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Computer security is security applied to computing devices such as computers and

smartphones, as well as computer networks such as intranets, extranets and the whole
Computer security field includes all processes and mechanisms by which digital
equipment, data, information and services are protected from unintended or
unauthorized access, change or destruction
Computer security is of great importance due to the increasing reliance of computer
systems in societies
Computer security (cyber-security or IT security) is the protection of computer systems
from the theft or damage to the hardware, software or the information on them, as well
as from disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.
Computer Security is the process of preventing and detecting unauthorized use of your
computer. It involves the process of safeguarding against intruders from using your
computer resources for malicious intents or for their own gains (or even gaining access
to them accidentally).

Computer Security is concerned with four main areas:

Confidentiality:- Only authorized users can access the data resources and
Integrity:- Only authorized users should be able to modify the data when needed.
Availability:- Data should be available to users when needed.
Authentication:- are you really communicating with whom you think you are
communicating with

Importance of computer security

Prevention of data theft such as bank account numbers, credit card
information, passwords, work related documents or sheets, etc. is essential in
todays communications since many of our day to day actions depend on the
security of the data paths.
Data present in a computer can also be misused by unauthorized intrusions.
An intruder can modify and change the program source codes and can also
use your pictures or email accounts to create derogatory content such as
pornographic images, fake misleading and offensive social accounts.
Safeguard computer hardware from theft, vandalism among other things

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