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HNC Music Business Graded Unit: PLAN

Calum Murdoch
False Hope Collective DIY Label

1. Interpretation of Brief and Introduction
2. SWOT Analysis
3. Aims and Project Outline
4. Risk Analysis
5. Information Sources
6. Materials and Resources
7. Timescale

Interpretation of Brief / Introduction

My idea for graded unit was to create an application for funding
for a record label. I chose this as running a small label is what I
am most interested in doing in the future. My knowledge of the
European DIY scene and experiences from the creative project
module help me understand the costs involved in implementing

Calum Murdoch
a limited run release on physical formats, in the case of FHC
this will be exclusively cassette tape.
With physical music sales being so important to the income of
working bands and pressing plants saturated by the demands
of major labels and countless represses of old classics, an
alternative to vinyl is needed by smaller bands and labels: this
brings us to cassette tapes. Cassettes are cheap and quick to
produce and allow fans to connect with the music in a different
way, whilst owning a piece of physical art. Tapes can be sold by
the band and/or label online, and can be taken on tour by the
With cassette tapes coming back in a big way, working towards
a small-scale tape label is more relevant than ever in the
industry. I will draw upon my own knowledge and experiences
and those who have successful indie labels of their own to put
together a piece of work which could be used to secure funding
for two runs of 100 tapes. Achieving this goal would have a
large enough return and create enough of a back catalogue to
make FHC self-sufficient in future releases.

Calum Murdoch
SWOT Analysis
I knowledge and experience on the process of working
towards a release on cassette tape.
Implemented a live recording of WOMPS and had the
recording mixed and mastered for a tape release.
I have useful contacts to make producing a run of tapes
as trouble free as possible and to ensure a high-quality
I have a genuine passion for small scale labels and the art
in a physical release, which would keep me focused on
producing an attractive product.
I am hard working and comfortable making decisions on
my own and as part of a team.
I am a good problem solver with a positive attitude
towards work.

Be grudgingness to compromise can sometimes be to the
determent of forward progress.
I have never made an application for funding before.
Next to nobody has heard of False Hope Collective.
I am still to attend a large networking event such as Wide

I have the chance to contact some of my favorite small
labels asking for advice.
I will be able to go to networking events and talk to
people with experience.
I have the chance to expand my understanding of small
labels and bringing out a physical release.


Calum Murdoch
As tape releases grow in popularity it will be challenging to
stand out as a worthy recipient of capital.
It could turn out that the people I reach out to for advice
dont have the time to reply.
FHC may be on too small a scale and niche to interest the
likes of Creative Scotland.

Aims and Project Outline

The overall aim of my portfolio is to have a suitable piece of

work to be able to secure funding to do two separate runs of
100 tapes. This aim can be broken down into various smaller
Contact successful and influential indie labels that inspire
me such as Dog Knights Productions, Broken World Media,
No Sleep Records, Make That a Take and Pure Noise. Have
some questions prepared and hopefully receive a reply
with knowledge that I can use to my advantage. In the
case of Dog Knights and Make That a Take, attempt to set
up an informal meeting in person to chat about how to
cement a DIY label in the scene. Have all information from
labels gathered by March 24th.
Use music business books and websites (Music: The
Business etc) to gather information on how to go about
making plans for the two releases. Ensure that they will
run to enough of a profit to make runs in the future. Use
Bandcamp to find potential bands to use. Have a clear
idea for releases by April 15th.
Go to networking events (Wide Days, Xpo North) and
shows and talk to people with a greater knowledge of
putting out records. Get to know them and get advice.
These contacts will be invaluable in the future and will
make working on releases far easier thanks to their
expertise. Wide Days on the 21st 22nd April.

Calum Murdoch
Put together a portfolio of past work/experience and what I
have learned from the labels I contacted. Ensure that all of
it is relevant and adds value to my piece of work. It is
essential that the portfolio is easy to follow, achieves my
aim and looks attractive to give it the best chance of being
an effective funding application. First fully complete draft
by 28th April.

My information sources will include past pieces of work from

units, the internet, printed media (such as Music: The Business)
and Q&As with labels. The labels most relevant to what I want
to do are Broken World Media, Dog Knights Productions and
Make That a Take, as these all put a lot of time into small scale
tape releases. Therefore, I will be putting the most time into
contacting these, and hopefully they will see that we share an
ethos and therefore will give me their time. Failing this, I will
talk to bands about their experience of working with small
labels on releases to create a greater understanding of what
goes in to making a run of tapes.

