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Classification of diets

Special diets are prescribed for postoperative patients during their first days
following surgery of the stomach or intestine, and also for patients in a semi-conscious state.
The purpose of a special diet is to supply the minimum possible amount of food in cases
where the intake of solid food is contraindicated and to prevent meteorism. This diet should
be given for 5-6 days and then it should be gradually expanded. During the 2nd and 3rd days,
the patient is given liquid or jelly-like food of readily and quickly assimilated
Substances (non-fatty bullion, non-sweet stewed fruits or berries, wild rose decoctions
and non-sweet tea). Soft-boiled eggs, mucinous soups, pureed meat or curds should be
added on the 4th or 5th day. Food should be given at 2-2,5 hour intervals. The diet should
then include pureed porridge; steam-cooked dishes of pureed boiled meat, poultry or fish,
pureed vegetables. Additional preparations for enteral nutrition are added. Food is given 6
times a day; the first portion is 100 ml and then it is increased to 200-400 ml.
Diet No.1 is prescribed for acute gastritis, exacerbation of chronic gastritis with
normal secretion or hyper secretion, and gastroduodenal ulcer. The diet is intended to lessen
the inflammation and to promote healing by restricting thermal, mechanical, and chemical
irritants. Food that stimulates gastric secretion is excluded from this diet. Pureed, stream-
cooked or boiled food is prepared. Cold or hot food should be excluded. The food should be
physiologically adequate and balanced with respect to calorific value and chemical
composition. Food is given 5-6 times a day; milk, cream or yogurt should be given before
bedtime. Carbonated drinks, coffee, and condiments should be excluded.
Diet No.2. This diet is prescribed to patients with chronic gastritis with hyposecretion
(period of exacerbation), chronic colitis, states after acute infections, or in injured chewing
apparatus. The diet is intended to supply adequate nutrition, normalize the secretory and
motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract by moderate thermal and mechanical sparing.
The diet is normal with respect to the chemical composition and calorie intake. The food is
mostly crushed or pureed. Cold dishes should be excluded. The patient should eat 5 times a
day. Grape juice, carbonated drinks, canned food, legumes, milk, and fat should be
Diet No.3. This is prescribed for constipation caused by inadequate nutrition, for
hemorrhoids and fissures of the anus without pronounced inflammation. The diet is intended
to stimulate the motor function of the intestine. The diet includes vegetables, fruits, berries,
bread, and cereals high
In fiber; salted and pickled vegetables and vegetable oils are also included. Cold
dishes and drinks are allowed. The diet promotes peristalsis and evacuation of the bowels.
The patient should eat 4-5 times a day. Cold water with honey or sugar is given in the
morning and stewed fruits before bedtime. Coffee, cocoa, and strong tea are excluded. The
daily calorie intake - 3000 kcal.
Diet No.4. This diet is prescribed for acute enterocolitis with diarrhea following
fasting days, exacerbation of chronic enteritis, dysentery, after surgery on the intestine. This
diet should be prescribed for 5-8 days. It is intended to minimize chemical and mechanical
irritation of the intestine, to decrease fermentative and putrefactive processes in the intestine.
The calorie intake is decreased to 2200 kcal a day (mainly at the expense of carbohydrates
and fats). Food containing rough cellular tissue, spices, salted food, fresh bread, buns,
coffee, cocoa, carbonated and cold drinks, grape juice, whole milk (except in dishes) are
prohibited. Food should be steamed, or boiled. Food should be pureed before intake. The
temperature of dishes should not higher than 60 C or below 15 C.
Diet No.5. The diet is prescribed for chronic hepatitis, infectious hepatitis
(convalescence stage), and chronic cholecystitis (without exacerbation). The diet is
intended to normalize the function of the liver and the bile ducts and to stimulate secretion of
bile under conditions of normal nutrition. The diet is characterized by an increased content of
proteins and carbohydrates; fats are restricted. The temperature of food is normal. The
daily calorie intake - 3000-3500 kcal. The amount of liquid - 2 liters. Coffee, cocoa, and
cold drinks are excluded.
Diet No.6. The diet is prescribed for nephrolithiasis with formation of
concrements from salts of uric and oxalic acids, and for podagra (gout). The diet is intended
to normalize the purine metabolism, to decrease formation of uric acid, to shift the reaction
of the urine to alkaline. Foods containing a lot of oxalic acid and purine should be excluded.
The intake of fats and proteins is restricted. The intake of carbohydrates is restricted in
obesity. The caloric intake is 2500-2700 kcal a day. The amount of liquid intake is 2-2.5
liters a day. The patient takes meals 4-5 tames a day. Alkaline mineral water is widely used.
