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Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL


3.1 Background of Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd

Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL

Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd is a banking company registered under the companies Act
1994 with its Head office at IBBL tower 40 Dilkusha Commercial Area, Dhaka, Bangladesh
IBBL undertakes all types of banking transactions to support the development of trade and
commerce of the country. IBBLs services are also available for the entrepreneurs to set up new
ventures and BMRE of industrial units. The Bank gives special emphasis on Export Import,
Trade Finance, SME Finance, Retail Credit and Finance to Woman Entrepreneurs.
To provide clientele services in respect of international Trade it has established wide
correspondent banking relationship with local and foreign banks covering major trade and
financial centers at home and abroad. Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd., the only Bengali
named new generation private commercial was established by a group of winning local
entrepreneurs conceiving an idea of creating a model banking institution with different outlook
to other the valued customers, a comprehensive range of financial services and innovative
products for sustainable mutual growth and prosperity. The sponsors are reputed personalities
in the field of trade, commerce and industries. The Bank is being managed and operated by a
group of highly educated and professional team with diversified experience in finance and
banking. The scenario of banking business is changing environment. Islami Bank
Bangladesh Ltd. has already achieved tremendous progress within only two years. The
Bank has already ranked the top out as a quality service provider & is known for its reputation.

Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. Offers different types of Corporate and Personal Banking
services involving all segments of the society within the purview of rules and regulations laid
down by the Central Bank and other regulatory authorities.

Organizations are open system that needs careful management. Islami Bank Bangladesh
Ltd discreetly pursues the principles of openness, disclosure and compliance to regulatory
authorities, transparency in performance, integrity in dealings, ethics in banking and
accountability to the shareholders in corporate governance. Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd
is pledge-bound to keep it free from the clutches of loan default culture. All units are the
centers of excellence. The underlying commitment of the bank is professionalism and a single-

Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL

minded devotion to service to its customers which characterizes its style in all operations. The
bank involves with the changing needs of its customers and the processes go on.

The operation hour of the Bank is 10:00 A.M. To 6:00 P.M. from Sunday to Thursday with
transaction hour from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. The Bank remains closed on Friday, Saturday and
government holidays.

The Bank ensures orderly relations between clearly defined functions of the Board of Directors
and the management. Their role remains sharply bifurcated. The Board formulates policies and
frames procedures. Be management implements them and acts within norms. The management
enjoys full independence in managing the banking industry, especially its credit portfolio
without any undue influence from outside. It, however, functions in a reutilized, efficient,
suitable and dynamic way to foster progress, promote general welfare of the society and infuse
its people to serve the nation. In corporate governance, we strictly comply with the requirement
of companies Act-1994, Bank Companies Act 1991, rules and regulation of Bangladesh Bank
and other regulatory authorities.

3.2 Corporate information of IBBL

Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (IBBL) is the pioneer of Islamic banking in Bangladesh. It became
incorporated on March 13, 1983 as a public limited company under the Companies Act 1913. It
has 48.31% local and 51.62% foreign shareholders. With 318 branches and 13,662 staffs, IBBL
is the largest private banking network in Bangladesh. When IBBL was established, it was the
first bank in south-east Asia to provide banking service based on Shariah. The bank is listed
with both Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. and Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd. Our target is to get
position among the 500 banks' list within the next five years.

Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL

The Corporate Information of IBBL at a glance is given below:

Particulars Date
Established on : 13th March 1983
Certificate for Commencement of Business : 27th March 1983
Inauguration of 1st Branch : 30th March 1983
Formal Inauguration : 12th August 1983
Shariah Supervisory Committee : 1983
CSR/Foundation activities : 1983
IPO : 1985
Authorized Capital : Tk. 20,000.00 Million
paid-up Capital : Tk. 16099.91 million
Deposits : Tk. 615,359.00 million
Investment : Tk. 530,194.00 million
(including Investment in Shares)
Listing in Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. : 2nd July1985
Listing in Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd. : 7th March1996
Accommodation of IBBL Head Office in its own : 10th March 2000
1st Rights Share issue : 1989
2nd Rights Share issue : 1996
3rd Rights Share issue : 2000
4th Rights Share issue : 2003
Opening of 100th Branch : 12th June 1997
Opening of 200th Branch : 21st June 2009
Opening of 250th Branch : 15th December 2010
Joining/Agreement with CDBL : 29th December 2004
In-house Core Banking Software : 2005
IBBL Mudaraba Perpetual Bond (MPB) Issue : 25th November 2007
Inauguration of Broker House : 1st January 2008
Formation of Subsidiary Companies of IBBL
A. Islami Bank Securities Limited : 22nd March 2010
B. Islami Bank Capital Management : 1st April 2010
Limited (IBCML)

Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL

1st Position of IBBL in Inward Remittance : 2007, 2008, 2009 & 2010
100% Branch Online Banking : 7th January 2011
Launching of i-Banking : 21st June 2007
Launching of Islami Bank m-Cash : 27th December 2012
Table No. 01
Ref: (2015)

IBBL started its banking operations with an authorized and paid up capital of Taka 500 million
and Taka 67.50 million respectively. But it is boost up now. Now its authorized Capital is Taka.
20,000.00 Million and paid-up Capital Tk. Tk. 16099.91 million, Deposits Tk. 615,359.00
million, Investment (including investment in Shares) Tk. 530,194.00 million As per Capital
Adequacy Policy prescribed by Bangladesh Bank, the Central Bank of the Country, banks has
maintained Capital on its Risk-Weighted Assets against which total equity of the Bank as on
stood at. This was:-

Date Amount of taka

31-12-2015 Tk. 47,199.61Million
30-09-2014 Tk.46,077.14 million
30-06-2014 Tk.46,006.3 million
31-12-2013 Tk.45,511.90 Million
31-12-2012 Tk.42,028.33 Million (US $ 526.34 Million)
30-09-2012 38,803.30 Million
30-06-2011 32,318.63 million
31-12-2010 28,400.03 Million
31-12-2009 23,619.81 million
31-12-2008 18,572.08 million
31-12-2007 14,957.74 million
31-12-2006 10,435.96 million
31-12-2005 8,331.14 million
31-12-2004 6,691.12 million
31-12-2003 5,266.47 million
31-12-2002 3,540.52 million
31-12-2001 2,993.24 million

Table no-02

Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL

Particulars A bank for performance with potential

Slogan of 2016 Islami Bank, My Bank
Head Office 40 Dilkusha, Commercial Area, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Official Logo
Chairman Arastoo Khan
Managing Director Md. Abdul Hamid Miah
Number of Branches 318
Number of Employees 13,662

3.3.1. Organization structure of IBBL

Organogram of IBBL

Shariah Review

Executive Audit
Committee Committee

Islami Bank Islami Bank IMF

Securities Capital

Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL

Managing Director

Shariah Securities Board Securities


3.3.2. Structure of Hajicamp Branch of IBBL

Branch Manager

Second Officer

Branch In charge Principle Officer

Management Developer

Investme Senior Officer Senior Officer

nt 12
Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL

Investment GB Officer


Lower Level Employer

3.3.3 Major Operational Difference between Conventional Banking System and Islamic
Banking System:


1. The functions and operating modes 1. The functions and operating modes of
of conventional banks are based on Islamic banks are based on the principles of
Manmade principles. Islamic Shariah.

2. The investor is assured of a 2. In contrast, it promotes risk sharing between

Predetermined rate of interest. provider of capital (investor) and the user of
funds (entrepreneur).
3. It aims at maximizing profit without 3. It also aims at maximizing profit but subject
any restriction. to Shariah restrictions.
4. It does not deal with Zakat. 4. In the modern Islamic banking system, it has
become one of the service oriented functions of
Islamic banks to collect and distribute Zakat.
5. Leading money and getting it back 5. Participation in partnership business is the
with interest is the fundamental fundamental function of the Islamic banks.
function of the conventional banks.
6. Its scope of activities is narrower 6. Its scope of activities is wider when
when compared with an Islamic bank. compared with a conventional bank. It is, in
effect, a multi-purpose institution.

Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL

7. It can charge additional money 7. The Islamic banks have no provision to

(compound rate of interest) in case of charge any extra money from the defaulters.
8. In it very often, banks own interest 8. It gives due importance to the public interest.
becomes prominent. It makes no Its ultimate aim is to ensure growth with equity.
effort to ensure growth with equity.

9. For interest-based commercial 9. For the Islamic banks, it is comparatively

banks, borrowing from the money difficult to borrow money from the money
market is relatively easier. market.

10. Since income from the advances 10. Since it shares profit and loss, the Islamic
is fixed, it gives little importance to banks pay greater attention to developing
developing expertise in project project appraisal and evaluations.
appraisal and evaluations.
11. The conventional banks give 11. The Islamic banks, on the other hand, give
greater emphasis on credit- greater emphasis on the viability of the
worthiness of the clients. projects.

12. The status of a conventional bank, 12. The status of Islamic bank in relation to its
in relation to its clients, is that of clients is that of partners, investors and trader.
creditor and debtors.
13. A conventional bank has to 13. Strictly speaking, and Islamic bank cannot
guarantee all its deposits. do that.
14. Is based on interest. 14. Is based on Profit and Rent

15. Does not involve itself in trade or 15. Actively participates in trade, production
business. and valid contracts.
Figure 6: Conventional Banking System Vs Islamic Banking System

Source: Superiority of Islamic Banking over Conventional Banking BY

MD Rokan Uddin (EVP & In charge, IBTRA)

3.4 Corporate Governance

Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL

Corporate governance is a fundamental part of the culture and business practice of IBBL which
is directed and controlled by the board of directors and who are responsible for ensuring the
management, maintains a system of internal control to provide assurance of effective and
efficient operations, internal financial controls with laws and regulations. Corporate culture
composed of their belief, expectation, ethics, preferences and knowledge. IBBL corporate culture
is different than other commercial banks. Because of IBBL follows Islamic sariah based
principle. Ultimately their corporate culture is moving in accordance with Islamic sariah. Such as
during their work time they do their prayers. Whereas, they believe that they need to follow all
Islamic rules and regulations. Due to do their banking activities they work with interest for
investment and deposit but they call profit rate instead of interest rate. Particularly they started so
many Islamic terms for their customers. Meanwhile, their ethics and preferences is that they will
provide Islamic banking for society.

3.5 Mission of IBBL

To establish Islamic banking through the introduction of a welfare oriented banking system and
also ensure equity and justice in the field of all economic activities, achieve balanced growth and
equitable development through diversified investment operations particularly in the priority
sectors and less developed areas of the country. To encourages socio-economic enlistment and
financial services to the low-income community particularly in the rural areas.

3.6 Vision of IBBL

Our vision is to always strive to achieve superior financial performance, be considered a leading
Islamic bank by reputation and performance.

Our goal is to establish and maintain the modern banking techniques, to ensure soundness
and development of the financial system based on Islamic principles and to become the
strong and efficient organization with highly motivated professionals, working for the
benefit of people, based upon accountability, transparency and integrity in order to ensure
stability of financial systems.
We will try to encourage savings in the form of direct investment.
We will also try to encourage investment particularly in projects, which are more likely to
lead to higher employment.

3.7 The porters five forces analysis:

Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL
IT h r e a t o f
l r
yT h r e a t o f

B a r g a i n i n g P o w e r

B a r g a i n i n g P o w e r

Figure-08: Porters Five Forces model

1. Threat of New Entrants:
Despite the regulatory and capital requirements of starting a new bank, between 1977 and 2002 an
average of 215 new banks opened each year according to the FDIC1. With so many new banks
entering the market each year the threat of new entrants should be extremely high for IBBL.
However, due to mergers and bank failures the average number of total banks decreases by
roughly 253 a year. A core reasons for this what is arguably the biggest barrier of entry for the
banking industry trust.
Because the industry deals with other people's money and financial information new banks find it
difficult to start up. Due to the nature of the industry people are more willing to place their trust in
big name, well known, major banks who they consider to be trustworthy.
2. Threat of Substitutes:
The largest threats of substitution of Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. are not from rival banks but
from non-financial competitors. The industry does not suffer any real threat of substitutes as far as
deposits or withdrawals; however insurances, mutual funds, and fixed income securities are some
of the many banking services that are also offered by non-banking companies.
3. The bargaining power of Customers (High):
The individual doesn't pose much of a threat to the IBBL, but one major factor affecting the power
of buyers is relatively high switching costs. If a person has one bank that services their banking
needs, mortgage, savings, checking, etc. it can be a huge hassle for that person to switch to another
bank. To try and convince customers to switch to their bank they will often times lower the price
of switching, though most people still prefer to stick with their current bank?
4. The bargaining power of supplier (High):

Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL

Capital is the primary resource of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited and there are four major
suppliers (various other suppliers [like fees] contribute to a lesser degree) of capital in the

1. Customer Deposits.
2. Mortgage loans.
3. Mortgage securities.
4. Loans for other financial institutions.

By utilizing these four major suppliers, the bank can be sure that they have the necessary resources
required to service their customers' borrowing needs while maintaining enough capital to meet
withdrawal expectations. The power of the suppliers is largely based on the market, their power is
often considered to fluctuate between medium to high.
5. Competitive Rivalry:
The banking industry is considered highly competitive. Banks must attempt to lure clients away
from competitor banks. They do this by offering lower financing, higher rates, investment services,
and greater conveniences than their rivals. The banking competition is often a race to determine
which bank can offer both the best and fastest services, but has caused banks to experience a lower
ROA (Return on Assets).
Given the nature of the industry it is more likely to see further consolidation in the banking
industry. Major Banks tend to prefer to acquire or merge with other banks than to spend money
marketing and advertising.

3.8 SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analyses provide a useful strategic guidance. A SWOT analyses (Strength, weakness,
Opportunity, Threats) allows in the constructing balance sheet of the Bank. In the analyses one
can bring together all the internal factors, influencing organizations strength and weakness.
Based on these factors we can identify external factors which can help to define opportunities
and threats that a company faces due to competitive forces and trends in the business
environment. SWOT of IBBL on particular case of financing in Investment modes Sector may
be of the followings:


- Provide online services.

Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL

- Computer based official activity.

- Experienced Management.
- Foreign Trade operation use SWIFT
- Endow with ATM card services.
- Well Environment.
- Specific women cash pay & withdraw counter


- This Brunch launch new product

- Mobile banking (M Cash) in the market
- Run the new investment scheme for the customer
- The efficiency of sound exchange reserve level is providing a effective investment


- Many banks are coming in the state with new service

- Increased in competition others bank branch
- Political Barriers
- Procedural delay in decision making
- Growing global technological advancements and adaption of modern style of
management in banking sectors
- A new Competitor in home market


- Congested and tri-angel office place

- Lack of decoration facility
- Limited number of employees
- Long term process to provide investment
- Investment opportunity through research and marketing

3.8.1 IFAS:

Internal Factors Weight Rating Weighted Comments

Foreign Trade operation 25 5 125 Foreign Trade operation

Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL

Endow with ATM card 15 4 60 Endow with ATM card

services services
Well environment 10 2 20

Long term process to 15 3 45 Long term process
provide investment
Lack of decoration facility 10 1 10 Lack of decoration facility

Limited number of 25 4 100 Limited Employee

Total Score 100

- Table no. 3: Internal Factor Analysis Summary

3.8.2 EFAS:

Internal Factors Weight Rating Weighted Comments



Run the new investment scheme for 20 5 100 Run the new
the customer investment scheme

Mobile banking (M Cash) in the 15 4 60 Mobile banking (M

market Cash)

This Brunch launch new product 15 3 45 Brunch launch new



Political Barriers 25 5 125 Political Barriers

A new Competitor in home market 15 3 45 A new Competitor in

home market

Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL

Procedural delay in decision making 10 2 20

Total Score 100

Table no. 4: External Factor Analysis Summary

3.8.3 SFAS:

Strategic Factor Weight Rating Weight Short Inter- Long Comme

score term mediate term nt

S1.Foreign Trade 15 5 75

S2. Endow with ATM 10 4 40

card services

W1. Long term process 10 3 30

W2. Limited Employee 15 4 60

O1. Run the new 15 4 60

Investment Scheme

O2. Mobile Banking(M 10 3 30


T1. Political Barriers 15 5 75

T2. A new Competitor 10 2 20

in home market

- Table no. 5: Strategic Factor Analysis Summary

Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL

3.8.4 TOWS Matrix

Strengths Opportunities

-Foreign Trade Operation -Run the new investment scheme

-Endow with ATM card -Mobile Banking(M Cash)
EFAS services
-This Brunch launch new product
-Well environment