From the work covered in units so far I can draw upon the

Creative Project By working towards a tape release with

WOMPS, I learned about how to approach a band from a labels
perspective, how to plan a release, how to ensure that the
recording is mixed and mastered correctly and how to source
artwork and the actual cassettes themselves. We worked out
the cost of producing the run and worked how the costs and
tapes would be split between us and the band. Unfortunately,

Calum Murdoch
the project was halted due to confusion surrounding licensing,
but we had done everything required of the label and so this
experience can be used to my advantage. An alternative
release with Cavalcades is now being worked on. Reports from
this unit can be used in the portfolio to highlight the relevant
knowledge I have gained in Creative Project. Outcome 2 will
put together evidence for everything that I learned in this unit
whilst the Outcome 1 report shows that I understand the
purpose of a label on this scale with a similar ethos.

Music Law An understanding of licensing, copyrights and

contracts are essential for founding a label and working on
releases. Pieces of work from Music Law can be added to show
my understanding of the copyrights involved in a release
(music, lyrics and recording), licensing the use of music and
how to put together a recording contract. Outcome 3
demonstrates my whole understanding of contracts in the
music industry.

Creative Industries Infrastructure A good understanding of

networking events means that I can show that I will be able to
expand FHC as a label. A knowledge of the personnel working
in the industry means I will be able to find the people I need to
work alongside me and communicate effectively with them.
Outcome 1 shows my grasp of general personnel within music.

Working in the Creative Industries My creative CV for outcome

1 will be an important part of my portfolio to show that I a
worthy recipient of funding.

Artist Development By being able to show that I understand

how an artists career is developed, I can prove that I will be
able to take a band in their early stage and help them progress
to the benefit of both the band and FHC. Being able to put
together a recording budget will be invaluable for when it
comes to putting together a release. Outcome 4 shows my full

Calum Murdoch
understanding of how a label and band can work together to
each others benefit in all aspects of a bands career (touring,
recording etc).

Music and Image In Music and Image I developed an

understanding of selling a band using design. I learned how to
make an EPK which is vital in getting an upcoming release
covered by the media. I can use my EPK from this class
(outcome 4) as evidence to show that I can use image to
promote a product in the music industry.

Music Industry Promotions In Promotions I learned about

different techniques used to raise the profile of artists and their
music. A presentation I made for outcome 4 on the importance
of music videos in promoting a release could be useful is
showing that I understand why as a label FHC would consider
making a music video to go alongside a release.

Music Industry Management As a small label working with

small bands, the use of certain management techniques could
prove valuable in helping develop an artist. Outcome 1 will
show that I have a strong understanding of the basic principles
needed to manage people.

Music Industry Financial Management Being able to keep a

track of costs, assets and income will be vital to running a label.
By being able to show that I can use a balance sheet will prove
that I will be able to maximize my productivity from any funding
I successfully receive. I can use outcome 1 to demonstrate my
grasp on financing a label. Outcome 1 will be used to show that
I am able to keep a track of finance sufficiently.

Music Industry Marketing Outcome 1 will demonstrate my

understanding of how to go about marketing a release. This is

Calum Murdoch
essential to sell as many records as possible and the success of
FHC would rely on these skills.

Risk Analysis
There are some potential setbacks that I should be prepared to
encounter whilst working towards the completion on my
portfolio. Having ways to resolve these problems will be key to
achieving my aim.
A lack of interest shown by labels that I contact- In this
situation I would turn to bands and friends of friends who
have experience in working with indie labels.
Falling behind schedule- If I am not in keeping with the
timescale that I have set myself, I must work hours that I
had not planned to spend working on this piece to catch
Failing assessments in units- If for any reason I
underachieve I will remediate to ensure that I have a
collection of string evidence for my portfolio.

Information Sources
Communications with Make That a Take, Dog Knights
Productions and Broken World Media
Music: The Business
Management for Dummies
All You Need to Know About the Music Business
BPI website
Musicians Union website

Calum Murdoch
PRS website
PPL website
Sophies Floorboard blog
Class slides
Xpo North
Wide Days
Speaking to people at shows
More experienced friends

Materials and Resources

Mobile phone
Ann Harrison Music: The Business

Calum Murdoch
Summarized Timescale

Calum Murdoch

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