Coffee, cocoa, and strong tea are excluded.
Diet No.7. This is intended for patients with chronic nephritis during the
convalescence period, chronic nephritis (in the absence of exacerbation), and nephropathy of
pregnancy. The diet is intended to decrease hypertension and lessen edema, to decrease the
formation of and improve the withdrawal of rest nitrogen from the body. The amount of
proteins is moderately restricted while the intake of vitamins increased. Food is prepared
without salt: 3-6 g of salt is given to the patient. Fish, mushrooms, and nitrogenous
substances are excluded. The temperature of dishes is normal. The caloric value of the diet
is 2800-3000 kcal a day. The amount of liquid is restricted to 1 liter. Food is take 5-6 times
a day. Cocoa, strong coffee, mineral waters containing sodium is excluded.
Diet No.8. The diet is prescribed for obesity to decrease fat deposits. The
content of carbohydrates and fats (especially animal fats) is low; the protein content is
moderately increased. Liquid, salt, and appetite stimulators are decreased. The diet is low in
calories: 800-1000 kcal per day. The salt intake is restricted to 5 g and liquid intake to 1-1.2
liter a day. The patient eats 5-6 times a day. In order to depress the feeling of hunger, the diet
is enriched with fiber. Tea, coffee, juices (fruits, berries, vegetables) are given while lemon
drinks, kvass, and grape juice are excluded. Fasting days is prescribed, when the patient eats
only watermelon or the like.
Diet No.9. The diet is prescribed for diabetes mellitus. It is intended to normalize
carbohydrate metabolism and to prevent disorder in fat metabolism, and also to determine
tolerance to carbohydrates. The content of fats and carbohydrates is moderately low. Sugar
and sweets are excluded. The protein intake is slightly increased. Vitamins, lipotropic
substances (methionine, lecithin), and cellular tissue are increased. Sugar substitutes
(sorbitol, xylitol) are used. The diet is 2500 kcal per day. The food is given 5-6 times a day.
Grape juice, lemon drinks are excluded.
Diet No.10. The diet is prescribed for heart disease with circulatory
insufficiency, and essential hypertension. The diet should spare the cardiovascular system
and promote correction of the abnormal circulation, facilitate withdrawal of rest nitrogen and
under oxidized metabolites. The intake of fats is moderately decreased. All dishes are salt-
free. Salt is given to the patient (4-5 g). Food is given 5 times a day, in equal portions. The
daily intake of liquid is 1 liter; the caloric intake is 2500-2800 kcal a day.
Diet No.11. The diet is prescribed for tuberculosis of the lungs, anemia, and
cachexia. It is intended to increase the body resistivity to various infections and to
improve nutrition in general. The diet is rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins,
calcium, and iron. The calorie intake is 3300-3800 kcal a day. Food is given 5 times a day.
Fatty meat or poultry, spicy sauces, a lot of sweet cream are exceeded.
Diet No.12. This diet is indicated for chronic cardiovascular diseases and
rich in vitamins. Food is taken 5-6 times a day. The caloric intake is 3000 kcal a day.
Diet No.13. The diet is prescribed to patients with acute infectious diseases,
tonsillitis, and after surgery on external organs and tissues. The diet is intended to
maintain the strength of the body, to improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract in
acute fever or during the post-operative period when bed-rest is obligatory. The diet is
moderately restricted in fats and proteins; the caloric value is low while the vitamins and
liquid are increased. The intake of rough cellular tissue, fatty, salted and spicy dishes and
condiments is restricted. The temperature of hot dishes should not be higher than 55 and of
cold dishes not lower than 12 C. The daily intake of salt is 8-10 g, of liquid, 2 liters and
more. The calorie intake is between 2200 and 2500 kcal. Fruit and berry juices, wild rose
decoction, tea with lemon should be given in large amounts.
Diet No.14. The diet is indicated for nephrolithiasis and pyelocystitis attended by
alkalinity of the urine and precipitation of calcium phosphates (phosphaturia). The diet is
intended to shift the acid-base equilibrium toward acidosis by restricting the intake of
alkalizing foods (to prevent precipitation). Vegetables should be restricted (potatoes,
carrots, cabbage, berries); the fat intake is increased to 120 g a day. The daily liquid intake is
2-2.5 liters and of salt 12-15 g. Food is taken 4-5 times a day. Dairy products, salads,
canned food, fruits, and fruit and berry juices are excluded.
Diet No.15. The diet is indicated for patients with various diseases, which do not
require diet therapy (without involvement of the alimentary system). The diet is intended to
ensure adequate nutrition by observing physiological standards of nutrition for appropriate
working and living conditions. The daily intake of proteins is 80-100 g (animal proteins,

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