Weaknesses SW Strategies OW Strategies

-Long term process to Islami Bank Bangladesh ltd Islami Bank Bangladesh ltd should use
provide investment should manage their their opportunities to reduce their
weakness to be stronger in weaknesses.
-Limited number of
the competitive market.

-Lack of decoration facility

Threats ST Strategies OT Strategies

-Political Barriers Islami Bank Bangladesh ltd Islami Bank Bangladesh ltd should use
should use its strengths to its strengths and opportunities to
-A new competitor in home
overcome the threats of reduce their threats inside and outside.
Competitive Market.

Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL

-Procedural delay in
decision making

- Table no. 6: TOWS Matrix


3.10 External environmental Analysis:

External Environment

Political Factors:

Banking activities are governed by the authority of Bangladesh Bank which is a self-driven
regulatory body. There are some regulations from the government but those are not those much
difficult to set up a bank. Thats why government has given permission to set up 10 more new
banks in Bangladesh. And the existing banks as well as also increasing their branches around the
whole country day by day. In 2013 IBBL is planning to open 7 more branches which shows the
political factors to conduct banking activities is not that much rigid and difficult.

Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL
E n
v i
r n me n t
o a l

e g
L a l

T e
c h n
o l
o g i
a l


S o c
i o
- C
u l
t r a
u l

P o l
i a l

E c
o n o
mi a l

Economic Factors:

Bangladesh Economy is showing a mixed illustration about the true economic condition of the
country. Corporate sector is also developing. There deposit in the bank is showing that
Bangladesh is facing a positive result of industrialization. Again, the recent collapse in the stock
market is showing a negative picture. But whatever the situation is, it is very favorable for banks.
Due to positive results of industrialization deposits are increasing in the banks. Again, due to the
collapse in the stock market many people are withdrawing their money from the stock market
and investing in banks. So the situation is favorable for banking activities.

Socio-Cultural Factors:

Lifestyle of people in Bangladesh is developing day by day. Gradually, they prefer high class
products. Literacy rate is increasing. People are becoming more aware about the banking
activities. So they trust more on banks to deposit and save their money. Because investment in
bank is more secured than the other investments. These issues are causing favorable condition to
conduct banking activities.
Technological Factors:

Technology for banks is improving day by day. Banks are providing ATM cards to their client
which makes the clients able to withdraw money from anywhere and from booth of any banks

Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL

without cheque just applying only a PIN number. Credit cards are issued to the clients to conduct
their financial transaction in anywhere they want. Cheque clearing is becoming very easy.
Instead of manual Outward Bill Clearing, banks are doing electronic cheque clearing which
makes it easy to send the cheques to the Bangladesh Bank computer within a few seconds and
return it to the particular clearing department of a bank. Nowadays banks are also facilitating the
mobile banking which makes it able to reach the money through a SMS and PIN number to the
receiver. Online transaction is done regularly to transfer money from one bank to another bank
and from one branch to another branch.So all these technological factors are making the banking
business easier.

3.11 Internal Environment

Corporate social responsibility of IBBL

The Board of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited has been conscious of our corporate social
responsibilities from the very beginning. In fulfilling our obligations, the Board of Directors, in
consultation with the management, has been providing support and resources for the various
activities Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited is dedicated itself towards the welfare for the society.
It has formed a separated foundation named Islami Bank Foundation with a fund of Taka 38.00
million in order to conduct social-welfare activities on a broad scale. Since then, Islami Bank
Foundation is carrying the social welfare, education, health and Medicare activities on behalf of
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL).

Corporate Resource:

The organization activities depend on organization Marketing, Finance, Human Resource and
Information System (IS) departments. So, all departments are responsible to increase the
organizations activities and performance.

