Sports Marketing Paper

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Benjamin Duarte


Sports Marketing

December 5, 2016

Promotions and Technology

Professional sports sell themselves. I say this with confidence because

there will be allows fans who are loyal to their teams. For those teams that

might be struggling this year or for the past couple years. Fans will go to

their games to see the opposing team play. The best example I can think of

was, back a couple of years ago, when Baltimore and Tampa Bay was having

rough years in the MLB. Red Sox fans would flock to these games. Maybe it

was because they knew it felt like a home game or the tickets were so cheap.

I know when we went to Florida for vacation, and the red sox or even if they

werent we would go to a game because of how cheap the game was to go

too. Promoting is more than just putting up signs and sending players out to

locate business to promote the team. With these articles, we will be taking a

look into what else promoting is and how it applies to the book.

5 Sports Business Journals

1. Color Rush expands to 15 games

Summary: The NFL has joined the conversations with the introduction

of Color Rush jerseys. Color rush is basically one colored jerseys with small
parts of another. For example, as I was writing this synopsis the Miami

Dolphins and Cincinnati Bengals were playing on Thursday night football. The

Dolphins had bright orange uniforms while the Bengals had all white jerseys.

This whole idea was to add a bigger feel to each game. To draw more

attraction to the game during the week. But really the NFL doesnt need to

add more of a feel to the games. Its the NFL the games will be watched No

matter who is playing and what day of the week it is. There already games

on Monday and Sundays games already. So, the NFL is going to play twice

during the week and more games just because how popular it is.

Connection: The NFL is promoting a game were these jerseys will be on

display for limited time. By doing this there selling a limited time product.

This promotion allows the NFL to promote all their teams but for that one

game. The idea is to draw fans to the game so they can see the jerseys in

person. Even though they can see it on television, there not getting the

game experience.

My review: My notice on this promoting is smart but not a long-term

thing. Promotions and promoting is a hit or miss business. Either you can

bring the people in or not. I believe that it is hard not to see out football

games. Ive heard that people just go to the games to tailgate. Because

thats what they do. We all have our things for sports. Especially football and

going to a game can be a memory maker but at the same time the cost of

the games is really over price. So maybe if they promoted games at

discounted price would make it better. Maybe offer a sale for limited hours so

people who dont usually go can go.

2. Mini- ball mania: Pizza Hut returns to NCAA

Summary: After years of being in the shadows, Pizza Hut is finally

returning to the NCAA commercial, and advertising line-up. They will be

being joining as corporate partners with the NCAA. The Mini ball was a big hit

in the 1991 March Madness. The ball had the logo of the Final Four in 1991,

along with the Pizza Hut logo and the NCAA emblem. Who doesnt love food

at a ball game. While I watch a big game at home, we make food before

during and after the game. Its just something we do. But at games, a piece

or pieces of pizza is an easy snack to get at a game.

Connection: It focus on producing and selling good and a service

rather than identifying and satisfying the needs and wants of consumers and

their markets. Through television and newspapers, you can see promotions

for games that involve give away. Sometimes teams will sell tickets to groups

and to make it more appealing to go, they will throw a meal deal into the


My review: Who doesnt love food at a game? Beer, Food, and 10,000

fans yelling and screening for or against the two teams playing. I think that

food at game is expensive at games. But I can see why it is. The business or

team is providing something that is a luxury at the game. The cost will be

higher than at local stores or making it at home.

3. Top Rank to go it alone promoting, distributing Pacquiao bout

Summary: Money, Money, Money, Money, is the name of the game for

this promoter. The numbers have to line up for this promoter to hit the Go

bottom. If they dont then the event wont happen. But having Many

Pacquiao helps. Pacquiao was one of the top fighters in the boxing world.

Besides Floyd money Mayweather they had a fight. And the fight sold itself.

The business of fighting seems to be becoming more and more of a big hit

with people. Violence I guess is a seller. Watching two people fight till they

cant no more is interesting, to some. Dont get me wrong I like watching a

goof fight. But when a fight becomes defensive it becomes boring.

