1.support That Cigarette Advertisment Should Be Banned From Sports Event

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support that cigarette advertisment should be banned from sports



- Smoking is a must
- Cigarette as emotional channel
- Production of cigarettes as currency

- Smoking is a source of disease
- Smoking interferes with the rights of people
- Smoking is the same as burning money

2.that house belive that all public service should be provide by private

Residents feel the benefit that is fast, accurate, friendly, comfortable with public

-Is costly which expensive
-Fewer customers because of the high costs

3.that indonesia should invest in nuclear energy

1. nuclear power plant is considered more environmentally friendly than other
power plants because it does not effect the glass fat

1. The problems caused by nuclear explosions have been as dangerous as in the
nuclear power plant complex Fukusima Daitki Japan.
2. The effects of nuclear could also lead to illness or dying from cancer due to
radiation terpuan
3. Nuclear development require huge funds and time are very costly for
expensive technology and the dangers

4.kip and kis by bovelment are effective

1. The welfare society
2. To help the poor
3. The motivation that can make people become more accomplished
4. To build productive families
5. Treatment for free

1. less effective because of the uneven distribution of
2. Not be distributed to the parties entitled to receive KIP and KIS
3. There is no legal basis for social protection programs
4. The citizens are confused by too much use of the card

5.Media should never report on crimes to attract public attention

The reason they are so rare they shock us,are unique and because of that way
dominace headlines for days and weeks.there by giving the public a distorted
view of now common these crimes are.

The media does not just deside whats stories do not get that kind of
attention.But what stories do not get that kind of attention.The murder of a
homeless man is not likely to get as much media attention as the murder of a
teenage girl from a middle class family.The media can focus on a strory.There by
making it headline news,or ignore different story and the public will never know.

6.impose a five days school program


- To be able to study at home Saturday

- To be able to rest Saturday
- In order to recreation
- Saturday to evaluate lessons
- In order to have more time with family
- To be able to do other activities
- Saturday for tutoring

- With closed Saturday so that most students can use it for additional tutoring
outside school hours and after les students can rest
- For working parents can use Saturday to interact with their parents more
- The existence of self-development of students better for an hour to meet
teachers more
- Their self-development of students better for hours to meet with the teacher

- If the holiday does not learn
- The subject is already quite dense
- Parents are busy on a Saturday so that students are not controlled
-Return time students is too late to make the conditions students can not rest
day and students are forced to learn
- For students who follow extracurricular could not rest the body and brain to the
maximum for the body and brain have been forced to learn
- Learning daytime ineffective karen daytime most people to rest
- Learning activities outside school hours for students so that diminishing more
focused in the improvement of learning

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