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DI Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Topic: Poems

Grade level: Secondary 4

Lesson Objectives
Knows (facts, vocab, lists) Dos (skills)

The poem Nothing Gold can stay is by Identify how these poetic devices apply meaning to
Robert Frost the poem in line with the novel
Relevant poetic devices (alliteration,
allusion, personnification)

Understands (big ideas)

How to use these poetic devices
How to identify these poetic devices
How to apply these poetic devices

I will differentiate this lesson by: Readiness Interests Learning Preferences

I will be differentiating the: Content Process Product

Lesson Plan
(Include any assessments used, and all DI strategies)

Students will arrive into a classroom that has dimmed lights and music playing. The students will be given
2-3 minutes to settle down and recollect themselves. This will be beneficial for their learning because they
will be given a chance to calm down and mentally ready themselves for this class.

Activity 1: Preassessment of poetic device knowledge

Preassessment: Put up examples of poem passages with different poetic devices. Lead the class with
a whole group discussion based on readiness and ask following questions to preassess students
knowledge about poetic devices. Students will answer based on their readiness. (Do any of you
know about poetic devices? Are there poetic devices in these poems? What are the poetic devices
used for the following passages?)
During preassessment, for visual and linguistic learners, teacher will write specific poetic devices as
well as their definitions in different colours so that they could be differentiated.
Additionally, for visual learners, the teacher will put up some pictures that signify each poetic device
to clearly help them understand what the different poetic devices are.


Knowledge: How the poem Nothing Gold can Stay relates very much to the events and the
characters of The Outsiders and how the meaning of the poem influences the meaning of the book
as well as reflects it.
Skills: Skills acquired from these activities would be how to analyze a text to find out its deeper
possible meanings.
Values: The value that this lesson brings to the student is that it is important to be reflective towards
a text because important meanings of the text might be missed.
Experiences: Learning how to analyze a poem helps students understand how meaningful poems can
be in contribution to stories.

Activity 2: Reading the poem Nothing Gold can Stay and finding poetic devices in the poem

Visual/Spatial: Lights will be dimmed, the projector will show a slideshow of sunsets with a golden
Musical/Rhythmic: Soft, calming music will be playing in the background at a low volume to set the
mood of the poem
Verbal/Linguistic: Process of reading the poem and finding the poetic devices: (1) Each student will
be given a handout of the poem. (2) Teacher will slowly read the poem Nothing Gold can Stay by
Robert Frost. (3)Teacher will then tell students that a second reading will happen and while this
second reading occurs, students should take notes if there are significant poetic devices as well as
highlight anything important in the poem
Interpersonal: Students will then be placed in pairs and discuss the poetic devices they found the the
poem Nothing Gold can Stay
Depending on the students readiness, the teacher will lead a discussion about the poetic devices
found in the poem.

Activity 3: Analyzing the poem in relation to the book

To make the following activity relevant, important, and compelling, the teacher will explain that
every part of a text is as important as the text itself as a whole. This means that it is important to
look for deeper meaning between the lines because small parts of a text are usually what give more
meaning to the text. (The small part of the text being the poem Nothing Gold can stay and the
whole text being The Outsiders) This really brings out the WHY of this activity.
To further express this, the teacher will also explain that each poetic device that was found in the
poem, as discussed, influences its meaning in regards to the events that happen in the book as well
as the events that happen to the characters.
Analysis of the poem: (1)Class discussion: Teacher will ask specific questions about how some
words of the poem links to the story such as What does gold signify? Who is personified in this
poem? What is the main theme of this poem? How can we apply this poem to The Outsiders?
(2) During the question period, students will take notes in however way they want, by writing,
drawing, etc. (3)Students would be placed again in pairs to discuss their notes. (4)Class discussion
led by teacher will be to correctly analyze the poem as a group.

After these activities, the teacher should help those who did not understand by guiding them through
the process of analyzing the poem
Once students seem to have understood how to analyze a poem, the teacher should check their work
and tell them that they understood well how to analyze a poem. There should be a form of praise
towards positive work done by the students to ensure that they are on the right track of the activity,
especially if they were to do a similar activity in the future.

Memory Strengthening

Activity 2 and activity 3 helps with memory strengthening because the students will discuss the
information they receive in pairs. Sharing with a partner is very helpful with memory strengthening
because it helps them develop their recall of the material.
The mental model of pictures to signify poetic devices is also helpful for memory strengthening
because this causes students to have a mental image of what specific poetic devices are if they have
trouble understanding them.

Materials and UDL Strategies

Materials: Projector, Whiteboard/Blackboard, chalk/dry erase markers, Nothing Gold can Stay
handout, students writing materials (pencil, pen, erasers, highlighters, colouring pencils, etc)
UDL strategy: In activity 1, the UDL guideline that will be used is Options for Language. When
introducing the different poetic devices, multiple media will be used: text (written descriptions of
poetic devices on the board in different colours), auditory (teacher will say and explain what the
poetic devices are) and visual (images expressing examples of the poetic device will be on the

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