Sci Fi Story 3

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Dj vu is said to not be the sense of being in a moment once

before but it is the feeling of destinys fate falling into

place. The choices we make, not the chances we take, determine

our destiny. These words were on a poster inside my dorm. Every

decision we make while we are living determines the path that we

walk in life. Anything that can happen will happen. We cannot

control our fate. Life is unpredictable and when we feel like

we have control but it is just an illusion. Faith can be

described by athiests as false hope since you are praying to an

idol or god, who you cant see but only believe. We believe that

these gods are controlling our fate and they have a plan set

forward where they guide us throughout life. The future is

unpredictable but what if I were to tell you that it is

controlled by some higher being that sees you while your sleeping

and knows when you are awake.

I am not talking about jolly old saint Nick but it is pretty

close. It is a force that controls you and brings some people to

their ultimate demise.

You ever wonder how Marilyn Monroe died or where Emilia Earhart

disappeared. Why do you think some people lead a life of a sin?

What is the reason in a mind of someone who rapes and murders in

heinous ways? Why would someone commit suicide? The answer to

these questions are within the force and its not the one Luke

Skywalker has.

This force is what controls the fate of every human to live on

this earth. This force is said to not have a body but walk the

earth by taking peoples bodies and controlling them till they

have no use to it anymore. Some ancient writings have said to

depicted it as a spirit that can be seen only on the brightest of

days. It is said that the history of this force can date back as

far as the dark ages. That is when the force ultimately had its

biggest triumph. It nearly conquered the eastern hemisphere with

its dark hate and fear until one day a farmer not touched by the

force was working on his field and a man with a smile came up to

him. The farmer had not seen a smile in a while and was startled

at first to see happiness. The farmer had lost his family to the

plague. The man greeted him and told him of a power to defeat

the force and the farmer had no idea what he was talking about.

This man began to tell him about the force and why all this

sickness and death was happening. He then gave him an option to

come with him and join him for a cause to defeat this force. The

farmer furious with anger knowing that the force was the reason
for his family dying chose to join this stranger to stop the

force. The stranger leads him to this base camp where there is an

army full of people immune to the force. What it means to be

immune is to have ones body not taken over by the force. He

then takes the farmer to his leader and a huge man with long

white hair turns to greet him. The man introduces himself as

Axel the Great. He tells the farmer that there is hope for peace

but he is afraid there has to be a battle for it to become true.

Axel begins to tell the farmer that his family is alive but is

only alive within the force meaning that it has control over

their body. The farmer leads an army alongside Axel and

ultimately defeats the force. The create and alliance and devote

their lives and their offsprings lives to the destruction of the

force and protection of the people of earth. They call

themselves the Concord of Amity

The force has not been seen since then, but scholars have

believed it to be still living throughout the many depraved

people that have walked the earth since. Over the past twenty

years there has been a relative calm sense and the force is not

present, but you know what they say; All is calm before the


Today we live an era where criminals can fight their way out of

prison and become free men and women of the world. This

correction system is the same in most ways throughout the world.

The incarceration rate kept going up and up all around the world

and brilliantly along came a man named Eli Fisher, who thought of

an idea that would later change the world. He proposed that All

of these criminals can choose an alternative to spending a

sentence inside of a jail cell or have an opportunity to be free

again. As you would imagine most politicians were outraged at

this at first until Mr. Fisher went into further detail. Each

criminal has a particular set of skills and he divided them up

into three different categories; Combat, Intelligence, and

thievery. The combat consists of people with backgrounds of

assault and battery. The intelligence has people who have

committed crimes such as rape and or homicide. Thievery is

completed with the rest of the petty criminals who are doing

small time. Some criminals have all three of these categories on

their rap sheet. Now all these criminals choose to get put to the

test of gaining their freedom through a violent course of their

choice. The first choice they have is to fight their way out

through a series of battles. These battles get harder as you

progress your way through your journey. It has been tested on

some of our most elite soldiers and has proven to be nearly

impossible to defeat. The second choice is to go through

challenges of your own intelligence and defeating the opponent in

games of wit. At first there will be games like chess and

checkers but as they progress the games will have poison and

other violent punishments to have to outsmart. The last choice

is for the thieves and each challenge you have to get away with

stealing and not get caught. Of course if there is failure to

complete any of the challenges the punishment could be death due

to complications. Some politicians laughed at this proposal,

while some old guy thought this was from some Arnold Shwarzagner

movie. The big problem on hand was the fact the population was

growing too high and the earth itself was hurting because of it.

This motion got set over fourty years ago and now the population

is slowly coming down as the public hardly even notices.

On the outside life is great and people are living their lives

without any worries as crime is low throughout the whole world.

Without the worry of all the crime people have branched out to

help communities around the world to now reach an age where the

entire earth is connected and there is no such thing as a third

world country anymore. Even though it seems all is well there is

still crime and people still die because of the force.

The Concord of Amity has been formed to stop the force and

protect it. Eli Fisher was a part of them until he went astray
and seems to be up to something dangerous. This is where I come

into the story. I was recruited at a young age along with Eli by

the Concord of Amity. My name is Dally by the way. There was a

prophecy that Eli and I were supposed to destroy the force

together and it will forever be gone and you know not every

prophecy goes according to plan. I suspected Eli of having a

dark side ever since we started learning about the force. Now

that he has battle Axel the 80th and escaped this place he knows

that he is trying to or already has attracted the power of the

force. We think somehow he is recruiting people within this

prison of his and forming an army even bigger than the one from

the dark ages. All of sudden a spy comes in bloddy and wet and

tells us the dark secrets that Eli is hiding. He is in fact

using the prison to create an army for the force and they way he

is doing it is simply through his system of freedom. There is

a few prisinors who have fought the force and want to actually be

free. Leading them is a man named Ezekiel, who just wants to see

his family again. I go and lead a task force to free these men

and learn of a plan that Eli and the force have that will bring

light to the force. This plan involves a mass killing of the

population of the earth. I recall Eli talking about this one

time and how the population needs to stop growing because he

believes that the earth can not hold all of these people. I

argued with him when he began saying that we should kill a ton of
people to solve this issue. He did not care if this would be

worse than the holocaust.

Along with the army we rescued with Ezekial and the army we have

had at the Concord of Amity we prepare for a battle on the date

they have said to bring light to the force. They wait and the

fear of waiting takes over some and out of no where the force

attacks their compound and I lock my eyes with Eli. He is much

stronger than he was when he left and he had a dark evil in his

eyes. We fought until we both had nothing left and daring but

ignorant Eli tries a move he should not have and I broke both his

legs and arms. I tell him that he was supposed to destroy the

force and not join it. In pain and aganoy he just stairs at me

with anger controlled by fire.

The battle has been won but there are sure to be more till the

force is finally destroyed.

Till another Time.


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