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What is your best friend like?

My best friends name is Claudia. She is very intelligent. She is studying civil
engeniering at Catolica university. Claudia is very funy. I am going to go your
home at the weekend.

What are you like? Are you outgoing? Are you competitive?

I am very good person. I am intelligent. I like mathematics. I like go to the

beach at the weekend. I am not outgoing. I am competitive.

Role play

A: Anthony! You always leave our work for the end.

B: I am sorry Diana.

A: Why you dont organize well? You always play safe.

B: Its true. I am always playing soccer everyday. But I will not again.

A: Youre irresponsable.

B: I will deliver the work on time.

A: You have to better organize, please.

B: But at least look at the positive aspect. We always have good grades.

A: Well... We need to work harder.

B: Sure!


Have you ever Been to a place outside of Lima?

Yes, I have been. Last year I went to Cusco with the family of my mother. We
ate a typical food. I have also gone to Huancayo.

Have you ever wanted to have a special skill or talent? Which one?

Yes, I have. I wanted to be a very good soccer player because always I liked
and played soccer all day.
Have you ever met a famous person?

No, I havent met a famous person.

Role play

A: Anthony, Have you ever been to Lunahuana?

B: No, I have not. But Ive heard it is beautiful.

A: I was only one day, I did a full day. I practiced boating and drove ATV. It was
an interesting and fun experience.

B: Really? Did you like it travel?

A: Yeah! Lunahuana I got about 4 hours.

B: Wow, Al is less close

A: Would you like to go?

B: Sure, it sounds interesting!

A: You will have fun a lot!

B: I hope so.


Whats the best restaurant youve ever eaten at?

The best restaurant Ive eaten is Rustica the green coast because is varied. It is
a buffet. Also this near of the beach and It has good attetion.

What's the best vacation you've ever had?

The best vacation I had it was last year because we traveled to Cusco with my
family. Also we went to ruins the Machu Picchu. We took photos and We ate
typical food.

What's the nicest beach you've ever seen?

The most beautiful beach Ive seen is Punta rocas, because has good waves. It
is very clean. There are beautiful women.

What's the best place to shop?

The best place for shopping is Jockey Plaza because is the most big of Lima.
Also has variety of stores.

Rol play
A: Anthony want to go a trip?

B: Yes, it would be great!. Where to you want to go?

A: Last year I went to Piura, we could go there.

B: Mmmhh... I dont want to go to Piura.

A: Why dont you want to go to Piura?

B: Because it is far away.

A: Really? But have good food and beautiful beach.

B: No, I dont like. Why dont we go to Lunahuana?

A: Go to Lunahuana?

B: Yes, It's closer, is cheaper. Also you can make boating.

A: Well, it sounds good. You convince me.

B: So .. We traveled a monthend?

A: Yeah, it really is.


Do you consider that it's bad for children when both parents work?

No, I do not consider that it is bad. It is good because the parents working for
have more money. And your children have good education.

What do you think is the best age to start a family? Why?

I dont think there is an exact age to start a family because I think the best
moment to start family is when you have a stable economy or when I finish my

Do you think that kids and teenagers should spend less time on the
Internet? Why?

Yes, I do. Because I think that the boys use the internet for the videogames or
facebook. Also they dont their homework.

Role place
A: Anthony would you say we go to the movies all night?

B: No, I do not because my parents want that help clean my house and I cant
go out today.

A: Really?

B: Absolutely.

A: Well Do not worry.

B: It seems like my parents have bothered because I arrived home late the last

A: I agree. In my opinion think thats why your parents were upsed with you.

B: Definitely my parents think I'm a child

A: My parents also gave cholera three years ago because they treated me as a
child, now yanome treated well.

B: Its good for you.

A: Wait nomas friend.

B: yeah


Do you have enough time to eat a good breakfast every day?

Yes I do, because I am on vacation and I only have classes tuesday and
thusday. I take papaya juice and two breads.

How do you like to eat different foods?

No, because I'm fat.

I am dieting. I eat only fresh salad and go to the gym everday.

Do you eat too much fast food?

Role play

A: Thank for the lunch, was very delicious.

B: Don't worry. You want dessert?

A: No thanks. Maybe later. Im OK for now.

B: Really? It is delicius

A: Im fine, really. Dont worry.

B: Why you dont want dessert?

A: I'm already full.

B: Ok. Then something to drink?

A: Yes, thanks.

B: Juice or beer?

A: Either one

B: Ok!


Will you start working as soon as you finish studying or will you take a
sabbatical year?

I want start working when you finish studying for have money. I want have fast
my company the mineral processing. And with my sister who studying civil
engineering we have a construction company.

Easter / Holy Week is from March 24 to March 28 this year. Are you
doing anything interesting then?

I haven't planned anything yet. But always I am with my family. I want travel to
Mancora or lunahuana.

What do you think the next elections will be like?

In really I not like the elections. But I want the winner is Alfredo Barnechea
because it will invest in mining of peru. I will vote for him. Also I think is the

Role play

A: Hi. I am thinking about go to the beach at the weekend. You would like to go?

B: That's great! But I can't talk right now.

A: Oh! Only is a moment.

B: Talk to you later, please.

A: Just answer if you can go.

B: I am working. I've really got to go.

A: Well, Id better go.

B: Don't get angry

A: Can I call you back?

B: Yes, you can.

A: Nice talking to you

B: Thank. You beware.

A: You too

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