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It is illegal to perform these activities unless one has received prior permission to do


Any activity that is potentially harmful to others and requires certain demonstrated
competence for its safe performance, is theoretically desirable that we regulate it.

Innocent people must be protected even if it means that others cannot pursue
activities they deem highly desirable.

Abused children bear the physical and psychological scars of maltreatment

throughout their lives.

A parent must be competent if he is to avoid harming his children.

Since people have a right to have children, any attempt to license parents would be

Even if people have rights to freedom of life, they may sometimes be limited in order
to protect innocent people.

People have a right to rear children if they make good-faith efforts to rear procreated
children the best way they see fit. One might defend this claim on the ground that
licensing would require too much intrusion into the lives of sincere applicants.

Do you agree that parenting should require licensed certification by

the state?

The idea of parenting requiring licensed certification by the state, while

unheard of and perculiar, is one that I find agreeable to.

The role of parents in the lives of their children is of tantamount importance

to the physical, pyschological and spiritual development of the children. This
is especially since before the age of three, parents function as the main role
models for their children to mimick. Abusive and other undesirable
behaviours that parents portray would easily be reproduced by their children,
affecting the child's social behaviour later on. Moreover, abusive and tyranic
behaviours of parents could result in permanent psychological scarring
among their children, such as for the children to later on develop low self-
esteem and other negative personal attributes. Further, abuse from a parent,
a physically stronger person, could result in grave injuries suffered by their
children, even permanently disabling them or fatal. Hence, to ensure such
harmful and malicious behaviours are restricted, neccessitating licensing for
parenting would decrease negative effects to a child's mental and physical

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