Aaron Hernandez Witness Intimidation Indictment

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SUCRAOMS - /3.8 Witness Intimidation INDICTMENT - #007 €. 268, §13B Comunonwenlle fe Massach t3 MLS SUFFOLK, SS At the SUPERIOR COURT DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT FOR CRIMINAL BUSINESS, begun and holden at the CITY OF BOSTON, within and for the County of Suffolk, om the first Monday of May in the year of our Lord two thousand fifteen ‘THE JURORS for the COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS on their oath present that AARON HERNANDEZ on February 13 2013, did directly or indirectly, willfully threaten or attempt or cause physical injury, emotional injury, economic injury or property damage to another person, to wit: Alexander Bradley who is a witness witness at any stage of a criminal investigation, grand jury proceeding, trial or other criminal proceeding or potent of any type; oF @ person who is or was aware of information, records, documents or objects that relate to a violation of ‘a criminal statute, or a violation of condition of probation, parole or bail with the intent to impede, obstruct, delay, harm, punish or otherwise interfere thereby, or do so with reckless disregard, with such 2 proceeding. ATRUE BILL A vfs hacporson of the Grand. Jury Sopovior Court Department —Ceiminal Business Masy Seding, 2016 PY DS ONS por Cunt ly the Coad. fers anborded ts befled ¢ ‘ Prem Bo bron Crk of Court

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