Category Male Female Left Right Left Right

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Left Right Left Right
Excellent > 53,7 > 56,3 > 31,8 > 34
Good 47,8 - 53,7 50,6 - 56,3 28,4 - 31,8 30 - 34
Moderate 43,6 - 47,7 45,1 - 50,5 25,8 - 28,3 27,4 - 29,9
Poor 39,4 - 43,5 41,3 - 45,0 22,3 - 25,7 23,8 - 27,3
Very poor < 39,4 < 41,3 < 22,3 < 23,8

(Source: Schlssel MM, dos Anjos LA, de Vasconcellos MTL, Kac G. Reference values of handgrip
dynamometry of healthy adults: A population-based study. Clin Nutr. 2008;27(4):601-607.

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