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What worked? What didnt work? Why?


Having lesson plan completely written out (What teacher says, responses from

Talking to teacher beforehand about possible questions to include.

Reviewing previous chapters.

Reviewing why we look at the title of the chapter and how it relates to main ideas

Didnt work:

Not enough hands on activities.

Could have been more engaging for students

Based on the implementation of this lesson, what instructional changes would

you need to make to prepare for future lessons?

For Future lessons, I would like to have more visuals for students instead of just verbal
questions. I would also like to add more engaging activities so students are more
involved and excited about the content we are discussing.

How might these changes improve student learning? What research and
theory in education would support the implementation of these changes?

Visuals: There is no such thing as one way to teach all students. In my lesson, visuals
would have helped get students more engaged, especially visual learners (students who
learn best by sight). I believe the group activities helped students get out of their desk
and move around (kinesthetic learners). Overall, I wish I had more techniques besides
just teaching for auditory learners.

Hands-on: Research shows that getting students active and engaged in learning helps
them to better recall information vs only listening to information given to them. I believe
more hands-on activities would have helped the students learning by getting them more
excited about the material, which in turn would help them better recall the information

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