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By: David Hanna

Part 1
Leadership class I have already taken once before previously and failed to

attend class, which resulted in an awful grade. This year I am glad to say that I

have not missed any classes and proud to be holding a great grade that still can

improve with these final assessments. This course I enjoyed very much and was

one of few classes I did not miss. Throughout the class there were many

reoccurring statements and words repeated that were the backbone of what made

this class.

One of these statements was that leadership is a trait or a skill. I still believe

that is a skill that is learned and practice. I do not think that is something that you

are born with because it is not in your genetic code. Although leaders that have

lineage throughout generations to be great leaders, but this is because other great

leaders taught them to become even better ones by learning from their mistakes. A

great leader of today is Donald Trump who found that little niche of America to win

the election to make America great again. He has the trait and skill of leadership

and is still improving on it as the inauguration is quickly approaching.

The thought of a kings having their sons becoming their legacy makes you

think that leaders are born. In this predicament, they are born into leadership, but

they are not leaders until they are made one through practice and learning though

the teaching of great leaders. Another one of the reoccurring statements that was

heard a lot in the class was whether leaders are born or made. The correct view in

my mind is that leaders are made and not born. Therefore, I also think that

leadership is a skill and not a trait that you are born with.

Some topics that I enjoyed during this class was ethics and chapter 12 which

was overcoming obstacles. One of my favorite movies is Wolf of Wall street which is

a big case that happened where a very unethical behavior happened at this

company, Stratton Oakmont. I got excited to talk about these examples in class

because it was something I enjoyed very much. The overcoming obstacles topic

was big to me because to me that is one of the most important attributes that a

leader needs to become a great leader.

Part 2
The case study assignments were a good time to practice our own leadership

having a chance to lead a group in a discussion. The feedback that I received was

very good and I appreciate the people who were in my group that participated and

engaged to create a good discussion. Under the leadership style that I used the

people in my group said two laisse-fair and one democratic. I agree that I probably

have a mixture of these two when I am leading or trying to control people because I

sort of give a gentle approach to it with a laisse-fair style and then once the idea

gets across I turn to a democratic approach. All three wrote that they felt their

opinion mattered and that my questions made them think and were proud that I

shared their voice and everyone elses to the rest of the class. The only negative I

received was that the situation of the case was not discussed enough and should

have been more talked about. While I was not a leader during the other case

studies I believe the other leaders also did very well in leading their own discussion.

This made me think about the whole Nichols College statement, learn, lead,

succeed, and I believe after seeing everyone being a good leader Nichols creates

leaders and that is truly a good sign for hope.


Throughout this class I learned many new ways to advance my leadership

and realized though all the questionnaires where I could be in the coming years,

although you never know what can happen. I was happy to learn which types of

careers my personality types have which are sports journalist, talent agent, stock

market, entrepreneur, marketing, politician, detective, or sports coach. All of these

careers I can see myself in and here at Nichols I am going be having the

entrepreneur certificate separate from diploma. With all these surveys and tests to

figure out what kind of a leader I am and then putting them into practice during the

case study, I am proud to say that I succeeded in being a good leader, but there is

always improvement that can be made. I need to have a strategy to become one of

the next great leaders that this world can offer. That is a very high goal, but I

believe that the taller the mountain and more difficult the challenge is the more

motivated and determined you are to reach the top because you know the view

from up there will be priceless. (823 words)

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