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Bryan Encabo

195 Ritchie St., Winnipeg, MB R2P 2G6
Highlights of Qualifications
Strong GIS mapping skills by utilizing Adobe Illustrator.
Demonstrated strong background on research and data analysis
obtained from different university courses.
Confidently knowledgeable of various computer software like Microsoft
Office, etc.
Utilizes oral and written communication skills excellently.
Good record of time management and working effectively in an
independent and team environment.
Bachelor of Science in Physical Geography (Coop), University of
Manitoba 2016-present
Stream: Geomatics
Relevant Courses
Intro to Thematic Cartography
Intro to Physical Geography
Intro to Scientific Geographic Research
Basic Statistical Analysis
General Physics
Applied Calculus
University Chemistry
Intro to Human Geography
Academic Accomplishments and Awards
High School Honour Roll (2012, 2013)
Dean's Honour List (2016)
Related Skills
GIS Mapping
Constructed various maps that follow the principles and standards of
thematic cartography.
Designed various thematic maps using Adobe Illustrator.
Critiqued maps by identifying map misuse and errors.
Research and Data Analysis
Authored a journal article about the recycling behaviour in Winnipeg
that employs proper sampling methods, data analysis and
dissemination methods of research findings.
Examined statistical principles of data analysis that includes exploring
data collection, sampling distributions, hypothesis testing and
probability models.
Executed various laboratory experiments in Chemistry and Physics and
followed standard experimental techniques by handling chemicals and
equipment correctly and safely.
Computer Skills
Composed countless documents, graphs, spreadsheets and
presentations by utilizing Microsoft Office.
Created and edited numerous images using the raster graphics editor
GIMP and the vector graphics editor Adobe Illustrator.
Spearheaded presentations by using Microsoft PowerPoint competently.
Communications and Public Relations
Composed laboratory reports in Chemistry and Physics that discusses
the results and findings in a formal structure.
Authored a journal article that clearly explains the results and sampling
methods focused in scientific geographic research.
Wrote essays and research papers that strongly adheres to the writing
conventions of MLA and Chicago styles.
Interacted with children ages 8-10 by preparing food and organizing
educational and leadership activities for them during an after-school
Interacted compassionately with customers by offering and selling
them with tickets and concessions.
Independent Work and Teamwork
Managed a box office stand independently by selling tickets and
concessions during theatrical productions.
Assisted in litter clearing operations for a community beautification
program in a team environment.
Performed cleaning duties independently and in teamwork in three
separate locations.
Gathered and examined data and observations carefully in Chemistry
laboratory experiments.
Handled multiple tasks simultaneously when working as a custodian
and a box office attendant with heavy prioritization on important tasks.

Employment and Volunteer Chronology

Custodian, Seven Oaks Janitorial Services
July 2013- August 2014

Volunteer, Community Beautification Program August 2013

Volunteer, Terry Fox Run
September 2013
Mentor, Rec and Read Mentor Program
September 2013-March 2014
Box Office Attendant, Sarasvti Productions
September 2015

Professional Activities
GIS Day, University of Manitoba (February 2017)
Manitoba GIS Users Group Annual Workshop, Red River College
(February 2017)
References Available Upon Request

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