Connection: A Hallmark Event is the connection. All the things for a

Hallmark event goes towards promoting a fight. Promoting the host

organization to the public; Promoting the sponsors of the event and their

products, creating a Unique hospitality opportunities for sponsors and other

influences, promoting and add to the growth of the particular sport, you can

see more on page 291 in chapter 10

My Review: People watch fights because the two fighters fight for

points, pride, respect. But watching them dance around isnt fun. But when

guys go toes for toe. Thats when the real fighting begins. My belief is that is

why MMA and UCF are taking over the paper-view scene. Fighting takes too

long and not enough punches and blows. With MMA and UCF with short

round, smaller ring area.

4. Rams Teams signs last of 10 homecoming deals

Summary: With the Rams moving back to South California. Companies

and their brands have been jumping at the opportunities to be a part of the

new team. For example, Corona advertised the team coming back home.

Along with the ad is selling that the teams drink is corona. And the team and

their front office staff is looking to grow and work with other companies to

make sure the team stays in Southern Cali.

Connection: Showcasing products, especially in a new environment. When a

new team comes into a new market. Like the Rams, but they have already

been in Los Angeles. So, the marketing for the team will have to reconnect

with the old and with the new fans of the Los Angeles Rams. The last signs

for the new stadium will be branded to the homecoming of the team. Like I

mentioned before. The homecoming will be a promotion that the marketing

team will use for the upcoming year.

My Review: Its a new day for the Los Angeles Rams. New stadium, new fans,

bringing back some old fans. I believe the fans and the sponsors will have a

successful field in the front offices. With the new deals and new attraction for

new players to come to LOS ANGELES! That will be the team with most pull

this next free agent market. But we will have to see.

5. Remaking the Panthers

Summary: Ticket Sales are at all-time low. The Florida Panthers are not

the hottest team in the NHL. The Florida Panthers hit an all-time low in 2014-
2015 when hitting a low attendance with below 12,000 fans at the games.

Another low for the Florida Panthers was a low in local television rating with

7,300 people watching per game.

Connection: With a failing team. New attraction for the team could help

but when a team is completing against the Tampa Bay Lighting, who has

been playing a lot better hockey and have been making the playoffs in the

past years. The Florida Panthers are looking at a task that is becoming

harder and harder. In the book, it mentions that accessing the internet and

making some competition against the Lighting, might draw some fans away

from that team and fans might follow the Panthers instead. Another option is

buying more than is wanted or needed at a lower price. The tickets could be

lower to make the games an attraction.

My Review: Florida isnt the biggest hockey city or state for the NHL.

Maybe moving them back to Hartford, would draw attention to old fans and

might bring new ones in. Though they would be competing against the

Boston Bruins for fans. A nearby rival for the Bruins could help not only the

NHL but the Bruins, which sell their tickets just saying Boston Bruins. But you

could draw interest from newer sponsors like the Los Angeles Rams are with

their move to L.A.

5 Non-Academic Articles
6. DirecTV online-only plan has many of your local sports teams

covered AT&T's DirecTV Now has 19 MLB teams, 22 NBA teams,

and 15 NHL teams.

Summary: Direct TV is trying to hit a new target, and bring in more

local sports into the lights. This is more than impressive. With local sports

being broadcasted, this will be opening up the doors to many things.

Competition being the biggest one. With Direct TV starting this trend, more

companies will be jumping at the chance to provide their own version of the

local sports. What will happen next?

Connection: Using the broadcast as sales tools. It will draw in those

local fans that dont want to actually attend the game. This also allows the

high schools to bring an extra experience to the games. Who doesnt love to

be on television at that age.

My Review: I think this is a great idea for TV in general. Yeah you can see

local sports on TV for special events, and highlights but to be able to watch

the whole game on television, now thats cool. It gives a chance, or a hope to

small town high school that might have some real talent, possible

professional or collegiate level athletes a chance to play at that level.

7. The rise of sports TV costs and why your cable bill keeps going


Summary: With technology growing more and more streaming

television is becoming a new and better way to watch T.V. But people still are
paying for cable television because off sports. If sports stop, cable companies

will probably then go out of business. But as long as someone has the money

and the organization to fund sports, and the cable companies. People will

have to pay another bill.

Connection: Branding through Content Development, like what

happened to ESPN they became the biggest sporting broadcasting company,

on T.V and website. Now more popular television brands are following them

in their footsteps. Professional sports are also broadcasting games but they

only focus on their own sport. Anything to do with that sport, any news is

broadcasted through their show and most likely. So is sports really taking

over the television scene I think so.

