772
001745.835| ALWAYS| FPS Average Minimum = 24.511469
001745.835| ALWAYS| FPS Average Maximum = 100.571289
001745.835| ALWAYS| FPS Variance = 16.431976
001745.835| ALWAYS| FPS Slow Count = 121
001745.835| ALWAYS| Total Frame Count = 2081009
001747.031| ERROR| Failed to send collected events.
001748.866| ALWAYS| Finished Play game
001748.866| ALWAYS| {"messageType":"riot__game_client__connection_info","message
_body":"Game exited","exit_code":"EXITCODE_WIN"}
001748.954| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::Close() enter
001749.119| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::Close() exit
001749.120| ALWAYS| Destroying the Renderer (1)
001749.120| ALWAYS| game::Shutdown
001749.120| ALWAYS| ClientFacade::Stop
001749.128| ALWAYS| Bugsplat disabled
001749.160| ALWAYS| Exiting WinMain

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