Vim Cheatsheet PDF

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A Basic Vim Cheat Sheet

Hello there! Vim is a modern version of Vi, the venerable Unix text

editor. Here is a cheat sheet for Vim. This line ends here.
So. This is some silly samp;le text to demo navigation. In Vim.

A new line. b e moves
w cursor
} E here

( )
0 $
cursor position

Vim Modes Combine navigation with commands to do powerful things

Different sets of actions can
be performed in each mode navigation change c delete d copy/paste y
Command Line Mode w/b fwd/bwd word cw change word dw delete word yw yank/copy word
w save file W/B fwd/bwd full word cW change full word dW delete full word ... so on ...
q quit vim e/E end of word ce chg to word end de del to word end
e edit new file yy yank/copy line
fx fwd. to char. x cfx chg to char. x dfx del to char. x
paste yanked or
( start of sentence c( chg to sent. start d( del to sent. start p
: esc deleted text
) end of sentence c) chg to sent. end d) del to sent. end
0/$ start/end of line ... so on ... ... so on ...
Command Mode
{ start of paragraph
} end of paragraph cc change line dd delete line
/ab search fwd to ab r repl char @ cursor u undo
esc i,o,a x del char @ cursor
ma mark position as a R replace multiple C-r redo
Write/Insert Mode D del to end of line
`a return to pos. a ~ chg case @ cursor J join lines
mode to enter text c`a chg to pos. a
C-b/f Page up/down
C-x is short for Ctrl-x

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