My review: Sooner than later there will be a network broadcasting high

school games all over the nation. Just like ESPN but called something else.

Maybe it will compete against ESPN one day. But with more and more cost

coming into the world and into peoples life. More people will have to find

jobs to be able to support their families. And sooner rather than later people

will have to drop cable.

8. Amazon Looking to Expand Prime into Live-Streamed Major


Summary: Amazon is braking the doors down! Amazon is working with

several professional teams to start streaming the games. With this

happening. We could see a change in how people watch the games. We

could see a slow declining inn cable television. I say this because more

and more people are getting feed up with the cost of cable. So if

streaming is going to be the new way to watch sports then. Bye Bye


Connection: Change in the Profession. With promoting you are always

changing how things are brought to your customers. Either in person, over

the phone, through the email, any means really. Promoters are finding

new ways to get the attention to the possible customers. With streaming,

will the promoters be able to handle this new system of broadcasting.

My Review: Streaming sports??? Sounds like a good idea. But how will

promote this? With price. If the cost of streaming sports or T.V show is

lower than the cable bill now. Then there should be no problem selling the

potential idea. I know my dad will be a fan of it. And a bonus is it

eliminates the zoning rules that the NFL has with cable. This way people

can watch their favorite team no matter where there at.

9. Under Armour Inks First Pro Sports League Uniform Deal

Summary: Theres going to be a new name in town Under Armour. I have

been a fan of Under Armour for a while now because I found their products to

fit and feel better on me than Nike. Under Armour I feel is made for the

comfort, style and durability. While Nike is made for the already in shape

guy, the guy who goes to the gym 5-6 days a week. Being a fan of baseball

and Under Armour. I have fell in love with the baseball cleats. Because of
their comfort. Nike ran to narrow which made my foot feel uncomfortable.

Under Armour has representatives in the MLB now like Bryce Harper and

Clayton Kerhsaw.

Connection: Now Under Armour has a new job not only promoting a

few players but now all the players of the MLB. The MLB will also have to

start to planning for the change. Youre not dealing with just an easy switch.

Some player and teams have contracts with athletic clothing apparel deals.

So, sales are going to have to change. Since Nike will not be the new logo of

MLB under apparel. New Connections and Changing the game will be


My Review: Times are changing. We see things changing all the time.

We might not like them. But the only thing can do is, not alone it to affect us

throughout of daily life. Or we like the changes and then the changes that

happened will affect in a positive way making our lives better or for worse.

This change will only impact how players and how they feel about clothing


10. Now Cheer This! Cheerleading Becomes (Provisional)

Olympic Sport
Summary: Reading this article, just made me realize that

Cheerleading is now being considered a sport the Olympic committee. I

cant believe that the committee is actually considering it. They need

to add the word competitive to that before, if they do official pass this

as a sport because, standing on the side line yelling in not of work. Or

competitive really. No winner during halftime. I hope the committee will

be smart.
Connection: The Olympics has a new event to plan for in the

future and how they will handle the set up and scoring. A couple of

years ago, cheerleading wasnt even considered a sport. Change,

whats being considered a sport now is growing. I always thought that

a sport had a circular object and it had to be put in place or put

through another object or area.

My Review: NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! how could this be

happening. Oh, wait I forgot everyone got a trophy. This is what the

world is heading too. Whelp, we will find out. EQUALITY has killed

America. I think cheerleading is something that should stay an activity.

Well I think that people are becoming weak. We need to remind people

what, and who Americans are.

5 Academic Articles

11. NBA's Silver breaks down tech's effects on the game:

commissioner sees streaming, social media, virtual reality

spurring greater interest in all pro sports

Summary: The NBA is on the movement to streaming games. But there

are two parties to this decision. TNT and ESPN are competitors against each

other in the television world but when it comes to the NBA, the have similar

goals. So, there would have to be a management to develop a plan that both
T.V providers would be spilt the games during the season. Another thing to

consider, is the money. Is there money to be made in the streaming world.

Also, the current deal the NBA has with cable. They would have to wait for it

to end.

Connection: Staying ahead of the game. With television changing to now

becoming computers basically. The technology going into the providing the

games. We see improvement in the visual affects to show the game.

