Bahasa Inggris

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A eight candidates interviewed for a job all had concerns about the companys
employment terms and conditions. Which point in its contract summary answers
their questions?

e.g. 5=a

the appointment will be subject to the following terms and conditions:

a hours of work: flexitime in operation. Some week-end work. Time off will be given in
lieu. Annual leave: 30 days plus public holidays.

b sickness leave: during the first year of employment, one quarter of the working year
at full pay, rising by stages to a full working year at full pay after six years
services. Free medical insurance after two years service.

c maternity leave: entitlement additional to the statutory requirements, subject to two

years service.

d family leave: staff are entitled to seven days leave at full pay, followed by seven
days unpaid leave per annum in the case of urgent family commitments.

e salary will be on the senior management scale with performance-related increments

and annual bonus scheme.

f pension: all staff must join the pension scheme. The present level of contribution is:
employee6%, employer 17%. A death in service benifit of three times annual
salary is payable for all permaneny staff. Retirement age for all employees is 65.

g trade union: staff have the right to belong to a trade union, but membership is not

h notice: three months written notice is required on either side.

1. I plan to start a family fairly soon and may need six months off after the birth.
2. My father is due to have a serious operation at the end of the year. Whats the
position if i need time off to visit him?
3. Im non-political and do not wish to join any workers organisation.
4. I need to be sure that my wife and children will be financially secure if
anythinghappens to me.
5. If I have to work on a Saturday will i be paid overtime.
6. Will the standard of my work be reflected in my salary?
7. Presumably I can make my own pension arrangements, I already have a privste
8. If i decide to terminate our contract, can i leave immediately?
B use the information in this barchart to find the three countries and two
nationalities that are missing from the text.

e.g. 1= dutch

the average ...(1)...worker only clocks up 34 hours a week compared with his...
(2)... counterpart who works 47 hours. One reason for such a big difference is the
number of workers who are part-time: one in four of hollands workforce is part-
time, more than twice the number in japan. Holidays reflect differences too: five
weeks in holland while the japanese are only entitled to 15 days, and many take
less. In most OECD countries the official working wee was trimmed during the
1980s and paid holidays werelengthened. However, in....(3)...hoursworkedwere
unchanged and in two countries,.....(4)... and...(5).. they actually increased over
the decade.

C check you know the meaningof these words in the text. Choose the word
or expression that is closest in meaning

6 clocks up

A works overtime for

B reaches a total of

C does not count the time spent for

7 workforce

A manual workers who are not in management

B those of working age (18-65)

C all the workers in a particular company, area o country

8 counterpart

A workmate

B employee

C equivalent

9 are entitled to

A are limited to

B have a right to

C are required to take

10 trimmed

A reduced

B legalized

C abolished

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