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Distillation Purification of Liquids

Types of Distillations:
Simple separates volatile compounds (liquids) from non-volatile compounds (solids)
or volatiles with boiling points that are greater than 25C apart
Fractional separates volatiles whose boiling points are less than 25C apart
Vacuum and Steam distillations commonly used for compounds with higher boiling

What is the boiling point of a compound?

The temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid equals atmospheric

The term normal boiling point assumes a standard atmospheric pressure of 1
atm (760 torr or 760 mm)

What else does atmospheric pressure affect?

Ever hear the phrases high pressure system or low pressure system? High pressure
systems usually mean sunny weather and low means rain, etc.

How does that affect the boiling point of liquids when the weather has, for example, a
low pressure system coming through?
The boiling point temperature of a liquid will be affected by the atmospheric pressure
changes, even if just a slight amount A lower the atmospheric pressure will result in a
lower boiling point and vice versa for high pressure

And have you ever noticed high altitude cooking directions on a box of brownies or
such? The higher the altitude, the lower the atmospheric pressure (higher up = less
atmosphere above you!), and liquids, like water, will boil lower than normal, thus the
recipe must compensate for cooking at lower than normal boiling temperatures.

As we talk about vaporization and boiling points, keep in mind also that a liquid will begin
to vaporize long before it reaches its boiling point temperature. For example, a puddle
will evaporate to dryness even if it is not 100C outside.

Lets talk boiling

Whats happening as a liquid increases in temperature?

As the temperature of a liquid increases, the vapor pressure of the system
increases. The intermolecular forces holding the liquid together are starting to
break apart from the surface and molecules are coming unglued from each
other, spreading out, becoming vapor, increasing in pressure.
Once the system reaches the same pressure as atmospheric pressure, vapor
bubbles begin to form in the liquid itself, on a rough surface like a boiling stone,
and bubbling occurs
At the boiling point, liquid molecules have enough energy to completely break
apart all of their intermolecular forces to become vapor phase

In a distillation, you heat a liquid until the liquid boils, let the vapors travel through an
apparatus to another place, then condense the vapors into a separate container.

Generally, when distilling a single liquid, we record:

(a) the initial temperature at which the first drop of liquid is caught (forerun) and
(b) the temperature when the system stabilizes (the boiling point)

Consider distilling a system that is a mixture of two different liquids, for example
Compound X and Compound Y, whose boiling points are 50C and 85C, respectively.

Which liquid will vaporize first when the mixture is heated?

The lower boiling liquid X vaporizes faster because it takes less energy to break
its intermolecular forces

And whats in the vapor when this happens?

The vapor consists of a large percentage of the lower boiling Compound X. Its
not hot enough for Compound Y to begin vaporizing as quickly as Compound X.

And whats in the liquid when this happens?

The liquid below the vapor becomes enriched in the higher boiling higher boiling
Compound Y because Compound X is leaving as vapor.

Anytime a mixture is heated to boiling, the vapor will always be enriched in the
lower boiling liquid.

1. The Simple Distillation: To boil and catch the vapors.

Consider a 50:50 mixture of those two compounds, X and Y. Heat the mixture to boiling
and trap the vapors. Which compound boils first and fastest?

The vapor will certainly be enriched in the low boiling compound (X in our examples).

Wheres the rest of the Y component?

Its still liquid.

Did this single process separate X and Y completely? Perhaps but perhaps not. You need
to analyze what you condensed.

If you analyzed the vapors and found out it was still a mixture, like perhaps 88:12. Did
it separate completely? No.

So, what do you do? Cool the vapors whose mixture is an 88:12 ratio and form an 88:12
liquid solution and set-up the distillation again heat to boiling, trap the vapors again.
Was it a success?

Again, the vapors will always be more enriched in the lower boiling liquid so now perhaps
the vapors are a 96:4 mixture, favoring X. Getting closer but not perfect yet

Continue to set up new distillations and redistill the newly formed liquid solutions, cooled
from the vapors you collect each time. Collect the vapors, condense the vapors, then
reheat. Again and again and again.

until you only get 100% X as a vapor. And Y is the liquid left behind.

