Numerical Methods by V.N Vedamurthy Book Chap 11 by Sir Ammir Ijaz PDF

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EU Wil ls.12 5 b00KS. com | (A ar wv. u) + Wy J ~ a a EXERCISE 11.1 Using first four terms of the Maclaurin’s series find y at x= 0.1(0.1) (0.6) given that 2p’ = (1 +x) ¥, y(0) = 1. Compare the values with the exact solution. Find the first six terms of the power series solution of y' = sinx + which passes through the point (0, 1). Given y’ = 3x + ; and (0) = 1, find by Taylor’s series (0.1) and 0.2). Using Taylor’s series method solve y = xy +, 40) = 1 atx=0.1, 0.2, 0.3. Solve by Taylor’s series method: of third order, the problem y = (0 +37) e*, (0) = | to find y for x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3. 10. 12. 13. 17. Numerical Solution to Ordinary Differential Equations 11. 24 Employ Taylor’s method to obtain the approximate value of y at X= 0.2 for y' = 2y + 3e*, (0) = 0. Compare the numerical solution obtained with exact solution. Solve y' = y° + x, (0) = 1 using Taylor’s series method to compute (0.1) and y(0.2). a& Solve 4 HI e = y +x with (0) = 1, 2(0) = 1 to get (0.1) and 2(0.1), using Taylor’s method. dand © +e=0,1=0,x=0,y “1, evaluate x(0.1), (0.1), x(0.2) and (0.2). Using Taylor's series method, obtain the values of y at x= (0.1)(0.1) Given © — y—1 Wen 2 d 0.3 to four significant figures if y satisfies the equation red +xy=0 1 _ given that 2 =3 and y= 1 when x= 0. Evaluate the integral of the following problem to four significant figures at x = 1.1(0.1) 1.3 using Taylor’s series expansion. d Py 2d 3 dy satya x a0] =p: = eae Re Ps WD=1 Using Picard’s method find (0.2) given that y =x-y; (0)= 1. Using Picard’s method obtain a solution upto the fifth approximation to the equation y = y + x, such that (0) = 1. Check your answer by finding the exact particular solution. Also find (0.1) and (0.2). Using Picard’s method find (0.2) and (0.4) given that y= 1+y and (0) = 0. Use Picard’s method to approximate the value of y when x = 0.1 given that (0) = 1 andy =3x+y. Using Picard’s method find the approximate values of y and z corresponding to x = 0.1 given that (0) = 2, z(0) = 1 and OM eda ee TI. Using Picards method obtain the second approximation to the solution to y’ — xy’ — xy = 0 so that (0) = 1, y'(0) = 0.5. 11.22 Numerical methods ANSWERS L. x CRT essiat 03. 04 0.5 0.6 ‘Approx. value of» 1 1,055375 1.123 1.205125 1.304 1.421875 1.561 Exact value ofy 1 1.055 1.124 1.209 1.316 1.455 1.64 2 3 4 s 2. yelex ty eg ue ced + 2 3 8 15 (0.1) = 1.0665 ; (0.2) = 1.167196 1167, 30.2) = 1.2767, (0.3) = 1.5023 0047, (0.2) = 1.01812 , (0.3) = 1.03995 811, exact value of 30.2) = 0.8112 1164, y(0.2) = 1.2725 1003, 2(0.1) = 1,1102 9.105, (0.1) = 0.9997 .2) = 0.21998,. (0.2) = 0.9972 10. (0.1) = 1.050, (0.2) = 1.099, (0.3) = 1.145 1.100, (0.2) = 1.201, 30.3) = 1.306 . 0.837 13. (0.1) = 1.1103 ; (0.2) = 1.2428 14. 90.2) = 0.2027, (0.4) = 0.4227 15. 0.1) = 1.127 16. {0.1) = 2.0845 ; 2(0.1) = 0.5867 1.3, 17. Yalt yet Foe 11.10 EULER'S METHOD Consider the differential equation * =f (x,y) (11.32) where y(x,) = y, Suppose that we wish to find successively y,, ¥,.---» Yq» Where y, is the value of y corresponding to x = x, where x, = x, + mh,m=1,2,...,h4 being small. Here, we use the property that in a small interval, a curve is nearly a straight line. EXERCISE 11.2 Use Euler’s method and pare Euler’s method to approximate y when x= 0.1, given that ipsecin 2 we zs » 0) = 1 taking 4= Solve y = 3x? + yin 0 (0) = 10; y'(0)=5. ‘ 2 Yr dy dy 24. Solve Te —x 5 -y= 0, W0)= 1, (0) =0 to find (0.2), y'(0.2) using Runge-Kutta method. 25. Evaluate y(0.2) by R-K method given that y’ — xy" +y=0; 0) = 1, (0) = 0. ANSWERS 1. 0.8176 2. 1.7278 3. 0.8481 4, 1.0552, 1.1230, 1.2073 5. 2.5505 6. 0.1402, v.2705 7. 2.2213,2.4914 8. 1.0053, 1.0227 9, 2.243, 2.589, 2.072 10. 2.20517, 2.42139 11. 1.0207, 1.038 12. y, = (0.2) = 1.19598; y, = (0.4) = 1.3751 13. 1.3571, 1.5837, 1.7555, 1.8956 14, 1.0911, 1.1678, 15. 1.1103, 1.2428, 1.3997 16. (a) 0.905, 0.81901 ; 0.91, 0.82337 ; 0.90484, 0.81873 (b) 0.825, 0.6905 ; 0.8234, 0.6878 ; C.82342, 0.6879 17. 0.978, 1.2 ; 0.9063 , 1.382 11.58" Numerical methods is) ~ EXERCISE 11.4 If y' = 2e* — p, (0) = 2, (0.1) = 2.010, (0.2) = 2.040 (0.3) = 2.090, find y(0.4), (0.5) correct to three decimal places applying Milne’s Predictor—Corrector method. Solve y’ = x?-y given that (0) = 1, 40.1) = 0.9052, (0.2) = 0.8213. for (0.5). Here, usc Milne’s method by computing (0.3) =.1, using Taylor’s method. Tabulate the solution to y’ = x + y with the initial condition (i) 0) =0 for 0.4

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