Marketing Activities:

Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL

IBBL has done so many promotional works. They have used print advertisements in newspapers.
They also promote themselves by sponsoring in the Bangladesh Premier League (BPL). They
have also broadcasted many programs in television to promote themselves.

Human Resource:

Human resource is the most valuable asset for the bank. Bank plans to hire, develop and retain
the human resource base with the right level of skills and talent to meet current and future
challenges. The employees of the bank are given on the job training and sent to different training
program, seminar and workshop at home and abroad. Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL)
try to create a mutual trust and dignity and its investment in Human resource development is key
to sustainable profit.

Information Systems (IS):

IBBL continues to boldly expand its reach offering service and convenience to a wider
customer base. In the backstage of this expansion is the relentless support of IBBL ITs. It is
committed not only to support and maintain IBBL continuously expanding network and delivery
channels but to exploring and adapting new technologies in order to continuously improves and
enhances internal and external services to excel in a fast-paced and competitive industry. It has
carried out a number of projects and enhancements in 2013.

In addition, we always support distressed people in many ways and striving

continuously to improve the living standard of the poverty stricken people and hope to
continue similar types of supports in future.


Deposit Products

Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL

Al-Wadeah Current Account

Mudaraba Savings Account
Mudaraba Special Notice Account
Mudaraba Special Savings (Pension) Account
Mudaraba Term Deposit Account
Mudaraba Savings Bond Account
Mudaraba NRB Savings Bond
Mudaraba Hajj Savings Account
Mudaraba Waqf Cash Deposit Account
Mudaraba Monthly Proit Deposit Account
Mudaraba Muhar Savings Deposit Account
Students Mudaraba Savings Account
Mudaraba Farmers Saving Account
Mudaraba Upohar Deposit Scheme

Investment Products & Schemes

Bai-Salam (Pre-shipment)
Musharaka Documentary Bill (MDB) Inland
Musharaka Documentary Bill (MDB) in Foreign Currency
Musharaka Investment in Potato Storage
Hire Purchase under Shirkatul Melk (HPSM)
Murabaha Post Import (MPI)
Murabaha Import Bills (MIB)
Murabaha Import LC
Murabaha Foreign Currency Investment (MFCI) under EDF
Murabaha Foreign Currency Investment (MFCI) under Balance of MFCD A/C
Bai-Muajjal Back to Back Bills
Bai-as-sarf (Foreign Documentary Bill: FDB)
Bai-as-sarf (Foreign Currency Cheques/Drafts: FCD)

Welfare-oriented Investment Schemes

Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL

Household Durable Scheme (HDS)

Housing Investment Scheme (HIS)
Transport Investment Scheme (TIS)
Car Investment Scheme (CIS)
Investment Scheme for Doctors (ISD)
Small Business Investment Scheme (SBIS)
Agriculture Implements Investment Scheme(AIIS)
Rural Development Scheme (RDS)
Micro Enterprise Investment Scheme(MEIS)
Urban Poor Development Scheme (UPDS)
Micro Industries Investment Scheme(MIIS)
Women Entrepreneurs Investment Scheme
Palli Griha Nirman Beniyog Prakalpa
NRB Entrepreneurs Investment Scheme(NEIS)
Solar Panel Investment Scheme(SPIS)

Remittance Products & Services

1.Foreign Remittance Products
Remittance Card
Foreign Demand Draft
Hajj Pre-paid Card
Travel Pre-paid Card
2.Foreign Remittance Services
Central Crediting Account
Payment of 3rd Bank Remittance through TT & PO
Payment of Spot Cash Remittances
Centrally NRB Accounts Opening
SMS Notification
SMS Push Pull Service
Maintaining NRD & NRT Account
3.Inward remittance
Electronic Fund Transfer
Spot Cash
Application for Programming Interface
Encashment of cash Foreign Currency
Collection of F.C. Cheques /Drafts
Payment of Foreign TT & DD (FTT & FDD)


Organizational Part CSR Of IBBL

Dealing room Operations

Money Market Operations
Services through Islami Bank Foundation
Any Branch Banking services
ATM Service
I-Banking Service
SMS Banking
M-cash Service


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