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Ellie Cook AP World History 4 Mod 6

4/10/17, A block Ms. Barnett

Outline First Draft Essay

Document 1:

Source: Newsweek Magazine published a cover tittled Women In Revolt on March 16, 1970.
Accounts the recent Womens Liberation Movement.
Context: Writing on the Womens Liberation Movement, ironic that the same day women at
Newsweek sued the magazine for sex discrimination, talk about cover photo, shows that
Newsweek was a somewhat progressive newspaper because they were reporting about major
movements happening in the U.S.
Speaker: Newsweek magazine, writers and publishers are men, brought in outside female writer
Occasion: Coverage of the Womens Liberation Movement
Audience: Newsweek readers and everyday people in New york and U.S.
Purpose: Educate and inform people about the movement, becoming a more progressive
magazine by doing full coverage of large movements (civil rights, feminist movement, etc.)
Subject: Womens Liberation Movement/Feminist Movement - involved fights to change issues
on reproductive rights, equal pay, maternity leave, sexual harassment, etc.
Body Paragraph Placement: Body Paragraph II

Document 2:
We are exploited as sex objects, breeders, domestic servants, and cheap labor. We are
considered inferior beings, whose only purpose is to enhance mens lives. Because we live
so intimately with our oppressors, we have been kept from seeing our personal suffering as
a political condition.

Source: Quoted in Sarah Shaver Hughes and Brady Hughes, Women in World History (Armonk,
NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1997), 2:268. Quote made in 1969. (from textbook)
Context: Liberation for Women
Speaker: Quoted From Sarah Shaver Hughes and Brady Hughes, Women in World History,
Manifesto declared by a women in 1969
Occasion: Womens liberation during the 60s-70s
Audience: Women in America, to educate people of the inequalities women face
Purpose: Becoming aware of oppression, more about other issues facing women as opposed to
voting rights in the Suffragette movement
Subject: Womens liberation/American Feminism
Body Paragraph Placement: Body Paragraph II

Document 3:

Source: The slutwalk in So Paulo in mid-2014. Protesting macho culture and violence against
women. The So Paulo demonstration began in 2011. Challenged the idea that women who were
sexual assault victims were at fault for attacks because of how they dressed. (from textbook)
Document 4:

Source: Why I Want the Vote by Maud Arncliffe Sennett, 1910.
Document 5:
Source: Right to Work, from the Daily Chronicle, 1908.

Possible Document 6:
If I were to have another document add picture of suffrage movement or replace
newsweek picture

Source: Women during the Womens Suffrage Movement holding a banner that quotes Susan B.
Anthony. Women in this photo are encouraging men to vote for the 19th amendment to be


Topic: What was the result of the feminist movement/womens liberation movement of the
1960s-70s (maybe change this to the Womens Suffrage movement) and what role does it play on
womens rights throughout the world today? (global feminism) - Maybe relate it to early feminist
movements and how those have impacted movements throughout the world today - what has
changed what still needs to be changed

Thesis Statement:
How have early femisnst movements affected world feminism
What has changed what still needs to be changed
From the nineteenth century to present day, feminist ideology has moved from
securing the vote to more radical issues concerning reproductive rights and equal pay.
The womens suffrage movement of the nineteenth century served as a model for later
feminist movements. However while the suffrage movement achieved major milestones
in history, how much did it really change the lives of women in the public and political

Body Paragraph 1:
Talking about Womens Suffrage Movement
Topic Sentence: The Womens Suffrage Movement of the 19th century was one
of the first times masses of women were fighting for equality.
Could talk about different views on feminism back then
Focus on documents 4, 5, and 6
Need to break up into smaller paragraphs

Body Paragraph 2:
Talking about Feminist Movements after the Suffragettes - what has changed
because of the suffragettes, how has the ideology of feminists changed, what are they
fighting for now, what still needs to be changed
Topic Sentence: While the suffrage movement did cause some change in the lives
of women, women today still face inequalities concerning the workforce and their
reproductive rights.
Possibly talk about what feminism means and the different stances on it
Focus on documents 1, 2, 3
Need to break up into smaller paragraphs

Narrowing Argument - to broad?
Maybe relate it specifically to women in the workforce?
Or compare and contrast more recent womens movements to the suffragettes
instead of the womens liberation movement? - fighting for voting rights and then equal
pay, education, reproductive rights, etc.
Need to focus on global feminism not just the U.S.

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