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Daniel Caraveo

ALE Reflection
Within the Discipline
Present a list of knowledge and skills from three or more courses/content areas in
leadership as well as an in depth analysis of how the experience as a Residential
Leader contributed to your understanding of the connection between your academic
experience and meaningful real-world application!
Throughout the course of my life I have been blessed with many leadership
opportunities. Though they have varied greatly, I feel as if they have all given me
the opportunity to make an impact in other individuals lives. One of the most
meaningful positions I have been blessed with receiving is probably my role as a
Residential Leader (RL) for Tarleton State University. RL is a position of leadership
that requires many essential leadership skills. It is difficult to determine which
leadership skills determine what makes a great leader. They can mean having the
ability to make people follow you or be completely opposite and mean that you can
follow others. There are three main areas that I have found to be essential to being
a great leader as an RL. These three main areas for me include being accountable,
empathetic, and inspirational. It is often difficult to take responsibility for our own
actions, let alone for someone elses, but as an RL you must be willing to humble
yourself and do just that. The ability to admit that you, as an individual, are wrong is
only the first step. The good leader will accept the responsibility and then take
initiative to correct the problem. There are unique situations that each resident will
encounter, often we have not been through these situations and do not understand.
This where being empathetic is of extreme worth. Empathetic leaders can
understand the needs of others, and be aware of how they feel and how it impacts
the other persons perception. While being empathetic does not necessarily mean
you agree with another person, it does allow you to appreciate the other persons
unique situation. Finally, being inspirational has always been something that gives
me a drive to push forward. I was inspired by others to do what I could to make a
difference. There has always been a drive and passion inside me to help others to
My RL experiences also increased my understanding of the connection
between my academic experiences and real world applications. This position
allowed me to see how students, while similar to each other, were so diverse in
their academic approach. This position often called for me to make choices. They
were not always correct but they helped me to be accountable and always
adaptable. The way it helped me in my field of study is buy helping me learn to
relate to others. I hope to one day be a mechanical engineer and I must be open to
new ideas. Engineering is difficult so I must have the ability to accept my mistakes
and learn from them.
Beyond the Discipline
I have been fortunate to have other leadership positions outside of RL. I was a
leader to some of the youth at my church in Waco, TX, and I am currently an
executive board member for Sigma Alpha PI the National Society for Leadership and
Success. I also was A Tarleton Transition Mentor (TTM) and was able to help
Daniel Caraveo

incoming transfer students find a home at my university. I have developed many

new and valuable skills in leadership. I can communicate better, plan, adapt, be
humble, make hard choices, and many more skills that will serve me well. These
skills and leadership qualities will allow me to be successful in a professional job.

Beyond Academics
I have also been able to understand how experiences which go beyond academics
here at Tarleton can be applied to real world situations. I first came to Tarleton State
University without any knowledge of the multitude of resources and opportunities
available to me. I was put in charge of 30 of my peers and along with them and
other RLs I am now able to assist many others who feel as hopeless as I once did. I
have been able to mentor my residents and provide them with resources when I am
not equipped to help them myself. I can lead my residents and encourage them to
Present an analysis of how the Residential Leader experience contributed to your
understanding of the interconnectedness of knowledge and skills in all three areas
"with in the discipline, beyond the discipline and beyond academics!
My RL position contributed to my understanding of the interconnectedness of the
knowledge and skills from the three areas mentioned above. While each area is
different, the skills from one often area can be used interchangeably in another. My
experience as an RL has given me the skills to lead the men and women of
tomorrow. The skills I learned also contributed to my academics and showed me the
importance of continued growth. Learning to use this skills as compliments to one
another has allowed me to set higher goals for myself.

Global Awareness
When I first came to Tarleton I thought that I had an open mind towards other
people. I did not realize how diverse people were and at the same time how similar
our paths were. I have met people from other countries and completely different
backgrounds than me, but I was able to connect with them through a common
purpose. I expected to be more of the guy in charge than the friend next door.
Although my residents respect me when I must enforce the rules, they also know
that I am their friend first. I have realized that we are all learning. Being an RL did
not put me any further ahead than my peers, and it was good to know that we are
all one university made up of many great individuals. I learned not to judge too
Broader Implications
Within my experience, I have learned of many global issues. Many of us came to
college with a narrow mind, only knowing the small world around us. This
experience taught me that the world is much bigger than we perceive. There are
Daniel Caraveo

problems going on in our communities that I was not aware of or that I was simply
ignorant to. Learning about these issues has reinforced my thought that there is a
need for change. Having this opportunity allows me to be a catalyst for that change.

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