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Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF LA UNION City of San Fernando TANGGAPAN NG SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN EXCERPT FROM THE JOURNAL OF THE 138"REGULAR SESSION OF THE 20" SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN OF LA UNION HELD AT THE SPEAKER PRO-TEMPORE FRANCISCO |. ORTEGA PROVINCIAL LEGISLATIVE BUILDING AND SESSION HALL, PROVINCIAL CAPITOL, CITY OF ‘SAN FERNANDO, PROVINCE OF LA UNION ON FEBRUARY 18, 2016 Hon. Aureo Augusto Q. Nisce........... Vice-Governor / Presiding Officer PRESENT: Hon. Francisco “kit” C. Ortega, Jr. Member Hon. Jonathan Justo A. Orros Member Hon. Joaquin C. Ostrea, Jr. Member Hon. Reynaldo M. Mosuela ‘Member Hon. Victoria L. Aragon Member Hon. Nancy Corazon M. Bacurnay Member Hon. Robert B. Madarang, Jr. Member Hon. Christian I. Rivera Member Hon. Ruperto A. Rillera, Jr. Member Hon. Bellarmin A. Flores I! Member Hon. Manuel “Mannix” R. Ortega, Jr. Member Hon. Alfredo Pablo R. Ortega Member ABSENT: NONE ORDINANCE NO. O8!I-2016 PRESCRIBING THE MINIMUM WIDTH OF ALL PROVINCIAL ROADS WITHIN THE TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION OF THE PROVINCE OF LA UNION Author: Hon, Bellarmin A. Flores I Explanatory Note Section 17 of the Local Government Code of 1991 provides that local government units shall endeavor to be self-reliant and shall continue exercising the powers and discharging the duties and functions currently vested upon them. They shall also discharge the functions and responsibilities of national agencies and offices devolved to them pursuant to this Code. For the province, this includes infrastructure facilities intended to service the needs of the residents of the province and which are funded out of provincial funds including, but not limited to, provincial roads and bridges Anent thereto, @ policy is needed to set the standard on appropriate width of provincial roads as basis for the construction and maintenance thereof and to further ensure the quality and safety of road infrastructure. NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of Hon. Bellarmin A. Flores Il, unanimously seconded; BE IT ENACTED BY THE SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN IN SESSION DULY ASSEMBLED: Section 1. DEFINITION OF TERMS - for the purpose of this ordinance, the following shall mean: a. Provincial Road — road being maintained by the Provincial Government, Ordinance No. 081-2016, Page 2 b. Contractor - a person or company that undertake a contract or provide materials or labor or both to perform a service or a job. Section 2, MINIMUM WIDTH REQUIREMENT FOR PROVINCIAL ROADS - All provincial roads to be constructed within the territorial jurisdiction of the Province of La Union shall have a minimum width of not less than fifteen (15) meters and thickness of 230 milimeters with a minimum shoulder of 1.5 meters on both sides pursuant to Department Order No. 11, Series of 2014 of the Department of Public Works and Highways with subject Design Standards for Tourism and Farm-to-Market Roads without prejudice to compliance with standards on technical aspects of Portland Cement concrete pavement and provisions on rural road development Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any contractor to construct/develop a provincial road which does not comply with the provisions of this ordinance. Provided that, government employees who are in-charge of preparing programs of work, detailed engineering designs, cost estimates or in supervising the implementation of projects may also be administratively liable for taking part in any act violative of this ordinance. Section 4. PENALTY CLAUSE. The following are penalties for violation of any provision of this ordinance: a. First Offense 3,000.00 b. Second Offense 4,000.00 c. Third and succeeding offenses 5,000.00 Section 5. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. Any portion or provision of this Ordinance that may be deciared invalid or inconsistent with laws or policies, shall not have a nullifying effect on other portions or provisions hereof, as long as such remaining portions or provisions can still subsist and be given effect in their entirety. Section 6. REPEALING CLAUSE. All ordinances which are inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are deemed repealed, amended or superseded. Section 7. EFFECTIVITY. This ordinance shall take effect upon its approval and after publication and posting as required by law. APPROVED. | HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the foregoin = -RIMANDO, Secretary to the ‘Sanggunig ATTESTED: AUREO AYGUSTO Q. NISC! Prdsiding Officer Vice-Governory l - FRANCISCO “KIT” C. ORTEGA, JR. NANCY CORAZON M. BACURNAY ‘Sangguniang Panlelawigan Member ‘Sangguniang Panialawigan Member Ordinance No, 081-2016, Page 3 ROBERT B. matbeans, JR. ‘Sangguniang Panlalawigan Member — IN C. OSTREA, JR. HRISTIAN I. RIVER, Sangguniling Panlalawigan Member dod holesrs/ Sanggyniang Panlalawigan Member lance mal Ahagrne VICTORIA L. ARAGON Sangguniang Panlalawigan Member / ALFRED| O R. ORTEGA : ‘Sangguniahg Panlalawigan Member ‘Sangguniang Panlslayigan Member APPROVED: —— MANUEL C. ORTEGA Governor 4

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