That may be an awful lot of distillations to run

Now: The Fractional Distillation

Fractional Distillation: if we do the process of vaporizing, separating, and re-condensing
multiple times in a single apparatus, we call this a fractional distillation.
Each time the vapors are collected and cooled and then heated to form vapors, is called
an equilibrium step.
What equilibrium does this refer to?
An equilibrium forms between vaporizing and condensing. A partitioning of the
liquids will occur between vapor phase and liquid phase.
Those low boiling liquids, being more volatile, will evaporate more, entering the
vapor phase.
The higher boiling liquids are less volatile, evaporate slower because they need
more heat/energy, staying in the liquid phase.
Recall the partitioning or equilibrium that was developed in the chromatography
lab for polar versus non-polar compounds in chromatography (remember some like
to move, some like to stick). Similar!

You may also hear these equilibrium steps referred to as theoretical plates. A simple
distillation has only one theoretical plate while a fractional distillation may have
thousands. How is this accomplished in a single apparatus?

The fractional distillation utilizes a column and its usually a packed column.
This is a column through which the vapors must pass which is packed with one of a
variety of materials (steel wool, glass beads, etc).

The packing material provides a larger surface area to create a temperature

differential within the column, hotter at the bottom and cooler at the top. With more
surface area, there are more opportunities for vaporization and condensation to occur
(a.k.a. mini distillations).





X = low boiling component, Y = high boiling component

Ideally, we would hope to see the solution heat so that at the boiling point of the lower
boiling compound, X, just the lower boiling compound comes out first, and alone, and then
the temperature would rise to the boiling point of the other, which can then be
collected separately.

Ideal Distillation:

Time (or Volume)

Realistically though, that usually doesnt happen Some of the higher boiling compound
typically begins to vaporize below its boiling point temperature (recall puddle drying in
sun) and a gentle rise in temperature occurs, instead of maintaining that ideal lower
boiling temperature only.

Real Distillation:

Time (or Volume)

If you heat slowly enough though, youll heat so gradually that your distillation might
approach a more ideal result. Just have to be careful you dont do it so slowly you dont
have enough energy to actually evaporate your liquids!

If you heat your distillation too hot, too quickly, no equilibrium can form. The entire
column, including the packing material, will all become warm/hot and cause complete
vaporization to occur for all the liquids involved, thus no separation will occur. The
temperature rises too fast, creating mixtures where separation should occur. There is
no temperature differential, no place to cool the higher boiling liquid. Everything heats.
Everything vaporizes. Zubrick calls this total takeoff

Whats the ideal rate of heating? 10 drops/min

What would we expect to occur ideally, in this experiment?

You have 35 mL solution of two liquids pre-mixed together.Ideally 17.5 mL of ethyl

acetate should distill first, followed by 17.5 mL of butyl acetate second.

In this lab, you will take out 10 mL samples (measured into graduated cylinders)
Ideally, what would be the contents of first 10 mL sample?
10 mL of the lower boiling liquid (ethyl acetate only)
Second 10 mL sample?
7.5 mL of the lower boiling liquid (ethyl acetate) and 2.5 mL of the higher boiling
liquid (butyl acetate)
Third 10 mL sample?
10 mL of the higher boiling liquid (butyl acetate only)

Realistically, this wont happen, as the butyl acetate will probably begin to vaporize too
quickly Remember that liquids start to evaporate before their boiling point is reached.

How much should be left over?

The pot residue should theoretically contain 5 mL of the higher boiling liquid
(butyl acetate).

But it wont. Why not?

Column Hold-up will occur, preventing all 5 mL of the remaining liquid to be completely
captured. Column hold-up is the liquid caught inside the glassware of the apparatus
that is never collected. It was vaporized but never made it entirely through the
apparatus to be collected, thus it is held up inside the column.
One caution for you to remember: Never distill a solution in a distillation apparatus to
dryness trying to get the last drop. The glass flask will begin to superheat and will
create flammable conditions for the vapors in the apparatus.

Apparatus: fractional distillation

A two-piece unit, consisting of

a thermometer adapterr and a
distilling adapter may be used

H2O out
Keck Clip Clamp to
lattice H2O in

Keck Clip

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