Technology is always growing and always improving, and with that I

understand why so maybe teams are trying to show their games on

something different because they can use it as also a promotional factor too.

My Review: Technology is cool, and convenient, helpful when youre not

home. But really it has changed how people live. Ill admit that I walk

sometimes with my face in the phone. But sometimes I wish, I was a kid

again. No phone, just a bike and a neighborhood, I would ride to my friends

house and see if they were home. But with technology being available now it

makes thing easier, especially watching sports. What will the T.V and Sports

world do next?

12. Game Changers conference addresses key issues for

women in Sports

Summary: Its all about the ratings. Sorry. The longer the regular

person watching the network the better the brand, and television station
does. But unless youre getting attention like the womens soccer team

and womens gymnastics. Sorry but you probably wont be show in NBC.

Is it fair no, so maybe they dedicate a channel to show womens sports

that isnt a main event or a major attraction.

Connection: Equity in television. I think one of my professor last year

would be proud of me for mentioning this in a paper. But with television

come responsibility to provide ENTERIANMENT. The network is trying to

sell a product or get the attention of people to watch their network over


My review: Sorry but not sorry. There not enough entertainment in

women sports. MAYBE one or two highlights a month but if majority of the

major women sports could play at speed and intensity that men do then

maybe the networks would work on something to get you on television

but no for now. Keep fighting but stop making a big deal. Things happen

for a reason.

13. Big Ten boss holds sway

Summary: Being the commissioner of a NCAA football conference

sounds pretty cool. Some down sides. And some upside. But as

commissioner, the responsibilities and duties that come with the job

are not made for everyone to do. When traveling, you have to

remember that slowing down once in a while. To remember where

youre at and how to make the job less stressful if an issue comes

Connection: Building a relationship with consumers. By build a

relationship, with the teams in the conference allows the Commissioner

to see what fans like during the games. With not having a favorite

team in the this also allows you to be have an open mind allowing

them to have all possibilities available

My Review: I think being a commissioner would be fun. But too

much work for me. One team is enough for me. Working with 10 to 12

teams on average in each conference and then non-conference games.

My head would explode. But being able to control and maintain all

these teams with rules and regulations. I think this allows the

conference to be easier to run.

14. Veteran Sports Executives Launch New Agency Focused

on Global Growth Sports

Summary: A lot more is going into sports now. A great example of

this would-be Money Ball, a movie the changes the game by bringing in

stats. By using players stats to give your team an advantage over the

other is being added to play. And were not just seeing this is in

baseball but basketball and other sports as well. Like everything else

though it improving and adding more to it. We see growth in

everything else, so why not this.

Connection: Number taking. By use actual number, things can

become more predictable. Who doesnt like know whats going to

happen? I mean I do but Im not a walking computer.

My Review: With any sporting event, I think this is the most

beautiful thing about sports is. You can never write anything done and

know its going to happen. Like with the World Series this year. YOU
NEVER KNOW. Things could change in the blink of an eye or during a

course of events. The game is always changing and developing. Thats

why people watch sports. To see the spectacular play, to see a home

run in a do or die moment. To be thrilled at a game is what makes the

most memories at a game. And you cant put a price on that.

15. Global Market Study on Sports Equipment: Ball Sports to

be the largest segment by 2020

Summary: Availability is the name of the game. Being able to

provide a demand in any sport is what most companies are looking for.

But not just in one place. But all over the world. People and brands are

expecting things in high demand either in quality or quantity. But the

faster the object or material can get to the destination the better.
Connection: Producing the wants. Being able to handle demand

of orders. Figuring out new way to stay ahead of the demands and

system updates. By staying up to date, allows the companies to keep

moving forward with products and keep making improvement in

different departments in the companies.


Is what it sounds like in the world today. Whenever something comes

out people NEED to have something and they got to have it. Well sorry

but not everything run around someone needing something. If the

world wasnt filled on greed. The world might be more peaceful and


You cant find anything like the world of sports. The ups and downs with your

team or teams. My generation of New England sports fan has been the
luckiest generation of our lives. When I have kids, my kids will ask me stories

about what it was like to win a championship. That right there will be me

doing my own promoting, to keep fans alive and to keep the world of sports

relevant in my family. Professional sports sell themselves. I say this with

confidence because there will be allows fans who are loyal to their teams.

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